1CWJS. MARSHFIELD, OREGON? FftllJAV; 'NdMffitfB, id15-EVENING EDITION. i " C THREE The Central Avenue Booster -fc. ,-A.M.a,.Ait t.n,I.U. ff tOb. ! CENTRAL AVEXUE, FRIDAY, NOVKMHER SO, j)l No. (II Choose Your Gift With Care .. OS - T til ; GIFT Is ever a constant reminder- of tlio giver. How Impor tant K It. l,cl1 t,'",i Kmv remembrance bo it Hiiltuhlc select In". here you will kim) daixtv pieces toit persoxal ' adornment niamomlH and precious stones HioorhcM, Iliw-oleKlSnMlriMM HlngS Scnrf Pins, Etc., iirlc-ct very icnsonubly. ' See our Hmcclct Watches, ijiri.oo np. Upon small deposit any aitlclo laid a-ddo. WiIson4s Jewelry Store 78 CENTRAL AVE. PH0NE l51.L Tiiri lVlATir Rnnofnvp am f.L 1 A inu tt oiHo un vemra. avenue llcio wo arc. to servo your, J. O. Jurvis and Emll GnbrleNon ulth a complete lino or no wnpapers, jiialwJIclH, iiingu.liies ' Mnlloucry, cte. tf . " , Bco our lino of FANCY' DOLLS and CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES Marshfield News Company (Formerly Frlccn'M Storo.) r,.n AveH0 Wo will dellvpr any iiuik-.Iiio or newspaper to your homo on tlio day of publication. , WIS WILL MOVE AHOUT .JANUARY 1 INTO Till! HUILIHXG OX COMMERCIAL, NEAR SECOND, X(' REIXG VACAT j;i) 1IY TUB PUGSLEY CANDY CO THE LAHGHR , QUARTERS Wllili KXAHLE US TO GIVE YOU JIETTEK SERVICE JAY DOYLE TAILOHIXfl CLEANING, FHESSIXU Will call anywhere any time. 2."5(l Central Avenue 1'liono 'Mil Don't Delay in Picking Out the Christmas Gift Come In now vthllo.uo Mill hao a largo uNsortment of tlioso Iiamlsoiiio MYRTLE WOOD NOVELTIES. You can't find a gift that will bo as miidi nppieclntcd. Thoy ro light, easily packed, and tlio cost of sending them Is miiuII. REHFELDS 'Phono 27J5-J. Siieclal Order Woik a Specialty il'M Central Avenue EFFICIENT SERVICE PROMPT AXI) CAREFUL A'lTEXTlOX GIVEN TO ALL LINKS OK INSURANCE :: :: :: :: E. I. CHANDLER,. Insurance Agency Coke llulldliii: ,, , MnrshfJcId, Ore. TT PLAN TO TAKE Sunday Dimieer A'J? THE Chamidlleir Hotel A GOOD MENU The Hub of Central Avenue I THE OKXTlMIi AVEXUE UOOSTKItl thnt It Is "boostliiK tlio town" Published Kvcry Friday in the Inter cstfl of Coos nay In General and Central Avcnuo In partlculnr. Entered at tlio Postofflco as strlctlv Hrst-CIass matter: tlinrn is nnihino Second-Class about Central Avonuo.'l auuBunimun l-nce. your good will, nnd membership In tho Booster club FOR RENT Tl " "- D HERE are In iMnrshflclU, a number ot houses thnttfbear this well-known sign, 'llluat , how many there aro dopcndsAipon whom you ask about It. Ono In I fornmnt will tell you there aro only a few. ,Ho gets his Information from reading tho want ads and tho tho reports ot prosperity In Kansas. Ho doesn't look around inu'en has rheumatism, maybe. Another will toll you there aro four or flvo hundred, or mnybo more. Ho is tho man who delights to minimize such things, nor over state, out ot pure cusscdncss or a destro topknock. SMILE-A-WHILE . PRICES FOR PUFFS T In calamity and tlio nolso thereof, and wishes to lot everybody in on what ho enjoys so much. You will notice particularly, If you pursue tho subject, that ho predicted' this atatoV things precisely, somo httlo tlmo ago. Kvor nollco ' how many prophets of nn event appear after It has happened? Somo pcoplo aro always predicting misfortune, and it they kcop on, thcy'ro sure to strlko It somo tlmo or othor. Then they enjoy tholr reward for this rich service to humanity. Neither of tho foregoing state ments, howovor, Is accurate. Wo don't mean to Imply that anybody's lying. It wouldn't bo a "scoop" If wo did, and wo might as well bo patlont till the Judgment day nnd got tho straight facts. It you will take tho trouble to count, tho vacant houses, you will find that a hundred Is not far from tho number either way. That's not very many for a town of this Hlzo, but it's somo too many for tho "Ilooster" to pass unnoticed, with out Inquiring Into tho reasons. Aro theso houses vacant becauso so many pcoplo havo loft town? Not on