tET YOUR HAT "if TOO SMALL. REMEMBErf NO MAN IS INDISPENSABLE DONT Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tho Coos Bay Tlmo li prona people's Paper," rind Ik strives lire F t0 ,u rao b? devoting promoting tho people' latoreiu. Wind at Light House Heaviest Ever Experienced at That Point Before . STREETSJLOODED Over Two Inches of Rain Falls Within Twenty-four Hours Ending This A. M. SMALL BOATS CRIPPLED Passenger 1" South Slough Fear Hough WntofH of Lower Hay and ttot Off nt Empire Stage Hont Atlas laito In Arriving . ,f. ,$.,t " IIAIIj also comes THIS AFTERNOON After sovernl downpours of rain during tlio lny, thoro was a heavy hull Btorin at 2:.10 p. 111., followed by sun shine. Not In a yenr has Coon Uay booh iucIi a rain and wind storm as rag eJ yostorday and continued today. Gathering Its Impetus through tho the day until lato In tho nftornoQii . tbo wind off tho coust blow a Irving gale and truffle of tho mosquito licet In tho lower hay wan practically juspendod. Thu gnsolluu bout Vegn, bound with pnsBOiigerH nud freight for South Inlet, took sous over tho cabin, ami tho pnsHongora refused to go further than Emplro. Tho paaseiiKeiB oil tho beach lino did not arrive on tho launch Atlna from Jurvfs Lauding, until'., three o'clock this morning. Street Arc Flooded Last night at six o'plpck tho rain camo down In such sheets tdt on Front streot In several pldcoa tho water filled up from curb to curb, forming vorltuhlo lakes, unUI Bomo ono. md pokod tho dehrln tiwny from the gutters nud several Intakes. I Italnfiill Heavy Hepo-ta from IJ. 11. Ostllnd, weath er observor, show that In tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. in,, 2.09 Inches of rain havo fallon. Passengers' Lcnvo Hont. The Vega loft her dock about 2:30 yetcrdny afternoon nnd wont down the bay. After' rounding tho turn by Old Town tho wind had blown up high seas Into which tho llttlo craft labored and wallowed. Captain Dunson, of tho Capo Ara K light houso, on his way homo, as drenched In hla efforts to got H of tho freight Boctiro boforo any cduM bo washed uw'ay. TheTs was a swift run out of tho tide and nt Emplro iho passongors ttrock and said they would go no further. Tho Voga wont on to South Inlet. Wind Illows Hani. Ovor tho tolephono Capt, Dunson tlked to his wlfo at tho light fcouse late In tho afternoon. She declared that In all tho tlmo sho has bn pn tho coast sho had novor een It blow so hard. It camo In blasts from tho southwest, though there aro no Instruments thoro for oeaaurlng Its Telocity. lloat Ooos Aground. Tho Leach stage was duo to ar rive hero about C:30 last evening, nd Instead, It camo In between 3 ID(1 1 a, m, Somo days ago n storm Mhed out tho llttlo plor at Jarvls Landing and tho Atlds : yesterday tried to effect a landing closo by In a Uttlb creok. Hero fho boat got tock' In the mud nnd thoro It re gained through tho dull hours of ,h nleht until tho tldo camo up this ornlng. PREMIERTD RESIGN nv-l OF HKEK OAHINET IS LIKELY TO QUIT fcpwted Itethcmeiit In On Account of Trouble. Hctwecu Greece mid Great Hritalu IS AuoMiteJ rreu to Coo. Dr Timet.) SALO.NiKi, Nov. 23. Tho resig "'tloa 0f tho premjer SkoUioudls of treece according to reports here, Is u!fP,!C(l Wpmetjtarlly on account of 'iHcultie, between,- Greaop and Grt Britain. ! Vol No. XXXIX. CODS BAY JJK'i SEVERE STOl of Its till "Tin at nil time- to Its eaergta to Established 1878 As Tho Const Mnll. X ONE HUNDRED X PERSONS DROWNED X 0 DjAttoctttM Itim to Coot nj TlmM. I ROME, Nov, 23,--0ne X X hundred parsons were X X drowned today by the X X washing away of a bridge X X over the Salso river near t X Licata, Sicily, X soEslBiTiiwo ACTION' DROUGHT AGAINST DR. GEORGE