DUOS MADE HAPPYBAWTBR" IftlTERfSTlPOOTESt EWTERED Nilrxm oK'iat'u is roit.vn, and NOT TOO TiATK CoiiucHnien SIako Llttlo One-Act Comedy Willi I'Vco AiIiiiJhsIoii mid Small Audience QUK9TIOX OF PIIACTICK AM) TIIEOKY JAILS COUNCIL Iu JJlundorliitf nnil perhaps fortun ntcly,' the city fathers Inst averting happened onto tho "fountain of Kternnl Youth," tlio realization of tho dream of I'oncc Do Leon, three centuries too Into. Tho sala oll.xlr .of llfo mid dispenser ,of happiness, iib woll na cure-nil of everything that lu listed in n medical diction ary, appeared In tho Hhapo of u email bottle, In fact,, a very unpre tentious bottle. Hut what It tacked in looks, it mude up In label "Won lor of tho World" It was called. Tho tnauufacturcr, J. II. Ilnmlltou, de clared It was all tho bovoh wondqrs of tho world, wrapped into one. Ho ennio aBklng permission to .pertdlo tho extract from houso to Jiouso through tho city, and when tho Council demurred declaring ho Ahould pay n dally peddlar's llccnso of 1 10, tho originator, owner aud manufacturer, camo to the rescue. In long arguments ho told the city inthom tho advantages tho public would reap and, tho loss to them, If tboy novor hour about It. Hold Allowing Mutch. "Will it cure anaesthesia?" ven tured Duncan Ferguson, winking. ono cyo and thinking that ho had stump ed tho sovon wonders. "Cure auncsthcsln? Qontlomon, I nm surprlscdl" wns the rejoinder. ".Why, It will euro prncllqnlly ovory (hing. Ilnvo you got a tonthacho7" And ho pointed to each of tho city dads In turn. "Havo you got a Atomachacho? Or an curacho? Kid ney trouble? or havo you ?" Tlio Supremo Test And ho was Interrupted. Harry Kimball brlghtcnod up and his oyes glcamod. Hero was real sport, a guessing mntcli, nnd ho had solved It. His was tho siiproino tcBt of tho startling elixir. Everyone waited as tho question was put. "Can it run a rorar" and tho Council gasped. Surely It could not. "nun a Ford? Why, gontlomon, It waB this very thing that started " but this was enough. Tho Wonder of tho World had passed the acid test. Took Joking iih Fun Mr. Hamilton laughed. Ho hnd taken tho little comedy staged by tho Council all in good humor nnd had Joined In to mako the occasion n. morry vino. Inasmuch nn ho man ufactures tho uicdiciuo In Myrtlo Point, ho declared It is his right to noli It in the county without n pay ment of a peddler's license that would be prohibitive. The matter was turned over to tho City Attor ney to Juvostlgnto tho city ordin ances to sco if there Is not sonic way In which tho license may bo re funded. , Itopnlr Ferry Wluuf. Tho ferry wharf in in a dangerous condition, sold Oeorgo Cook. After nu Investigation ho has found that many of tho stringers are rotten nnd iiinloHH fixed at once, probably Homo Iny a heavily loaded wagon, being driven on or off the furry, wlllj crumblo through. Tho City Kngln cor was authorized to prepare plana and BpuelflcatlaiiB fbr making or this a permanent Improvement. App'm'li Dai'gt'ious It. A. C'opplo said that the ap proach to the flro hall from tho street Is bo deep Hint In taking oui wiu iiwivy Nicunior irom Invork should I Mi it cjliiMntt tint ftrmiiivii vlill.w . It t ... '" " " v ' iih ii ii vnuu it enn nro Riven a nam jolt ami probably sonit) day will be shaken off aud In jured. Also it is hard to get the machine bauk and forth over tho teop pitch. This matter waH re ferred to tho City Kugluoer to flg- Arguo For 00 Minutes on ?ltll terest Question nnd Paving; Company Whin Decision For eloso to nn hour last night tho air of tho council chamber was bluo and six city fathers, with tho aid of tho mayor, tho city recorder and tho rity attorney, supplemented by Sup erintendent Ashby, of tho .Warren Construction . company argued n question In arithmetic All of $32 worth of interest wns nt stako aud the paving company "brought homo the bacon" iu tho final wind up of the season. The contention of tho company was that they had bought improve ment bondB Inst year of the city, tho bonds to bo duo on tho first of n given montli, but were not received, until tho ltith. "Therefore, " de clared Mr. Ashby, " there Is duo my company $32 ns interest on theso bends for tho 16 days. We had to pay It out of our own pocket and we hod not yet received the bonds. Question Argued From half a dozen different angles the theory wns nttneked. 11. A. Cop pie nnd Carl Albreclit. on the flnanco committee, declared that Mr. Ashby was rlgth nnd when tho smoko of lattlo hnd cleared away ho decision wub awarded to .him. Also there is duo tho construction company some $281.15 duo from last j car's work of tho concern nnd which has not been paid. This monoy has not been collected, but will bo forwarded very shortly, said City Recorded Butler.' Thero is duo from tho paving company about $202.50 for tho use of tho city's steam roller hero ami In North Ucnd as well. Paving About Completed Tho Wurron Construction com pany has completed tho paving of Front street south, with the excep tion or souio finishing touches that havo boon hold up on account of the rains nnd which will be completed as soon an the weather permits. On the rccommoudation of tho c,lty .at torney tho work that has been done was accepted. This amounts to ?i,asc. At the samo tlmo was passed an ordinanco authorizing tho sale of $1,273.72 Improvement bonds for Front Btreot South. Viy Armngciuoitt Mado Hy a special ordinanco tho pay of tho chief engineer of tho city flro department was placed at, $100 a mouth and that of his assistant at $80. This Is no raise in tho expen ditures of tho department, but an nil JiiBtmont from the equal salaries of $90 each tho two men havo beou getting. a i 8 XOHTlI FItOXT HTKKRT OWNEKS OH.IKCT TO HKDKCKING MIHH KI3XIA KNOltlt IS HIMDJJ OF COLLIEU MUFFINGTON STAND F PIG lilOIITII STUHCT 1'IIOPKHTY OWXKltS PHKSKXT POT1TIOX Do Xtt Want Touinorarv Ilrldu Post Houso XeelH u ltof and Hewer Leaks Say Cotinciliiien Protesting the improvement of Eighth street nortji by making a temporary Improvement of n bridgo And planking, tho proporty owners through Jons Hansen last ovonlug presented n petition to the city coun cil asking that tho Improvement be 4unde permanout. In brief, the city lathers declared the owners should l iiuvo wnai iney wisneu ami, inoiign j nothing wns done last evening, tho concensus of. opinion wna thnt tho ho done this winter be dono more cheaply than in the summer. City Engineer A. I). GIdloy de clared that to open tho street thero with hard surfacing and u fill will mean a grade for two blockB of at Claim Jh Made That -North -Hend- Mai'shfleld Truffle Jlr.eaku Down Highway Continually A' petition ,agalnst the roplanklng of Front Street North, signed by the property owners In thnt section, was brought before tho council last evon ing. Tho grounds expressed are that traffic over tho street Is often speedy beyond tho limit of tho ordi nances and is careless, a fact that has a' tondency to destroy planking. Unanimously tho council voted down tho petition and ordered notice posted of tho improvement. Tho potition was Blgned by Uoorgo w. toggle, Agnes Peters, executrix of tho Anna Wulff estate, tho Luao heirs, tho Nosburg Land company, Walter CI. Webster, E. E. straw, Henry Sengstaqken, Jteboeca Lusc Wilson, Alma Webster, S. D. Magues and ,7. a. Lusc. Will Itodcck At Onco Notlcqs for replnnking Includo from Hemfock avouue to tho north lend of tho Nasburg addition