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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1915)
IjEREJSNOSORI OF KICKING THAT PAYS THF KICKER LESS K AGAINST THE WEATHER Coos Bay Times Your Paper The Coot IJiiy Times is proud 0r 1(h tltlo "The people's Paper," ami It strives t all times to lo ,, (o Us nnino by devoting its energies to promot in); the pcoplo's interests. Vol. No. XXXIX. DEFEATED Pnriland is Enthusiastic Over the Big Event wnicn uraws Many people mere EXPECT JRPRISE (Eastern Team, However, Is ravorue in duuiiiu. anu in Best of Condition ' SPECIAL TRAINS ARE RUN Orison Team Is Defeated by a Score Of Tm en I y- E I glit to Nothing Ag ricultural foRcgo Hoys Homo ulmt Crippled lleforo (Jaino (Special to Tho Times) PORTLAND, Ore, Dee. 2. Tho lOrcRon Agricultural college tenm ns defeated by Syracuse todny and i former did not do nny scoring at nil. Tho flnnl scoro wao; OreKon Aggies, 0; Syracuse, 28. .Much interest All l'ortlnml wan mtrcharged with footlmll enthusiasm In anticipation of (lie ehisli today hotweon Syrncuso and tlio Oregon Aggies. Tho colon of tlio two colleges wore prevalent cierywhero. Two special trains drought rooters from Corvnllls nml other towns. Can Comparo Teams rootlmll followers expected to Kd n fair Idea of tho compnrntlvo mrrltH of tho gnmo as 'plnyod In tho cast and west hy tho result. Rjrrnctiso was in tho pink of condi tion, however, whllo tho AkkIcs hud a crippled team. Syracuse Favorite Hotting favored Syrncuso, tho odds being almost 2 to t. Tho Kattorn cloven had groat ndvnntngo In weight, nvoraglng almost 11 pounds licnvlor to tho man. Tlio weather wits cold and clear and Multnomah fluid wns In good condition for n fast ganio. Crowds early began gnlhorlng nt tho fluid. Expected Surprlso Although Syrncuso wnH tho fn- horllo, tunny hollovod tho Agglos j would sprhiK n surprlso, as thoy did against tho Michigan Aggies. f O. C. LND MATTER HEFOHE Till: COMMITTEE AwlMnnt Manager Campbell An - noiinrcs llo lias Authority to Reach Somo Agreement in A n uieii I'mu, (,, Coo IUjt Time. POftTLXXD. Ore. Doc. 1. Ap- ! Pcarhig licforo tho Ojrogon and Cnli i fornla railroad land grant conferonco jcommlttoo horo today, Assistant .Manager Cnmpholl for tho Southern , PnHfl,. .,.., . L . .... ..... I Pacific, declared ho was clothed with Ah I. . ! authority to nogotlato n compromise h tor tho disposition of tho ,. lands in tho Oregon und Cnllfornlu f grant After UstonliiK to him. tlio . com mittee decided to adjourn until to morrow nftoriinnii wlinn It will on. ' deor to ngreo upon n plan. DIPLOMAT SUKD ForiMn. HilHsi, Aiulitissnilor Defenil- ant for Small Sum in; Ai3oditcl rie to Coo Vtj Time. BERLIN, Dec. 1. Tho Tagehlatt tos that tho former Hrltlsh Am bassndor In Herlln, Sir Edward oselicn, was recently sued In tho Patsdam Count v r.nurt fnr sr,2. At tho Ja t moinon tho bill was .paid, - ie American Ambassador, npd ,he "toa has accordingly boon" withdrawn. J A"V( AXS PASSIXG OVKK U. S. SOIfj IDr AuocUik PrtM o Ceo. xuj TlmM.J N'OGALES, Dec. 1. Hav '"S secured permission from Washington to transport eastward over Amerirnn ter-rlto-y nooo Carranza Uoops, General Obregon en- trai.10,1 .,.. nn o. a' ned for Xaco and Agua PrlPtn A '' OREGON A F! E i CQMPRDHI SE Established 1878 As Tho Const .Mall I! PAROLE THREE PARDON HOARD TO CONSIDER COOS COUNTY CASKS Total of Thlity-ono Men at Pcnl- tontlary May ho Allowed Their Freedom. SALEM, Ore., Dec. 1. When tho State Purolo Hoard meets next Sat urday at tho Oregon Penitentiary for its regular monthly session, It will consider tho cnBcs of 31 con victs who aro cllglblo for parolo by reason of their minimum soutcuco having expired. The cases from Coos County among thoso to bo considered aro: John Mar8den. committed from Coos County; assault