ssasasasHRuKiTr. in. m , -N-- s THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHPIELfr, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1 915 EVENING EDITION ; FOUR 7 PINE STREET CASE ! ' ha, I ! I W h HI ft ft t COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONBV, Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor - Official Pnprr of Coos County Official Paper City ot Mnrslifiold. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Kutorod at tbo Postofflco at Marah field, Orogon, for transmission through tbo malls BGcond-class mall matter. An lndopondcnt Republican nows papor, publtshod ovory ovonlng ex cept Sunday, and wookly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. L . - A. X. AV. CliUll SUHSGRIVTION RATES DAILY. Ono yoar $0.00 Per month .CO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.60 When paid strictly in advanco tho subset Iptlon pilco of tho Coos Ray Times is $G.OO por yoar or $2.50 for six months. t EUROPEAN WAR ONE X YEAR AGO TODAY t $ DEC. -1, 1MM Tho French begin a bombardment at a range of eight miles of tho town of Arnavlllo. Tho derman nrtlllory attacks in tho vicinity of Ypres again fall. Tho battlo in Russian Poland re mains undecided, both (lornmns and Russians claiming tho advantage. Tho Gorman crulsor Karlsruho Is in tho North Atlantic near the lano traversed by tho Allies' ships. NOT TI.ME FOR CITY HALL T HIE TIMES is a bollovor in progress. It has a firm faith in tho futuro of Marshfield and Coos Ray. Tho Times hns given proof of its confldcnco In this community by building a per manent homo of its own. Rut Tho Times docs not think tiat this is tho proper tlnio to bond tho city for a now $35,000 city hall. Thcro arc many reasons why such action would bo 111-advlBcd at tho present tlnio. In tho first plnco wo havo Just passed through a strenuous season of depression. Taxos oro already too high. Tho taxpuyor Is entitled to some consideration and to add to his present burden -with a bond Ihhiio of $.15,000 for a now city hall is too much. Then, too, If Mnrshflold enters into the period of prosperity, growth and expansion that Is an ticipated it will bo only a fow years until such a structuro will bo decmod Insufficient and its con struction at this timo should not bo ronsldored. Another important fcaturo Is tbo possible consolidation of tho cities on tho bay. Such an ovont may not bo far distant and it would render practically valueless any city hall built at this tlnio. Thoro Is much to bo gained and nothing to loso by dolnylng action on this municipal improvement for tho present. Every votor should voto "No," on tho city hall proposition next Tuesday. Tho A. N. W. Club members had an especially plcasnnt afternoon last Thursday nt tho homo of Mrs. Olivia Edman. During tho business ses sion, officers for tho coming year wore nominated and will bo voted on next wock when tho club meets at tho homo of MrB. Lily Frlcdbcrg. Sowing and social chat followed this part of tho program, after which tbo hostess assisted by Mrs. Nancy Noblo and Mrs. E. O'Conuoll, Bervcd dainty refreshments. Tho members out this week wore: Mrs. F. E. Allen, Mrs. G. A. Reunett, Mrs. Carl Evertscn, Mrs. Lily Frledberg, Mrs. F. E. Hague, Mrs. A. T. Haines, .Mrs. AHco Hall, Mrs. Frances Haz ard, Mrs. Elizabeth Hydo, Mrs. Alex andra Lando, Mrs. Knto Lando, Mrs. E. Mlngus, Mrs. Georgo F. Murch, Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mrs. Mary McKiilght, Mrs. Nancy Noblo, Mrs. E. O'Connoll, Mrs. II. E. Qulst, Mrs. Annlo Tower, Mrs. Charles Stauff and tho hostess. " 4 $ JIIXXE-WIS CLUR The Mlnno-Wls Club membors and a fow special guests enjoyed n delightful afternoon, on Thursday, their regular mooting day at tho homo of Mrs. O. W. Rriggs on South Fifth Street, which wna prettily dec orated with huckloborry and choice iChVysanthomums .Sympathy was expressed for two or their members who woro absent: Mrs. V. E. Iloag lnnd who hns been qulto 111 but Is bettor now, and for Mrs. John Dash ney whoso husband was so seriously Injured at Powers this wock. Sow ing and conversation were followed by dollcious refreshments served by tho hostess. Tho visitors out this week woro Mrs. R. P. Harrington, Mrs. II. C. Noblo and Mrs. J. E, Stack. Tho members present woro: Mrs. Mary Thompson, Mrs. A. Z, Downs, Mrs. E. E. Kolloy, Mrs. Charles Davis, Mrs. W. S. Rrown, Mrs. F. II. Drcs- sor, Mrs. E. A. Harris, Mrs. Charles La Chapollo, Mrs. W. II. Porkins