ARTER'S i.m Yniir P CREAM PVPniTHINQ SANITARY PAYS OPEN Toil INSPECTION fe mnko Ico Crcnm to order, for parties, lodges, plc- '." -- !! !! !! nlcs, cit. Wo do not openk of Us QUALITY That Bpcnks for Itself SALTER'S Phono 203-J Mnrshfleld at St., Opposite IJIunco Hotel Coos Bay Fish Market 119 FRONT STREET. itj. KINDS OP DEEP 6EA F1SII WHEN IN TUB MAR- KKT. I'HIwM WDiniB. jAMS AND GKAIJH. PJioiio 410 V. L. RLAKK, 1,rP' Noble Theaten TO-NIGHT IV THE MIDNIGHT LIMITED One of tho Hazard or Helen railroad stories. Full of thrills .that lift you. from your seat. 'THE CITY RUBE i Vltagraph western comody It's a rlb-tlcklor. THE LAST DROP OF WATER niogrnph re-Issuo produced by D. W. Griffith, tho mastor mind I ot motion pictures. iTHE DESERT HONEYMOON Itomnlno Floldlng thrco rool drama It's a story that will hold your attention. I Lower Floor, 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 ots.; Children. 5cts. Tomorrow iiigui: aruiuouni luiuuru, nuii tvumuu, mm num ; Meredith. Thursday afternoon nnd evening: Win. L. Flnlcy, tho I Stato Qamo Wnrdon, lecturing on tratcd with flvo Bploiulld reols of Subscribers, CARRIERS nro Instructed to put popors on porches or In other sultablo places whoro thoy wjll bo safo from wind nnd rain. Sub scribers aro roquostod to notify tho offico when ever theso Instructions iiro.not being followed. Phono complalntB and other matters pertaining to dollvory to 411 J mem -rnnAV .ur.ii l."lll in iptiu uil liiii.- ti Portland proporty. Address R. IVTI-ll v.. omt I... ..;.- , care Times. it R1I.1,' I'l... ..u ..n fi-nli. fK ' ..... -IUW Vlflt", ! -.., ne fresh In January and one rein in Fflbruary. James L. Ste- , South Coos River. IKROTS FOR SALE $12.00 W W. J. K. Fitzgerald, Eastport. -J FOR RAI F 2 4m ? W HALE CHEAP CJns stove and Mter, also small heating stove. pH Commercial avenue. W SAW One Oliver typewriter ; one I,. C. Smith, ?40. uoou new, pioneer Hurdvyare Co. LOST AND FOUND : r-M) Siimll key near E. Urando's ouse. owner may have same by Rng for this ad at TImos office Hm4,j FOR RENT J ..? Pj-80 PEit MONTH, good bonr.J, r. room. Ii.nth nrivntn mini V ln. Address L c&ro Tiroes. Kl?KXT Furnished rooms for5 "i housekeeping. G20 Central Tenue. ?mIiJJXt Furnished room, sult oie tor one. Annlv over Conner oagland's store. M HK.N'T liouse partially r-nuned, close In. Ph. F. M. "inter, 241-j. Everybody Is getting ready for Christinas Kuppenheimer Suits - $20 to -JUXlb - - $30.00 are making a lilt and avo tlio talk of tlio town. t -HEMEMHER We fit you from rlicatt to foot, and give you a square deal In everything you pur- t'llllNO. Huy Your Christmas Wearing Apparel at FIXUP Tlio llouso That, Guarantee EVERY PURCHAS.E Multifield :: North Rend "Tho Qamo .of Oregon," lllus- pictures. Please Note RENT 3 room flats, private- lmtlii $20.00 month. Phono 443-J. . FOR RENT1 FurnUhed flat, Hot and cold wator, bath. 853 Third St. FOR RENT HoiiHokeeplnn roonw. Low ront, 352 First Streot North. Phono 333-J. FOR RENT Myrtlo Arms modern, furnlshod apis, freo heat and water, $22.50 and up. FOR RENT Six-room house, cor ner Third and Anderson. Tele phone 110-J. t WANTED t WANTED Work by innn and wife, at samo placo or dlfforont posi tions. Phono 227-X or apply 7C First and Dato streets. WOMAN of refinement wants homo for self and baby whero she can work for her board nnd caro for her baby. Address Mrs. Ellza both Willie, Marshfleld, Oregon. Vtj -D.IVSBEII AND STOR- AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND UAGGAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 103 Residence Phone 13-J Market Ave. and Waterfront MTO3 TEN CENTS City Limits North Rend, 8c. nn COMMUTATION nfl TICKETS $1.78 ,U Marshfleld-North Bead Auto Line Cars every tea mlnutea from O a. m. to 13 p. m.! to South Slough once a dr. leaving at 11 a. m.J to Empire three trips a day. fiOItST & KINO, Props. V- " tsga KVmES NOVEMHER TIDES Time- nnd heights or tides at Marshfleld. The tides arc placed In order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on the second lino of each day. A compar ison of consecutlvo heights will In dicate whether It is high or low water. High tldo on tho bar one hour and G4 minutes earlier than at Marshflold. 