The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 07, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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BiSTinnun Birrnn
llJM I IUV h JAlLtMh
(Continued from Pago Ono.)
poured the poison or disloyalty Into
the very arteries of our national life;
And have sought to bring the author
ity and good nanio of our govern
ment Into contempt, 16 destroy our
industries wherovor they thought It
effective for their vlndlctlvo pur
poses, to strike- at thorn and to de
base our politics to Mo uses of for
eign Intrigue.
No federal laws exist to meet this
situation, said Mr. Wilson, because
such a thing would havo seemed In
crcdlblo In the past. "Such creat
ures of passion, disloyalty and anar
chy," ho added, "must be crushed! American
army of 135,000 men bo drilled (jacju
year for three years, giving n re
servo forco of 400,000 at tho cifd of
that time. Two months each year
are to bo devoted to drills under reg
ular army officers'.
For Greater Nnvy
IIo also urged tho approval of tlio
navnl program providing for tho
construction lit tho jicxt five years of
ten battleships, six battlo cruisers,
ton scout cruisers, fifty destroyers,
fifteen submarine fleets, olghty-flvo
coast guard submarines,, four gun
boats, two ammunition ships, two
fuel ships, n hospital ship and a re
pair Blilp. Ho also urged that Con
gress provldo for Increasing tho na
val forco at onco by about 12,000
1'or Merchant. Murine.
President Wilson also reiterated
hlo rocommendatlon to the last ses
sion of Congress for providing gov
ernment owned vcsbcIb to carry
trade to nil parts of the
Stf av II vVeb !.' IT GT
out. They are not many but they j world. IIo said that there is an
aro Infinitely maligncnt and tho acuto necessity for prompt nctlon.
hnnd of our power Bhould closo over To Hnlso Itcveinio
thorn at once." According to the present tax In-
Kiiropcau AVitr como of tho country, President WI1-
"Sliico I last had tho prlvllcgo of I son figured that tho Carrying out of
addressing you on the statu of tho i his program would result In a do
Union tho wnr of nntlons ou tho oth
or sldo of tho sea, which had then
only begun to dlscloso Its portentous
fleit of $297,000,000 at the end of
.However ho said tho expenditures
proportions, has extended Its threat- woro a necessity nnd ho advocated
enlng and sinister bcopo until It has; meeting tho oxponscs nt onco rather
swept within lis flame soma portion jthnn by borrowing monoy, Issuing
of every quarter of tho globe! not bonds, etc. "Borrowing monoy is
oxcoptlng our own hemisphere, huBBhort sighted flnnnco" ho said, "and
altered tho wholo face of Interna-(Is Justified only when pcrmnncnt
tlonal affulrs, and now presents uj things which will servo many goner
prospect of reorganization 'and re- allons aro to bo accomplished."
construction such as statesmen and I1q urged a revision of tho Inconio
peoples havo never been called upon tnx, lowering tho exemption limit
to attempt before. and graduating tho amount. Def-
Wo havo stood apart, studiously ilnlto figures will bo given later.
Sources of Revenue
IIo said:
" And there nro hiony addltlonnl
sources of rovenuo which can Justly
bo resorted to without hampering
neutral. It was our mnulfoat duty
to do so. Not only did wo havo no
part or interest In tho policies wluoa
Bscm to havo brought tho conflict
on; It was necessary. If a universal
catastropho was to bo avoided, that j tho Industries of tho country or put-'
a limit should bo sot to tho sweep of ting uny too great chargo upon indl-
uosiruciivo war aim mat sonio parti viuuui expenditure A tax of ono
of tho great family of nations should I cent per gallon on gnsollno and nap
ltwop tho processes of peacn nllvo, If thn would yield, at tho present cs
only to pruvont collective economic tlmated production,, $10,000,000; u
ruin and tho breakdown throughout! tax of 25 conts per horso powor on
tho world of tho Industries by which automobllea and Intomal oxploslon
its populations aro fed and bus- engines, flfi, 000,000; a stamp tax
tainod. It was manifestly tho duty on hank cheques, probably $18,
of tho self-govorncd nations of this 1 000,000; n tnx of twonty-flvo conts
homlsphoro to redress, If poBBtblo.llior ton on pig Iron, $10,000,000; a
tho bnlanco of economic loss and tax of fifty centB per ton on fabrl-
confuslou in tho othor, If thoy could Icatod iron and steel, probably $10,-
last I am come to tho market
llnce, ut olio end of 'which
annuls the Church of the Na
tivity, marking tho holy, low
ly birthplace, nays a writer in Army
and Navy Life. There in only ono en
trance from tho street, and It is so low
that In entering one is forced to bow
the head and assume a posture of rev
erence. When once lusldo I rnlso my
eyes I feel the lashes wet
Tho celling Is lofty, tho walls white
washed and bnre, while the ancient
dark beams and rafters add to tho air
f extreme simplicity. Tliero are long '
rows of marble plllnm, onco adorned
with paintings, that nre all but faded
now, and of the onco glittering mo
saics of the clerestory only fragments
remain. Coming Into the choir nud
apse, tho scene Is suddenly changed.