with n dan gerous weapon; six months to 10 years; minimum sentenco expired January 1, 1915. William' It. Young, committed from Coos County; statutory crime; six months to two years; minimum scntonco expired July 17, 10 1 ft. Clarenco l.owls, committed from !oos County; burglary; J.wo to five years; minimum sentenco expired November 22, 19 in. E iiadkas cokpus proceeding to secure children ilviied Wlfo fSlvcn Tlmo to Securo Further Testimony llandoii Street. Caso Holds Court In Xlght Chnrgo and countor-chnrgo wbb mndo In tho caso wherein" I.orln fOland socks through Ilahcaus Cor pus proceedings to securo possession of his two minor children now held hiy his wiro, which was brought be fore Judgo Coko yesterday In Co- qulllo. Ah a result, tho attorneys for Mrs. Oland wore glvou until Tuesday to secure further data and witnesses to combat tho unoxpectod attack of tho husband. Mrs. Oland, with hbr five year old daughter and threo year old son, a short tlmo ago wont to tho poor farm. Sho claimed her husband would or could not support her nnd that thoy had been living In n tent nonr n Rlvorton tlo camp. Opens New Legal Pha-o Oland then appeared and demand ed tho children. Upon tho refusal of tho domands ho brought tho proceed ings ngalust Supt. MeLeod and lator -changed, naming as dofnmiant ins wiro Instead, nnd the action wns started, this being tho first caso In tho county wherein a husband seeks possession of his children from tho ,wlfo through a Habeaus Corpus pro- 'ceedlng. In court yesterday tho husimnu ac- cuscd his wlfo of Infidelity and said that she had loft htm four times. Ills ,mothor furthor testified that sho had lohsurved certain actions of Mrs. Oland that woro incnmiuaiorj. ' It was mostly on this evidence that ii. r. ...Irv, wna nllnwml UllotllOl- WOflk ,UIU ..w- .,,.-.. , 'to secure further ovldonco and wlt-j nohses to hor suppon. nun, on mu other hand, contonded that sho had nctuully been In wnnt whon sho wont nctually neon in wnni " t, ' or farin nlld that both hor- . hldrcn ,IBd liaa Httlo to eat and woar. ' Court Held Until I-nto Until 10:30 last night court was Wn session, hearing tho caso of tho Catholic Church at Dandon vorsus tho City of Ilandon and Contractor Wobb. Tho church seoks to enjoin tho city from collecting tho nssoss- rinent and Improving tho street in .front of Its property claiming an un- Klorstnndlng that should tho church (dedlcatothe disputed strip lor a ! . ..' i. n..l.l ...... for (Is tin fctroot, 1110 Cll)' woum ia " - " proving. , on tho other hand, tho city claims that this strin was dedicated somo Almo ago by tho church and also that it Is a street by tho rlSitt or presenp- rtlon, or uso. L. I i. ,...i,i,. Ai.nit 'I'r.ill It was shown that along part of tho fctrlp there runs a trail. Judgo Coko 'ruled that tho path was so meandor mp nnd had been used so little that It' could have no part in tho settle ment or tno COmrmuiDj. Tho taking of testimony was con cluded last night and tho nttornoys for both sides wero giveu tlmo to submit briefs for tho final decision. IS HOUXD OVKK nnsRBUItG. Ore., Dec. 1. rM.rtB nrown. Jitney driver citargeu with distributing liquor was bound oer to await tho nction of tho grand Jury. Gnu HARD fl MARSHFIELD, OREGON, S&.v-M Terf ",'riWmfri'ftfiii-.lTfi That is Announcement Made at Eugene Regarding the WillamettePacific R. R. FERRY ATUMPQUA Passenger Service Can he Es tablished as Soon as Tracks Reach That Point NOT DAMAGED BY STORM Although X'ewly Constructed ltonti Did Xot .Surfer-MVorlc Has llccn Kept. Up During tho Winter .Months and Moved Ilapldly Thnt pnssongor sorvlco will ho cetabllshed to Marsh flold by Fob. l is tho aiinottncoinent . made in tho Kugono Guard which says: , " It wns authentically reported In Kugcno today that tho Willamette