jximi UArtUfJirf.. tAifi(MilH'kll.Ju !5ti04S.i? J.li.v Two .(; H MC-Tf . 4 , THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFI&t), dftEGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1915-EVEWING EDITION -fc , r rrtl tm ir COOS BAY TIMES V. O. MAMJNKV, h'dltor nnd Pub. DAN M. MALONEY, News Editor Official Tnpcr of Coos County Official Paper City of Marshfield. Addreos all communications to COOS HAY DAILV TIMK8. J ' l ' TWiJ U'. SIUSLAW MAN WILL SHIP CHRISTMAS TREES Entorod at the l'ODtofflco at Marsh Mold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls ai Bocond-cluss mall mattor. Industry Promises to Become Ex tensive ono for That Part of tho State A unique Industry Is told of In tho Sluslaw Pilot of Florence which says: "C. W. Currnn, moss king of Ore gon, lma Just received an order to ship two carloads of Christmas trees. The consignment will ho ga thered from the small fir and pine that are now growlnc on Mr. Cur- ran'a placo north of town. With this shipment will go a halo each or IiUckloburrlcH and rhododendron bushes. Tho shrubbery will bo used for holiday decorations. "Mr. Curran Is alive to any na tvrnl product that Is marketable and Is continually striving to find a salo for things that grow hero. This in dustry of holiday greenery promises AuBtro - Herman and Russian to develop to u considerable manni- nrmics continue struggle for mastery i tudc. in IttiHHlan Poland. i.iiCiScnstochown, northwest of Cra- KAItTIIQUAKK PKIVT cow, is evacuated by tho Austrlans. Ilio GorniniiH collect ifiO.ooo In i siioi-U InVctt at Florence on tho HIus- Z EUROPEAN WAR ONE t YEAR AGO TODAY NOVKMHKH 28, JtU I I i" IM1 NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS itoGUE mwiin NEWS tho nolghborliood of Arras to niuko an effort to break through the Al- HcV lines. A force of 70,000 Turks starts an attack on tho Suez Canal. - NQVUMHIHt 1!, 11)1 I Tho Austrlans rctlro from Hit kwlua whore 1200 prisoners wero taken by tho Russians. Eight battalions of Austrlans aro repulsed by tho Montenegrins. Tho Allies take tho offcnslvt along tho Yscr. ( Emperor William Is with tho Gel man army in tho East. IT'S YOU MEN may theorize on how to build a city. Hut when all is ttald, there Is only ono way In which to accomplish it. The way Is suggested in tho following verse. "Heal towns are not made by men afraid Lest somebody olso gets ahead. When everybody works mul nobody shirks You can raise a town from tho dead. And if while you mako a personal stako Your neighbor can mako ono too, Your town will bo what you want to SCO, It Isn't. your town, It's you. law Tho last issue of tho Sluslaw Pilot records the following: "Several pcoplo In Klorcnco felt an earthiiuako shock last Saturday night about 0 o'clock. Dishes rattled on tho Bhelves, pictures swung from the wans, furmiuro moved in Its n ace. stoves wero shifted ami pedestrians wero halted in their walks. There was no damago done so far as is known. PHKFKHS 1IOHHH STAOKS I NEWS OF OREGON t ItOSHmma Tlio bankrupt stock of tho ItoHchurg Garage was sold to C. W. Parker, of Cottage Urovo, who will open It In a few days. BUTIIKIU.IN Mayor I). W. Hank or bought a lot west of tho First National Hank building and will orcct a modern brick busluoss block. HAKHIt (leorgo L. Huffman, n rancher, killed his throe daugh ters, ageil !, fl, lind 8 years, by giving them cynaldo of potassium and then killed himself In tho same manner, leaving a uoto stating that everything had Kouo ngi ,. him. SUTIIHUMN Howard Everett, president of tho Lubo T.aud & De velopment Company, has bought tho Sidney Strong orchard tracts, pay ing $700. pur aero, or a total of $1!,G00. KOSKIMTRfl Four generations of tue iiiitrhason family ate Thanks giving dinner together. GANYONVIM.K Robert fltowart, an old time citizen, was seriously Injured by falling from a wngo'n when tho horses Jumped, AUIANY Lester McCourt, aged 22, was run over by an Orogon Electric train mid his head cut off. GRANTS PASS Tho question of issuing bonds In tho