-v THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELk, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1915 EVENING EDITION THREE (rr V ' --sgssfe f 10 H f -A wiS si VCsM E a... wvK? P,lr.,l . titty I 20 or 10c Gafb a. o ei it 'ii in 'i, " .H ... . . ---3T lgut a PIEDMONT and see for yourself why they hold such a record for sales. Men wouldn't be going after more and more and MORE PIEDMONTS if they didn't find them exactly what we say they are. PIEDMONTS arc made of all -pure Tobacco blended in a way to give them an unusually good taste. w M , tfjgcsi Kj.jftsiaiiuQvwx9 w TO RMiTRTO RIP MERRY 'CHRISTMAS FOR III nUMLlllldL UlUi THP "0STT1F PDIPMnC" IIIL HULL 0U6LIWO LIQUOIt UOVSKS PL.YV CAM- iuiox l-oi: dkckmiihu i 6P li 2Tie CL7?& it& of QuaUtij Coupon in Every Package "Tackle It" AVIIiIj 1K flltKAT snow WARNING jwmn WTr-wrrrsggHsr To tlio Trntlo and to Consumers o( Chlldron's Outer Garments. You nro hereby nojlficd Hint J. C. I'onnoy Co., of Mnrshflold, In thu Cooa ltay Times, Wednesday, AugiiBt lltli, 19 in, advertised Coveralls, good heavy donlm, 7Cc value, our lirlco -10c. You nro ndvlsed that "KOVKhV ALLS" la a trndo nnmo adopted by tis for our woll-known ono-pioco play-suit, and that no other person, firm or corporation has a right to ueo said nnmo, nn(i thnt wo hnvo been .protected in our ownorshlp thereof by docrcos of tbo Courts of tlici Stato of California. Tho public and consumors nro fur ther advised thnt J. C. I'onnoy Co. has never purchased from us any of our "KOVBItALLS" and that wo havo In our poBscsslon artlolos mado in Imitation of our "KOVKKALLS" which woro Bold by J, C. I'onnoy Co. for and as our "KOVF.KAU.S." Tho public uro wnmod according Infily. LEVI STRAUSS & CO., Mfrs. Unit pry mid Pino S's Kim Francisco, Cnl. Livestock Imposition nt Portland Is I III.. 4 ... till i v iif ii.nmv.inm j PORTLAND, Oro., Dec. 1. Fnrni- jcrH, livestock owners, breedorH and others will bo Intorostod to lonrn thnt tho Fifth Anmin! Intornntlonnl I Livestock Exposition, to bo hold nt 'tho Union Stockyards, North Port land, from Doconibor C to 11 ex- AltiulvnK vtvna iii-nmlftn nt linlni! nnu I .V. ..,.....,, O..0 ,..-.... w. ..-... .- ot mo most buccossuii yoi num. uur ! Ing those six duys there will bo hold conventions ami meetings of tho 1 Oregon Jersey Cnttlo Club, Oregon Ouurnsoy Cnttlo Club, Orogon ' Wnshlngtoii-Idnho-Montnnn Swlno I Drecdors' Association, Oregon llol btoln Cattlo Club, Northwest Short horn Association, Oregon Mutter and Checso Maker's Assoclntlon, Oregon , Poultry and Pot Stock Show, Wlll nmotto Vnlloy Wool CTrowors' Asso . elation, and nil to coneludo with tho ' Ilreodors' nud Stockmen's Ilnnquot. DIVOItCF.S MANY" CIopIiiii(1 .luilno TlilnkH Number (renter Tluin Should llo In CLKVKLANI). noc. 1. Far too . truny marrlod persons .nro Booking tlio road to happiness through tho idlvorco courts. " i Common I'lOns Judgo Charles J. I Kstop gavo this opinion when bo found that sluco Soptombor 1 ho has tried inoro thnu -125 divorco ensea. Judgo Kstep added: "I havo thought of those rules to help mar ried porsons to Iscop away from tlio courts: " Kiss your wlfo good-byo In tho morning, and say 'How do you do at night. It Is Slated Hint Newspapers In Ore gon Will llo 1'm.M lMonlely In the Xcl Few Weeks It Is stated thoro will be n whirl wind advertising campaign of liquor houses during tho month of Decem ber throughout Oregon for tho pur poso o ronchlng tho public while the advertising can bo lawfully done. It Ts sptd that tho registration books will provide names of those to whom liquor houses may send personal circulars. In referring to the subject tho Portland Telegram bsis: " Under tho prohibition law, which becomes operatlvo January 1, 101(1, It Is unlawful to advertlso