n4-r5f to rnif :) rrioftfivTAati': ,j M t ! --.. ' THEOgSj'ByjTIIUBS. MRpliFlELD, OREGOH, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30?95EVEI)ljNGpiT10i t FOUR Jut?' ..- m - ...- - & 7 ' f COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONBY, Hdltor and Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, Nowa Editor Ottlcinl Official Fnper of Pnpcr City Coos County of Mnrahflold. .;!$ WITH THE TOAST Z t AND THE TEA $$ Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Entorod nt tho I'OBtoffico at Marsh fiold, Orogon, for transmission through tho mails second-class mall matter. An independent Republican news paper, publlshod every evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos Bay Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY. . , .One year $6.00 Per month GO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.G0 When paid strictly in advance tho BUb'soilptlon piico of tho Coos -Day trimos Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. GOOD KVKNIXU The press is the foe of rhetoric, but the rrlciul of reason. Colton. s 5LVIKE OTHERS .HAPPY When way, I will recall used to say: heart, it doesn't $ 'X EUROPEAN WAR ONE t t YEAR AGO TODAY $ Nov. ;o, iou Tho Germans are in retreat be fore tho Russians in Poland. Tho British squadron rcnows bom bardment of the German navel baso nt Zcobruggo. Tho French ministry plnces tno blamo of tho war on Germany. Tho Russians occupy Qlovno, Die lavy and Sobota. FAHHEACIIIXG IT IS interesting to noto how close ly knit togothor Is this world of ours and how quickly nny up Hottlng of conditions will nffect tho wholo. Ono would hardly Imagine that tho closing of tho Panama Ca nal would causo nny dlfforonco iu tho normal lifo of Boston, yet it is statod, by tho Boston Post, that tho Inability of ono ship to paRs through tho Isthmus has occasion ed n Bhortago In tho bean supply, and a fnmlno of that food Is thrent onod. Of courso, this Is not tho only reason, for tho crop of bonns hns boon unusually short, but tho cargo in question, compelled to go through tho Strnlts of Mngollan, has greatly uugmcutcd tho Immedi ate scarcity. X NEWS OF OREGON t t SALEM Secrotnry of Stnto 01 cntt mudo domnnds upon other mom 'burs of tho stuto board that J. C. Cu rt y, mnnngor of tho flax plant is con nection with tho penitentiary, be dis missed becauso of luck of business management. NBWBURO W. S. Brown of tho Orogon Agricultural Collogo con templates utartlug a pruning hrIiooI to bo conducted during tho winter for tlio benefit of tho fruit growers of tho locality. ROSEBUHO Charles Brown, u Jitney uubs drlvor, was arrested on n charge of bootlegging, it bolng al leged that ho distributed liquor nt n dance In tho Looking Clluss neigh borhood. GATEWAY Patulous lmvo boon circulated calling for an election to vote on tliu proposition of organizing n Irrigation district in tho north unit of tho Doschutcs Valley. PORTLAND Mattltow W'oll, prosldeut of tho International Photo Engravurs was tho guest of honor of tho employers and omployoa of tho trade at u banquet given at tho Proas Club. SEASIDE Rov. J. P. Vinco, pas tor of tho Calvary chapel, ban picached his last sormon and will go to ICnglund. SILVEU LAKK Dan Angland wna killed by Jim O'Keofo In a sal oon brawl, tho slayor being nttackod suveral times buforo ho killed his uutagonlst. ' AMITY With ap'pnroutly no rea son J, Frank lllllman, agod 37 years and formorly a druggist of Spokane, killed his wUo mid himself with a rlflo. DAYTON Tho members of tho Odd Folows Lodge oloctud officers with J. G. Park& as unhlo grand. El'GENE A largo uuinbor of per sons havo signed tho petitions ,or ,tho repeal of the Sunday closing law. PORTLAND -Col C. E. S. Wood will discuss tho law of llbol and slander beforo tho membors of tho Portland Piobs Club. ; fSIIERWOQD John I). Wilson, agod l85 years, dlod at the lionio of his (hiughtor, Mrs, Molllo Johnson nftor having lived in this stato