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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1915)
THREE r The Central Avenue Booster CENTRAL AVENUE, l-'HIDAY, HHCEMHEH il, Jlo No. J5 THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Big Selection of Gift Articles Gift seekers are showing their hearty appreciation of the gifl selections offered by this establishment in a most substantial manner The healthy growth of our business is most gratify ing to us. ' Notwithstanding our increasing business our facilities have never yet been taxed to the utmost. We solicit an opportunity of showing you our goods and prices. Here are a few suggestions: i Friendship Bracelet links in Sterling Silver and . Gold Filled, 25c JTHK CENTRAL AVENUE ROOSTER I primary olodornto had tho bhiiio i Menu in viow when it selected men Published Every Friday In tlio Inter who can be depended upon not to BRACELET WATCHES ' SILVER SETS PARISIAN IVORY PENDANTS LAVALLIERS GIFT RINGS CUT GLASS WATCHES FINE SELECTION OF AGATE JEWELRY Wilson6s Jewelry Store 78 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 151-L Open Evenings. csts of Coos Hny in General Central Aicnuo in particular. and Universal Electric Utensils Tim limit iimilo mid fully Kiiiirnntccil by the milker unit our Mlw".. Thoy will niiiko (ho Hurst ChilMnm.M pit-sent a liotiseulfo inn locclvo. They romo in PHHl'OliATORS, CHAI-TINO DISHES, nor ii.ujs, f:itii.i.s, ntoxs. Marshfield Hardware Co. Tho best In tho Hardware line. Ilroadwny and Cent nil l'hono !M For Christmas Gifts VOTIIINd IS NICER THAN A SKMX'T HON (IF STATIONERY We Imvo tho latest hooku in fiction and will lio pleased to or der any book yon desire. For tho llttia folks, wo aio Santa Chum' headquarters. Marshfield News Company (I-'ornieily l'rlrii's Ktoru.) , Ccnlrnl Avenuo Wo Mill deliver any liiiiKii.luo or nrwM'i'Pcr to your homo on (ho day of publication. Entered at tho Postoffico as strictly Klrst-Class matter; thoro Is nothing Second-Class about Central Avonuo. Subscription Prlcq. Your good will, and membership In the Booster Club HOW TO VOTE Don't Delay in Picking Out the Christmas Gift Clinic In now whllo vo still liuvo u Inrco iisMii-tnicnt of thoso hand-onio MYltTT.E WOOD NOVELTIES. Vim riiu't find a tflft (hat will bo ns niiii-li upprcrliitrd. They aio light, easily packed, and (ha cost of bending them Is Miinll. REHFELDS ' Special Order Woik n Specialty Phono 275.J. UUO Ccnttyil Avenno EFFICIENT SERVICE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL LINES OF INSURANCE :: :: :: :: E. I. CHANDLER, Insurance Agency Coke lliilhliim Miirohflold, Oro. 0NT BE A TITEWAD ADVERTISE IN THE BOOSTER NEXT Tuesday wo have n city election, and Central avenue folks, ns well ns thousands of others whom wo reach by this col umn (or rench for, at least) are looking to tho Booster for ndvlco ns to how to vote. Whllo declining to namo a ticket, for fear of running foul of tho editorial column dope, yot wo feel that wo cannot sidestep tho duty of suggesting a few prin ciples which will bo of guidance to thoso willing to glvo tho mattor serious thought, along tho lines sug gested. Tho first thing Is to bo euro to vote. If you haven't registered, don't let that deter you. Tho gen tlemen who havo flnnlly allowed their names to go on tho ticket, sluir ply because throngs of distressed friends wouldn't take no for an ans wer, uover do things by halves, and will seo that voting is mndo easy. Ono of them, at least, has mado that promise. Whon you enter tho polling placo, be sure to ask, In a cheerful "morn ing" voice, who Is paying tho most for votes. This Joko Is so pleasing that It has como to bo positively expected of a voter who is not cast ing his 'first vote, and hasn't got on to it, although many think to spring It tho first time. If you notlco oho or two gentle men who obscrvo you furtlvoly, but narrowly, and write something on n paper ns If they wero taking your namo and description, don't think anybody has sot dotcctlves on you. These persons aro political dope Btcrs, who aro trying to guess how you voted, and sotting It down, bo causo thoy simply can't wait lor tho final count. Thoy 'aro tho samb boys who know oxaetly how tho Eu ropean war Is coming out, hayo mado up tho American nil-star cloven weeks ago, and will at onco tear Into a package marked "Don't open till Christmas." lloforo leaving tho polls, don't ne glect to remark that tho clerks and Judges aro making thrco dollars protty easy. Tho Puritan Fathors learned this pIonBantry from tho aborigines and It Is entitled to pres ervation. In deciding whom to vote for, wo suggest that it 1b most dcslrablo you should solcct candidates wli aro In favor of strict economy, but will not opposo Improvements abso lutely needed for tho city's welfare. This Is a sort of an algebraic for mula that nobody has ever been alilo to flguro out exactly, but It Is tho pleco do resistance of ovory munic ipal candidate's platform, embellish od with whatovor other promises tho rnndldato may think popular, like a turkoy stuffed with dressing and garnished to taste. Iloth candidates for Mayor have promised to carry out this policy, and havo shown their fitness to da It, by taking such a firm stand whllo on tho City Council that thoy havo, In splto of all obstacles, kept tho tax rnto down to twenty mills. As (or tho Councllmanlc candidates, tho spread out too hutch or suggest expensive innovations. So Tho Hoostcr would counsel Its readers to bo extremely careful in their choice, ns much depends upon tho result of tho election nt this critical time in the city's history, when every ono is so keenly nllvo to tho peril In which wo stand that almost two hundred eager voters thronged tho polls at the recent primaries. SMILE-A-WHILE CENTRAL AVENUE SAYINtiS PEHSONAIj MENTION. 11, 1 mm ? '"Oll'l .llhlllin tll m-nii! linn' nilO tllQ vnutt .....1 ,T,..H lilmnn um.r if ,i. .,. f u fe una llKht ns they should bo. 'is likely tho flour. ttCl- nnlK .. . ....l- ,. .,.. rimm --. .. 04, Lit 1,1 IIUl ..U... -' toil will mm mmim mill ly doing so. Spend your evenings with Good "Fellows !" Jilt. W. A. TOVE, DENTIST U Hours 0 to 12; 1 to 5. x Itoom 201, Irving Hldg. Central Avenue. Mnralifleh! ' ( I 1 i AIj NBFF pnld us $1 or. oubscrlptlon last week. Thanks, Al. Every lit tle bit helps. JAKE HILLSTROM snys ho thinks thero has been a heap of rain Vnstod lately. HENRY SENCSTACKEN says his Idea of a vacation Is to havo J. T. Harrlgau leave town to stay six weeks. WILL CHANDLER does not think much of n innu who keeps bor rowing his wlfo'B only umbrella tlicso days. FRANK COHAN Is getting up a now net of rules so that girls can play football next season. Hen Flshor Is helping out in arranging tho minor details. . W.M. FINLEY, tho well-known birds' friend, wan showing somo of his pictures at Hob Mnrsdon's show house InBt night Wo mean bird pictures, not Flnley'H pic tures. CHARLIE CUMHERS has been so honrso with n cold that ha couldn't speak above a whisper. This was a turrlhlo good thing, becauso when Chnrllo'H volro Is nil right ho talks so loud that n portion nearly has to told their hands over their cars. HARRY M'KEOWN, tho well-known and pop. mlno host of Tho Chand ler, returned yesterday from n trip to tho Fair In Ban Francisco, Whllo thero ho hob-nobbod with somo of tho nabobs In tho hotol world; .TlioynllJvamotrto' know where ho got his clothed, A. C. VESTAL, tho "smooth oil man has been entertaining tho high muck-n-mucks of his company this week anil of courso brought thorn to Central avenuo right nwny. Thoy Bald It was a great little stroot. All right, but thoy thought' It would Improvo it' to uso oil for sprinkling Instead of bo much rain. SMILE-A-WIIILE COULD CARRY IT Tho swcot young thing tripped lightly Into "Tho Owl" drug store tho other day. "A bar of soap, ploaso" sho order ed. "Scented?" nskod Frank. "No," sho gurgled, "I can carry it." SMILE-AiWIIILE lust One Thing Lucking. Fred Wilson was trying to got his old Contra! avenuo frlouds to rocogulzo him yesterday, after his roturn from tho San Francisco fair, In a now suit of clothes. Frod says tho fair Is groat, In most respects, but in tho matter of music It falls far bo low last year's utato fair nt Salem, whoro ho had chargo of It. SMILE-A-WJIILE THE SMOKEHOUSE MINSTRELS H ain i Central Ave, and 'Waterfront Do you enjoy n Kd ,gaino of Hllllnrds, n good pool gunio, n jood ClgurV If !i Jou "", M,H'av find them at Ihe Smokehouse Central Avenue's popular meeting When Jn Want of Fire, Life and Ma rine insurance which insures, see SENSTACKEN the Insurance Man "I got arrested onco nnd Ro corder Ilutlcr fined mo 1 10. "What woh tho chargo?" "Thoro was no chargo. Ho did It for nothing." "No, no. I mean how did hu como to arrest you?" "Ho didn't come. Ho sent Jack Carter. "Did you havo tho money to pay your flno with?" "No, So I asked him for a !ittlo time." "And did Butler glvo It to you?" "Oh, yes; ,ho gave mo twuii'y days," SMILE-A-WHILE Do It Now. Subscribe for Tho Hoostcr before Christinas, or ulsu somebody might send It to you tor a present. No Haiti Needed. Tho showers of tho past two weeks havo completely settled the dust on Central aveiiuo and no more rain Is needed. Weekly Sick Hem. Hero it Is again. Low Thomas snys that tho music nuulo on thoso mall order phonographs make him sick. Other wise ho Is feeling iiulto well this week. (oKieal. Carl Everlscn says if tho tax rate wero lower peoplo would lmvo more money to buy tho uecessarles of life. Wonder Just what ho was thinking of bread or dry goods? Atlq Wo ll Nt Seo. "A wicked aid adulterous generation seekoth ntter a sign, but thero shall bo no sign bo given thorn." Roy Law borne. Roy states, however, that he will paint anyone a sign fpr cash, and no iiuostlous asked. Theory In Wrong. "Art" Reh feld Is u living refutation or tho old saw that there's nothing In n name, llesldes being In the plcturo busi ness, ho Is able to pull oft n unlet little violin recital all by himself In tho back of his storo whon busi ness happens to bo dull. Not al ways so very "unlet" cither, Nuriow E-cupo. TIiIb morning, when Anson Rogers wtm driving his new armored automobile on Com mercial avenuo, ho hit n depression In tho street near Socond, and came near effecting n felonious outrauco Into Olllvnnt & Nnsburgs store. If Anson had stayed on Central avenue this wouldn't havo happoncd to him.' Disappointed J. T. ' Harrlgau says he sold his unto becauso ho neoded tho exercise of walking to ,11 ml from business, and now finds walking Isn't what It used to bo nnd It costs him more for lunches down town than It did to keep up tho car. If wo wero In tho nutoma bllo business wo would got aftor Jack right away. No Difference. L. W. Jacobs, tho typowrltor man, Informs us that ;ftor January 1st wo will not bo able to got red typewriter ribbons, because tho materials como from Germany. Ah red Is tuiod chlofly In making out bills, and ns most of us seo red when wo get our month ly bills anyhow, wo guess It won't mnko much difference Still In Controvert)'. Henry Hug gins, tho local Iko Walton, Is re ported to havo declared that tho story about Conway's dog catching n salmon Is u purn fabrication, and If it Isn't ho can toll n better