E. MX Claimant In .lohu Ragman, Who Worked at Pulp ."Mill Sur- genu Tells Ills Hide Sheriff Johnson camo over last evening and served a paper on Or. Dlx In a suit being brought by n man named John Ilngmau, formerly an cmployo nt tho pulp mill, who was Injured In tho leg about two years ago and who comes now ask ing for $10,000 damnges. Tho claim Is uindo that his leg has not properly knitted. Ho re ceived a settlement with tho com pany for tho Injury and now brings faction ngnltist his pnyslvlan. Dr. Dlx said today that tho man whh fixed up all right nnd now hasn't oven a limp ns a result of tho acci dent. 15 STILL MYSTERY POLICE STILL WORKING ON THE PORTLAND .MUIHIEII CASE Idcnt tt v of Dead Man Found In Trunk Hits Not Yet Heen Positively Disclosed (Ur At.ocltt4 I'rrM la Coo. Iltr Tlmfi.) PORTLAND, Nov. 23. Tho trunk mystery Is still ilnsolvcuV Dosplto . i... rrt.. vif'ili'A r.-1lr. Hut lilmil II1U VIIUllO Ul HIU .u..vw, ... ......j. tltyor tho muruorcu man is unes tnbllshcd doflnltoly, nor Is Uioro any traco of Oeorgo Bartholomew,'! alias Ed Hopkins, tho alleged slayor. Captain of Detectives Ilnty still bolleyes tho dead' man's nnmo la John Linnd. Tho possibility that ho Is Oeorgo ltbgors, a form hand who loft Eugono with $700' last" month Is again entertained. GOT filCH 0U1GK CLEVEU SWINDLE! SOLI) GOODS AND POCKEIED HECEIPTS ,Coos Hay Ico nud Cold Storage Lose Shipment an dS'iirt Inve-Miga-tlon of lSuedo Commission Man Four months ago tho Coos Day ilco and Cold Storago company sent a shipment of buttpr,,to E. Fv Znori, jwiio. purported Ud ho a comnilsalon apan,ur354 Fourth streot, Oakland, Tho Dandon ureamory conumny uiou Isont a shipment. Yesterday zugrn wns nabbod by tho postal authorities on tho charge of "sing tho malls to defraud. Ho was placed under U, S00 bonds. C. E. Nicholson, managor of tho 'local company, sum mis unurnuou, that Zuorn Is supposed to bo tho isamo man who worked a similar ischomo In Seattle last winter. Ho fsaid that his company lost very llt tlo and that thereafter havo neon warning nil othors to keep cleur, while tho authorities havo been mak ing an investigation. "Got r;ch Quick" was evidently tho motto of Zuern. Ho received tho goods, sold them fpr Quick re rR and slightly below tho prevall- I'lng market price and pocketed tho proceeds. When matters became too lively for him. ho would phango his ad dress. Ho is said to hnvo finally ,.,, over from Oakland to Sun Francisco first to 503 Mission street and then to 144 Clay street, biui (ments continued to arrive up to the tlmo the officers arrested niu. u ;ls to havo a hearing on Wednesday. The man Is said to havo been In imulilft with tho postal authorities In jSan Henlto county. California, somo mouths ago. W1HES WEHE DOWN Tho Western Union wires were down from 11 o'clock last night until this after noon. The Associated Press roart to The Times was therefore delayed. 4 . fflooa ( MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MM COAST Four Small Craft Destroyed by Fire and Storm Along Inside Passage Was the Mars of Seattle, and Crew of Four Men Saved in Storm OTHER WRECK ON ROCKS Power lloat. Gruhstuko of Seattle Strikes it Hecf When Her Ki'glno Falls Fishing Tender Pound ed, lo, Pieces on Wedge Island (Or Auoetttoa' Pm. to cm tu, TttaM.) JJUNEAU, Alaska, Nov. 23. Tho loss of four small vessels by flro nnd storm along tho Insldo passago In southeastern Alnska was reported hero today. Tho small gasoline fishing schooner Mura of Scattlo burned off Five Klngor Islund. AI- though a Bovcro storm was raging, tho crow of four mun wero saved by tho schooner Mablo O. Seuttlo lloat Iiost Tho fishing tender Claro of Seattle was pounded to pieces by n