your daguorrotypo. Such statistics ns wo havo, not excluding Iho "running" oxponso figures ol tho city, do not Indicate any do creaso In population. People havo loft, of courso, both voluntarily nnd at tho earnest roquost of Judgo llutlor. Hut othors havo coino to till tho ranks lots of thorn, Thcro Is Just ono reason for. theso vacancies, it is noi less iiiim o tiundrod now dwellings nnd npart mout houses (tho latter housing all tho way from two to 21 families caoh) havo boon built In tho past two years within tho city limits Alono ,to Baj nothing of a largo numbor (perhaps equal as to single dwellings) In Hunker Hill, First Addition, Hay Park, Mllllngjon, ICastsldo, and vithor outlying dis tricts. In other words, it Is duo (o n tendency to scok nioro modern dwellings, in lino with our ndvan'co and dovelopmout in nil . respects. Thoso now convonlonces havo boon supplied, and tho people, oldtlmors and uowcoinors allko, havo taken nd vantngo of thorn. Thoro might nlso bo mentioned a tendency, always Appurout In quiet t linos, for pcoplo to "doublo up" so that two families occupy n hquso whero thoro was only onQ before. Whon wo spoak of thoso condit ions, lot us try to know what wo aro talking about, and then not understate, from a falso notion PHHSOXAIi MKXTIOX. 13. I. CHANDLKlt will Insuro any thing but a thirst. SMHiK-A-WHIlii: HIO editor of an Kastom na- por hjis grown peovlsh, He has booiiv postered so much by pcoplo desiring froc. puffs that ho facetiously refers to hlmsclt as tho "Peerless Prince of Puff Pur veyors.". Ho thinks he has done enough for social quoons, mlnlstora who arc looking for freo advertising peoplo who havo legislative fads they wish to push nnd organiza tions, which want freo publicity. So ho has evolved the following bciiIc of prices for puffs: For tolling tho public that a man Is a successful .citizen, whon every body knows ho Is ns lazy ns n hired 1 man, $2.70. Iloferrlug to ,n deceased citizen ns ono who Is mourned by tho on-, tiro community, when ho will only, bo missed by tho poker circle, $10. 1,1 Referring to ono, ns a hero and a man of courago nnd ono who will stnnd by, his" honest convictions, when ovorybody knows that ho Is a moral coward and would soil out for thirty cents, $0.21. Referring to somo gnllivaiitln' to male as nn cstllunblo lady whom It Js a plcnsuro to meet nnd know, whon ovory man In town would sooner seo Satan coming, $8.10. Calling nn ordinary pulpit ora tor an eminent divine, GO rents. Sondlng u doughty sinner to Heaven, $fi. Heforrlng lo n deceasod merchant who never advertised In his llfo ns n progressiva citizen, $1.09, Lambasting tho daylights out of tho doinon rum at tho' requost of tho local prohibition committee, $C77. Ditto for tho prohibitionists at tho requost of tho local wet com mittee, $0.77. SMILK-A-WII 11,13 1 1- y-. TIIIXOS giCXTIIAIi AVI3XUI3 I pkopiii: wi:m: thankfuii I i-'oit i JAK10 HIM.STKOM says he thinks hooks should bo provided to go with the oyos In potatoes. smii,i:-a-wiiu,k Iil3WTHO.MAS says ho likes "Dixie" played backwnrds almost as well ns forward, SMII,i:-A-WUlM3 HAY OliMVANT was over from Commercial street this week. Ho says Central Avonuo Isn't what It used to be. SMII,13-A-WUIM3 FUAN1C I,AISI0 and Al Mendel, who occupy udjoluliig rooms at Tho Chandler, say they suffer from alternate Insomnia that Is tho ono who guts to sleep first keeps the other awake. SMII,K-A-WllII,i: AI, NBFF was having troublo on tho phono the other day and ho wanted to know If tho girls nt Contrnl know anything. "Just u moment" she said "and I'll give you information. HMIIiK-A-WlHliK I)lt. W. A. TOYK, DENTIST Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 6. Itoom 01, Irving Hldg. Central Avenue. MarMifloId ore ? Maine the oven; don't OB't fan,e the yw,stf and don't blame jurs" If the loaves are not nn c" nd light Wi thev hlioulil bo. I ' likely the flour. ' ou will save money and ljr doing h. H lames Antral Ave. nnd Waterfront Spend your evenings