WHEN A SOFT ANSWER HAS TAILED TO TURN AWAY WRATH TRY A HARD PUNCH Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Coos liny Times li. A South west Oregon pucr for Southwest Oregon people ami devoted to tho best Interest of this groat sec tlon. Tho Times always boosts raid never knocks. The Coos. Hay Times Is promt of it tltto "The people's Paper," unit it strives at all times to live ,i to Its name by devoting Its energies to proniot- 1111 . " - - " lug the people's Interests. MKMHKH OK THK ASSOCLYTKD PKKSS Qiaos mmm ! Vol. No. XXXIX. HlLIDIiYS ARE 1ST III YEARS ifjcvv York Merchants Say that Americans navu iviuuii Christmas Money 1 Wholesalers Unable t'o Meet Rush of Buyers i-rom Other Cities 'SOUTHWEST ALSO GOOD 'hYpoUN rroni Aiiauui, v.urK"i nay i . .. I 1.. .I.... II. .... .. I' Hull, ,ilCTt'iini iii iiimi. in i iii Country Anticipate n lliiimcr Year In HiihIiicsh ; SOl'TllKAST ALSO KKPOKTS GOOD TI.MKS D AHOfUlnl Vttf lo trt cr Tlmw.J ATLANTA, Nov. 30. Southeast roportB booming early Christinas trndo with merchants expressing opin ions that Docoinbor btiHlncsB will he host In years. ItA (Or Ac-m Uto.l I'iwm Iii Coon I!y Tlniw.) ; NKW YORK, Nov. 30. Merchants litre say Antorlcnns hnvo more E' money to spend for ChriotmaH this jjear tlinn lit any holiday season slnco 100G. wuoiesaio nouses arc uuaiiio E'lo fill orders lu muiiy lines. This Ib attributed to tho rush of l buyers from other cities to replenish depleted stocks. Tho secretary of ; ot the wholesale and rolall mor Iclants' association said today the merchants of New York bad never known better Minos. (!00l IN PORTLAND Itctiill Merchants Say Trade Is Un- , usually Heavy (Dr Auocltt I'rria la Coot lltjr Tlmri.) PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 30, I Tortland retail merchants report an ' unusually heavy holldny trado for this time of tho year. Improvement In tlio lumber Industry anil largo crops are tho chief factors. HKTTKK IN NORTH Ke.ittln Hiiukers mid Merchants Re port an Iiiiprovomeiit. (B, AimcIU4 Pri to Coo nr TIom.1 SEATTLE. WobIi., Nov. 30. Merchants and bankers report busi ness conditions lu'Wiishlugton bet ter timu for tho past four years. There aro no great masses of un employed In tlio eltles, ami ocean common o Is making now records. SHOWS AN 1NCHKASK In Callfoniln This War Third Hotter Is Ono- inr Aoril, rrcu to Coo Hr Tlm. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 30 Pros pects of a record-breaking Christmas trade In San Francisco and other titles lu California cnused trado organizations to predict that tho general business of 19 15 will show a'i Increase of one-third over last year, COPPER ORDER BIG WKMAW WANTS TWO HUND UKI MILLION POUNDS Scarly Ono-fifth of Annual' Product in U. S. To .bo Delivered i After tho War IBj AimUttj Vita to Coo Bar -Time. NEW YOUK, Nov. 30. Orders for copper aggregating 200,000,000 Pounds, nearly one-fifth tho annual Production In the United- States, "aVQ llpn,, nlnoc.l h,. ni-tiljill rpn ..,8,:,,7c;v,. Mlvered after the war. FOREIGN TRADE HAS REACHED HIGHEST POINT hifclncss of Ainorku With Other Na tions Huns Into Knomioiis Figures for tho Year WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 3Q. American foreign trade rose to tho ntw hleh invoi nt fivo i.niinn dollars '" the 12 months ending with Oct- uuer. 1915, according to flgnres KRS CO! Kstnhlishcd 1878 As Tho Const Mall PULP FOB JflPAMiEDITDR KAISER I. A. PATTISON TO lll'Y CONSIGN- mknt ii i:m: for kxport Will Tuko Shipment of