i'iviigi,T",',' f f ' THE C0S BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1 915 EVENING EDITION. FIVE I " il hO i n r r b pfs&-zs2a w jt il Z "" .Zl V-" I TNJeckwejar specials We have the finest line of 25-cent Neckwear that has ever been shown on Coos Bay. All styles string ties, bow ties, four-in-hand ties, bat-wing ties, etc., in the latest shades and only 25 cents. When it comes to Christmas shopping for the men and boys, THE FIXUP is Santa Claus' supply shop.. Quality -gifts of the kind that men appre ciate are to be found hero. In addition to our reg ular stock, the Kilburn will bring us special Christ mas goods from San Francisco. THE Till: PLACE WHERE Till? PRICE IS ALWAYS RIGHT MARSHFIELD SOUTH REND FIXUP To the Voters of Marshfield Much has boon said of tlio respective morlts of both candidates for Moyor. However, It' Is 'not lho' purpose of tills nrtlclo to boost for Mr. Copplo or Mr. Kvortson. You will do your wholo duty, both to yoursolf mid to tho city whon you bo to tho polls. Hut even so you will not bo doing your wholo duty to yoursolf until you lake ndvantngo of tho opportunity offered you In securing u hoinoHlto In Poihnm Purk. A Htnall monthly pnyiuuut will liatullu ono of tiit'Ho cholro lots. (aiKiiod) (Paid Advortlsomont) W. A. HEIR. Soft w ater crijfj"HixTr"LOM"iiiirrTji rrr'jriiit'i Tho advantages of soft water such as afforded hero tiro many and of such Importanco that a great number of cities with hard wnlcr supplier havo Installod wator-sortonlng plants nt largo ex pense. Tho olivines at onp roqulrod for washing la considerable Tlio labor of washing la much reduced. Tho wonr and tear of clothing Is consequently diminished. Loss fuel Is roqulrod to heat soft wntor and hot water is obtained moro quickly. Soft wa ter Is highly doslrablo for atoam bollor uso in mills, etc. Soft water In moro doslrablo from n health standpoint than hard water. Soft wator brlnus a copper colored Iron stain from aldor troo leaves at tho tlmo of heavy rains, but it only affects tho color and appearanco of tho wator. This stain cannot bo removed by fil tering or chemical trentmont. Ho not mtiko tho mistake- of heat ing your hot wntor supply to higher tomporaturo than necessary ns It causes needless rusting of tho hot wator piping. KRkhH COOS BAY WATER. COMPANY MARSHFIELD AND NORTH REND, OREGON. Safety First. Service? FlltK AND MARINE.' AUTOMOHILE. HICATrif, ACCI1M3XT, LIFE, WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION AND LI AIM MTV INSURANCE E.I., CHANDLER, Agency. Coke lliilMliis Minefield, Oregon. RECEMRER TIRES - Tlmo and heights of tides at l Mnrshtlold. Tho tides aro placed In t n print nt nnflilrfimnn ...III. tliAlw .I.am v.mw. w& wvui i vuiu, null tuvil liliiCD 1 n Inn Mm flrnt lino nn.l linlrrl.lo 1,0 blUMler, ! second lino of each day. A compar ison or consecutive heights will In dlcato whether It Is high or low water. High tldo on tho bar one hour and bi' minutes carllor than at Marshfield. of the high school. They expect to return on tho afternoon train. This organization was formed at Bandon and Its purpose Is to get the In structors together for tho purpose of talking over school problems and situations and the best ways of meeting them. To Speak Tomorrow. The llov. O. Lo Roy Hall expects to speak