sum of $80, 000 for building a now water sys tem will bo. voted on by the people. MOI.AI.I.A Daughorty Hrothors. successful young farmers, havo orig inated a now variety of corn which thoy call Orogon Dent. GRANTS PASS Slxtoon mills Is tho limit under tho city charter for a levy and the Council has adopted a budget to como within tho amount that can bo raised by city taxa tion. 1:UGI:NH--Frank O. Hurke. elec trical superintendent of tho Orogen ltoguo Hlver l,udy Gets Enough of Auto Travel Tho Port Orford rlbuno says: "Miss Mary Reckett, who for tho past soveral years has been a popu lar saleswoman in tho dry goods de partment of tho Weddcrbiim Trading company store, was In Port Orford over night returnlnc to Rokiio river from n visit with rolatlvcs at Port- laud. Miss Ilcckctt camo In via. Ma pleton, and sho said that tho change at Port Orford from tho Jitney to tho horse powor stage was a welcomo one. "In coming down tho beach from tho irnipqua to Coos Iluy tho stago In which sho was riding upsot, and a similar accident waB narrowly avort ed on tho Daudon Port Orford Jitney, so that tho old family buckboanl and tho faithful horso whb a welcomo sight to thy young lady. Notes of Gold Reach and Vicinity From tho Globe Geo. Sutton was a visitor In town ono day last week enrouto to his home In Port Orford from a visit to tho San Francisco fair. Miss Maria! Hillings, of Illahe, and Mrs. Myrtle Moore, of Agncss, are spending n fow days in town, tho guests of Miss Echo Marsters. Reports from Pistol River say that Ed Lawrence is little If any hotter. His lower limbs aro paralyz ed completely. Tho new store of the Wedderburn Trading Company in Gold Ueach has been opened, with Perry Dodson In charge. Wm. Hunter, ono of tho passen gers of tho ill-fated Santa Clara, arrived here Friday evening, coming in an auto from Handon. Ho charges the Santa Clara's wrecking to tho Captajn's carelessness and says tho loss or life was wholly un necessary. Arrangements havo been made whereby Mrs. C. 1). Lainson will take over tho nreakora Inn on a leaso covering a period of time from thrco to five years. It Is stated tho house will go under the new management December 1. MYRTLE POINT NOTES Notes of That City Told Enterprise lit tho NEWS OF LANG LOIS ONLY TWO LEIT All Other Ralli-ond Engineers linvo MTt Hnllrond Work Tho lJinpo.ua Courier of Gardiner says: Of all tlQ construction ntmlnnnrfl who havo been employed on tho WIN lamottc-Paclflc rallrond botweon Eu gene and Coos Hay slnco tho begin ning of construction work, Engin eers M. II. Hedolfo and F. I). Hrown nro tho only ones ronialnltig on tho Job. ICnglucor Hedolfo has chnrgo of tho construction work botweon the Smith River and tho Sluslaw. whllo Hnglneor Hrown has chargo of tho work botweon Smith River and Coos Hay. "Owing to tho storm or tho past fow daya and scarcity or material for building tho S. P. Rrldgo across the llnipcjua, most of tho men havo been laying off." WIN GOLD MfclUIj Several Coos County Men Honored at lAiKMtlon Among thoso awarded gold medals at the San Francisco exposition horticultural show wero .tho fol lowing: O. W. Olhbs, Hausor, cranborries. William H. Ilartloy, Myrtle Point, Oravontstoln apples. William K. Ilartloy, Myrtle Point, potntoos. Happenings at. Curry County Town Told in tho Leader Earlo Halo is hero visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mtb. L. W. Hale, of Lauglols. J. 13. James was down from Haro to attend tho big shooting match held In Lnnglols. Colonel C. T. Hloomonrothcr, tho well-known Civil War veterans, was in tho city on business from his ranch. Al Ferrler, of Denmark, was among those attending tho shoot ing match In Lauglols. A surprlso party was given for Mr. and .Mrs. Matt Lux at their homo In Denmark. J. Frank Wcndllng was looking after business afralrs In tho South Fork tlo camps. Chas. Quern, who visited Tor a fow days. with his brothers hero, loft for Oakland, California, where ho will visit for a time with his wife and children before returning