storm Mvlicu oho ran ashoro on Wedge Is land. Tho crow escaped In n small boat. Other nisuMci-H Tho powor boat (Irubstako of 8o uttlo was lost when eiigluo trouble fenmo during tho storm brought tho 'craft to grief on Cnla roof, north of Kotrhlknii. Tho crow reached shore. Tho powor-hoat Edith O was lost Sunday whtlo going up Lynn Canal. ip crow wns Bavod, ItUMOIt UOAT WAS IN ON HAH TISOl'llLE Was SelKKUier Tniin TovIk In A Largo Portion of ItouialuH of Kaiitu Clara COOS HAY HAH IS VEItY HOUGH TODAY At the llghthouso this nf tornoon it was reported that the bar was rougher than It has been any tlmo this sen son and that enormous breakers wero rolling In. 44 Rumor was rife on the streets this afternoon that n small boat had boon Lwrockod on tho bar, which Is oxi coedlngly rough todny. Tho story ' was founded on tho appearance of Captain John Swing with tho gas-- idino schooner Tramp., who 'camo In t'tjio bay, towlns behind Ids Cjraf a Milir chunk of tho Santa Clara, lie ! . BOATS LOST ON SO rni it, 'i tJj u;-!-1 WREGK REPORTED towod it up pnBt Emplro about twoitj,0 inQvomont" snld Mr. Ford us h 'o'clock this aftoruoon. i How he did It, Is a mystery, peo plo said at Emplro. It Is hcttaved thnt ho got through on tho Insldo chanuel, cut orr what ho wanted or tho wreck, and turned tall back again ror tho Inner bay. Tho sup position wns that ho was bringing hack tho anchors nnd somo or tho machinery. This Is tho second tlmo this dar ing sklppor haa brought in parts of wrecks. When tho "Claromont went ashore In March ho wont down a few days later nnd, with tho uld of two or throo mon, sawed ofr thorto tno pa)1 Mall Giucitlo f"" lerIlu bow of th6 bout and enmo In with j88ya: TJiero Is doclured to he un somo flvo steam winches, all In good doubled foundation tor tho report ahapo nnd worth a good deal or,tnat Emperor William will mako nu monoy. KNIFE IS REIVED CHICAGO WOMAN SWAL!A)VED ONE IN DELIRIUM Dr AmocIiIoJ PreM to Coo. llr TlraM.) CHICAGO. III.. Nov. 23. u tablo Wnlfi which Mrs. Elizabeth Hochs-FThls berger rinally porsuaded tho sur geons she had Bwnllowed while In a delirium duo to an Illness or eight months ago was taken from hor stomach today arter an operation. When she first told tho physicians fho swallodcd tho knife they said the story was a figment ot her Imagination, butyesterdny idio. .pre vailed upon thein to use. thq X-aya. Sa MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, X ITALY WILL SEND X FORCES TO BALKANS Dj ARsocIatM Trt9 to Cm IMj Timet. ' X ZURICH, Switzerland, X i Nov, 23, Italy has de- i t cided to send an expedi- X X tion to the Balkans to t X help the Allies, according X X to a Rome dispatch, X OUITSlirUTION v VILLA SHLITAHY KECHEAUY ItESTEl) AT. EL PASO All- (Ilvcu Ills Freedom Again When He Denounces Fiu-Micr Military Activity in Mexico fllr AiiocLt) Fini lo Coo. (Itj TIium. Eli PASO, Nov. 23. Colonol Da rio Sllvii, military secretary of Vil la, renounced further revolutionary activity in Mexico tbday. Ho was arrested hero yesterday but was re leased on his renouncement. POHMEH PIUICST MUST PAY MUHDEIt PENALTY ' Df Mool.ll Vttm o mi pr TlmM. ALIIANY, N. Y Nov. 23. Judgoment convicting HniiH Schmidt, a former priest, of tho murder of An na Anmuller, was upheld by -A .. 1 - I ..!.. v u,u co,,,t ol ni'i' lu"J' ft y AMERICAN JNDUSTHIAD CORPO RATION HAS HEEN LAUNCHED Capital Ih Fifty Million and Pin ' o.o Development of Trade And Foreign I,oaiin (11 AiMclttod I'm to Cnot tUf Tlnn. NEW YORK, Nov. 2'J.