.v.-..,, . ,-, ,. j sj.4 - tj v1 't . ' i ' ,"1 ryi 7"i ,it t j villi w c v.v i ' THE COQS AY TIMES, jWARSHFILb; QRtGON. , TiUESQM flQVjSfflBER flO, ,1 915VENIIG h - T.L 1 -rh wys. ' (v ri'i EDITION. MfA THHff-(( Higfc Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerKsueing qui ot me nigli rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness manes Conner & Hoagland L.The Leading Grocers Dealers, in- Good Grocnrifis I797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 iP NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S.'S. F. A, Kilbqrn sails ron SAN FRANCISCO, (Via Eureka) ii:ci:mi$i:k a l'OIt FURT1IKK INFORMATION SMITH THHMLVAL DOCK. PHOXI, mil. A. P. XOTT. Acont. numnTZrKr$3ximnT"Tmi'imnn$vi.mjirmviMtii il&pr. JEsEP'glteopOB AlMynssrc mscsSSm nanMnnannniMiaKBiuinnBiiuiiHiHamBHi a, iiSKr.iiiHi KT..? ,ft5R-ftF- -? -WM?rM Music for Christmas Gifts Kxery member or (lio fam ily ami every friend will get cenitiiut enjoyment. Wo lmvcii fine assort ment Of plilllOS mill Instill- incuts to select from and wo will do glad to arrange convenient ternn If you mo nntililo to pay nil cash. Come In mill let iw talk It over. L L. Thomas Music Co. JS NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS J BE RICH MIIE'MULD BE SHERIFF i PltOPl.RTV OX SIXKS IH'.IXf. UK- SKVI.lt Ti IX (TltltV COUNTY vulopkh kxti.xsiyhly , aktkr tih. imck Lingo Plume Helrig Put In anil Tor lltiiry Snld to lie Kit It : In Mineral i i Largo mining oporntious In Curry county tiro described as follows In the l'oit offonl Tribune: j -w. . U.IWIHH1 nnu r.uiory uuu.o ,10C9 nro ,)cl)lg 0,,tortnliiotl In Cur- ; camo in from 1110 si.os mini), moy sty that about 10 men are eiiutibyod I at the niliio, uiiil that work will lib filial. ml utna1ll nil wllltnr. Politics Center nit That Ponltloii ns i It' Is tlio lo.t Desirable 1 Orfleo , (Specliil, to Tho Times.) . GOLD HISACH, Oro,, Nov. 30. An unusual nitmbtir . of political " About two mlloi of tho big four-niid-ono half mllo fliiuio has vbeen completed. Tho saw mill la I located at tlio bead of tho fltinio ami j tho lumber lg floated down It ns It I 1b oxtonded. Tho work Is bolng ro i ttirded considerably at this time by j slides, ami It will be some, time no.vt soring, iirobubly about Slay 1st, be-' foro any actual mining Is com meiifod. " Tho property tho wator Is being brought onto was bought (rum the Ulvclblss brothers Inst summer for $35,000, nml Is known to bo very rich In gold anil othor metahi. " Tho company' Is going' til the proposition In a bUBluoss llko milli ner, and It hi bulloved that thin will bo the first big plaeor mluo to be worked uuceositully In Curry county. " . ry County fur tho sevoml county offices, which, will cotuu up for consideration at tho regular primary next May. i Most of tlio aspirants scorn to covet the office of Sheriff more than nny othor, as thoro tiro somo halt dozen who have been mentioned by tjiolr friends ns possible candidates. It is rumored that C. 11. Halloy, the prosunt occupant of tho office, will not be n candidate, but will lend ! his political strength to some other candidate. Among othor possibilities, Win. lUsluil. tut ox-Hherlff; Floyd Hunt ley, C. 8. Oauntlett, and Moss Aver llli of Cold Hunch, figure promin ently. Krom Pistol I.Ivor two pos slblo raudidato tiro mentioned In tho persons or otto ismort, ox'-County MAN CHARGED WITH KILLING BROTHER DEAD Samuel Cnso of Polk Coimtj IJxplrcs Aflci- 0)cratlon llcforo lie Is Trlcil I An uniiEunl caso of death follow ing a surgical operation bofore trial on a chnrgo of murder la told re garding Snnuiel Caso of Polk county, In tho Dallas Observer. The papor recites the Incident as