NE MAN WHO TRIES TO LIVE ON HIS PAST REPUTATION WILL SOON GO TO SEED Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what the Coos liny Times I". A South west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon it-cople and devoted to the best Interests of this great sec tion. The Times ahwiys boosts ami ncter knocks. Tin- Coos liny Times Is proud or Its tltlo "The 1'coi'Ie's I'upcr," "l I -strives at all times to live ., to Us name by devoting its energies to proniot log the people's Interests. MEMRER OF Till: ASSOCIATED PRESS Mo. xxxix. KstubllHhcd JH7H As The Const Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1915 EVENING EDITION A Consol Illation or Times, Toast Mali and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 109 01 00 a man mmtz DAY RUN SUED TODAY I A. Smith Lumber & Manu- factoring Company Add An other Work Day to weeK Lloyes Will be Able to Earn WCI1iy-lVU rui uum . More Wages CONDITIONS ARE IMPROVED it Mill at Aberdeen IL Is Reported 'Vlll Shirt StoiV iifUtiu County Who wains a luinuu Keel of Kir . . n t at,, mi mill o laucil 10- 1 . J ,',. 'I'hni.liHL'lvlnir vacation Kd now Koca on a, regular flvo dny ha Instead of roiir uy wuuh li. been tlio plan for somo tlmo Int. ThO IlllH Will oponuo ovuiy x excepting Saturday wncn u " ko closed down. ti,i. niMim that tlio onmloycs Llll cam twcnty-flvo per cent more hires than they iinvo uccn aim mu . . m i,.. . I..1 tilt 1A Innynnanil Bi mnt or me mum. m u ".ivw enty-fivo per cent. Tlio adding (( another day of work to tlio week III tlllO 10 II BOIllOWIlUl lllliiut;ii ondlllon or tlio lumijor maricer. w'lll Until Excess Kern For tlio present the coinpnny wilt ... unit. n,i iiipiinmr Aooiino miiui.ii atho rim with nn -occasional vessel j tike liimher to southern Callfor l to (III orders there. Any oxccsb .mhtr which mnnot ho shinned lin er these arrangements will bo piled phcre iintll the return ot mo com any itcamcr Nairn Smith, which Is ot out under charter and which is expected will roturn to tlio coos ijrrun about Feb. 1. Hcpm-tcd Itniso Thcro was tnlk about tlio city tlmt ifri Imii l)een nuotlier rnlso In tlio rice of lunilior Saturday. Suporln- mdent Arno Moreen or mo aiuiiii ompany said that ho had not na yet ttelved any offlclnl notlflratlon of rrrrtit ritltin lint linfnrn liinvtlilf illfornln on Ids last trip found the mocr coiiiiiuon. Doner, n mci Mch caused tlio mill to go on a flvo ij run. Ml M TO START AGAIN flint nt hcrdee", Wash., Is to IU- Mitue Operations ADEItllMrV. WASH.. N'nv. 29. t li understood that tlio National amber & Ilox coinpnny at lloqulnyi, oe of tlio Id;; plants on the harbor, oicq nas iiucn lino many moiuus is 1 ItA Inrlml I.. ..I..... rx ,1... i,.nilun B,H, ivil III VIIMV U lliu inunimu dumber orders that will kcon tlio onccrn hiisv a your. Logging op- "tlons In the county, -which nro "i utuLT iiiau ior a long nine, jre not suspended during tho MnkBglWiig holiday season. HIU'OUT ItlC ORDER RflSI.'lirnn n xr.. on T la RrnArtml l..r-.. .1.... .l...t.nM .l..nli r'""u' in it' mill luuti tiiiiiiur ut;m- i rri bad received a mossngo from a r-u voiiiu iiimnormau namen i""'. Honing li i,uuu,uou,uuu iuci. ft Oregon fir can bo supplied him hi r iuui it nine, wno is eounoci ;ltli tin dial and tlio price offor ft a not learned. COMIITIOXS IIIC'lTint lUmliennen at Mtvllim Impress Much lie tier Keeling Hni ' asn,, .ov. S'J. in an ""ion to Btatements showing innr M tomlitlaii'i hae greatly Improved I8d nr!io ...l. ... ..i i.