."'' vi2', f', rf1,- ,.., tKiBSP mmmmm fcU .ndul j,il i. ,1915 EVENING EDITION ,TH POOS BAY TIMES. MARSHRELD, OfiEGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 FOUR jujlfijSfUS&SiSlKlftifm m I'M1"'" " iMACMMHagBHWMgiMiMitUJIWIMillirmW Hr - rsa 1. ir COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONKV, Kdltor nud Pub. .DAN 13. MALONKV, Nous Kdltor Official Paper of Coos County .Official Paper City of Mnrsliflold. Address all communications to COOS MAY DAILY TIMKB. Entered nt tho PoBtofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second-class mall matter. An Independent Republican news papor, published ovory evening cx pnnt Hundnv. nnd weekly, by Tho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. SUUSCIUPTION KATES DAILY. Ono year ?6.00 Par month "" WEEKLY. Ono year J1.C0 When paid strictly In advanco tho subnet Iptlon pilco of tho Coos Pay Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. $ EUROPEAN WAR ONE YEAR AGO TODAY W.C. J, 1M - Tho Gorman Army after being di vided escapes tho trap laid by the Russians. Heavy artillery attacks nro made by tho aormans on tho Allies' lines In Belgium. Hunutnla, It Is announced, has completed arrangements for Joining tho Avar on tho sldo of tho Allies. President Wilson hears a proposal that tho United States loan $100, 000,000 for tho purchoso of vessels Interned In American portB because of tho war. IMPHOVI-UIKXT IS SKH.V REPORTS generally Indicate that there has been an Im provement In tho lumber mar ket conditions on tho Pacific Coast. In Washington, mills which' liavo been closed aro starting operations again and in Mnruhtlold tho Smith mill has started to run flvo days a yvcok Instead of four days, which moans nn Increaso of 25 per tont in tho output nud a llko Increaso In tho amount of money that can bo earned by tho omployes. Wh'llo tho lumber Industry as It affects tho Pacific Coast cannot bo said to havo reached anywhoro Its normal condition, there Is no question that thero Is an lmpravoment. However slight that might bo tho offoot Is , far-reaching and will at unco bo felt on account of thu fact that tho luuibor Industry Is Mich a big fac tor in tho busluoHs affairs of tho coast and particularly this purt cf Oregon. Owing to a poor market tho retail ynrds n California havu carried small stocks of lumber on bund and with an Increased doinaml tho results como directly through to tho manufacturer. It has boon folt for some tlmo past that thoro would ho better times soon for thu lumbermen. In California thoro havo boon good crops with consequent In creases In lumber purchases. In tho Kiwt times uro prosperous and with communities making nioiioy more lumber Is bought and tho result Is beginning to bo folt on tho Paolflo Coast. On top of tho butter out look for tho lumbermen como tho reports from Eastern centers that tho holiday trade Is to bo tho big gest sluco 1D0C. Tills moans that money Is bolng spent and even If tho tmmo conditions did not apply to tho Pacific Coast tho result would bo folt hero Just tho same. With n healthy holiday trade; which Is always a good buroinotor of finance, nud with tho lumbor buslnoHS, our chief Industry, looking much bat-; tor, thoro Is cortnlnly roason to look forward to a good start In tho now J year. Lumbermen nil ngreo that a settlement of tho Europoan war would mako so groat a domand for lumber that thu Industry on this roast would see such a boom thut ordors could not bo hnndlod, TOO.MAXY (MIUItCIIKS In Pumpklnvlllo the rourtoon churches huvo no support that's strong and stout; and all tho time tho vltfago searches Its clothes for coins to holp thorn out. Tho pastors go upon their uppers, thoy'ro hungry-looking men and loan, as they nrrango for chicken suppers, to pay for coal and korosono. The oau't put much Into a sermon, nut much of eloquence or vim, with ouch so poor ho can't determine just whou tho poor farm will got him. The church yards nil aro rank and woody, nor notio v.111 pay to mow tho grass; tho churches all look frayed and seody, thoy'ro uoodlug paint and window glass, in PumpkluUllu ono church might flourish, and be a prosperous! concern, uud thoro'd bo wealth Its work, to nourish, while yot tho lamp holds out to burn. And it could hiro a pair of diugors of cleruymon, In turn to preach, and can tho bunch Of hayseed blngors, uiiguglng some who'd loaruod to scrooch. Hut Pumpklnvlllo has fourtoun cliurelic. ' uud oach is poorer than the rest, audi evermore tho Hinge- se.ir his for pennies fqr them, iu Its mi.