' H' Vt . SHJUiUta .aiaJr k nnriArnii - VArtMnlM 4i 1 K'S'SjJ' As a t. rrcjr 7 tM .FV i'' "i uesat jLm.tv t.Jtr - p .w hit EIGHT av nratSM; ""KB? 'U 1 W(7 - Hub Dry Goods Co. "Smart Wear for Women" COItNEIt 11HOADWAY AM) CEXTHAL AVK. K K A MUKhUUV NlAn bUnM at W ,S. TUHPEX TO HE HUIUED , KIIOM MASONIC HALL MlkH1 Will llnvo Cluugo of Service Decoimed Ono of Most. Prom 'Incut Lodgenion on Hay Tlio funernl ot W. S. Ttirpon, who witB drowned In tlio lowor bay on Sunday when IiIh duck bcow overturned'', will lie hehl tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Masonic Hall, corner Koiirth nnd Central. The Elks IoiIko, of wlilch llo wob n prominent mombor, will hnvo churgo of tlio services, the Nov.. Itobort Drowning and wilt preach tlio funornl soruion. ft Inasmuch no tho deceased was very woll known. hnvliig lived nlj his life on Coos liny nml hnvlng a host of friends, ,lt Is cxpor.tod (thoro will bo many prcsont ut tho services. Mr. TjUrpon was also a mombor of tho Masons and thOjMooBo. N -.The body of Mr. Turppn, iiftc be lntf roroynrot) from thp bay, was taken to ltiutati' Undertaking Pnr Iprs nml wll remain thero until the Umq of the funeral. i ,. KI.KS TO., MEET , . All KJkn requested to meet ntjtho lodge rooms Jn tho Mn uonlc I Iivll nt 12:30 tomorrow after noon, preceding tho, funeral and al to nil friends ns woll ub lodge mem bers arc naked to attend the funernl. SEEKMYRTLEWDODti COOS KMIIIilT AT EXPOSITION imiNos HK.srirs Kl Paso Mini Wants to Make liar of H.lliiuili'ods See Kaiu'Mis Wt'oil .r I'lmt 'yimo ' li Myrtlo wood was 'ono of tho main attractions of tho Coos and Curry ox lilblts ut t'lio San' Waitclacb Kalr. ' A A k ml jinny spocuuons wore boih uioru, uhu i all of them wero ndmlrod. Ono of u tangible- results of such advortls jdig; of w'atlvo woods Is ahowh p'an l Inquiry recolvodby Kiigjmo Costh. wulto, from El Paso, Texas. . A man thero wnuts bar fixtures, ' of this wood, saying thnt ho "saw It ' for tho first tlmo In tbo exhibit at Sun Francisco. Ho appealed to a company which Mr. Crosthwnlto rop rosonts, asking for figures and tho Inquiry was then directed hero. When polluhod up tho finish that ' 3 given myrtle wood makes It stand out uulquu In tho class of hard woods. Many i pcoplo had nevor seen the wood bofoio thoy wero brought fuco to faco with tho ex hibits at tlio Fnlr this year. It is oxpocted thut this Is but the tlrst Inquiry of many who will como i later, oponlng tho way for a market f of myitlo wood products and atces- I sorlcs. i- TILLAMOOK -I). E. Heed, man u el training Instructor at the pumic schools and his little daughter wero run over by an automobile and both seriously hurt. S Weeks Break-up-a-Cold DOES THE WQRK QUICKLY 25 CENTS PER BOX Red Cross Drug Store PHONE 122 THE 11-1 Just Arrived Nearly 100 WOlderful Coats $15, $18, $20 Sin iiiiHsliiK viiIhch. A limited lot tliat ciiiiiiot 1)0 duplicated ut the price. Sonic Willi trimming of fur, braid mid velvet. Newest high collar, latest stylo in flaro miidcR Como In and sco those coiitn for join-soU! Wo cannot do tliem Jiih tlco by any printed description. I'hono :toi POUT- AND CITY DIFFEHENCES MAY SETTLE AMICAHLY City Engineer To Figure Prolmblo Cost of Maintaining Mill Slougit DruliuiKo Hy City Divorcing tho city and tho Port of Coos liny In their Joint Injunction to perpetually keep open nnd drain Mill Slough nnd throwing tho re- I ' BpoiiBlblllty onto tho shouldors of an explosion of laughtor. Mr. Iion tho city, with tho payment of a slip-1 nott laughed too and took tho floor, ulated Bum from tho Port, was a should Not Hold to Contract conclusion almost reached between ! "Gontlomon," ho said, "I am not tho city fathers and tho Port nt torncys last evening. City Engineer A. B. CJIdloy will hnvo two weeks to figure on tho amount that should bo