The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 03, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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Portland Chamber of Com
merce Official Makes State-
ments Which is Resented
Ivocnl lloproscntutlvo of Fuller &
Co. Akcl for Aid In Believing
Freight .Congestion Cimiimiiil-
cntlojiH DeHiiltlng fro'" Action
i W
Henry Sengstnckon BtatcB
that tho official govern
ment report when tho dredgo
Mlclilo loft hero wan that
J thoro was 30 feet of water
on tho Coob Bay bar at mean
Ion tldo.
Lato thin afternoon n tel
egram n8 received from
Portland Btating that prob
ably tho Allliuico would bo
pecurod to como from Scnt
llo nnd Icavo Portland Dec.
0 to bring tho Coos Bay
frolght. It this falls
through tho Portland
Chamber of Commcrco will
charter tho Klmoro or boido
other ehlp and send tho
tho freight. Tho Portland
Chamber of Commcrco will
flnanco tho matter.
A rather hard rap nt Coos I3ay
as a harbor, and ono which Is
not Justified by facts, Is taken by
J. II. Lothrop, Secretary of tho
Traffic and Transportation Bureau
of tho Chamber of Commorco of
Portland, In a lotjor which ho wroto
to W. P. Fullor & Co., of Port
land, a firm which docs btiBlncsH
In this locality and whoso rcprcson
tatlvo In E. K. Jones.
Mr. Jones wroto 11h firm asking
If Homothlng could not bo dono to
relievo tho congestion of frolght.
TJio Portland firm In turn aBkcd
tho Traffic and Tranaportation Du
reau of tho Chnmbor of Commerce
of Portland, and In answer Mr.
Lothrop ptutoB what ho claims aro
his finding after making an Invostl
jution. IIo could not havo Inves
tigated very carefully, ns ho says
that tho freight rato from Ban Fran
cisco to Coos Day Is $.1 a ton, while
the rato from Portland Ih $4 a ton.
In this tho wrltor la mistaken. Tho
rato is tho samo from both San
Francisco uud Portland, anil is $3
a ton.
About Schedules
Mr. Lothrop goes on to Ray that
from Novembor 1 to March 1 each
year vcssols running to Coos Day
havo much difficulty In maintain
ing oven approximately schedules
between Portland and this harbor.
Whtlo it is truo that bunts aro soma
times bar bound by generally bad
weather, It Is regarded by many
Mr. Lothrop also Bays that "ovon
though steamers succeed In getting
out of tho Columbia Diver or Into
tho Columbia Diver without much
difficulty, they aro pretty suro to
havo trouble at tho entranco of
Coos Day. Tho bar at tho ontranco
of Coos Day and other Oregon ports
south of tho Columbia River aro
cxtromely shallow and ovon small
boats havo to proceed with tho
greatost caution."
Hit rely Must Not If now.
Local people contend that such
a statement by Mr. Lothrop must
bo duo to nn utter lack of know
ledge of conditions on this part of
tho coast. It Is hold that vessels
aro detained quite as often at Col
umbia Diver as they aro on Coos
Day when there aro sovero storms
along tho coast. Attontion Is also
called to the fact that tho bar hero
has been dredged and that such ves
sols as the Adeline Smith and Nairn
Smith get In and out without dif
ficulty unless tho woathor Is Iro
hlbltlvo to go out.
It is stated that while It 1b truo
that the Santa Clara was wrecked
recently while entering tho harbor
duo to tho rudder not working, It
is nlso cited that Columbia Diver
has not been without its wrecks.
Tho communications which led up
to this statomctit on tho part of
Mr. Lothrop aro given below In full
and explain thcmsolvps.
.Jones Writes Ills House
Tho following is tho letter which
B. K. Jones, local roprcsontatlvc
of W. P. Fuller, write to his house:
"W. P. Fuller & Co., Portland,
Oregon. Gentlemen: I havo Just
been notified by tho agents of tho
North Pacific Steamship Co. that
their steamer Kllburn was unnblo
to bring nil tho rrelght on their
dock at Portland nnd In addition to
this unwolcomed nows tho Kllburn
Is barbound at Astoria.
"I understand from n number
of tho traveling salesmen that como
hnrn to Conn Dav thnt tho Portland
Chnmbor of Commcrco Is putting In
a good dcnl of tlmo figuring sonic
means to reach tho Alaska trade
That puts mo In mind of our for
clgn missionary Bociotles, spend
as hardly fair.
