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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1915)
irrrM 77T2T- -- '.. Mwv-1 1 V ri W BAY TIMES k2T . I . -H -lU . t ! I ., - -1 yl'.iUM' B5 DEE tow- wltjrMkif INflM t lhl. , 1""? "" tt.: MMAUONHXt Nii JciUJtor r'i ,'1 ..I ii .'i.-.ii ' 1 mami a rw rvimit-w jhb CMi A jsttrakflelcf. ,, IUT SMly Tims. mid-, ante- i&r trafcitamiion teti'tk' th6 toalli hi leeond-cMw ,llMilWil Ii 1 !' J ' ' ''' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' fMlMsSttd'-Afft Vinlhg'bc- Ut Hliidr, ,aad weekly, by & Opb Time rufalkriifn Co. - - - - - - - W: iitjAsimflfcio.H raxes mr ....... .6.00 8shu w:"'"-,50 TM M KIM-,' !- V 'a.!,?.?, rt airLeuy in advance: iu uwa, 01 ine uoob unj iimmlm j57STiYii . ir.'...M . ' - ... U. ttlfci' 1 i ''iK t-? I Ifc raw? ii'l k fa If 1 1 a i'i a attain itt't J I'. I J I i"K. Vd V warn' ONE, 1 PDAY m y&tetoi&miio, ii IpkHSirwamy sr I tlWferJatjd' wild violated by uriusii $$$& today b&fif vlif; (WHS Vaffctisifo 'campaign ocainat jjt?J i'lt'jiJ.ii.-i' D AUiiriKng. i , fi 6 ' HiJ (il f h ff is reportc'd. around IMi7hihl-Wrnahlii Russians "t , 1 &,',fe(fc'8fifiD OF FtfiiTUNK "M ' " '"' . JgjUl?6,S'B tbjit 4 wan of Wenty-M'-V aKoutd hakd a tow to piit I-:. ,away ai.ieasi nvo. coma n un IBtiObhla savlnfca for ton years. . M-lM,yott",rt(iilttf tliar ml the end UMnhl credit M tuo result or Bar JjHliriW'iiddli. h6 ttould. nfer '.mM iWiS unKrmouS fnfhlripn liavn "tnw.y , r'' "'"Sill . l, t.' lt-1 'ijf, .. ,.Ai 'i il ic rv T.m .,V'.1,. MGiV Jw vl BP 'Kv?liW. ' r i',Jimr4 uk HHHhuv v ? ' B A HASmBHlFSff 0HHKHBfllHf) 7;--inHDZHftJlN-KF'i0 f- w!fapBnBPr I- il-J.'i.UL, IHB r. liMBRr; WtlKo to dillliStMAS - f tit tm m Mi. MmMlt JIU. H&bfeMBER 3. laiiivfeNING feOltloM. i w.-t7;jgriM.Siiij..ftm'aii.,Jjt4- "--' 1 Y i"'" ' 'r ' ' - - '" ' " r ' ' ,;,,,-?r ,..,. . . ... , .. lyiiwii.iin'iiiiii n-iJiiiiiif iiiii-i r . -.'i- VCAAr-JBK . : . :.'- . '-.K'Kt ' T L.rfi . . i.r -.Ai. .. , ji Ty '" m i,ai. 1 ,iim ,.iV. 1 p 1 1 w 1 ii.n ii 1 111 1 11 1 y T ' - 1' , . lji .m 1 .y.' . '. ,y. .I Hv u .. Knocker s Nighthiaf ' WEE hick Of f Y&j? PurcfiikjL Any; 4 dtc'hb (Conlrlbutod) ! l. itond Cbnvcnllon, 3Iarah lold Opera ilou's'o. Tlmo Siitnmdr of 191G. m?m,mwriLM; tnM and ' HKtrftli &FiVhfl the hW lit.'.i hj-1.-. -,-'-" r ..- r. - . ftii&rraion ofvil,H'4)iBul' dothiTe-deVy B'riu ( B;.t? Ttidf(5l, tuo sivlng!) habit Kraw aiitaioriman'ino iniorosi. Ttft.'f ft? Jfirian.Hii ' HftDtinn to sYchl, thfci'o id r. i 1 MM lid should not bo liffillliiftrid oh Khd rda'd t6'wdaUh.