pnd y tho Port to tho city for tho comploto opening of tho drnluago syBtem and tho cleaning out of tho north arm or Mill Slough. This comes as tho first compro hiIbo aftur repeated attempts, of thp two bodies to got togothor ain:cidilof litis Iteeli Coiislaut IVIcllon Slnco the tlmo when n dcc.isiou ,of .Mldgo Ooko left tho Tort and tho euy jointly ii-hiiuiihimiu iwr , nun draining, thero has boon troublo and friction, .OBpqclally ns to which should shoulder the oxponso for this work. "It's humiliating for mo to bo horo again," declared J. W. Uon nott, "but the Port hns now por fected Its uppcnl to bo sent to tho Suproinu Court. It wns lutlmntcd , I.I..1I.. .... 11.1- fn- ll.lu horo a weok ngo thut tho Port was not slncoro In carrying this appeal o tho Bupromo Court. I want to ! Infnrni vnn L'ontlmiH'n that It Is. Tho notes for tho transcripts uro now In tho hnmlB of court roportor A. n. Loud. Tho first copy will cost In tho neighborhood of $7G0 and two carbon copies will bring It up to $1,000. Is Merely Local Matter "Tho r.ralnngo of Mill slough Is n matter that pertains to this city. It doesn't ecom right to mo that tho Q fnrmor up Coos lllvor or any of tho Inlets, should be forced to pay a share In this squabble Tho Port, In Its budget set nsldp $1,800 for tlits legal oxponso. Now Its up to you gontlomen whothor or not tho tax payors shall bo saven tuts amount of money." Ho asked that tho city Instruct Mr. Oldley to go Into tho matter and prepare an ostimato of tho amount to bo paid tho city by tho Port. This was allowed by tho council and Mr. Oldley will mnko this report. Tho report will tnko Into consid eration tho probublo length of tlmo tho present drain will liiBt and tho cost of draining out tho North arm, Tlio ladles of tlio Halnbow Cllib will hold u Cooked Food Sale ,at tlio Pioneer (Jiocery Store from ono o'clock on Tpcsday, tho SKlrd until (I o'clock on Wednesday a variety of good old fashioned things Ilko mother used to make contributed liy home or loos naj'w iiiosi lamous cooUn. . l3 COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23,19 15 EVENING DOINGS u TILT FDR THE FLOOR lilt. HTIUUV WINS CONTEST OVHIt ,1. W. DENNETT' l.'clief IKpicshcd City Should Allow Soiitlicrn '1'acifle to Uho Motor Car to tlio Vitlley There ensued n lively tilt botween Dr. E. Vi. Straw and J. W. Bennett In tho Cpuncll Chumbors Inst zo ning for tho floor with parliamentary law victorious on tho sltlo of tho ex-Mayor. During n lull In tho proceedings In tho evening, Dr. Straw aroso and usked for the floor. Ho was dofor rd for a moment by Mayor Allon I until a little mnttor of routlno had ' been ndjustcd. With this done, then 'uproso Mr. , Dennett, 'asking for tl'3 floor. Dr. i Straw, too, was on his feet. I "I asked for It first," ho declared. "Uut I have It," put In .Mr. Den nett. Mayor Allon spoke tip, "I -recognized Dr. Straw and snltl ho should lmvo tho floor." Dr. Straw stood his ground firmly and domnnded tho right of tho floor. I Ho received It. Wanted to Snow no I'oiini. "Well," said, tho doctor, "In nc cordnnco with, my dutlos ns health officer, I lmvo Invited Dr. L, J. Mas son, of Myrtlo Point, to address you on milk nml meat Inspection. Ab his paper la probably lengthy, I'll ylold the floor to Mr. Dennett." Ho turned to J. W. Uonnott. "Oo ahead now. I Just wanted to bIiow you I could get It," and theio was hero representing tho Southern Pa cific Company. I am hero as a prl vato citizen to romotiBtrato against holding tbo company to a rioiifleioss contract of running their motor car up and down when It doesn't do a particle of good. "North Depd ban 'given tho com pany, mnny fayors and soma day i they nro olng to roap an advan tage,1 Thoy'vo clvon them almost every thing nlrondy, but tho city half," Jokingly remarked Mr. Oops. , i irn