SasH 4- A-i . - .!.. .iSE- THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1 915-EVEN1NG EDITION. SIX A JR,:. .r .. v I I i jt JWLJ a rrn ,i w w II a ;' Htl "" for Amnor he adhioois PL ft J -I CN I i J '' I 4 r FJHST UAPTIST CHUIICII I Itev. II. D. Fosltctt, Pastor Residence, 210 Dlrcli Ave. Phono 12.1-.J. i A1lco Tlckoll, church clorlc. a B. II. I'atclictt, Sttpt. Hiblo School. Calendar of Services: i Blblo School, 10 a. m. ' Morning Worship, 1 1 a. m. liastsldo Mission, .1 ). in. B. Y. P. U. meeting 0:30 n. in. People's Service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer mooting, Thursday 7:15 p. m, All nil woleomo to thoso sor- SCIIOOIj notks can bo well taught without" elaborateness Several grades In the school are Tho High school lunch serves i supporting roudliig tables and there about fifty pupils dally. The prae tlco ol' bringing solid foods from home and buying soup or drink at the school lg incroaslng. Klovon more framed pictures hnvo been added to the school's art list. Tho Purplo and Gold was issued again this woek. 'Twns a good number. Bdltorlnla and column of student opinion wore especially good. Formor Principal A .Lincoln Uarkor writes Sir. Tlodgon that he Is having a good year at Paso Ilo- blos. Miss Silverman and Mr. Finn- vices. Our Invitation Is especially dors aro doing strong work and arc Urgent to strangers In tho city and ito thoso who have no church homo. .Special Announcements UNITKI) lUtlCTIIHUN CHURCH NORTH 1I13NI) Mrs. R. N. Lewis. PnBtor Sabbath School at 10 a. in. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Prayer Mooting Wednesday oro ding at S o'clock. o SEVKNTJI JAY ADVtiNTISTS. Local Kldor, J. H. Quails. Sovonth Day Advcntlnt services aro conducted ovory Saturday as follows: Sabbath School at 10 n. m. Blblo Study at 11 a. m. Youpg Pcoplo's Society at 3 p. m. Prayor Mooting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. I NORWKOIAN LUTIJKHAN. Ilov. It. O. Thorpo Rov. It. O. Thorpe, Pastor Phono 37C J. Ilcsldcnco S7 1 So. 7th St. Sunday Sorvlco 11. a .in. Sunday School 10:00 p. in. North Bond Sunday Sorvlco 7:4C p. in. ! , I CATHOLIC OHUItOII NORTH 1IHN1) Rov. Win. Ilogan, Pastor. Address Merry Hospital. Tolo- i'nllnnn 9fi t. fl'" " --- Sunday sorvlco First mass, G:30 jn. in.; last mass, : a. m. Kosnry and bouodlctlon, 7:30 p. m. , I CATHOLIC CM URCU I I . MAHSIIFIHLD I Rov. II. J. McDovItt, pnBtor; Rov. M. Wallace assistant. AddroHo, 312 South Sixth street. Phono Mfi. Sunday .Sorvlcos First mass, 8 a. in.; high mass, sormon and uono- Miction, 10:30. I) --- MirrilOIIIKT KPIHCOl'Afi. I Joseph Knotts, Pastor. $ Sunday school at 10 a. in. Kpworth League at 0:30 . in. Morning Sormon "Kllsha's Doub lo Portion." livening Sormon "Potora Conviction." OxAnlnl anatiifs. I.hHi lllnHII I (tip (lllfl I . oyuiiui jiiiioii; mini uiuiUMii, j soiuo siuiow, tllO tt Olllge for evonlng with Prof. Qornld Hunt dlrec w!lolo H(.1()()I (a ro,oatotIly , lor oi uiu euoir. Junior Loaguo Sorvlco Thursday afternoon at 3:15. Prnyor Meeting Thursday ovon Ing at 7:30 o'clock. All aro cordially Invited. i much appreciated by town nuu school. Doan Straub cominonlcd favorably on tho work of Mnrshflcld IIIkIi j School students In tho University of Oregon. Horizontal bar, traveling rings, j and swinging rings havo been ndded to tho