i liquor In newspapers. It is also tin-1 lawful to try to reach tho customers ' nml solicit business. This being tho 'case, tho concerns which oxpect to ! remain In business whon Oregon I goes dry nro proparlng to operate 1 from n California baso and nro seek-' lug a mall order trade In advance. ' " An advertising agency has ncgo-1 I tiatcd with many of tho dally and ( j weekly newspapers ot Oregon for . rates on display ndvertlslng to bo I need in one or two Issues In Decern-' ber tho Inst month In which papers ran nrcopt liquor advortlRomcntB. I Tho agency wnntn rntcs for hnlf pnga mid wholo-page display, nud offers to supply this htisluons If tho ninuager of tho newspaper Is will-! ling. Tho ngoncy ropresonts Cnl-i llomln liquor concerns which want, to sell quantities of goods in Ore gon beforo December 31 and hnvo their trado established aftor Jan uary 1. . " How much lnonoy In nvallablo for this ndvertlslng Is not known, t but If nny considerable number ofj tho country pnpors sign contracts, tho advertising will run Into ftvo figures. " It Is estimated thnt nioro thnn $in,000 lins already boon spent 'in trying to reach registered voters through tho malls. In using the registration list, two firms havo con fined themselves to sending their advertising circulars to inoi exclus ively, hut tliey havo not limited themselves to nny ono party. An thoro nro HOO.OOO registered votorn In tho state, onch night of loiters to tbo male votors nlono would repre sent 150,000 parcels of mall, on which 1 cent of postngo wna paid, and for which tho Items of printing, linpor, envelopes, folding nnd nd dtesslug must bo taken Into consid eration. A aoloctod flight of clrou inra will cost approximately $7,500. Two such flights havo boon doposltod In tho malls nlrondy, and nioro can bo oxpoctod next month. " Liquor denlora .In Portlnnd hnvo boon permitting th'olr stock to run down, and many will ho entirely out beforo tho end of tho year. Ouo of tho host-known liquor houses In tho city, which usually cnrrlca a $20,000 stock, Is now down to $2,500, nud oxpoct8 it to bo oxhnustod 'by tho mlddlo of Dccombor. " inn Norwegian custom of pre paring n Christmas dinner for the birds by tying to tbo top of n pole hi the duorjnrd n large full Bbraf of grain U now be ing followed In many places in America, with variations. Instead of the sbenf n llttlo tree is dressed with bits of suet ami bread. Till Is set on n broad shelf outside tho window, a burlap foundation nbout It be- Tib CSairasttaisias mm dD pay isG3S wooiks pjis ft MfflcaMiEslL. c IIRISTMAS proper is never n day. It Is really n week or nbout n month. When tho al manac says December hni lug liberally sprinkled with bird !"ie. then nil hearts begin to feel tho seed, chaff nnd hay seed. This pipsenco of thnt midwinter festival. pietty custom Is supplemented In New Yotk by tho children of n klndergniten near Central park, who arrutigo u most boun tiful Christmas dinner for tho llttlo gray squirrels of thnt neighborhood. Tho nffalr is bo pretty that It bonis passing on. On the afternoon when school closes for the Christmas vaca tion tho children form in proces sion nud each carries n llttlo basket of nuts, crackers nnd sugar biscuit, winding their way over the white asphalt into tho grove where tho feast is to bo spread. No detail is omitted. Kvcn appropriate menus are supplied, Kneh day adds to this feeling. The ltoinans perceived that ono day did not contain all the import of Uiomld winter gaycty. Their Saturnalia con tinued seven days, it began as a ono day celebration and was observed Dee. 10; but. as It was soon found that brief period was n cup too small to contain tho wlno of pleasure, It was extended to thrco days. At last It was enlarged by tho Kmperor