There are numerous altars of divers
ownership under n constant and Jeal
ous guardianship of Lntlu, Greek and
Armenian. Over these vnrlous claims
there has been much and bitter dlsscu
slon; blood has been spilled more than
once. In fact, as nil tho world knows,
the Crimean wnr began with n mob riot
In the Church of tho Nativity sacrilege
of sacrilege! and hero was born the
Prince of 1'cncel
Down tho dark and -winding stairs,
slippery Villi the drippings of count-
" -a
U. S. Cruiser Saratoga. In Only For
eign HnttleMilp Present
llluojnckcls Cheer lluler
IDr AniocUled Irei lo Coo flr Tlmfi.J
YOKOIIOMA, Dec. 7. Emperor
Yoshlhlto reviewed tho Japanese
fleet hero today In connection with
tho colobrntlon or his coronnllon.
Tho United States cruiser Saratoga,
I the flagship of tho Asiatic flcot, had
a placo of honor opposlto tho new
30,000 ton Japanese battleship Fuso.
Tho commander of the American
Tlcot, Roar Admiral AVIntorlinitor,
and staff accompanied tho emperor
on the bnttlo cruiser Tsukubu.
Tho Saratoga was tho only for
eign vessol present. At noon tho
omperor gave n luncheon on honrd
tho Fuso for Admiral WIntorhalter
nud staff nud others. During tho
rovlow tho bluejackets gavo an
American cheer In honor of tlia omperor.
First &ai
Clearance Sal
AVe nro mnlclnir especially niiiiknl .,.i,....... "Jl l'l
Wo havo the- fancy !,h. Hbhons ,.'1'''
Fin. f'hibdiiiiiH. lie) liroNoiit. will i.i..u m.i . """Ten '
1 . '""' ninny so .u..,. .
those lintnl.sonio. liaiid-inml,. i,,....i..i.. """,
""" cups.
Our Sale Opens Decdb j
And Closes Beceiler IS
Opposlto MatBon's Quality store.
VVIien Jane Fixes
After Doing in tho United Stales
for sovonty-ono yenrs, John Key of
North Bend who camo from Irolnnd
LIKE to .oaf tl.o kitchen while !?44' ,aB R"V ff. C,t,Zf 1Bl",":
uesmes 'us nppiicaiioii uiuru is ouij
ono other to hear on December 10,
that of James CaverB, of North Bond,
who Isn natlvo of Scotland.
do nothing more. In tho day of
readjustment nnd recuperation wo
earnestly hope nnd bollcvo that thoy
can bo of infinite service
Trouble In Mexico
" Wo have boon put to tho test In
tho case of Moxleo, nnd wo havo
stood tho test. Whothor wo hnvo
boncfltod Mexico by tho courso wo
have pursued remains to bo seen.
Her fortunes nro in her own hands.
But wo havo at lenBt proved that wo
will not tako nd vantage of hor in hor
distress and undertuko to Imposo up
on hor nu ordor and government or
our own choosing. Liberty is orten
n florco nud iutrnctnblo thing, to
which no bounds can bo sot, and to
which no bounds of n few men's
choosing ought ever to ho sot.