equipment of tho gymnasium. Miss Estrodo Nlluiid of the Coni- imorclal Department Is acting as book-kcopor for tho "High School Lunch." Miss Clara Sargoant, '15 and n former student in tho Department of Domestic Science, Is In general charge of tho High school lunch. Boxing and wrestling aro becom ing popular sports with tho high school boys. Tho school has nomo mighty good young wrostlcrs among thoso Intorested nro: Trlbby, Oloasop, Painter, Walters, Sohut polz, Merchant. Tlie buslnoss-llko inanngcmout of seems to bu eomldorable lutoreil in debating. Miss Spraguo,'s room at the Cen tral and .tho fifth grade at the High school held dobatos recently. Tho Coos County Bound Tnble will hold its first mooting at Co qulllo today Saturday. Thoso ut tondlng from Marshflold aro It. 1C. Walto, S. .1. Loland, K. F .Barngur. F. A. Tledgon. Stxlli (Jniilc, IIIkIi School Lulu Moody has moved tu Port- laud. Those making 100 in tho spelling test of fifty words nro: .lack Collins, llorbert .Murphy, Jtistlnn lleuppr mnn, .lune Wilkinson, Arnold Samp sou. .First (Jiwlo ' Vernlo Andorson on'tortulnod the First Qrndo last Thursday. Floronco Plorco, Merlo Howo, Phyllis Hull, Vosta McElroy havo done excellent work in numbers tho past week . Boboit Ayrcs has boon nbsont, on nccount of a soro foot. Second (.'rude, lllgli School Tho "A" chum have done good work this wcok In roadlng. Those 'having porfoct arithmetic papers wero Marion Knrdoll, Curtis Nngle, Norman doing, Charles Vns oy, Allco Holmes, Myron Harris, Donald Boss, Keith Hall, Vernlo Ol son und Violot .Johnson. Third f.'rado Tho 100 per contora In tho wook's spoiling tost arc, Vornon Homme, Violet Curry, Dotty Frlzeon, Mar- , raver Sdhool News Thanksgiving Day and tho follow ing Friday wero the first holidays that the school has had this year. They were enjoyed by nil. Wo were fortunate In that the big froahct last week canio on a holiday. Both forks of Coos Blver woro full of floating logs and navigation was practically suspended so that we would havo been unnblo to get to or from school. The roifults of the high water can bo seen nil along tho river banks ttfls wook. On Tuosdny boforo Thanksgiving tho pupils from the llopo ontortalnod In tho nssembly room with a short Thanksgiving program. The High School Is intending to give a program for Christmas. Tho plan was started by tho "Mlllicoma Wight," tho noted wlnnors of tho song contest. Tho scholars arc plan-1 nlng n good program which will bo followed by rofreshmonts. The, High School Student Body; havo chosen officers as follows: i Prosldent, Lonzo Stemmermau; j Vlco-prosldent, Ivy. Noah; Secretary,1 Boso Smith; Treasurer, Huston Price. I Sholvos have bo'on built for the. library books and they havfe been Installed in ono of the smaller rooms j upstairs. , I Tim good wonthor that follower the hard rains Is bolng enjoyed by all. Tho high school boyB havo re-. oumod basket ball and soom to havo! Improved by tholr enforced rest. I i i i i i ii- For Sale ' - - - r n tho finances of tho High School Bet Wood, Hugono Sampson, John Athlotlo Association by Its treasurer, ' McNnmuiion, Kntherlne Budloff, .Myruo .lonnson, jcutn .uoiiins, i.ois Bawofrd, Anonn Hlldonbrnud, Lois Blapk, Oortrudo Brown, Honry Muvllor. Onn d,y the "A" clou had a per fect lesson In spelling. Mrs. Budloff vlsltod