follows; " Samuel Caso, a nntlvo ot Polk county, anil under Indictment for tho! killing of IiIh brother, Hrnest Case, at Oregon City on October 3, after bud blood had oxlstod between them for sovoral years, died on Friday last following n surgical oporntlon. " Oecoasod was a boh of Itev. and Mrs. t.ebon Case, pioneers of Polk county, and It was hero that Samuel Caso was born foity-two years ago. Tho father was a loading church worker In tho onrllor daya of this section, and when ho departed this llfo lio loft a largo estate, which was divided among several heirs. Fcollm- Wiw ltlllcr " Tho slaying of his brother. K. U., by Samuel Cnso In ntlll fresh In tho memory ot those who remember tho principals. Tho brothers mar TOUT Y ANSWERS SKCUKTAUY TO IM-!SII)HXT Ti:M-S OF .MHXK'AX AFFAIHS lu Itcply to Dr. .James .T. Mcflulro Ho Touches Upon Allegcil Almso of Xims HX Auoclatcl rrnt to Com Dar Tlsitt. WASHINtlTON, D. C, Nov. 30. Tho administration's reply to thoso who criticise tho recognition of tho Cnrranza government In Mexico be cause of charges of outrages upon priests and nuns of the Cathollo church was tnndo public hero to night la a letter by Secretary Tumul ty to Dr. James McGulrc ot Trenton, N. ,T., who recently wroto to tho Whlto House asking for an explana tion of what ho characterised as "widespread criticism." Secretary Tumulty ndvlscd Dr. McOulro that tlio flics of tho Statu Dopartmciit failed to dlscloso any of ficial record of a single proven caso of outrnges upon nuns and he Includ ed In his lcttor a statement by tlio Cathollo vicar gonoral at Mexico Ci ty, which whllo disclosing tho shoot ing of priests, and tho expulsion mid Ininrlsmimoiit of others, declared thuro had been no violations ot iiuna In that district. Horrors Kept Allvo Sccrctnry Tumulty Bald In nil wow tho horrors of tho conflict have been tied slslurs, and oven death has not . If.0"' 1B1,,,.voi,1,7 ,,l,"i?..iTi ,,0i. '".i.l'Jv ,,,...',,,,, .... , , ,'Slilo, but that It should bo tho duty healed tho Ill-feeling that Iiiih existed 10t nl, dt,zon8 of I)0th tho Unjtcd between tho families for years, una thoy nro not on speaking terms. One Wont to College "JSnsslus, another brother, ro cciitly told tho story of tho differ ences between Krncst and Sum. Ho CfiinnilMlnn.r nn.l Al' l.liurm.n.,. , "O n"l Hlllll Binyi'tl Oil (lie Ilirill -i- - - -..-, .. proiuliieut rancher of that cominuu States and Mexico to contribute In every manner to tlio early relmblllta lon of a nation so long torn by civil strifo nud to avoid keeping open the wounds. Sympathy Xvdel "Counsel and sympathy tiro need ful and would bo merciful now, bo- rauso thoy would bo of wonderful Let us show you This Xew Light-Weight' SIMMONS Steel Bedl XICWS OF UAXIIOX lliipioiilngy at Clty-byilicSoa Told In World Hy and worked, that Krncst might go to i efficiency lu uniting tho peoplo ot colloge, and that with tho knowlcdgo Jloxlco In tho work ot roconstruc- .... .. ... ...... .... ....... .'calned In Bohool Krncst ninnaiied toitlon," wroto Mr. Tumulty. "Kf- ..lllltlll 1IU II tlinu ill. II HIIIXU ) IIIIU i ... .11 ciioni mo rigiiiiui uoirs out ot tuo father's estate. TlireiitH Were Miitlo " Othor1 Issues camo between them I pf Langlols will lib a caudlilate. Othor Offices of tho county nro less rou glit nftp-, as tho salnrles tiro lower tlinn that of Sheriff. I forts to nroiiBO rancorous fcollugA among them will have tho effoct of opening anew tho wounds which should be healed, and of crontlng nil open soro to torturo that poor pco- BUDGET FOR CURRY COUNTY IS PUBLISHED Made of 1 AV WIl& i,r.vjv.v:-r..