Lrf. ...1. . THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1915 EVENING EDITION. 1 I ' I - 1' I ... ' ' 1 ' "TT FOUR COOS BAY TIMES K. 0. MALONKY, Rdltor and Pub. DAN E. MALONEV, News Editor S : . iiJU Official Paper dt Coos County Official Paper City of Marahflold. Address all communications to COOS 1JAY DAILY TU1E& Entered at tho Postofflco at Jinrah field Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second-class mall matter. ' X with the Toast : I AND THE TEA I An Independent Republican nowfl paper, published overy evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos Bay Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION KATES DAILY. Ono year fG.OO Per month .GO WEEKLY. Ono year . Jl.GO When paid strictly In advanco the subscilptlon pilco of the Coos Ray Times Is $C.0O por yoar or $2.50 for lx months. 4- 4 ! OOOD EVENING The longer I Hvo the nioro deeply am I convinced thnt that which mukes tho differ ence between one man and nnother, between tho wenk and the powerful, tho grunt nml Insignificant, Is energy, Invincible determination, ti purpoBO once formed, and then dcatji or victory. The (limllty will do anything that Is to be done In the world. Buxton. $ 1 EUROPEAN WAR ONE f I YEAR AGO TODAY i Tho nelchstag voles a now Gor man War credit of ?l,2r.p,000,000. Tho Russians aro checked In thofr In Poland by tho Oor mans, AL'Mrlan troops occupy Belgrade, the cnpltul of Sorbla. don. Christian do Wot, robol lend er ill tho Union of South Africa, Is captured. WATCH VOUIISHLI'1 CO BY DO IT NOW T'fcOSTMASTBR-aKNEItAL, BUR- YJ LESON httB issued a warning to tho public to do Its Chrlst mns mailing oarly, In order that lilo department may provide quick and offectivo despatch and delivery of holiday matter. If Christmas mail ing is to bo dono early Christmas shopping must bo dono early, tho wisdom of doing both In good season has novor been nioro apparent than It Is this year. Loavlng out of consideration any regard for tho feelings, of tho store clorfc, which nro nlwnyB soroly tried during tho" CUrlatmno season, Mio shoppers will find It very much to Jits or her own ndvnntago to begin thinking seriously today of tho pur chases that nro to bo mado. And not only to think soon but act soon as woll. All tho stores nro full of Chrlst mns goods. Tho shopper today will have tho pick of thu grentcst variety, becauuo many utooks can not bo replenished onco they nro exhausted. Mako out your Christ mas nut touny. Decide what you want to got for father or mothor or brother or sister or swcolhcnrt, for Tom, nick una Harry, for Mary, Jane and Suo, and go out and got It. Just stand nsldo and watch yourself go by; Think of yourself as "ho" Instead of "I." Note closely as in other men you note The bng-knecd trousers and tho seedy coat, Pick flaws; find fault; forget tho man Is you. And strive to mako your estimate ring true Confront yourself and look you in tho cyo " Just stand usldo and watch your3olf go by. Interpret all your motive, Jiut cs though You looked on ono whoso alms you did not know. Let undisguised contempt surge through you when You bco tho shirk, O commonsnt of men!"' Desplso your cowardlco; condemn whnto'or You noto of fnlsohood In you any where. Defend not ono defect that nhames your oyo m Just stand nsldo and watch yourself go by. And VERY one Is familiar with the vlrtnild (lull rrn In mnt.'n nn flirt Christinas dinner of tho Eng lish speaking races tho tur-1 key, goose, plum pudding nnd'inlnco, pie festlvnls-but how many of us ' know what they eat at Chrlstmnstldc In foreign couutrlts? 