About 110 Tons fiom Smith Mill to Kobe, .lapan lletter Lumber Market ' J. A. Pnttlson, formerly with tho C A. Smith company here but now (with tlio Mutant Iiniiortlng Company, tho big Jnpntieso firm, with offices In Portland arrived hero ycstortlny to close n deal tor tho purchase of about 120 tons of pulp from tho Smith mill. Tho pulp is to bo shipped to Kobe, Japan. Tho quantity which Mr. Pnttlson will take will tlopond on tho nmount tho pulp mill httB on hand that will como up to tho specifications rc- rqulrcd. riJISTZEH Mr. Pnttiaon says that thoro Is a marked Improvement In tho lumber imulcct and the outlook lu bottor thun It has been In many niontlis. AT CANDIRATKS FOR TOWN KICKS NOMINATKI) OF- Seen Aspire for Five Vnriiiic-le on the Hoard of Yllhigo Trustees and Kour for llceojdci- The annual caiiQiis at Umpire to ncmlnato candidates for the city election was held last evening. Thoro were fourteen lu attendance njul there waB little animation in tho gathering. Claudo Hockctt prcslde.l as chairman and C. H. Kelly was vclerk. For Village Trustees, C. CI. Hoc kctt, John Wlckluml, Mrs. T. J. Macgonn, Mrs. C. dotty, Andrew So derstrom and (ills Pedersou were nominated. Five aro to bo elected. Tho trustees elect tho mayor mid t marshal. For recorder, Mrs. Charlotto McMulIon, Mis. Morso, Nowton Mar tin and Mr. Hoxsott wero nominated. HOADS FORCKD TO ACTION FHKIGHT CONGESTION 1IY Number of Loaded Cars lu Kiihtcru Yiinls Has liiricn.sed Officials Aro Considering a Remedy nr AMotUlM rr. wl Dr TlmM.1 NKW YOUK, Nov. 30. Presi dents nnd representatives of all trunk lino railroads running Into Now York mot at Jorsoy City today to consldor means of rellovlug tho freight congestion. Tho nutnbor of loaded freight cars In yards has Increased bo rapidly that three trunk lines have been forced to deolaro embargoes. COUGARS NUMKKOUS Many Seen In Keinoto Parts of Coos and Curry Tho nandon Western World says: "A resident of tho Upper Floras creek country who arrived In tho city several days ago, brings tho Informa tion that cougars are qulto Humor ous In tho more remote sections of Coos and Curry counties this winter. A man namer Warnor, who followa cougar hunting In tho wet soason. recontly succeeded lu killing threo on ono trip. Mr. Warner owns i tialned pack of hounds. made public by tho Bureau of For elgn and Domestic Commerce, Do- niirtmont of Commerce, jmpons of merchandise amounted to si .091.748.013, compared with $1,880,424,501 in the preceding per iod, while exports nggregnieu $3.318,634,G3G, against $2,140,847.- 829 In the 12 months emung wnn October, 1914. October exports also established a new high record, rising to $334, 038,578, or $33,9G1,75G above tho former record made in peptembor last, aud comparing with. SI 94, 711, 170 in October, 1914, and $271,- m .---. .; - Imports were S148.529.G20 against $138,080,520 In October 1914 anu $177,987,980 In October, 1912, tho former October record. Tho export balance for uctoner was $186,108,958, against SDG.G30,- G50 In October. 