- Mlf Ttt. Db'r.of,snilil ttilnsit is one ;, (ih1.hAnoat Itiiiioriknt' facts of HfA, .His jausuru nua,nioi;u;ni ioucbj)I80 ApditnbRtocttliO'Uiills, yrlioro thorn cjfii lot no7 tons 'and (hundreds with- J o(UUhefai.N , ' .'" ' ! lAOtttipitlhy may; tieonv an fhilc- XniqkhtAfiinlr.'bVt'K-lk tho small W,.'ni. yrHIcli fortuno sprlnks 'liiit -Qndo'rful .crowth for which y'.on'p fouId IiaVo ono vf theso WjMir'lui plants (Or his own, If ho diIira'rt.6f HUtlhfe at enso undor Its tojUc)iet- fS'nJtf pYdVagd,' ho must ".'ibqut' ft thsit rttMYAl y. lTj l&uijtVeat tlia.t Htllo disc of copper, dnV cent, fia a triio fortune ftecd do BrVlEa.T 'lio wll not scalier and wkit6' flVetla To valuable, .but will . lilmtl ' tfi&ji'itt Ml which fdsters'ltal JtfuYnal. t JfY . W7?' ClXV VAX V HIM) VlTJji'cUUflnbvbf'kAahland have po tftQdtbf cduncil tt tijtit Plato to MiX&ft ordlnanco Whoreby ono ,ijH$tefct& .&V6f lUb paving of a atfofelha'tl bvd llild by thd.clty at iJfrtd.yl il echanBU Tno clY iwns of Afaliltthd didn't go far fcljth'., 'jhoy .flhould havo It oW;fiilf mi 'ftKv'o tnclude'd in tliqlr pfUtlbit noiwly Wontfnt but sldo- xWotV often than not tfi'o man who fwi'Sfi&sfrr Vpf, tlfjo .pavewg'nt g.cta tatltaVt U'ao.bUt of It and In add! tfonMo paying for It ho has his pro- WftyMAlnJffi-hjeke'd. io fhat tw 4'W-i'pfai,j5ea or tho prlvlleVe of,bayTngfor a payoment. Ho gets Uffuftp nclc4both fort fat. .TJW nnOro town g6ta Vlio benefit oL'.tlio pavdtnent, Tho aristocrat h Whrlntfer cfr wh'o Uvea jMtortuJflWifa ih'6ro th'eV6 arb ti6 p"aYemjinta used thoin moro than any boily.unleaa It bo tho drayman. .Why ghufd'n't he help to pay for them? .; abfMfnW occura m tha't fcsaoner la' tb"o block it.lle'ro a pav'e' infeint dutht to be la unabln to stntid WailKiind cons6aientYy 'A very .ifeJaVy IrnfroTo'm'bnt lit delayed iWF A"?" J,0 Wo lPn'1 know tj4t it iycr-.hapien'edi In. this town, ujt It has happened In other places Ihil "splto" sidewalks Ijavo been Milt, A SPUeldevValk is ono put In ktikkm SfroVbVt of a mah who was rfmH' 1'lieWncll at the last ilectloq! Taorc a"re "hiany famlUa In .ovcry town, llvlnfe; JUst oil tho edt'o of,jlh() sidewalk district who get all thil'mje -"fit tfio- tv'a'lks yot fl6ver pay a'fiy: ejdeHlk tax. Bo believe that .w'bit 'a uM by everybody sijoqid bo jMd for, 1 pir'a't tofe't, f'rqih tli'o iiUieral fdud. . 'tid Ifo we hope the (jlly lioililcll at ihli'ud BHbmitsi'tiie 'adpsiipli' to tfio r.oters and tlir.t life Voter iuloiU it. U'lsAst,(Mn the right direction. IK I ' CHAinMAN "A few years (io I attended a similar convention lit which ".ttufy tho Hatchet" aoundod .ldlld and clcdr. Now wo aro'rqad'y to advanco': blit.ho'wcan..H.llh6ii. 'Mllyr The tWo Jof local Joaf- .olisy In which w6 wOro wont fo flounder tian receded. Lot Us now" to hTfth'o grdund whircr wo may' halo a clearer view of oach other's ncbas, and a Bllmpso of our future d6atlpy. Why iiliou'ld I tako more tlmo whon there la bo much to dot Has sbinb ph.ii'tplahof roatf oonatructlbh? Lot us heftr'from aliwcildtls. ' BANDON DELEGATE "Ir. Cbiiir'man, , Ladles and qoritlomert:' tptar n bur deicg'atlbn lacortcbrtt nib oViFy' worthy and feaalblo lifo- 'jfet in iuu icoumy win unvo our. h'c'iif ty 'edbVa'oniont. That you aay havo no doubt as to our Intentions, or this c6nvcnil6n that the couiity I offer -,tho following: IUCSOLVKD, that It Is the wish of tlila coilyontlbn that tho. county 'court 'select. a cdiiipet6ht hlghwnyi'e'n- KiuL'ur ipiroviBo , 1110 rouics anu KiadcH of our trunk. roads and with tho aid of tho Cdunly. SUrvbyor'ma'p each road, and the .territory on cacti sfdo thereof for tl'iffio miles, Into a sgpnra'to lmprovctnont dlatrle't; that n period of ten years bo pro vided for tho completion nnd pdy-' men t of suoh. Improvement, tho gen eral road fund to pay for ono thlfd, tho road district to voto a tax foV ono third, tho rotn'dlnlng third' to bo paw byaaB8cssed property within tho Imrovomonl dfotrlct, within tho ton ,yearfr, provided, (hat whero a road parallola a navlgablo lake or stream, tho far Bhoro shall bo considered tho beginning of tho first nillo of that sldo of tho rbad." LAWB91DK5 DELEGATE ".Mr. Chnlr'm,an( Ladles ami Genllomcn: 1 heartily second the resolution and movo its adoption. " GHAlltMAN "You havo ' ht'ard tho resolution offered and Boc'on'dod. Aro you ready to Vdto? All In favor r'o ridoptlbn stand whllo tho secre tary counts. " SEOltETAUY " Mr. Chalrmrm, tho .voto Bfcbrns to bo unanimous. " (Applduso). qOQUlLLE DELEGATE "Mr. Chairman, Ladles and G6htlomon, That as llttl'o tlmo bo lost as possi ble, 1 nibyo that tho chairman ap point a cbmmlttco for each of tho county rpad districts, iwhoso duty it Biiau .uo to canvass tho property ownora for three miles back on each Bldo of tho ureaont trAit-nudB t'fi ..., - l.i.A i.ii ... . ? .. m 'juiujr miicaga in iavor pof such Iinnrovctat'ont. said com. mlttooto btf appointed atv tho cbn cjuslon of 'tWdr nbon teC'csa'. " POWERS' DELETGATE "Mr. Chairuiajp, .1 jwcgmt nrotlon. " CllAmM'AN-" You vb. heard tho mMibh iiVa'do linTl ajpod: Ar you rondy for tho qut'aHonf All In favor stand whllo tho socret'aty counts." l n t SBqitftTXnV-"Mr, Chairman, th'b Vbte ft uYt&'nfmouB" Applause. MARSHPlELli . ..DELEGATE "Mr. 'Chnflrma'n. Ldic4 hVi! ntn. .tlbnign On ' belialt of tho local chamber of Commorco, I invito ya to a. propated" iunci,eon Jn ttttilr quartera. Everything Bot before you will bo a Coos County jiroduct, ojjeept tho-coffbe, tea, ugur and ault.' .Lpud 'Appliuso'l i- ! Dreaming-over, think It over. ' J. E.T. Just to furnish further evidence In the. libel cftsb iVhlchXaptaln Mac genii, of thft llrbakwator will brliitf .ngainstahb editor, of the 'Monday Mutloror ,nnd . Pbfllnnll Teicgrani we, aro reprinting the following which appeared in a rodent Issuo of. thoBo publications. Tho Booster docs not nBBUin'6 any reponetblllty aVi'd rri6rely polishes It so that tho Captain niny pr6)6rly make claim for larger damages. Here 11 Is; Captain T. J. Mucgcmv of tho dtcanio'r fjrcakwatc'r, was tho most picturesque figure the .Portland wa terfront has known In m'ddorh tlm'cs The loAvlng of hotli of llicm will mako cohhtl'a tlrjisahus ihourn. ABldo from bolng tho most daring' of tho coastwlso skippers, Captain Mac genn Is a poet of national replito. Ho