our room Wednosdny. IKdllh Anderson ontorod school from Allegany. Fourth finido ' Thoso who had porfoct spoiling popors In spelling tost are: Billy McArthur, Cordon Noff, llnrry Walp, Alma Wlesou, Hnrvoj Vaughn, Pearl Wossols, LlllIaD McDIroy. Vernon Ford, Mary MoKln nou, Uutli doing, Joiophlno Savago. o I 111(211 SCHOOL AFFAIK O Jack Merchant, Is productive of much fnvorablo comment. Tho lunch table In tho kitchon la tho work of tho mnnual training de partment. Othor school projocta under way In tills department nro; piano honch, hall troo and' music cabinet for tho Ladlos' rost room, bi eyclo and motor cycle shod for tho high school building. It will Do nccoss'ary to provldo housing room for approximately forty whools. Tho projoct may ho glvon to tho seventh gindo for a class project. Tho High suhool class In nrt Is making somo frlozos for tho- primary roonm of tho school. All designs arox original with mombors of tho class though holpod with suggostloiis and criticisms by tho Instructors. Tho dopnrtmont of art will havo a Christmas sale of calendars, book platos, otc. designed and band col ored by Hi" students or tho school. Tho (insKoa rtiukud as follows In jtho Hpelllng this week; Sonlors. I Sophomores, Specials, Juniors, iFioshmon. A senior victory but a , low nvorago generally, in tho in- ler mciioo spell nu contot8 nf thu tho vicinity of lis. (Jot hoiiio O, Q. O Into it. (Irlt, gumption, and ginger. Its practical work. None bettor. Congress will meet Ducombor. 7. Two (iiiostlons will bo coiisldorod; that of a properly taxation for sup port or tho band arflrmod by Son man and Bolt, denlod by Waltors Last uvonlng the high scliool stu donts onjoyod n skating party at the" rluk undor the .cliaporomigo of Mes srs. Lehmd and Dnragitr. A vory dollghtrul ovouliiR was onjoyod until a lato hour. : On Friday, December 17lh, the Juniors of tho high school will give tholr Biinual prom at the ISaglej Iih.1I. Further details will bo an nounced at a later date. Sl'MMOXS Sl'IT l.V KtiL'lTV" In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Coos. Marshflold Bealty and Trading I KPIHCOPAL CllllltCII. j Fourth and Market Stroota 8 a. in Holy Communion In St ailtl nuckmeii; and that or the Santa icmPnny. corporation, plalntirf, Mary's Chapol, North Bend. )clar" wrocl wl"cl' "' wnelst or alv"- MW K. Hucklor. defeurUnt. 11 a. in. Holy Communion and ' er"1 dlscuesloij from tho floor. I T Mry 1C. Buclcler, defonUunt a nuurieuo cmiKiet uir of III ytinm. auovo nttmett; in tho Name of tho sormon subject, "The VJrglu Mary. What Christianity Has Done Women." 7:30 p. Bormon. "Tho Secret of Blttornoss and Joy." Kvory Friday ovoulng, 7:30, Blblo study chus. SOIK.N'OK 11 a. ni. m Auditorium and Bamgar Friday morning locturo State of Oregon: You are hortby notified that you are required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed CllltlSTIA.N Sorvlco Sunday Wednesday, 8 p. Public Library. Sunday morning: Cause and Cio.itor." Sunday School, 12 Jan Solouco Hnll. Bending Boom open dally Sunday and holidays, 1 I Christian Sclonco Hall 237 St. North. i will sing. .,, i,v.,i.,., Hn,.vtnu ,,.i 1D I'Tway morning locturo for l l'lllk "IHMW .. . t Hearts Unpublished ' ,JOTU,""r win lonmsi or snort talks against you in llie above entitled iii i irii nr n i-ji ikiiaiii . .... . . ' ...