1914; and for tne u mbnths ending with October, $lr G26,88G,623 compared with $260, 433.328 In the preceding period. Hare your IETTEK heads, bill heads, etc.. printed a TUB TIMRS office. WIS EMPIRE EC MB GO MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1915 T Head of Ashland Record and Postmaster, Victim of Wm. 1 Greenfield, Mail Clerk LATTER "SlT SELF Believed That Both Men Die as the Result of the Bullet Wounds OCCURS IN POST OFFICE The Cause Is Not. Known Hut It Is Helloved That Greenfield Wus About, to Ho Discharged from tlfs Position Is I'i'omliieiit fllr awui4 rrat Ir Coo mr Tim. ASHLAND, Oregon, Nov. 30. K. J. Kaiser, postmaster of Ashland for 30 years and editor of tho Ashland LRecord ami a prominent political leador, was shot today and probably fatally wounded by William Greon flold, a mall clerk, who then shot himself through the head and Is' dying. Tliu shooting occurred In tho post office. Tho cuusu Is not known but It Is rumored Greenfield was to be discharged. MESSAGE IS READY PHKS1DKNT TUHNS IT OVKH TO THK PKINTKH LAVIIl Ho Head at. loint Sosslon of iwci Houses if Congrass Week Fi-oni Ttnlny Hr AmocUIM Pmi to Cno ny TIbimi.i WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 30.-r President Wilson's address to con gress wont to tho prlntor today. Tho niossngo which is comparatively fbrlof, will ho read by tho president 'ut a Joint bosbIou of tho two houses of congress a weok from today. M. doals primarily with national prepar edness. E AUSTRIA-IIUNtJARY NOT RKADY TO ANSWKIt NOW Will Mako Reply ImU'V lo Note n tho Sinking of Steamer 1 Annum nr Auorltthl rmi to Coo nr Tim j WASHINGTON, D. C Nov. 30. Tho AuBtro-Hungarlan government informed Ambassador Ponfleld nt Vienna that it deslros moro tlmo to compile a formul Htatomont regard ing tho sinking of tho Ancoua. Th-) Slatb Department advices say Aus tria encountered dltflcultlcs In ob taining a statement from the com mander of the submarine. MANY IN KILLED KXPLOSION IN DKLAWAHK POW DKR MILL IS FATAL When Riiiont Plant Illows Up Man- gled Hodles of Victims Aro' Scattered About (Dr AHOcllleJ I'rM to Coo Dr Tim.) WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 30. Ahout 25 men were killed and many others Injured In tho explosion of a largo quantity of powder In tho black powder mill In tho upper yards of Mhe Dupont Powder Company near Ahere today. Thq causo of tho oxploslon is not 'known. Tho greatest excltomont and confusion prevails. The fam-i llles of the workmen flocked to thq scene and frantically endeavored ta get on tho premises. The bodies pf tho victims were hurled jn all directions from the de stroyed mll. In many instauces they wero mangled boyond all recog nition. VKSSKL .MOVKMKNTS Jl"i ' Hulled Hardy, San Francisco, this after noon. Due to Sail Rustler, Ttoguo, this' evening, Westerner, San Francisco, tomor row. Speedwell, Sail Francisco, tomor ITS IRE TM E- FOUR IN TDK INDIANAPOLIS KLKCTION FRAUD PUNISH KD John F. Nugent, Former Assistant Chief of Police, Goes to tho Penitentiary Others lo Jail (Mr Ai.ocltlnl Vtmm to Conn llajr TlinM.) INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., Nov. 30. Four pcrsoiiB indicted with Mayor aiobert3 In the Tcrre Haute election conspiracy case wero sentenced today ;by tho fedoral court. John F. Nu gent, nsslstnnt chief of police, was flontenced to servo a year and n day 'In tho federal penitentiary. Others who received Jail sentences follow: Frank Hess, five months, Jack Hlncs, four months, John limns, 30 days. AU pleaded guilty. STKAMKR SUNK HY A Stlll.MARINF. llif Aixwlitnl PrfM to vnt Tlf Tlm.) LONDON; Nov. 30. Tho llrltlsh steamer Dotterel has boon sunk, presumably by n submarine. 