- nri... -,-. vo liuitllivt'll, IllUlllUUID lit IIIU '"Mt Coast I.ninlior "Miiniifnoturors' soclatlon a tlio quarterly meot sjshowcl cldenco that tho liun r Industry is on tho upturn of bot- r times OnMnti.. .. . 1 1... ..Mt. jabernian vho ta'lkod nt tho moet .v?.1"'1 " n plainly brought out "r.ii.i. r i k .- ,..,! . "' me lu c rmeii aro standing to ineras tVir before to 'bring tho utry o ,t oi Its depression, luM.lSi() 0 PKX'XSVIA'AXIA no t t isKS ni:iav liUin (In,. Wlil.'li ir.l,li.iif 'lYiiveU Is. Dherl il to Another Homo This .Morning IB AMocltwtf rre , p, VlJ Tim. Pun u,i , ..... . .. . .. nn iTrifV.. "' . . ?.y;.:'T: Ilk.n " ' e cw orK UIVISIOII Ul w lennivhiniii. i-.iii-n,.i wm iitnck- M for iri i,ours today and tho J? on wucj, prosldent Wilson .""ert. l to other routea as tho re- ,"' yi a i e ision between init - .. two "nt tr weas f ' s hero last night, rt No ttl'Kl SS T is ur.tianKi) iNVAidi) 1 f rr In rum RaY Tltlie.! Bt ASIUNi.loX, D. C. Nov. 21). BeSoup, Pikota state tax Imposed " l"il nn llir. U'All.Tl'iirirn mill tho Woll-Fargo ami .imon,.... ., -' mm i vitr, s Companies, was P'i lo i d today by tho Supremo IIKODTPUI !fflC BLOCKED mm BURNED SENATOR KERN HALF OK CITV OX SANTA CATA UNA DESTROYER Dmiiugo Is Estimated at Ono ."Million J)ollars Placo Is Famous Among Tourists ' iny Aoclalcd Trei to Coot Dy Tlmci.J LOS ANOKUJS, Nov. 20. Moro than half of the town of Avalon, on Santa Cntallna Island was destroyed by flro today. The damago Is esti mated at n million dollars. Avalon Is tlio town on tlio famous Santa Catallna Island which Is vis ited by so many tourists to South ern California. Tlio trip Is mado from the mainland in boats ami Is an excursion which thousands lmvo taken. SOLD 6S0 TICKETS FOOTHALL VISITOItS RECEIVE MORE Til AX GUAHAXTEE Albert Powers Loads Ticket Selling llrlgado with IH Small Pro fit Is Dlviihsl A total or 000 tickets to tho foot ball gnmo of Friday wore sold, ac cording to tho figures as they liavol been checked up. AH oxpenscs wore cleared and It was possible to allow tho visiting team approximate ly $30 abovo tho guarantee. Tliolr! oxpenscs ran up over this mark, be cause of extra hotel bills Incurred in tho delayed trip In hero. Tho High llecord Albert Powers sold tho largest number of 'tickets. Ho got away with C8 and Florence Powers was next with a sale of 4 8 tickets, Clar onco Ilurrows sold 38, Harvey Wal ters, 31; Nolllo Warwick, 31; Jens Hansen, 25; Wilda Harris, 27? draco Williams, 10; Sarah Kscott, 10 and Until Carlson, 10. Tho other snles mado by students ranged lowor than theso abovo numbers, but lu general tho support wns very good. Proflu Is Divided lloth Hon Fisher ami Frank I). Cohan worked incessantly lu getting tlio gamo nrranged and lator in str ing it, ami when no ono olso would guarantee tho expenses of tho trip, thoy agreed to do so, honco receiv ing a (.muter share of what llttlo was mado. Tho high school and tho visiting team also rouelved a share. TWO PKTITIOXS AOAIXST Sl'X J)AV CLOSIXM LAW AIH! OUT Aro lleing I'iiely Signed To Call Initiative Voto on .Mensiuo Passed In I Hill Two Inltlatlvo petltioiiB to voto on the repealing and tho abolishing of tho Sunday closing law wore be ing circulated in tho city today and wero being frooly signed. Tho pe titions havo boon forwnrdod by tho Independent Retailors' Association of Portland, and it Is