to his work at Juneau, Alaskai Gcorgo W. Uryant has Joined tho fraternity or "Long-Lino Skinners". Ho has accepted a position with Joe Laird on tho Roseburg-Myrtlo Point Btage, and will drlvo between this city and the Sheep Ranch station. Jas. D. Clinton, or Norway, left via Roseburg for San Francisco where ho will visit tho closing days of tlin nxnnnlHnn. Deforo returning homo Mr. Clinton will visit his broth er In Uutto County, and rolatlvcs at other points In tho Golden State. Captain O. H. Robinson has re modeled his boat Nakomas, install ing in It a 35-horse-power automo bllo engine, and commenced a reg ular schcdulo between this city and Gravel Ford. He will carry both freight and passengers. John Felshor and family departed on tho last trip' of the Elizabeth from Handon for San Francisco, whoro they will spend a week or ten days nt tho exposition. J. F. Felshor and Chas. Miliar aro running tho Felsher dairy ranch on Catching Creek during tho family's absence. JNEW LAW SUITS C. W. HRYANT ARRESTED Now law suits started In the cir cuit court nro as follows: Suulo M. Hullicrt vs. L. C. Hul bcrt. Suit for divorce Coos County, Oregon, ox rel John Coy, vs. Patrick Hanrahan, Henry Hess, Stephen Galllcr, J. Ira Sld woll, W. T. Wobb and H. T. Dcwltt. Cora E. Walling vs. Wm. R. Wall ing. Suit for divorce. Harry G. Huntley vs. Graco O. Huntley. Suit for dlvorco. Gcorgo aicnn nnd W.T.Forbos vs. Menusha Woodcnwaro Co. and U. Folsom. Alleged That Ho Tio.pax.scil Mining Property on C. W. Hryaut was boforo Justlco Stanley's court In Conulllo In a criminal caso brought against him on mo chargo or trespassing on a min ing claim. It was alleged ho had broken Into a cabin on u claim of the Salmon Mountain Coarso Gold Mining Company, which was organ ized sonio years .ago by tho lato Orvllle Dodge, and taken some tools from it. Brynnt claimed that ho had niado a subsequent filing oil this claim and had a right to bo upon it. a goon neat or testimony was taken, tho caso lasting all day. . Tho ofrenso with which Hryant is charged is a felony and puntshablo with a torm In tho ponltoutlary, and Justlco Stnnlcy hold him to tho grand Jury, on his own recognizance Coqulllo Sentinel. FRANZ THOMSKN 1KAI Regarding tho death of n well known Curry County man tho Port Orford Trlbuno prints tho following: Franz Thomson, who was born In 'i. ...... ii. mm jwilll? llhUf UlUli 111 lUlk-j li.ifl nKfinnn .Wip.ittilinH 111. iniT Mr. Thomson, a fow years ago, was proprietor or tho Star ranch In north ern Curry, where ho leaves many fi lends and acquaintances who will regret to learn of his denth. WILL 11UILI) HOTEL ROSKI1URG .MARKS LIJVY SALMON SKASON CLOSHI) Catch on the Sluslaw Not Good This Vojir Tho following Is from tho Flor onco West: "Tho season for commercial fish ing dosed hero last Saturday. Llko nearly all tho rlvors of the coast, tho run of salmon hero was light this fall mid tho puck, of canned fish Is very small. nrw ii. .. . .. !.. . .... Pnwi.r- Cnmnmiv. niivrmvlv .w.i.....1 I .. "' " '"i-u Helming UlOir II8II to death when 2:100 volts of ulortrlclty ,"" '"V,"r:. "5.0,:ff.t'... ,,.ltKOI".ory 'Io passed through his body. (W llvnrnil tlm innkit rtlilmml.. .....i n...... Clinch was high man on sllversldes. H I'av Tliero Is 8 1-2 .Mills for School Purposes ROSKUURO, Ore., Nov. 29. At a special meeting of tho taxpayers of tiio Kosoliurg school district, hold at tho Lane school building, n tax levy ot 8 1-2 mills was authorized with which to defray tho expenses of con ducting tho schools or tlis city dur ing tho year 1910. Rased on nn assessed property val uation of $3,000,000, togothor with tho moiioys to bo derived from the stnto and county apportionments and tho high school funds, tho district will receive JIG.822.C0 from tho 8 1-2 mill levy. .MUCH HANDON .MAIL LOST That a great deal of Randon and Curry county imrcola nost mall was lost on tho Santa Clara Is tho bollof in Handon, as a largo number of mercnaiits Havo not received goods that aro known to havo