tomorrow morning at Flagstaff and In the evening will preach over at Ilrs. Ft. . , Ilrs. Ft.., Hrs., Ft.., HrB., Ft... 4.21 l.G 5.17 1.8 O.fiO 4.0 1.4 B 4.2 10.42 G.l 11.27 L.G G.l I 1.9 7.09 2.0 0.5(5 0.2 0.18 -0.4 12.14 G.9 12.G2 G.G n.r.2 3.8 0.0 0.0 7.38 -0.8 8.27 1.1 . WEATHER FORECAST OREGON Occasional rain west, unsottlod, probab- ly rnln or snow east, colder 0.1st tonight, southerly winds. . SUNRISE AND SUNB.KT ! Saturday December 4. Sun rises at 7:3C and sets nt 1:27. O Also HikI Xo Lights. Tho auto of It. A. Copplo was reported at tho po lice station for having no lights af ter dark. There were three mach ines teportcd on the Uooka this morning. , li'iui iniuti). ..uina lilll ownuoi 'domestic science teacher, this inorn- flng took her class to visit the bako shop of tho Coos Hay Hakcry and witness tho production of bread and pastry on a commercial scale. To Movo Here. Dr. Pratt is hero from Gardiner making nrrnugements to movo to Cooos Hay. Ho will bo associated with Dr. Ilartlc nnd ex pects to movo here before January 1. Ho has many friends on tho Hay who will wclcomo him here. Ho has practicca successfully at Gardiner for several years. Action Dismissed. A voluntary dismissal wns taken today In Judge Coke's court by the plaintiff In tho enso of Hluno versus llelino & Hnlmos, the former ouo-tlmo owner of tho Coos Hay Hnkory'nnd tho latter tlio present viwuor. Htnno' sought to hold HalmcH responsible for n $500 nolo given by Hclmb. Huk'ouy Disappears. Carpontcrs this morning went to work sawing off tho lower balcony of tho Lloyd Orleans to spend his Christmas vacation and get another whiff of good southern sunshine. He will i return sometime after New Years. GEORGE A. GOULD was down from ; Allegany this morning looking after business matters. CHARLES CROUCH, of llaynes In let, was here today looking after some buslhons matters, ! MRS. NELS PETERSON', of Tomplc ton, was down this morning do ing come Christmas shopping. 'MRS. SWAN PETERSON camo down on the Messenger today from Hayncs Inlet to do some shopping, HEN FISHER Is expected homo on the stage either this evening or tomorrow from Portland where ho was called In connection with the Shook case. , FRED M'COLLUM of North Rend returned overland yostcrdny from j tho Exposition, Mrs. McCullom remained thero to spend the hoi- j Idnys nt tho homo of her sister, Mrs. Harry Moffltt. I JERRY HUNTLEY of Gold Uench j arrived hero yestorday to visit his' bqii, Hnrry Huntley, nt North ! Bend and also to look nftor mat ters at tho coming term of circuit court In Coos county. Mr. Hunt loy says Curry county hns had' an unusually prosperous season. A Big Saving in Ladies' Coats & Wool Middies A saving of 25 per cent over any so-called sales. EX; amine these articles and be convinced for yourself." $3.50 French Serge Middies. Our price $2.98 $2.75 Wool Serge Middies. Our price $1.98 $8.00 Plaid Coat, fancy trimmed. Our price ...$4.98 $12.00 Novelty Coat, cut in the latest design $8.9q $15.00 Novelty Coat, cut in the latest design ...