said that tho petitions aro going to all parts of tho stato. Causing Discussion Tho law, which was onacled lu 18C4, has caused considorablo dis cussion niul argument throughout tho state. It is now claimod that thoro novor has boon grunted nn order restraining tlio District At torneys and tho Shorlffs of Oregon from enforcing the law, though thoso offlrors have Interpreted an ordor rocelvod by them, as a restraining order. Must fiho Addresses Tim nlLMiors of tho Initiative peti tions must put down their Btreot and Postofflco addrosses mid tho porsoiiB circulating tho potitions must swear that nil names nro tho names of bona fldo persons. oimTTiTsTTpixiox SALKM, Ore. Nov. 20. Corres pondence regarding tho Sunday clos ing law, carried on betweon Gover nor Withycombo and Attorney Gon oral Georgo M. Drown, has boon made public. In a lottor from Mr. Drown to tho Governor, tho former states somo facta concerning tho law and refers to tho enso of tho Driinswlck-Dalko Collandor Company s. District Attornoys of tho Stnto. asking that thoy be enjoined from enforcing tho law as It applies o billiard halls. Mr. Drown states In his letter that this suit, which Is ponding, would ;iot prevent the Sher iffs or prosecuting attorney of a county enforcing tho low. In another letter, dated No. 20 tho Attorney General tells tho Gov ernor that In tho caso abovo men tioned that no Injunction was grant ed Mr. Drown says in this lottor that tho District Attorney or Mult- S?.".. misun erVtdliig on them to appear and show causo was believed to no a i" v junctlon. Mr. Drown says that man) of the District Attorneys and Sher iffs still believe that thoy havo been t.mporarllyeuotned. MKASKIU: I'IMIKLD IPX AHOtUtel l'r to Coct By TlmM.l x WASHINGTON. D. C. Nov. 20. The New York antl-allon labor law. which makes It compulsory to om nlov onlv cltlirens In the construction of public works, was today held con stitutional b,- tho Supreme Court- WOULD REPEAL LI F 0 Re-elected Chairman of Demo cratic Senate Caucus by Un animous Vote Today PITTIFeLEETED Chosen to Succeed Senator Saulzbury of Delaware, Who Wished to Retire MUCH BUSINESS ON HAND Gathering May Continue fr Several Days Predicted that Lewis of Illinois Will lie Named As tho Party whip tllr Auotlttrd rreu to Coot Ilr Tlmn. WASHINGTON, D C, Nov. 20. Senator Kern, or Indlann wns re elected chairman of tho democratic sounto caucus and floor leader by a unanimous voto today in tlio confer ence of senate domocrnts. Senator Plttmcn of Nevada was elected socretary or tho coherence, to succeed Senator Saulzbury or Del aware, who wished to relinquish the office. Tho selection of vice chair man, mid president protein ot tho senate, committee assignments and the special committee on rovlslou of rules was postponed until Wednes day. Much lliislncss Up Senator Kern was authorized to iiamo a now steering committee of eight to bo npproved by tho conror enco Wednesday. Chairman Owen, or tho special committee Hi rovlso rules, will sub mit a roport Wodnesdny, recom mending a modified form or debates. Tho conrerenco may prolong several days. Forecasts Mado He-election or Senator Clarko, or Arkansas, as president pro tern, and Senator Lewis, or Illinois, as tlio party whip was tho forecast. Important commlttco vacanqles, mostly on tho Republican side, aro to bo rilled, as well as committee places found for now Domocratle Senators. Tho IIouso Democrats