..., r. . Mniniir "- njiiHawM.at.ot' h ngnftmrt YAHMfiM. ttaajdra-jaJHUBBMMWMi i , - v t-n i . . . ,7HrriF; ,-.a-7 4-- SH in.tp r aX i " i v- rr""!; to THE COOS EfAY TIMES. MARSHFlElD. OREGOM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1915 EVENING EDITION TWO "" v GOOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALOKUV, Editor nnd Pub. DAN 13. MALOX12Y, News Kdltor Official I'mtcr of Coos County Offlclnl Vapor City of Mnrshflcld. ... Address all communications to COOS IJAV MAILV timi;8. Entorod at tlio I'ostoff Ico at Martin, field, Orogon, for transmission through tho malls ns ccond-clnss mall mat tor. t EUROPEAN WAR ONE X YEAR AGO TODAY XOVKMIIKK 21, 1011 WITH THE TOAST 5 AND THE TEA t - GOOD KVJ2NIX0 O Mother's prayer Is tlio coldon lov which unlocks tho pearly sates of l'aratllso nntl lets tho children in. Peter PlilHn lHUiorn. JUST VOIT AN' I) I If you nnd I just you and I Should laiiKh instead of worry; If wo should crow Just you and I Kinder nnd sweater hearted; Thou sure, In some near by and by, icootl time would no sinned, r I ,-. i - It a ....!..... i t KOOU 11IIIU WOIWI MU HIUI lull, .S25h "eST:.-orn.IV ,U ' A'1 1t l.n.ipy worhl 'twould bo Tdiinossuo reports tliat Turks" did not mwui to firo on ships launch. Tho center of activity In tue avhi 1b shifted to Russian Poland Kor you and mo- -for you nnd inc. -Selected nitm ma t MsinMStt ..T citinnnflci In 4linf hliw for violation of neutrnlltj. ,,, IIle Bnnly ,io. XOVIJMHKR 22, JIM I Oormans ronow their nrtlllery at tacks nonr Ynros. Tho Knlspr's military Hlaff claims success In Poland Is nsmirad. Ililtish airships malco a raid on a. Gorman JCoppelln base. Tho Serbians put up n strong re sistance iiBainst tho lnvndlnc Aus trlans. A cargo of provisions for rollof of suffering llolglaus Is unloaded ut Itotturdatn, IMIKPARKDXKSS ADOPTION of an lnimcnso mll Itury preparedness progrnm by tho pence-loving adminis tration is extremely disheartening to humanity. Kuropo today, torn and bleeding, with five millions slain utld twelva millions uudor arms, with tho re sources nnd industries of till tho people devoted to unholy ulaughtor, Is tho nuswor to tho military pro paredncsH program. It was tho possession of largo tirmlon for do feimo that occusionod tho war. If barbarism and butchery tiro thy chief alms of civilization, tho United States, following in tho footsteps of Isuropo, is in a fair way to reui lzo thorn. Ono of tho best formulas for mnklng a good wife Is to get her a good hUBband. , 4 YOU KNOW Til KM . ,i,ii .1,11 NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS STEALING TYPE IS CHARGE AGAINST MEN Tho Arc Held, to Await. Action of f.Vnml .liny for Tlicrt at Haiidon The Coqullle Sentinel prints tho following: "Win. Rogers, a foundry man tit llandon, and Jnmcs McOuire, a milk dealer, hnvo been hold to tho grand Jury for appropriating and melting up 1100 pounds of typo from tho old Surf office. Tho type bolojixod to M. A. Himpson, tho former proprietor of that pa per nnd when rescued from tho burning building had boon stored in Oriental Hall. Not long ago Simp Bon hnd Invoiced it and contracted to Roll It to Frank 11. Cameron, or tho Agitator, for $1G0. (Otjl'lliliK XKWS MVUTIjI'J l'OIXT XOTKS "Somo follows In this busy land Spend