-v..it mm raB vfiisj ... I : - Electrical Gifts 'Combine Chirm aid Utility ELECTRIC CLL-ANERS give pleasure to the recipients Christmas morning because for years thoy will lighten household burdens and promote household hdalthfulncss. A black boar wolghliig C00 pounds wiih killed by u hunting party miulu ! up or Messrs. Wilcox Purcuitlllbuit cold-rolled, hur.ilsliod:nm'1ts- ' , ,., a .tee! tubing a Inchot In dlamotor, Welghtn nml Measures dopnrtniont. t' la bed is ho light a woiimn or ' Is In this section on business for tho w.lU tan lift or movt It with onso . ! loMirliiint. Mas tlu now .t..l-l.Ml. lonntZrViifilSS w'S instrr. Loss likely to Injure floors about town and did other minor or tarpets. Chills on bed are smnll daiiuges, partloularly to roso bush- nml dalntv Tho flnlsb li minnrlnr . 8B an,, othor largo flownry phintn. nnu iiainiy. 1110 nniBii u superior Mr. , Mr 0 Z),J,lt totllni0(, U ...J WU. M.L U.. .... .- ..,. , froln ft wpol(.fl vBll j)t yrlp j,0,n( ()r lo mmnm of (ll0 coun, for bod -as good as most oxpoimlvo ; ('o(iiiUo and Marsliflohl. Thoy at- the coming year. Tho ostlnmtos for liiind-rnblied beds. Seo this ro-' tended tho county crangrf iiieotiiig 10 10 total $ t:i.O liT.. Tliu biggest markablo bod for yourself. Int H'0 former plnty and also topli In Item Is ?3:t,000 for rondii and hlgh- 1110 vanuiit) i;jui piuvn. . ways mnitiieuniiro nnu coiiBiruciiou. Mrs. .!. T. Sullivan bus been' Tho estimate for brldgos Is JIG00. Bpomlliig the past w.ook at Heaver Tho total esllmato la oxeluslvo or Hill with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Uus-istnto taxes for which no data Is r.ell. who are leaving about tlio Hrst y,, nvullnhln. 'i or Doaembor for Wyoming to niako, -rho following Is a statement or tliolr mturo home. '.Mr. Sullivan rnini.in r.wnii.i.i fn.. n... vnnp inio joined tho party Saturday (or a short. ()li1CT llinn direct taxation upon rail vlI , both reUiriiii,.Moiidny..:;... j.I(I orijonnl property: lVos from Itrdliimto Made or Kxpciivrs for War of IIMCI Will bo l)lsciiv.cd Deceinber Ul). (Speclnl to Tho Times.) COLD 1IHACH, Oro., Nov. 30. Tho Coiintv Court or Curry County has flxod Docomber 2!) ns the dnto for discussing tho nuiouiit ot money proposed to bo raised by taxation until Krnest In iilksued to !inil"e i 'ong bb uioir miuus nro nope until ivrnesi B aiwgtu to na ,,,, nKallal ,hor brethren." threatonod to tnko Snm's llfo. On1 Tho Socretary also called attention tljo night or Sunday, October 3, Sam , to tho recognition of President was on his way homo w'hon Krnost Jim res hy tho Iluchnnnn ndmlnlstra- Is snld to have rushed from his barn!""!1, (i,w(!n 'lll. ,1,,0?.,.,,(;8,t, f ,l,.l , , , . ., .civil wars over waged In Mexico, nml at Ssm. Sam Hred and Hrnost IllnrivC(, hy ..n tho bitterness mid roll doatl. A coroner's Jury oxoii.cruoltlos or a rollglous war." orated Ham, but the. grand Jury In-1 Kiuphnsls wnH laid on tho rocog- dleted him and ho was to have been I "'' (,)". of tmnm by tlio Ullu . . , , 0 ,, .. American countries which Joined lu tried Decombor 8. More tlinn tlio Paii-Ainerlcnn penco conrerene twenty poroiia hnd boon served naios. All or those Lntln American AX lJXTHAOItDlXAItV VALl'K I Johnson Gulovsen Company SHOP DURING ELECTRICAL PROSPERITY WEEK NOVEMBER 29-DECEMBER ALL ELECTRICAL INTERESTS HAVE JOINED TO MAKE THIS EVENT PROFITABLE TO YOU' Oregon Power Co Ws Want Ads Bring Results; What the User Thinks A IlVe Got Goods- Do?nt I m the vTra w The G E T 1 It's a Jen to o shmhat ymi.liavo ortcn lioaril thN from Iicoplo "lxljojlmvo a btoro." Note' tlio ' quotation "Imvo a htoro" tjjt' correct thej'vo got n btoro and don't know what Jo do. Avlth It. Thoy fer to tlienftolvoH ns merchants, htorekoepors, iiiIiiowj mon, etc" lmf-Woy Imvo 'deluded dl M .1" ! - r ' thoinselvcs. Tlioy'vplpotifonjejhliuA l,ut few bosldesv'flTein!oire.s know what thoyrvyi'got.t Thy nl doni. If ever. ndforUso, sjienil thoh-tlnie lu boiiionnlng conditions. ' You iiav$rVhtar fy from ho stonily, consistent, lmnwit nd vert leer. Tho hicVtlinC he N n steady advert lr lw he Is wlde-iuvako. tls nd- tell tho peoplo of his eouiniiiiilty lmtyio him mult MT Ho-tlio rest, AM'tun.