Claiidlnn so as to tako In tho 20th. In form tho festival has now been chanced back Into tho ono day shape, but In ivnllty Christmas is much larger under our presidents than it was under Claud Inn and Caligula. It Is n gioat midwinter period nnd may well be looked upon ns n typo of the public happiness or tho public mls and no Orlando ever jnluiicd I r.,rlllllCB of n sivcn dnto. In tbo early Christian church It became n single day, becntise being naked to Btnnd for tho birth of Jesus It had to bo n formal day rather than n week, )mt no such limitation could keep IN from having adjacent times which pnrttook of Its spirit ns dawn partakes of day. Pro fessor David Swing. verses to ins Kosnllml upon oaks i nnd elms with more cuthuslnsm than the little peoplo who feel their responsibility for provid ing a mctry Christmas for their squirrel fi lends. All about tbo bases of tho trees Is spread a generous quan tity of nuts of every sort and kind, and no hostess giving n dinner to honored guests could take greater paths to see that everything Is daintily and con veniently arranged for their needs. When tho llttlo peoplo trip nway it Is with the conscious ness that Mr. Cray Squirrel und nil his kin uro in possession of u stole of goodies qulto buIU clout to entry them well through tho holiday vacation. $&& cn And Keep Your Christmas Green DHIVK Al'TO AT JOO .Man Who Hum Itoiiiuleil Century Keeps Up Willi Tlio Times nUHLINQAMH, Cnl., Doc. 1. Dnnlol McCIttiio, n hardy Scotchman, Drlno In tho trailing forott most, Drlno codnr, fir nnd plno, And Qroon footoon and wreath and crosi Around tho wlntlowi twino. Agnlnit tho whltenet of tho wall Do living vsrdure seen, Swoct summor memorle to recall And kcop your Chrlitmae uroen. It is his dear momorlal day Who broka earth's frozon oleep And who for her hope'e gladdening ray Forever bright will kuep. Ho glvos all lovollneti that grows, The itrong and graceful troos,- The winter mois, tho froih June rote The dear Lord tavet ut those. Who envoi ui from tho pltoous wrock Of souls adrift in tin, So not alone tho churches deck, Dut poaceful homes within Mado poacalul by his constant love, Let thoughts of him abldo. To find ui our lost home above He homeless livod and died. We-keep tho bright home festival And, with a childlike cheer, His angel usherod birthday call The merriest of tho yoar. Yei, merry Christmas let It be, A day to love and give, Slnco every soul's best gift Is he Who eamo that wo might llvo. "Don't Interrupt your husband who wns marrlod at "tho ago of 50 And n) things beautiful are his, ft Kinds of Job Printing Vono nt The Times Office luhlio ho Is loading the papor or on Joying sonio hobby. " Toach yoiir eyes to seo fewer faults nnd in oro vlrtuos. lrlvo an nutomobllo. "Don't toll your wlfo you nro go- With 100 yours behind him, but lug to tho lodgo when you expect to 'still halo and hearty, tho old man yonrs nnd lius 11 children and ai And his he maketh ourt, number of grandchildren, celebrated! So bring each bud that bursting It, his coiitonnlu hero by loaruing to i All Christmas blooming flowers, All blossoms that In windows shine, With leaves to light unfurled, Pve Got the Goods DoJnt I the Trad Why play poker. " Don't nag your husband. " Don't got married until you havo known oach othor n yoar. " Rid of the Torment of Rheumatism Get nltraetcd much attontlon us he forced through tlio streets ot tho town nt the wheel of n motorcar be longing to his daughter, Mrs. I). T. Ambrose. " Whoop, " oxclalmod tho centen arian, returning from his Joy ride. " I novor know whon ! waa nt tho helm of a Bailing ship 75 years ago, In memory of that Flower Divine Whoso fragrance fills the world. Oe all old customs honored so That good to others mean, Dring cross and garland