wnnt mi. "Tim Council hero ... , -iiroa-i tlmt ti is will- "" " Jng to abrogate tho charter for n period of threo to flvo yenra." Tho Councltmen, most of thorn, stnted thoy had tho bollof tlio 8. P. didn't want tho flvo-your roletiBo, but. tho abrogation of thq charter for all tlmo. Would lleiioflt liy It. "Woll, I'll toll you, gontlomon, you ought to do something. Tho city will got pnld for It in futuro considerations from tho company," said Mr. Donnott as ho loft. Thero wns nothing dono about tho mutter last evening. Prom tho Union Oil Company was recolvod a bid to furnish gasollno for tho auto flro truck at tho rato of ono cont u gnllon bolow tho mur kot price, and a two per cont dis count If paid beforo tho 10th of each month. The bid of tho Stnnd nrd Oil Company was prnctlcnlly tho Euino thing. "Funny, isn't It?" declared some one. Uut tho mattor was roforrod to tho flro and water ;ommltteo to ascertain whothor or not this prlco Is ono cent bolow ho retail or tho wholesale market prlco. An ordinance was passed author izing tho aldownlk for tho north lino of Central avenuo between 11th and 12th streets. S. C. Small having finished his concrete curbing on South Front street, directly boyond Contral ave nuo, for ?SS.&C, his work was ac ceptod on tho recommondntlon of tho City Englneor. LEKT HANDED WATCH Michigan Man's liiumtlou In to Aid tho "Southpaws" KALAMAZOO, Mich., Nov, 23.-12. P. Foloy, a local Joweler, has mado tho fabled i caper oboj that poetic summons, "Uackward, turn back ward, O Time, in your flight." Ho baa accomplished this seemingly Im possible thing by tho simple exped ient of Inventing a loft handed watch. Instead of running from loft to i right, as In the case of tho ordinary tlmepleco, Mr. Foley's watch sends its hands around from right to lqt. Tho watch was mado becauso ono of the inventor's daughters complain ed that tho left handed person hns such u slim chanco in llfo machin ery, streot car doors and oven tho ' hands of tho clock wont toward tho right hand, as if to balk the person who happened to bo left handed. Just to meet the situation Foley designed ami built tho loft handed watch Othor loft handed persons, observing tho enso with which tlmo is toia on tlio uacKwaru dials, ox prosBuu un uuwreai aim u una uoen tound necessary to sturt a little man- ufactiuing company to fcturn out left handed watches nnd clocks left handed wrlst watch, to bo worn very pioperly on tho left wilst, Is tho noxt thing to bo turned out, OF CITY COUNCIL n it :: REJEGTEDJLL BIDS j COUNCIL TO HEADVEHTISE FOlt 1,500 FEET OK SIDEWALK! Koiiiid Ono Hid Had Not lleen Open ed, 'lliouRli Was Not Lowest Pioperty Owner Petition Disputing the right of tho coun cil to, as ho termed it, suddenly change from Its long established cos turn ot .letting Improvement con .. ... . .i. !... filflftni fnr nnV l"' " l"u "," ."nioct to lot- particular part of n pro Jcct to lot- llaii ll,,i nm.tt.nnl rt d II T 1 1 C 1 1 . Ij. U. ting tlio contract us a whole, E. U McCluro agnln appeared boforo thu cltv council last ovonlng. ThlB Uniti ho represented in addition to Sin clair and Tulley, contractor II. II. Harper. Ho declared tho bid of tho latter for tho Bldowulk for tho pav ing on tho east sldo of Front street near tho corner of Commercial, had not even been opened. It was on. this ground that Mr. McCluro won his victory nnd the council voted to roject nil bids and advcrtlso for now ones. City Re corder llntlor stnted thut thu bid had boon mlBlnld. It proved to bo high un everything, but tlio -II Bqunro yards or paving, which wns flvo cents, n yard less than what tho contract wbb awarded tor nt tho last meeting. Present a Petition "And in addition to this," con tinued Mr. McCluro, "I hnvo a poll Hon signed by all tho owners who hnvo property bordering this l.fiOO feet of proposed Bldowalk botweon Contral nnd Commorclnl nnd Front and llrondway, with tho exception of two, nnd they represent but 140 feet, nnd thoy till favor tho recall of tho bids," And tho attorney rend tho petition which In brief declared tho bollof now bids should bq called for nnd that tho action of tho council, ns It stood, would glvo the contractors n good ciiuso , of action against tho clfy All lit Ono Contract "Woll.: It might JttBt as woll bo known now ns any t(mo," put In A. H. 