slnro ISC2. PORTLAND M. J. Myors. brood er of Plymouth Rock fowls, wa awarded twelve prUos ot tlio San Francisco exposition on birds rnlsod in Portland, EUGNNE Tho rain storm caused SO or -10 blocks In tlio southern cud of Eugene to overflow. AURORA -The high school of tho city Is to be standardized and tho matter of books, equipment and eoune as laid down by the stnto sup erintendent Is being met with. rain beats down and nil Is drear, As often Is the With happy 8inllo What grandma "Why, bless your help To lot tho tears drip too, Just wlpo your eyes and look around For sonio good dcod to do." With glee thrco lotters she'd ropcat Just M. O. II. were thoy; Just what their meaning wo know not, For did wo ask, sho'd say: "Why, that's my motto, and I've learned, Tho very wisest, plan Is to find out whnt others need, . And holp them If you can!" With each success, as wo would enolc Some helpful net to do. Wo found that cheering oilier lives Brightened qur own lives, too. I told hor this ono dny and plcid: "M. 0.1I. ploaso mako cloar." Then smlllng-swcctly, she replied: "Mako OthorB Happy, dear." "When stormy days glvo you tho blues, Just help to set things right; Kind nets will fill tho darkest day With sweetness and with light. Look up tho real unfortunates, And ease their aches and pniii3; As you mako othors happy, dear, You just forget it rains." Selected. Try Sayieg Some Of These Tomigiuie Twisteirs o When you do not fool well tho nolghbors will tell you whnt to do it you let them know. Good wives. cooks nro not always good Many nro engaged and a couple nro mnrrlod. A dog and a trco known by tholr baric. nro eailly Husbands are getting to bo llko flowers, books and Christmas hand kerchiefs; ono can't scorn to havo too many of thorn theso rushing times. Tho way sonio Coos Bny girls call each other "honey" is ouoligh to fool tho bees. Some Coos Buy people who suffer from insomnia would rather talk about it than to sleep. When son asks father to holp him out with a problem and father can't answer It, father begins to Indlg nnto about tho fool things thoy teach children In tho schools theso days. course, you is no Santa IN DO U I IT. Boston Father Of understand that there Claus. Little Sou Is this a philosophical dlecusslon, or merely a hint that I'm not going to got anything for Christmas? TAKE A DAY OFF AND SEE WHAT VOL' CAN DO WITH THIS .MUSS! John Hurwood had two daughters bv his flrht wife, of whom tho older wa? married to Jim Haswell, tho soil nud tho younger to John Has well, tho father. Haswoll, senior, had a daughter by his first wlfo. This daughter old Harwood married, and had a boh Tho elder Haswoll's second wlfo can say then with truth. "My father U my son, nud I am the mother's mother; my sister Is my dar-gMor, NE of the delights and ono of tho drawbacks of story-tcll-lng Is that your auditor, or vic tim, as the .case may be, is pretty Buro to tell another. AiuL on simi lar principles, It Is with con siderable trepidation, ns the 'or ators often begin by saying, that I venturo upon tho prcs ont subject tho gontlo art of tonguo twisting. For I fool very sure that nny ono of my renders can come back, nt mo with nioro twlstable examples that' thoso which I am myself able tc quote. Ilowcvor thnt may ho, 1 nm reconciled to tho probabilities by tho reflection that contributions to tho subject front whatever sourco must havo the effect of adding to tho gnyety of the war-Irritated public. Among tho simplest of tonguo twlstors is ono which, as I romombcr it, was imposed on tho comodlnn of Tho Sunslno Girl," who got awny with It with flying colors. I saw no thing difficult in tho test until 1 at tempted to show my companion how easy it was, nnd then I commontcd inwardly, but truculently, on tho faulty enunciation, with which so ma ny of us nro cursed. Tho comedian's lluo rnn ns follows: "Sho stood nt tho gnto welcoming him li." Reads all right, of courso, but say it aloid