'Tho Frenchman; Christmas bill of fare, for instnilce, Is extonslvo nud varied and in mtmy 'respects quite different from our own. Tho 'great Gallic nntlonnl dishes aro trulllcd tur key and black puddings, of which overy Fronehmnn who can afford such luxuries mukes a very hearty incnl at 1'uletldc. In Russia tho Christmas meal consists largely of two dishes ono of "Wheat porrldgo served with honey nud tho other u curious compound of stowed pears, apples, oranges, grapes and cher ries, sweetened with honey uud served cold. Italians, loo, nro fond of rather sweet and lndlgestlblo dishes, espe cially at Christmas. Ono of their Pik ' i WEEKS TO CHRISTMAS One Month Alorc and Santa Comes! Buy Your Gifts Early! I-W-W-f-t-I-H-W-M-H-I-H-H-H-W-j :: ciniiy at unsiuius. una ui weir v if favorlto combinations, l's thnt of eels, I 'X, fl oflll5YSi C periwinkles and vermicelli, whllo tho w-HfiJl )lllilAA.C Is Prophetic j To ; , t NEWS OF OREGON t $ Iff AURORA Mrs. Cordlo Klar, n deaf mtito, was struck by a Southorn Paclilo train and killed. DALLAS Six young men wero sentenced to thirty days in jail for having disturbed a rollglouu meet ing. McMINNVILLE J. 0. Holt, sec retary and manager of tho Eugono Fruit Orowora' Association has ad vocated tho establishment of n can nery for tho locality. DALLAS A coronor's 'jury lma found that J. C. Illllman shot his wlfo and himself In n rngo becuuso lie suspectod his wlfo of breaking a bottlo of whlskoy which ho had lett in tho garage on Thanksgiving Day. FOSSIli The pooplo of tho city aro agitating tho change of tho namo of Fossil to Homothlug elsa which does not sound so prehistoric. BAKER Mrs, Jonnlo Cuininlna, nged GT years, died of heart troublo duo to excitement when hor daugh ter and tho hitter's husband quar reled. SALEM H. II. Corey, socrotnry of tho public uorvlce commission of Orogon, Is u candidate for public service commissioner for eastern Orogon uud Is a resldont of Baker, ALBANY Tho Llnn county grand jury Is In session nnd several criminal cases aro to bo acted upon. BAKER John Klssoll, aged G5 years, was found dead In bed on hs ranch near tho city. SEASIDE Tho flro department gavo their annual bauquot nnd lias an onrollmont of 17 members, u of which aro actlvo mouthers. UNION Tho of Charles Huffman and his throo daughtors whom ho killed with himself, was hold. EUGENE Lieutenant J. n. Blackburn in charge of the navy re cruiting offluos at Portland, Seattle and Eugone.'wlll arrlvo in tho city to urgo young mon to enlist. then, with oyes unvcIM to what yon loathe sins that with sweet chavlty's you'd clothe Back to your solf-wnllcd tenement you'll go With tolerance for nil who dwell below. Tho faults of others then will dwarf nud shrink, Love's chain grow strongor by ono mighty link Whon you, with "he," as substitute for "I," Ilnvo stood nsldo and watchod your self go by. Seleelod Inevitable macaroni nud spaghetti form, of course, tho principal nrtlclca of food at nil times. Tho German Christmas dinner offers as Its principal attraction tli6 goose, without which your true German would feel that ho had not had u real holiday feast Germans, like Aits trlnus nnd Italians, hnvo n very sweet taste, as evidenced by their numerous varieties of cake. Notwithstanding tho tendency n all (!ountrics to offer hugo dinners nt Christmas, It would seem that every By Rev. Dr. R. S. MAC ARTHUR UH-HH-l-l-M-H-H-H-M-l-H-l-'A T Tho first thing a Coos Bay man looks for t Is u placo to sit down. The first thing u Coos Bay woman looks for is a mirror. Doing caught red-handed In orlmo novor humiliates n Coos Bny man half so much as being Jilted In Iovo. mm" "9i o ft vj r jeMrMML, uni.s' ik tiii. HE Christmas