$9.90 ONE-PIECE WOOL DRESSES $8.00 Messaline Dress, black $4.98 $6.00 Wool Poplin, Navy Blue. Our price $4.98 $8.00 Wool Serge, Navy Blue. Our price $4.98 Men's $5.00 Rain Coat, double texture $2.98 GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING ' Sl Ineerporsted J Tlio Originators of Low Prices. Wo Load Others Follow Go To Power. Mrs. W. J. Hill iuid son, Hilly, left this week for 'Powers to Join Mr. Hill and mnko tholr homo thero. v "Will Itiin Nights. James Alton hns announced that ho will run n night shift of tho shluglo mill cm ploying two men. Visit Gurdlnei-. Tho Rev. R.obort H. Drowning will lcavo Monday morning on tho boach Btago for Gar diner to conduct services In tho Episcopal Church thero Monday ovbnlng nnd Tuesday morning. Ilml Xo Lights An automobllo with n 22 1 15 llcensl) was roported for having no lights Inst night, nenr tho corner of Tenth and Central. Also tho car of V. J. Conrad carried no light on 11th, between Central ' and Commercial avenues. Has III I Poison. Mrs. Chrlstlno ! Kruso of West Murshflold has been I siifforlng from an attack of blood ' poisoning In her arm, resulting from tho infection of n wound caliscd by a crochet needle. SU'clhcvid Season' Tho Btoolhoad '.salmon soason will opon next Frl iday. C. E. Nicholson, of tho Cold "Storage., has arranged to hnudlo !.them again this season,- shipping thorn In ico to Portland and Seat i tie. Tho prlco this season will bo threo cents per pound. (h.hier Found. Oron Hurrows today telephoned Tho Tlmos that tho ownor of tho loggor's pack which ho found In Hunkor Hill yos torday and ndvortlsod in Tho Tlmos last night had boon locnted. Tlio buudlo was found near tho railroad 'tracks and was thought to have fal I Ion from tho train, i To Form Team. Tho Knights of Di.tlilnu nt Vnrlll llniul OXIIOCt to form a basket ball team and wm ' o,wl nut olinllnnirna for KflVGnil I DITDOriMAI MCMTIOM "' .... .. rUilUUNil- IIILIV I IUIW gnmes through , tho winter, i noso who probably will' bo In tho lineup aro, Fremont Hodson, Clarenco Kiu PUBLIC MARKET UP MEANS OF AFFORDING FARMER OUTLET FOR PRODUCE STARTED Chamber of Commerce Hacks Movo Joining of Four Orgnnlw ( tloiiH Also Set On Fool Peanut Rolled noioi wnicn is now umiergomg re-; E8tabiBhmciit of a public market pairs. The balconies were claimed whoro fnl.mor8 of Co08 ny nmy to bo menaces by Flro Chief tanmcot ,ilroctly with tho housowlvod Keating. Tho hotel Ih to bo rofln- nnt, Bocuro ft fav0rnblo maikot for .lshed throughout, uccordlng to tho)thu,r ro,HCO WI',B ftlVored by nioui-i ownor, J. H. Hridges, who i8 hero., ,)orH ot lho Cmmi,or 0 Commorco Biipcrlntondlng tho work. J1nBt ovonB t0 8ueh nn extent that ActloiiH Stnrtwl In tho Justice Pn,n,nition n, twn mn wna .. Aourt this morning three BarnlBh-j,,)0ntC(, to iVcstlgnto, with power niuiiiB wuio iiiunviuuii in uiu omul- t0 nct( Tho foot of Commorclnl ave-' sou Lumber company against om-(llllo wn BURKC8lcd s n B00,i locn. ployeos. Ed Volz brought anot0n for BUch n ninrket. Further-, against Frank Standlsh for 2C; and Lnor0( tho ,emU0rs argued, and another against Robert Simpson forlnmny of thom favoroiIi ti,0 project' ?10. Tho Commercial IninortlnB,now on foot to Join tlio Clmmbor ofl compnny brought a garnlshnibnt pro- commorco, tho Mllllconia Club, tlio i ceodlng ngnlnst Charles Helsner ot ni i Rainess Men's Association ami thoin,I(' ,!on 1,,R,1r ll commlttco to fur for $3(5. Fellowship Club Into ono husky nr4tl,or '"vestlgato lho matter of coii- Wlio Im It. Thero wns a mystery 'guiilztitlon. flolldntlon. Mr. Peck" will