several times as rapidly as possible. Not nearly bo unlucky for the un wary ub that .nclent stumbling block "The sea ccaseth, nnd It sufflceth us" says a writer in tho Philadelphia Evening Ledger. Many of tho commoner tonguo twisters havo boon introduced or pop ularized through tho medium of com ic opcrn. Tako tho recent Instance from "Dancing Around." That llt tlo ditty about Sister Susie surely did slug Ita way Into a tcrriblo muddle: "Sister Suslo's sewing shirts for soldiers, Such skill at sewing shirts our shy young sister Suslo shows, Tho soldiers send epistles, Say thoy',1 rather sloop In thistles, Than tho saucy soft, short shirts for soldiers Bister Suslo sows." Tho tongue-twisting typo of song attained a great voguo iu muslcul comedy about half a dozen years ago, whon "Sho sells sen shells on tho sea shore," was' tho rago. A llttlo lat er camo "Which Switch Is tho Switch, MIbs, for Ipswich?" Jack Norworth, tho Amorlcnu comedian, who has lately taken tho shirt song to London, sang In tho British mu sic halls: "Which switch ig tho switch, miss, for Ipswich? It's tho Ipswich switch which I re quire Which switch switches Ipswich with this switch? You've switched my switch on the wrong wlro; You'vo switched mo on Norwich, not IpBwIch, So, now, to prevent further hitch, If you'll toll mo which switch is Nor wich and which switch Ib Ipswich, I'll know B'wlch Is H'whlch." Tho origin of not n row ionium twlstors must bo sought In antiquity, llko tho favorlto ono ot everybody's youth; "Potor Plpor plckod n peck of prick ly pickled peppers; If Peter Plpor picked a peck of prick ly pickled poppors, Whoro's tho pock of prickly pickled poppers Peter Plpor picked?" If this Is alliteration, mako the most If it! But very llkoly I havo misquoted tho ancient classic, and If anybody can set mo right I shall bo ory much obliged. There ulso Is a nlcasnnt atm-v 'ltfinll.lt tlnm f.1'l.m.An II.... ... i ...-W....I ...,, iiuuu uny iruo tonus tried to trot to Troy," hut nil I ro niembor of It is tho first line. It's "vers libro," of a sort, llko tho Peter Plpor iloom, but Hint's nothing, for F. P. A. has demonstrated that tho weather report can bo turned Into freo verso. Sonio of tho tonguo twisters are especially adapted to sorvo ns tests for obrioty, Curious fact, by tlio way, about that word "obrioty." Thought it was antonynious to "inob- wiur mi, nuiiner worn is the ntiiiiuu. uogrees of ntox en would saw wood. But ono day Wood's wood-saw would saw no wood, and thus the wood Wood saw od wns not the wood Wood would saw If Wood's wood-saw would saw wood. Now, Wood would saw wood with a wood-saw that would saw wood: So Esau sought, n saw that would saw wood; and ono day Esau saw a so,w saw wood as no other saw would saw wood. In fact, of all tho wood-saws Wood over saw saw wood, Wood novor saw a wood-saw that would saw wood as' that wood-saw, Wood saw saw wood; and so I saw Esau Wood saw wood with the wood- sawi Wood saw saw wood." Onco there was a duel bctwoon two men named Shot and Not. Not that thcro ever were two men named Shot and Not, but tho duel Is described thus: "Shot shot tho first shot, and tho shot Shot shot not Not, nnd tho shot Not shot, shot not Not, so Shot shot again, and again tho shot Shot shot shot not, but the shot Not shot shot Shot.so Not won notwithstanding.' But hero's n rhyming tongue twister: Betty Bolter bought sonio huttor, But sho snld, "This butter's bit tor; If I put it' in my battor ? It will mako by batter bitter, But a bit o' hotter huttor Would .but mako my batter .bet ter." So sho bought a bit of butter, Better than the hitter butter. So''twa8 better Betty Hotter , Bought a bit o' hotter butter. May the gontlo pastlmo of tongue twisting return to popularity. It's good cxerclso and thus combines profit with pleasure. Made from the ti$kf crude The Jury of Awards at both San Francisco !" and San Diego Expositions found ah oil ' made from California