5KEHa Mu. .Lx. m&nim2iaam AF r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 19 15 EVENING EDITION. SIX I HOT YETMCEPTED IS INJUREDIN Clliif ii ft U L.an Hub CASE CALLED OFF DISTICH!' ATTORN KY' II A lIS HL'AHIXO ASKK IMSMISSAIj ' TOitlnioiiy Slntni'.I.V Fiivots Defend- iinlc In Caso of Alleged Illegal Fishing .Jury Discharged With tlio majority of thu ovldonco fnvorlng thu defendants, District At toruuy LIIJoqvlBt Into yesterday at turuoou tiHlceil Judge I'onuock to dismiss thu charges of Illegal (lull ing brought against A. IugoiBoll and W. Clinton, ot lower Tun Mllo Grcok. Tlio Jury was discharged utter a several hours' session. Tlio charges ns brought mid Moil by Deputy Oamu Wurdon Thomas worn that tlio clofonilaiit'H had inn:n talnod nets moro thuu ono-tlilrd thu dlHtnucu across lowur Ten Mllo Creek, directly against tlio fish laws ot Oregon. WltncHHCH canio Into court Tor thu defendants and Hworo tinin ::iu not was not stretched ucroas thu ontUo Htreuni, nnd furthurnioro, that a good Hlinru -of tlio net's 1 00 foot length was on dry laud. In view of tlio testimony Mr. Lll Joiivlst uskod for a dismissal of thu cubo. J. W. Melnturff appeared for thu defendants and thu District At torney represented thu statu. Kill's A Second Charge - At thu eloiiu of thu coso District Attorney Llljciivisl liuuiedlatoly filed a second charge against the two men for a second not, ono said to have licuu placed further down tlio stream. Thu district attoruuy this morning said this caso will he postponed Indefinitely, on tlio agree ment of tho defendants that thuro will be no more tioublo regarding tlio nets. Wltnossos for tho dofonso yester day declared they didn't know thu length of thu nuts. Thuru was a de cided difference ot opinion nu to whether or not thu nets wore across more than one third of tlio stroam. Homo said thu nets wore mostly on dry laud, at least when thu tldo was out, and tho district attorney de clared then that hu'd better ult while there was any water ut all loft In thu creek Ho Instructed Deputy tjnmo Warden Thomas to make a snapshot ncNt tlmo before filing Charges against nets, Tho Ladles of tlio Methodist Aid Society UII hold a Tuirel Post hale," and a hot tiiiualo lunch on Friday, December third In room net to Woleott's new More on Market Aieniio. Lunch beginning at It::i0 a, in, and solo at -::N p. m. Par cels l!.c and all worth it, lunch LVc. Dr. Leslie, Osteopath, Mui-dit'Iehl Times want ads bring results. Buy Your Christmas Gifts Early This Year Don't Hilt until tho last day when blocks may be depIctiHl and cleiks aro i-usned with othor lute customers. Malut out a list or the presents ym device, In lug It In and 'we will go oei- out- a;o(-K careful l., enabling you to select Just what you want. Our stock never contained as many nice, useful gifts at such reasonable pi Ices as (his year. Jewelry Department Reel Cross Drug Store 0 HH Crowds speak for themselves. Ask them how quality, service and price were. ome Tomorrow Clothing (8b Shoe Co. PURCHASERS DUCKS TABDO BUY lll'NTIillS CLAIM TIIKV NKVIMl IIICSITATK WHKN FhYIXM RV Shot (i'iiii Spin t Wanes Tills Season Illusive Itlnls Often Come Into Hay anil Feed at Night Duuk hunters, since tho opoulng cf tho pronont sunaon, have com plained Hint -the wily, honking fowl of tho air, have placed a taboo sign on Coos Hay and Its vicinity, iini , have sailed gaily by to tho South without uvea hesitating. Hags so far reported luivu been skinny iiloir shlu of soinu of hu.r jt-nr and iu houmous pruvlous to that. No reason can bo given for this discourtesy, say tho