30Hrs.. 1.43 Ft... 0.8 8.27 4.4 2.54 1.9 8.12 8.7 WEATHER FORECAST tnjr AiiocUted Trtu to Coo Oaf Tlmn.) OREOON Occasional rain west, rnln or snow east, cast to south winds. LOCAL TEMVnitATURB RECOIID For tho 24 hour ending at 4:43 n. m., Nov. 30, by UonJ. Ostllnd, special gov ernment motcorologlBt: Maximum 57 .Minimum 37 At 4:43 a. m 37 Precipitation 05 Precipitation since Sopt. 1, 1915 21.10 Precipitation mao porlod Inst year 22.34 Wind: Northwest, clear. SUNRISE AND SUNSET Tuesday ' November 30. Sun rises nt 7:32 and seta at 4:28. Sorvlco nt Mine Rev. a. LoRoy Hall will conduct a sorvlco at Hea ver Hill mlno next Thursday eve ning. Club Meeting postponed. On nc count of tho dlphthorla scaro In Dunker 1 1 111. tho Prlscllla Club mcotlugs hnvo been postponed un til tho early part of January. Pamphlet Ih M-Ited. Tho city has mailed to vo...-j tho pamphlet containing tho measures to bo voted upon at tho city election a week from today. Will Hold McolliiK Thero will bo hold an Importnnt mooting ot tho Methodist Junior League Thurs day afternoon nt 3:45. All mem bers nro requested to bo present. Aid to Moct. Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Swedish Lutheran Church will meet Wednesday, 2 p. in, in tho church hall. Mrs. A. Storgard and Mrs, If. Asplund will entertain. Hues For Hill. Suit was brought ,'ln tho JuBtlco Court this morning by Conner and Hongland against Mr. nnd Mrs, I. M. Nelson for tho collcc- ftloti of 1137.70 nlloged to bo duo for u;oods purcnnBou irom mo piaimiun. Tlio compinini ubkb tor inioresi irom Nov. 25, this year. County Court to .Meet, Tho Doc- Tcmber meeting of tho Coos county court will bo opon tomorrow morn ing In Coqutllo when several matterfl nf importance will como up for con sideration, among them being sev eral petitions for dcstltuto persons UBicing for aid from tho county. Ooch to Expohltlon, James Cow camo In today from Ten Mllo and will leave in tho morning to witness tho closing of tho Panama Exposi tion. Mrs. Cownn has boon visiting Mrs. A. V. Howhay thero for tho past month and will return with him. Plmrninclhts To Meet. Tho next ,... inM miiailniv it tliA Pnnd Plinr- macoutlcal Association will bo held! In North Bend on Docomber 3, ac A CHRISTMAS SUfiOI-STIO Palmers Perfumes Sachets and Toilet Waters Attractively put up Xinas Trade for . Priced t!3c to 7.30 Palmer's Perfumery witlsfy tho most evactlng I "The Owl" Frank D. Cohan Tho Central Av. Drug Store J i M W T Hi I H H i- HbBHHHHI cording to nnnounceui.nfi) that, pro being sent out to tho druggists of tho county. It Is said that import ant. matters will then bo up for discussion. Dor Caught .Salmon. p. E. Con way and A. W. Aclccrman relumed today from Portland and other northern points. Thoy brought In a now flBh story and a big salmon to provo It. While thoy wore crossing Ten Mllo Creole, a dog Jumped Into tho surf and grabbed a big salmon. He had considerable difficulty In getting thoflBh up on tho beach and thero tho autolsts grabbed It and to night all in tho car will hnvo a sal mon dinner at Mr. Conway's homo. , Action Is HtNiulKsed. Action of itlie First Nntlonal Rank of Uandon against Herbert Lockhart for a bal ance of $470 on a $1,000 noto has been dismissed by Judge Coko In the payment of tho money. The attor ney for Mr. Lockhart clnlmed that the action was brought in the nb- senco of his client from tho city and Uhat it would