all their time," said Hen, "In getting Into trouble nnd , . Then getting out again." Thoro aro bouio Coos Hay philan thropists who glvo ti blind man a nickel for a lead pencil and then take two pencils out of the blind man's hat. Toll a 'Coos Bny womnn Hint hor now lint looks stylish, or that It looks pretty, but for tho lovo of Poto nov el' tell her that it looks sensible. It is tough, but it Is tho truth, that opportunity to somo Coos Hay men means a chniico to work hard all day for $10 or $12 per wook. 1 QUKHTIOX TOR TIIK DAY 1 Happenings ut County Sent Told In the Sentinel Mrs. O. O. Lund, who has boon vis iting in Mnrshfleld, has returned homo. Mrs. Charles Marshall Is still quite 111 at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Longston. Dr. C. W. Emllcott started for San Francisco la the Sltkum route to Roseburg. f? Rev. T. II. Downs is assisting Rev. .Mr. Jinco in .a series oi uiceuuKa ui Myrtle Point this week. K. B. Johnson has been confined to tho houso for tho pnst throo weeks with an attack of quinsy. Tho Geo. Peoples family, who re moved from horo a year ago, aro now located at Korman, California, in the Fresno section, having recently gone there from Susuuvllle, California. Mrs. F. G. Leslie cnnio homo from California on tho Elizabeth. Whon sho crossed the Rnudou bar, all tho passougerfl wero locked in their staterooms as a precautionary measure. What litis becomo of tho old fash ioned school book that mothor ubciI to cover with calico and on tho Index Yet thoro never was n i page, of which was scrawled tlmo in tho history of tho Nation when thoro was loss nood of ar mament, isolation makes Invasion impractical, despite the lurid shrieks of Jingoes. Tho wur'a conclusion will leavo an exhausted world no "If my nnmo you would llko to see, You'll find It on pngo 23." Them wub tho happy days. A married man is nu important factor of his household uiij.ll tho matter who Is victor. YcarH of re- first baby comes nlong, After that cuporatjou will bo necessary lioforo ho might as well crawl Into tho col any power recovers sufficient hw and stay thoro with the rest of strength for a war of conquest. And i tho aalies. Instead of advocating universal ills- armament and paving tlio way for a , Coos Hay womon nro llko cigars. Parliament ot tho world, tho Unit-! You can't toll anything about tho fil ed States will bo keeping intllinr- lor whon you look at tho wrappor. Ism ullvo after its collapse in Kit- ropo. When you slzo up somo Coos Hay While no ono advocates non-re- married couples you ronllzo that the slBtauco mid all believe In somo 'only chanco ho would over get to hit preparation for defense, the degree nor would bo in Bolf deionse, of preparation la mo ihhiio. uer tnlnly tho need ot tho Nation dooH not call for the monster tuo-lillllou dollar military establishment out lined. If a half-billlou dollars is necessary this year, n billion dol lars will be declared .necessary tho next year. A standing army of a quarter of a million will be de clared Inadequate, and a million, then two millions, and then tho ontlro Nation in ariiiB, Anil wo will bo asked to keep the barbaric Itlonls of mllltiirlRiu ullvo by iruliilnx iichool lioyn for future slaughter, under tho sham pretence that tho Nation Is eiidaiiKcred. Why this frenzied utampeilo to wards mllltarUm Why this expen diture of hundreds of millions In warships before wo know whether a battleship is of any uso In war? why not wait to Bucuro.nll tho les Hut fow Coos liny men work ovor tinio ill an effort to mnko their wives 1 1 .