'Oldloy.elty englneor, i"tjiat thesa contract,, can not lu nil broken up Into littler plt'cesj, i Us Impossible to have onu man making pup movo and another nmnn waiting tq do some thing olso. iWo icquldn't lot a con tract to ono man to put In a, con croto curb nnd, another to tako up tho light posts. Tho rosult would bo n couUnual delay to thp jiroporty ownors." Mr. McCluro snld this would bo fair ns all contractors would now understand how to muko their blds llo thou brought out figures to show that Sinclair nnd Tulley, who mntlo tho first complaint, In total woro $4r,78 low on tho bIx pro jects, Including sidewalk, curbing i and tho light poles, nnd $10.42 low on tho entire work, minus tho grad ing ami, considering this Item, woro $125.10 high. Wero fienerally High II. II, Hnrpor wns found to bo high on overy Item with tho excep tion of tho 4 I Bqunro yards of pav ing. "Hut gpntlomon," interposed mom bors of tho Dcnu & Webbor firm, "on tho strength of awarding us tlio contract lust weok wo have ordored 100 barrels of comont." No Contract Awarded "Wo didn't award you tho con trnct," put In City Attorney Uoss. "Wo told you specifically at thnt ,tlmo that wo could not sign up a contract for loss than threo weoks nnd thnt you would hnvo to como to my office first to do It." Nor. to lliudor Council. Tho 140 feot not montionod on tho petition produced by Mr. Mc Cluro is represented by J. V. Den nett nnd Henry Songstucken, Tho latter declared thnt ho "hns spout us much ns nny othor man in this city for improvements nnd I never ouco kicked against it. I know tho Council In this mnttor would do entirely ns it thought fair and best and this is tlio reason i hnvo not meddled, I don't want to hin der you gontlomon." Councilman Albrocht then mado a motion to throw out all bids. "It will cost tho proporty ownors moro in tho end," vouchufed City i Englneor Oldley. ' "Woll, that's what thoy nro ask ing for. Thoro's their petition," said Councilman liarry Kliuball, and tho motion was passed. HAKEU Leonard Gould, n black smith, was shot and killed in his own shop by a stranger who hns been ar rested but refused to glvo his nanio. WOODIUIUN W, G. Rlclinrdson has been arrested on a churgo of stealing an nutomobllo. PORTLAND W. S. Nowbury who was minor of Portland in 1877-79. wed at Ills Homo. njeu si yoars. MEDFOHD The city budgot has beqn nrrauged and calls for u tax lo- A.vy of 21 mills. Times Wp.Bt Ads for results. t: :t DIt. J. L. MASSON AHOUES FOR MILK AND MEAT INSPECTION DcllvciH Papery llcf re City Council ;liiiHtEeiiliiKjCoal HldH Aro ,. ltocclveuand Awarded Strict Inspection of nicat and milk is a dlro ncct..Into oyory milk can nnd onto every plccoor meat la olforlng tho ichnnco. of.ajllfo tlmo to ' tho pesky'' little Inconspicuous gorms that finally grow nnd multi ply until they hnvo thrown tho b'b- Item out of kilter or lmvo caused a nndertnkor. Thcso wore I " . . Homo of the polnlR outlined lust evening in n paper on Milk nml Mcnt Inspection road by Dr. .1, L. Masson, of Myrtlo Point. Dr. Masson, 'who 1ms made a study of these things, camo on tho Invita tion of Dr. K. E. Straw, health of ficer. "Milk Is carelessly doalt with," declared tho votcrlnary surgeon. "Of ten It Is adulterated, sometimes It rocolvoa n prosorvntlvo nnd again It may bo full of