" Wo have unhesitatingly nppllod
that heroic principle to the ease of
Mexico, nud now hopofully nwnlt tho
rebirth or the troubled Republic,
which had so much of which to purgo
llsoir nnd so llttlo sympathy from
any outsldo quarter In the radical!
000,000. In n country or great In
dustries like this it ought to bo enBy
to dlstrlbuto tho burdens of taxa
tion without ninkingthom nnywhoro
benr too heavily or too exclusively
upon any ono sot of porsons or tin-
'dertnklngs. Wlmt Is clear Is, Hint
I tlm I. ..1. .... ... 11. 1.. II...
.. iimiiou; ui lino KUIILTUIIOU
should pay tho bills of this genera
tion. "
&)', "- ,M
V ZA,J-r ?Jk
its f ii r ' lT i i
:.j rjf .
" U.P7
Suit of u Gardiner Man Heard
I Judgu lliiuillton In Dose
bing Court
An Important case which has an
effect upon tho fishing business nnd
which Involves tho Interests of n
Qardlnor man lias boon ou trial nt
Bosoburg. Tho Itovlew of that city
J ml go J. W. Hamilton passed to
day listening to the ovldonco In tho
IlPllnn hrnill'llt liv 'nviu nllllnnt ,t
but noccBHary process. Wo will hid W,nehestor, sovcral months ago In
and befriend Mexico, but wo will not,,,,.,, ,, nH,0ll for n erinnent In
coerce her; and our course with ro-1 JllIit.t,0U reHtrulnlng tho otflcera of
gard to hoc ought to be sufficient ' )0lg,u1 Cmmt r,.om col,f,BCttUnB
proof to nil America that wo seek no ' i.ib ,. ,, ,,, ,int.nnUrnu
..nllll.w. 1 ..,....!..... .. I " ...-. J.I. ...,. .......I. U
I'umiiiii diiuiuiiii ur buiiiBii con
trol. Aiiietlcnu War View
" Wo rognrd wnr merely ns a
means of assorting the rights or a
pooplo against aggression. And wo
nro as florcoly Jealous or t-oorclvo or
dictatorial powor within our own na
tion ns or aggression from without.
We will not maintain n standing ar
my except ror ukoh which, nre us
nocossnry in times of ponco as In
tlmos of war; and wo shall always
boo to it that our military poaco es
tablishment Is no larger than Is iC'
tunlly nud continuously needed Tor
tho uses of days in which no ono-1
CmilUT'H HAKli
less candles, I make my way to that
lowly place Into which llrst ciinio the
light of tho world. Tho grotto of tho
Nativity Is a cavern beneath the
church, long, narrow und low celled,
with pendent lamps of precious metal
and rare workmanship lighting tho
gloom. Tho tloor Is marble, and won
derful old tapestries, pictures and silk cover tho walls. A marble
cradle In ono corner commomorutes tho
manger, and In a roccss on oue sldo a
dozen or moro hanging Inmps nre rang,
ed around In u half circle.
Before the altar there all men bend
low nnd kiss tho ground for Christ'.;
sake, for It is hero n silver star U set
to mark the birthplace of him whom
his mother called Jesus. Tho center
of the star Is glass, nnd through It ono
may sco the original rocky tloor of tho
stable. To the north of tho grotto un
derneath the tloor one may also see
tho cave In which St. Jerome spent
many pcucuful years translating thu
Bible into Latin.
Tho effect of tho wholo U Impressive,
hut In an unfamiliar way. I am con
scious of a feeling tlmt Is almost ro-
Jano In hor wifely wny
ts puttln' tho finish on hnlckknacka
for tho dinner on Clirhtniun day.
Stxy, tolltblo early o' tnornln's, whon
tho coffooDot'a stmmerln' low.
An' tho roosters U crowtn' for daybreak
Ilko nobody clso didn't know
An out tliroucb tho wlillo curtained win
der tho stars Is beelnnln' to fade,
An' tho bills tlmt was bid In ilarluiejs Is
at lust coinln' out o' tho Blind o.