followers of tho shot gun sport. "Just an off year," they snld and add furthor that this luck goes too with a dull year. Thu salmon flshermon said tho same thing when their receipts for HMO fell away Doiow wnai thoy woru In ID II. Up at thu lakes to tho north thoro has been vory llttlo hunting. No no of It hns boon up to normal, fay thoHo who havo tried It. Over acrnaB tho bay It's difficult on somu duyu to stir up a louo duck, and down In thu rower bay It has been almost equally as hard a task. Hut hero Is another puzzling ques tion. Whuro do tho hosts of ducks comu from that como honking in o feed on thu mud flats as soon us Old Sol drawB bin head under rovor at night, pulling tho official hunt ing day after him? Hunters nay sometimes thoy en mo In veritable "droves", sort of laughing to thorn selves thu while, and In thu morn lug thoy have risen and fled to parts unknown . killiid out or kkaso.v Largo Deer Is Found Wlieio It Had lleeu Shot. f " A largo forked horn buck wan found dead In tho road near tho Fish Trap country. It had a largo charge of bird shot In Its sldu and had evidently been potted by somo duel; huutor and had run somu dis tance before falling. It was utlll warm when discovered and likely had only huen dead a few inlnutos. As It s out of season probably no one wants to claim tho honor of killing it. Cuqulllu Herald, All Milts of gilts l'oi thoughtful givers. ruiisiially attractive ones Tor rifty cents to .SI. ICacli artlclo boxed with hand-colored greeting card. Till-: (JUT SHOP, Ulft Cen tial aouue, Nolilo liulldiiig. Dlt. 11. l. KIILTV, Doutbt, iii)l CoKo Hldg. Phono 1 1U-J, W CUE IN HERE , ;iniCT THAT ALLFOKD Milt- -DKRIIR HI-IHX XKAR IIKItK Shcilff Oiiliuio Is Told llaitholotnew, .Much Wanted In Hose City, Is Mended Tills YVny orflceru hero aru skeptical of I ho rot-ort that (Siorgo Ilartholomovv, .l leged murderer of Joint Uiunt in Portland, whoso body wns found floating In a trunk after being dumped into tho Wlllainotto RIvor, was seen at Drain and in bonding in towards Coos Hay. I'ollco of tho Hone city havo starto.1 a eoast-wldo search for tho man. Thu general belief was Hint ho had fled to San Francisco. Only a few lays ago an aged couplo camo into thu orrico of Sheriff Quluun, at Rcschurg, and Insisted that thoy had seen a man of Hartholomow's description pass by their place west of Drain, heading toward tho const const. In tho first p)nco It Is not belov ed horo that thu much wanted man would rico In this direction. Onco down In horo, It would bo hnrd for him to oscapo without being gen erally known. Ills description has gono far and wldu to all pollco of flcers and has boon spread further through tho newspapers. Thu pollco hero havo a descrip tion of tho man and feel confident that thoy could "spot" him, should ho appear In this section. Tho fiendish murder of Llnnd has stirred Portland inoro than any tragedy In tho past two years. So bunglosomo was tho Job that tho detectives nnd police Immediately put tho blamo onto Harthalomuw, roommato uf Llnnd, and have start ed a vigorous boareh for him. S. A, KENDALL WILL REACH ROSEBURG SOON .Man Who In To Hulh.1 Luiuber Mill nnd Itallroad In Kpoctcd This Week UOSlillUIKl, Oro., Doiu 2. S. A. Koudall, member ot tho firm of Kendall Hrothers, of Pittsburg, Pa., and ono of tho proposed builders ofor II. tho ltoseburg & Kastorn ItaUrosd and the attendant sawmill, will ar rive lu ItoBoburg Thursday ovonlng, at cording to a loiter received by C. L, Solocmau, his personal represen tative hero. " Although Mi. Kendall gives no intimation In his letter rognrdlug