It has been hut a fow weeks sluco
a Portland paper printed n story
of how Capt. McLollan with tho
steamer F. A. Kllburn hnd not been
detained in making his nehodulo on
tho Portland-Cons Bny-Kuroku-San
Franrlsco run for a period of sov
cn years.
Sy Bar Is Shallow
thousands and thousands of dollars
looking after thoso that nro m::cs
awny and let thoso Buffer and Bturvo
at homo under their noses.
"Portland has ono of tho boat
territories on tho Pncific Coast In
I Coos Day and wlion tho lumber busi
ness Is normal I think it is safo
to say, that for tho population, it
is tho very bcBt. Still it is neglect
d year nfter year In tho mnnnor
of transportation and steamer ship
ping facilities. Hero wo nro with
only ono boat, tho Kllburn, which
Is trying to hnndlo tho Coos Day
business from Portland clean to San
Francisco, giving us a Btcamor onco
In nbout I C to 20 dnys.
It Is certainly very discouraging
to nil concerned; It stifles trade,
makes tho buyer morbid and dis
interested, nnd tho result is NO
"I will request that you assist as
much ns possible togothor with tho
other Jobbing houses that aro do
ing business In this section to bring
about as booh as possible bettor
Dominions, Tho holidays aro al
most upou us and wo nro ns though
wo lived In tho Flgl Islands so fnr
as sorvlco Is concerned.
"Yours very truly, E. K, Jones,
Murshflcld, Oregon."
Answer From Firm
Mr. Jones received tho following
Mr. 10. J. Jones, Marshttold, Or.,
close letter Just received from Mr.
J. II. Lothrop, Soorotary of tho
Transportation -Bureau of tho Chnm
bor of Commerce.
"Mr. Lothrop'H lottor is not very
meournglng. Asldo from tho dif
ficulty ho montlons in regard to re
turn cargo. It scorns to be tho gen
eral Impression hero that Just n
soon ns tho railroad Is finished,
shipments by boat will bo very ma
terially cut down. For this rcaBon,
It is a very difficult matter to In
terest anyone In providing addi
tional sorvlco.
"In this connection can you In
form mo if tho Southern Pacific
Co. have mado any definite state
men ns to when they expect to
commonco operations?
"Yours truly, O. D. Woodruff."
What Lothrop Says
"Mr. C. D. Woodruff, W. P. Ful
ler & Co., Portlnnd, Oregon. Dear
Sir: I return herewith letter to you
from Mr. Ed. K. Jones, of Marsh
field, Oregon, with respect to Bor-
virn imtwnon Portland and Coos
"During tho period from Novem
ber 1 to March 1 each year vessels
havo, on nccou.nt of tho sovcrlty
of tho weather and prevailing
Btorms, much difficulty In main
taining oven approximately, scnou
ulna liptwcon Portland hnd Coos
Day. Even though steamers sue
cecd In getting out of tho Columbia
Diver or into tho Columbia Diver
without much difficulty, they aro
pretty suro to havo trouhlo at .tho
cntrnnco of Coos Day. Tho bar at
tho entranco of Coos Day and othor
Oregon ports south of tho Columbia
Diver aro oxtromoly shallow and
even small boats havo to proceed
with the greatest caution.
"With tho Infroquoncy of Borvico
between Portland and Coos Day
points, any dolny ofton results In
an accumulation of freight nt tho
docks nt Portland which cannot bo
handled on tho next trip out.
"It Is cbimed that nddltlonnl
boats cannot operato successfully
and profltubly ns thoro Is practically
no return cargo. On tho othor
hand, boats bringing merchandise
from San Francisco to Coos Day and
othor Oregon porta, havo full cargo
of lumber returning. They nro
thorcforo In a position to mako
bottor rates on their merchnndlso
northbound thnn aro mndo by tho
boatB operating from Portland to
tho samo ports of rail.
"Tho rato on morchnndlso from
San Francisco will nvorago ?:i.00
per ton, whereas tho rato from
Portland to tho same ports will
run $4.00 per ton.
"I havo gono Into this mnttcr n
number of times nnd havo asked
tho ndvlco of others, both shippers
and steamboat men, but havo been
unnblo to find nny satisfactory bo
lutlon of tho problem.