Dlree'ly n tllenco Bottles, bo plain It In
mighty nlch seen.
An mo an' tho past stnnd together, with
Hcurcoly u Snlnlt between,
Fer I feel unusually tender In a glad,
half end sort o' wny
Wlillo Jano Is dxtn' tho knlcklcnncka for
tho dinner on Clirlntmus day.
A person don't novor, I reckon, dlsrcuiem-
bcr the old folks at home.
No matter how focbto ho grown an' no
matter Jest whero ho may roam, '
An' they show pretty clear nt uuch mlnlts, '
true an bravo ns In days irono by,
Till I push my chair In tho uliaddors
a-hldln' tho mist In my eye.
I oco tho grave face of my father as ho
rends by tho candlestick there.
An' I hear soma hymn of my mother tin
sliu rocks In tho hickory chair;
Then tho llrollght falls on tho ccllln' with
tho roso o' tho old time glow
An I dream only dreanin o' tho futuro 'stld
o' dreams o' tho lonu ago.
Heigh hot What n world o' change! from
tho la to tho man now gray,
Watch In' Juno an sho fixes knlckknacks
for tho dinner ou Chrlstmus dayl
Then my thoughts travels on an' onward
from mists whero tho old folks be,
An' I Wondor If our own children Is think
In' o' Jano an' 1116;
If ' thoy heard nonio organ scndln' the
song, "Do They Mlta Mo nt Homo?"
Through tho holy Chrlstmus mornlu', ,
through tho holy Chrlstmus gloum,
It thoy heard tliolr chlldron shoutln' In
pleasure bcsldo their toys, I
Would they think onco moro o' the home
stead, wlioro they lived when girls
nil' boys.
Tho young has tho world boforo 'em, but
tcr us It lies bohlnd
A dim, dear land o' memories, whero oven
I keep in mind
Wee, faded clothes In tho attic, broken
toy a long laid away,
As I watch Jano llxlu' kulckknacku fer
tho dinner ou Chrlstmus day.
-Will T. Halo.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Freddie
Welsh or England and Charloy Whlto
ot Chicago, through their managers,
hnvo signed an agreement horo to
meet In n 20-round bout within six
wcokB ror tho lightweight champion
ship or tho world.
- """"i
Time Is Short
Only Fifteen More Shopping Days
Until Christmas
To Buy Your
Xnids Gifts
j CA Av l bIhI v J P4 6)i iisss 0Td i
Mon'B COc nil-Bilk Sox, In blnck
or brown, with double heels
nnd toes.
On calo nt
Morcorlzed Crochet Cottons,
slmllnr to I). M. C, In nil
shndcB nud slxca.
Only, por ball ....
Ladies' Cashmere and Wool
Hone, in black or jrajr, caabli
heels and toes, 32c val- 4n
Only, pur pair ...JjjJ
New Enouoh to Havo Novelty
Element Dear to Americans. !
Electric Christmas gifts still possess '
that clement of novelty dear to tho
American heart nnd thus solvo tho .
iinililnm iif flv(nf PliflMfimiH I'lftn Hint
aro "different." Imngluo how pleased I
most men would be to receive uu elec-.
trie Rhnrlng cup or electric clgnr light
er Instead of neckties, socks and hand
kerchiefs "as usual."
A teakettle for grandmother, a sam
ovar for mother's S o'clock teas, a
Oregon all wool Indian hlnnkr
ets; beautiful patterns. $0.50
values. Hij nr
IfiO pieces beautiful itiitpd
linens nt special price Tt!i
lot contains great variety ct
latest pattcrni In ittmptl
towels, pillow caici, drttxr
covers, dollies and table mi
nors. IclHUor's Cream White Shet
land Floss, llest grade Ql.