with Good Fellows Jlo j on enjoy n good game or llllllaid( ii good pool game, a good Cigar? If jo" t,('t Jou ul" a,w,J'8 find them at liTe Smokehouse Central Avenuo'a popular meotin - HAY KAUF.MAN' and H. J. Me Keown, (duck, i huutorn) Tlmt "ovory dny'll bit Sunday bye uud bye." FHANIC COHAN That ho almost got day off. H. .M. JI3NNIN(18Thnt, though tho winter days bo dark and dreary, they tuko tho "peak o' tho load." IKE ClIANDIiEU That ho escaped by such u closo call from being on the City Council. AL MENDEL Tlmt Al Kohlor Is now In a position to settle down to work, H0II MAUSDEN Thnt thero's ono business coucoru In Murshfleld, anyway, that hasn't any compe tition. JAKE HILLSTUOM That ho can work umld such banltury sur roundings. - HAUUY KI.MHALL nnd (5I30HOE COOK, (Councllmou) Tbats tho Port Commission was partly re sponsible anyway, for the Mill Slough drain box. IIENIIY SENUSTACKEN, (Port Commlsslonor) That tho city was partly -lospoiiBlble, anyway for tho .Mill Slough drain box. JAY DOYE That ho'a got tho most accommodating landlord on Cen tral avenue. LIONEL GOHDON That thoro nro somo business1 that 'story wonth- or doesn't shoot to pieces, J. T. HAItHIUAN That's Iio'h not ono o' them Dutchmen EUGENE FUESHMAN TEAM Tha warnied-ovor turkey Is better any how. GENE CltOSTHWAlTE That thoy seem to havo forgotten about that obsolote Sunday-closing law. GEORGE COOK says that while Dol lar Day, nnd Tag Day, and Applo Day may bo all right ho has nn Idea that Pay Up Day would bo tho best of all. Good Idea, Goorgo and wo think If ho has It wo would like tor a lot of Booster subscribers to Join in the celebra tion. HMUiE-A-WHILE J. W. M'lNTUHFF, attorney, ox- nowspapcr man, duckhuntor and author of "Tho Volloy Was Fired Heforo Sundown," returned this wcok from nn extended stay In Salem. Ho says it sooms'good to bo back on Contrnl Avonuo. Wo shoujd think it would. Wo spent four hours In Salem once. HMMiK-A-WHILi: iFUANK COHAN had u rnthor gloomy Thanksgiving because of tho non-arrival of tho U. of 0. football team, Ho maintained his' optimistic attitude to, tlio Inst, however, and yesterday morning bet Iko Chandler a $r..00 hat that tho ball would bo In action nt 2::ir in tho afternoon. Frank Rnys ho bollovoa you should "nev er say dlo until you nro dead." HMIIjI'.-A-WII1IiK - A Coos Hay woman likes to carry a watch so sho can toll how lato slio Is. NMILK-A-WlllLi: Oppoituulty Knock". -Noxt year is leap year. This gives Dou Dlx another chance. Pmile-a-wiiiij: Not Gull'y. It 1ms at last been definitely ascertained thnt W. G. Chandler Is not the archltoct who drow tho pluns for tho Egyptian pyr amids. SMILK-A-WIIILK . llnsoiui'iitM iAsik. Whonovor thoro is n rainstorm from the South east sovcrnl ot tho basements on Central Avonuo leak. Also whon It IM from tho northwest. HMIM3-A-WIIII.I3 Prosperity llcie. Itonssurliig evi dence of tho arrival of prosperity on Central avenue Is shown by an epidemic of hair cuts at Tor roll's shop tho past week. KMILE-A-WHILP. -nr.T i ' j. Q. JAflVIS AND EM1L GAHIUEL- SON That thoy broko Into Con tral avonuo society. DORSEY KREITJCER AND ASSIST ANTS That It's against tho law to keep a bank open on a legal holiday. v DAVE STAFORD That thoy' can't prevent a man front working ovor elght hours a day, for himself, anyway. SMILE-A-WHIIiE . When Jn Want of Fire, Life and Ma rine insurance which insures, see SENSTACKEN the j Insurance Man Who Did II? Not that ho caros nnj thing; about It because- ho has to pay his taxes anyhow, but nftor rending J. W. llntlur's financial statement J. T. Hnrrlgan says he would like to know who put tho budgo In budget. HMILE-A-WHILE Wilson Kaufman who Is some thing of a qulot observer and a stu dent of Shakospeuro says that when It takes a young man ono hour to lay goad bye to his best girl It Is too "much udlou about nothing." . .SMILE-A-WHILE IIALLAI) OF THE llOO.l.'lt It'i ft short tlmo to January, It's a short tlmo from date, It's a short tlmo to January When the