broach tho nt tho poljco station this morning. It : Work for Market question at tho Fellowship Club wns perfectly plain on tho pollco uug, jjcLnln, president of tho' nu-,ot,1,B n Tuesday evening. that Tom Williams was Incarcoratod chambor of Commorco nnd W. U. I for a shifted load but tho second 1 noiiKlas. nrosldont of tho Mllllcomal T,l Catholic ladles of Marshflold contribution to tho hotel was entlroly club, aro tho mombuYs of tho net- w111 otortnln With n silver ten .Monday artornoon nt tho Homo of Mrs. A. II. Powers. Hero is an opportunity to got nn Aluminum Coffee1 Percolator for l)l)o. .lust think of It, IM)c, mid It's n rinr.dy, Como In nnd soo them, or seo our iilndow. Jlcio Is our plan: With every it pound can of coffeo or it pounds of K'loHv' Ji corieo ui our ivguinr prices Ijulj'gr 31 wu urn koIii; to hell you ouo of WfJ'mt theod coffeo makerx for l)c tho i ck-liiillotn cost 1 1 rice. Hiitter, tho Hintio hind and tho mino price, U lbs. for 'JZe Oa(H, largo parkago ti.lc 11 Qg? ir'7mrZJ Gettings Cash Grocery youSmoEney NO. HROADWAY, NI1VU CENTRAL minus nn nppolatlon, In fact, Instead nB committee, working toward n as of ovon being a blank, thoro wns nubile market. n hugo (tiestton marl: on tho book. I Discussion of tho matter w It was roportod that closo onto "brouglit up by Mr. Douglas. Ho eight bolls, midnight, n waterlogged said that something la vitally wrong craft was decried In tho offing bywlth the community. For years Lookout Slioup, who organized n thoro has boon a steady payroll In llfo-snving brlgado to breast tho this city, yet tho cost of living has frothing sens and bring tho doro- been nnd U oxtronioly high. Hobo- ELKS MEMim Tho Marshflold Lodgo of Elks will hold tholr nuuual memorial oxer- lict Into port. Though It wns a dark llovos 0110 of tho main causes la that CB08 nt ti,0 n0i, Thoator Sunday and stormy night, tho valiant men ro much .money Is flout out of tho ( u(toriloon t 1 o'clock. Tho Borvlcoa wont forth, on tholr mission of mor-jolty to othor cltlos for tho buying of ar ,mi,ic and tho public generally cy and salvage They found plenty ' produce which should bo raised by1,,, jnvlteil (o nttond. of tho former and llttlo of tlio mt-, iocwi lurwurs aiiu oiu ni nomc. 1 Tho ,nomoriai 80rvlcca aro hold , Doth Mr. Douglas and Mr. McLaln for Ul0 lccmsod memhor8 of Oro- Hcctiro saino nt The Timos .offlco by dcocrlblug properly nhd puylng for this notice. LOST ON IlllOADWAV Sum of money. Rownrd for its return to Hox "P," Times office. I.O.ST l'lvo coupon JiooTch ot milk tickets. Rownrd for return to Coos Hay Ico & Cold Storago Co. tor, for tho human nuostlonmnrk hnd not ono ponny In his Jeans for tho provorblal general fund. snld thoy favored tho proposition of gou and dosplto tho 250 mombors intnotl.Wf l.l nit.. n n nnt.ll 1 ' ....hmiMi,.,...u.,,ra.Blll)) ,0(lB0 has fow ,,occaBO(l thoy start at nil and by next yar)mom,)or8 Tho momorlnl rltua, of uiu luiiuuin ivuuiu iuiuw muy uuiu 0'CEAN "BfACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Leave Marshfield nt 7 n. ni., and returning leaving from Kinplro nt a. nu Leave Marshfield nt 11 nan. and returning leave South Blough 111 1 p. in. Lcavo Mnrshfleld nt 5 p. in. nnd rctiinilntf icao South Slough nt O l. "' lor, Josoph Harbor, Charles van S5llo Jr., nnd