44 TREATY OPERATIVE NKW AltRANGKMKNT WITH HAITI IN OPKKATION Has Keen Signed by tho American Minister and Halt Ion Secretary of Foreign Affairs tlijr AMnt'litvO I'rrw lo Coo llr Tlmm.1 WASHINQTON, D. C, Nov. 30. Tho now Hnltlcn treaty, by which tho United States extends u broad finan cial protcctorato over tho jslaud re public now Is In oporiitlon under modus vlvcudl, and bus boon signed by tho American minister nnd tho Haltleu secretary of foreign uffulrn, It was announced today. E INTKHSTATK COMMKHCK COM MISSION KKFUSKS A PKTITON Casu Involved Itlght of Trunk Lines to Opcrnto Hoats on tlio Great I -alio I Mr AuotlttisI IT(h to Coua lltf TlinM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 30. Applications for a rehearing of the enso Involving tho right of trunk lino railroads to continue tholr In terest In tho operation of steamers lu tho Great Lakes, despite the pro hibition of the Panama canal act, was denied today by tho Interstate Commerce Commission. Tho appli cation was mado by shippers attor neys tis tho railroads declined to nbk for a rehearing. VESSELS GO EAST FINK DIG STKAMKR TO PACIFIC COAST LKAVK Will llellevo Congestion of Kxpnrt Freight Hound From tho Kast For Kiiropean Ports (Dr Aiioclttel I'fuM lo Coo IUf TIdm. NEW YOUK, Nov. 30 Announco was mado today that five, Inrgo steamers flying tho American flug have- been transferred from tho Pacific and will shortly enter tho New York-London trado to assist In relieving the export frolght con gestion. They aro tho Siberia, Man churia, Mongolia, Korea and tho Kroonland. TI1KKK HUNDRKR KNDANGKRKD IN WKST VIRGINIA All Rut THcnty-fivo Reach Safety and OtheiH .Mar AUo Re Itescued (Di.AwkUIxI Prw U Coot IUi Tlrax.) HOOMKR. W. Va., Nov. 20. Threo hundred miners wero en tombed' today In Mine No. 2 of tho Roomer Coal and Coko Company, by a blown out shot, followed al most immediately by two other ex plosions of less violence. All but 26 or 30 ot the men had reached the surface by 3 p. in. and the su perintendent expressed a bono that tho others would be saved. i Times Wr.nt Ads for rwults. SENTENG ARI1 0 MINERS ENTOMBED EVENING EDITION. COURT REFUSES 10 Hamburg-American etflclats Lose a Point in Trial of Al leged Conspiracy CASE ISllI OPEN Indictment Stands and Judge Denies Petition to Strike Out Certain Evidence EVERY POINT " IS LOST Counsel for tho Defendants Assailed With Lepil Argument Tlio Ciino Which the Government Prevented by Witnesses but not Successful (Dr AliotlilKj TlTM to Coo Bit Tin. NKW YOUK, Nov. 30. Tho coun boI for four of the Hamburg-American officials on trial for conspiring to deceive and defraud tho United States, assailed by logal arguments (oday tho enso which tho government presented by witnesses ngaltiBt them, and lost every point of their con tention. Federal Judge Iiowo heard tho ar gument In tho nbsenco ot tho jury, lie denied tho defendants' motion to fstrlko from the records all testimony 'concerning tho chartering and move ments of the stenmor Marina Qiicb ada, and ovorrulcd a motion to dls- ynlss all tho Indictments, With the motion to dismiss denied, tho defense opomd Us case nt tho af ternoon session. TO WHAT OF SKIHIIAN GOVKHNMKNT NOW IN ALHAN1A Montenegrin Official Announcement 'tens or i.aiuurt) tu noverai . ... . .... ... , mhwin iij- nit) I'.ui'iuy Py AuorUtM Vrni to Coo Raj TIjim.J PARIS, Nov. 30. Official Monte negrin statement received today 4SayH: " NQveinber 28 tho enemy retook 'Foftchn, Metolkn and Prlepoll. IPromlor Pnchldeh nnd the Sorhlan Cabinet hnvo arrived at Scutari, Al baula, which will be tho scat of tho tBovorntnent. " THOUSANDS OF POLISH PKOPLK lIK OF STARVATION Many Aio Homeless and Aro Living lu Cavtu ami Trenches Aban doned by the Soldiers (llr AuocUtfcl Vftu to Coo I!r Tlmr,) WARSAW, Nov. 