Pacific ltnllroad company, will han dle passungoru from Hugctio to Marshflold as soon as the ends or tho track aro lnld to tho Umpiiun river. Passengers and baggago will bo transferred by boat across tho rivor. February I Is tho tontatlvo ditto given out for this sorvlco to start. " It Is also reported that tho rail road company's Intention Is to con nect tho track in tho vicinity of tho Umpqun river upon the completion of the steel bridge across tho Ump qua. This brldgo is now under con btructlou at this point. Work In Hapld " Notwithstanding tho recent heavy weather In western Oregon nnd In this vicinity In tho Wllluni otto valley, tho construction of tho Wlllamotto Paciflo Ilullroad has boon proceeding rapidly, tho only Inter missions being short delays to trains on 0110 or two occasions, caused hy small glides. "Although this Is a nowly con structed lino, tho heaviest storms with which thli sccttdn or Oregon htiH boon visited, havo failed to dam tiKo tho road nt any point. Operated on Nluslmv " At present tho lino is holng op oratod under tho construction depart ment, In connection with regular construction work, botweon Kugono and Cushmiin, tho latter point bolug In tho vicinity of Acmo, nnd ot which point tlio railroad lino makes tho bov onth and last crossing of tho Sltislnw river, and proceeding thonco duo south to Marshflold, paralleling tho chain of lakes hetweou tho Slusluw and UmpuUn rlvors, and tho chain of lakes between tho Ump'iua and tho north lulot of Coos Hay. ("rond Halhihtiiig " nallnstlug oporatlons for tho track south of tho Sluslaw rivor aro being crowded nnd tho noxt two wooks will bco this track fully bal lasted as far as laid from tho Kugcno end. XOIITH DAKOTA .MAX ACCEPTS FOKD'S IXVITATIOX Executive Says that llo Was Urged by State Residents of For eign .Nationality (11 Awhx lalej I'rMM lo Cum u TIibm DISMAHK, N. D., Dec. 1. Urged, ho said, by tho Germans, French, Russian, English and Scotch people residing In North Dakota, to accept Honry Ford's Invitation to accom pany tho peaco expedition. Governor Ilanna announced ho would prepare' immediately for the trip. LAMAR TOO12 OFF OX PEACE TRIP . Lamar Tooze, president of - the Associated Students at tho University of Oregon and very well known hro to a great many sitiuenis, nas been chosen a representative on Henry Ford s peaco trip f to Europe and has already left for Now York, thoro to ' Jojn tho delegates on tho steamship Oskar II, especial- ly chartered 'for tho trip. Mr, f Toozo halls from Salem. , ft IRIS 10 RUN Hi FEBRUARY I V ii CO Byifc memrer ok Tim associated press WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, Til IS WRECKED HKAKKMAX KILLED THItEE PASSKXGKHS 1IUUT Accident on Chicago, -Milwaukee A St. Paul, Occurs Xear Free- man, Washington, Today (11 AilttKl Vtru to Com tit Tlmro.) SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 1. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul passenger train No. IS, cast bound, was wrecked by a broken roll u inllo cast ot Freeman, Washington, todny. Ono brakeman wns killed and threo passengers woro Injured. A rail broko under tho train and two sleepers woro derailed. Tho ob servation car tipped over on Its sldo. Tho names of tho Injured pas Bcngers aro not reported, Otto Itoburts, of Spokane, was thu brakeman killed. EXECUTE OFFICERS TWO VILLA OEXEHAL." AXD .10 OTIICKH 1:.ECUTED Were Captured After a Fight. In Soiioui and Co'irtiimrtlnlcd hy ticncrftl Obregon (11 AMiicUlih) l'rn to Coot liar Time) LOS ANGELES, Due. 1. Two VII la GenornlB, Orestes Poroyrn and E. Jlmlnoj!, with DO officers or tholr command, captured after a battle on tho Fttrto Hlvor; In Sonorn, wero courtmartlalod nnd shut, according to wort! received from General Obre gon hy tho Carranza agent