"Yours very truly. J. H. Lothrop
Sccrotnry Traffic & Transportation
, nn niMiTni-"nHrrPTTl
IMBlMMMIIMMIIMBBIMMMpMlllBlttMMW.JIM-.W'1 n "n " i n 1 1
4 i
the Voters of the City of Marshfield
The election which is to be held on Tuesday, December 7th, is of
vital importance to every resident of the city. A Mayor and two Coun
cilmen are to be elected.
If you have not registered, get busy; it requires only two witnesses
to permit you to vote. '
In view of the fact there has been a deliberate attempt made to be
fuddle and distort the real issues involved in the election, I feel called
upon to make this presentation of my side of what is at stake.
The matter of retaining the Coos Bay Concert Band under city ap
propriation, the question of constructing a city lll and the 20-mi tax
levy will come before the Mayor and ALL THb CITY COUNCILMAN,
after the first of the coming year for adjustment.
My position is this: If the voters of Marshfield want the band and
a new city hall, and their expression at the polls shows they do, inso
far as I can do so, their wishes will be carried out. In any event I
will try and do everything which fairness and the situation requires I
should do and, if elected, the same course will be followed throughout
the term of my office. ' ... ,, ... ,,.,,
In regard to adjusting the current expenses of the city of Marshfield
under the changed and peculiar conditions which have arisen and
which we are bound to face squarely during the next two years, I in
tend, if I am elected, to' do all in my power to LOWER and REDUCE
the running expenses and keep them within reason.
. Mv one object as Mayor of Marshfield will be to PRACTICE ECON
OMY and to try dnd obtain for Marshfield such public utilities and re
sources as will pay a profit into the city treasury.
Referring to the selection of city officials named by the Mayor and
confirmed by the City Council, I unqualifiedly say all those officers
who have heretofore proven efficient and trustworthy, will be retained
during my administration, so long as they faithfullyserve the interests
of Marshfield. On the other hand, whenever it is demonstrated it will
be for the best interests of the city to remove an officer, it will be done
to the end that no favoritism shall be shown.'
I ask for your support on sound, square business principles and will,
if given power to do so, represent each and every one of you fairly.
Go to the voting booth and do your duty to yourself and to the City
of Marshfield.
Carl W. Lvertsen
Candidate for Mayor
Paid Advertisement.
Secretary Powell, of tho
DuslncsB Men's Association
received .word today from
tho sccrotnry of tho Oregon
Retailers' Association that n
meeting would bo hold In
Portlnnd today in hopes of
rollovlng tho congestion of
frolght for C003 Day. It
stated thoro was no oxtra
Steamship (Jetti Away At Sewn a. n.
For South Huroiuotd'
KetiH Going; Hown
Until nfter midnight stovedorcs
. ' workoit In tho hold of tho Bteamshlp
.'Kllburn tnklng out tho big ship-
mnitr nt .IRA irtliu flint nrrlvml VftQ
...W..V Ul TUV ,U.. WV ...... .. ,
vessol nvnllnblo to bring tho
frnlplit lull nn nffnrt wnulil
My Dear Jones: Deferring to your bo mado to have It como on
letter of November nth regarding
poor shipping facilities between
Portland 'nnd Coos Day, beg to en
FREaV -nch Dolk The Fair
To All CnstomoiH pimliuslng 2.1c or over woith of iiioitIiiiixIIso
at our htoro on Snttmhiy, will gho KltKK t pretty tl-liuli
doll, ('omit mid hco tho NINK DIG mih'Iu1h wo 1110 offering for
Huluitlny, Monday and Tuesday.
$M!5 Iloyn' I'HjniiiAH
Doys' two-ploeo flon
holotto Pajamas, tho
Ideal slcoplng gar
ment. Only C9c.
J Or and ia)lc Dost
Outing Fla'inels
Kxtrn fcood quality,
big ussortmunt of
colors and patterns.
Now soiling ut 7e a
JUJJc Herman
town Ynrn
Imported German
town arn, all shades
full hUo skeins. On
alo nt S'jc
tjii.n chiiiiiiMi'N
Su cuter
C h 1 1 d r o n'a wool
Sweaters, ruff-ijeck
stylo, whlto or red;
only 18c.
.VI. 7.1 nud $2.00
(inuutlett (ilouvs
Mndo of splendid
leathers, perfect fit
ting, nicely finished;
now priced nt U5c
'tho pair.