not lmvn boon lind lin r " - -- ....... been hcto and that as soon as hoUloro wnB utoiy notuinir nuiiui rnnlit irn u'nr.l n lilm ,1... ,.... I """ Cl " V v ., v.iu .....u wns nrilnroil .until. Horses Go Meandering, EvI- dentally glad to bo out In the bright fsunshlno and roaming again amid the green lawns of neighbor's yards, ',thrco horses Joined forces and saun tered nlong south Seventh street this morning, Thoy sampled tho grass at several places before tho arrival of Chlof Carter who disturbed their breakfast. Of lato thero have- boon many strny nnlnmls roaming tho fatrocta at will, which hnvo caused tho officers several good hard runs nnd much annoyance. More Wltiiossos (Jo. Via wlro yesterday the United States Marshal In Portlnnd BUbpocnned Mrs. Win. Shook, Ed Plckott nnd Alfred Glov er to appear In Portland for tho trial thero tomorrow of William f Shook, of Marshflold, lndlctod by tho Fcdornl grand Jury on a white slavory charge. Tho witnesses left on tho train this morning nnd will go North through Roscburg. Pickett and Qlovcr nro said to former neigh bors of tho Shook family when thoy lived In South Marshflold. Will Dlvldo Work. T. C. Russoll was hero from Reaver Hill today nnd la arranging for departing for his now homo nt Dlamondvlllc. Wyo.. In L'about a week. At Douvor Hill, Mr. fllolmos will bo given chnrgo of tho mlno, Mr, Moffltt will tako chargo of tho offico work and Mr. Hammond will hnvo chargo ot tho storo, Mr. RussoII'h work being divided bo tweon thrco. Mr. and Mrs. Russoll will visit at Uandon' tho last of thti week and nlso visit frlonds here bo foro departing. In Need .of Help. Continually thero como to tho offico of District Attorney Llljoqvlst appeals from 'various parts of tho county for uld 'to dostltuto porsons. Ono letter enmo this morning from n widow near Myrtlo Point. Slio Is a crlpplu and has two children. "Ploaso hur ry", runs tho plalntivo nppenl. "Thorn is nothing In tho houso to eat." TI1080 appeals will ho taken boforo tho county court tomorrow to Geo what can bo done to rollovo tho uuffororlug. HorM) Huns Away. Docomlng frightened whilo tho driver was away from tho wagon, a horso of tho Coos Ray laundry, hitched to their bdellvory wagon, ran away at noon to day and crashed through tho guard railing on south Fourth struct near tho Intersection of Curtis. Tho wn L'on was overturned in tho fill, though tho horso was uninjured. A few weeks ago tho animal ran away from tho laundry and camo near run ning of tho dock at tho foot of Com mercial avonuo, being caught very 'close to tho odgo by n bystander. Tho kluniugo to tho wagon today was Blight. .Muclilnes Collide Two machines tho Runkor Hill Jltnoy lino, he- 'I'0 uk,?r, mXJ line, bo- longing to Walter Rlcharduon, woro damaged on Rroadway yestorday af ternoon, ho two nutos had started poutli, ono behind tho other when tho load machine turned directly In front of tho other, so as to avoid an oncoming wagon. At the samo tlmo tho front auto started to slow down to let a passenger alight and tho Jltnoy from tlio rear, I (Collided with It. Tlio latter macliluq I lost a light, a spring was brokou 'and tho fonder damaged as well as n III A Innt Wha An lnnn (imniinta 4r r. : ::: " "- -vu auout lo. 't AMONG THE SICK l '' R. O. Graves is confined to hsl homo on account bl sickness thougi he expects to be out lu a few days. I Llbby Cool, 98.00 ton. Phono 72, Tho Wonmn'M Auvlllary of tho Presbyterian church will hold u ha--nut- and liiiicheon iu the old Orpho tim building on Front Street, Wed neiday, Dec, 1. Dluner hegliuiliig III u h. 111. aoc, j BUR ED IDS CORONER AND UNDERTAKER CARE FOR UNKNOWN 110DV Dljj Shallow Hole on Reach With Slicks ami Another Supposed Vic tim of Santa Clara Hurled On tho beach amid tho driftwood and almost in the very Bpot where It was