asphalt-base crude highest In lubricating efficiency. That oil ws Jierolcnc.Thcfact, too, tlintsuclt unbiased author ities as a U. S. Naval Engineer, engineers of tho Packard and Fdrd Motor Companies, and others, have also gone on record In favor of oils mado from asplialt-baso crude In accord with the de cision of the Exposition juries proves that Zero lend Is mado of the rigit crude, and made f(f;f, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) ZEROLENE ike Standard Oil for Ifotor Cavs nnd I'm biother." grandmother to my AFTER ALL Only ono thing Is loft to mo Ono only hlnco timo bogau: To speak the truth that Is In And play the man. EKhnngc mo Somo Coos Bay people are sanio ns self-starters others must crank up ovory day. tho you BARV1UW The property dnmago (lining the ten days' storm will amount to about f 30.000. COTTAGE GROVH- Plans nro be ing made for building a road trom tho Black Butto mines in southoru Luuo County to Sutherlln, in las County. ROSICHI'RO Committees from the local lodges of Odd Follows nro making preparations for tho enter tainment or the grnnd lodgo next May. rloty.' ono I X THOSE PAST 100 IN t t C00S AND ELSEWHERE : $$ Mention has been mndo of James Haft, of Bondou, who rccontly moved to thnt place from Lnuglols nnd who 1b. 1011 years old. It Is In teresting to'iioto somo of tho other very old people In comparison. Among the oldest pcoplo living at tho present time Is Captain Diam ond, who 'has Just completed his 119th year.. He directs a gymnastic Instltuto lnf California. In Poscn, Gormany, thoro oxIsIb a woman, widow of n clorgymnn, named Duckl wlckl, ivhoi has reached hor 131 j'ear. Tho 'Russian sub-officer Bud nllcow hns celebrated his l.tfld birthday. In 1872 ho fought against Napoleon. A Russian In Tomsk Is aged M0 yoars. Franz Drnchou borg, n Norwcglnn, now dond, at tained tho ngo of 110. An English farmer named Tliomns Pnrr, who died In lGitii, had lived 152 yours, under ten English rulers. Joseph Burrlngtou, who dlod In 1707 In Bergen, was ICO years old and had two sons, tlio older son 103 yonrs old and tho youngor 00 yenrs of ngo. An Englishman of tho unmo, of Jenkins dlod In 1070 nt tho ngo of 109 and whon ho reach 100 years ho was still a champion swimmer. On ono occasion ho had to appear In court to tostlfy con cerning somothlug that had taken place 110 years before. Ho loft two sons who reached tho rospectlvo agos of 102 and 100 yoars. Methu fiolah, ns wo all know, Is said to havo rouchod tho ago of 909 years! t c The Dining Room O O hristmas Day when your- frlomlH mill lelntlviw, daughters unit nous, nil meet under jotti' roof t is tlio cciitcr oi nitrnctiou. wiiji a hcutttli'iil up-t()-(hi(o (lining room suite ft urn thN store (hero will bo no room for criticism. . ur reasonable prices , iiinko it possible for over) body to lmvo un attractive (lining room. ur reputation stands back of every transaction. Doeim of nimplclo nultCM V select Iioiii within the loach of cverylxuly. GOING & HARVEY PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Retur.n Charges. -Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY ANOTHER OPINION ON LIQUOR LAW GIVEN Portland City Attorney Hajs It May Legally ho Shipped out of State Tho Portland Tolcgrnm prints tho following: "UiiBold liquor may bo logally shipped out of tho stato after Jan uary 1, according to an opinion glv on Mayor Albeo by City Attornoy LaRooho, aftor a couforonco with District Attornoy Evans. That will ouablo liquor storos to tako their stock elsowhore. Personal Service THE employes of this bank mo com toons, obliging nnd glad to nsslst ciiMoiiiera In every possible way, nnd tho offlcorn, ne ccsslhlo nt nil times, nro over ready . to glvo tho patrons tho benefit of their wldo experleuco In business ns well ns bauKliiK affairs. Vou ore cordially invited to (W suit with us regarding any matters iu which our kuowledgo may bo of value to )ou. First National Bank