tho length of tlmo hu will spend lu Hose burg, it Is admitted by persons close to his local roprcsoutntlvo that ho will romalu lu tho city until such tlmo as plans aro practically com pleted for tho construction or tho railroad and tho erection of tho saw mill. " Tho right of way committee has been working diligently on tho pro- :",: .;.:,,:: ;",: :r: iiii fs DnlWltl 1 tiiftll 1 liu n i il rnrtt I U'Wlin llllVttU lllL illUJ IliltU uw curod about 75 per . cunt ot tho rights ot way Jiotwoon Itosobirg and tho westornlino' ot.tho Uinpqun Na tional rorejtt' rosorvo. Tho fair grounds, which Is tho proposed site of tho mill, has also been secured by thai townspeople a'ud'can.Jio -turned ovor to tho builders of tho railroad and mill without much difficulty Hl'ILD NEW LIXEIt AMSTERDAM. Dec. 2. According! to n dispatch from Hromen, a new 35,000-tov passenger liner, which , ticket nnd the others named on an 1 tho North German Lloyd Is about to i other ticket. j build for sorvleo in tho trnus-Atlan- j tic trade nftor tlo war, will bo nnm- Hnvo your programs printed at leu the Illndenhurg. Tho Times ofHre. I itfr - , . e OFFICERS ELECTED CAULKS KLKCT (U'IDICS FOR THK ICNSUIXtJ VUAIt Fiod MagiitiNsoit Is President- Lotlgo W! Hold Installation Fhst Wednesday in January Tho annual nomination and elec tion of officers of thu Marshfleld Aorlu No. 038, of tho Fraternal Or der of Eagles, was held Inst evening In tho lodge rooms. Installation of officers will occur on thu first Wednesday In January. F. it. Kirk, worthy president for tho past year, wns thu only man named for tho offlco, but before tho election ho declined tho nomination In favor of Fred MngniiBaon, who was duly elected to thu offlco. Sev eral members guvo slioic tains con gratulating Mr. Kirk on tho spirit that' ho showed In relinquishing tho honor In favor of somcono elso at the conclusion of his most successful terms Tho othor .officers elected norc; Vlco-prcsldont Charles Hill. Chuplaln C. McKay. Inner (luard Charles Poll. Outsldo Ouard Albert Johnson. Trustees -.Frod Johnson, Wnlter Hill and 1). J. ltecs. Secretary J. II. Sneddon. Treasurer August Frlzeen. Tho Inst two officers named wore ro-electud unnulmously. IS HELD XtHITIl HKNI) VOTERS XAME TICKET FOU CITY ELECTION Llttlo UntlnislaMii is Shown Last Kvcnlng K. F. Ilusscl, II. . Kern Itiiu for Mayorship Ono hundred voters of North Ucnd gnthorod In tho Qunu build ing Inst evening and held their cau-J tus. Candidates tor Mayor, City Ro- 'cordor, City Trcnsuror nnd Council vncaiicles wore nomlnntoTl, " Tho mu nicipal election will bo hold Dccom- K. F. Itussell, present lucumbont, and If. U. Kern, wore declnrca noni luces In tho Mayoralty rnco. Tho rormor recolvod 19 votos, tho hit tor "-, Tho othors voted on wero Peter l.ogglo, 13, and M. K, Kvor Itt, 2. Xo Opposition City Recorder C. K. Maybco round uo opposition to his continuing In otflco nnd no opponents woro placed in tho ring. City Treasurer John H, Grovo found hlmsolf lu tho snmo position and ho, too, will hold ovor for 1916. Xniiied for Council . Thoro wero olght men named tor tho threo Council vacancies and tho is,x o niBhcst numbo,- or votes woro doclarcd candidates. They woro Robert Hanks, 62; James A. Allen, 40; Fred Holllstor, 40; 0. H. Worrell, 38; A. E. Morten, 31; W. H. Chappoll, 22. Tho othors In tlje raco wero J. V. Mitchell with 17 votes nnd J. y. Grout, IS votes, J. G. Mullen acted ns ohalrma'n of tho meotlng and C. K. Mnybeo, as secrotary. Tho meetliiK was n very quiet ona and llttlo enthusiasm was shown. The candidates with tho highest J voto for each office will go on one UXCKRTAINTY AliOUT HOLDING RAXKKHS' MKKTIXG IIKKK Paclfle Hanker, A Portland Paper, Sets Forth Conditions Con cerning tho Situation An invitation was extonded to tho Oregon Stnto Hankers Association to hold tho annual meeting noxt Juno on Coos Hny. Thoro Is somo doubt whether tho Invitation can bo ac cepted. Tlid Pacific Hanker, a Port land publication prints tlio follow ing artlclo which gives somo Inter esting facts regarding tho matter: " Mnrshrlcld Is vory anxious that tho next mooting of tlio Oregon Stato Hankers' Association shall uo held there. If. has mado an nppeal to J. M. Poormnn, proBldont ot tho L'ank of Woodburn, nnd, president of tho association, to use his Influ ence to have tho place of meeting changed from Portland to iMarsh flold. John W. Motley, secrotary of tho Jlarshfluld Chamber of Com merce Is hIbo Btronuously working with tho Portland Chamber of Com merco to nccuro tho satno ond. Thus fnr tho energy used hns been with out BUCCCSS. Ilnnkers Willing " Tho Chamber of Commorco took an expression of scutlmont, from over tho telephone, of a ntitnbor ot Portland hankers, and as far as the canvass went a cheerful i espouse I was mot with. Somu went so fnr (is to sny Unit tho thing for Portland to do was to accept tho Invitation of Marshfleld. " It. W. Schmeor, cashier of tho United States National hank, told tho officials or tho Portland Cham ber of Commerce, howover, Hint tho change could not ho made. Ho said it is not for Portland to decide. Hu was present at tho San Frn'uelsco convention, nfid put tho motion him self that the noxt , state meeting should bo held In Portland. Tho motion wns unanimously carried. Suce, therefore, the resolution was thu expressed official action of tho body, It Is urged that no change bo mado unless there Is n referendum vote taken on thu question. Whether this will bo done can not he deter mined at this tlmo. Think It Would Curry " Thoso who ravor making tho change beljevo that a referendum Voto would easily carry, and that It would ho very llttlo oxponnu or trouble to havo one. It Is urged thnt there were but twenty-four members of the association present when tho voto was 'taken, which Is not a representative expression of tho sontlmout or tlio association. " In ordor to have Marshflold ap proclato tho fact, howover, thnt Portland bankers have no responsi bility In tho matter, and that as in dividuals thoy aro, almost without exception, In favor of responding to Jlnrshflold's Invitation. Mr. Schmeor has personally written tho Coos Hay Chnmhor of Commerce or tho actual stato or affairs. Might Hurt Attendance " Ono or two Portland ineinborB of mu unnuuuiiuii iuur nun inu uucci or. a small nueuiiuncu at thu next cusHlon or tho stato hodv nmv toml to havo a demoralizing ofrect upon rl,, rur"' hoolH or Orogon; namely, tho status or tho organization Itsoir. tn "tnndard plan, tho Hoys and It Is bolloved Hint tho nttondanco at G,rl8' cl,,u Work B,ld l,, 1,ay" Marshriold, whllo It will undoubted- Ground Movomunt. ly bo much Inrgcr than at Sun Fran- Moro tl,n 2'000 ()f lho Ieiu,lll,? Cisco, will be largly mndo up ot 0(lctora roprcsontlng nil tho Stnton Wlllnirtetto Vnlloy Imnkors. Tho ""' ,1UUI' froKi countries havo great torrltory cast or tho moun- n"(lu careful study of tho Oregon tains, It Is feared, will not bo rep-1 ex,,,,,lt w,tl tllc l'nioso of udopt rosontod. In view of tho tact thnt '"K "r Standnrd School Plan nbso thoso who tuko this point ot vloyv!,nlo,y' n,,l t"rolKli tho local press pluco tho welfare of tho organization ( lcadors havo