- Walt Mason. I $$ I WITH THE TOAST ':lt NEWS OF OREGON AND THE TEA ' 2AAAAAA4i00 ! PENDLKTON Mrs. Susanna Kop- , (300D IJVHXI.VH A soul without watch fulness Is. llkc ll clty wltnollt walls, exposed to the Inroads nr nil Its enemies. Seeker. . - . . . . A A A'OTIIIXd IS ICASV Nothing nt all Is tyiay 1" l,r' Nothing worm wuho cu u " with ease; A stern, bravo battle Is that of strife, On the hills of ulo or tho con quering bcuh. , Nothing Is C4isy to do that's grout With lofty purpose and art su premo; Toll and struggle and grief and enro Nothing in liro is u moment's dream! Nothing worth winning Is won with oasc, The goal worth reaching Is snered ground, And it can't bo reached in a gentlo walk, Or a burst of speed and a leap nnd bound Tho eagle of victory perches high, And tho climbing soul has far to climb. With death and doubt in tho vnlos below, And the . Htnrs far otr on tho lrtils of tlmo! Nothing ono docs, if ho do It veil, Is easy and slmplo and quick and light Tho task of Hfo Is a difficult task, To do it well and do it right. Nothing comes oasy, tho strlfo' is hard, Hut tho tiling worth doing ah, that repays For tho acho and grlof nnd tho dust and grlmo And tho infinlto pain of tho toll ing days. Selected. HOW AHOUT IT Tho flea has novor had a drink; With booze his brain ho novor fogs; Ho Is a sober little gink, And yot ho' goes straight to tho dogs. It isn't ulwnys unbollof Hint causes a Coos Uay man to keep nwny from , .. I. t ..t 1. l..it . flit tt silt I church. Maybo ho had a church wedding whou ho was married r TODAVS ADVICE i Never put off put on style. creditors to Sonio Coos Hny men havo to useiSAYS BEACH ROUTE tho roar ontranco to their homos bo rauso their wives won't let thorn soil tho "Wolcomo" on tho door mat on tho front porch. A Coos Hay man won't bollevo it. Rut ills political opinions aro loss Important than tho way ho does his work. KAVINC TIME My Hfo wus filled with rush and fuss Hut I got wise, and I'm Collecting calendars and thus 1 muiiugo to save time. A girl clerk In u dry goods storo doosu't get to say much, but bho doos u lot of mental cussing ovory tlmo sho has to wait on u fussy woman. . v QUESTION KOK THE 1.Y Who over saw OflgB? u " corner on Wo pity tho poor envo man. HutTho Ttmos was moroly an Jtom In tho tho aforosald cavo man's wife could fnston bur own boar skin up tin back when sho wanted to go out. As soon ns a Coos Rny man bo lotiies successful tho knookors stnrt in on lilm. Somo of thorn know him whou ho ran around with painted women and others him when ho used to get uvery night. know drunk Even a horso can say " nolgh." Somethings and somo Coos Hay people are oasy to do sometimos. Short skirts mako a Coos Hay woman look shorter and a man look longor. It Is hard for somo Coos llay peo plo to keep straight and mako both ends moot. Too many of us uro saving at ro tr.ll and spending nt wholesale. Pay Their Doctor at Christmas. As regards inesenis at Christmas, the rule Is. iu prlmlilve Spain, to st'iul a present to tho cuiii iparlsh priest) mid tho doctor. Many Spaniards" pay a fixed annual mud to their medical man, and ho attomN t.ll tho family, in cluding MTunitK HI salary Is sent to lilm ut I'hrlsimnx. with tho addition or a turkey, ii cuUu or tome Hue sweetmeats. ittko, n pioneer of tho city, died at her homo. PORTLAND Joseph Hergnian, who came to Portland In 1850, cel ebrated his SCth birtlrtlay on Thanks giving Day. SALEM Tho governor nnd slate Iroasuror nrc opposing tho plan to rcmovo Superintendent Cndy of tho flax Plant nt tho penitentiary. J RAKISH HecniiHo of the