30. HundrodB of thousands of tho civil population In tho Warsaw district of Poland aro suffering from want ot food, A , conshlorulilo percentage are 3tlll homeless, living In caves aud In tho I abandoned trenches. Thousands al ready have dtod of starvation and disease IDKMOCRATH GKTTING RKADY l-'OR OPKNINO OF CONORKSS Ways and Means Members Taking 11:1 Matters Which Must ho Settled Ur Auocltt Pim to Coo fl7 TIUKM.I WASHINGTON, D. C Nov. 30. Democratic members of the ways nnd means commltteo continued to ddy to tentatively reorganize tho House committees. Tho military fand naval affairs commltteo will bo filled by Friday. The commltteo will confer lator with Republican Leader Mann regarding tho repre sentation to bo given tho Progres sive party on tho committees. ATTENTION KAGLKS Tho annual election of officers for Marshflold Aerie No. C38, F. O. K., for tho ensuing year, will bo hold at Kaglos' Hall, Wednesday night. December 1. All mombors aro re quested ta bo present. F. R. KIRK. V Worthy President MOV SGUTAR IRSAWI SUFFERING COMMITTEE A Consolidation of anil Coos Hay LOSSES ARE GREAT HRITISH CASUAIl'IKS TOTAL (100,(100 S1NCK WAR STARTKD During November tho Lists Make Up A Total of Nearly Forty Seven Thousand (lljr Anocltlnt I'rfii to Coo nr Tlmi-,) LONDON, Nov. 30. Tho llrltlsh casualty Hats during Novombor to tal 1,232 officers nnd 4G.184 non commissioned officers and men In nil fields of wur, bringing tho total slnco tho beginning of hostilities to approximately GOO, 000. FIKLD MARSHAL FHKNCH CONFKUS WITH PltKMIKR (nr amocuim vmt u . nr tirim. LONDON, Nov. 30. Field Marshal French, command er ot tho Hrltlsh forces on the western front, was In London yesterday and con ferred with Pronilor As qulth. TO- STAY NEUTRAL THAT IS POSITION OF GHKKCK IN II Kit HKPLY Henevolciit to Kntcntc Powers Ah ! I.iig Ah Sovereignty Itlghls Ari Not Infilngeil Upon ly Aolllf.l 1'irn to Coon lty TlniM LONDON, Nov. 30. Tho basis of Grceco's roply Is " neutrality which will continue benevolent to tho on tonto powers as long as tho sover eignty rights of Greece are not In fringed upon aud no restrictions of a military clinracter aro Imposed, " tolegraphs tho Athens correspondent ot Routors. IS HAYS HHK. WILL DKFKNI) HKR NKUTRALITY 11-' NKCKSSARY In Nolo to Russia Hefiiscs That Country tho Uso of tho Danube Hlver (nr Aaltt4 rrri to Coo Dr Tlmm, 11UDAPK8T, Nov. 30. Huehnrest dispatches say Rumunla has forbld dou tho una of tho Danube to tho UuHHlan government and In an en ergetic note has made iho domnnd that Russia respect her uoutrnllty, Tho note states Rumania will de feud her neutrality, If necessary. UNREST IN PERSIA TltlllKS MARCH TO CAPITA! PKOTKCTSHAH TO ltt-Mi)-( Front Herllu Is that tho Peo ple Fear Hrutallly on Part of Itiihslaiis (llr AmmUI1 I'm to Coo llr Tim.) UKRLIN, Nov. 30. (Wlroless to l'uokortou) Grout unrest Is spread lug throughout Persia, according to Vtho latest reports. Numerous trlbos are marcuiug in tno direction or to- lioran In ordor to protect tho Shah (gainst Russian brutality. -ED CASE IS UP TOUCIIKD UPON IN TRIAL OF DR. I.UKXZ TODAY Dofeiiho Wants to Know What Posi tion Governments Taken as To German Naval Attache (Br AmocUI! Pi mi u Coo FUj TIum.1 NKW YORK, Nov. 30. Tho gov ernment was called on today to state whether It considered Captain Uoy-Kd, tho Gorman naval attache, In tho light of a conspirator with tho Hatnburg-Amorlcau lino officials lu dispatching relief ships to tho Ger man crulsorB. Tho demand was