-Incorpo-rntlou of Die American Intornut'.ou al Corporation, with a 'capital of i00,00U,Q00 at Albany, waK fornlaN ly announced hero todny, The new corporation pinna to develop Ameri can trade in Europo and South America, It was- stated. Another fouturo will bo tho furthering of for eign loans and Investment enter prises. FORD ORGES PEACE OFFERS ALL HE HAS CAUSE FOR THE .Makes Call on President Wilson To- day In SupiKtrt of Such A Movement (D AmocUIi.1 I'rtM to Coo n7 Time.. J WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 23. iQary o0rd callod on President W1I Lou. today In support of u movemont lor n noutral conferonco to bring about peace In Europe. It was con sidered Chrlstiuno was tho best time for such a movement. "I am will ing to glvo all tho monoy I havo and go anywhere If my doing so will aid camo from the Whlto Houso. REPORTED Hl'CH STEP MAY COME FROM EMPEROR Story Is Ho Will Walt Until Ills State Entry Into Constantinople After ni AMOtLtM Pre., to Coo. Vij TlmM.) LONDON. Nov. 23. A dlsnatclt oHer for penco through President Wilson after tho emperor's comMis state entry Into Constantinople." IS SEAT OF SERIUAN GOVERN MENT AGAIN MOVED Tlmo Taken torn Mltropltza to Pilsreiid Near tio Albanian Horder Line (Dr Auoclttwt rru to Omm Dt Timet. 1 ATHENS, Nov. 23. Diplomatic dispatches say tho Serbian capital has again been moved, this tlmi from Mltropltza to Prlsrond, near thq Albanian border. The diplomat ic eon ''as gono to Petoh, Monte-wegro. NEW HA Ml SUGGEST PEACE MOVED bflm AL tjtua 19 15 EVENING EDITION. UNITED ST$S GETS PROTEST Austro-Hungary Embassy Ob jects to Statement Made by Department of Justice IS wdTTleasing Considered as Confirming the Charge That Consular Of ficers Were Involved WANT IT REPUDIATED Tho Statement Referred to Informa tion Which Wan Given by u For- mer Austrian Consul Mallet Is Relng Considered (Dr AMociufci rtM. i coo. cr tinm.i WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 23. Officials of tho state department nnd tho doparttnont of Justlco today con sidered n protest by Ilaron Zwlodo- Unlok In chnrgo of tlio Austro-Hun- gnrlan embassy, that u stutomoiit Is sued in tho nnmo of tho doparttnont of Justlco apparently tended to con firm tho nllegntloiiB of Illegal activ ities on the part of tho Austrian con sular offlcors, mado by fonuor Aus trian CoiibuI Gorlclar. Wants H Taken Hack Zwlcdonlok. It wns said. stiKirosted tropudlatlon of tho statoiuont of tho dopartment of Justlbo If It actually was not Issued with Its nutliorlty. Tho Btatomont snld tho chief of .tho bureau of Investigation ot tho fdopnrtmont of Justlco conferred with Gorlclar nnd obtained much Informa tion of value "concornltig activities of Austrian Consul Goncral Von Nil hor nud hla associates." i a t.. i WHlS'lUOY SENT IIY OASKIH' COM MANY FROM TENNESSEE In the Federal Court nt Chattanooga Tixluy Conviction in Securtsl Against Concern tllr Ai.orl.ttJ 1'rr.a to Coot ll.r TIdim.I CHATTANOO'OA, Tonn., Nov. 23. Tho Tonnessoo Coffin and Casket Company and Frank Knox, Us ship ping clerk, wero convicted In tho federal court today or shipping In coffins to adjoining states without proper labels. a Tho government contondod it wuh tho company's custom to oncloso whlsltoy to thoso who bought cof flua. T. C. Ilottcrton, presldont of tho tA'oinpnuy, who is niso cuior or po Vllco of Chdttauooga, and othor or Hcors or tho company wero acquit ted. Dottertou denied knowing of tho shipments. REPORT TOO SOON i I STORY OF HLOCKADE CAME HE- FORE IT WAS STARTED Relief Is Now Greece Hun Given As hiiraiiceH to the llrltlsli of Safety (Or AuorUt! PrM to Cou lit TlmM.) LONDON, Nov. 23. Tho foreign office states that no Greek ships are being seized or held up In ports of tho United Kingdom and that no bloekado of Greek ports haa boon In stituted or la in forco. No amplifi cation or tho otatoment la obtain able lu official quarters. Tho