bcon shipped prior to tho wreck. Only ono Uan don mall sack was recovered. Han don Westorn World. Tho Gold Reach Clobo says: "Word comes from Agncss that It will soon havo n now hotel, Tho building will bo located near the storo and tho Post Offlco and will bo n modorii, 20-room structure. Mrs. Sadlo Lucas will bo proprietress of tho hostelry, which Is evidence to thoso who know her that It will bo second to none on tho const. HAS ITS DIFFICULTY Tho Gold Heach Globe says: "Ow ing to uoiatcd shipment of ready prints, tho Globe appears this week on a shipment received many mouths ago, tho last In tho sljop, and If tho Koamor, which Is not yet unloaded, has not any for us, the Globo will necessarily have to appear noxt weok on plain paper. MAKF.S THE HAHS Ifnim 1 'sW 1 j PMXbJ m 0Jt0Z I W J0 Liqarx7tc of K J Quaiilj; JQ A,8o We back the winner T pckcd Sj with 3 Coupon ! Gc 2Q or 10c I .3- and now a Winner! A few months ago we said: "Light 'cm. They go good." Today thousands of smokers arc sayinf 'ur 1:1 1 tm . n-r-..rr,... 1 You bet they're winners. Try them. ,Jtyittjfy4u05taKvGr. MARHIHD AT COQUILLK Tho Coqulllo Sentinel prints tho following: "Hon C. Smith and Allco G. Hayes, of Powors, wero united In marrlago at tho M. B. parsonago hero by Rev. T. H. Downs. .Mr. Smith runs a logging oiib'lno at ono of tho lum ber camps noar Powers and Miss Hayes arrived recently from Min neapolis, Minn. Upt, Olson Reaches tho Curry Coun ty Ports "Tho first of last week the Rust ler and Roamer attompted to cross Into Rogue river. The former miulo It nil right, but tho latter struck bot tom and then put to sea and return ed to Coos Hav. Cant. Olson, who was on tho Rustler, went up to Cops nay uvuriaiui .ami rriuny ultornoon ho dropped Into Port Orford with tho Roamer, going on and crossing into Roguo river tho same ovoiiIhl-. Capt. Olson is nn experienced bar man, and it is doubtful If his peer can uo round in running tho bars along tho Oregon const. WILL OPBN CAMP the TAKING SCHOOL CENSUS Much ltoio.t Manifested In Pro , codling at Handon Tho Handon Western World says: "Tho annual school census Is be ing taken this weok by C. M. Knight, clerk, who will bo propared to re port to tho county court by tho first of tho mouth. Much Interest Is ink- en in -tho census hero as Handon had ieu tno county for a number or years up to last year whon Marshrield with 965 was first. Handon had 9G0. According to mo school laws of Oro gon tho county must levy a tax of $S.00 pro rata to aid in the support or tho schools and In addition tho siaio gives approximately J1700. CONFKSSKS HOHHRRY Goorgo T. Wlckllne, a young man rrom California, confessed to having robbed Donnoy's restaurant at Han don of $7.a5 uud a gold watch. Ho volunteorod the confession and said ho was forced to tho rohbory because ho was broko and out of a Job, Tho restaurant man would not prose cut 0. WILL LEVY PORT TAX At tho last meeting of tho Port of Handon It was doclded to levy o throe mill port tax which will raise approximately ?l 5.500, says tho Western World of Handon. Coos Hay Men to 0Hnilu on bliiMnw Operations on tho Sluslaw river aro told of In tho Florcnco West which says. "Messrs. Ilanna and Holmes, whom we mentioned lust u-enu nn looking for cedar timber for making railroad tlos, aro expected hero im mediately from Coos Hay to begin work. "They havo n rnntrnpt tiw aninni hundred car loads of ties and have opiums on consuiorauio tlmbor on North Fork. "Wo are Informed that they will employ 100 to 150 men. PAST CENTURY OLD James Haft, Aged 10;l Yean,, Moves to Handon to Live Probably tho oldest man in Pnn county is told or in the following from the Westorn World of Handon. ' Handon now has a centenarian among Its rosldpnts, James Haft of Lnnglols, who is 103 years of ago having moved hero to spend tho wln tor with relatives. Mr. Haft yester day met his old friend, W. R. Wells a local cltlzon. They had not seen oncli other for 25 years. Mr. Haft and Mr. Wolls wero neighbors at Olnlla In Douglas