cold; w.qathor farmers nre receiving titty cents u dozen for their oggs. l 'HOOD RlVER-:. It. Shcpard, ddltor of, nottci;frult, harvested from his ilC ncro orchard what is claimed to be tho finest npplo crop in tho northwest. HAMMOND A survoy made shows that a portion of tho city Is eo low that It Is in danger if an other bad storm comes. MONMOUTH A now railroad ex tending la miles Into tho timber which Is noaring completion is puz - zllng tho people who do not know the purpose of tho builders. SALEM Governor Withycotnbo spoko nt n meeting of tho Western Otcgon Older Doys' Association, niombors of which numbering 250 nro holding a convention. INDEPENDENCE Forty business and professional men havo formed a club, tho purpose of which is tho civic nnd conunorclal improvement of tho locality. KLAMATH FALLS Prollmfnnry work has been started for tho i'I- gallon of a number of farms in tho Indian reservation. HOOD RIVER Tho worn has boon completed on tho survey for tho now road around Mount Hood. prndlktom Tim Unnitllln. Stock Association has decided to hold anothor horso nnd mulo show In 101C. ALnANV Mrs. Richard Rogers lias nn almond troo which hns pro duced a, good crop of that varioty of nut. OREGON CITY Poarl Juno Po dorson, aged 10 years, committed stilcldo by shooting herself with a riflo, apparently without any roa sonnblo cause. LA GRANDE Six or soven lead ing Democrats nro applicants for tho appointment to tho offico of ReglBler at La Grnndo. PORTLAND Jnnics C. C. Hall, a ,,joneer of is tG nnd formerly 'of .. . Portland, died ut Evorott, Wnsh. RAKER Julius van do Wiolo, former proprietor of a Raker grocery store, has bcou nrrostod ut Mo line, 111., on n chnrgo of larceny committed in tho city boforo going to Illinois. IS (MOT DANGEROUS . Cornwall Make A Statement Capt lu Ilefei'uuco to Recent Dif llciiltlus In 'J'nucl on Coast Editor Coos Hay Tiiuos T .itltm In n i.nntlf luallil lt 1 llO ' , , ,. , ,,, ,,.., "Times" you state that tho lloacn route Is dangerous. 1 clnlm this t bo n wiong, falsu and injurious Btutoinont nnd will offer in proof of my assertion tho fact that tho bench route has boon used as a public high way for tho last 50 yoars without tho loss of a life or u single serious nccl ilont. Somo minor trounlus havo oc curred but you will find nftor care ful investigation that tho boach rcuto Is not to blamo for thorn. 1 eouslder it unjust for yon to knock a routo that Is currying so nmny peoplo to Coos Hay. What rcuto can show a hotter record? sinceroiy N. J. CORNWALL (NOTE The nrtlclo appoaring In , day's uows during ono of tho worst poriods of tho rocant sovoro storm kiuI had roforonco to that day ouiy. Tho Times did not doslro to say and does not think the beach routo dan- gorous, but moroly printed tho nous of conditions ns roporieii on tno any of tho storm.- Tho Times hns "" wlBh to "knock" any routo but nl - ways prints tho nows as It dovelops, and ns nonrly correct and accurate as the information may bo obtained, -Editor TlnioB) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT imdorslgnod, administrator of tho ostato of Fannie L. M. Carpenter. decuasod, has filud his tluul nc-1 count in tho County Court or- Coos County, Orogon, and tho Judge or wild Court has appointed Monday, the Jird day of January, 1,9 IG at tho hour of 10:00 a. nt. of said day ut tho Court House at Coquilla City, Coos County, Oregon, ns tho time I"imiueiu oieciw mo uuuau ui .i.i and place for tho hearing of objoc-' to -tho llrlll- h throne wa. Poa tlous to said final account and iho. settiomoilt or saill estate. Dated at Mnrsliflold, Orogon, this 1st du of Doconibor, 1U15. STEPHEN C. ROGERS, Administrator of tho estate of Faunlo L. M. Curpont Flrbt publication Dec i-jiu, last puuiicauou, uec, s'J. ll15. Ka ! Noil-Skid SlllLThe great' bulk I llll ryPtMyjll Skid tread is a vital , tSSSWff r im test of the holding. 