uulvorsal deduction Is that Greece has satisfied the llrltlsli de mands submitted by Kitchener, who 'vaa In Athena laat weok and haa fur nished guarantees or safoty to tho Anglo-French oxjedtoiiury forces. , H is beov.6l thu.uiinouiicoinoiits from Athena concerl'iifi tho commcf- 'clal bloekado was prematura In that thoy presented tho provisional In tentions of tho entente alliens as an accomplished fact. TELLS OF THREAT SERIOUS CHARGE MADE AGAINST JOHN M'NAMARA P. J, Dugan Kays Ho ConsldertHl tho Destruction of tho Cath- dral ut ludlaiinpolla (Br AuotuiM rrttt t - vt TlttM.) LOS ANGELlJS, Cal., Nov. 2,q. Patrick J. Du'gan, formerly un ofH- s COFFINS A! Consolidation of Times, Coast Hall and Coos Bay Advertiser. CLAIM SERVIANS WON BIG VICTORY tBr AmocIiM r-rw. w nu rr Tlmn.l ROME, Nov, 23, The Serbians defeated the Bulgarians at Kosvo, ac cording to a dispatch re- i colved hero today, GOVERNMENT SAYS OAPT HOY ED, GERMAN, IS INVOLVED In Conspiracy Cnso Allege Thnt. Ho Directed Expenditure (o Fur nish Warship Coat tDr AivkIMm nm lo om rtj TlmM,) NWW YORK, Nov. 23. That Cap tain Hoy-Ed, Gorman naval attache, was tbo directing head under whom wns spent ?7G0,000 in chnrtorlng nnd supplying noutral steamers with coal and provisions lor tho Gorman warships In tho Atlnntlo mid Pa cific In August, 1914, tho govorn mont formally charged In tho open ing todny or tho trlnl on charges or conspiracy or Dr. Karl Iluonz, mnn nglng director of tho Hamburg-American Hue, nnd three of hla sub ordinates. Outlines Cno. Assistant Attornoy Gonornl Wood In outlining tho cnso said that Roy Ed claimed that tho fund of th roo ters ot n million dollars was depos ited with tho firm or Esson & ICul loukump. Or this amount $000,000 was uout to San Francisco for coast activities. A deposit wnB made In1 AugUBt, 1014, by n "higher up" ivliom Wood said tho government 'was uuubln to ldanllfy. Siwnt lilg KiitiiM Roger II. Wood, assistant United Stntcs District Attornoy, In opening his statement, assorted that tho en tire sum wns spent under tho per sonal direction of Doy-Kd, and that from $500,000 tp $OOQ,000 or tho amount was spent In Han Francis co In chnrtorlng vessels and obtain ing suppllos for thu Gorman crulsor Lelpslg and perhaps tho Dresden. Tills, tho government chnrges, was part of tho conspiracy that ex tended from Now York nnd Phil adelphia to Sim Francisco nud Now OrlomiB. Deny Conspiracy William Rand, counsel for tho do fonso, opened with thoso words: "Ab far as certain facts nro con cerned, wo concede that thoy aro Just ns Mr. Wood stated thorn to bo. Wo coucedo that cortuln ships sailed from American ports to supply Gor man warships and admit thoso ships woro outfitted by Dr. Iluonz and other defendants, but deny that tho nets of tho defendants consti tute conspiracy." MAN'S BODY FOUND HAY HE ONE OF FOUR MISSING . FRO.M WRECKED SANTA CIjARA WaN Wushel High On Reach North of Coos Hay Har Judge Pen- nock Goe To Investigate , Tho body of an unknown man, thought to bo a sailor from tho Ill fated ganta Clara, was found at noon today, washed far up on tho sandy beach hotweeu Coos Day bnr and tho Umpqua. A telophono call this af ternoon to Judgo Poiinock, took htm "hurriedly to tho spot. Ho wont with William Dungan In tho sj;cod boat lone, up North Inlet and thoy will go to tho beach, The man woro blue trousers and brown shoes und it la said looked us 'though ho had been lu tho water somo tlmo. High seas of tho paBt few days had washed tho body up on tho beach to tho top or a sandy knoll. Tho Burr la very rough. It la bolloved that this la tho body o' ono of (ho lour mombers or tho Snutu Clara's crow who aro still missing, since tho wreck throo weeks ago