horo. IS iiis (sovkitn.mkxt hklikvkd to hi; disixteghatixii Inure. Is Xow lleadiiiiirlers mid Mull SerleoKutli of Thero Is Suspended l .hmk-LIcI Vmt In Coui !! Tlmm.) EL PASO, Texas, Dec. l.IIndor nit oxterlor of suemtug traniiilllty, tho Villa government apparently is disintegrating, nccordlng to advices .iccolvod here. From un uuthorlta tlvo soitrco It Is learned tho depart ments of government havo bcon moved unofficially to Jatiroz. Mail service south of that city In suspend ed nnd strict censorship Is main tained. WILL CUT PROJECTS KIVKKS AND HAHHOHK APPHO PKIATIOXH MAV SUITEIt Tliat is opinion of Chairman Hpark- iiimii, of Coiiiiultteo Couti'ollug tho .Matter (11 AMotlilcd I'iw to I'uuo IU Tlmm. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 1. No rivor nnd harbor projects will bo provided during tho coming ses sion of Congress, In tho opinion of Chairman Sparknntn, of tho llouso rlvors and harbors committee, who discussed tho question today with President Wilson. Ho said tho proh fablo estimates for tho old projects I of 4 G, 000, 000 will ho cut. 10 AGREEMENT KET DEMOCRATS WILL COXTIXUK CAUCUS TOMORROW Senator Cliainberlaiu Is Named on ll'o Steering Coiunilltee Sen ator Chilton Vice President 10 Amix-Im! I'rMt lo Coo. tia Time.. J WASHINGTON. D. C. Dee. 1. WJemocrats In caucus today failed to reach un agreement on tho rule to .provide cloture of dohato, poatpon fing action until tomorrow. Tho eauous also doferred tho election of u president, protomporo. 8enator Chilton, of West Virginia, was elect ed vlco president of tho conference. Senator Lewis was reolected tho yarty whip. On tho steering committee, Kern named Martin, Owen, Chumborluln, Thomas, O'Gorman, Williams, James and Reed. ELKS' NOTICE Dili, conic out tonight. Duslness of vital Imnortance. Inltlutlon and I food. J. W. IIILDENHRAND, I Exnltcd Ruler. L FAILING mmtB 1915 EVENING EDITION GENERAL FIGRI l Members Cry "DoWn With the Government" When King Appears Supporters Cheer Him and Op position Frequently Inter rupts 'Monarch's Address AT LAST C0MET0 BLOWS As Soon as tho King Departs tho Tno Factious Engage In Fighting In t'10 Parliament Hall and Stonuy Tlmo Follows n AmocUIM I'itm to Coot 11a Timet, PARIS, Dec. 1. Partisans nnd adversaries of the government canto to blows at tho opening session of tho Ilumatilau Parliament. Tho Ileruo correspondent or tho Lo Matin telegraphs: "King Ferdinand had hardly ho gun to read his sjiecch when ha was Interrupted with cries of "Down with tho government" from M. Mil lo, leader of tho interventionists, and his adlioronts. Supporters of tho government re plied with 'choors for tho klnfi. whoso speech wns punctuated throughout hy shouts from tho op position. No sooner had tho king departed than a general fight begun botweon tho two factions." PETER FLEES LEAVES PKISKEND OX HOUSE HACK HEPOItE CAPTURE Ills Only Companion Is tho HiisnIiiii . Minister to Serbia and Des tination Is Unknown CLAIM I .-,(!(( WERE TAKEN AT PRISREXD (11 AMurlatftl 1'rrta lo Cv Pa Tlmr., MERLIN, Dec. I. Army headiiuartcrH announced to day that with tho capture of Prlsrend In Western Sor bl(i, 10,000 Serbians were taken prisoners. 11 AmkIH. riu to Coua Da TlmM. IIERLIN, Dec. 1. (WlrelesH to Sayvllle.) An official Iliilgarlnu re port dtited Nov. 20, says: "Tho Hill garlun troops, after a short and de cisive engagement, took Prlsrend and inatlo prlsouors betweon 10,000 and 17,000 Serbians. Thoy captured no field cannon and howitzers, 20, 000 rifles, UK ntitos und a largo amount of war material. King Poter and tho Russian Minister to Serbia on November 28 loft on horseback for an unknown destina tion without any other companions." SECOljpSl MXOXD ACCIDENT OCCURS AT DLPOXT COMPAXV PLANT Near Sceno of Accident Vestenlay When Thirty-Olio Hoys