conferred with a more difficult tnsk because of reduced Democratic niotnborBhlp. Hoforo tho Houbo ways and means commlttco, Hepubllcan Maun ap poarod and stated what tho Repub licans want In representation on tho committees. Tho Democrats aro op posed to Increasing tho liumbor of Kopubllrans on any commlttco which deals with party measures. It was decldod to leavo the selections to Mann hlmsolf, ur to a Hepubllcan caucus. STAGE CAFE FIGHT .MUX CHIUTF. "ItOl'fJII UOl'SK" AXD AUK TAKF.X TO .JAIL Karl CliMmlni ami Hal llucr Plead (iiiilty to Charge ami aro' Kmh Fined $'M Today rcnrl Chlsholni and Hal Daxtor iilomlnil Ulilltv ill tllO IIOlICO COIirt this morning to creating a disturb-1 nnco In tho Right Cafe last ovonlng; and wore both finod $25, which thoy paid. They worp nrrcstCd about nine o'clock last night and placed in jull. Tlio men wero sam iu u i viv , rrancisco nas wriiieu coroner vu whon thoy entered tho restaurant bon asking Tor Intormatlon rogard- whoro they Immedlutoly boRnn enrs- Ing mid tnlk'ing louuiy, uccorouiK io witnesses. ,'v -IlEiJ Struck Two Men Andrew KrlckBon, who claimed i hat ho had clven them no provoca tion rocelved a blow on the head. Ho foil across a stool and as D. L. told the lady wua that tho body started to pick the man up, ho too : rocelved what ho termed ".a peck on i HJU ji-i A hurry call was boiu ror me po lltU. UW, HMH f....... ...... .. ,, Shoup responded, anil inter tue ni or Dert Tribboy was needed to get the men uniior control. Chlsliolm and Daxtor both rought cxtracatlon. The rornier backed In to the corner with a sugar bowi in his hand, but ho was hold helpless when Gordon Smith shoved In nnd grabbed him by the throat, whllp with the other hand tho oMcor tap- ped a uysianuer, wuo mruw uu mn . 1 1 ll... l.lnt COai UUU BUllfiui iu i,.v..v.v, w.. tho hoad with tho butt end, or his gun. The second man who lntorrer ed desisted in n hurry, and Chlsliolm and Daxtor wero taken to Jail whore they spent tlio night. tilvo Testimony Andrew Krickson was called on to i corpus proceedings and the caso ot testUy this morulng In the PolIco;jhQ Catholic church or Handon vs. court. So was D. L. Foote. IIo , j,0 city of Dandon Involving an as said that ho had tnken no part in tho Eessmont for street Improvements, rracas and was playing the part on Tne adjourned term of circuit tho "Innoconf bystander." court will bo opened nt Coqullle a Officer Richardson said that pre-woek from t0(ay uy judge Coke, vlous to tho time tho mon entered Tjl0 regular Decomber term will op- tim nterlii Cafe ihev had gone aboard the launch Rufralo Dill and had kicked two or the window lights out. JudKO Dutlor scored tho men and fined both $25 which they paid and were released. Steamer Sneeilnell sails south Wednesday, P. ". from Vorth Rend. Tickets at Abstract orflco nt Mai-shficld and Fainter McCulloni, North Rend, SEEKBULLETSIRE NEW ORLEANS FIRM WANTS TO 1U1' ENTIRE LOCAL SUPPLY Will Also Take High Power Onus Offer From Xow Orleans Do- Hoved Tltey nro Meant for Vflla Offering to buy up cartridges lu three classes, up to 500,000 in each class, mid high-power military or scml-mllitary rifles lu any mimbcrs, tho National Arms Com pany, of New Orleans, Is address ing lotters to hardware dealers. Ono of them bus Just been received by tho Murshfield Hardware Company. It Is believed tho arms nro for the armies of Villa in Mexico. The classes or bullets asked for aro