given Orogon credit tor nbovo tho other considerations, a'uolplng thorn, rororondiim will bo arroctcd by this About Club Work argument. It is unanimously agree I 0f tno C,HM work- Jt ,8 cncotlml that K Mnrshriold woro to extend an tnnt " otllor 8tuto "ns tho worlt B0 Invitation to tho Stnto association wo" organized. Tho local and for tho 1917 meeting, It would liavoicoimt' 8cll0l ''' w" tno c,u" llttlo or no opposition." winners' work shown at tho Stato jFnlr, making a logical culmination Shoe Insurance Today, when ECONOMY is tho huy-Mord. People, aro tt-rninL- tit STAXDAitu Mi'iinnvhiur ..i.i. . worhl-wide aistiibutlon, for that means Ql'ALlTY' STY'LIMXSL'HAXCT-: IXSUHAXCIJ. IXSUHAXOE, and PRICE- Wo aro exclusive agents for ItK AL, XKTThrrO.V and DOROTHY DODD shoes. GORDON Shoe Store "Shoes of Met It" Central Avenue and Hrgndway RAHHNEV SERIOUSLY J UK ED IN- -r I'oieinan of Cunip !i At Powers Drought. Homo on Strotelier Spinal Cord Is Injured John Daslinoy, foromnn or Camp a, at Powers, was seriously Injured yesterday morning when a wlro ca ble, suddenly tightened, struck him so that ho was thrown several root, striking ou tho back or his neck and top or 1i1b Bhouldors. Ho was brought In on tho train last evening, Tho doctor this morning said that part of tho seiiBatlou In thu anus of tho lnjurod man Is Impaired though It will probably tako Bovernl dnys to ascertain tho full extent ot tho in Jury. At tho tlmo of tho accident Dr. Manzor happened to bo In Marsh fluid and Mr. Daslinoy waited until last ovanliig for medical aid. lie was brought In on a stretcher. Thu accident, ho said, happened so quickly, that ho hardly knew what struck htm. Only a short tlmo ago Mr. Dnshncy was brought In suf fcring from nu Injury to his lug hav ing had tho limb badly bruised on a log. Tho doctor this morning snld thnt tho Injured man received thu spring of a wlro enblo, as It wuh tightened ou tho drum of a donkey engine Tlio spinal cord was Injured when Mr. Daslinoy struck. It Is mild that thu motion of his limbs has nut been Imparod. ' F. LM)VD lX.Il)Ki;i) An nccldent In tho Coqulllo Vnlloy Is recorded In thu Coqulllo Herald as follows: " F. Lloyd, who lives down tho river opposltu Cedar Point, had a sevoru full whun thu laddur ho watt standing on whllo engaged In put ting a pauo of glass In a window, slipped from under him. Ills lott shoulder suffored n sevoru strain and ho was cousldernbly bruised. OltKd'OX lU'HAL HCHOOUS MAKH FXCMLLUXT HllOWIXtl ICdiicators I'roui Other States anil Couuti-les Want to Follow i:aiupIo of Our Klato SALUM, Oro., Dec. 2. Suporln tondouttf of Public Instruction Churchill hns Issued tho following: That tho pcoplo living In tho ru ral districts of Oregon euro moro for their schools, aro working harder to glvo their hoys and girls a practical education, ami hnvo mado a great er advance than any othor state, la clearly proved by tho reception which hns been glvon tlio rural school exhibit at the Panama Pacif ic Exposition. At tho roquost ot tho'Nntlonnl Hu reau or Education, tho Oregon Stato Department or Education proparod tor tho Educational Palaco nn cxhlb- I ll Hhowlng tlio strongest features of of tho years' work, tno organiznm nnd directing of tho work by tlio Stato School Superintendent with tho oxport bulletins prqparod by tho Stato Agricultural Collogo for tho children, tolling thorn how to solect "acods nid do tholr work, nrq fea tures which aro raising tho club wprk of Oregon boys nnd girls to a high standard. Tho Judgos at tho Stato Fair this year doclared that tho corn oxhlbltod by tho boys was fully