to the ouy( along Front stroot. "This calls only for tho redeck ing. It Isn't so expensive, " Bald Mnyor Allen. " Hut tho point Is, " put ,ln ,tho city attorney, ' that .tills .street has to bo constantly rodeeked. Property out there Is eating itself up. " Should LaylrfjngthVfKo" " Carl Albrecht nrgucd that tho planking- should bo lnid longtliwlBo. "Tho mqro I ride ovor tho llttlo Btrlp llko this that wo havo botween hero and North Bond, tho bettor I llko it," ho affirmed. "It's hold ing up fine. " This Is a question that always brings an argument In the council chambers, everything olso falling. Tho argument came. Tho city englnoor will draw up his plans and specifications for laying tho fir crosswise, or cedar dlagon onnlly. " Woll, this Inst Is getting a llttlo closer to longthwlse, any how, " optimistically romarkod Mr. Albrecht. Story Mny Jtoinnln Nothing could bo dono bv tho counoll toward ronuirinir tlm nwnnr of tho Lloyd .Hotol to toar off a ntory, was the consensus of opinion, when this building ennio in for dis cussion. Mr. (Joss Btnted that tho owner, J. H. Bridges, has agreed to ontlroly rowlro it, and will not touch tho plumbing. Tho only way for' It to bo condemned or to havo ono story forcod orr would bo on tho condemnation or tho flro chier and tho building Inspector aB woll. JIIHsldo Has Slipped Out In tho doop cut on Eighth stroot North part of tho hllloldo has slipped down Into the stroot, block ing It for traffic, said Mr. Evortson. -Slrcot Commissioner Luwhorno will bo authorized to tako toams and get tho dirt out of tho rood Immediately. And on Eighth Terraco pnrt of the fill has Bllpped away from under tho sidownlk, sinking into tho marsh of tho north arm, stated It. A. Copplo. It will cost perhaps $200 to repair this, by bringing in more dirt. Tho decision was to block off the sidewalk, which is llttlo used now, until next spring, whon will bo tho MIoahI.. i uuiuiiiuKL-aus wno to mako tho ropair. Ceremony Takes Place at. fold llcaeh "Hoth Young People Well Known In Mnrnhflcld (Special to The Times.) GOLD HEACH, Oro., Nov. 30.- Miss Xonla Knorr, daughter of Mrs. R. E. Knorr, , wns mnrrled hero yesterday to .Collier II. Hufflngtou, ono of the leading young attorneys of Curry Cpunty. Tho young pep plo, nro today visiting In Uandon and expect to go to Marshfleld to morrow, Tho bride is vory well known in Marshfleld, having lived hero with her parents until about threo or four years ngo when they moved to Gold Ucnch whore Mr. Knorr owned a drug store. Soveral months ngo Mr. Knorr wns drowned on the Randolph whon tho gnsolltio schoon er attempted to como In over tho Bandou bar nnd wrecked. Mrs. Knorr sold out tho drug store thero and camo to Marshfleld with her son ,for a visit nnd later expected to go EnBt to her old homo In Wis consin. Idaho 7rndino Colllor Bufflngton Is n gradunto of tho University of Idaho nnd a member of tho Betn Thota PI fra ternity In collego ho was a prom inent nthlcto, being on the football and basketball teams and was nt ono tlmo stnr Javelin hurlor for tho University at Moscow. Ho graduated from tho law school DISTRICT NO. 4 WILL RAISE CLOSE TO $20,000 FOR ROADS Fanners Como to JMcctlnjr In Aulos Bridgo District Turns Down Special Highway Jevy Good roads for Coos met a crush ing dofeat In ono district and decid ed victory In auothor at tho district Wllotlng held In tho past four days, epeclal road lovy to ralso $21,0t)0 Iu tho Bridgo district a G.2 mills ftwas voted down. Yesorday at jMcKlnley a special five mill lovy pusscd wlthi a 58 to 27 vote, this to hralse $19,000 which will bo expend ed under the guldnnce of tho county court. District Attorney LUJoqvlst this (morning returned from a trip to