MoiTcrleri Crochet
All shades, similar
to 1). M, C. SpeclSlly
priced, 10c.
infant' -5o lloso
One lot Infants' cnBh
mero huso In tan nnd
blue, with silk heels
nnd toes; only 10c n
St.oo ''."try Pillow
Dcst (luallty tubing,
hemstitched, stamp
ed In beautiful de
signs, with any ini
tial, now only 75c
(Jreat ly Deduced
You cuu savo 10c to
:i5o on each Item.
Como and seo what
wo aro offering.
tcrday from Portland and loft out
this morning at 7 o'clock for Euro
1 ka and San Francisco stopping for
two hours in North Bend beforo
crossing out.
Tho departures woro: Mrs. I. Hill,
Mrs. 11. Howard, V. D. Lay ton, L.
Campbell, K. M. Klllott, V. S.
.. limiH( lr8 JK E8Bor,t j Mi Kimwooa,
A LADOK DANCK H J porryitt c. Chase, It. Mcln-
tnali I. IJ finrrntt Mrs Onrrott. P.
Tho Twin City, or North Bend-1 Mogni0i u w. Campbell, Frances
Marshfield Dnpco to bo hold "t jCa,m,uoii, Hon McLollan, P. Camp
fKogles Hall Saturday ovenlng Do-Juqi Alfred Cnmpboll, Mabel Camp
ccmbor I. bids fair to bo ono of 1 i:ii Mrs. Cnmnboll.
--. -
uiu larnesi iiiiiicch ui uiu DeiiHuu. ti
a hont bound for San Fran
this dnuco tho mnuagoment Is feat
uring Jouo Sovoly's famous slx-pleco
orchestra ensemble. Nothing but
tho last word in dauco music will
bo used. Tlpporury and Bed Wing
, will bo laid on tho shelf. Don't
111 lift) this musical event of tho Ben
Will Mnko CiMiulllo Itlver lr 1'iov
Iter Ctinpny
Tho Bandon Decordor Bays;
" Tho good ship Duby which bus
boon nbsont for somo tlmo from Dan
don but which Is scheduled to ro
turn for n bIx month's charter from
tho Prosper mill has been waiting
outshfc) for a chauco to get In the
Will Carry I.UOO.OIM) Feet and Will river n,ul bKl" ,ier au"CB- ni ""
llo One or Most MiNlcrn on " ,a w l"rco "iu'- ""1 -
tho Const Francisco which has taken many a
ion 0111 01 1110 river, ouiuu uioiuas
Vessel Will Not Lie Idle In Portland
This Winter Will Dctiiin
Hero In SpiiiiK
Bound for drays Harbor thoro to
attempt tho deepening of tho bur
this wlutor tho government dredge
Colonel P. S. Mlchle, of Coos Buy.
snilod nway from Portland last oven
lng. How the diodgor will he nble to
work on tho Grays Harbor during
tho very months that storms prevent-
en nor wurx uro, is a niyaiory 10
mariners. Howevor, hnd the,
tihlp romalued hero during tho
'wlutor sho would have Hod up in
sldo nt a great espouse, nil of which
would havo boon paid out of tho an
nual government appropriation for
tho dredging of tho local bar. For
this roason thoro Is little grlnf felt
that the Mlchlo Is gono for tho
Tho dredgo was loanod to tho
Washington district by tho Oregon
district nnd will return to Coos liny
In the spring and rocoutiuuo lior
work on tho ontranco. Last sousou
sho romovod oloso to 1,000,000 cu
bic yards of snud from tho bar and
gave a general depth of 30 foet at
tho ontranco.
Could Not Bo Brought Down on Last
Trip of Kllburn Congestion
Will liiricnso,
A largo amount of Coos Bay
frolght Ik tlll nt Portland uccordlng
to tho following rrom tho Orogoninn:
" On tho dopnrturo of tho stonmor
F. A. Kllburn onrly this morning for
tho Goldon Onto, making calls on tho
way at Coos unci Humboldt Bays,
there remnlnod closo to lfiO tons of
cargo on Columbia clock that could
not ho enrod for and unlois tlio
Htoamor Breakwa'tor Is roady for
service within a weok tho prospects
ro that tho congosMon will grow.
The Thing for Christmas
nil- inok Includes useful Hut
overy member of the funilf.
foio you mako yourwniir
chases you had better drop U t
look thorn over.