found tho body of an unknown man wns hurled lato yestordny af ternoon. Thero wero no sorvlces. A shallow grave, hasMly dug In tho sand with sticks, and into this tho body wns rolled. Justice C. L. Pennock, who notod as Coroner, nnd Mr. Moon, of the Wilson Undertaking Pnrlors, woto called to tho sccno. Tho verdict was thnt the man was probublv one of the three missing men of the Santa Clara's crew nnd thnt ho came to his death by accidental drowning. It wns said that the trunk v,ib that ot a good-sized man, though ... . . It tO UO a mcailS Of ItlOlltinCHtlOll. !,....... t PERSONAL MENTION t .DORSEY KRE1TZER went to Myrtlo Point today on business. t O. M. CARR, of Myrtlo Point, Is In the city on business todny. "W. A. LUSE was down from hla South Coos River ranch today. C. A. RODINE, of Allegany, was down on business this morning. A. R. LOUD wont over on tho morn ing' train to report tho court busi ness. MRS. DAN DENNETT wob down shopping this morning from Coos River. yil. J. M'KEOWN nnd wlfo nro ex pected homo tomorrow from San Frnnclsco. D. R. CHANDLER and wlfo nro ex pected In overland from Portlnnd tomorrow. F. R. ROOD was ninong tho visitors down tills morning from north Coos river. W. M. RREMER .wns among tho vis itors hero today on busluoss from Allegany. R. A. CHURCH wnn hero on a short buslnesH thlp this morning from Cool River. QEOROE aOODRUM loft today on n biiBlnoss trip to Coqullle, 'Myr tlo Point and Rnndon. MR. AND MRS. FRED HAUfi CHILDT of Coos River, wero vl Itors In tho city Monday. W. C. LAIRD, Doputy Sheriff, re turned to Couulllo this morning aftor serving papers hero. JUDGE JOHN 8. COKE wont over to Coqulllo this morning to hoar Bomo casus in tho equity court. M. J. CARM1C1IAEL was In toilay from tho camp on North Inlet, whoro ho is Interested in logging, REN M'MULLEN nnd wlfo romo over an tho train last evening from Myrtlo Point on a visit hero. A. If. POWERS, loft this morning for Powers, returning to tho cnmpB aftor a short business trip hero. MISS JULIA RENOTSON, tho nurso, was called to Mrytlo I'.ilnt Mon day morning on professional bus iness. DISTRICT ATORNEY LILJEQVISr returned this morning from tlrldgo nnd MoKiuloy whoro ho has boon attending road mooting. MltS. MARTIN, formorly Miss Flos slo Lattln, of Marshfleld, arrived here yostorday from Portland to visit hor mother, Mrs, Guy Lattln GEO. W. MOORE, a tlmo lock ox port of Stanford, Conn., Is horo For that Cold Try White Pine and Tar Mentholated Ry soothing Inflamed mu cous membrane of tho breathing passages It promptly relieves coughs. IB 25c Qb 50c bottles THE BUSY CORNER Tho Roxall Drug Storo PHONE 5108 We deliver Immediately pancy T"ress -QJ n In stripe, porcnle and mndras; very latest designs nnd, QQ colors; cuffs rtttnehed .:.... '. UUb Can you afford to gtvo away ait additional -" rents with each oiui dollar (SI.OO) Invested? Dora tlio opportunity to wave this amount appeal to you? OU.R WINDOW WILL PROVE TIJK STATEMENT THAT YOU CAN HAVE 27 CKNTS WITH EACH HH-CKXT HIURT. A FEW NEQi:SS,IUES OF LIFE. Darning Cottqn, 3 balls, .nr Ocntlempn's .Pocket Combs 8c Hair Pins, assorted -Ic Williams' Shaving Soap ,..lo Carter's lllack Ink lu Dachqlor Huttops, doz ... 8c Needles In Clothes Uruslieii ,H2c Sock Damcrrt ;w Cplgnto's Shaving Stick . . lljc Thimbles .It: Panama Pad. Carter ...,10c Hnlr 1'lns to ' Arm Rands igc Dextor's Knitting Cottpn..;c Shoo Lacqs, 3 pnlrs o Colgate's Talcum Powder liic Kecp-Clcau Hair Brushes -10c Vaseline Ic dents' Dressing Combs . . . llc Stewnrt'B Sufoty Pins . . . .Ic Whitman Shoo Polish . . . ,;8c Here are some some prices that will interest you. Look them over. SALT PORK, best Krade, per pound , lflo HACON, medium weight, (lmckn and-nldcrt,) per Hi. . . . , ,UJ6o (Not Wrapped) fiOOI) KCK1H, per dozen , 113c ItiHt arrived, a new