TjES ARE Coos Bay Times Your Paper The Coos Hay Times in jiroml of Us tltlo "The people's Paper," nnd It strives nt all tlmos (o live ,, (o its nnino by devoting its energies to promot jug tlio people's interests. Vol. No. XXXIX. LIGHT VOTE III ELECTION Only 379 Had Been Cast in Four Precincts up to Three O'clock LATE VOTING HEAVY Ud to 3 O'clock 121 Voters f . . ti rr were sworn in in me li ferent Voting Places POLLS CLOSE AT EIGHT Xot n Great Deal of Interest .Muni- fcMcd In Outcome of Contests City Hall Shows Strength At three o'clock tills ufternooii 379 votes had been cuat In tlio city election. Of this number 121 wore lorn In at tlio four polls nnd tho indications nro that there will bo n heavy vote lata In tho nflcrnoon and early this ovonlng. Tlio pollH close it 8 p. m. At the city primaries In Novomber a total of 202 votes woro cast. How ever, at that tlnio there was llttlo Interest taken In the coming election but today tlioro was n changed spirit at to tno standings ot tlio canuuiaios. Immediately after tho closing of the polls this evening tlio counting will bo started nnd tho results will bo pouted nt Tho Times offlco as soon as tlio results como In. hi precinct No. 17, nt three o'clock CI votes had been cast, nt No. 18, US votes; at No. 18, 7! votes and at No. 20, 10 votes. Voting Is Quiet Tlio voting Is (inlet mid thoro Is Illttlo to indlcato that an election lu la progress. Fred Qottlns who was aiding In tho nianagomout of Carl Kvortson's campaign mild that the outcome would probably bo closo. Ho esti mated that hotweou COO nnd 700 votes would bo cast. Frlonds of H. A. Copplo woro equally sanguine of his success. Souio of them flgurod that with n light vote, lio would linvo dcqldedly the best of It, relying on tho primary figures. Tlio outcome as to coiincllmon Is problematical. Tlio city lmll bonding project, ac cording to Ptreot talk, will hIiow up much stronger than was first antici pated. Many friends of tho band exurcss- !d the fonr thot tho band appropria tion would bo beaten. OFFICERS ELECTED1 KXKJIITS OP PYTHIAS CHOOSF. pou iiihi To lie Iiihtalled In Jiiniiury Lodge 1'luiis on Meeting Once Week (jiund Lodge in 11)17 Tbo annual election of tho Knights f I'ythluB was hold Inst ovonlng and P'ans made for tho coming year. In stallation will tako . nlaco on tho Nrt Monday In January. Tho lodgo ' Planning on mooting onco n week '"Mead of twlco n month. Tlio new officers nro: Chancellor Commnndor Ullbert rSteckel. Vlce-Chnncollor A. B. Busby. Prelate W. W. Steckel. Keepor Records nnd Senls J. D. Sneddon. ter of PInanco F. P. Norton. Master Of nvplmminr fip.irco Winchester. Master nt -Arms Qeorgo Black. Inside Guard Alex Hall. Outside Guard Fred Moore. master of tlio Work O.'S. Tor- rey FIGHT FOU KUKFDAGK Plany Voill.. In M'nlilmrtnil To Seek Federal Actlou IBr Auocliteo Preu to Coo D7 Tlmej. 'ASHINOTOV n n rno. 7. oman suffrage workers took tho Unt for equal suffrage again today 10 10 national capital. Tho Susan Anthony amendment, Introduced u defeated for may years, Intro ded acflin .... i , iiv Senatm. . j... . ..... Mnnilall 4 ntnillfiianiin emonstratlon by the suffragists of I'ue caiillal ,o.i,..i l.o Intfiilnr. lion. '"- 5UVU "p ry NEVER TOO Established 1878 As The Const Mall ES OXLY 18 MILKS YET OK WEST- f.rx uxiox Mxu to in: laid Started Today Lnlng i Con- durtor Cable Across Day Offlr- rlills of Company Hero Klghtoen miles sepnrntu tho ends of thu Western Union telegraph lines according to tho officials of tho company, and two full crews nro working toward each other, to con nect up tho gap, as soon as possible. It Is expected tho line will ho In operation by January lli. A. Q. McClaue, district foreman of tho company, and J. V. Helss, foreman of construction, aro hero Urom Seattlo to aid In laying tho 12- conductor