U known far and .wide n's tho Poet of . tho Pacific. Tho fearless skip per can court tho muso 'most any time, and ills pooma cover a. wide and blzarro field. Orib monllng is thb ""Breakwater was putting, out of Cooa Bay, a care less fisherman got his rowboat In front of IhotBtoahicr'B proW. A iblt of. paint was scraped off tho entail craf, but no other damago was dbn'e. Still, tho flshorman was angered; -ho reported tho matter to tho Unit ed States Inspectors, and the cap tain wei called In (b explain. This riled ,tho "Old Man", Mo'etlng- tf frlcYid Kt th'6 custom house hero Inst, alter th'6 hffhlr had boon1 snioothdiJLovflri.tho caj)tAJj'i hgan: ":"That-flc.W-llvorcll,V(rh of a Berf cboft, ddwn there at Marfih field hasn't gbt the' isehflo & buzzard is born with. .Why, thb. plo-facbd goiZb had ho Ea'bro huslncTn report ing that fah I.V'6iId lVAvo rdbbftlng il Bfek caM6 To'cdy njbsbvoi't.. Dp yb'u know what I'm going t6 do? I'll get b'von ifltn him JUst watcli Until" "whit afo yod gbVhg to do, cap talriT" iaked th'6 frlohd. "Why, I'm goln"g, to rito a p'oom U'l.A.t. kl.. .!.:.& 'i. 4-iL f.., .i i. nuwui. IIHU, KUBIl uarn (IIS BKID, JUBt nJUP-Pn aB.i .get.iliRcXIvw. -...-. Abbii oh Bahbl'e, ma his trlbo' decreasb) oh him h&baBsln' tof my p'paco I call down fire. 'Twill iieVer conle, fdr Retribution's on the bdm. If I but ask him, "How aro you?" his catalbguo bf BymptoitfB through he. will redtb with 'chastened glee, ns If none-over ached but he. When to my deBk with wbr-k I'm bound, Hero ho Cornea pussy-footing rbuhd, d. crisis to prdgnostlcate nnen't tho fnatlon'B awful' fator misinformation glib atid pftt I'm getting thfii or grbwlrig fat; a bon mot by hla little boy; ho quotes these Inanities with Joy; anfl from tho tariff ho will hop on tho Thcosophy nnd stop to catch Mb wlndf.tfjen on and on roll Uko thorlVbr Ofegob. ifb infaahs bo woll, he 'does' h'6 III, nnd yol thlB nulsahco I can't kill. But when arrives the blessc'd hour when suffbrcra shall havo tho power all useless noises to jttbato, Bbn Babble' namo will head tho slate! SOMK NKliDED 'INVENTIONS An auto that will run without gas. A woman's hat that will- never go out of atylb. A pair of shoos that will not run ovor at tho heel. A calendar that will not toll n woman;, how old bIio ia gfittlrig. A dollar's worth or Jltnoy tickets that will last a mouth. MrJf .YVhfcil you're in Portlknd visit the fine bJtf; plant of tH Pacific CoatBUcu2t Company. See them make thtitndiocIeHdou 'rfiTz-kifaV-iriir .Jt'ir'rY rk a ii, jLui't-i. x.JL OJLV WW JP 1iUW- BUUA& yowtf dealsr tho m AMILV PAClKACiE Jr'resU, crlfp Jdcllcloua Snowflalcc Sodas, packed In a sanitary and tfiHiU tlri bdit, OnlyBO cents. Kry dilr lu thtn or can feet thtfci qoUWy-frteli from our bvctU pAciFICjCOAStBISCUIT CO. p6hTLAND, OHEGON LliJi Hhm ih 'JjjiyMli, ..a. jy- i,.. jy-tnt.t:6i; tiiili . PRQFP5Jlni.. jmubalj aiREcii AcUHn iUi r-?', " ' U'.