1'cr skoln Q-u
llf.c and 40c mon'a latest Four-ln-liand TIos, in knitted and f)f,
brocaded offoets, boautlful colors. On snlo at LV)
The Fair
Next Door to
Chandler Hotel
mplestlng a number or so-called nr
tirielal plera which woro constructed
in tho North Uinpoua River. i
Tho case In (inestlon had its origin "entment ugainst Ibo lamps and tapes
ubout u year ago when Oron Thoinp-, ,rkf tho innrblo tloor. They seem
son deputy warden, threat-! ftg-"
. ned o conriscate neta belonging to ,,.,, ,loula lmV(, bwa lloVea to Z
Mr. ailllnm on tho grounds that thoy main tranquilly huiublo and dimly su
woro anchored to artificial obstruc- crcd, truo to tho character of Its hoi v.
thins which had tho ofrect or pro-1 transcendent memory.
duolng odilios In the river. It was1 1 close my eyes for a moment, while
claimed nt tho tlmo by Mr. Thomp- lu,ml ,,I1(1 ,1L'"rt rebel against tho pres-
son that It was n violation of the cm' uulu u ,Il""es nnu tne atmos
gamo and fish laws In this state l',,erf r ,Uo ,)ast' ,u "ll ,tB lk'e, ut
which would produce nn eddy. , TT'tZ !.!" "Jf
ordor to avoid having hla nets con- wh,1Jer t0 lu,.Hclf n'IU, boy , , '
I flRCIltml Ml- nllllnm flln.l nil n .(.. ii.i., .1... ..,.., -... .
rales movo ncnlust ns. n.. u- i,. . V .' ""' Vw' "" """' . '" "m momer Willi Her
,. . ,, , ' 7 . ' i local courts, and Judgo Ham-
iuT. fb.mmyt I rd " y llton issued temporary Injunction
rilr'r.:;0..": I 'Straining tho officer, from carry-
::" , - -' jIIB out t10lr thrents.
inuj- hihu cm. ip 10 servo mom, '
Tint .,..,.. . I. no nn.... 1
matter of men and guns t i W J f ' a,U "' ",
thing or disciplined might. Itonr1 B,,0U,d U
citizens nre over to right effectively !10mUd f"1 tllg lvr'
upon n sudden Hunimons, they must!
chuaug dish for the college girl, u disk
stove fur the bachelor, a ilatlrou or :
sowing mnchlnu motor for thu pruc- j
tlcal houscwlfcal! these novel and
useful girts will be appreciated by the
It should not bo forgotten that these
electric Christmas gifts are nil useful '
girts. Encli of these devices Is de
signed to do some one thing better
than It can bo dono nny other way,
t ."."" ".;-...,'v.vr""" .ryyv.' '"""
ureuu or lurniu tne power ror mu
lling a sewing machine.
The presenco of an electric perco
lator ou nny tnblo adds n touch of
something different and something
better. The electric tea samovar is
rapidly becoming qulto tho tblug for
tho modern ten table.
The World Famous
Tho Btuto contondod that tho piers
Know how uiodoru fighting Is done
and what to do whon tho summons
cornea to roiulor tlionisolvoa Inuno
dlntoly uvnllablo and immediately
For Greater Army
1'rosldont AVIIson urged Congress
to carry out tho roeommondutlon or
n. ........ .... ... .it s. .
Ducruiury oi var uurnsou ror n '
groator army, tho plan having boon
outlined somctlmo ago. It provides
for Increasing tho rogular standing
nrmy rrom its present forco of
M23 officers and 102,986 men to a)
strength of 713C officers nnd 131,
707 men, Including additional en
gineering corps, field artillery,
coast artillery, four aoro squadrons,
Jle nlso urged (lint a citizen's
gentle fnco as the old masters loved to
picture her nnd n "light that uever
was on land or sen" In her beautiful
mother eyes, while tho glory from oue
low hanging star touches a llaby's
hair. Tho fragrant scent of new hay
Is In my nostrils, I hear tho soft
breathing of nearby cattle, and above
tho murmur
havo seen
como to
AVe hnvo It lu nil the illffcront
Tho boys nro delighted with .Erec
tor because, It is fascinating fun to
build htrong bridges, high sky.
M-ntpers and hundreds of other big
htcel models. Father likes Erector
because it teaches tho boyt tho
principles of ongliieerinK nnd con.