from tho snow And keep your Christmas greon. Lucy Larcom. G E It's ii ten to ono Miot Hint you luivo often Iienril this from peoplo "uho'ltavo a More." Xoto tho quotation "hnvo it St,,, 0 tlmt's correct thoy'vo got n. Btoro nnd don't know what to do with it. Thoy re fer to themselves as merchants, btorekcepers, business men, etc., hut they havo deluded themselves. Thoy'to got something, but few besides themselves know what they've got. Thoy sel dom, If over, advertise, but spend their time iu bemoaning conditions. You never hear It from tho steady, consistent, honest ml vertlscr. 'ilia fact that ho Is n, fctondy advertiser fehows ho Is wide-awnko. His ads tell tho peoplo of his community wliat ho hns and (hey do tho rest. "Send mo Foley Kidney Pills. I am badly dono up witli rheumatism and they are tho only thin? that help mo." A. J. Walsh. Snettels. Colo. I Itheumatlsm is stubborn an a mule I It hangs on llko a leooh wears out I your strength worries you wnn pain drags on your vitality depresses I your mind affects your health! : Don't let It bans on you! Don't Blvo ; up to It! Don't overlook Foley Kid I ney llls! For thoy work directly on I tho kidneys tone up and strengthen i them to tho perfect action that keeps uric acid out of tho blood, and clears away tho cause or rneumaiism, turn- i Lago ana stirr, swollen, acninu jumiy. ?! .".,?.lai ,ni0?rurnl! i Plcaeethlnh of the wee birdo out 3 Mr, Walsh winds up Ids letter to us by saying: "I consider Foley Kidney l'illa tho best I havo over used, and I havo trJod several different rem edies." Your druggist tells thera. i 8avlng For Christmas. Any Plan that Induces almost half that I'd bo running a craft llko thlB!" j tbo population of u city of 1U.W0 peo plo to savo lu small amounts tuu.uuu a year Is worthy of study. Tlio Oil .;j.W-HVw--H-rK-:-:-W-H-H-H-t City Trust company of Oil City. Pa., r ,, , , , ., ' has a Christmas Saving club, which has grown gieatly In iccent years. Tho object In stinting tbo club was to cit able peoplo of limited means to set asldo small umouuts each week to bo paid to them, with Interest, two weeks beforo Christinas Members may bo- In by niuliitf n cent a week, lucrenH- X ' lug the miioimt by a cent each week until the fifty nie up. Tins umouuts to $12 7.1 per year. A second class calls for a two cent saving the first week, adding tlio Initial amount each succeed ing cek. This makes a total saving of $25.50 for tbo yeiir.-Lesliu's. Che Bfrds' pica Dear hlddiee, Chrtatmao will ooon be here, r Che happieot time of all the year. 4- OHiHe you are enloyina ycur Cbrlatmaa toyo X Hnd your little hearts filled with j Chrlatmaa Joyo, For sale by Owl Prescription Phar-, -rnacy. Frank D. Cohan, Central Avr-1 '. nuo. Opposltd Chandler Hotel. Tele-' ; phone 74. ;i J. WEAVING All klntfs a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 ? 12th Courth, So. Phone 220-R HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 (n the enow, COhere cruel wfndo whiotte and fiercely blow. Our home Co the alrj our roof to theoliy i COhen we've notblna to eat we 1 freeze and die, oo warm. Sheltered from cold and the tltnd ing otcrm. friends a treatl t We're eo hunary. Dear little bid- aieo, pieaoe Dana u& oome Cbriatmao out on the trees. -r- YOUIl LITTLE BIRD FRIENDS. , 4lHW"-H-W--!-H-r-H-H4 Solar Heat. M. A. Vcronuet has attempted to cal culate tho tlmo tbo sun's activity could bo maintained by (Ii chemical action, Dear Itiddico, you live tn houoeo ; (2i intra-utoiule energy (radium) nud CD 'tho won; or graviiniioiiiii cumrucuun. ; ; For tbo llrst ho gets S.000 years, for tbo 'second only 170 yours, wlillo for the You'll have "merry Chrlotr.ua" I : third he Und thnt gravitational con HZ.Lnil "'y t traction, according to the well known and plenty to eat. .. .. , ii.,,,,.!.,,!., u.u n.