-on- 4 Phones A COMPLHTM LINK OF Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.'s Goods u'dTVt in cautonH; Ani in hulk jiav always he found A, ! ' "--Al s Gash Grocery Wb Sato X'ou Money. Getting if. tt.Mft Tho Jralny dqya nro hcromy pot8. Tho-satlJeat of tho year; whon"pcdk-a-uooa and silhouettes nro doomed to dliapponr. And though Bho'H wear no.pottlcoata; 'twill bring 'no Joy to ypii; alas! tho rainy day gbt our .goats;, tho sun will not shlritf through. SAD! Ho. ato. a raw ortldn And now ho's-'-alono; Hla: frtetida and 'c-orapanlona Jlaro lia'stencd and gone, r-Jay.Doylo. AJHIiK Scandinayian-lmeocan "WHKKB flAVINGS AKK SAFE" You can cipen an acctoiini in this bank with $1.00. Our Homo-Savings Hank for your FHKK use. Interest paid. HQukS '9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 All Over Oregon i . .' ENBTho-rliAjf boon Vcbl- f nMlYcfayor L. A. Brod 2,lil "bf (ho JC.OOd rnhlh- head5 was ronoulnated for the of- EUOENE loct'o'd talnnhco fund for tho Y. M. C. A. flco without opposition. wuicu is to bo raised. MILL M.W UK LEASED Tho Bandon Recorder says: " 'C1 McJohhson is reported to havo leased his shluglo mill at Pros per to a new company, whoso name has. np.t Jjqu learned, TIebmi W"aht Ada for results, , ALBANY Ijoufs i Schultz was elected cdptalu 6tf'tho high bcI'iooI football team for 191'6. . SALEM Tho Western Oresbn JJoys' Conforbnco decided td hold tho session n6xt year at Corvallla. iioSlijBXJRG Vorhon Bartlott, n bouinorn l'acinc engineer, was granted a dlVbrcb from his wlfo, Mrs1. Margaret Bartl'ctt, Whom ho charged wl'th having indulged In Joy rfdes And neglcctod tocaro for thb home. ELKTON Mra. Vgnea Haines, a popular Elktbn lady, died In a hos pital at EufienO whero sho had bcon taken for treatn'oh't. GRANTS PASS A largo doe Lwhlch had evidently been chased by a dog catrto into thjb dty arjd moved about tlio .c'fty b'oforo Isapp'eafrlng. PotiTLA'ND Jack Graham who was arrested 6n n cha'rgo of allegod foigory nt Salt Lako City, ha'a ro turned frb'm th'erb lVavl'n'g proved that h"6 was hot tho man wanted. EUGENE Johnny Beckett has boon chos'e'n captain oi thb II91C football team. MEDFOUD Tho inlnlotoriat as sociation ia planning a community Christmas treo Wr tho city. ASHLAND Lbrd and Lady Abor doon arriving from Portland ad dressed a largo audience at tho Elka TomplOi ItOSBByRG Tho'D. W. Bonn'ett confoctlonory store, was destrbyed by flro and the whole neighboring block .threatened for a time. PASfoN-Tho voters of tho schobl district decided upon a t$x loyy suttlclont to raise J3.000 to cTo: fray thb oxponsea for tho-next year. ( EUQENE-r-Two churches of thb cltjf ato using thb riowapapbrs to ad vertise tho services and aro drawing largo crowds o's a fetmlt. BAKER-r-Many1 cattio iro roport ed to bo Btarvlng in tho Hamilton country of Grant courty becauso of tho sftorthay crop and lack, of feed. PENDLETON The business men of tho city decided to decorato and IllUmlnato tho streetn-nr t.Kn vi -..-- ting thb holla'ay s'eatfdh, THE DALLES-Orcgon fir Is. to bo uBed (n flooYjiVg tho now postof flco Ihit'ead 'bf Southern yellow plho; VEN'DLEfoN AVout 3.000 coy otes lia'vtt been kllfed fh Umatilla bdunty 'sliiip th'6 new law wont Into effect liBt April arid 't5,m . wa"a paid- In fioufi'tfts. I KLAMATH FALLS EramotT Dwyer was brought before a Justice bf tho pcaco bu a chatgo of pointing a deadly w'eauou at' M&'rshni nh. Durham 6t JrbrfSll aK'd a held In 'all uwamng action of thb grand Jury. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, bras$, oast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street 8 P. to. H ' u",c 14SJ. . J '' . J- M. WrioM DUlLDlVn JS KCg; UP. H. M. si,,, E-. Er and L. t'llOIMl'lMirr. J .VIV,, 1W , BR. tanSi1' Vim lel.ii iU Him m. H. G. Butl&r VH tSOBA J oonr 301 Cok rm. ? , nWnft Phone J W. G. Chandler n . . ARCHm-RoowaoiandrolMl M&rahheld, rirt 'I'-ilU. TIME titltri,, WILtAiEiTE,WaiJoi OAR Lcavo Marehflold 6:45 a.m, 7.4G a.m. 8MB a.m. 9MG a.m. 10MC a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:60 p.m. l:4B p.m. L.2:4S p.n. 3:45 p.m. C:00 p'.m. 5.40 p.m. 0:55 p.m. North elt; mii 7:30 p.m. f; "iir .if Mi Alftlr AftE OPpNED ' -. -- --- Upper tirt ail&ritioh pch'bbl Is to 'Bo' FftUbWed . Tho Ijandon, Hecprdor Bays: . "BIda for, tho. finishing of a parti -- ...v. M'-W. BIUI Ul 111U UJIUI 8IUO Bdtool wero opehod last week and thQ contract will bo givon to Mohl and Bootcher, their bid of J1.G27.3C being thb lowest submitted. Other bids uubmlttod wcro; E.'B. Flah jir,84.00 Brown & Glbaoft 1740.00, Larson, Johns'd'h-, .. 1648.00 " The Ban'dbn Hardware was tho lowest bidder for tho plumbing, heating and ventilating at 238. "Schroedof1 and Illldenbrand of Marshflold bid $258. 'Thpro b(da' t$o plastorlng and finishing pr ono class room, ono teachers' room, ono cfoak room and ono hall way. Also tho plastering of tho rbmalhdcr of tho flvo rooms bn thb upper frtory- of this building but not thb finishing. "Thb 'contracts wero nbt lot as tho formality of accepting the bond bids has hot he'on completed. Siipt. Baker who -was In thb city yesterday took tho jlda with htm to th. mn. ,ty Beat and Avilljepbrt th a abort uum, "Since tho bonds woro voted for a Bpoclfled purpoao 'tho monnv rfn. (rIvor from their safo can not be ap. ,.uuu m uny omcr purpoao. ttare yViw Bl. jheaajj, bill n?,' ?to' Prjatad" at THJB Tiaika iZ. IMFOHMATlOn Abstracts W& 'JUtl.lARLII ABSTRACTS OF TITLB AND AHVUX COOS IAY REAL ESTATE, See ... NTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., lac. MArWllFlliLb AND 4QUlhhK CITY, OREGON ttitikmj&AQWi'Mt IIASTSHWANDSENGSSACKKN'S ADDITION ,AO-NtS .Fprt CANADIAN PACIFIC KAlLnOAD LANDi IDSNUY BENGSTAUKEN, MANAGKR 4Mt " j( w fc SAVir MONET Jl I HENHYVILLE CM (Jim cubi, per ion .