cablo across tho bay. This work will probably start tomorrow. Francis Frandson, an electrician, al so of Seattlo, Is hero to later test out thu line. Wires luivo been erected from Coos Hay to within about four miles of tho Umpqun. COXSOLIDATIOX OP CLURS UI' AT FELLOWSHIP MKKTIXO Dusliiess Men Will Consider New I'roblein at Itaiuiiicl Tonight Dig Attendance Imported Consolidation of tho fellowship Club, tho Chambor of Commerce, and tho Mllllcoma Club Is expected to develop considerable discussion nt tho Fellowship banquet this eve ning. It will bo hold nt C p. in., in tho (lulld Unit of the Kplscopal Church. Consonsus of opinion seems to bo for consolidation, but on an equitable basis that would protect tho mem bers am) stockholders of tho Mllll coma Club and allow Its contlnu nnco on exactly tho snmo Hues ns at present. For n year and moro tho Cham ber of Commerce mombors havo felt that It Is absolutely necessary for tho organization to adopt n social aide to Its activities. Efforts havo boon in ado, but they havo - so far proved fruitless. Iiuslncss men who stand for con solidation contend that tho group ing of tho threo bodies will result in a lessoned expense to them nnd with tho accomplishment of moro rcnl vnluo to tho city. Tonight will nfford tho opportun ity for a discussion, as tlioro will bo mombors of all organizations present at tho banquot. Considerable Interest also is bolng taken In tho topics that will como up this evening as scheduled on tho program. Judging from the ro- sponso given tho ticket sollors, It Is expected tho attendance will bo largo to this last meeting of tho Fellowship Club this year. IS KAISKlt'S AOKXT TO STIR HTRIKI DOUDIiK-CltOSSHD UP .Lalior Tcndeii Whom Ho Tried to Ilrlbo Checked HU Plann for Causing Strlkos in r'uctorles (D AMocUlei JTm to t; Tliu. NRW YORK, Dec. 7. United States district attornoy Marshall do clarod today that Franz Yon Ulnto lon, n Gorman ngent who Is nccused 'of coming to tills country armed with a lnrgo corruption fund to In cite strikers In tho munitions fnc torles, wns doublo-crossed by labor men ho tried to corrupt. Ho said Itlntolen succeeded in corrupting only some subordinates and the real labor loaders took prompt steps to check his activities. HPPUHMCAXS UXlTDD Progressives Itetiirn to Fold at To duy's Conferences IBr AoeUt4 Txtu lo Coo Br TlmM.1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. C The Senate Republicans met in cau cus today with the assurance of tho united minority for the first time elnco the orginlzatlon of tho progres sive party. Poindexter, former Pro gressive, attended tho conference and Joined the organization. Gal- lincer was re-elected chairman 01 ko nroronco and floor leader mado the Republican He also was nominee for President pro. tempore,, Wadsworth was elected liecrotary, of the conference. in S00 READY DISCUSSION COMING GERMAN TM HARD TO BE ffio0s ' MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER S T Southern Oregon Company Al lowed Only $2.50 Equity in Wagon Road Tract Announces That Appeal be Made From Federal Court to Supreme Court is LIKE THE 0. & C. CASE Decree In Latter Case Will lm Pre sented to Court Tomorrow ArfortH Over Two Mil lion Acres nj AuotUUI I'iim to Corn nr Tint. PORTLAND, Oro., Dec. 7. A do crco providing for the grantees of tho land under tho Coos Day wagon road grant are entitled to n vnluo of $2. r0 per ncro in the property, nnd no moro, wns signed by Judge Wolvcrton In the United States Dis trict Court horo todny. Tho Southern Oregon Compnny, holder of 35,000 ncres of tho grunt, which comprises 90,000 acres In Coos nnd Douglas Counties, nn- nounccd that thoy would appeal. 