-iiwagc KAWmTH ot tee $ -Why I rade? m L A w I i-Q- m S I E li nut e.y m p. , DVICUTISINO analysts boforu proimrlug oojiy, always try to find tho "view point of tho user. .;. . It is tho first step towards mult lug n Biiccossfiil opponl. .j. . .;. . Hut do thoy nlwaya sonrch ror the luor'B point of vlow when thoy como to placo their advertis ing? .j. ; ! If they did, tho newspaper would he tho ono groat unlvorsul meillum. j. ! Tin nowspupor Is tho placo where the coiuumors as natural ly turn tor tho advertising mos sago as thoy do for tho Informa tion as to curront ovonts. j. The secret of tho (success of nowspuper advortlslng Is tho fact that It ronchoa "tlio vlow point ot tho uses. iiury iiusvm nan leiuinuii iroiii p...,.,., fiopk'H nfflcn. siar.0: l.'nrost aWaTrKWfoorXnSl! Rogers wn not sutlBfloil ltl, the. . V"' '""..f ' "", ' V' ll II. ...II ... ...vi w. ......... ... V... common laborer w condition, lie snyfl tho wngo nro I1.7S a day while It is necessary to pay $20 n month for board. Tllll IS CIIKAP J liugeiio Mon Cio hi Auto To .Mexico I At Small Cost Auto owners will ho Interested In I tho following from thu. Kugono ltog ilster: l " A SGSU-mllo trip with two pus 'BcngerH In tho car from Kugoiio to l Tin Juunii, Mo.lco mid back .to San ry County, Novomber 1, 10IK: (Ion oral fund; $C83S.2S; genornl road fund, jr. 170.03; common school fund $996.71. Klil'OKTK KAVOHAHLV Archlo KiiiNo Siijh Liimbei' lliisluesx Is Looking I'p Archlo Kruso roturncd to Ilnmloii sovoral (IiO'h ago from a business vis It at Coos Hay. Ho was ulto en thusiastic over ravorablo prospects ror tho lumber husluous, having boon Imbued by tho optimistic spirit which he Bays, prevails at .Marsliflohl. whoro It Is claimed mills tire turning l t .. - ii.t.s m Wl U1U IL IH U UllllVll 111 MO Miq rrnnoiHco was aceompiis.iou ny i'r-Iown or,,- for flltllre doVory be ns iiaiiiuwuy, or ino jsugoue i-oni cnuso thoy are positive prlcou win , Auto company, mid IiIh inotlior, Mrs. booh take a doolded advanco. Wost- jLUHo llnthaway. who loft horo over WorliL jflvo wooka ago lu tliolr Konl nto-l . . 'mobile for a trip through California t R0SEBURG COUNTY JAIL mud Into Moxlco at it total oust of rimiilntr thn mnf.l.lii.. if JI! 1' itiioj were not uoiiioroa witn u punc-i VUwo lk ('ull,io,p, f(. rh0 Pntll 1 tu ro or blowout on tho on tiro trip. NOT FIT TO BE USED HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL. Phone 3171 Home, Home Your LARGE advortlsor recently said: "Put conHdencp lu YOUR home. Put cheerful ness thore. Put faith there. Pl.t thero a now piece of furnlturo. n new rug. or somo Improvement to show to your family and tQ your neighbors that we nro mov ing fjtili-kly into bettor times. Don't let your homes got Into tho .onditlon or somo of tho rail louhj Q run down thai thoy fltuy ne. or 'catoh up' again. Once run down, anything costB twiea ah much a-lthoiild to build up. Hut kept alwny li good condition things are' kept efficient nt the lea-t expense a railroad, a piece of machinery, a store or YOUIt HOMK. And as you think thla over ppr haps vou enn find some helprul PiiggfBtions In tho ailvertlslnx columns of the Coos Hay Times WOULD COMBINE MILLS' OF LANE COUNTY J'lan Suggested to Ship till tlio Lumber by Water Out of Kliihluw' Itlver