thoso of tho 30-30, the seven millimeter and tho 30-10 calibre us well as tho 303 Savngo calibre. May bo For Melco. Recently tho United States rec ognized Carranza as President oi Mexico, and at tho same tlmo put nn embargo on tho importation or arms and ammunition to any but his armies. The result has been to leave Villa and other guerilla bands without a sourco or bullets and guns. It Is thought barely possi ble theso lettors Indicate a determin ed etrort to secure tho necessary death-dealing Instruments as these armies are still righting. This, how ever, Is merely a surmise, as there Is nothing to Indicate tho purpose or tho purchase Also it Is pointed out that Job bora are given Instructions not to soil except to bona ride dealers. The letter, which Is signed by Charles K. Jones, manager, goes on to say that ir the local linn Is un nblo to secure what is naked for maybe thoy will order thorn from "sporting goods dealers, hardwavo Jobbers or wholcsalo grocers, who might bo anlo to handle lots or from S000 to 25,000 bullets tu each class." Off ei' Cash Payment Payment would bo for cash and the company also asks what freight would cost In shipping and how soon tho supplies could bo sout. Mr. Neff said today that bis company will probably havo nothing to do with tho offer. Ho believes theso lotters nro being .bout to various parts of tho United states. HF.MAIXS OF MAX, PltODADLY WHF.CIC VICTIM, DISCOVKIIKI) Washed I'ji list Night cut Light house Reach Near tho Scene of Disaster Another body, supposed to bo ono of tho missing victims or tho Santa Clara wreck, was round last evening on tho light .house beuch near tho Cape Arago Btutlou where It had been washed up, Tlio discovery was made by Ralph Darker who resides in that neigh borhood and who reported tho mat tor to Cant. Dunson of the light sta tion. Tho latter notified Justlco of i lion, ino inner uoiiiieu jusueo oi tho I'eaco Ponnock who is ucting as coroner In the absence or Fred Wll-, son. On tho direction or tho Jm , ..v ,.. ,.,..-..-. ..,.,. n...v . iii'iv i-nni. iiitiiflmi nun nnrKtir innv led tho body up from tho beuch to a! r.W" r L" ? "".".' .V" .".:.. ''"".: .."';" ".tu"'" "Ul uu ""'""'" 111 V IIIU1Z1I1I1- i ana) Ub'll". Thero is no ohanco of IUontlfylng IHU lUllllllllH UD (liciu HUB lltlllllllb but the trunk lo. The head, lew all,! hnnils w.r irnnn un.l lh tho roinalns us there was nothing uliil hands wero gono and tho body wua llttln morn tlinn a Hknlntnn justlco Penuock and Undertaker Moon loft this morning for tho hoach. It Is likely that tho body wlll bo burled there. Want Information Mrs. Mnrgarot Weller of San ing John Weller, ono of tho four in on whoso boiI.les wero missing from tho Santa Clara wreck. Mrs. Weller stated that sho had read that a body had been found which was apposed to bo that of Weller and wanted Information. AH that could found hud been burled ut tho beach and that thoro wns no chanco of Iilontlflcation. The only rouson Hi wns tlinnclit In tin llm cornin of U'nl - '" 1Ha IIIHI MtV ..,., w ,, ..u. IIIUU,II, tho body was that or a man who false teeth and Weller was tho eld est of the four men missing. TO HOLD COURT i)j()iTtM:D SKSSIOX OF CIR CUIT COURT TOMORROW T.wi pai-k wilt tm tn rnnulliol tomorrow to hold a special session " . . .. or circuit court to dispose or somo pending cases. Among those slatod to com up aro the Oldland Haueas on December 13 and It Is expected