-... I'ui'i'j. Maehluo politics always hooiiis more profitable than machine poetry. PORT ORKORI) XOTKS Xows of Curry County Told In the Tribune Miss Ellda Marstcrs, of Gold Ilcuch, has been visiting relatives In tho northern pnrt of tho county. 13. II. Dye, of Myrtle Point, who has been spending a week or two at Gold Reach, passed up tho coast on his return homo. Floyd Huntley passed through town en route1 .from his home tit Gold Reach to tho Wlllamotto Val ley, whoro ho will spend Bovcral wcokn boforo returning. Two teams from Hnndon, which had gono to Woddorburn for that purpose, passed up tho coast last week with tho Chinamen thnt had been' working at Roguo River dur ing tlio fishing Benson for tho Muc leay Kstato Company. News of tlio People There o'cl In tlio Kntcrprlso Dr. M. 0. Stommler and son, liar ton, arrived home, overland, from a visit to tho Exposition nt San Fran cIsco J. T. Ross, tho ploncor morchnnt of North Powers, (was a business visitor horo. Air. nnd Airs. Allen Panter wero visiting friends and relatives on the lower river. Uyron Jackson, loft for Portland, whoro ho will attend school prepara tory to entering the eollego of den tistry. Dickson & McCrnckon put a forco of men at work eroding a big cattle shod on tho Dement rnuch south east of this city. Edgar llannan, the tie Inspector from North Hond was attending to business affairs In tho Alyrtlo Point section. Frank Dygart arrived homo from Eugene, whoro ho was for a month visiting nt tho homo of his brother, W. C. Dygart. Chas. Ouorln arrived from Ju noau, Alnsktt, whoro ho is engaged In govornmont work. Ho will visit rolntlvoa hero for a fow days; then go to Onkland, California, whoro ho will apond a fow weeks with his fam ily and In about a month return to his work lu the Land Offlco at Juneau. HURRY JKTTY WORK Construction u( Sliislaw River Is He lug Hastened FLORENCE. Ore., Nov. 22. Op erating conditions at tho jetty aro improving nnd tho stone delivery is Increasing, Tho repair work on tho tramway of tho north Jotty will soon bo completed nnd it is expected tnnt a forco of men will bo put to work on tho ro-constritctlon of tho receiv ing whnrf of tho south Jotty boforo tho end of the week. Uncle knows p'ood bam L Q. Syr 'jgs ji - ( wA&iin ) Perfection Oil Heaier Tents in the Model Camp, U. S. Marine Corps, P. P. I. E., San Fran cisco, 1915, are equipped with Per fection Oil Heaters. Smokeless and odorless. Dealers everywhere. For best results use Pearl Oil i Standard Oil Company . (Callfprnint JlnrslillcM A AAA A AAA AAA OKTS GOVERNMENT .1011 CATTLE ARE HIGHER Tho Coqullle Scutlnol say8: Cattlo on tho hoof aro soiling 1 1-2 cents per pounTl cheaper lu Coos nnd Curry counties this year than they sold Inst year. Outsldo buyors nro offering 4 cents for atecrs and throo cents for cows. PL'LLEI) WIFE'S HAIR Ho has wrostlud with tho problem Till tho color loft his cheuk, It is, will the Thanksgiving turkey Furnish hash for more thou week. What ato tho wild