BUOUKI, Oro.; Nor.'X0A plan whorohy nil the lumlior mills of Laiio County may co-opornto and iin sborlff will bo confrontod with ship their product out of I'loroneo tho prohlom or entertaining tho of- 'Js being workwl UP hy.Oaorgo Mol- lenuers nt nu no mo or shbkihb vrM..?er, who Is now San lWi 5" .iJ'ofgJT "l U'0 elsco. In n lottor Mr. Mlllor saysi ..0 the door or DouglnH Coun- that In talking with lumbermen or ty's Jail 'there Is plnnod u noat pa I that city ho discovers tlin thoy bo lt litis Heen (.licit Tlioioiigli Itcnovtilloii witnesses. Has Wife and Chlhlirii " Sam Case Is survived by his wid ow, two children mid tho following brothers nud slnterH: (Icorgo Case, lu tho east, Tom Caso of Lebanon, Cnsslus Caso of Park Place, Mrs. Hell Hooth or Salom and. Mrs. Joniilo Holt of Lebanon. " VICTIM IS HUHII.H fait .Mm deied iit Portland Is Prob. ably iltilin I.liiiul PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. .10.- "John Llund," tho truo Hume, no far as Is known, of tho victim of Hahixl Portland's sensational trunk mur der, was burled lu .Mount Hcott cem- kotery, nud a Jury was Impaneled for tho Imiuost, which will bo held at a duto not yet dotormlnod. Thu hum for tho murderer,, sup posed to bo Kdwnrd llartlioloniow, continues. Yesterday all tho per gonal effects or tho two men that woro placctl lu tho trunk by tho miirdoror, woro moved from tho morgue to police licntlunrtoru by .Detectives Roylo and Cahlll. countries, Mr. Tumulty pointed out. woro uaiuoiic nations. Promised Protection Klnally, a statement was repro duced which wus given tho State Department by Kllfico Arretlontlo. tho Washington roprescntatho of (leiiernl Cnrrnnzn, Inst October, pledging the Cnrriuua govoriimont to respect overyhotly's "lire, prbporty uud religious hollers." Secretary Tumulty Inclo.od lu his mcssiiKo, n letter written hy former Secretary llrynn Inst March to Rev. Knincls C. Kelloy, ot Chicago, giv ing In detail various stops taken by the United Stntes government during tlio progress of tho revolution lu Mexico to protort tho roliresonta tivos of nil rollglous organizations In .Mexico. It previously has been pub- NATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BIG THING In Tlirt'o V'iu-h It Huh Mntlti Won derful (ii'owth nml n I 'Ino Showing MANY RAILROAD MEN ENTERING MARINES Hcllevetl That Thoy Aro C.'olng Into Herriro llecatiho of Possibility of Advent mo Offered Chambor of Commuri'o or tho United The Rosoburg Review of a row statos iiiakos tho following state days iiko prints tho following: .,.,. .i...... ...n rimt.i tl..... ... ......... yiinra "-"" nniialiia fninilv way toduv Without n place in which to conflno prison- Commorco of tho united Htatos was ors who may ho ariosted ror tho; organized. It hud no inembornlilp various orfeuaes of tho criminal nIi it i.uln't a dollar. WA8IUNOTON, Nov. 30. Bight hundred and thirteen railroaders, Including brakomoii, conductors, en gineers, riremon and switchmen, have enlisted lu tho United' fitntes Marino Corps during tho fiscal years of ion, 1911 and 1911i, according to tho trl-enulnl statement of ro oriiltlng Just mn do public. During tho occupation ot Vora Crux by American Murines lu April, 1011, war correspondents woru nmn.; ed at tho efficiency shown by our WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 30. !80n Boldlors lu repairing and opor- Irhn II. I'ahoy, President of tho,""K wo "no outsiuo ino ouy mat had been torn up by thn Mexicans, or tho criminal calendar. Porttinatoly. tho last prisoner was roloaned rrom tho ooun tv .all vostordny. luit In the event or arrosts within tho noxt row dnya llevo tho only way oubslilo pricos jean bo mot