that Judge Sklpworth of Eugene -will bo here to dispose or some actions in which Judge Coko is dlsqualiried. Judge Coko has set Friday, De cember 10, as "Naturalization Day" and It Is expected that a large num ber ot applicants for their first and final papers will appear. Since tho European war started tho number of applicants for naturalization papers lias increased perceptibly Fl D ANOTHER DD MID DEFINE PEACE TERMS London Paper Says Time Has sCome for the Allies to Take Action TO DISCUSS PEACE Plans Being Made for Con gress to be Held at Berne ' in Short Time APRIL DATE SUGGESTED American Members, or International Oi-gnnlmtl'in for 'Durable Peace Thinks That Is Rhsht Tlmo for (athcilng to bo Called tllr AuocUled rim lu Coot IU7 ItuiM.) LONDON, Nov. 20. llelior that the time has arrived ror the Allies to begin to define clear and definite terms of pe'aco wns expressed by tho Post- In nn editorial, on the ground thut there then would bo less chnnco xif losing In negotiation! what has been gained on sea mid lu the field. ARRANOK COXGRKSS Ponce Meeting to bo Held In Slt crlniid Soon IMr AiiocUtd IIym to ti nj Tlmn,) HKHNH, Nov. 20. Tho executive committee of" tlio International Or ganization ror Durable Peaco will meet nt Hern shortly to nrrango n program Tor tho Congress, which tho American mombors Biiggci'. should bo hold In April. GOVKRXOR DKCLIXKS Unable to o on Henry Kurd's Kit ropenu Peace Mission SALKM, Oro., Nov. 29. Governor James Withycombo received a tolo graphle Invitation from llonry Ford, asking him to become n niomber of n peaco delegation to Uuropo. Gover nor Withycombo announced unit ho would bo unublo to accept. to imlAis (IRKKCi: RKADY TO DISCUSS KX TIJNTK POWKRS DKMAXDS Message from Alliens Says Xote Asking Wliat Is Wanted Has Decn Received IPr Aioclile4 PrM lo Coot IJr Tlmm. LONDON. Nov. 29. Tlio Greek governmont Is ready to iUbciibs pro iinflltlnnu made hv tho ontouto pow- """.", ',... in .inmnniia wlilnli ! o and sa fy a 11 loiuu da w 1 Ich ' l ffin. U pn d. to ho Kv '?""" X""'d t0 tl10 X tYlll liut t.,j..i. w....ww ..n - , "- ------ , message from Paris says: "Tho 'Crook KovornmonCB roply to tho last ,10to of tho entente uowew was do- ii,...,i c.,.,,l,.v unva nn Allmnu iIIh- - "I ""';,,:,'". ;,,.'" r. Tho entente noto was In re- !""" "". , r.o.,.' ,,,nu( tnr urn. ,BrnKfi? t7cI?0" to what was l! InforlUUtlon US to What Was wanted. DIES AT SALEM MR. ALFRKD "MACHADO, WKLh KXOWX IIKRH, PASSKS AWAY Two Weeks Ago Agtsl .Man Win Committed to As)lum Came Here iu Kurly Da- (Speciul to Tho Times.) SALKM, Nov. 20. Alfred Ma ' cnn,i0 commltto' t Bnno o8yiUin hor il to tho stato in- rn frntn C.nnn Pnnn. v. .. ,i,u nun. ts dend. Ho was 1 . ,.i. ...i i. i...i I hero and has been falling much since that tlmo. Alfrod Machado wns born In Portugal nnd was about 75 years or age. Ho came to this country In tho iIO'b aboard a sailing ship around Capo Horn. For many years ho rollowed tho sea. Ho used to sail out or tho Coiiulllo on ships running down to San Francisco carrying coal and lumber. Ho at one tlmo was aboard tho schooner Llttlo Annie, with - Contain Rackleff as ilrst otflccr and later sailed with him on a small steamship. After soveral years at sea tho de ceased bought property on tno lower Coqulllo River, whoro ho set tled. D.uring,tbo salmon runB ho formerly conducted a "saltory" thero being no canneries ut that time, and tho fish were shipped to