and tho hostess Mrs. Rriggs. In, two wcoks, tho club will moot with Mrs. Rrown. IlOXOIt TEACHER'S I RIRTIIDAY was sent to Mrs. W. F. Ryerly, a member of tho club, but who has been very 111 for a long time. Tho Indies present woro: Mro. Carl West, Mrs. West, Sr., Mrs. F. Avory, Mrs. Georgo Drooks, Mrs. Sarah Jordan, Mrs. W. Cavanaugh, Mrs. C. Cavan- OLD STREET CONTROVERSY REFORE REFEREE NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN SOCIETY Tho monthly business and so cial meeting of tho Ladles' Aid So ciety of tho Norwegian Lutheran Church at North Rend, wob held In tho chapel parlor Thursday after noon nt which uino plans were mado for tho Christmas festival. Mrs. R. O. Thorpo was. hostess. Thoso prosont woro Mrs. E. Rofs lnnd and Mrs. C. G. Magnus from Marshfield, Mrs. Lars Oxnovad, Mrs. John Olson, Mrs. Frctndnhl, Mrs. L. Knudson, Mtb. L. Strommon, Miss JohiiBon, Mrs. E. Llllobo, Mrs. Olo Jnrcn, Mrs. L. Llllobo, Mrs. J. Jncobson, Mrs. P. Nolson, Mrs. Gun dorson, Rev. and Mrs. R. O. Thorpo. Tho next mooting will bo hold tho first Thursday In January, with Mrs. E. Llllobo as hostess. fr ! ALPHA DELPHIAN SOCIETY I 9 SUES FO PAYMENT COOS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' ACTION TO RE TESTER Suit Filed to Determine Whether They Cam Reduce- Legal Rate- on Publication of Delinquent Tuxes A suit to recovor $1035 from Coos County has been filed by tho Coos Ray Times as n result of Coun ty Judgo Watson and Commissioners Dement and Armstrong attempting to roduco the legal rate on the pub lication of tho delinquent tax list. C. R. peck Is attornoy for Tho Times and tho easo will bo hoard at the Decembor term of court. L. A. LIN Jeqvlst will uppear for tho county. Tho action is begun following nn arbitrary stand taken by Judgo Watson add his associates. Tho regular legal rate for publishing tho delinquent tax list Is five cents per lino. It was with the understanding that this was the amount to bo paid Tho Times published tho delinquent tax list as .prepared by Sheriff Johnson. Tho Tenchors of tho Central School building eolobrated tho birthday of Mrs. A. E. Glossop, who Els nlso n member of tho teaching staff on Thursday nftornoon, after Bchool hours with a "spread" In tho rest room. A delightful hour or two of chat was enjoyed by tho fol lowing: Mrs. Glossop, Mrs. C. E. Ash, Mrs. P. M. Wilbur, and tho Misses: Abercromblo, Larson, Im- mol, Griffon, Corning and Sprnguo. XEIOHRORIIOOD CARD CLUR I After tho usual business session nnd literary program at tho homo of Dr. Mattlo R. Shaw on South Fifth Strcot, tho membors sowed nnd chntted, tho main topic of conversa tion being, of courso, Chlrstmns. Suggestions were offered and dis cussed ns to tho means of obtaining now members for tho society which will moot again next Monday ovonlng with Mrs. Ollvo K. Rrown. Tho hostess sorvod dainty refreshments nt tho closo of tho pleasant ovonlng. Thoso out woro: Mrs. Harriett Kol logg, Mrs. Kato Lando, Dr. Shnw and tho Misses: Myrtlo Downer, Allco Curtis, Gr'aco Johnson, Ellen Rudnas, and Myrtlo Mlllor. TRIO CARD CLUR I Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbrnnd extended hor hospitality yesterday afternoon to tho Indies of tho Trio Card Club at thulr regular session. Miss Shaw substituted for Mrs. J. II. 'Stnddon, who was unablo to bo prosont, and won prizes for high score at cards. At tho closo of tho pleasant nffalr, tho hostess sorvod an appetizing luncheon to hor guests. Tho mem bors out this week woro: Mrs. Lo MIoux, Mrs. W. Schroodor, Mrs. T. S. Hnrvoy, Mrs. C. R. Wolls, Mrs. H. A. Wolls, MrH. J. G. Jlnnoy, Mrs. II. E. Rultmann, Mrs. Henry O'Marn, Mrs. Frank Denning, Mrs. Jensen nnd Mrs. Hlldonbrand. In two wooks, tho club will moot ngaln with Mrs. Kiunoy. Plaintiffs Would Enjoin City 1-Yoin Sinking Improvement Along New Lines on Street Tho taking of testimony by stipu lation In tho Pino Btreot case began yesterday in tbo office of J. W. Dennott. J. F. Policy was under examination the greater part of thc day. Tho testimony of witnesses! will bo later placed boforo Judgo Sklpworth for Ills decision in tho case brought to enjoin tho city from going ahead with tho improvement of Pino or First streot, according to tho lines of tho bo called Clement plat, which Itself is In dispute. City Attornoy Goss, assisted by tho J. W. Ronnott office, is representing tho city nnd C. R. Peck, tho plaintiffs. A. R, Loud la taking tho testimony. Tho suit to enjoin