county, from tho time of their first meeting which oc curred in 1S55 during tho Indian i. Vi. , j3""1"" uregon. They aro both halo and lienrty. Mr. Woll8 is 7 o. DRY TOWN ITEM .T,Sa'8 u, Port Orrord Tribune Port Orford is not a bad town, but it might bo Improved by ono or two arrests for bootlegging." "The Children's Hour Protect the children from the draughts. Keep the damp and chill away with a good oil heater. Inexpensive to operate easily carried from room to room. Smoke less and odorless. Dealers every where. For best results use Pearl Oil Standard Oil Company (California) Marslifleld v. rmxwm ) Perfection Oil Heater AAAAAAAAAAA lUanmnni) THE PERFECTION OIL HEATERS .MAY ALWAYS UK FOUND AT SUMNER HARDWARE CO. H(l MAUKKT AYFNUK. MAHSHFIKLH, QUE. $m ilMfiAiifflai "WHKHH SAVINGS AUK SAFK" You can open an account in this bank with $1.00. Bank Our Home-Havings Hank for your FRKK n-c. Inloiot pitld. HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 rersonai oervice Till; employe of tl coiiricmiN, obllgli to assist customi Ill) employe of this bntilc aio lug mid gjittl (outers in every possible- nny, mill tho officer, ac cessible at till times, are over ready to give thu patrons the benefit of I heir wide experience In IhisIucsn ih well as banking affairs. You aro cordially Invited (o con sult tvith us icganllii;; any mutters In which our kuou ledge may bo of value to j on, First Bank Marshfield, National of Coos Bay Oregon. PRflFFQClmiTr Dr. A l uT "-ss ;.'-. nuusewnrti. '""Wan Mlr;w n Oehot.r.Wocl l 11.1,1 .. .. l ,012lk..' ''liouca: OffiCn ,,. . "i J. M. Wright estimates furuv '""Joir Dr,:,H- M- Shaw OLASSPstw , , ' "Winj 20O.3,. ,' ",- "ATTIll 11. Sluf iuono 33(M. H. G. Butler Hoom 304 Cokn u. t. ItaHdeM., Zl'Ml W. G. Chandler AllClttTrm "oomB301and302,W Jlarahfl! r.. ' 1 -i iinj, at "iliT.tlllE 1 OAll Koitl 7:11 U :! tllii Mill 11:114 11:11 it 1:11 j a Mil l:lia u:uu p.m. North city HalU eY' 7:30 p.m. ;K" Lcavo Marslifleld CMC a.m. 7.4B a.m. , 8:15 a.m. 9MC a.m. 10:15 a.m. 11:110 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 1MB p.m. 2:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho limt HENRYVILLE COIL Nut co.il, per ton t Lump coal, por ton j Or halt ton of both H I). MUSSOX, Pftf. rliono J-J or kare onfcn if Hlllyer'i Cltu Store. 11 WOOD-GOOD WOOD W. II. LIiiro liai It at f IJS4 1 fjiU cash per load, nlw toil, i ! lU'lccs reasonable. (!.iriu;o i led. Hliiiuo '7-J. DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S WOODYAfiD North Front Suwt l'ltone 3'PJ MERCHANTS CAFE rojmlar l'btce lor Good Meals Prinns Reasonable Cor. Commercial and H'd1- FLHUGUI & WM OLDK8T HANK IN COOS COLXTV Kstablifihod 1880. ( Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on TJmo AND SAVINGS DUI'OSITS , ,., .. Officers J. W. Heunott, President. " i--t t. J. II. FIhikiraii, Vice-Presldont, r It. P. WlUIanw, Cashier. Geo. P. Wlncheater, Aast, Cashier. bol'tii coos iini'n i1 SKllVICE lauscii wm li-nve, Marslifleld tut oVj 8 a, iii. Leaves bead ol ot 8:15 p. m. STKiUIKIt iUIXCOff leaven hoiidofrlrcnWIMl . in. I.aveMAr.bfltMtF in. For chnrter uppl UOGV.m 8511IU ' Proprietor! Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE. PL'ANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" - tc most poworfnl, best eqnlPl)ed and most thoroughly raodeni twenty.Inch Iijdraullo aretfgo In Pacific water Coos Bay office Maln office Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. '' t WESTERN LOAN ItfD; puiLuimu w Assets $2,340,000.00 i Pays 8 per cent on sav I. s. KAUFMAN j LOCai IHWaui" I lW.HCAlFEA.n. t;..t iU) Marshfield jMf jariss Clliwo - t UNDEBTM OCEAN BEACH AUTOHNE Gorst & King. Leave Marshfield nt 7 a. in., nnd rettirniiiK leaving from Kniplro nt 8 a. in. Leave .Marslifleld nt H ii.iii. and returnlnc; leave South SJottgh at 1 p. i. Leave Marslifleld nt R p. m. .! ivtnrniiiK leave South Sloiigli at O p. in. : DUNGAN TJ.,tifi RLOR orEN TO JJJ 1 A regular Ut u nndertaker w cbarg phone 1954 Get your jOUPrWl'"? lluics olco do" ll I:ilu M