0 ijf?ffi&i'' power behind it. BBBfeff8Wgl LK'm jThc I exclusive t way i inVPJwl' this extra power of body h Vvuwi is built-in to support tho i m Jjj& lAlVy 'h extra tread l ojtplains why ' axl jfirlft JSmMm Firestone lacrvicol gives ' " KwdPfTTl 'JSf TOTll ' J W ft 1 ' - . AW m I GOODRUM'S 1 ' ;w . m GARAGE WEEKS TO CHRISTMAS: j Oild Month AlOfC and Santa Comes! Buy Your Gifts Early! Tlh Ofty's CllstrfeteMas Tir9. A woman, they sny. thought of tho llrst community Clnlstmas tree. It was erected In Madison square. In New York city. There was soincthlujj i stimulating, something highly lufcc- tious, In the idea, for now cities nnd villages all over America aro ercctluc Christinas trees in their public squnros, snvs tho Delineator. Ml 4 ..f il.tHMl 4 ! I j commtInUy Christmas trees, not for , tuelp bcmty nlone but f0r tho spirit tuoy nrouse in tho towns whoro they nro found. They nro tho village center for Christmas Joy. Chrlstmns service, I without sectarian barriers, nro hold i nbout tliom. ciiristmas carois nro sung nt their bnsos. Nono so poor or so world worn or so hurried but ho must sec, must thrill with friend nnd stranger nllko to thin tree for nil tho world. It brlng3 tho child in tho manger to every soul iu tho com munity. The Christmas troa Is essentially a symbol of tho north nnd of tho home. Vet It Is inextricably blended in our minds Willi our faith, which is desert . bred. Most of tho groat religions of tho ' world wero bom of somo solltnry spirit who sought tho lonely sand wnsto and thero wrought out that which made , tho des'ert of lili soul "blossom like ' tho rose." Ho who gnvo us tho great ' faith wont again nud again out iuto tlio burning yellow barrens, where the I tender, brooding, violet sky nwnlted . him; where nil tho desert world, so" fenrful in its unudornmont, so over-1 whelming in its solitude, foni (otutei In him all Its ' puVslng idUuc, ni , though in him v'cro centered tho lieart- j bent of Iho universe. Iu tho verdure-1 loss, Band driven, star hung desert tho llabo with his listening car heard, , with ids dreaming eyes saw, with his throbbing heart felt, tho faith thnt turned nioii'a faces forovcr from the iod to tho cross. i Why, then, shpuld tho flr trco stand ! I" of Public (uaro, sign nud symbol I' or mac ciesttrc uiriu? uniovor ux phyblcnl history, why should bronthluss thousands, hungry of body or of spirit, looking on tho groat pluo treb hung Willi electric bulbs, bucked by nky i scrnpers, topped by smoke, llnd In Us . . . t ,''..,,. ' fiDt ... mo. lucohcront beauty tho urgo set lu mo tlon by tho doacrt bred Rubo? One would havo said of Uic homo Chrlstmns trees thnt, nftor nil, It was tho gifts that guvo them their glamour. Thoro aro no gifts on tho community Christmas trees, yet thounaiids nud thousands of us look on thorn with the thrill that bolougn to faith nloue. Ono wondors wily. Porhaps this Is tho reason: Tho com. munlty Christmas tree symbolizes that which tho homo Christmas treo doos 'not. It bymbolizes Christmas for all' , tho world. It means thnt tho dawn of real brotherhood Is tinting our horizon It melius, mid particularly this CuiUt-i mas it moans, that lu splto of poverty ' and bloodshed, in splto of greed uud' despair, thoro nro in iucrouslug num-j hers iu tho world thco who would' shnro with tho world all thnt sacred' boauty mid hopo that nre tho Individ-! ua I'd holy of holies, tho most dlfllcult of all ono'.s spiritual riches to shore. It is tho symbol of grcoti forest beau ty, of tho druld's wild faith,- of tho Teuton' largosa nud always of giving, giving. Not strange that forovor in our minds it should bo inseparable from' ; tho birthday of lilm who gave supreiuc- iyj ot strange, but uttoriy soul sat-j j Isfylng, that filially wo havo Joined j I our bauds nnd placod tho Christmas ! j trco '" tl10 market place symbol that! ut lait, mnu may give himself to man. "God bliws us!" said Tiny Tim on! Christmas day. "God bloes us ovory I one!" Dickens dremnod of a Christ-1 mas festival that should boloug to nil. i worM tImt now crowd3 fouua tUe ( market place tree, saying as ho said, "God bles us every one!" I A MomorabIo Ride ,rll0 ,n06t luuniomblo rido lu Ehgllsh history was that of Sir Arthur Owen, which phieetj tho Hunoverlau dj nasty on tlte tlirouo of Great Riltaliu Tho ' ct of settlomoiU by which in 1T01 1 WJ UHIJ tUV UIV, U,.V ... -.. mo .w.w was given by Sir Arthur Owcu, tho 1 inrml.r nt i.nrllnmont for Pmubroko. el'ilre. Ho arrived at Westminster, , dusty and travel worn, only Just in i tlmo to record his vote, having ridden . with furious hasto front Wales for tho llO OStatO Of "'" I'U'OUS liasiu uum uiua iur ura tor deceased ' l,urIose on relays of horses kept nt nil iw mi ii i i tlu' l,ostl"o houses along tho routo. To ijccimnii J.,tUat rUl0 Hrjtain owc3 jts Georgian eia. u.,n.,. ,,. 0uecil victoria and her desceuduutSj, L jMHr M VW iP It Maifdiflcld I VjiwwiS'SwS Fiftlant Nti I'tictt I) Car Oanttt 1 I lit CA B 61 lrt.lf lif-rjf Sf llKiitftti.il m'-1lii"trrniii VSl'SiSrvjr'WrVwSMBSr V''Va . Cm Jm 2u ? VU iiffiS's;;;:?y---y i 6f3iL alH. 3'?. so J-a 47 ' I NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A. Kilbiirn SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO, (Via Eureka) DKCI.MREIt 2 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SMITH TERMINAL DOCK. PHONE J!J0. A. P. NOTT, Agent. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Personal Service . THE employ of this bank uro. s coiirtcoui, obliging uud glml to iis&Kt cU.stdinof.s In every '. possiblo way, uud tho officers, nc coMilblo nt nil tUuw, uro over ready to giro tho patrons tho benefit of (licit- wide oxpcrieuco in IiiisIiiu.sh iih well us banking alfiiliH. You nro cordially Invited to con suit tilth us regarding uny nmttor.i Iu whl ih our kuotvlcdgo may bo of vuliio to you. First Bank. Marshfield, FWSI 1IEBHT MI OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY Ebtubllshed 188U. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Intorost imld on Tlmo ' AND BAAINfiH DEl'q.SlTa ... Officers J. W. Ilonnett, President. "' - f - ;. " " J. II. PlimsiKfiii, VJcc-lrosidont. r It. F. WIllluiiM, Cusliler. Goo. F. AVinchestcr, Aast. Cflhler. Pgiget Sound Bridge & reflssm! Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK-. Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Bre "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped and most thoroughly niodcr twenty-luch hydraulic dredge Ic I'nciflo waters Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Uort A Klut:. Lenvo Mars.hfield at 7 n. ni and letiirnliiB leavliij from Kmplro nt 8 u, in. I;citto Maisliflcld at 11 a-ni, nnd returning le.ivo South Slough at 1 p. in, Lctivo Sluiblitield nt 5 p. in. and returning leave South Slough nt U p. in. N ational of Coos Bay Oregon. :Co0 ZTanw$l !omco,!;r PltOIIPU. f. . ..' !-- --?m ,' M. Wright 11ITItt. Phn.... Dr. U m pi...."- 1 '""10 33Q.J ; H. G. Butler Koom 304 Cok0 Dldf? , I W. G. Chnnrilan AUCIIITECI t Rooms .im .,., ... . ManhfhM n " -i vitjoj. TI.MP Timn wiiiUunaTK I'Acinoi CAll ' Leave Mnrsliflold !45 a.m. 7.15 n.m. 8:ir. a.m. 0:45 a.m. 10: in a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12: to p.m. 1MB UMfi 3MB c:00 C.-10 I.m. p.m. P.m. p.m. P.m. C:BB p.m. North city 7:30 p.m. t:ll SAVE MONEY ' by ordcrinc th fin HENRYVII.I F finil 9 "' col,i I'cr toa Lump coal, per ton i Or half ton of both iu . MUSS0.V.,IWI I'liono 1P-J or leaTeordoiat'.l tiiiim.. ni- c . !l "miju i iiv oitiro. i, WOOD-GOOD WO00 W. II. I.lnfio lint It it V'i S- cali I'cr land, oU (oil, i i U Ices nMxiimlilo. Garl)i; i luu. rliiiiio ,-J. l DRY WOOD at CAMPBELL'S WOODYJUW North Front StrtH l'lioue 379J MERCHANTS CAFE j Popular I'Uco (or 1 Good Meals ri.inno DnlCflllilllp Cor. Comuicrclal wd D-1 SOUTH COOS HIVE" BOB. I SKiivat T.Aiivpir EXPRESS lenves SlarsliflcIJ etfff Wj 8 u. m. Iivm bl m nt a:io P- " cTIMMIMt ILUXBOf leaves hcud of river W Jj . in. Leaves Junwicrr ui. l-'or clinrtcr nppu v " HOGKHS . BUIIH Proprletori I WESTERNWft8 7 mill RUJP. i. ii. OUIUUUu ' Assets slO.000-1 Pays8 percentonsaw I -S;KAffiJ,f ! ? Louai iiw" 1 T.J.BOAlFBn ; Marshfield SSShaM w;.rsnt PilOMO liO'K. DUNGAN UNDERT m i tffLiio opia 'r0 T"te u nDdertoter Ju chart 195J I'boue " ,.i. nrVH' j GetyovrJour i I Time "ic0' i .