was filed in tho circuit court sovoral months ago. Tho lines of tho Clement plat aro in dispute. Tho plaintiffs contend that tho Clement plat was meant to follow tbo lines of tho S. R. Cnth cart survey, nnd further that tho Clomont plat was made and put on paper without any survey until In' 1901, somo 21 years lator, J. F. Pol icy conducted a survey. Tho testimony shows that then Mr. Policy Instructed tho council tho street was running ono degrco oast of north and was by thorn Instructed to chaugo it to duo north and south. Tho defondnutB, tho city, thercforo claim then Hint tho north and south lino is tho ono adopted. This lino docs not follow tho present strcot, but cuts Into yards, behind fences nnd "directly through four or flvo houses, including tho residences of Mnx Tlmmornfnn, Judgo Colco and Dr. Tower. Howover, tho plaintiffs further contend, that after giving thoso In Htructlons to Mr. Policy, tho coun cil called for bids, nnd accepted im provements along tho present lines, tho ones used for tho Inst 30 years. Two Witnesses Up Today Claudo Na8burg and City Engineer 4. . uiuioy woro cniiou as witnesses this morning. Tho formor had taken pictures, which woro ad mitted In evidence, of conditions provnlllug on First nr Pino streot, and Mr. Gldloy testified regarding Btroot lines. This closed tho ovl donco taking for tho prenunr, it was announced. . K im:.V LK.U One! WiMf STRAIGHTEN R II HO HUNKER HILL WOULD ELIMIN ATE KINKS IN HIGHWAY Tho Neighborhood Card .Club was ontortalnod at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Loud on North Tenth Streot, "500" being tho diver sion of a very pleasant evening at tho closo of which, Mrs. Loud Horvod the guests wltha sumptuous luncheon. Noxt week Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dlmunt will entertain tho club. Thoso out wero: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Rrown, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Matt son, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo R. And erson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feller, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dlment. INFORMAL EVENING I Last Wednesday ovonlng, Mrs. D. J. McKlnnou entortalned Infor mally at bridge whist In honor of Mr. McKInnon's birthday, Mrs. C. W. Cumbers winning ladv's nrlzof Wlion tno bill was presentod for and C. R. Peek centloman's. Af- tho nmount, $1,035, tho comity com-1 tor a delightful evening of this Court Orders Now Survey Mado of jiouu penning into Hunker Hill Front tho South Asking that tho county road, np proachlng Dunkor Hill from Coqulllo bo straightened so as to cross tho railroad via an overhead roadwnS" loading straight Into Dunkor Hill, turning nt tho Hunker Hill stor'o to ward Marshfield, a potltlon has boon Hboral'y signed nnd tho county court has Blgnlflod Its willingness to in struct tho county surveyor to map out tho clmnHO. Notices wero posted 30 days in Dunkor Hill nftor tho signing of tho petition and tho railroad has filed an objection to tho overhead cross ing, which will bo hoard by tho court nt tho final hearing In this mnttor. I Autolsts havo often complained that the sharp turn, mado In tho county road as it neara Hunkor Hill and Just north of tho school, Is not only dangerous, but Is a urado thnt 'stalls machines for they havo to slow down to mako tho turn at right an gles. It 13 csntcndoj that tho nlat .of Last Saturday evening, tho local fBi nl:.r 1. :j shows tho road contlnu- HOME MADE HAPPY Announcement was received hero this week of a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Rogor Kemp at their homo in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mrs. Komp was formerly Miss Maud Painter, who at ono tlnio mado her homo In Marshfield. This is their first child. , SURPRISE RIRTIIDAY PAINTY mlsslouers, at tho instigation of Judgo Watson, cut It to three cents por lino. Tho warrant for tho lat ter payment was rojected by Tho Times. Tbo matter was taken up with the county commissioners but Judgo Watson refused to reconsider although District Attornoy Llljoqvlst .udvlsed an adjustment. Tho case is of stato-wldo Import ance us the question of law ratsod will affect ovory other county In tho state. As a result tho Oregon Edi torial Association has becomo in- financially In carrying It higher courts It need bo. to the Times want ads bring results. pastime, tho hostess served a dainty luncheon. Thoso Invited wero: Mr. nnd Mrs. C. R. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Cumbers, Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Blako Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Cattorlln, Mr. ana Mrs. A. II. Powers and Mrs. Ida Conrad. fr . EASTSIDE SOCIAL CLUR Last Tuesday afternoon tho East eldo Social Club met with Mrs. torested in the caso and will assist! Robert Kittson for their business and social session, tho time being spent pleasantly In sowing and rChrlstmns chat. Refreshments wero served and a plate of tho dainties membors of tho Sigma Chi frater Unity tendered Claudo Nasburg"a de lightful surprise party In honor of 'his birthday. Tho ovonlng was spent Informally In a social way, cliat, dancing and a general good tlmo occupying tho hours. Dollcious refreshments wero served. Thoso prosent wero: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Flnna gan, Misses Floronco Aiken, Mlnnlo and Grace Sheridan, Mrs. Edna Rich ardson, Mr. and Mrs. George Steph enson, Mr. and Mrs. Nasburg and Messrs: John Mereen, Nod Hlckoy, Tom Dennett, J. E. Montgomery, Roy Drown and Charles McDonald, the last two of Eugene. t INFORMAL CHAT $? Miss Nora Hago Is expected to arrive in North Bend next week from San Francisco to spend tho Xmas holidays. Mrs. J. C. Clarke and children of North Bond loft for San Francisco on tho Speedwell this week to visit the exposition, and lator thoy expect to go further south to spend the winter. Thursday afternoon, Mrs. A. S. Hammond, Mrs. A. K, Arkloy and Mrs. C .R. Broughton spent a pleas- 1 ing straight into Bunker Hill and this Is tho only safo way for the road to run. ant afternoon at sowing, at tho homo of Mrs. L. F. Falkonsteln in North Bend. Mrs. L. F. Falkensteln and Mrs. C. R. Broughton of Norm Bend woro guests of Mrs. C. W. Cum bers at tho Myrtlo Arms Monday afternoon. augh, Mrs. Stonecyphor, Sr., Mrs. John Tollofsen, Mrs. S. F. Bock. 'Mrs. Lloyd Prescott, Mrs. W. Rob ertson, Mrs. Harry Johnson, Mrs. I, Hadlock and Miss Hilda West. Tho placo and date of tho next meeting aro as yot undecided. Mrs. G. W. Langford left for her homo in Stockton, California, Thursday, after a few days spent at tho home of hor sister, Mrs. C. M, Dyler, In North Bond. ' Mr. and Mrs. II. J. McKeown have returned from a pleasant trip to tho exposition. Mr. und Mrs. B. R. Chandler and baby returned this week from a trip to tho exposition and with Mrs. Chandler's people In Portland. Mrs. R, A. Annln and baby, of Myrtlo Point, wero guests for a few days this week of Mrs. Charles Stauff and other friends In Marshfield. Here Speedy MW5nwSJnX& vk K 7 pVV u r n Just light up your first PIEDMONT out for yourself why they're reenr iJV u'Itn If your dealer happens to be sold out U get 'em for you quick! n fffAZtJfyau.fctac Gt. I io or ai. p,w,i 1 FT he Coupon is a 20 for 10c Speed Burner, too! mmm'mmnmfimimmmmsmmmi Ciqa?;a1kit uwm c BKfl P ca Go p III racti Furniture Costs So Little and Lasts So Long T We are ready for the Christmas trade. It's a pleas ure to show you through. HE C0MIWG OF CHRISTMAS, gift giving and making are all close at hand, and it would be to preclude any chance for mistakes in makings tions for Christmas giving by adopting the pracfieei an early purchase. Of all practical, pleasing audi ing gifts, furniture stands most prominent. Then,; the fascinating feature is, it costs so little and Mj long, besides it fits the purse of everyone. Thee able evenings that arc spent around a fireside m made doubly so. v s 4 '" We sell it for less G O niM at nare? Complete House Furnishings OetH Muchliio. A. E. Adolsporgor- thls week nought a now Bulck sovon-nassenger car from Georgo ,Goodrum and has practically mas tered tho intricacies of driving a car. It la tho first ot tho largo now Dulck cars received hero and is a heanty. Let 'er Rain! ( f , If you've a man's Tower's Fish Brand Reflex Slicker $3.00 The coat that keeps out all the rain. Re flex Edges stop every drop from running in at the front. Protector Hat, 75 cents Satisfaction Guaranteed rr0WEi?O Stnd for fie catalog u A.J.TOWERCO. tTll . BOSTON SyjBWtfP Vt'Xil Advertising Service First Tho January issuo of tho Coos and Curry will go to press about Decombor 20tlu Tclepbo 1 Advertise" i nd V ' rM Immediate) nnnllcation for snaco Ju tho les ubile betwtw u . r i prr ' - ffcctivo adrertWi t medium reaching all tho buying V Itoguo Itlvors. n SPECIAL LISTINGS aro of Coos and Cum TelepM1 Times Want Ads I