6 5 ACRES Tho docrco Is Important in that!""'1 uC0" B1V0 JGO.O00 by hor fath the conditions undor which the land wns irrnntcd nro similar to those of tho Oregon & California grant I of 2,n00,000 acres, the decrco In which will bo presented Wolvcrton tomorrow. to Judge SEND SECOND TUG THIItD YKSSKIj SUNT TO Tin: mixxksota AID Dig Hill Liner Make Llttlo Prog- grow Towards Port latum and Dauntless Gono Dr AmocUIwI PrtM to Toc nr Tlmta. 8AN FUArJCISCO, Doc. 7. An othor tug was sought today to go to tho nsslstnnco of the Hill liner, Minnesota, reported G20 miles south of hoio, mnklng feeblo attempts to put back to this port, whllo await ing for tho wrecking steamer Inqua and tho tug Dauntless, No word was received ns to tho arrival of tho vessels, but thoy were expected to rcuch tho Minnesota during tho night. POOR LIQUOR PLACED IN DRILLED BOTTLES IlootlcggcrH nnd Illicit Dispensers Drill Small Hole in llottont So llrnud Is Xot llrokeu KUGHNB, Oro., Dec. 7. That tho liquor sold by bootloggors lu Ku- gono and other "dry" cities of this stato Is not what tho label on tho battlos show was proved yesterday when Shorlff Parkor wont to empty 23 pint bottles ot whiskey taken from Sam Wlnstod, nrrestod a short time ago for bootlogglng, and con victed nnd soiitonccd to servo a term lu the county Jail. Shorlff Parker discovered In tho bottom of each bottle a placo whore a holo had been drilled with " electric needlo and tho contonts .doubtless poured out, inferior liquor being substituted, without removing the seal nt tho top of tho bottle. As Wlnsted had no means of drilling tho holo lu the bottle, It is prob able that tho wholesalers from whom ho bought tho liquor had mado tho substitution, The officers aro of tho opinion that the great bulk ot liquor sold In this way Is not as the labels on the bottles show. "The man who jnakes a business ot bootlegging, probably gets the whlskoy at a low figure . from the' wholesaler on ac count of tills substitution and Is thereby able to make a big profit." PLKXTY OF WORK AIIKAD The dredgo Mlchle, after under going minor repairs In Portland, has loft for Grays Harbor where this winter she will work on the bar and the inner harbor. Captain James Polhemus, wbo was lu charge of tho work here, has accompanied the Mlchle and will have charge of tho project in the north, returning hero Willi the craft some time next spring. CHARITABLE Ism MHM1U3R OP THi: ASSOCIATED PHKSS JAPS PEAR CHINA i SKXD HATTLKSIIIPS THKHIJ TO GUARD .MIKADO'S SUIMKCTS Additional Vessels Rushed to Sccno of Decent ltlotlng .May Ilaxo Fni-rwiching Kffect tllr AnocUlM Vnn I Coot llr TlniM.l TOKIO, Doc. 7. It Is understood that Jnpnn, lu view of tho disturb ed conditions in Shanghai, will adopt measures for tho protection of tho Japanese residents nnd In terests there. Several Japanese warships nro already on tho spot and tho cruiser Tsugaru, which left Yokohama, Is believed to bo bound for Shanghai. SAYS WIFE SLAIN CIIAS. D. KTCIIISO.V COXFKS.HKS HKYOLTIXG CRIMK Mrs. Frederick T. Price Hurled Over Cliff by Husband and Friend To (lot JSt0,(M Ilf AMaClttfel TTMt If COM Utr TtBIM. CHICAQO, Dec. 7. Confessing, according to tho county prosecutor of Hennepin County, Minnesota, that he aided Frodorlck T. I'rlco ot Minnea polis In hurling Price's wire to death over n cliff, Charles I). Ntehlson, n 'traveling salesman of Washington, " u" l8 l,uo ,n Minneapolis todny to ,aco ,cBnl nctlon. 