Ithoso two districts, whoro ho attend oil tho road meetings. High Tuch Tlio Cry " High taxes " wbb tho wall lit the Bridge diBtrlct. The meeting was held at the Coffco Cup much, Just outsldo of Myrtlo Point. Farmers doclnred that taxation Is now up to tho hilt and therefore stood out ungainst any special road tax. The Bridge district undor tho now ar rangement Is quite n lnrge one. Yet on tho other hand there wore staunch supporters of tho mcasuro rwho argued that tho betterment of roads, nieans the raising of property valuations. Tho final vote stood 05 to -15 against tlio measure Good Roads havo a host of friends in tho McKinley country, which is In road District No. 4, Thero special attention has been given to the building of tho highways. This was The Fair FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATUIUUY n"Ml' '" . " jiiu io picas,, money on your iicciIh. ! I Jnu Thi, .una to l ute r winter and expected to locate here. For a tlmo he studied in tho law office of John D. Gofis and In tho weoks that ho spent hore mado a groat many frlonds. Wont to Curry County 35c nnd IOc Ladies Silk .hose, with double lisle blnck and colors. Only, per pair . . , . boot top, .23i 85c Ladles Flannelette Gowns Iu white and stripes, rn 33C On salo nt 20 pnlrs Notlnghnm laco cur tains, excellent grades, l In thero nnd camo to Marahflold lost Lavidenced by tho fact that -a man Mr. Bufflngton then wont downl0088""1 rttllH' to Gold Beach whore ho has. been for tho past seven or eight months. Ho opened a law offlco thoro and Immediately came Into tho lime light through his handling of tho business of tho P. A. Seaborg can nery Interests. Tho young couplo will visit hero and Intor oxpoct to return to Gold Beach and make thnt their home. iL L BE E XAMINED CHANCE TO BECOME A OF RURAL ROUTE CARRIER I 41 ,'least IB 1-2 percent. Ho wanted tiro out some means of improvement, jtho counctl to see It first before tak- ,P088lbly by putting iu a coverod 'lug any action. gutter. i ObJeoh to Crosswalk ni uio same tinio Mr. Hansen In C'OI'XTY SEAT NEWS Quired of tho council why It is that tho narrow strip nlougsldo of his Tho full Riilmoii Kenson closed ondaro of business, at tho lutorsoction th(j 20th and will remain closed itiitr1 or Commercial and Front streets tho lflth of Docomber, when the should be paved. Bteolhead season opens. I "It's only a cross walk," ho de- Mrs. James Richmond lias gono toclared. "Also tho Including of this Toldo, Oregon, for a month's vlsllfwork In a contract puts many out! with Iter Bister, Mrs. .Mildred Gould, Invito would like to bid on the side j)r. ttleiuuoud is expected homo from wan;, becauso they haven't the big California about tho first of tho equipment to do tlio paving." year. But tho council stood firm iu its Goorgo llonnlnger, of Flshtrnp, Idecislon to havo tho cross walk pavod went over to Oakland, Oregon, last I in accordance with other Btreots. havo enough of these rotten' over to Oakland, Oregon, last I in Aveok to attend tho funeral of his Wo mother, Mrs. S. P. Honnlger, who died at Rosoburg on tho 1 G t It. .Mrs. Jerry Peart with four child ren, and her sister-in-law, .Mrs, G. C, McQiiIgg with two came In from Myrtlo Point, whoro they arrivod by the stage, They aro returning from plank cross walks In the city," put In Harry Kimball, " and this is Just Itho point, we'ro trying to get rid of tuoni. Alack a Day More- Troubles And alas, thero camo more grtor ti tho city dads. The nest houso It Junction Cty whither tho Peart fam-jleaks. "Oh HeaYetiB. " deqlared l Ily removed last May. Mr. Peart oo of them whon Mayor AHon broke and Mr. McQuIgj; aro coming ovor- the nows. "V 1 1 ..lll. ,1. A .... "" At A . ..... inuu wiiu (lie icnms. - jis a iact, " tijo guardian of tho ROAD EXPENSE 1HQ Marlon CuiintyllnN Paid Out Nearly Quarter .Million SALEM, Oro., Nov. 30. For the 11 months of this year Marlon Coun ty has expended $251,922 on its roads, according to roports filed In tho offlco of tho County Clerk. A total of 52,910 yards of gravel and 20,38-1 yards of rock havo been haulod for improving tho roads. Of tho amount expended tho sum of $ S 0 . 