waves naylng? Wo euro not a single toss Our thoughts aro now on turkoy Mince plo and cranberry snuco. TOPICS OF THE TIMES A man wns roccnily Hont to tho Insulin asylum lu California bcrauso sons taught by conflict lioforo wast- cy that his houd was n block Ing our money in structure olmo-" 0""- '" """'"" '""" " j loto boforo completion? Sclouco u ' Oi-eKon and ;yo would send him to revolutionizing warfare why not , "'" 'lu i.ikibiiiii. socitro tho boueritB ot tho revolution before expending tho blood money of the people? Tho example of America lu upend lug two billions for mllltiirlmn v. Ill . 1 .. m , Tu ..Al.l A COIipiU III 1M)W .IUIHUJ- rtJIMUB lmod ti 2-dnllar bill, thoy picked up, In building their newt. Somo Coos Hay pooplo might profitably Imi tate this robin wisdom by putting Clniming thnt hor husband had a fascliintion for pulling hor hair and othorwlso treating her in n cruel nnd Inhuman mnnnor, Mrs. Wlnnl frcd Williams appeared before Judge Hamilton lu the Douglan County Court nnd nsked that alio bo granted a docrco of dlvoreo from P. 0. T. 11. Williams. RoEoburg Rovlow. MARRIED I'll Tit TIME AIih. Itei'thn Taylor of Roseburg Ih Wedded Again ROSEUURG. Oro., Nov. 22. En- trlmonlal Tho Sluslaw Pilot saya: Frank E. Alonroa recently took tho civil sor- t'lnk AVnttttiinHmi rt fa1ttr 111 tho United States oiiKlnoorlinr do-! nl"K "!on hor fifth nintrlm partmont. Ho has received notice! '. ni" v ,l"noa f y. hat ho has passed tho examination S,""1 'a,7flnr. "jJn' l1' ' "r" Buceossfully and has been assigned j g J,''01,? ' 0JSa YJZrni l ,1V ,,,wlnr Timing l.'nlnnnr !.' TC i?"r 1108 OlltlllllClI tltrCO dCCrOOfl Of Leofe, who lias chargo of tho Jotty construction nt 'tho mouth of tho Sluslaw RIvor. Mr. Monroe has ns Biimcd his duties. SHIP CRAXRERRIES Tho Umpqun Courlor snys. E. L. Robinson, tho well-known surveyor and civil engineer of Coos liny, la shipping somo flno cranberries to Gardiner, which ha raised on his farm nonr Cooa Hay. Thoy nro tho best quality and alzo v)f any which wo hnvo noticed in tho market this year. Air. Robinson has qulto a tract set out to this kind of borry, which did oxceodlngly well this year. dlvorco and ono husband wub killed in tlio local railroad yards. For sovornl months Alra. Taylor ha conductod a cleaning nnd press ing parlor in this city. JUL DEVORE DEAD 1'iiHios IX NEW POSITION H U Kiiuwiin . ... .. . . t !....- bo followed by Wtlior NlltlOllB, Jllt l"1'" inoiiuy .mi. .. iiiiuiv. nrf Geriunny s exitiiinle was. nnd ' " ' this will forco America In turn to , 31. (). HiiHliiiii, "of Coqullle, from AhM'sso,. Thirtv orrico Tho Coquillo Valley sentinel Bays: AI, O. Hawkins, ono of tho most efflclont noputioB who has ovor sorv- ed Coos county, last Monday resign Jncroase nrmniueuiH, aim ma iiimiuoiA -r rue unTtri o u" v "uu '"", Bv .miuimjr mowi- mil win lis mi m niilmliiHte lu an-1 A I I nt nil I CLo & od his position lu Assessor Thrift a other world conflict. Why plnnao , 5AAsAAAAAA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAf , offlco, nftor botweon olght nnd nlno tlio Nation into such criminal fol- ndh Ho,tl ! r' 80rv,eo ',, t,lu court o n y? n Tnliimn F nnlre Tolin Slraub- I varloim capacltlos. Mr. Hawkins Jy'.. .. w . ,.. ,.. ... .. I , loiuiHoii, i.inpire, .lonn Hirniiii, ,., ,.. ,,-... ... n,..ini. , ,,,,, tim iiiiiiN loinij ui i- Kuceno: w. '. Fens cr. J vrtlo ' ""?..:"- .""'