mid coutrata loeured lo ror all tho mills or u.illatrlt to mnlto. ' . - -In gathorlng statistics on tho mat 'tor ho statue that It Is proinltuble to send lumlior by ocean In .u- sall Ung.erart which will onrry but 000, 000 foot of Ijimbor. Tho Florence (Harbor Is roomy onough for 100 'ships ,of giioh nharaator. . per sign wiiien loruiuv um itn cera from committing persons to tho Interior of tho structure until It bus beou thoroughly eietiuoii, ron but tho niiswor Is found In tho fact that almost ono or ten Murines Is a ' Thro,o years ago tho Chumber of i rallroudor. Hut bo that its lb may, Undo Snm would llko to know why tho rall roader seeks sorvlco with tho oldest and smallest branch or his military arm. It has bcon suggested that tho mon who follow tho rail tiro natur ally adventurous, Booking oxrltomoiit and danger, nud It Is boltovcd that' tho Marine's sorvlco on both liintf and sea satisfies that cruvltig. ' "Today It stands as tho spokes man or 080 commercial organiza tions raprcBontlng nearly 300,000 buslnoiMi men, firms and corporations throughout tho Uultod Htutos. " In throo yours It hns hecomo a gient coiistructlvo forco lu tho busi ness life or thla Nation. It has helped vital commercial legislation tit Washington. It suggostod im portant umondmontH to tho Kodornl IWworvo Act, asslstod lu the read- M -...,, ... I COlfXCILMAX IMIiS. ..i j ASHLAN)fc Ore , Nov. 80. A. J. Illugel, ono of tlio promlnont cltl 1 zetis or Ashland, and a member of the City Conn. 1, died after a v ry shot lllncsi oatotl and romodolod to moot the'Justmont of tho Department of Com reiiulrQiuonU of thn Btatef health' luerto mid Influonced important department. Th Jail .wns ron- rotfOHtIouB that uppoar'In tho fin- r"nf releas'o 'STiJS'Z&l "A- the t.mo of tho IMurth An- lug from luborouloBlB. nual Meeting aiiproachos, tlio groat " Sheriff Qulue says ho has ta-ibualness conveutloji to ho held lu kon uu thct matter of having tho.w i.i,,...,.,, irnbrtiarv S. 0. and 10. Jr" ronoyatod and l W. ."'itho National Chamber Btands c'om: the County Court, an hopoa that . lii In rruiflinCtftH IO IMirO iHliimn " 4.viv..h, w miv U " - -- . .. ... tiiui.i. hi:ld up II U'llt HdOll for Uioso who may ho unfortuiiute onoiiRh to stray rrom tho straight and narrow path." II I .ATI XO STOVIvS nt reduced prices. Pioneer Hurdivaro Co. proposition of tho upbuilding of a MorcmuiP .Marine, a Rational nuu got, and a pormaiient non-partisan Tariff Commission. " D. D. D i GASOLIXH IS IIIGHHH WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R PRESCRIPTION for IS vears The Standard Sliin Remedy Instant Relief for all Skin Troubles RED CROSS DRUG STORE PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 30. Dealers in gasoline 111 Portland havo ndraucod tho price ono cont n rrnllnn 'Tllr. i'linlnf.l-. .iHrm la M conts ami the rolnll price ar los from It to 16 H cants Times waut ads bring results. Poi (land Has Serlts of Hobboihw in Ono Night PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 30 Throo persons wero held up In ono ovehlng lu tho downtown dis trict and tho robbers got away. T. W. SchulzQ was shot by a high wayman ono block, from tho Uni versity Club; G, K, Ntslson strug b'lod with unil disarmed n robber at tho same placo and Cleveland Spilth, ot Crook County, was boat on nud robbed by two highwaymen. ' ; I... m KOIIKST XOTHS , Ovor u million and a quartor board feet ot wood U used annually In tho mines ot Oregon for props, lagging. Has and rlfflo boxes. Orogon consumes 530 board feet ot lumlior per capita annually. A now process or creosotlng Daug- Mna fir has recently been developed, 'which does not Impair too strongUt of tho timber.