'Mrs. I'rlco was klllod " yar B' on0 '' n"or alio er, rrico, on ruining ins wife still nllvo nftor hurling her down tho cliff J1"" 1,cr ,,cad wlt" n 8,0"' accor' lug to Ktchlson. Ktchlson wns ar rested lu Wnshlugton Saturday. M DEMOCRATS MEET CO.M.MITTKK TO FIX TIMU AND PLACIJ OF CONVKXTIO.Y W. IT. KnMcrly, of Oregon, CnntestN Will II. King' Place Pence Chosen Secretary WILL KINO WIXS ORF.GO.VN PLACIJ tnr Aw lll frttt I ctw ntf Tlmn.J WASHINGTON, I). C, Doc. 7. Will R. King won his fight for the scat lu the National Domocratlo commit tee from Oregon. n? AuocUtad rrM to Com nr TlmM.l WASHINGTON, II. C, Dec. 7. Tho Domocrntlc Nutloual Commlttco mot hero today to fix tho tlmo and place of tho noxt Democratic Nat ional convention, elect n secretary and dlsposo of contests for member ship from Kentucky and Oregon and transact other business. Thomas J, Ponco, assistant to tho chairman, was elected secretary pro torn. In Oregon, W. II. Kasterly contested tho seat or Will It. King. St. LouU lu Lead ' Ponco told tho commlttco thnt! there wan no truth lu tho reports UI UJDtUlM UUiUVUH 4IVVrUIIIIn MIDI ef (llnnAKil liotlMiOti XIiriAttlin A t 1 i hlmsolf, "To my in hid thoro is no cloud on tho Domocratlo hori zon," he snld, "nnd it is the duty of this commlttco to sco thnt no cloud shall gather." Of the threo cRIch in tho field for tho convention, St. Louis, Dallas and Chicago, the former claimed priority. OBIEf IN MEXICO GOY. FKHOl'SOX OK TKXAS SAYS CONDITIONS ARK IMPROYIXU Tells President Wilson That Rec ognition of (loncnil Carrnuzu Assisted Greatly (tlr AvwcUtwi Prw 10 Coo Dr TlraM. WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 7. Governor Ferguson, of Texas, today gavn President WIIboii an optimistic view of tho conditions along the Mexican border and In Mexico It self. Ho said that recognition of General Carranza had gono far to ward tho resumption of order. ILLINOIS SHAKKX RY RARTHQUAKK (Or Aiuelt4 rr o eoo Dr Tlmeo.J CAIRO, III.. Dec. 7. A sovero earthquake lasting IS seconds was felt hero at 12' 45 p. in. No damage wan reported TO THOSE WHO HAVE LESS THAN YOU Wxmta 7, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. E AGIST ALLIES Teutons and Bulgarians At tack Anglo-French Forces in Southern Serbia Today SAY FRENCH LOST Believed to be Planning to Drive Allies Back to Their Base at Saloniki ' ACTIVE IN MANY PLACES Derlln IcKir(N French Trench hi Chainpiigno Captured Itu. hlniis Continue Minor AttnckH (iMH.MANS TURN TOWARD F.GY1T D? AmocIiUJ TrtM to m IMf TlmM, ' GUNUVA, Dec. 7. The GormniiB aro prepnrlng on a largo Bcalo tor oporatloiis In Mesopotamia, according to a dispatch. It Is not impossi ble that thoy will make tho principal effort this winter from llngdnd toward the Persian gulf. 40 tllr AMotltt! 1'rfM lo Coot Hr Tlmn.J LONDON, Doc. 7. Tho Toutonlo DulKiirlan armies, whllo ongugod in Invasions ot Montenegro and Al bania, apparently havo started A drive against tho Anglo-French forco lu Southern Sorbin, with tho Inten tion of forcing thorn across tho Grook border nnd perhaps oven back to their huso at Saloniki. Derlln today offlclnlly roportod the French forcos lu Southwestern Sorbin near tho Vnrdar rlvor woro compollcd to retreat. The enpturo of I pole, Montoncgro, wan also announced. In tho West, tho Germans havo rosumod activities, Ilorlln announc ing tho capture of 2C0 meters of nn ndvnncod French trench In tho Champagne district., cast ot Aubory. In the Kast there woro no de velopments roportcd with tho excep tion of minor Russian attacks on tho Dvlna Rlvor front. Wll STRIKE FUND NATIONAL lailOR PKACI2 COUN CIL PROIinD IN XKW YORK Activity lu Stirring up Trouble In Wnr Supply Fiictorlert Duo to .Money Front Lamar (Ur AmkIiI4 Pr to Coot Iir Tlmw.J NBW YORK, Dec. 7. Tho nl logtid activities of the Labor Nat ional Peace Council in stirring up strikes in wnr munition factories continued under Investigation horo today by tho Fodornl grand Jury. r... ' ......, ....... 1 .... I a. i IMdIhIiI Altirtido Xfo. HII! HIII4WHII t V itiidii niiiiniiiiiioii mi iiiiii rni'iiivo ed Information thnt tho organiza tion was flnuncod with monoy fur nished by Franz Rlntelou through David Lamar. FIRE 1 11 SHIP IaCSTRIAN SURMARINi; WOUNDS t OXi: MAX ADOARD TAXKKR PetrolJto Sent Out H. O. S. Culls off Crete V. S. Cruiser Den Molnc Report on It tor awkIiim rM to tt mr tiom.