ono hundred por cent hotter than Hast year, whllo tho vogotables and othor products wore a much higher grado than over bofso, Othors Would Follow Hundreds of requests havo como from all parts of tho United States for tho Recroatlon Manual, issnod by tho Stato Dopartmont of Education, 'and ovory playground oxpert lro- I no,mce3 t0 bP tho best ono pub- iiBueti. iver icacner in urusuu JOHN DOING A Fl E R r.,.l1 i ...in. - llf. ,nnn fi...ti-fl1 iiOi nmuouuu un u copy oi nu " otrf-ot: t-t ..,n.m! ual, and tho attention given tnIa prcclnct in tbe f rortU ' nrnlllnni I., rinannn .tiifltin- lin liafit I . ..lh sldC "' ..I ,'.uuv., if, UlUbUM tt..4l.f, ... . two years is developing a happier, healthier lot of school children. Commtsslonors from a number of the torolgn countries have sent tholr secretaries to tho Oregon Education al Exhibit with Instructions to copy every chart shown in order that thoy may havo tho material tor a sppclfU report to their cquntrloa on our ru ral Pplmqls. . , t i 'L?l b i f' "LilJU Possum it,. 01' . AaAlXST LUv J "'"'.or ThnlTT"".. Myrerp .tv'lrr.i.n now iirniiiuui.. . rceatm .. lc.legramprntathefoi i""iuiiion Tan- . i 'viiinorB aro atloif u '' U" toi,rovnt(.J0,Ul,tli Prohibition ! JTr,lfcM .Inn.mry i, 19lG ""AMP cos, tlio ni-llc4tlon Ve brownr . ., ttah h fncturera nn,i i!.,0' "" i huv. Bho,.., ..'" '" Prehenteil it uin . k "Jiiriln Uli3 city ftndi,..Vl f KHUltcd. w,, ''Si . . .. t" 10 In I., rob,tw.rtlhlijJy None: to cmmM rcy, nroiirlot.i m M rcdllPRlnit n i... .. . H or beforn .tnnn... . .... "f 1111. II I" tho Iminls of collector,. Signed E E. FEHttt NOTICi; TO Ktttnn '. wollco H hereby slTcntttf.. oral municipal election wJ '' tho City of JUrihtwi I County, Oregon, on Tcni, . 7th dny of December, ltll.ro imiiiuBu oi oicctlng a x,Jltk nerve ior mo term of tn j two Coiincllmcn to itrtiU. term ar threo yean fickulu corder to servo for tbUeraiti yenr ninpfor tlio purpou o( il ing or rejecting certilo tw niiiumlliiR tho City Chirter tUk lot tltlu of which Is u folfcn: HKFKIlltKI) TO TUB riMll TUB COMMON COUXCH, For nn Ordinance to iseilS tlons 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, It, It. U in, 1C, 17 nnd 10 mil i twecu Sections 17 and II ! 17n, 17b, 17c, 17d, 1?UH 17h mid 171, protldlnf lot milliner of nominating ti for nil clcctlvo offices d pi lug 'for tlio mannir of coifa elections and canrauln; Hi i cast thereat nnd protldltj U I uppohitiiicnt of ncanclM la i VcUjmwi 300 Yes 301 No RKFEIUIKI) TO THE PEOPLI 1 Till-: C0MJI0N COUNXIL For nu Ordinance to teei! i tlon G3 of lho Cllr CM"' vhllng tor tho roanntr cl ww hie Bales of property for W niniit of any tax or awemBt VoteVeiw? 302 Yes. 303 No. and for tho purpose ot toUsfi tho following- quettlom m titlo of which l ai foIW"- .,, T..nr.i.nWlNQ QUESTlW I PKRIlBn TO TUB PWfU! THE COMMON CWW ' i MKIlEliY ADViw NOT LE0I8UTIVB. ... .. .... miv of mriM'1" ,.. . ' - TW JlfiO.OO moniiujr ' "' ,w for nialntnliilng tbe ft- Tinin? ' mi.t.OWlNO QVW ': THE K pEOfli' .. - n-IIR FKItUBI) i "" -....oil. IVB THK COMMIT w" MKUKLY ADVISORY . .nilNLIU'' . LEOISl'Aiv . f MiriW" ...Hi s"tllouL'Totu( bonds for an m" u fl til 135,000 for thu a City Hall Vota . . l 306 Yes,' 307 No. . ..VjH" ...... tCM l0 '" Tlio pouiiis I-- nrecInct8lsa8'T"ict!J North or No. " " ; CH 762 Front nct' fcOUUl " - c(t B ' ' , between f , .... ,nh side oi .,i 011 ",ar S'"" :VlI near PreCiBCi "' M Q..th or No. 20 Pre"" & t South or S-ondS lntUt,, Inn Will " '- m"ZArtri tho morniuB - ,h. Hd-- 3lght O'CIOCIC l the. said day. . or ,nllS' W - Si Li!1 ?A 301 Vcs. . 305 No. - I- i