-.,,:,,, T.tivnn ja1 V. L. -u.v .!, Vtr wh , Or bait ton' ot both .. D. Htm. 1 Phooi84oriTtNMJ nlllyer Clr Btm, i i mmtmtimjmmi WOOD-GOOD WOOD? W. It. Mnco h It 1 lil !J- cnih vii load, (ho M, I prices reiiioiiable. GtrW od. Phono U27-J. FLK1N & DENNETT BANK OLDEST BANK IN 0008 COUNT. Eatabllshod 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Pr6fits $118,000 , Ijaterbat paid on Tlmo AD SAVINGS DEPOSITS ,"';,.Wjrf . . OfflMW J. W. Beaaetr, rreildt I r---;-tp ,7. -n- J. ft. riabaian, 1cbiProaldent r R. F. WUirinm, Cwhlbr. . rf Geo. F. Winchester, Aiwt. CAshler. . .- i it. DhY WO0D at CAMPBELL'S WO00YA Nortii Frost Smtf i'hoae iW Merchants Cafe j Popoiir Flce im Good Meals Prinec. Reasonwt Cor. CommercW & Vkj. NOftTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A. Kilimrn " ' BAILS FOR '.,. SAN FRANCISCO, (Via Eureka) ' DECKMnER a FOR FURTHER INFORMATION BMITH TBRSUNAL DOCK. PjIONE 180. A. P. NOTT, Agent. SOUTH COOS illVEB B SERVICE Tx.4DNCH EXPMS ledrea Mhflli f 8 a. m. Lwrea W ' at 3:15 P. a wraAMER feUJ'BO leavea head of rlref Jfj a.m.LeavwMAriMI m. FbrchaHerrtlr,l, n0GEIliAS )fKc 'rim& MinfitJuf bring reaulti as . ifr 'frt JtmSi Watt barter That Cit&3 Sickness l 9 ., 4Mb!. V - 1 "I cheerfully Fofay rocommpml .uauurlic tfawqu to y onersufffi. ne wnn conatipation or blllouBnc8s, George 'Jcntfsr. ttt -tabor St., Sai When thexFgwela are clogged with K fiuss 6t hoWoVib waste, bllfootl. ?,"??. !lcH.Jtflrtrt..Wur BtDOia'cn, 1 bloating Bsetand general dlscom. I rort reiiurt. A wholesome antl thoV oughly eleanlns ctttflrtlb that will mav oft the e,ongeated,na8r w(tho,ut irrWag or tjausea Ts Foley" Cathartic Tublet. TaW tlem St bed tlrae1. Anil tne net mornlnc you will find a Grateful relief, without any discom fort, headache br unpleasant after W(ect rVj.ey. k5?p th,e "WJiealtMly active, prpmoto digest onhnd shut out bead. awa Htlio&iaWs. Ask your druggist. - 'For sart.TOw.! "rcrlpt!bn Mar- qiacy. Franlt p. CaB?, Central Avb ifno. Opposite Cha'ridrer Hotel, Tety phone 74. I Puffet t Sound fifidse & Dredging Co. Dirris, BrTcTgesTBuiiaings., , General Cortsfructfoh w .COfclETE. PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Gyr.Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dree "Seattle' the 4mo powerful, b cqulppod and moat thoroagkly "modri tweatjr4acb! bydraallo dredge is Pacific "-water cros ffay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. ...rrr-BU IA "ISftW .iA, Assets I Pays i per writ ??. 1 c Local Treasury h 77 .1 . . i T.J.BCJAlFiJI aaun - DfCOilW Eatltnggpj li- 2- 4JK.IL. f noaq MarshfteW DUNGAN GftAVEL' We aro now prepared V fnralsh GRAVEL In any tiuantltlet' i'0-?''6 ln our yard or ln carload Iota, at following prices: j FroBTpHe on gFou, 55 por yard. " " " Canoad fofs, taken from ca'ra, 2.00 per yard. Retail Department G. A. Smith Lumber & Mis. Co. Vi.-.l' ii li..'.'u ' - r "vMi rearuinoe. Pfcoae 1M. 41 fcA T - " ' " UHDt3ffJJjJi una fctrll ?2 'Jiff . irit in oi'K'iX as A Te. -- i dertftiw -- , T . MM Get your Jo - .,, Times ,ofc -"-" Ml li:iii nil nil 1:11 ( m It I 1 A CA !V' V .v&.VZffX."r' 1 - .J'