7 4 -t was used In gravel work: $-14,59-1 went for macadamizing; $57,03,1 for gonoral repairs; $13, 910 for bridgo work; $1-1,045 for now tools and machinery and $12, 795 for salaries of supervisors. city rejoined. " Part of tho roof is 'torn away. It needs somo more tar kmpor. " And so It shall be repaired, tlio matter bolng referred to tlio health commltteo with power to act. To Put In Now Sewer And then again, moro griefs and tragedy. The sewer on Third street, botween Highland and Park 'avenues leaks and smolls, " some- 'Hung awful" said the city engin eer. Ho suggested putting In olght Inch vitrified pipo and was author ised to prepnro plans and specifica tions for tho work. aovon nays ngo tho city fathers declared fvo days ahould be allowed Eugeno O'Connoll to tako down a faulty light polo in front of his building on Market and Broadway. It is not yot down. Ho will bo al lowed another day and, falling then to romovo It, tho work shall be doiio by Street Commissioner Lawhorno and tho bill sent in to Mr. O'Connoll. Postofflco Department KctH Jan. 8 Ah Dnto for Applicants to Show Qualifications Tho United States Civil Service Commission has annouced an exam ination for tho County of Coos, Ore gon, to bo hold ut Marshfiold on January 8, 1910, to fill tho position of rural carrier at .Marshfiold and vacancies that may occur on rural routes from other post offices in tho abovo .mentioned county. Tho examination will bo open only to male cltlzons who are actually do miciled in tho territory of a post of flco In tho county and who meet tho othor requirements sot forth in Form No. 1977. This form and ap plication blanks -may ,bo obtained from tho offices montlonod above or from tho United States Civil Servlco Commission at Washington, I). C. Applications should bo forwarded to the Commission at Washington at the earliest practicable date. camo drivjng a moclififo to get 'Mr. LUJoqvlst and tako him to tlio moot ing, Moro than linir-n-dozen farm ers camo from their ranches iu nutos and tho roads woro found to bo in protty good slinpo In spite of tho ln- Tho spcclnl flvo mill lovy ralsos about $19,000. If tho county .court Votes a 10 mill road lovy, na It is ex jiocted thoy will, 70 percent or this amount, or $27,000 could bo spent In this dlfltrlct. Add to this tho $19, COO nnd tho total Is $57,000 tor district No. 4 in 191G. Included In this district are Dora, Leo, McKlnloy, Browstcr Vnlloy and !G ravel Ford. At Camas Valley but a'short tlmo 'ago a special road tax was carried with a strong majority. ' SUES WAGES white or $2. Now ecru; values por pair . . . to $1 Ladles' Whlto honiBtltchod hnudkorchlers, mado of flue lawns and cambrics; val- np ties to lOe, Now FOR JC 1 WOOL ml... -- "UAeQ Xi natural !8c values, On sain nt gray, MBlej, 15c Ml .... wn - nJK " ,ui line neni. i. ... various sizes nnd ki.I " values; now ' m Ver cartl 4 Wers; trlmrted i ?" on.broldery; were 35c Now izi t Per pair 1L AH Blankets, ComfoT Si-reads, Sheets and p Cases nt special prices. 