-.. i .....i .. .. -v ... - . ...... u uiiPHitiH uivii m m'i.ivun aim cause wuniu six weoKS city. They will be assigned the gen-j from the date of the rtrst publlcu kenal toplo "As Others See ITs" andjtloa of this summons, to-wlt: Willi- w, u. ...Km. ,o ray txactiy what; In six weeks from the 13th moy iniuk no platitudes. i rruieisin io man, at it cut j The 'Friday morning- locture ror iJinury will he in iiimrgo or Mrs. i-'uggo. It will, In Kenornl, bo a erary reoltnl. Somo riuo paper cnltliig in , mZ'.LZ!!'.1 .lt lh", Cg,,ll "HI l pUtallfr., complaint, a si..-1 wise Men. It Is well done mid loi ! lows: ..,, uiu . iiubuiiwh smrii su out (lod the Only M. In Christ- nxeept p. m. Third OIIIIISTIAV riiuitoii Victor P. Morris, Pastor Sorvlcoa as follow at tho Church corner Sixth and Cential: Hogular rvlcos every Sunday. 10 a in Sunday School. You nro cordially Invited to attend thoso mooting. Ht- dsy of If there , November, 1615, and If you fall to 'appear on or before the 20th day of Uooembsr, 1915, such date being i he last day of tho time prescribed In the order for publication. Juds:- mnt will be taken against you for ' want mereoi ior tno icner demand-, a sum of Eleven Hundred Dollars ($1100.00), with Intorost thereon at the into of six per cent per an num from tho 1st day or November, 1913, to date, and for interost on the sum of Flvo Hundrod and Fifty Dollars ($550.00) from tho 1st day or November, 1012, to tho 1st day of November, 1913, nt tho rnto of six per cent per annum; thnt '.ho plaintiff rocovor from you tho fur ther sum of Ono Hundrod Dollars ($100.00) ns ail-attorney foe heroin, and also Its cpsts and disburse- ujj tnnntu In tlilo suit W That the mortgngo heretofore ox ocutod by you on to-wlt tho 4th day of November, 1012, to this plain tiff, aud convoying tho following f described roal proporty, to-wit: Lot numbered Three In Block numbored , Flftoen (15) In the Town of Mnrsh riold, Coos County, Oregon io neeuro the nmouut sot forth above, be fore cloved as by law provided, that tho' usual decroe of foreclosure issue end that vald property bo sold In , the manner provided by law. That all nf your Intorost and tho interests of nl) persons claiming by . or under you In tho above described real proporty be forsvor barrod and foreclosed. That tho plaintiff may becomo a purchaser of said real property i.t. sale, that the Sheriff oxoeuto a ( deed to the purchasor of said laud ' and the purchaser thereof bo grant ed Immodliito possession muieof. Service of this summons Is mudo j upon you by publication pursuant ' to an order made by tho Hon. John S, Coko, Circuit Judgo ut Con , Crunty, Stnto of Oregon, on tho j 12th day or November, lul5,'dlroct lux that the" same be published in' the Coos Bay Times, Tor a ...-nod ' of six woeks. JOHN 1). (JOSS, JOHN C. KENDALL, HICUIIICKT S. MUltPHY, Attorneys for plaintiff, First Nat ional Bank Building, Msrshfluld. wriKun. Date of first publication Novom- j bor 13, 1815; ;st publication De-' tember 27, 101. STOCK ItAXCII Near Allegany, mostly bottom, good build Inns, ! head cattle, 'team, fiunilng nN, Hiio oiTluud, do llghtfnl place to live, il-tco $7rt(lO. Terms. STOCK Olt DAIHV ItAXCII OIoso In, 1!0 cowh, team, piod buildings, orchards, tools, (100 acres, 05 or ulileli Is finest bollom.Trlco 910,000. Terms. DAIItY BANCH Cloxo in, !0 acres, J 75 Is liottor, flno buildings, team. Price tfai.OOl). Terms. DA1BY ItAXCII It. It. depot on place, close In, ri0 acres, half Is richest bottom, fine ImiIIiIIiiKn both rail ami unlcr Ininspoilntloii, IO head stock, ttfam. I'rlco Jf..":,0()0. Splen did tonus, wllli Interest at flvo per cent. FIU'IT HANOI ! Splendidly located, JOOO loganberi-.v vines In full bearing, flno ateluml, flno buildings, 17 acres, .?(!, l!00. Tonus. DKVKI.OPIM) COAL MIX 13 On tlilo wntcr, flno ctml mid lots of It. I'rlco wny down. Only i?K00. down anil CIUCKKX HAXCII Close lh, 10 acres, house. rmrirr.v ltAXnit 1."5 ncrat. close in. WW 13m it month. FOlt THAD13 Wo have Norlli Bend property and ranclies Io trndo for Norlli D.ikoln inoperty. Como In mill Inves ligatc. Wo hnvo Oklahouui properly to trade for Con.s' Bay city oi- rnnch properly. (!ITV PHOPKItTV North Bend or .Mar.shfleld. Wo it If you nro looking for bargains and locations. 1XSUUAXCI3 Wo carry n full lino of flro Insurance. havo KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON 'wienszssssESSiz E'i ersona T ervice PROFESSIONAL j,,RE lMiyslrlnn ami , "' Office:.,,,,' ZT Office hour,: ll1",ck' ' n(l 7 to f p. i " ' " to il'M; iw,llH J- M;. Wright furnl.h 0. Dr. H. M. sham Je, Mnr ami Tl.ront sP0l,A,. , r..S8.:s FlTTn) ' Phono BHtw. H00ni, o0 In fug itock im. JiA-niF, 11. siiaw, I'hyslcla,, nml SurgM, I'liono a:io..j. H. G. Butler civir, i:x(nxi:EU Room 304 Coke Uklg. Phone Bosldeiice Phono 3CU. W. G. Chandlnr AllCIIITi:CT Booms 301 nnd 302, Coko Dulldn, Marahflol.l, Oregon. TIMK TAIILB WILLAMH1TI3 PACIFIC MOTOR CAU Luava Marshflold G : 1 r a.m. 7.1f a.m. S:4C a.m. !:-ir. a.m. 10:ir, 11:30 a.m. 12:fl0 p.m. l:n p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:4fi p.m. r.:0Q'p.m. p.m. 0:rr. p.m. 7:30 p.m. North Bd 7:00 am. 3:00 i,n, 0:00 o. lOMCio, 11:00 io, 11:15 in. HIS p.o. 2:00 p.B. 3-00 p.o. 4:00 p.o. 5! 15 p.a, G:65 p.o. North city limits only. , 7MB p.a II 13 employes of this hank nro courteous, o'dlylim and Kind to ciistomiMN In every possible wy, unit tho ol fleers, ac cessible :t nil times, 1110 ever ready to iive tho ;mt runs tho hcucNt of tlioJr wide experience In business ns well as banklue; affairs. You nru cordially Invited to con sult with us i-cirnrdlni; any matters in uhlch our knowledge may ho of value to you. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho fnmoui HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton $1.00 Lump coal, per ton $Mfl Or halt ton of both $15 I). JIl'SSO.V, Prop. Phono llil or lcavo ortlcn it tlllljcr's Cluar Store. wnaimuuiuinui j W00DG00D WOOD 1 - j W. II. l.hiKo has It nt $1.50 and 9'J cash per load, also coal, Willi ' l'Vl('Wl.J.'oa.vjiinhle. d'arbgo rcnt od. Phono UU7-.I. First ani Marshfield, N ational of Coos Bay DRY WOOD at CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Krunt Street Phono 37PJ Orcg on oagiiignBaragga5BCTgTOsgTg?tgs! nsanzssssFsc; FLHIEHI i BEMHETT UK OLDI3ST 1IANK IN COOS COLNT1' L'stnblUliwl 1S8U. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Pfofits $118,000 interest paid on Tlmo ANl HAVINGS DKPOSITS Offkera J. W. P.ouiictt, Prasldont. ; J. II. Flanagan, VIro-l'rcUIent. It. K. Williams, Cu&hler. Ceo. I'. Winchester, Aast. OAfhler. MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Pluvo for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor, Commercial aud H'dtT'j. BOUTII COOS llIVKil 110AT 8KIIV1CK JiAUNCM Kxritias IctiVM .Mnrsirrichl every il 8 . 