dirt particles. Or dinarily wo can't roo thcso things In tho milk nnd wo drink It. Tho dl Boases that happon nftor thnt aro al most too uumorous to mention." ."Milk ('uther.s (.'onus Many forms of sickness nro direct ly traccablo to tho milk nnd tho con ditions of tho dnlrlcs whoro tho milk Is palled. Dr. Masson quoted start ling stntlBtlcs from U. S. reports, one of thorn showing thnt whoro 19fi cas tes of sickness had been Investigated in a certain section, II 5 of tho cases woro trnccnblo to tho milk. Infant mortality is high, often bccaiiso of tho poor milk supplies. "I know tho city Is Bhort of funds," Bald tho speaker, "but thin caso Is n sorloua ono that wo gou- ornlly treat too lightly. Possibly Mnrshfleld nnd North Horn! could fee." On motion of Carl A.Hrocht tho mattor was referred to tho health fommlttcQ with power to act as thoy may see ft. Need a Public Drag , Carl Evortson declared that tho police and. tho , firemen should hayo at least 200, feet of cotton line and fish hooks, this to bo used as a pub- ,11c drag, onq that cpuld lo available at nil Union In enso of necessity. Tho wntorfront commlttco wns given power to net on this motion. Light. Poxt Had A cluBtor light In front of tho O'Conuoll building Is said to bo lean "" " MEED WSPEGTOR combine In scqurlng an offlclont In- 'raiu "I,B' w ' , spoctor. It might bo poBslblo to V;,,0WI' nt, ,ol"- 'V ',rCSB l" 8m ralso the prlco of tho milk slightly ' fronl Wi'shingtgn D. C. regarding the ,! I,nvn .!, ,lnlrlM ., oorlnln tflcllll n03tlgatl011 BayS! ' I 41 Ing and In n dangerous condition'1"" ''' i'"- l i """"'" and ought to bo removed. T1Q'ot only that I may continue o bo council Instructed tho police to give Mr. O'Connell notice nnd If It Is not i taken down In flvo days, tho streot ccmmlsslouor shall do It for him. Coal Contract Lot nids woro received to supply tho J, fire station with 40 tons of lump coal in 191 G and tho contract wns awarded to tho Pacific Livery and Transfer company at tho rato of ?4. r0 n ton, which Is GO conts a ton Iosb than tho prlco of Inst year. Tho other bids woro, Henry vlllo nut coal nt J3.no n ton or lump nt $4. CO by Dave Mubboh; and Connor and Hoaglaml $1.80 for lump nnd f ?4.C for tho mluo run. Switch a Monaco It was stnted that tho switch of tho railroad nonr tho corner of Front and Central nvonuo la a serious mon- uce to truffle, becnuso tho mils open to tho width of six Inches, Into which nn nuto wheel could drop and twist off, or possibly got Btuck tlioro in tho path of u trnln. It wns nrgu ed that nothing can bo dono about the mnttor. Stop that Bark by using Penslar White Pme and Spruce Balsam If jou AMiiit' tlio best COUGH HALS AM on tho market, call at 71 Market avenue, or phono I II and wo will send it promptly by Free Delivery. I'oi- sale only at ;V?Te3lViKnil 1 3 1 tWmTm' Tho Pciislar and Nynl Storo For Quality Gifts A EblTlQN. t ii A Lesson from the Past Yoars ago, boforo baking dors were so woll known, L housewife sometimes made W from cream of tartar and nlla?1 Thoso materials woro then comparatively expensive and cesses of refining had not 11 devised to bring them to tho h state of purity of the present day well known cream of tartar baking powders , such as Royai . and yet sho never thought of ' buying alum, then as now a ohM and inferior1 substitute for c2 of tartar. She wouldn't think of permitting an ounce of alum to enter her kitchen. Yet housekeepers aro to-dav asked to buy alum baking powders with which to make food for tiiu children. eir The statement on tho label af fixed to overy can naming the ingredients of which tho bakine powder is composed afforda a method of protection against the uso of undesirable kinds. 