200 PIcccb of beautiful stamped linens Just recclvcd-vs has tho latest doslcns: thov rnnm in tni.i. ""Mj ---' . -- ... uiuiu i uwnprn ttH u'ier cot- i.i II Mln.l. .itl. .... n..t.l i , 1 ... I .. i-io, imiun tu.uin, hubi- IOW0IH, llOllles, 1)H)8 l)0ff Be Biiro and look these over before buying elsewhere. The Fair NextDoprto Chandler Hotdy A ciebtias mm J. S. AUSTIN I1RINGS SUIT FOR 9UW IN JUSTICE COURT Work has started on tho Ump qua Crater Lako wagon road from Rosoburg, Tho city of Floronco recently dis posed of $5000 stroot Improvement bonds to a Toledo, Ohio, bank. Clalnis Sum Owed Him lly P. S. Pln- kcrWm, North Inlet Farmer Claimed Worked for Hoard Claiming payment to tho extent of about $138 for sorvlccs alleged to havo boon rondored, J. 8. Austin to day bogan BUlt in tho Justice court against P. S. Plnkorton, a farmer of North Inlot. A Jury of six was chos en to hear tho arguments. Tho mon rworo Ferdinand Palntor. Jens Han- son, J. T. Harrlgan, E. I. Chandler, Frank Horton and J. H. Staddon. In his complaint Austin states that ho wont to tho Plnkerton ranch ,and sought work and that he re mained thoro, doing common labor about tho rarm for ubout threo and ono half months and thoreforo fehould bo paid a roasonablo wago for Mils services. Making answer to these nlleKa- l'tlons Mr. Plnkorton declared that Austin camo and offered to work tfor his board, that there wna no agreement as to wages and tho sev eral times he advanced Austin small fcunis of money thnt wero not ac counted for, and thoroforo ho put lit a counter claim against Austin for $11 and interest. 4 fcy XMAS QUALITY GIFTS & 3V AT PRICES , THAT IT WILL PAYS SUIT TO YOUR TRADE POCKET AT ROOK 7J MARKET AVENUE !MUJi?at1fJlftlW" Christmas Gifts Wo havo a fine stock front which to holoct useful GhrlMmas gifts presents that combine oervk-o and beauty. For the women folk, nothing Is moro acceptahlo than china. Wo wno mo rancy decorated and din ner bets In plain white, gold band and decorated. These aro open seta and are sold either by tho piece ov tho set. We Iwvo casseroles with or with out curriers. For odd pieces of china, the Slue Bird design is especially uttractive. Viflvet-Mtl percolators iu nKn fine for gifts. These are but a few of tho many classes our store offers. Tho prices aro most reasonable. Bunker Hill DepqrtmentStore W. H. DINDINGER & CO. Phone 32. A dainty one-quire box of Linen Lawn, the socially correct writing paper, in various jiza Or a box of correspondence cards. Then for ndded character and to make the gift more truly individual, h avc it printed with an initial in dainty color, or in gold or silver. Come in and look samples over. The Times Job Department THE HOUSE OF QUALITY PRINTING A PRIVATE FIGHT nninniniin That Is what the battle of the business world is for each man and woman in It struggling for living a private fight, It concerns no one but yourself and your very life depends upon the success or failure of the contest. But you should call to your aid the greatest of business allies The Times Want Ads, for they will be of the utmost assistance to you. They will go in where the firing competition is hottest and come out with flying colors. Put The Times Want Ads on your side and you will be sure to win. EXPERT WELDING of METAIS Steel, brass, oast, iron and aluminum castings na like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street GRAVEL . i ' i ny ,BI istK!' We are now prepared to rurntsh GRAVEL In "J faH. im Pile In our yard or In cnrload lota, t followm car., ia.oo; from pile In our yard From pllo on ground, $2.?5 per yard. Carload loti, taken from Retail Departnie.it. C. A. Smith Lumber & MM Opposite PosOfflco, Abstracts Dmnirrra nw TITIiB AWD " l It wro KAUOfl rOB RKTiTA11T.il AT1RTRAOTS OF TITIiB COOS BAY REAL ESTATE te s TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRAfUO. MAKSnPIElO) AND.COQUILU3 C11' AT01 QNRALAOJto, EAflXfllDEANDSENGSSlOK AJBKTS FOU CANADIAN 1'AUtriu .""nvn HENRY BENGSTACJWSKi Paw i I