shipment of kociIn in tiAckago pud bulk. NEW ONION SETS, per Hi 10a ROYAL CLUIl COFFEE, K-r pound ., ,.... ,!13c (HCItMAN-AMEItlCAN COFFEE, per pound .". ,0c Gettings Cash Grocery y.ousmoeney NO. RROADWAV, NEAR CENTRAL tm today to mnko n rogulnr Inspec tion ot tho big vaults in tho Flrnt Nntlonal Hank. MR. McCOOK, of Fresno, Cnl., who baa boon horo a fow days visiting with Mr. nnd Mtb. J, W.Renuott, loft this morning for Portland. Ho Is n rotlrod business man. REUREN II. MA8T, Jr., Qt Coqulllo, camo over from thoro last avo nlng nnd loft via tho beach stage this morning for tho University. Ilo was n member of tho football team In hero, AL NICHOLS of Empire was n Marshflold business visitor todny. Ilo says that tho road botwoon hero nnd Empire is tu fairly good shnpo, coming up without chains on their auto. W. A. ACICERMAN returned today from Portland whoro 'ho went two wooks ago on business In connec tion with Santa Clara freight claims, Ho also visited at hU homo In Astoria boforo return ing. V. O. aORST returned yestordny from Scattlo, whoro he spoilt Thanksgiving with his ulsters. Ho says that times nro none too pros- ' porotiB at Scattlo, not holiig nearly as good as in California. Ho mudo tho trip to arrange for Homo now auto trucks, J. R. ARMOUR, who Is connected with tho Armour Packing Com pany In Chicago, Ih horo for a fow days on a visit with Matt L. May, local roprosontativo of tlio com pany, This Is tho second trip Mr. Armour hnu mudo Into this coun try. He expects to return east olthor through Douvor or Phoenix, leaving very shortly. THE IIOHOS CALLED ROSERURO, Oro., Nov. 30. When State Roprosontativo W. W. Cardwull told a nowspnpor reporter that he liiteudod to entertain only hobos at his houso on Thanksgiving Day ho got himself into a good doal of trouble Tho story won printed and when It camo dinner tlmo a hobo appeared for some thing to oat. Rofore tho day wan over Mrs. Cardwoll quieted tho Thanksgiving nppetlto of thirteen wanderers. PARAISO O.V OLD RUN Her chartor to tho Pacific Coast Steamship Company having expired, sho having been used lu Alaska dur- 'lug the season, tho Arrow Lino ( steamer ParaUo Is to bo returned , 1 to tho Portland-San Francisco nut. ! t il QUATERMAS STUDIO ! I QUALITY PHOTOS 1 Opposite Blanco Hotel, ; I Phono 106-L. MARSH FIELV, ORiSGON WALL PAPER See VIERS About .it, T . . SOCIAL CALENDAR TUESDAY Guild Opon Meeting at eight o'clock in auild Hall. WEDNESDAY Neighborhood Card Club with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Loud. Rrldgo Club with Mrs. Edna Richardson. Mrs. Alya Doll and Mrs. a. 11. Marsh entertain Jlaptlnt ladles at Sliver ten at homo ot latter. 1). M. C, Club with Mrs. llonry Kern In North Rend. Auction Rrldgo Club with Mrs. Eukouo Crosth wnlto. THURSDAY Ladles of Norwegian Lu theran church of North Horn! will moot Thursday af ternoon in church parlors, A. N. W.- Club with Jlra. OIvln Edinnii. Mlnuo-Wls with Mrs, O. W. Rrlggs. FRIDAY Mr. W. A. Rold ontor tnliiB at farewell party for Mrs. T. C. Russoll of Doayer Hill. Runkor Hill Parents Teachers Club ut 2:30 Jn school houso. Kensington Club with Mrs. W. II. Kennedy. Trio Crd Club wRh Mrs. J. W. Htldoubrnml. Musical Entortulnmont at 8 o'clock fn nay Park Chap el. Ladles Art Club with Mrs. R. H. Walter. . . . . . , . - r , r . . , . . . . , . -t K : . , 4tt . 1ANN SMITH With the return ot tho I Numl Smith on the old rim and tho resumption of full 'tlmo at the mill, which Is suro to fo))ow, prosperity will bo lu full swing on Coos Ray, Do not wait until then -tho tlmo to buy a homeslte Is now, Por tia m Park or Sunnyvale. Small paymont down nnd onsy monthly payments. "SEE REID AHOUT IT" w jf GOODRUM'S GARAGp J HOME OF THK CADILLAC AND DODGE t AUTO SUPPLIES FOt ALL MAKES OF OAJtH 87 Central av, Ione 3T3L t . W 4 , i-r r