'V ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. How York REPORT HELD BAGKTURKEY A PLEI DECISION O. Ai C. LANDS YET Pl'ltl.lSIIEI) NOT Representative of Attorney (.Vncnil Awaiting Kuiilier Data from Oic- gon lleforo (Jiving Decision The report of tho representative oi tho attorney general of the United 'SMJ gardlng tho O. & C land S. W. Williams, representative, of i tho Attornoy-donorul, wio Bpqnt sov- eral weeks In Oregon Investigating (ho Oregon & Calltornla laud gran: and In getting local opinion ns to what legislation 'o.nros.Bliould en act, returned to Wutililngtoti but will not Rtimblt his report to the Attorney-Oe ne nil until tho end of this month. Ho in awaiting certain data to bo sout him from Oregon. Lqui'Uvd Sentiment "Mr. WilllnniH discovered whllo in Oregon that sontipiont is practically unanimous against turning any of tho grunt In,to forqst reserves, and equally unanimous In favor of having 17,1. 1.,. ...,..., , ..M..nl.. nnlAi.d taxed, but that It may bo settled and developed, ho fully realizing the harm that would bo dono If tho land could not be taxed. Somo Good for Farming "Mr. WllllauiH estimates that more than half tho unsold portion of tho grant Is suitable for ngrlculturo when tho timber Is removed, and says tlioro Is a coiiBldornblo santlmont In Ore gon ugnlnat disposing of tho best timber land nt a nominal prlco of ?2.C0 per ncro. Report Confidential Iriasmuch ns, ho Attbrnoy-Oon-pral will dolormlno what recommon- dution tho Dopnrtmont of Justlco will niako to Congress, Mr. Williams doos not fcol tit liberty to discuss his i "commendations, M "Port Is """oiuini. no una noi yoi i ferred wtth tlie Attornoy-Qonorol. Seven Bargains at The Fair FOH wi:dni:si)AY, T 2G dozen Ladles' flno Will to" Hondkerchlofs. values to 8c. Now on salo at np. 25c 7 FOH ar.c Urlstlo Clothes Uruslies, 8 inches long. 1 Pn On sulo nt IUb Llnon and Absorbent Crash towollnga, heavy weights, full widths, woro lGc and 17 &C. Now n per yard 0 1 S5c OrcKon wool, navy bluo Middy Now plncod on salo at ' ' ' ' Just Received Largo assortment of novo y tlon braids In Pink. Uluo. Lavender priced. sOCIETV Wo carry a cholco selection of UOIAL broidery goods. The Fair XxyeWimWtom im4M?- '"-t - ! SAME PIllCi: AS MST YEAR J FI.MXtiS TOO, SAY Dtlia Unit n ThiuikfjriilnKKmlftti,! Held AtTtaOp.m.Thniij Uniico frr rootbl jfo Turkeys a plenty are la tti markets for tlio Thwhiiiiij "feed" of tlio )car. TU;tti to cost approximately IS cm pound, dressed. There tlHttii ty of cranberries, plenty el and In fact, tlio dinner of tk!i ji will cost about the tame u U M At 7:30 p, in, on ThnnJijifl held the union Thankifliltf In tho Ilaptlst, church, vltitit drcsB by tlio Hcv. Mr, KnolU, ot Methodist I.'placopal church. llutclicrs have been tnjUt Bitppllos of fowls lately, poitl; tho Comilllo Valley. Ch!dei"i soli at 20 cents a pound ai 'nt tlio snnin nrlfo. Most of tif borrlcs nro local and lllb(il 12 1-2 cents. Can Sea Game Tho football se, H4 ,fl tho chief amusement of tie will boat 2-?0 p.m.. corner Fd and lClrotl streets, In tie t' nboutS.30villtarttlietoiht Finnish Hall which It M W honor of tlio visiting team w which everyone Is Invltei Union Sen If Tho Ilaptlst choir will Uteti of tho music for the union TimiiVsL'tvlnir Day. which tlllt In the ovonlng this year, alter ut dinners of the day hare tei"1 of tho way and the hou thrcmghjvlthtliejrj bill will go over the iuoJect files his written reporu f!i I'MX o l HL?fl mi'ivn nlVXKIl at l,u ....., M.ti:ii KI3KBVAI! IlllU'l. ' . r. nvivivpir lliono ). C091 ' ami n good menu. want ads brU JJ Tlrnps 'HUltSDAY AM l'AV - r rt .: inriau 7V.I. i ?2.oo -;:;, u small ddiureu. - -Wool Sweaters, ft m nn Rale at " (UUIIl. " . ...ir.,.i cat' Ilk, dlan ana au- . u sale at onlf on . a ...,... ill-too"- One lot '''" -.. m uatross WattW. .. r ja.50 values. ( Now only """Lr .. ft. Flannel good'p "7, si all Willi"' ,..- n - pacW rV t