San Francisco. Wife Is Dead Ho was married at ono time, but his wlfo died many years ago. Thero were no children. Tho deceased wos ralrlv well orr ror some tlmo. There Is ono brothor, Jason Mach ado. or Myrtle Point. It is believed he had no other relatives in this country. Tho deceased was verv well known by tho old pioneers or Coos County Llbby Coal, ?5.00 to". Phono 72. m INSULTS IDS. GALT MAX ALLKGKD TO HAVH WHIT TUX II Mil LKTTF.HS (Ues Xamo as Samuel Wlilto and Claims to bo an Inventor Is Ariestcd (Or Asiocltteil rreu to Cooi Oar Tlmn. NKW YORK, Nov. 20. A man describing himself as Samuel White, aged 27 and nn inventor, was nr reBtcd hero today charged with hav ing written Insulting letters to Mrs. Gait, the President's fiancee, and her mother, Mrs. Dolling. White, according to the police, admitted having written concerning a patent egg-carrier, to bo used in tho malls mid two new mlisleal In struments, tho salo or which he is seeking to promote. WHEAT UP TODAY WIIKAT IX CHICAGO .ll'MPS TWO AXD A HALF Canadian Government Grain Sel.- iii es Does Xot Change tlio Portland Grain Market Illy AHocltlnl I'm lu Ciioti IKy Tlmn CHICAOO, Nov. 20. Wheat Jumped 2 1-2 cents at the opening today, as a result or the Canadian governments grain seizure. It sag ged during tho day but closed at Its opening quotations. AT PORTLAND ny AmkI1M rirm to Cooi nr Tlmn.J POHLAND. Nov. 20. Wheal prices hero wore unaffected by tho grain seizures lu Canada. Asked jirlces wero from hair a cent lower to one cent higher. TRADE SUSPE1DED WINXIPF.G GHAIX F.XCIIAXGF. HAS RKKX CLOSKD ToiiiMrury Action Result of Govern ment Commandeering Millions of Diishels of Wheat Uy AiotlttJ Ti'M lo Coos Ili Time WINNIPEG, Nov. 29. Suspen sion or wheat trading on tho Winni peg gruln exchungo, tho result or n governmont order yestordny com mundcerliig twelvo to fifteen mil lion bushola or wheat, probnbly wlll bo or short duration. A meeting or tho gruln exchungo council will bo held Into today for discussion of tho necessity of further suspension. DENIED IX LOXDOX Rrltlsh Government Claims .No Knowledge of Wheat Matter (nr AuwUtm 'mi to om nr Tluin.) LONDON, Nov. 20. "An offlclnl press bureau statement Bays: "With reference to tho announcement from Ottawa that tho Cnnudlau Kovorn- inont commandeered 1(5,000,000 bushels of wheat at the request or I llm llwl.loli i,nitinlilnlll lit., hnnnl nf ' tllU llllllOI. h"', 11.17 " " agrlciilturo states that tlio llrltisli government mado no such request nud has uo Information on the sub ject." PREPARESJVIESSAGE PRESIDENT HAS ADDRESS 'IU CONGRESS Auur'i' iii;.tn,v Dlscussel It and Also Peaco Ques- tlou With Colonel House iu New York nr amoc-uim rrti io coo nr Tim.j WASHINGTON. I). C. Nov. 29. President Wilson returned from Now York this njornlng and Imme diately went to tho Whlto Houbo nnd resumed work on his uoxt annual address to congress. Mrs. Gait, his riancco, romainou In New York to purchase a part of her trousseau. The President has tho main out lines of his address finished nud ex pects to got It into final shape ror tho printer today. Ho took tho ad dress with blin to Now York and dis cussed It with Colonel E. M. IIouso. While In Now York, tho president is understood to havo discussed tho outlook for peace lu Europo with IIouso, who went abroad soveral months ago to Investigate the situa tion for tho president. FIND SfGUILT! JOLIET XEGRO MUST HANG, THE JURY