observance, for- tunately, U becoming moro general each year. Many per sons who have no religious in terest In tho season obicrvo it for Its dullghtful social features. This la it self n gcnuluo gain for nil tho inter ests of our common humanity. Moro and more nro the religious dcnomlna- tlons of nil creeds making a part of i Christmas n tlmo of religions worship. . This also is a chango in n wholcsoino i direction. I In celebrating tho birth festival of our Lord wo hold up boforo tho world tho central thought In Its history. . Christ's Incarnation Is tho event arcund I which nil other events rovolvo In small 1 or or larger circles, i This festival is tho most Joyous cole- brntlon of Christendom. It mnkes tho Joy of childhood moro Joyous, nnd It lightens thu burdens of ngo nnd sor row with Its tender mcmorlca nud its triumphant prophecies. It Is prophetic of tho golden ngo when Christ shall como ngnln. when evil shall bo overthrown aud when tfct I rang of u redeemed l.unwilty tfU t i sweep over tho unlvcreo us tho sent ' of celestial choirs echoed over the plains of Bethlehem. By the gifts which chnrnclcrlzo this i season wo commemorate God's great glft-tho uiiNpoaknblo gift of his Son i to n world lost In sin nnd wandering , In darkness. No ono can rightly cstl- initio tho blessings which ijow every 1 year to nil classes and conditions of men from tho tender memories nnd I colli In otinrltlitu onlloil tnrtU l. l.. n. pkacock in oldhk ' "lombniuco of tho holy child Jesus. Tho lesfl reputation some Coos Bay pcoplo havo tho quicker they flaro up In dofenso of It. , nua nation's holiday bill of faro Is becom Christmas Balls From Hill to Hill. lug simpler with tho course of time. I J1 11"W? ,l!ca.r. tho .V1? of l,rl,tJ An Interesting comparison may bo WSXJ& TODAY'S ADVICE 6 Bo n wise one, llttlo girlie, And oscnpo tho hurly-burly; Put your hair up neat and curly, Du your Christmas shopping ;ar'.y. Somo men on Coos Buy who as boys confidently expected to loso tholr hair fighting Indians later discovered that dandruff was their real foo. Tho forty-elght-Ineh of Ilea so nenr tho mtrfneo vtf tho ground that any Coos Bay man can drlvo Ills pick Into It. And it Is tho Coos Bny man too poor to own ono who rends nil tho autoinohllo nds. It Is simply remarkable how nicely tho world, tho nation, tho stnto nnd tho town enn get nlong when you mind your own business. Tho Palmer Lumber Company, of La Grande, has uwnrded logging contracts totalling 11,000,000 feet. Ralls aro bolng laid on tho new railroad at Grants Pass up to tho foot of Hayn III II. Lovo Is whon you sit besldo a warm, soft bundle of girlhood and hold hor hand for flvo hours and not know that you are sitting on your hut until sho loaves you. mado of tho Christmas dinners former ly served In England and In this coun try with thoso of today, albeit tho hit l IT IIIU U IIU IHV.II113 BVIIIIIJ. i ..... . i t. .1-1 U.IIO ioniums ui iiiuuviii J'.ugiiatiuiuii must havo possessed magulllceut ....!.... fnl...lH l.n....t.ilu.. ....... n... ducted nu u scale thnt would mako the , housekeeper of today shudder. Tho j meal with which thoy commenced their Christmas day, a mere appetizer to them, was niiiplo enough to rob tho , modern gourmet of nil zost for food i for several days. Tho sideboard of tho , old English mansion groaned under Its leviathan round of beef, Its corpulent pork pie, the Yorkshire ham, the brawn and chine, whllo on thu table Itself troublo j deviled turkeys' legs, hoinemndo sau sages, cutlets and kidneys tent up n mingled nud grateful lnceuso from nu environment of piles of hot buttered toast, now laid eggs, honey and fru mentl. But this repnst. substantial as It was, was trilling ns compared with tho din ner tho real dinner that followed not ninny hours after. Tho feast wns her aided by tho boar's bend, preceded by servitors who Mew resounding flour ishes ou their trumpets. Tho boar's head Itself was carried, soniotlmes on I n dish of gold or silver, Into tho ban queting hnll nt tho head of a stately procession of guests. Answer each other In tlio mist. Tennyson. i?!A Christmas Thought o By LUCY LARCOM. H, Clirlntinaa la coming again, you nay, And you long for tho things It is bvlrlglne. But tho oostllost gill may not glad- don tho day Nor holp on tho morry bolla ring ing. Somo gottlng Is losing, you under stand; Somo hoarding ia far from Bavinj;. What you hold in your hand may clip from your hand; Thoro is something bottor than having. Wo nro rlchor for wljat wo clvoi And only by giving wo Uvo. Absonco makes tho henrt grow fonder, but that's not tho reason dressed with a shilling of sweet herbs why a Coos Hay married mau stays ' BPIces aml basted with tho yolks out all night. Tho Coos Buy uiuii who adver tises his vices is as big a liar ns the man who boasts of his virtues. Many Coos Bay men lenoro tho high cost of treating, Tho St. Helens Shipbuilding Com pany has beou asked to bid on flvo B000 ton vcsboU for an Enstorn firm. Times Waut Ads for result. Your last yoar'o prosonta aro soat tored and gouo, You havo almost forgot who gavo thorn, But tho loving thoughts you bestow Uvo on Aa long ns you ohooso to hnvo Then camo tho iwicock. which wns J r uom lorved oven moro sumptuously than the ' 0 ,s your rlohos though oar's head, with Its garnishing of rose- ovor 00 poorJ mnry nnd ImyB nnd Its tusks orun- v mo,ny can buy tua troasuro, nicnted with largo apples. This Is how I ra alwavs fto, robbor and rust they used to prepniu tho peacock for B00Uro the feast: When It lind been roasted nnd I ur own wlthout Btnt or mens- It ia only lovo that wo can give; It is only by loving-wo Hvo. Keep n roof of prosperity over your- head and help your neighbor to do likewise by trading with him in business. You Help Him, and He Will Help You HOME TRADE MEANS HOME SAVINGS. This paper is booming this town all the while. HOW ABOUT YOU? The Newspaper t , of I'gca it was sowed Into Its fonihrs. Its beak was gilded, and It wns borno For who if nD .t i ,o the dining lu.ll by of high de-1 " ClJL Torn B th K,lSmlm,l,ed h' U, StraU,S f ! olSrrwlaTcroatlonr Other features of tho old time Christ- , Who,!!1!11111 Bta? bor,n iiih dinner Inehul,.,! l-p. .....'": Whoso lovo ia tho world's salva- ... r...v ..;, ..,... . V..I v : i "vo, ; tion, L-iiiuiist iiiiviioiiiiis, Bitiuius u( DCOl nUU haunches or venison TTn wna .nM A .t. i...l . That these wore ,' "" 'IT , w" U1"'"' oul na ava 1.1 .i....... ..n ... .. ; iisiii.-it iiuxii ikiii (iuiiuus ui me auti wlno goes without saying. Indeed, nn other htory might bo written of tho liquid element of tho old Uugllsli din ners. Harpor's Weekly. TW1X CITV DAXCi-J That can mako our lifo worth liv ing, And happy tho Chrlstmaa day wo call That i3 spont for his sake in giving. Ho rhows us tho way to llvo; Liko him, lot ua lovo and give. Dnuco at Eagles Hall, Sat. eve., Dee. -1. Jeiio Sevely Orchestra En semble. Hoto your liETTEU heads, bill heads, etc.. nrlntnil nt Till."! T1UI.-Q 'office. Ti'iiuinn A. Do Wcesc, a well-known liulhlcr, .saym "(Jet a copy of tho leading paper of your town of twenty years ago and compare It with today's edition of tho namo paper. "Von may not detect any remarkable Improvement in tho fiauilllug of tho editorial or neu.s mat tec. "Tho thing that will Impress you most In the quantity nud quality of the advertising, , "Tho paper Is vibrant with intense merchandising activity. "There l.i freshness', timeliness ami originality la tlio adver tising. ,1, "The copy has 'news' Jiitciwrt. "Thero is u striking departure from tlio hnckuoyed stereo typed statements of other days. "There Is an ubscuco'of extravagant claims and Invidious com parisons. "The advertising Is a pleasing mlxttiro of Moro iicwh and honest siUe.Nimmshlp." NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A. Kilburn SAILS I-'OH SAN FRANCISCO, (Via Eureka)! n DECE.MIIKU 2 FOIl FUIITIIEU INFORMATION' SMITH TEUMIXAI, DOCK. rao.NH liMI. A. P. NOTTJ Agent. Persona THE c en lie Service employes of this hank aro teouw, obliging uud glad to assist customers in every Mnslllo ay, and tho officers, nc ccsslhlo at all times, aro ever ready to give the patrons the benefit of their wide experience In business ns well as Imukiiie; affairs. You nro cordially invited to con suit with us regarding any matters in which our knowledge may bo of valuo to you. 'if F irst Bank Marshfield, National of Coos Bay Oregon. FHM A BEIE1T BH OLDEST DANK IN COOS COUNTY Estnbllslicd 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Timo AND SAVINtJS DEPOSITS ' j? ? .' ' x-l w , , Officers J. W. Beunotr, President. " -fp w. u. xwnnugMi, viMSi'resniont. " II. F. WiUInms, Cashier. k Geo. F. Winchester, Aast. Cashier. Piiget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped nnd most thoroughly modem twenty-lnch hydrnullo drodga In Paclflo waters s Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. - PROFESSnTM ,,,r,,- UHM Dr- A;,L..Hoi1sw,1fi :"m - a.. 0'ce hours: a ? M ' I n,..l m . ' ll 10 12 . . , -- inaPlDl -H.' i .rrrr :i . m. wright , " "Hut i 1 "M.Shaw 1.11. J ' "8 "'ock. i """" " SHAW. J ' ""'"an ntl sf oout '' G. Biitler Room 301 Coko Bldi W. -G. ChandieT "oorns 301 and 302, cubJ"',B,I --bu, fm WILIjAMI Lcavo Marshfield "MC a.m. 7.4fi n.m, 8:45 a.m. 9:115 a.m. 10:15 a.m. ll.50 a.m. 12:G0 p.m. 1:1 1! ii.m, 2:4n p.m. 3:45 p.m. G:00 p.m. CIO p.m. C:G5 p.m. 7:30 p.m. TIMIl TAllLE KUACmoxJ 4&tt li Nortisll T:Hii,l 1:1 u:a H;lia lhllii l:li,i Mlu :( 1:11 u i:llu :, "orincitMinltink M1W SAVE MnNPY by ordering the tueen HFNRYUII I p rnn Nut coal, por ton lu, Iump coal, por ton , ty ur uau ton of both .,((.na I). JIUSS0.V, Thj. , Phono 18-J or leave mtem Illllycr'i Cigar Store. WOOD-GOOD WOOD V. ir. I.Iiiko Imj It at $1.30 ul )?li cosh iicr loud, also coal, f pijccs miMinable, Carlujo nm ed. I'i.imu UliT-.. DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S WOODYARO North Trent Street Phone 37PJ MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Place lor Good Meals Prices Reasonable , Cor. Commercial and D'dw f. SOUTH COOS ItlVOl BOH SKUVICB LAUNCH Ml'IlESS leases Mnrshllcld "r; 11 8 a. w. Iares bead ol nt 3:15 p. m. STIJAJIKR WINDOW leaves hwid of river dB; " n.m. leaves Marshfield in. For cl.nrter applf bM'4 ROOCRS & bvuib Proprletori ,mH1 WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO, . Assets $2340,000.00. t Pays 8 per cent on savkt t . S. KAUFMAN 4' CO. t i nnal Treasurer T(J.8OAlFBeA.fl. T..UT AND Mnr-crlfJpId KiTlNG.d Iff II I kjll 1 1 I JILUl"' ,SsA EatlnaWf" .,, 01 MtfSUW- -A !dungantmimr 01.EN TO THE A regular u undertaker " OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Com & King. Lcavo Mnrshfiold nt 7 . m and rctnrninj; leaving fro... Umpire nt 8 ji. nu Leave Marshfield nt 1 1 n.m. nnd returning leave South Slough aj 1 p. in. Leavo Mnibhfleld nt 5 p. m. and l-eturnlna leave South Slouch t O p. m. phone 195J a your job 1' Times offic6'