-", .' ..""V.'" of economic 0-,o lt: Oooriro n ,vor. Powers: W. PJ .I0"'""" . ii uim oy iioiiry -but bocauso ironnan. Portland: W. T. Fay. Jef-I ft0. "8l IC' . s 'a" ." .?l"0..V: uro edition of U.o'f(M.goI, w.: T. II Jones. San Fran-i Um ?.u B" ?. .'"" 1,"?..VI".V.1"" for the Natlon'B vhm. ,i, G. Crognn. San Francisco: J? " "V'?. ',"' V .. V"S VS"V .irr.fllo 'IMm . r..... . ..,. r. TT li.. I "HO UUVIl UMIK IHIUIl 111- J. O. U1IIIUI1, tu.u. ,... ..u i,. (, .iiiiiiiui. nun i' iiiiii'iBLii; vi. 11 mi- , Mr. RoobovoU at rlflco his prog is in forms for militarism Toddy. Is mlnlnt Kaiser Is no rvanon sacrKIcluK these uniiBOB of war aro economic, If uoy, snn FrnnclKco; Frank Ackloy, economic JiiBtleo prevallti, the causo J powora; C. It. Howard, Groy Hull, of vriir Ib remoed. Alllltary prepur- J Wyoming; AI, 1). Howard nnd wife, cdnesB cannot provont war, though Grey Hull: J. P. Klornau, Son Frnn tho Issuo raUed may gldotruck bo- cIsco; J. 13. Larson. Couulllo; Una clal and Industrial reforms vital to i Kiuiilciitt, Alyrtlo Point; F. AI. Reov tho llfo of tho Nation. That nation oh. San Francisco; J. A. Wilson, )u unconquorablo in which Bocinl Portland; J. E. Paulo, Coquillo; Miss Justice prevail. Securing it Is tho.I.oggott, Heaver Hill; J. J. Richard beat nrcparedness. son, Portland. m. Lnmenco Hotel H, G. Crogan, San Francisco; T. 11. Jones, Sun Francisco; 1). It. Jones, San FmneUeoj Goorgo Tnkoto, iton- ver Hill; Atra. A. Alundny, Powora; F. C. Hamilton, North lulot; J. G. Snilth, Cons Rlvor; Air. nnd Mrs. Horn, Dolmnr; Airs. Irono Curtis. , Powers; W. A, Stull, Sumnor; Frank i Hino, Shelburn; R. C. ArontKoniery, Hrldve; Wnltor Anderson and wife. . Gardiner; J. II. Rooney, Rlue Rldgo; Joe Carter, Powers; f. AI. Hull-Lo Maftiir ,. -.'-- Terrible Croup Attack Quickly Repulsed By Old Reliable Remedy but his purehaso of a half lutorost in the Title and Trust compnny, of course compellod him to sovor his connection with the rival company. Well known Georgia toro keeper Imt ram. Icrcd croup an J coUt for hU family of tun will) FoUy'a Honey an J Tar Compound. The minute tlmt loaro terrifying; j lie niiiiiiiu iimi iiuiii-bu iiri'Viu .,,,, n,ii., T . ... .,., i .i, croupj ioukIi U lioanl in tho iiomu of ' wls. Coquillo: L. A. Groon and wife, X J. i.itrULl, tl .JtMl VIVllll, IJH , UUb comes 1'olo'H llr.ni'y ami Tur Com- jiouna ill' re n iuwuvm n unmo i unity, Hero's wliat lie auja: "Two u( my my clillilion, onu boy antt a Klrl, uiretl clclit and nix yeura rfcpeetlily. hml torrlblo uttHclca.of cioiii, Inst winter l completely uuwi mom nun and Foloy'o llom y niul 'Jar I'omiioinul. 1 i linvo ton lu family mul for y,-r fve ' yr USCil roiojrii jiuuur nun it vuiuHuau : pi-,,1, and it never fall " ,,; Ttntiinii wonv una wive i ooior diiis i " .in tcoIpv'm llunev and Tar Com. rqunU always on hand, In your lioma. One bottlo lart a Umg time ilf wlUWannii fiaio-.il nil tlio lHt done la us good ns tho first. Oct tho eemiluo. For talo by Owl Piworlptlon Phnr macy. Frank I). Cohan, Cantiul Ave nuo. Oppoeltj Chnudlor Uotol, Tolo phone 74. Sumtier; L A. Johnson, niuo Ridge. llliiiiro Hotel Frank Halno, Shelburn; Henry