SAYS Was Convict Charged With Mur derlnir Mrs. Allen, Wlfo of the I-'()i-inr Warden By AuoUte4 Vnt lo Coo Day Tlmn.) JOLIKT, III., Nov. .29. Josoph Campbell, negro convict, today was found guilty of murdering Mrs. Mai- 7l flilpttn Allpn wlfn nf fnrmnr Warden Allen, in tho warden's npart - mentfl of tho nonltontlary bore. Tho verdict fixed tho punishment by hanging. IS E P Put Remnants of Serbian Army to Flight and Opened Way to the South . FATE ISlCERTHII Reports Concerning City of Monastic Differ Widely and Little is Actually Known MAY HAVE BEEN CAPTURED Xot Yet Apparent From Which Di rection tho Anglo-French Forres Wlll bo Attacked Quiet Is Ro jierted on Western Front TWO LKADKRS MARK FORKIGX VISITS tlly AwwKUtnl Titm ww tl7 Tlmn.l DICHLIN, Nov. 20. (Wire less Sayvlllo) Umporor William arrived In Vienna today and paid a personal visit to tho AiiBtro-llungarl-nn monarch, Frnncla .losoph Kitchener at Paris PAHI8, Nov. 2!). Karl Kltchenor nrrlved hero from Italy today. Ho was given an ovation by soldiers and travelorn when ho Btepped from tho train. MAW ('AXXI).V ARK TAKKX FROM SKRDIAXH lily AumrlilM rrra. U Coot my TlmM. RERUN, Nov. 20. Ar my lieadquurtprH announced today that lu the Serbian campaign C02 cannon wore cntiluroil. 4' Illy Auocltlnl PtrM lo Ceo luy Tlmn ) ' LONDON, Nov. 29. -With Rer un's announcement that tho flight of tho Beauty remains of tho Sorb inn army Into Albania hud brought Germany's oporntloim ngnlnst Serbia to n Biiccessrul conclusion, tho ob Joct of which wns to open linen of communication with JIulKurla and Turkey, Intoreat in tho Dalkans turned to Houthorn Serbia, whoro further ndvuuce or tlio Dulgnrlnns Is reported. I'ato of Moiiastlf Tho fnto or MoniiBtlr romnliiB ob scure. Reports on tho subject vnry from uu assertion that tho city Im still lu the hands of the Serbians, to a claim that the DulgarlaiiB, ac companied by dotachmonts or tho Teutonic forces, occupied tho city. Movement Secret It Is not yet apparent from which direction tho Anglo-French forces In Sorbin nro to bo attacked. An nn mlstnknblo lull prevails on tlio East ern front. In tho west, Pnrls says affairs aro Miwir.-iiiv n ii lot with tho execution of hand grenade engagements In tho Artols district. AF FEARED CREW OF DESTROYED FRENCH VESSEL LOST Tun llrltisli Steamers Sunk nud and Crew or Ono Is Xot Accounted For ny AiuocUtfel I'rc-M lo Coo By Tlmw.J LONDON. Nov. 29. Tho French Bteanishlp Algerlo was Hunk. Twen-ty-nlno mombora of tho crow uro missing mid eight wero saved. A messago from Maraelles says a Dritlsh steamship was sunk lu tho Mediterranean by n submurliio. No word bus, been received of tlio 20 uiomiioru or tlio crew una u is i cur ed that they huvo perished. tim llrltisli fitcniuBhln Tanla was sunk and the crow lauded. EXGLAXD HAS NO DEAL CHIXA W W Such Was tho. Announcement Made Officially Today by tho Jupau- cm) Foreign Office (Dr AuMlUed rr4 lo Coot llty TIdm.) TOKIO, Nov. 29. Great Drltaln bus informed Japan that tho Dritlsh government has not contemplated an ulllauco with Chlnu, a ban been reported, tho Japanese foreign of fice officially announced today. DRAINAGE li-VWS . ARE UPHELD TODAY (Dy Aito(.Ute4 ffu lo ovf my Time.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Nov. 29. Tho Nebraska drainage law today was up- held as constitutional by tno ji supremo court Tho Missouri drainage law was upheld as constitutional. OIL! SAVED ALLIANCE IDE