ono anyway. Dad Welch, however, In. Hints that tho story Is rcnsonablo, as overyouo must know that tho fish wns a dog salmon. A Record llrcnker, Dr. Houso worth: (Hlblo Student). "Thoy nev er had Biich rains before tho flood ns wo'vo had on Coos Hay tho past two weeks." Frank Cohan: (keep ing lino of customers waiting): "How do you know that?" "Why, if thoy had, noboby would havo mado fun Of Noah for building tho ark." (Exit customers.) Wo Should Think So A Houulnm correspondent wrltos to tho Oregon- Ian on tho 22ud nl t., stating that ho has an Ideal wlfo. Ho says: "Should I transgress tho marrlago vows, sho gives mo to understand thut sho can go Just as far on thoso linos as I daro to go. I lovo to spend my ovonlngs with my wlfo." Well wo should think bo. If wo hnd a wlfo llko that wo would want to stick around homo during tho day I also, SMILE-A-WHILE f.'OLNO SOME! Two llttlo fleas and two llttlo mice Sat on a roadway shooting dlco. Along cunio a horso and steppod on tho flea And tho flea explalmed: "That's a horso on mo!" F. D. Fletchor. "Speaking of horsos," said tho other llttlo flea, "I'vo been pretty hoarso and it bothered mo, For every tlmo I cough, I get an awful Jolt, Is that a horso on mo, or Just a llttlo colt?" Frank Horton. DECIDEDLY DIFFERENT Parisian Ivory for C h r istmas Gifts Seo our ulndow. It Is full of illsliiietiwly different Ivory holld piece not wood ccnli'iH (lint Inter iwirp mid split. Thin In a guaranteed lino ami jou hhoulil Innpcct It heforu purchasing, i'rlrw iinihon able, "The Owl" Frank D Cohan Tho Central Av. Drug Storo We will have, a full line of Fresh Vegetables; and Fruits on the Yellowstone, which, is due in..earlytomor row from San Francisco. ' We also have the best Coos Collhty Fruits arid Vegetables. ' - i We have ordered some choice Northern Spy apples and if you desire a box give us your order now. Only 90 Cents per Box We have just secured some of the choicest bulk' cof fees obtainable, which we are selling at 25c, 30c, 35c, and 40c lb. Sanitary Food Store SERVICE FIRST VHONE '-Mil (Formerly NiiiIiiii'k'h Ororcry.) SKCOXD AND CENTRATi First Five Of the Ten Commandments Of Our Grocery Store 1 Thou shalt not trade with any other grocer ' unless you want to. 2 thou shalt always bring thy wife to our grocery store or Bomobodys olno's wlfo. 3 Thou shalt not kick at our prices If nil people would pay their bills tho grocer could soil cheaper 4 Thou shalt not wink at the ladies or flirt with the girls while in our store let Harold do It. 5 Thou shalt always pay thy grocery bill promptly pij)Ti If you don't wo'll dun you for it, (Tho othor flvo will appear next Friday) P.S. We have a choice line of Breakfast Foods for these cold, damp mornings. COOK'S GROCERY P ROMPT OPULAR ROGRESSIVE Phono JHD. WE WILL HE IN OUR NEW QUARTERS JANUARV FIRST. WITH OUR NHW MACHINERY AND NEW METH , ODS WE WILL III-: (HVINtJ YOU HETTER SI-IRVICE J AY DOYLE TAILOHINO CLEANINfl, 1MIF.KSING Will call anywhere any time. U.1U Central Avenuo l'hono SCO CENTRAL AVENUE MUSIC STORE PIANOS, ORGANS, VICTROLAS, RECORDS, SHEET MUSIC AND EVERYTHING IN THE MUSIC LINE We will be glad to arrange terms if you cannot pay all cash. Thomas Music Company Consolidation of Wiley II. Allen anil W. It. Haines Music Stocks U'.l Ceu (nil Avenuo. "They who wish to prosper must work and save" -scon Spi'iiillliiiflH mill Idlers nio similar; u generation of them would bankrupt u nation. Tlio proxperoiiw aio tho Nallou's bliviiKtli. ( A bank account here leads to a seat in prosperity's corner INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS first National Bank of Coos Bay Marshfield, Oregon PLAN TO TAKE Sraclay Dinner AT THE! -- .v A OOOI) ytENjf " i ii i k , , trwriw avw placo. HMILK-A-WIULK