liavne. Hnndon: H. H. Grenory, Powers: Alvln Smith, Coos Rlvor; J. J. Krahev, Lakoslde; Potor Nor ton. Sumner; C. 10. Norton, Sumnor; ren Johnson, Coquillo; W. S. Coqullle: H. Wlkinan, Powora llollenbock. Hnndon: John I Smith. Heaver Hill: John Tollofson. KRBtalde; Phillip Lonunn, North Ilend: J Slonhena, Powora. NKW LAWSl'ITS FILKI) Tho following nro somo of tho now law suits fllod in tho circuit court: Fnnnlo Wasson vs. J. K, Wasson. Suit for dlvorco. Port of Cooa Hay vs. James Har nes. Port of Coos Hay vs. Simpson Lumbor Company. Frank R, Shoron vs. John F. Hon .van and Annie Honynii, his wlfo. Suit to foroclose mortgage. 1). A. Hilling, W. K. Lundy nnd C. 10. Hullng doing business ns Htiling. Lunity te Sona, vs. J. w. Hatton and WelUKnown Drain Man Away nt Ills Homo Dr. C. P. Dovoro, n highly oateomed resldont of Douglas County, nnd ono of tho oldost plfyslclntiH lu South orn Oregon, dlod at his homo at Drain Novombor 18, after an illness of nbout nlno weeks. Ills death was duo to heart trouble, with which ho had boon afflicted for somo tlmo. Dr. Devore wnB nbout 77 yonrs of nxc, and had rosldod in Drain for tho past nlno years. Although not lu tho active practlco of medi cine for a fow years past, ho took ! part In Drain's local nffalrs and was a poraon whoso Judgment was con sldorod of tho boat, Prior to coming to Orogon, Dr. Dovoro practiced mod lclno In California for a number of yonrs. Ho Is survived by n son, Attornoy Clntido Dovoro, of Kstn cada, olio by two daughters, Dr. Hortha Dovoro, of Drain, u practicing physlclnn. and Airs. II. It. Ranisdoll, of Wost nutto, California. Rosoburg UotIoiv. PALACE RESTAURANT AT NORTH BEND OPENS AI. A. Tlironi of Xobrnskn Has Leased Reoni and Will Hnvo I'iiht C'laH Plnco AI. A. Throin. n Nobrnska man. lias leased tho room on Shormnn avenue , In North Hond whero tho Grnnd ros taurnnt was located and has bought . tho fixtures and soon will open tho placo. Tho restaurant Ib ono of the best appolntod on Cooa Hay, and la, quite handaomoly furnished. Air. Throm o.pecta to conduct a, first class restaurant nnd In connec tion with It will a littlo lator on i havo a bakery bb woll. The res-1 taurnnt is lucated on tho lowor floor . of tho Palate hotel and noxt to tho Alyrtlo Hatton. his wlfo. I hotel offlco so that It fumUhod din-, Poarl .May KHob. administrator of, ,,lK room accomodations for tno ho- II? ) DOX'T tin tho RKST work on I. Wosttnorlnnd vos liny I Mill ile.in ami press your: Wayuo Holcomb Milt freo nnd put ono do'lnr lu any i nos pocket. You ro (o bo tho Judt;e. JAY DOYLi:. toi guests. Tho new proprietor is nn experienced restaurant man. Tho restaurant has been closod for some tlmo and tho last owner gave It up and loft the city. t NEWS OF OREGON I AIARRIAGK L1CKXSKS HOOD RIVKR A number of nro- Recont niarrlaieo Hoensos Issued bylportv owners havo started suit the county dork wore: against the Stnnloy-Smith Lumbor Kraucia Marlon Addison and Anna ompanv to spcuro wator rights for the ostalo of Win. K. Miles, docouson vs. Annie L. Alorgnn and George H. Alorgnn. T, F. AIontRomory va Ohna. Van Zllo. V. AI. Smith s. Alyra Smith. Suit for dlvorco. Rosa Glossop vs. Frank Turnor, Dora Turnor and Alartln Russell. Suit to foroeloso mortgage. Harriot and AIoKInley Wllloy. Thoodoro