Horbort Warren. Coaiilllo Contest. O. S. Torroy .has returned from Coqulllo whoro ho bttonded a big mooting of tho Mooso .lodgo Thursday night. Five candl 'dates woro Inltiatod and a member ship campaign launched.. Ho said it was no of tho best meetings ho over attended and thoy expect to a regular market horo. Tho mat ter of luncheons with tho farmers to . tiAAAiAAAiAAAAAAAAAiAAA! I tlUk OVOr 'N0""8 f "Operation WS WILLIAM GOODMAN camo up yes-' Ti,oro WnB a division nmonc tho tlio Elks is nu especially linprcs'slvo ono. DR. H. E. KELTV. Dentist, UOI CokoHId. Phono 1J2-.T. I- FOR SALE t FURNITl'RE 1'OK SALE -Comploto hoiiHokoopIng outfit, Including some Myrtlowood, A bargain for cash n next wook. Call, E Times offlco. torday from Emplro on a visit. mombors rogardlng tho Joining of rather favoring tho grouping of tho ,V,',,I,I "';. ; o f Fellowship Club, tho Mllllcoma f!lnl.' "', A' ( W,la fo" Mayor (l'nl.1 Ad havo a big time, whon tho contostj nURT M'CULLOOH nnd wlfo hnva MRS. NANCY M'INTOSH, of Catch- Lt,0 four organltatlons, tho sontlmont Ing Inlot, was in the .city today on n visit. ROY NORTON, of Catching Inlot, wns among tho visitors In tho city Inst ovoulng. W.'R. HAINES loft yesterday for Portland whero ho will rocolvo medical treatment. If you don't want n loose-Jolutcd, for ) FOR HALE CHEAP (his stovo Hnd hcator, also small heating stovo. 214 Commorclnl nvenuo. t FOR RENT t FOR RENT Modern (I room liousn Nlco yard mid garden on paved Street. South 5th St. f 12 por mouth. Seo I. S. Kaufman Co. or J, C. Doano. oble Theate TO-NIGHT . "WHO" PAYS- TI.U U 1. ery Important ..uesloi .' t ill Ik Uflilc! tonight In tho fentm-o D').v plfturo. l.ntIHi "THE PRICE OF FAME" This Is tho fht of IS drama dealing with Ut.,1 unction- of life Tlio iiueMiim Who Pays'.' .,.,., wim-. "Tho las installment of "THE ROMANCE OF KLAIN ,h s 1-.g tho 0...t..ra of C.-..IB Konncly ..u.1 his n.urriago to Llatno Do.lKo f "initTOOXS IN THE llAlfllBltSHOP" One of tho nnlmated nroucl. c1ui.soi-(.o.hI for eiei, ono to ,U8h " Loner Floor Ific ClTlWron 3c ltakony 10c ts zx ssj: -l 11 gi eater picture ami n moro icalUtie nt,'" ' "riii uiiAii i.iicn closes tho first Thursday In January From War Zone. Cal Wright ihas Just recolved a lottor nn his son, Rceso Wright, who Is ono of tho engineers on tho Stand ard Oil tankor nrlndllla. Ho wroto from Tunis, Alglors, whero ho hns ust mado his second trip. Ho said that thoy wero twlco detained by warships of tho warring nations. Ho roto enthusiastically of Tunis. Tho llrindllln ia duo back nt Now4 York about any day now. Roiiiidtnblo Meets. Thero was a meeting In Coqulllo today of tho Coos County Roundtablo, a newly formed association of tho men teach ers of tho county. Attending from Marshflold wero Supt. F. A. Tled gen and Professors Walto, Barragar, and Leland. From North Rend wero Supt. Coo and Prof. Crubbs. returned to Camp Ono after n short stay In Marshflold. DR. F. S. PRATT,- of Oardluor, camo down on tho stage last evening to confer with Dr. Hartley of North Rend. nnd tho Chambor of Commorco Into ono, thus giving to tho lattor organ ization tho social feature that bus boon lacking. Tho members who spoko In favor of this movo woro C. It. Peok, W. U. Douglas, Hugh McLnlu, Stewart Lyons, I. S. Kaufman, C. I. Relgard nnd F. 