Marshfielcl, of- Coos' Bay Oregon. tlon, howover, may bo fairly well do- , ,S,A,.'MA ,neot,,MB ,J Ul t1h' ?,no.:!iy rd,n i" 8,,bJ-t "" 2S faK Vl office1 s; TILLAMOOK Tolephono com munication which was cut off by tho btorm. has been re-established. mo ancil tOUKUo tw Stnr n 'TI gtnrted straight up Stato street," un til, he Indignantly accepts your chal leng. nnd says nover mind but oven a sobor man might fall down on n task no hardor than saying. "Shavo 'a cedar shlnglo thin" sovorni tima hi rapid succession. . Trj another. Try "Toy bonis, toy boats, toy boats, toy boats," and keop It up till you seo what happens, if that's too easy, loam this bv heart: "I sny. John, noonin v vm, say 'I say' to ovorythlng. I do sny, I I say John; hut ovon If I do say l! oay' to ovorythlng I do say, 'i snj' to! ovorythlng I do sny, I say, John " On tho sanio ordor Is tho ston of kF.suu: i .-.. . . t r.bim sawed wood. Ebatt Wnml Attorney General Brown to discuss the prohibition law, EPGENH Tho heavy rain storm caused very high water in the Wll lainetto Rlvor. ALBANY R. E. Smith, of Roso burg, tolls a gathorlng of peoplo how to organize n tax league nud cut taxes, Times Want Ads brlnjr rnsults. FLM i BEIETT I OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Estubllshcil 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 'A' - I Interest pnld on Tlmo ' . " AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS , V-' Officers " J. V, Bennett, President. "" -'i ; " CT" J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. r " K. F. Williams, Cashier. " Geo. P. Winchester, Asst. OVwhler. Dr. 'Ol ... . "'"rtDj ,.", ulco hours, 11 ,'"" I hoilCS! flffl. . -J1"M, J. M. Wright iurtT.iuvo riicttifc a.u."h J'yo' 1'"rna'Tbro.n ., -fl!S m. sUrrn S8 4 " .I. onf 'tone m; H. G. Rlltlnr rii'if. .... ' Koom .104 Pnt.m. 5s "oSiJcncerT0;;P5 W. G. Chandler jiili .in rrm Uoomn sm .. . . ' -v ua ivii Col(J. MarBhlleld,ow,; TIMi: T.inib WILIiAMETTUPAfJinoi licavo Marshfiold CMC a.m. 7.1 B n.m. 8:45 a.m. OMC a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:G0 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2! 45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. 0:55 p.m. North city 7:30 p.m. ISV " SAVE MONEY , by ordering tlio liatm t HENRYVILLE COAL : rui coat, por ton ..,.,,. Lump coal, per ton Or half ton of both .. L." I). MCSS0X,! Phono 1H-3 or loateonkn Ullljcr'a .CieAr Eton. WOOD GOOD WOOD W. B. Unsobsu.it HA i t?L2 casli iter loaiL aho (oil, prices i eaoiiaM( Garbf i ed. Phono 17-J. DRY WOOD t CAMPBELL'S WOODYAI North Iront simi Phone 370J !- MERCHANTS CAFE Popular I'Uce im , Good Meals Cor. Comoicrcll m4 fln SOUTH COOS BITEB " Bi.uvn-' t. in veil V.XVRSS& i. M.KhrMil tin J 8 n. ui. Ix;aTMblfil,l nt 3:io p. .,,ivmi.'h iLUMJOf loaveilieBdofrincMJ'l in. l'or charier w -ItOOL'ltS SMITH Proprietor! DouR- wpulil saw wooil. All the wood Ksau' iVood saw Hsau Wood would saw In ptlior wordB. all tho wood lau saw In anil Ija.i an.i..l.i . ...''. .-- -.... ..o,, o.MiSiii lo BiUV .11 tllO woou wood would saw1 tlio wood saw with And, oh' which Wood Does Not Rub Off, Lasts 4 Times as Long as Other, Saret Work. Get a Can Today Poget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tto most powerful, best equipped and most thorouglily modew twenty-inch liydraullo dredgo Ir. TacKlo watcri Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Scattlef.Washington. !! WfHfM' t ...i-nTrDMinayi I? WWS'niURM , OUIUUii'" " Assets $2, i pays 8 per cent on sm I L S, KAUfflSi 9 oca iiw ?' m TwTAlFBJB'1 'Marshfield JftSj EiUu-w'-j-jiJ , I'lioao W0B- & OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Leavo Mnt-fcliflcld nt 7 n. m., aiul rcturnliiR lenviiiR from Umpire- nt 8 n. in. Lcavo Maishfloltl nt 11 n.m. nnd returning lenvo Sonth Slough m 1 p. m. Lcavo MimltNcld nt n p. m. nnd returning leave South Slough nt (I p. in. DUNGUANNDERTSJ npi;v TO K ! A regHtorj',!, phone 18J Get your JoD P'1 Times olc0. t&M V