For LadlM
For small sifts ur ", J will bo the wlj-
1.1. ifn.A urn a fe PW!
special ChrWrau box ;
Three better ones, in flilft
mas box for
Throe still better ooei
Christmas uox '' t'
Throe of tho very bet I- ,
Christmas box for
For CliUdrcn.
Three for 13 cent., and ttrei ,
2C cants.
..... 1.-n
lnim Handkerchiefs, -J-
In ipw-lJ
. Mci
J VtfAltm-ttUNI IMCVVO ',.,. Mmo tlw
O ?! ... ...I.
O0$dsV$$fr0OOCl two for ; l-iii. . jy.
t III IVKUIIIlllll IB b"ll V.J...... "- I j,jjj ja QH JUUI .
tho launch Dungor of tno b.uiui
Powors Con.pnny.
Llbhy Coal, SfS.Oft ton. Phono 72.
prices. Pioneer Hnrdwnro Co.
lhe rair
Next Door to -:-Chandler
HOQUIAM, Wash., Doc, 3. Tho
Mnthows Shipbuilding Company, of
this city, has begun preparations for
building ono of tho largest btoam
schqouers an tho Pacific Coast. Tho
keel will bo laid within a few days
and a crew of men Is now engaged In
getting out tho timbers for tho vessel.
The steamer will bo for tho F. S.
ago sho had a gasoline cngluo put
aboard and with her now dlgnltlos
mado a trip to Australia and to Alas
ka. Captain Korth. former resi
dent nf this city Is in charge, of her.
length over all of 215, with -12-root
hoam nnd 14-foot draft. She will
bo of tho doiihlft-oudor tvno. slmllnr
to the Daisy Oadsby, built by tho
IUl (llliuilivi lint uu i w.v 1 . n. ' v ' Mt.i.a.'.r, ... ., uiv
1 K'rnnninii rViiiiiin ii v f Sri n Vrnimlflpn ! Mnthowit cniniinnv nlinnt fnur vears
n .v v..--, ', - - --
H'....l .. Ill l.....n tii.innlli rf 1 ortd nim l.itt ..llt 1in..n trtnntK ClllllflVOrl
IMIU Will IIUIU II VlllUkUlli Wl 4,VW,- .W IV 11IV U ft.W.fc. . ,' u 1 b 14
1 000 feet of lumber. Sho will bo the facilities for loading and dlschurg
hiBt word In economic handling of! lug. She will havo no passenger
lumber, and is oxpectod to bo usod accomodations.
In tho coastwise trndo, though hor Tho now stea.nor Is to bo ready to
cheapness for operation will make it 1 lea vo Hoqulnm by Juno 1 for San
Pqsshuo for lior to piy tnrougn tno.i ranc.sco wnero win receive ner
About 14 porcont of tho sailors
taking the tests uudor tho new Sok
mnn's nw havo failed on this const,
according to figures glvon out by
Capt. John Bulger, supervising Jn
spector of U. S. atonm boat inspee
tors on the Pacific. In nil thero
hnvo boon npproxlniately 2,700 mou
examined .
Thoso who fall In the oxamimitlona
may como up ugulu for further
trials, possibly uftor they have
sained more oxporlence. Doing un
ablo to pass tho toetsj ronulrod of
them, thoso mon cannot ship ns nblo
toamon, hut must go ns ordinary
lonmon and nt tho corrospomUnjr
low wngos.
Cnpt, Dulgor said that the law is
vapidly Jucreaslng tho offIclonc of
soamon, nnd in this respect is ex
ceedingly honefklnl.
Ls a inlKlity lino- plnco, to .trado, lfj
jou mo looking; for tho best
unci latc-a lu
o U A , 1 T Y 1 F T S
Wo hnvo vnricty of MAILABLE
GIFTS from 25c to S25.00
Panama It doslred.
Tho now essel will havo a length
on the wuterlluo of 20G feet uud a
engines This will mean tho em-
Dr. Losdle, Osteopath, Mnrsliftcld
l to ment of nbout 100 men at high' -M- H !' KELTV, Dentist, 201
wages jCoijolJUlg. Phuiio n.j.
BUBaaaaaBnaawnB ' I
Phone -
Model Cash
Pure Food
..',. ..and behind M
PUBB F0,0I). croct'1 '
Pure Food w ir
.n.or vit ..V; ii -tf
r;rp,RY seb""...
every eu
, a trial- &'
Won't yo ,r
Pjiouo us Ju
,oAdr to
you as
best e i
,,,.- (,