SWp .4W1 iftrtP AJVAtsmpflSHX 1 J" - r U.-E..IJJ Am L. WrZZT . i f;rW ti Duke Thought the "Oild Boy" Needed a Shinel Hi vbS $r"52 I I """ ' 5gJy I ffb bahirjdjhe - ' -&" pKyed .joU like.- Lti' s ' World Cotor Printing Co, 8l.liOUli.W aifass tejfhe toy- called a cop, bu.-fc- 5 pulled, my foot bojck before the- cop got there,, cvnd the police rrs:n go-ve the - you.natep the Icxud L, he Sbjd. ibe boy Bad been dreajTiincj, but jut then the cop took eother3 ooR - pill 11 -ft TTIS llfHgflNlNI dsSMi he hSucL t?od de&mlTool . "I "TIN SOLDIER" An Amusing Game For Our Good Girls And ANNA BELLE Helps At a Church Supper IrH 1m " uood i0 nmm V 'v ' PLAY FROM THIS SPACE THIS1 WHOLE GAME BOARD MU5T PIRST RE CUTOUT, PASTED ON CARDBOARD, AHO THE GAME S REAOV TO PJ.AV- THE PLAYER SELECTED POR FIRST CO PLACES A PENNY ANYWHERE IN THE LONG SPACE MARKED'PLAY PROM THIS SPWCE"ANO I3Y THUMPNS THE PENNV WITH THE FOREFlNCieR. ENOEAVORS TO MAKE IV STOP ON SOLDIER NUM3ER:(0 IP THEY DO THIS THEN THEY Mtt NEXT TRY FOR SOLDIER? NUNiraER (Z) AND SO ?N IN ORDER UNTIli THEY HAVE MAOE THE PENNY STOP ON EVERY SoLOIER - VH e PLAYER NAKINO. THE, PENNY STOP ON ALU THE SOLDIERS IN THE PEWE5T NUMI3EP2 Of8 THUMPS WINJTHEGAMe- I3E SORE AND SAVE THIS DANDY CAME AS YOU WILL FIND IT GOOO ENTERTAINMENT FOR VOUR NEW PARTY" 8 J&' m IS Dear Friends: Our church has Just built a new Addition and ol course they're in debt (or a part of It. Tho other night mother and several other ladles rir the church gave an old-fashion supper to help clear up tho debt and I wish you could have seen I ho crowd wo had. Marjorle and I helped with tho tables, and I'm glad to say that I ddn't spill a thins:. Tho reason I mention this Is that when dear, Undo Ezra and I were taking our trip around tho world wc happened, or rather Undo Ezra happened, to an accident In this Hay. Wo were In u swell cafo In Paris when (he waiter stubbed his toe and a big bowl of soup landed In Undo Ezra's lap. Of courso. the manager camo and apologzcd, but Undo Ezra, the dear old fellow, just laughed and said It wouldn't have been bo bad, but it wasn't his soup. You may know we wcro treated royally In that cafo ever after that time, and tho manager w6uldn't tako a penny for It either. If you haven't written for your Certificate of Membership now Is the time to do so. Just address me care this paper, encloso a two-cent stamp for postage and I'll bo glad to send ou one. Or, If you're an officer in your SOCIETY will send as nany as you wish for yourself and members. Re member wq want to do a great work this winter, and nowis-the very tlmo to raoko preparations for it. Some' poor people will havo a hard tlmo of it when tho cold days como and our SEWING SO CIETY should do all It can fot them. Let's all join in and each do their llttlo part and wo'U be sur prised at tho great good wo can accomplish. Write as soon as you can, dear friends, for you may know our letters aro eagerly read by your loving, f , c ASlr r l II l p 11 l Aw J UK s:- .-A V ga jlrVMfc V I g iff HI y i 1 J LA a r v -i. IhTa I vLl' "1 m I '"I I rl . f J l I'! .11 'I Mk I UlfjL I vie v j1 lJ Hi r"Nl'? li'i " i tW w P&H. 2sST7i drr-&r !a ftlSi" I.AalJr 1 v JMrndmi ..viiiiv . ,.oaMia" n l sLv efer -JBiggr',,,?TgBMi Q n"iVilgig - , .H: