MUiLOFTJiGOOD Coos Bay Times Your Paper jte Coot Bay Timea if prona p,ote'i rlr. " Urlvwi lira 1 ,0 ,u Bm0 by doFCVDK promoting tho peopled interest!. !avy Wind and Downpour of ain Come During the Night Great Fury Bcgraph and Telephone Com- nunication With Outside Cut Off Travel Difficult i DAT TRAFFIC IS DELAYED i li Very Rough "nil .Surf All Hong tlio lleiivli Is Heavy Coinmiinlly Ih Knflrcly Iso lated 1' t-Olll OlltMMC. f JJTTLH TKLF.OHAPII m:vs IS HKCIRVF.I) Tlio telegraph wires havo been down most ot tho tltuo yesterday and today, and hut i. icry little of tho Associated Press telegraph iiowb has been received. LOCAL HAILFALL IS VKIIV IIF.AVY Total rain Inst 12 hours MG Inches. $ Total slnco storm started 5.2C Indies. 4, Tho storm of last night -wna tho wt !evcro that Coos Hay has ox- lilcnccil In a long time. After sov- Hl dajs of hard rain tho heavy Ind camo last night. For a time wind blow so hard thnt peoplo fcro awakened from tholr sleop. r objects woro plckod up anil immcd around and houses creaked though thoy woro coming down. rain most of thcj night camo in In torrents. Thoro was prob- II; conslderiiblo small dnmago. (' liny Cut Off. Coos Hay Is very much Isolnlcd pm tlio rest of tho world. ' Tho l o rough that boats ennnot Iter or lenvo port nud tho tolo- Ph ami telophono wires woro Pn down so thoro Is no cornice- P" with tho outsldo. It wns very fth Hko old times when thoro wns 1 ord from tho rest of tho coim- for scvernl days, but this will ho last Thanksgiving with tho nmunlty In this shnno. Tho "road w soon bo douo and tho I'JHPli lino aloiiir tho rluht of lll bo finished and word can ent and passengers ciuftruvol In f' of bad wenthor. Tnnol DirripiiK. BUt today Coos Rnv Ik nliniit n I plnr to rench ns thoro Is In Wintry. Tim linnet, nnli. Iln hlng trouble on account of tho VTvitt and n trip ovor that routo 1 ery risky ono. Wires Ant All Hi...... Tll Western Union wire's went n during the nicht mid thin N'ng tllO teleilhonn wlrna In llin Itildo wero nil .I..,, The bar was Rim rmmi. in.i,. ...i J' not likely any boats will bo " '0 get In or Otlt. Tlin tnlnnlmtin fe ' tho light-house wns down so nmunlcatlon ,m. i, 1... ....... t . '"' v"" Jiunii. "0 Illir l,.ll ,. .... . V 1I1 ll ItUIII rainfall last night was tho "" fr a long time, , II. n. 'lad, tho ,.. n i,. el. rl. ... ....., uuobiioi, ,v- ' 'ai since G n. m. yester- f until 10 a m today, a total of to uiues Of ran foil Rlnon Tlloa. r the heavy rain has bben on thoro ' otal of ".-2G Inches. ' total mlnrnll t ,l.a .--. ' "( OIIIVU 1110 IIIBl IPtemW i,.,b ),,. ion ti. OQUf HJ J ,,. nf , 1 , Pama n Prember. ifn n.i . ...... ... i , " uiuiiiii win jiiou r1' O 9 rornrH 1 . -i - .-.w. uivunvr. unoi year tola rain .... .- .x..- ..-.- Itl l uuio wus : inches, so Jast nJcht.a r almost hrA...i.t .- --i ..- 11... '.hiii iuu iuiui uj ' t year. l'Tl ,,, VI) .MILL HR-OPKXS fc0l'TR npvn ,..".. ..... .... Ptr.awT.. """" -0::- nt . ' or 8lx weeK8' tl10 kJp thp South Benrt M,1Is & t-Oninnnv -no...,.i nnnniin... I. !' 1 (10 COmnnnv nmnlnva 9lt 005 BAY IS SUE STOI BLOW 101 ln th mill ana camps. , of ibj title "The at all time, to " "ergieg to Established 1878 As Tho Const Mall. PASSED BAD CHECKS CALIFORNIA ASSF.MRLYMAX Hi: JX KOUOIIT 11V OFFICERS Alleged Hu 1h Sumo Alan Who Ills- Hoppenrcd Fi,, Washington Seven Years Ami tl)r AiaocUtoJ rrwn to Coo Dr Tlmn.J SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 25 Search for Edward Stanton Mills, ns- Buniuiyinnii rrom Merced, charged with pnBBlng worthless checks hero, 'resulted In an alleged Identltlcutlon or mm ns Frank Wnrncr. wlio dlsnr lioarcd from Twlsp, Washington, sev en years ago under similar circum stances. In both Instances a wlfo mid children wore deserted. Autos Have Difficult Times in Storm and Some Have To Turn Back IS Estimated to be Blowing 90 Miles an Hour and Drives Machines Before It SEVERAL LOSE BAGGAGE Surf Dashes Up (her Tho Auto Route ai(l G'etN Into (lie .Madilucs ' Coiiillllnus Worst for Long Tlmo 1'a-t Travel on tho bench auto stago routo has been entirely disrupted and cars Imvo conic through nt tho porll of tho passengers. Yesterday morning curly, tho cars wont through to tho Umpiiun. They wero delayed so long on tho road Unit thoy woro unablo to coniu back with that tldo and remnlnod until last veiling, leaving Winchester Ray about five p. m..for Coos Ray. Two Aulas d'et In Two of tho thrco stages wero nblo to como through after several mis haps but tho third auto, containing a woman and n little child, lies Id on tho driver and another man, whloh wns following did not show up. Tlio mi to boat waited two hours on tho lower bay nud as tho third unto did not nrrlvo It Is supposed that It turn ed back. Rout Could Not 1'i'iitl Again this morning tho Atlas went down tho bny, but tho water was so rough that tho boat wns unablo (o land at Jnrvls Landing ami cam hack again to .Mnrshflcld. Tho wind was blowing so heavily that Jerry Klnnoy declared no car could Imvo stayed on tho planking. Seas lashed to a fury by tho wind, flung high on tho bench, covorlng It to a depth of u foot and more with foam, which In many instances hid logs nud otlior obstructions, list Ills Snmplo Cno In tho trip down last evening U. Rosonfoid, n traveling salesman from Portland, lost a suit vaso full of snmplo lints. Ho was In tbo first mnchlno crossing Ten Mllo creok. A sea camo In and in bomo way tho door flow open and tho suit caso washed out to sea. It was said that a man sitting along sldo of Rosonfoid also lost his suitcase Stages lllimn l Reach Yesterday tlio wind blew so linrd from tho sou'wost that tho stagos woro blown up tlio bcaoh at a ter rific pace, according to Jorry Klnnoy, nud needed hardly any power to trav Mr. Kinney loft for down tho bay again about 10 o'clock this morning, try to get the stages through to the Umpqua. Lost Ills ChTthlnjj Joo Wons, u sub-contraotor on tho railroad work at Ton Mile. caught tho beach stago at Ten Mile creek yesterday and was going to Portland. Ho had a suitcase and while waiting for a boat to take him across tho Umpqua perchod up on a log. It looked perfectly safe, but suddenly a big wavo came dash ing in, washing tho log away and making Wons burry for bis safe ty. Ho lost bis suitcase but made a second dash Into tho surr and re covered it. Ho went back on tho beach a little furthor and oponed up tho suitcase to let the water out. Ho removed tho articles and wrung tho water out. laying thorn on a log A second breaker, bigger than tho BEACH MEL IS DANGEROUS Will TERRIFIC IN THIS WORLD IS SMILING MARSHFIELD, OREGON, GIVEr THANKS! vV Y lQ PWlL ,s'-SaSS VA ' ' 3vO)fo?Cv i Thanksgiving Br ANNA DLACKSTONC VAL1QUET T lUOU doal lilijj u, O our Father, tvery day and every hour. While awtko and while we're ilccplntf We are itfe in thy great power. Thou doit chow us paths of beauty. Leading on where all la bright, Far beyond the clouds and darkness. Into conscious realms of light. All the earthly cares and struggles Rave a million here, we find. They unfold the priceless beauty Hidden cvcls In mankind. And we thank thee for thy blessingi, For the sunlight, birds and flowers, For our lives nd all the dear ones Sacred to these hearts of ours. And If any should be absent In our homer Thanks-Jiving day We shall know that thou art with them, I)lessln In thy perfect way. In the fllrcit eternal kingdom We shall meet with one accord. Giving thanks and joyful praises At the table of our Lord. Every Day Thnnksglvlno Day. Wo ulipuh! malco every duy a thnut-xglvlug ilny. I hold tho mi mo sentiments upon tills subject ns tlio Into I'-. Mnlthlo llnbcoekof New York. Ho said: "Why don't peoplo have 3fH days of tliniikxglvlng nud only one of ncoldlnu'7 Tho world would ho to much happier." Rev. lu John Timothy Stone. lllETHECflPITuL!IEIiS81IREI! SKRRIAXS NOW TAKK IT SCUTARI, ALRAMA TO Tliieo CUIort I'oriliurly Occupied Full Into Hands nf tho Invad ing; Army nr AuotUteJ rreo lo Coo lit Tlmoi.) PA1HS, Nov. an. Tho Sorblwn legation hns announced thnt tho Serbian government which has buun located nt Pdsiunt Is departing to day to Sotitarl, Albania. Tliro elt los occupied Hiiccosslvoly by tlio Sorblans as their capital Rolgrado. Nish and MRrovltan havo fallon Into tho hands of tho invaders. one bofore, caught him in tbo midst of tlio operations and washed away a good share of his clothing. Reach Very Rough A. M. Oakos, who urrlvod in yes terday, said that tlio night bofoio last was tlio roughest he evor ex perienced on tho 'coast. Ho said that tho wind was actually so strong that a Ford machine could not travel against It in high goar. Tho ma chinos had to bo run. on low giar to make headway. Jorry Klnnoy said that tho wind was blowing at loast'90 miles an hour. Auto Turns Oicr. One of tho wa gons of the Warren Construction Company which was trailing behind o.. nuin ifitnlr tnrnn1 rvr lint u'onn I Marshfleld and North Rend and tlio I paving material with which It was loaded was scattered. K. FOX, ot Randon; Is among, tho Coqullle Valloy visitors boro to day. Llbby Coal, 53.00 ton. phone 72. MEMIlKIt OP THE ASSOCIATIJI) 1'ltKSS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1 A SONG OF MR. Uy FRANK L. STANTON. Hi, Mister Turkey! Ter soo you strut- tln'roun' Folks would think, I reckon, you wolah a hundred poun'. You steppln mighty hloh now, but I hot dey'll tnko you down, For yandor sots do big Thanksglvin1 table. HI, Mister Turkeyl Do folks la come ter cnllf No matter of you wolgh a ton dar's appetites fer all. Ever hear dat story 'bout Prldo what had de fall? .Yonder sets do big Thankegivln1 tnblo. IRTt.'KNK KHIttfllMFX MAY Alt RIYI1 HKRi: FOR (JA.Mi: Stugits to .Mulio Another Attempt About Noon Wiies Aro Mown l.'nuMn to Lcnito .Men L l-'OOTRALL PLAVRRS ' . ARM NOT YlvT llljllK Tlio Kimono football pluy- ' ors havo not arrived. At noon tho launch Atlas ro- turned from Jnrvls binding nud It wus stutod that tlio au- tot hall not arrived nud that t tho conditions wero such Hint thoy would not likely bo ablo O , to got through. It is thought ' posslblo that they may Ho coming In ovorland by way of Ten Milo but nothing bus heon lionrd as tho telephone llnoa'aro down. If tho pluy- ors arrived too late tho game will be pluyod tomorrow. O v With the tlmo of tho gamo but I two hours away, the football toam of tho University rreshmou is still at Oardlnor, according to reports. Another attompt is being made bo fore noon to get them down tho boach and it Is hoped tills will provo successful. Tlio Atlas went down to Jnrvls Landing about 10 o'clock. Ren Flshor wont with thorn and will try all oxpedionts to Kot tho visitors "'"' t,,ne for U' " jB The Man Behind ihe S Bird EJfflt r MINNA HIVING fffii 1 W i 2:30. There is a possibility that tho men will come la Lakesldo. Rocauio tho tolophono and telo graph wirog aro down nothing can ho verified from tho North re garding the toam A contingent of 2T. rooters camo over this morning from Coqulllo. ON US THAT 915 EVENING EDITION. CopyrlRht, 1915, by American Press Asso ciation. E honor the heroes of history's page Who gild II with greatness and glory Columbus, De Soto and all of the rest. Immortal in song and in story. They sailed to discover this land of the west Through weather unpleasant and murky, Dut there Is another we should not for-get-The man who discovered the turkey. O II, gather the drumsticks, clean pot. ished and picked, From each bountiful Thanksgiving table And rear him a monument loftier far Than the highest in fact or In fablcl Though nameless, he shines through the mist of the years Like the sun through a fog billow murky, So lei us givo thanks while enjoying the bird For the man who discovered the turkey. To Thank la to Remomber. Tho Anglo-Saxon verb "thenenn" menus to remember, nud from It us a root wo get our Kugllsli words "think" nud "tliiiuk." These words ho closely ro tated ii-mlnil us that thankfulm-sH Is n renult of thoughtfuluens nud that vi sions of tho pnst will eunhlo uh to up preolnto tho victories of tho present. E HOUTIIRRN PACIFIC IIKPOKTH A Itld INt'RRASK IN l.WO.MIJ It Is tho Liti'goxt (hilii for Orlohor In tlio History of tlio Railroad Company. (11 AukmUIkI l'rM to Ouoi nr Tlm.l NHW YORK, Nov. 25 -Tho Houlli- oi n I'aolfld Issuod a statement of onrniuuH for Oi tobor. showing an Increase ovor tlio same mouth of the niBOodliiK vonr of $1,108,107. This Is tho largost gain for that month In tbo history of tlio road nud Is In kooplug with tlio returns rocently mndo by otlior largo trans ;portatlon compaulos, especially in itho West and Northwest. I J jZ NUKIH BtNU WbWS J The kdiool census for North Horn! iH nlmost eomploto Is reported a total So far thoro of CS3. Tho enumerator hollovos that this will not bo Increased moro than 10 or 12. Last yeur thoro woro 838 oJill dreu of school ago In the district. Tho City Council has outlined tho boundaries for u fifth voting dis trict. Tho ro-urruiigod districts nro a follows: From Montana avonuo north bo ' established as one pro duct: from Montana to Washington avenue auothor; from Washington to Oregon avonuo unothor;, from Oregon south to elty boundary au othor, and all west of Pony Inlot unothor. Tho members of tlio Moose Club will moot Friday evening to dajlde whether or not thoy will rotnln (holr rluh rooms. Mrs IMyssa C Woodbury lott for EATER WE SHOULD A Consolldntlon of Times, Const Mull nul Coos Uny Advertlsor. 1ULD IKE PEACE lll-l.VKY FORI) WIMi TAKi: DRM (JATIOX TO KIROIMJ Arranging to Charter n Vessel fur I' to Sail Knrly Not Moulli Wt AmmUIo.1 TrtM to Coot nr TlmM J Ni:V YORK, Nov. 25. llonry Ford nnuoitiu'cd today thnt lio would tuko u pearo expedition to Kuropo to attempt to ond tho war. Ho will invito tho lending American pacifists to Join tlio expedition as well ns ponco ndvorntes from other noutrnl countries. Negotiations wero open ed to charter u bont to sail Dec. I. UlttJKS I'RKSIDK.Vr IVlegrani AhUs thai. Ho Altl I'oiiro AlovoiupiTt the (Dr AmocIiIM rrmi lo Com lit? Tlmm. WASHINGTON, I). C, Nov. 25. Tulegrams by tho tliotisuuds poured Into tlio Wliltehouso today from nil sections of tlio country riiglng Pres ident Wilson to iisstst tho movement for a conference of neutrals to ond tho European War. .Mrs. llonry Fork recently gnvo $10,000 to tnc women's peace party toward a tele graph cnmpalgu, which was suggest ed by Miss Juno Addnms, T THOCRI.i: AT Al'TO FACTORY AT CliKVKL-AM), OHIO. Wiir Orders Woro Mclng Filled tlio Company Onus mid Cliihs nro Urcl by 11 AmikUIp.1 I'rru Is Cw l!r Tlnm.l ci.uvhi.ani), Ohio, Nov. an. Rhots wero fired; clubs wielded, two men woro hurt nud eleven ar rested In rioting yoBtordny between strllcers and strikebreakers nt tho Theodore KuudU utitomohllo-body plant, at which war orders nro bolng filled. Hundreds of strikers at tacked tlio strikebreakers on a mo tor truck. TO REMODEL HOTEL .1. II. RRIIR.'FS, OWNCR Ob' LIiOYIt, ARRIVKS IX CTY i:pists to Mnko CliangeN fisuii Top to Rollout ami Put Riillillug In Uood Condition Complutu renovation of tho Lloyd dlotol, rocently damaged by fire, will Mm mndo Immediately, according to J. II. Rrldges, tho owner, who arrived hero last evening via tho beach stage from San Francisco. Ho Inspected his property this morning nud declnred tlio flro do- pnrtmuut had douo very quick and efficient work In getting tlio flames under control In the short tlmo that thoy did. At uticu ho oxpoots to get carpen ters ut work. Tho building will hoi1 remodeled from top to bottom and now wall paper put In. ' Tho loaso of Mr. und Mrs. 13. W. 'Hiilllvun had Just nlioiit oxplrod and Mr. Rrldgos said ho had planned any way on making many ohuiigus for u now leaso. Ho oxpocts to remain hero faovoral days. COUNCIL MF.UTS Tho North Ilond city council nt tho mooting Tuesday night passed an or dinance authorizing suwor bonds In tho sum of $11,008.22. Tho city uttornoy wns Instructed to draft uu ordinance protecting tho city regarding tho Chin Wlug laun dry building which was reported io be In a dangerous condition. An ordluanco was passod regulat ing tho awnings ovor sldowulks In the city. Tho Council agrees to pay $50 to ward tho oxpousos of tho moving pic ture film taken In North Ilond. Tho budget of expense as prev iously arranged and printed was adopted. Planking for Washington botweon Sliorman and Union, stops lending fiom Virginia avonuo grado to sldo walk on Harrison,' olonts on walk on Oregon avonuo hill, and precautions tukou to provont washing In various portions of tho city, woro discussed and tho city ouglnoor Instructed to attend to same. Iah Angeles whero her slstcd died last Saturday. Tho husband of tho lady who died la a consumptive and la not expected to llvo long. STRIKERS BE THANKHb A Southwest Oregon Paper Tliat'i what the Coos Day Time Is. A Boatk. west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people and dovotod to tho best Laterctta of tlii great section . Tbo Time alwaya booata suad aerar knocka. No. 106 Get $140 From Cash Register at National, Where Side Window Was Opened Probably Hid Behind the Pi ano Before Place Was Closed for Night GET $38 AND GOLD WATCH Attempt In Also Mndo to Oct In nt Ruck of Pullman Rut Was Not Successful Police Ilnvo Xo Cluo Two saloons woro robbed and an attempt was mndo on n third some- timo early this morning. Tho till of tlio Rrowory Saloon was tapped for $38'. 10 and tho National lost about $110. An effort was tnado to gain an ontrnnco to tho rear of the Pullman bar, but tho robbors wore unablo to open tho transom without' breaking tho glass, and ovldontly feared to do tills. Tlio poltco have no clow ns to tho robbors. Hid Rclilml Plnuo Wllllnm Cox, of tho Rrowory Sa loon, firmly believes that soma one slid In behind a piano In tho back room last night hoforo closing tlmo. In locking up for tho night Cox hoard n noise In tho rear of his establish ment and went bnck to seo what It was. Ho could Hud no ono and con cluded that tho cat had caught a rat nnd was making merry ovor Its bon es. Went, Out Sldo Door lie thought no more of tliu Incident and closed tbo doors. When ho was gouo It Is supposed tho man slid out from behind tlio piano, which stands ciosuwlso In a roar room, and at his lolsuro emptied tho till, most of tho money being In change Kncapo was easy. The bolt fu tlio Bide door was slid back ami tho man stepped Into the alloy. (Jet Through Window At tho National Saloon tho robbor had brokeh ono of tho small panes of glass In ti sldo window nud reach ed up to iintiirn tho rntch. Ho must havo hail an extra long arm bocauso tho dlstaiico ho had to roach was longer than tho length of tlio ordi nary man's arm. Rotli tills wero lapped nnd tho yield was something Hko $140. Attompt ut Pullman Kutrnnio wns attmuptnd through tho rear of tho Ptillmnn Dar. The robber or robbers had crawlod to tho top of n low shed and pried off tho Hereon from tlio transom. Under Oils (buy woro unable to open the Iraimom and would havo had to break tlio glass, which they probably wore afraid to do. (.'old Wiitdi Taken 111 tlm Rrowory Saloon tho robbors ' got away with a gold watch belong ing to (Riorgo Sudgon, who Is work ing out ut Powors. Ho had loft It thoro for safe keeping. In tho back of tho watch aro ougravod tho Initials fl. S." OPARRS WATCHFUL Public RulldliiKs ut Capital Aro Ro In;,; Closely Oiiardisl (llr AbixlilM JTm la cxm rj TlnM. WASHINGTON, I). C, Nov. 2C Watchfulness of tho guards about all the principal buildings In the 'capital Is redoubled on special or ders. Since bomb explosion wrocked n room in tho capital last summor nnd bomb plots generally havo kept tho government detectives busy, (hero has been moro than usual activity among tho guards bore, but now tho watch Is oven moro strictly kopt. TAFT PRESENTTneW EDUCATIONAL PLAN Would Convert United State Ktt us:iu of Education Into Xatloual Uiiivcixlty of Teachers. (Or A.tJelilM I'lui to Coo IU TlmM.J RQCIIKSTKR N. Y., Nov 25. Conversion of the United Statos Ru roau or Kducation Into a National University for public school teach ors was advocated today by former President Tuft, in an address bofor the Now York state teachers' aaso-n elation. Ho criticised the prent system of education In the United States as being In many Instanoaa Inoffldont. ROBBERS ENIEfl LOCAL SALOONS SO BREWERY '.! V.