Mriiction. And mother thinks its
fluo because it keeps tho boys linppy
nnd contented,
Erector is tho ONLY construction
Christmas, succeeded tho skull of tho oy w'tn clrdorH llko real structural
Norseman's foe as a drinking vessel. "tool. It builds tho largest, Mrong
Iu these old wassail bowls, some sped- ! est mul most models. It nlso builds
H .XjSy, ,-m- -Mf (.isssssssslsssssplssssBs
1 iKy mm(V JUH iisssssf lissssssf
' Jp-PYrW flsisssF '
i lWm iminw ' -
"Wassalll Drlnkaell"
Tho wassail bowl, which Is still used
lu some old European families nt
'"'" Ul "",L" "lo ol u,ow" wuro nil i ""ll Intricate models of ,,,nni,i....l.
or pilgrims' nrayors tho .tuera or massive silver, wero placed ii,kI1,i., ,., .i.. ... '
of tho Magi U saying, "Lo. wo tuo n,e tho B'Ker, tho sugar, tho nut- ...... ,. .'. , ' . " "l,,tu 0"
hls star In tho east nnd nro m8 and tho roasted crab apples. "'""""" "-.i is truo to lire.
worship him." Whero the old custom still prevails the lou cau K' "m hero at tlio fol-
To Light Yule Log Properly,
There uro thousands who still firmly
believe that to light the Vulu log with
tho charred remains of Its predecessor
I alo is served spiced nnd sweetened lu
tuo wassail bowl, but the upnles are
Former lllurk Cliumpluii Aids in Re
cruiting in Jhighuul
GLASGOW, Eng., Dec. C Four
thousand people blocked tho trafHc r a ,L'ar "B uiwll!j twelve months of
In Queon streot for a half hol,r I t'0(Hl luck for tho provident household
wiiiln .inoir Tni..,on .. .. I " ls f"'i t It has always
"7 --.. u '- been consldereil nn evil omen ir n 1 . , u ,m" ol wucen college, Ox-
crulting speech. Ho drove his big 8quj,lUlllg ,)ersoili n btoZ pcrsoS I ford' I;"Kla,,,t'-. T!10 ,,eatI In
moior car 10 tno Koynl isxchnngo. or, worst of nil, n Hut footed woman
removed his big whlto hat, showed enters tho room while the log li burn
his plentiful display or gold teeth, lU.
told how ho had given two of his
Still Bring In the Boar's Head.
Tho ancient Christmas ceremony of.
brlnglug lu tho bonr's head la rogu
larly performed on Christmas nfter-
noou in tno null of Queen college, Ox
fori!. Tnr-lniul Th 1......1 1- 1 .
1X.ISUI1 1 nn Bl..,. .11.1. .1,, ..... , .
... .. --..-. ...-.., owiuitiKi IIIKU, III tUO
head of a procession formed by the col
lego choir augmented for tho occasion
sluglng "The Honr'R IJead Rong."
own motor ears in Mm i'r,vr,,,.-.,.f RUSSIANS TO MnVP '
and urged overy strong man to on-j BY THE MILLIONS
list. IIo wns Introduced by Corporal, W Aiodtea vnu toc lurTimw.j
llnkor, of the Scottish Ririos. il.ul. at the nrasiAV FnnS."i via
In khaki, nnd tho result of hla Rn.iooii-.infrni?i.n.i no 7 vu T.mwinn nn 'better shape than for many months.
wus nine recruits. 0. Tho ne.t forward movement ofloaid tIlls ofr,clal a'1 lll,te capable. I
of. moving forward at any point,
the Russian armies will be in num
bers of millions, not army corps, ac
cording to tho statement of a high
army official. Tho armies aro in
lowing jirlces
No. 1 hus parts.
No. 13 Jns son parts,
o. l hns 315 parts.
No. 5 1ms 070 parts
ami a
to operate
.... $.1.00
Bunker Hill
Phone 32.
E xpress ThougtW
Good Taste
cal. They reflect a desire to add to the j ipijn
and convenience-to make life happier a ndeas 0
and purchaseable at prices for every puiw.
MOBILES electrical products meet the deman
ern people. iMirv iuci L-CONSW-
vrcguii i ww