and Men Died (11 Amw Ulol I'rMW lu Coua Ila TlmM. WILLI.MINGTON, Del. Dec. 1. A Hiutll explosion of smokeless powder cccttrred today at tho Dupont Pow der Company plant at Carney's Point. N. J., not far from tho upper IJugluy plant, where 31 men und boj3 lost their Uvea In an explosion yes terday. No ono was hurt and tho damugo was slight. There havo boon no more deaths among" the five Injured in tho HaKloy explosion. Thero Is llttlo hope for determining tho catiBO of tho latter oxplotdon. AH Wero Killed Not ono of tho 26 inon who woro in tho packing house oscapod. Now thorc is only a hugs hole In tho ground where ouco a building stood. Roports thnt notices havo been found to bo nailed to trees warning employes of Teutonic origin that they would Imperil their lives by continuing to work, are being In vestigated. The theories most wide ly credited are that tho explosion was caused hy a spark, from a horse's hoof or tho wheel of car PARLIAMENT A Consolidation of and Coos Hay II ACT WILL DF.LIVEU ULTIMATUM TO AUSTKIA LATEIt OX D Is Stated Will Wait Until Entente Allies Havo Half Million Troops In Halkaus D Auocltlr.1 l'mi to Coo. IK Time., LONDON, Dec. 1. tlumnnla will 'deliver an uHlmntutu to Austria as soon as tho entente allies coucontrato riOO.OOO men In tho Dnlkaus, it Is re ported in lluchnrcst, says 11 dispatch from that city. F T COMPARATIVE QUIET REPORTED FROM ALL THE FRONT'S First, Tlmo In Many Mouths that Thero Has Xot lleeu Somo Activity 11 Aiioclald rrwa to Coot ru TloiMk LONDON, Dec. 1, For tho first tlmo lit many months, no Important developments on nny front wero re ported today by either tho quadruplo hlllauco or tho quadruplo entente. With all except n narrow strip in tho southern part, Sorbin Is dom inated by tho quadruplo alliance, a lull has occurred In tho linlkans nnd It Is believed tho Teutons nnd llul- tgarlans aro preparing to drive Against tho small Anglo-French army nea? tho Greek hordor. 1 F'ato Still Uncertain Tho fnto of Monastlr still remains obsutire, notwithstanding definite re- quirts that neutral consuls In tho city 'had nrrnnged to turn It over to tlio 'attackers after the withdrawal of tho IHorblnns.. Tho enntoru front Is comparatively quiet. Tho RusslntiH nro reported to ho Htreugthenlng their positions along (ho Riga front. Quiet In tho West Tito only activity reported hy Par h In tho west was a French artillery homhardmout along tho river Sommo, Vienna says tho Italians seem do- ftormlned to rapture florlzla with tho least posslblo loss of tlmo, but their I progress Is exceedingly slow. VISIT IS DISCUSSED SPECULATIONS AH TO KAISER'S VISIT IX VIENNA Homo Think Ho Wants lo Prevent Austria Making a Scparato Peaco (11 Aaaodate.1 Vrn to Ono lit Tlmra. ROME, Dec. I. "Tho real object of tho visit of Emperor William to Vienna was to put : stop to tho efforts of Austria Is making, ny means of nogotliilloim through Mud rid with tho Vatican, to obtain sep arate peace with thu quadruplo en tente," mild tho Tribuno. TO OHTAIX PLEDGE May AMk for Territorial Sacrifice From Hungary (11 AmwLLI Treat to cuoa Ila Tloiea. PARIS, Dec. I. Dlplomutlo cir cles lu Homo belle vo, Hays tho cor- respondent of tho Journal, that tho visit or Emporor William to VIouun was mado to reconcile, If posslblo, tho divergent views of Germany and Attstrlu and obtain u pledgo of ter ritorial sacrifices from Hungary lu tho hope of assuring tho neutrality of Rumania, CODEISlROlTER GERMANS CAREFUL IT IS NOT MADE PUHLIU Agreement of Hnmliurg-Aincalriiii Lino With Kaiser's Government Sent (o tho Embassy 11 AuoclatMl Treat lo foot In Timet. NEW YORK, Dec. 1. All abstract ot tho Hamburg-American lino's agreement with the Gorman govern ment, whereby tho former agreed to supply tho Gorman cruisers nt sea with coal and