blf drouth hits our stato. Good-by, dear old comrade, ?. So-long, Harloycom, ?' It's a short tlmo to January And my heart's forlorn. SMlLL'-A-WHILE - Wo deliver Immediately Pftone 74 " for your drug storo needs. "The Owl" Tho Contrul Avenue Drug Storo THE SMOKEHOUSE VAVIM3- I villi: I Jack Toll mo, Is your girl fond of any other kind of pets besides logs? Frod Yes, Indeed, sho owns a mnlteso cnt, n parrot, n cow and u pair of flno calves. . t Jack What, tho girl Fred No, tho cow. And, say, sho's got tho loveliest dlmplu on hor chin. Jack What, tho cow? ' Frod No, tho girl. Hut some times I wish she wnsn't such a book worm. Jack A what-worm? Fred Not a what-worm, a book worm. A woman who lovos books Is a hook-worm. Jack Then I Btipposo a woman who lovos silk Is a silk-worm. : SMILIC-A-WIIILE AT THE CIIAXDI.EH "How long will It take the lnun llry to do up a shirt?" Goorgo Lar son naked Charles Van Duyn ycBtor day. "Oh, usually about three trips," Charllo nnsworod nnd went right ahead making change. KMILE-A-WHILE XOT GOIXG "I sny, whnt'B tho tlmo?" Lionel G6rdon asked Jim Kcllond, "I'm In vited. to dinner nt six and my wntch Isn't going. "Wasn't your wntch Invited, too7" asked Jim, CENTRAL AVI3XUE HAYINGS - , -. Dorscy Kroltzcr'wns tolling Will iam about two sallormen whoso boat turned turtlo and who wore starving to death on a desort lslo. "Why didn't thoy mnko soup ot tho boat turtlo soup," asked William. "You bet n butcher has n tough Job," romarked Nick Oswald of Tho Palace. "Ycstordny a boy came In to my shop nnd said his inn wanted another ox-tnll off tho samo ox. Can you beat It?" A collcgo education Is a great thing but Oregon In gonoral and Coos Hay In particular has many fathers who support sons who know ton times ns much ns their fntliors. SMILE-A-WHILE HIS OUGHT TO RAZE A SMILE "I'vo got a razor at homo Just llko tho Mill Slough drain, romarked 'Geno Crosthwntto. "How so," naked Dr. Housowortll, accommodating as usual. "It's hollcjw ground" replied 'Geno without a smile. SMILE-A-WHILE THE TELEPHONE GIRL Tho telephone girl's volco Is swoll; Sho can't bo very old; I think Hint sho must bo nbello, She rings when sho Is tolled. JAY DOYLE And if a lino's real busy Sho's cool ns n cucumber; It novor makes her dizzy ' When sho gets n man's number. JOHN FERGUSON reakfasii: speoais WE HAVE A CHOICE LINE OF HRE.VKFAHT FOODS THAT WILL SIMPLIFY THE PROIILEM OF THE DAY'S FlllST MEAL Alitor Rolled OiiIh anil Wheat Makes Cream of Wheat Quaker Rolled Out I'ailna Steel Cut Oats (ermca (.'rapeuutH' Kellogg lllNcnlt Shredded Wheat ' Albei's Htii'kwhent Flour Motlici-V WheathenrtH Mother's OiiIh Tl'lM'llIt Uncle Sam llitvikfnst Food Purfed Wheat ' Purred Rico Corn FlnkcH Sperry'H Encore Pancake Flour Cnllfouihi Flaiijack ' aKo hao liicakfiist coiciiIh. In ten-pound hacks. Kwltf'M Promlum Hams uud Huron THE KILIIUHX IS HRIXGIXG US A FIXE SUPPLY OF FRESH VKGLTAHLEH AXI) FRUITS ' Sanitary Food Store SERVICE FIRST (Formerly XiiHburg'H Grocery.) PIIOXE lil x SECOND AXD CENTRAL ELECTRIC UTENSILS See our window of pevlnl electric cooling ilovlreM, peieolators, etc., and by the ttay, )oii had better add a lantern to your household supply, as It will come In handy, Marshtield Hardware Co. The heiit In tho Hardware Hue. Hroiiduity and Central Phono tit CENTRAL AVENUE MUSIC STORE PIANOS, ORGANS, VICTROLAS, RECORDS, SHEET MUSIC AND EVERYTHING IN THE MUSIC LINE We will be glad to arrange terms If you cannot pay all cash. Thomas Music Company Consolidation of Hoy H. Allen anil W. R. Haines" luslc Stocks l):i Centra I Avenue. Travelers to the Exposition ond anywhere else In the United 8tate will And that the safest way to carry their funds Is In the form of "A.B. A." Cheques, They are accepted where a personal check might naturally be refused. SclMdentlfyinr;. Issued in $10, $20, $30 and $100, First' National Bank OF COOS BAY "-Trr; SSStf'-WSE ;AfrtA9nw "Ki .s . w- ,... ' " Sliiftun uirntvM In Cltl1 tf th4 Umlvtru. rannma- ' -r placo. 'I