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 7. I Word from the cruiser Dos Moines was received today at tho navy de partment that tho Auiorlcau boat sending the S, O, S, call out lust (Saturduy off Crete was tho Standard 'Oil tanker Petrollte,, which was fir ed on, presumably by an Austrian submarine. Ono man was 'wounded, FRKXCH 8UD.MA1HXK SUNK DY AUSTRIAN'S (Or Aiutlitod fr to Com Dr TIbw. PARIS, Dec, 7. "Accord ing to a German radiogram, the French submarlno Fres no! was destroyed Dccombcr f by an Austrian warship." says a communication Is sued at the Marine Ministry "Two officers and 2C men were captured." GEM A Consolidation of Time, Const Mull anil Coom Day Advertiser. UKASE fTHE CZAR DDCIDKS RUSSIAN DUMA AXD COUNCIL SHALL XOT MKKT Delnyn Reconvening of Legislative Dody, Saying DudgetN Have Xot lleou Completed tllr AMOcUthl l'rrai to Coon llr Tlmra.) PKTROGRAD, Dec. 7. ICmporor Nlcholns has Issued n rescript postponing Indefinitely tho opening of tho Duma and Council of tho Umpire. Tho nctlon was taken on tho ground that tho budget com mittees of those bodies have not yet compioieu tno preparation of tho budgot. A recont dispatch from Potrogrnd said tho Diimn would re-assemble December 8. Tho body was pro roguod Septembor 10. PARIS PAPMR SAYS TIIKY WILL TURN ALLIICS DOWN Think That Teutonic Pom Will Oust Allies From DalkauN nnd Simplify flrcccu'M Action (jri:i:ci: rkady FOR ALLIKS NOW tllr AmocUtoj rrtM io vmi rtj Tlmn.J ANTHRN8, Dec. 7. Tho nRrcutuont for a contoronco of tho Greek military au thorities nnd tho military roprosontntlves of tho entente powers to uxamlno Into and roport upon tho necessities ot tho situation respecting tho allies' doiuands upon Groeco has boon reached nnd pre liminary steps toward hold ing tho conforonco havo been tnkon, Premier Skoulodls an nounced today, (Or AiiocUtoj rri to Om Ilr Tlmro. PARIS, Doc. 7. Tho Athons cor respondent of the Paris Matin says tho Grcok govornmont simply Is playing for time, hoping that thu entonto allies will bo forced to sen by tho Auatro-Gormnhs and Ilul garlans. Ho Bays it will ho found In a weok or so that tho agrooment botwoon tho Greek nnd Alllod staffs cannot bo rcachod nnd the govorn mont will doclnro that, notwith standing Greoco's traditional good will toward tho entonto powors, It cannot accodo to their domauds, Tho correspondent affirms that the only effcctlvn course Is to apply thu blockade to Greoce. MEN MUST LEAVE SKO. LANSING TKLLS GF.RMANY RKASONS FOR DOY-CD ACTION Lengthy Reply .Made to AinhaHsndnr Yon Ronistorff Today United Stales Takes Finn Stand Dr AwoUI4 TfU to Coo Ilr TlfflM.I WASHINGTON, II. C, Doc. 7. Secretary Lansing has replied to Germany that the American govern ment's request for tho withdrawal of Captain lloy-ICd and von Papon Is entirely becauso of their military ac tivities. Secretary Lansing's reply to the Gorman government's Inquiry, which Indicated Ilorlln Intondod to 'contest the withdrawal under certain conditions, wns dollvorod In a long communication, which tho German ombassy immediately forwardod to Derlln. At tho embassy all commont was rofusod. Presldont Wilson ful ly approved Lansing's decision, and was said authoritatively today that It will bo adhored to no matter what Germany does, Stand of Lansing Whflo thoro was no Indication to day that tho toxt or Lansing's com munication would be mado public, it can ho said authoritatively that It declares tho American govern ment's action Is caused by tho mili tary and naval activities of at taches, coupled with circumstances of an accumulntlvo nature doomed sufficient for Lansing's action, and these aro nlono responsible No mention was mado ot Moxtcun af fairs, Have your programs printed at The Times office. TJmei want ads bring results. GREECE