supplies, passed into tho keoplng of tho German embassy at Washington. Dr. Dueuz, managing director ot tho lino, so testified toduy at tho conspiracy trial. Tho cablegrams wero In tho Gorman naval code and removed to tho em bassy whon It was thought there was danger of their becoming pub lic through this trial, and thus re vealing to tho representatives of England, Franco and Russia tho key to tho German pecrot code. 1 ICTIC 0 A Southwest Oregon Paper That's wlmt tho Coos liny Times Is. A Sfcuth west Oregon ner for Southucst Oregon ioople iiimI (looted to tlio liest Interests of this grcnt hoc tlon. Tho Times always boosts nnd never knocks. Times, Const Mull Advertiser. No. 111 IRREE RESIGN CARET JOGS Ministers of Austro-Hilnoarfan Ministry Present Resigna tions Which are Accepted OTHERSlPOINTED Retiring Members Must Give Their Services if Ever Need ed and Called Upon ' THAT PROVISO IS MADE TIioho Who Ioft tho Cabinet Woro ' tho Ministers of tho Interior, of Commerce nnd of Finance Autograph 1cttcr Published RRVAN WILL SEE FORD PARTV flAIIi 4 0 ( 11 At.oclttM Trra lo Coxa Ita TlmM.) MIAMI, Fin., Doc. 1. William Jennings llrynn will leave tonlRht ror Now York to bco tho Ford penco com- mission sail for Ettropo Sat- urdoy. ' 111 A.wwUlfcl 1'rtaa lo I'noa Ila Tlmf AMSTERDAM, Dec. 1. That sov eral cabinet resignations nro con firmed by tin autograph lottor from Emperor Frnncls Joioph Is published In tho Wlonor Zoltung of Vfonna. Tho otuporor accepted. tho resigna tions of Dr. D'Udynskl, minister ot I ho interior, Dr. Von llonuott, min ister of commorco, nnd Ilnrou Von Mnlufoldon, mtnlstor of flnnnco. May Called On Acceptance or theso resignations Is qualified with tho proviso that tho services of tho retiring mlnlstorn aro to bo nvnlhiblo If required. )r. Ilcdiold'nud Huron Engrl htivo been appointed members of tho up por hniiso wlfllo tho rank of Frnlhorr has boon conferred on Dr. Schuster. Xow Meinbers Named l'rlnco llohonloh Schllllngfuorut, prosldvut of tho supremo court of Re count, has been appointed minister 'of tho Interior, Hitter Von Loth, gov ernor of tho postal savings bank, was appointed minister of flnnnco, nnd Horr Von Spltzmlnller, director of tho Krcdlt Anstalt, was appointed minister ot commorco. GREAT HIHTAIX ASKED AUOUT SEIZURE OF SHIPS Xomh Conies (hat Two America Ships aro to ho KcqiilHltloiied hy tho English III Amo, LtM I'rrM lo Coot IU Tliaei.J WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 1. Tho Stnto Department has Instructed Ambassador Pago nt London to in quire of tho Drltlsh government, whether two vessels of the American Truns-Atlantlo Company, seized while Hying tho American flag, were (o bo requisitioned without tho fori inallty ot prlzo court proceedings. Tho ambassador was directed to file a vigorous protest ngalnst such lu moasiiro should ho receive an af J flrniiitlvo answer. Tho department acted upon Infor ! matlon from Presldout Wagnor ot I tho company, who telegraphed lie j had been advised by (ha captains oC .the Hocking, detained at Hall'' I fax, and the Gonsco, detained at St. Luclii. that attorneys for tho llrlttoh government wero to mako moves to- duy looking toward tho requisition of tho vessels. MINISTER WIIITLOOK SEES THK PRESIDENT TODAY II UIRY IS STARTED OS CONFER ICE Discusses With Him Conditions Ih War ono, Including Execution ' of ' English Nurso 0 Auoelat! Treat to Ovw Bt Tlmra.) WASHINGTON, D. 0., Dec. 1. . Draud Whltlock, Amorlcan Minister to Belgium, who returned home W regain his health, had a long con ference with President Wilson to day regarding conditions In the war zono, tho work of the Oelghut Relief Commission, and the ee 4' of Edith Cavell, the Drltlsh Ufv executed by the Germans, ,Aftr tho conference Whltlock refuted to discuss tho European tup,Uon, i