-.-ount for Ob. please fllvc your Jfttle bird ;; ' ... . o Bour heut . 4mmtl - -' ' " ' ... ns demanded by tlio geological record. Tho full of meteorites Into tlio sun could account, at most, for only tho four huudicdth part of tho sun's licuc w Tiroes Want Ada bring rosulls. A aMtSk& Llll M d$ .fJW ! TTIbo Story IT ftlhvs RQaigo. Tho Htory of tho Mngl, as It is given by tbo evangelist Matthew, Is ustou Nhlugly brief and unadorned. He (clli us without preface that when Jesus was born iu lictlilebctii certain foreign ers arrived at Jerusalem. Ho iloes not tell us how many they woro nor of what rneo nor of what sta tion of life, although It Is fulr to Infer from the consideration with which they wero received ut tho court of Herod nud from tho fact Hint they cnrrled treasure bms with thorn that they wero persons of distinction. Tbo most Important statement Iu re gord to them is Hint they wero Mil-Klans-tliat Is to nay, disciples of Zoro lister nud members of tho sacred or priestly older of Persia, which was then widely scnttcrcd ninong tho orl ciitul nations nnd Included men of ex ulted rnnl;. Thoy anno from tho cast, u word which to tho dwellers in Pales tine could hardly hnvo any other mean ing than thu ancient region of Chaldea, lying beyond tho Jordan mid thodeserL Their explanation of their Journey to Herod was that they had seen mi ap pearance In thu heuvcus (whether ouo stur or many or u comet they did not say) which led them to bellovo Hint (bo King of the Jews bud been born, und thoy bud come to do reverence to taSiff Must-'be FpTT " OpJ CHRISTMAS GIFTS " Articles Ooliijr. Abroad During Holl- ilajs Assessed tho Hnmo As At Any Other Tlmo WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 30. .Many weeks In udvance, tho prepar ations aro mado for tho international tours ot Santa Clans. Americans who nro planning to send Christmas presents to persons in foreign coun tries want to bq sure that thoso who receive tho gifts will not bo conip polled to pay nny charges. Many letters como annually to Washing ton, asking what to do to avoid any difficulties. Tho communications hnvo already begun to arrive, nnd nro being nuswerod by tbo Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Department of Commerce Tho writers of theso lottors which, beforo tho cud of tho year, will have como from ovory part of tho countv, nro particularly Interested in tariff rntcs which must bo paid on gifts in the lands to which thoy aro sont. Many express regret thnt there should be such n thing as a foreign tnriff In tlio 'season of generous giv ing. Sonio ludlcato that they think tho chnrgea aro really omitted. Thoy bellovo that during tho holidays tho bnrrlors arc torn down. Must llo Paid Tho truth, howovor, must bo told In replying to theso Inquiries, ana tlio Bureau is compelled to Inform ItH correspondents that whatever tho customs tax Is In any foreign laud on' any class of presents, that tax Is collected In ovory season. Many porsons who write to Washington, asking for tariff rates u particular countries fall to specify tho kinds of nrtlclen that are to be sent abroad as Chrlstmns gifts. It qulto necessary that such dotalls should bo given in order to loam the amount of tho tax. Tho Bureau cannot Bond out nil entlro tnriff , schedule lit answer to each letter, nnd ovon it it did, vory fow persona persons would know what to do 'with It after thoy rocolvcd tho docu- ' ment. i Should Specify (lift Many persons In tho past havo laskod what method should bo ndoptod In order that tho tariff chargo might bo paid at tho point of shipment In this country, by tho giver of tho gift. All such queries havo been answered uniformly with tho Btntomont thoro la no direct way