today. Tho body will bo 'brought hero this ovenlng ror Iden tiricatlou and burial. AWNN cor of tho Indianapolis local union of tho International Association of Rrldgo and Structural Iron Workers, testified today in tho trial of Mat thew A. Schmidt, that John J, Mc Nnmara, head of tho dynamiting conspiracy in which Schmidt is al leged to havo had a part, had threat ened in 1000 tho. destruction .of tho cathedral then, in course of con struction In Indianapolis. ATTAGHE CHARGED A Southwest Oregon Paper ' Tht'a -ht the Oooa Bay Tlmca 10. A Bon. treat Oregon paper for Southwest Oregoa peepk : and devoted to tho best Uterects of Uita great iocUok . Tho Time -Jwsji boost tad mvrnt knocks, . No. 104 Capture Eight Thousand Ser bians, Forty-four Cannon and Many Machine Guns Take Fifteen Hundred Addi tional Prisoners but Paris Paris Says Serbs Win A RUSSIANS SCORE GAlflt Statement Mado That Thoy 1 tennis tho Gcrnmas In Front of Rig Otherwise. Llttlo Activity In East Quiet Also In Wet (Ur AMOt.tM rrM to Com Dr Titan, " LONDON, Nov. 23. Notabtk progress lor tho Bulgarians In the region southeast or Prlsllna, Serbia, with tho canturo of 8.000 Serbians, '44 cannon, 22 mnchlno guns, was an nounced by tho Gorman nrmy head riuorters today. Tho Teuton"fc troops took 1.H00 additional SorDtan prlsonors nnd six cannon. ' CUlm, A Victory 4 Tho Sorblau legation In it liowovor, claims to havo rocolvcd of- tlctal nnnouncomont reporting da rent for' tbo Ilulgnrlans in central Serbia and tho capture ot five Mil lion by tho Serbians. , City May Hold Out " London oxprosscs bopo that Mon- nntir will bo nblo to hold out lour enough (o enable tho AugIo-Freh forces to effect n Junction with thu Serbians, City May Hold Out Lopdon says It la now bolleved Oio , alllflii forces, which may take refuno on Greek torrltory, nro hardly J)ka- ly to bo Biiujecieu to niiacx irora iw rear. t Excopt for a Russian announce ment of n ropulso of tho Germans In front of Riga, nothing Important u reported front tho oast. In tho west llkdwlso, a lillr pre vails. The Austrlans report bavin driven tho Itnllann back from ho-il- lions rcceiuiy capiurou. v H AMUIMCAN FEDERATION OF hA ROR FINISHES ITS HU8INK88 f Vote Is not to Eudorso LeKuilatly Measure for Securing Eight 1 Hour !iW (Dr Attocitttl Pittt lo poot Btr That.! SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 23.-1)4 logates aro scattering to their homqp BULU FORGES MAKE PROGRESS TEUTONS 0 WN CONVENTION OVE touay touowing 1110 closing oi io. annual convention ot the AmerlcMi Federation of Labor, which eudul ' with a stormy sosslou last night aris ing from a dobato over a resolution that tho federation Indorso legisla tive mothods In securing a universal 'eight hour law. The dologatcs refused by a veU of 8484 to C30C to Indorse legUla- tlva methods, favoring Instead nn economic pressure only to obtain shorter hours, Tho vote was a vic tory for Prosltlent Qompors, who d clarcd tho socialists wero behind tnt imovo. SEVEN ARE KILLED XIRCUS TRAIN COLLIDES WITH A PASSENGHR IN GEORGIA U I'ortj-two Pei-hons InJurcl nnd AJ1 Show Animals Aro Rursed, v, to Doatli i (nr Auolttt4 rrttt to Coo Btr TImm. '( COLUMRUS. Georgia, Nor. S3.-j-j Soven porsqns at least were kllhM -und 42 Injured-In. a wrec iar hM lato yesterday whon sa !clrc8' tram collldod liead on with ' 'tiwsfeai' train on the Central of Georgia rail road. At least six persons wr burned to death and a seventh dil lu a hospital, t All tho dead woro members ot Dm Kennedy Knrnival Company. AH tho shpw animals wero burasd o death. A $ PfiAN to take your THAXK GIVING DINNER at C1TANDUBH Hotel: MAKE RESERVATIONS ADVANCE, Pboiw S. God -! and a good mutt, v Titmw want ads brimf rMUlU.