111. Leaves head of rh nt :! I. '" BTIMMUIl UAIMIOIV lcme head of ilvcr daily t 7 a. m. Leaves Mandifleld nt 2 p. mi. Kor chni tor apply a board. ICOGKIW .V1 SMITH Proprietors Idly The tOHchera of the arliool have been roquettod to hueu the Chrlst- That plaintiff recover f.-oni you the HH9f Of H44 SKLLINC flOODS 0 Tbo big problem In sellinG goods Is KOtUutf tho cuitomor j into too store. Coo liny ) Tlnioa nda will holp you aolvo I this problom. o : a 1 I -J mas exorcistfs of tlio acliool vory slm 3I1.I11I0. Christinas restlvitles proporly' lU'lOlltf tO tllU I'lllll'I'llMS mill .ll.Illnn ! Hon uuikoM the season, uuueceeearlly I strenuous. Tho spirit or the boasou Min'iioniST cnuitcii Rev. A. S. Hisey, Pastor. North Bend Tho services Sunday will bo follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. 11:00 a. m. Sermon. Vesper Clrclo nnd Epworth Languo nt 7 p. m. 4 , j HAY PABK CIIAPKL I 10. II. Campbell, Pastor. j A. L. Buti, Treaauror. Mrs. Ciiaa. McKuight, prealdeut Women's Auxiliary. M'aa Mary Kruae. organist. J. T. Urand. Supt. Sunday school. Sunday school, 10 a. m. 11 a. iu. "Some INiaitojnentnl lldeas about Cod. 7:30 p. in. "I.easoua Krom Huth." Prayer meeting 7:80 p. 111. Thursday. ---. 2-30 i. 111. Sunday School K. A.i Sacchl, auperlntoudout. I 7.30 p. m. Preaching by IS. II. I Campbell MId-wcok prayor moating. Wod- iiosday, 7. 30 p. in. I MAHSIIKIKLD IMtlCSIlVTKIHAN I CHUltCII j Rev J S. Stubblofleld, Pastor 9 Chas. II. Lowry, cleric of scsalous NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. F. A. KSIij?irn SAILS von PORTLAND (Via Astoria) DKCKMBKIt 8 1 FOP. FUUTHKH INFORMATION SMITH TURMIXAL DOCK. PIIOXH 13(1. A. V NOTT, Apent. Pwgefe , Sound Bridge & ig Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction CONLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" Iho most pouorfnl, best wiulpj.wi and most thoroughly modern twenty-Inch hydraulic drodtf In Pacific water Coos Bay office, x lyiain office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. J ctfMj v ! WESTERN LOAN AND . Lt, BUILDING bu. Assels $2,340,000.00 j Pays 8 per cent on savings j I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. I Local Treasurer j t.j. soAiFEeA.n.noncixs Marshfield ftfi co. SWKDISII i:VAX(ULl(?AL LUTIIISIIAN CIIUItOH. - Itov. llengatou Cornir Third and Conimorclal. Holdeueo-28l Highland. PHon 'J l-It. :W a. in. Sunday Sobool. (1 a. m. Sorvlco. Confiimntlon clans at Marshfield - p 111 every tSaturday. Qisalsty Groceries " High Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagiand The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 uu27ffisa&&e; "GRAVE SE?flH3WriEtarc2 Wo are notv prepared to fumlsh GRAVEL In any untltle from pile In our yard or In carload lots, at following prlcoa? From pllo vou ground, 52.V5 per yard. Oanoad lots, taken from care. ?2.00 per yard. Itetall C. A. Smith. Lumber & Mfg. Co. Oppovlto Pos-Offlco, Phone iOO. . i.mta!ird Kstiiuaiira --- nrtOI I nilMnAW ; KM UUIiun L-rtTAIlMfi m PARLORS, will be k ., A gnlyr Mate c undertaker ' be charge PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Phono 10.W B$&8&!!!!! 0et jour Job printing I Times office. don tH