Clinton and Schroeder Reuben Roupp nnd Alary A, Tripp, Alnbel A. irrigation purposes. PORTLAND S. AL Aloars has prosonted his resignation as nmoan bor of tho Port of Portland but his successor has not yet boou appointed. THE PERFECTION OIL HEATERS AIAY ALWAYS 1110 FOUND AT SUMNER HARDWARE CO. 80 MAltKKT AVKN'UK. MARSHFIIOLD, OHIO. Semdiia4iwkffl Bail CI "WHIORIO SAVINGS ARIO SAFK" Keep your papers In n hafo plnco. Hco our mnv nioderii hnfo deposit. boxes . , Rent "" els. per nioiitli. HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 PROFESSIONAL Dr" ,USj lco:Irn ,. I Omcohoun,:'8 ' 'I nml 7 to 8 p. , """'ill, t'liones: Office 113.,. . .-Jj, li. J- M. Wright " Mo, hur and Throat Rn., ono.,;1,l00 Irving iilorlr ' ". MATTIH ILsHj ' Plionn nnn I'hono mo H. G. Butler CIVIL EX(IlXr:En Koom 304 Cokn m,i. . UcshloncP '.r.?!U W. G. Chandler AltCHITPfm Rooms 301 and 302, Cok Mnrshflcld, Oregon, TIAIU TAiirt. WILfiAMKTTK PACIFIC MOKI OAK m Leavo AInrshflold C:4C a.m. 7.45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. t2:E0 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. 1 Norft h( 7:01 H :tlu : u 11:0) u. 11:15 u. M1W MIM J: (:llu ItliK 5:i u:ot p.m. worth city limits cj, :jv p.m. 7;,Jw FLHUGHI & BEIETT Bfll OI.OKST HANK IX COOS COUXXY IMnbllstiod 18H0. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND SAVINGS DKP0SIT8 Officer J. W. Dennett, President. J J. II. FluuiiKiwi, Vice-President. ' 11. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Aflst. Cashier. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho idiom . HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton 114 Lump cpal, per ton im Or half ton of both wj 1). MUSS0.V, I-rep, Phono 18-J or Imvo ordm it Illllycr'a Cigar Eton. WOOD-GOOD WOOD W. II. LIdro has It at II JO ni Si! cash per load, nlso cat), rti prices HNisoiiallc. Gnrbijs tm id. Plinnn 'JliTJ. 3 une ss Leason I The less you have to deposit the great er the reason for its absolute safety, is only one of the reasons why a savings ac count in this bank is the best investment for small sums. FIRST of : NATIONAL coos BANK bay DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front fitrt l'hone 379J MERCHANTS CAFE Popular I'Imo for Good Meals Prions Reasonable Cor. Commercial and B'f- SOUTH COOS RIVER BO-H SERVICE IaUNCH EjrES3 leaves Mnrshflcld eTfr; kJ H n. m. Icnves Iifl ot ri' nt 31 18 p. m. STEAJIEB RAKMW leaves lioml of rirer dill; ' . m. Leaves MuwWIeU'l in. For charter applf bMrl nOQURS & 8MIU Propriotori Mttf .. .nlM Klin WESItHN Luwin BUILDING i0. t t t t . -T. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, Iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Kooiitz Garage' Phone 180-J. North Front Street Assets $2,340,000.00 t Pays 8 per cent on savitf t . S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local I reasuici ""; NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY . S. S. F. A. Kilbnrn SAILS TOR PORTLAND (Via Astoria) NOVH.MIlKIt 2ITU. FOU FUKT1I12R lXFORJrATIOX SMITH TEllMIXAli HOCK. pOXK lo. A. P, XOCT, AgoTt. T.J.SCAIFHCA.0. .,ut 1KD Marshfield jn n EstlmntesFur, mm m n 1 ina - Phoao iio-n, DUNGAN MvlM 1 1 mm 1 urwiiv wua" PARL0 .. " ajvl A Tej(ular u nudertnker " charge phone 15J ii"T j, Get yoirf Jo" PrU Times office I