made by counsel for Dr, Ihiouz and his three subor dinate oificers In tho course of tholr trial for alleged conspiracy in' the fedoral court. "Tho government has taken no po sition In the matter, " ropltod Roger 1). Wood, assistant U. S. dlstrlst at torney when pressed for a roply. " All the government wants to do is to submit all tho facts lu the caso bearing on tho Indictment. " Steamer Speedwell sails south Wednesday, 3 p. 111., from North Head. Tickets nt Abstract off ho at Maihlifleltl and Painter - McCiilloin, North Html, 1 FIRM Times, Const Mall Advert lner. No. 110 1 HAS BEEN CAPTURED Serbians Evacuate in Good Order and Leave it for Bul garians to Occupy prisrendTs taken City in Western Serbia Has Fallen, According to Re? ports From Berlin GERMANS DRIVEN BACK RiiNHlaiiH Claim to Hnvo Crushed Them In tho Knst Fierce Fight ing Continues on Austro-Itallnn Front Hrltlsh Rombnrd (nr AMorltthl rrtu to Coo Dr Tin. LONDON, Nov, 30. Tho capture of Prlsroud, In western Sorbla near tho Albanian border, wus announc ed today by Ilorlln. Monnstlr, In Southern Serbia, has boon evacuated aud either Is now In tho possession of tho Hulgarlans or will bo occu pied by them In a fow hours. Tho Sorblans nro said hero to hnvo. retired from Monnstlr In good order. Tho Anglo-French forces In Southern Sorbla now await attack.. Germans Defeated On the eastern front,, Potrograd says tho Russians crushed Gorman attacks near Illoukst, south ot Dvlnsk, nnd occupied tho eastern1 suburb ot Illoukst, Along tho re mainder of tho front thoro wore no developments. In tho west tho French drove the Germans from a crater In tho Sou chez district made by a mlno ox ploslon. Rombnrd Coast AniRtordnui roports that tho Gor man positions woro bombarded for two hours this morning on tho Del glan coast from Koobruggo to Os tcud by tho Hrltlsh squadron. Florcn fighting continues on the Austro-Itnllan front without results. Ilrlt Ish Retreat Constantinople reports that the Hrltlsh continue to retreat follow ing tho battlo of Novombor 25, which resulted In n victory for the Turks. E LONDON PAPKR RKFKRS TO KAL SKR'H TRIP TO VIKNNA. Thinks Ho May Conclude n Separ ata Peace Hetweoii Italy and Austria-Hungary (Dr AuocUlxl Piim to Coo llr Tin. LONDON, Nov. 30. Tho Pall Mall Gazette ventures tho opinion that Kmporor Wllltum's trip to VI oniHi may be u fresh attempt to con clude separate pc'aco between Aus tria -and Italy. "Italy's attitude may lend en couragement to such an enterprise" says tho paper. "Rome, for reasons nover disclos ed, has novor declared war on Ger many, and has shown no particular eagerness to co-oporato with the Allloa lu tho Iiulkans." BOY INJURED TODAY COAL OIL (JAN KXPLODJ-X) NKAR FIRK IN COOS CITY 1IOMK Little Chettcr HalnoM Is Victim Will Recover Threo Year Ago Fell Into Tub of Hot Watw Playing about tho flro with a coal oil can, supposedly ompty, Ches ter Haines, aged six years, and the sou ot Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Haines, of Coos City, was very badly In jured about tho face when the can oxplodod. Tho little fellow was put tu a boat and Immediately brought Into tho city whero Dr. Horsfall at tended his wounds. Tho boy will not ba permanently Injured, nor his eye sight Impaired, Is tho belief. Threo years ago ho fell into a tub of boiling water at his hoe and still has the scars on his arms whero ho was severely burned. TWIN CITY DAXCK Dance at Eagle Hall, Sat. eve., Doc, 4. Jeno Sevely Orehwtra Hh-somblo. i SUGGESTS HP e I