13. Allen. " I havo examined tho member ship it-lea of all four of these orga nizations, said Stewart' Lyons, " and find that many of tho mombors be ,S NP TODAY t I FOR RENT (l-rooui 110110, nicely furnished, all modern; also 2, 3-room flats furnished or unfur nished, reasonable Phono Mr. Wilson, 151-L. R. S. KNOWLTON, promlnont drug- long to all four of tho organizations gist and business man of CoquIIIo, mentioned, aud pay dues In thorn n ... -...AM Innl n.Anl.n fit. A CllmVf ' IUII1U UC IUDI U1VJIIII(J tt W..W. business trip. v CHARLES HALL loft this morning vlt tho' Myrtle Point route for Portland whero he was called on urgent business. C. J. FUHRMAN, proprietor of Fuhrman's pharmacy in Coquille, camo over last evening to nttenu ' tho meeting of tho Coos Phar maceutical Association at North Hond. WILL GOODRUM is intending to leave soon for his homo In New all." President McLaln appointed C. It, PeckWlDoiiglas, Earl Powell Avoid additional bonds for city expense: by voting for It. A. Copplo for .Major. (Paid Ad.) 1 FOR RENT ((.room liouso partially j furnished, clone In. Ph. F. M. Painter, 241-J. I FOR RENT Furnished flat, Hot nnd I cold water, bath. 8C3 Third St. 1 j FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, I Low rent, 352 First Streot North. Phono 333-J. FOR RENT .1 room Hiingnlow fur nlshod, good location. Rent $'-& 5 roams, unfurnlsho, ?1. Ap ply to Tltlo Guarantee & Abstract Company. 1 BSBI DECIDEDLY DIFFERENT Parisian Ivory for Christmas Seo 011,. window. It Is full of this popular Ivory In SOLID Myli Xo wood-filled pieces are car. led In stock. It is also lirlced il:rht. Start a w?t for oo one. It makes n most prac tical and appreciative gift. "The Owl" The Central Ave. Drug Store Frank D. Cohan I For Christmas Leather Goods are always appropriate Wo havo a largo ahd extensive lino of everything that is mado in leather. Seo theso goods before you finish shopping. THE BUSY CORNER Tho Reuill Drug Stoie Phono U08 Wo deliver immediately FOR RENT Now and modern Itl room liouso, with bnsomont und all modern conveniences, Includ ing two bath rooms, two toilets, laundry tubs In basomont, arrang ed for two famlllo West Hunker Hill. Ront 520 por month. Apply F. W. Payno at S.nlth mill. WANTED Set of tlo making tools. Apply 'offlco of Central llotol. FOR THE NEXT it( DAYS io Mill deliver to you In good condition, ono dozen choice, assorted roso bushes for H, with order. Port- . land Roso Nursery, Lents, Oregon, I. , . - Nl'RSE GIRL WANTED Mrs. Hnr- ! ry Nasburg. Apply Olllvant & I Nasburg Grocery. $ t LOST AND FOUND FOl'ND Leather puro containing small sum of money and receipt for hunting license Owner may SARTER'S For Your ICE CREAM EVERYTHING SANITARY ALWAYS OPEN FOR INSPECTION Wo uiako Ico Cream to ordor, any kind and in any quan tity, for parties, lodges, pic nics, t-tc. :: :: :: :: s:i AVo do not xpeak of its Q U A L I T Y That speaks for Itself SAR-TER'S Phono IMIH-.T, Marshfield Front St., OppMitn Rlnnco Hotel ummmmmmmmmmmammmm FARE TEN CENTS City Limits North Rend, Be. nn COMMUTATION lift ZU TICKETS $1.73 ZU Mnrshfield-North Read Auto Line Cars every ten minute from O a. in. to IS p. in. to South Slough once a day, leaving at 11 a. ui.t to Empire three trlpa a day. 00R8T & KING, Prop. -- t.. nt iiitjr.iit .i. . 'iL.