AIDS KA A Southwest Oregon Paper Thnt's what tlio Coos Day Times is. A. South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people una devoted to tho best Interests of tills great sec tion. The Times always boosts and never knocks. No. 115 WILSON TELLS NATIONS NEEDS President Delivers Annual Message to Congress To day on "Preparedness" TELLS GREAT NEED Says United States Is in no Danger of War, but Must be Ready to Act STRONGER PAN-AMERICAN Urge Government Merchant Murine Will Only Assist Motlco Would Oust UuiUvdmblo HcddontH llr AuocltloJ rrrM to Coo Br Tlmeo.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 7. Prosldcnt Wilson, In his annual ad dress to congress today laid down tho administration plans for nation al defense and told his hearers It wns necessary to havo a now and broad doctrlno for Paii-Amorlna. With sharp words ho arraigned tho American cltlzons who by their sympathy for foreign belligerents endnngcred tho neutrality ot the United States "America novor wit nessed anything llko this before" declared tho Prosldont with deep fooling. Outlines of plans for national de fenso and need for them wore re ceived In bIIuuco by tho senators and representatives, but with rapt At tention. Whon tho President urged a mer chnut innrlno he wns loudly applaud ed. Ho was forced to stop when he said, "It Is high tlmo we resumed our commercial Independence on the high sons." Mrs, Gidt Tlioro Whon the galleries were filled with usual visitors, tho official par- ftles camo in. Mrs. Qalt nnd party took nn nxcluslvo gallory. Other Vosorvod places woro occupied by 'Govornmont officials and their viv os. Tho diplomatic galleries were unusually woll filled, tbo Latin American members bolng largely ropresonted. Just beforo 12:30, tho mombors of the Bonnto wont over to tho hoiiBo, and took tho front sents. Committees of both houses then escorted tho president In from tho Speaker's room. Kvorybody in the houso, floors and gallorles alike, rose up nnd cheered. Dig Croud Thero House galleries wore packed three hours before tho time for President Wilson to deliver tho annual ad. dress mid hundreds ot disappointed ones who failed to get tickets of ad mission lined tho corridors of thr capltol and stood on tho plaza out slilo to got a glimpse of tbo Presl dont us he passed In. There were unusual nrraiigoinents to preserve order. Only those who had tickets woro permitted to go to the upper galleries, and nn elusive rumor ot sumo sort of woman suffrage dem onstration brought out extra guards who were sprlnklod among the spec tators. It was tho longest message Pres, Wilson has Bent to Congress. Applaud American Union The President's declaration of a now Pun-American doctrlno was re ceived with the doopost lutorest. His assertion that "Wo havo made a common cause with all tho partisans of liberty on this Bldo of the sea," was greeted with prolonged ap plauso. Republicans clapped their hands vigorously when he said "tnat thu task of building up an adequate 'merchant marlno for American pri vate capital must ultimately under take nnd achieve, as It has under taken und achloved every other like task amongst us In the past with ad mirable' enterprise, Intelligence and vigor," No Danger of War The President said thoro was rea son to hopo thnt no question lu con troversy between this and other gov ernments would lead to any serious breach of amicable relations, and that ho was sorry to say that the gravest throats against national poaco and safety had been uttered within tho country's own borders, Tp Oust UmktolraUea " There are citizens of ttte UIU4 States, I blush to admit, he declared, "born uader ether flags but welcom ed under eur aeuerous naturalise-, . tlou laws to the full freedom and op-, portuulty of Amerloa, who have ontluuedou paae Two. ) Ui V