in which ho Import duty charged by another country can bo paid hero, hut It tho packngo Is placed In tho chargo of nn express compnny, pro vision can bo mado for payment of duty by tho express agont nbroud. Kvrcptlounl Ciikpm Although thoro Is no exception from custom houao charges for Christinas Rifts, thoro nro sonio con ditions undor which cortaln gifts go ing from country to country may escape payment. Sonio govern ments rulo.tlmt wedding presents brought In by Btibjocts sliall not be taxed. Somo also exempt posses Mens thnt aro part of an inheritance. Hut tho sensou of universal giving Is not on tho tnriff calendar as ono whon tho pathways between tho na tions shall bo cleared ot obstructions. WANT Til Kilt IIKKIt Loudon Tollers Insist Drink Upon Their LONDON, Dec. 1 "No beor bo foro dinner, .no work boforo dinner, In tho rry of tho London trado unlou leta who uro organizing to rcslBt the regulations shortening tlm hours during which saloons may bo kei cpon. Meetings woro hold In llf- hlm. Herod was greatly troubled at , feront narts nr tlm Miv fn,,ii. hearing this- and bent for the chief )ro,08t nKalnat lh now riMril,.Mnn- priests nnd scribes to Inquire whero thu prophets had foretold thnt tho Messiah should bo born. Thoy answered nt onco that Ilothlo hem wns tlio chosen place. Then Her od, having asked the Mngl how long It was blnco they llrst saw tho appear ance lu the sky, sont them nwny to Ilethloliom, promising that when they had found tho young Christ ho also would como to do reverence to him. Having Bd out on their Journey, they saw onco moro thu colestlul sign, nud Its motion was such that It guided them to tbo place whore Jesus wus. Coming Into tho house-for Joseph hud now found better shelter than a stnblo -they saw tlio young child with Mary his mother, nud prostrated themselves before htm lit worship Opening their treasure chests, thoy presented to him gifts of gold nud frankincense am! myrrh. Then, bolng warned In a dream not to go back to Herod, they took au othor roud Into their own country. The conjunction of tbo planets Jupi ter and Saturn Is ono of tho rarest of sidereal events. It occurs only onco It, 800 yonrs. This conjunctloii. nil as trouomors ugree. hnpioited no less than three times In tho year 717 A. TJ. C, shortly beforo tho birth of Christ. It may bu that wo have hero, lu this t'falry tale of setonco." a conllrmutlon of this beautiful fctory of rollgluu, a hint and trace of The llsht that 11 The holy elders with thvlr i;lft of myrrh. -Ilev. Dr. Henry van Dyke Iff Harper's Magazine. und delogutes wero appointed to at tend a conforonco to bo held Satur day to decldo what action tho unions will tako to defeat tho regulations to como Into effect next Monday. M.VTCHKH ITiAXXKl) MILWAUK13K, Wis., Doo. 1. -Mutches with both Jess Wlllard and Frank Moran nro in sight for Fred Fulton, the .Minnesota giant whose recent ring successes have attracted attention. FILLKD WITH NAILS Canadian Corioral Wounded that Class of Hartlwnru With 1. TWIN OITV DAXCK Dunce ut Kaglct Hull. tiat. eve.. Dec. I. Jono Kevoly. Qichnatra, Kh soluble. VANCOUVBIt, H. C, Deo. With 53 punctures In his left side, extending from head to foot, Cor poral W- J. McDonald la homo from tho bnttlo front with unrefutable evU dc-uco that tho Germans aro using horseshoe nails among a wido as sortment of solid objects In their shrapnel shells. A shell, oxploded near hint at the battle ot Ypres, and among the as sorted missiles slnco removed from Ills riddled side, was a horseshoe null, Thoro wero 23 piocos still un removed, Ho also received a bullet wound In tho left arm and was " gusscd. " u Strahorn's railroad In Kster& Ore- ff gou has been promised the financial j fiujmqrt ofrosjuteuj MpV Ji( O, Kon,. Al I j-i