.jm -'ttr ' 'f"'" "" ftR 'r', JL mie3rtfrtTyri'ni.-:M?ttf.-.aor.....h..cann,Tan. -yAnwoi THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1915- EVENING EDITION. IA KLZi&2 LRSl j cr iMx M v B JUT!. i AmoeE Tine Schools SCHOOL XOTICS COOS illVKll SCHOOL NKWS , PII18T BAPTIST ciiunon 4 Rev. H. 1). FosKott, Pnstor- Resldcnce, 210 Birch Ave. Phono 123-.T. Alice TIckoll, church clerk. B. II. PaldhoU, Sunt. Dlblo School, Calendar of Services: BIblo School, 10 n. m. Morning Wornhli, 11 n. m. "The Killing Spirit and Master Motive of Christianity." Eaststdo Mission, 3 p. m. . Y. p. u. meeting, c:30 p. m. People's Sorvlce, 7:30 p. in. Pcoplo's Servico, 7:30 p. in. "Tho Challenge of tho Gospel." Prayer meeting, Thursday 7:1C P. m. All all welcomo to theso ser vices. Our Invitation Is especially urgent to strangers in tho city and to thoso who havo no church home. Special Announcements I united imrcniiuw church J NORTH REND Mrs. R. N. Lewis. Pastor- Sabbath School at 10 a. in. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Preaching at 11 n. in. and 8 p.m Prayer Meeting Wednesday ore nine at S o'clock. SEVENTH DAY ADVUNTIBTS. Local Elder, J. B. Quails. Bovonth Day Advcntlst sorvicos aro conducted overy Saturduy aa follows: Sabbath School at 10 a. m. BIblo Study at 11 a. m. 'Yonnc Pooplo's Society at 3 p. m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7130 p. m. j NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. I Ilov. R. O. Thorpo f Rev. R. O. Thorpo, Pastor Phono 370 J. Rcsidcnco 874 So. 7th St. SUnday Sorvlco 11 n. m. Sunday School 10:00 p. in. .North Bond Sunday Sorvlco 4t p. in. "Tho Test of Efficiency In Student Lifo" was tho subject of nn address by Rev. Robert Browning to tho stu dents of tho High school Friday morning at ten o'clock. Efficiency consists in not an ovor stressing of tho physical, and tho mental but in a proper balanco of tho physical, tho montal, and tho spiritual. Attention was called to somo marked defects of the student lifo of tho presont nnd tho nppcal was inndo that these bo corrected. Lunch will bo served In tho kit chen dally beginning Monday. .Tho hour for grado pupils will bo 12:uu o'clock, for high school students 12:25 and 1:10. Menu and cost will bo. tentatlvo for tho present. Menu Soup per bowl 3c Chocolate pur cup 3c Milk por glass 3c Sandwiches each 2c Tho prices charged will bo Just enough to cover cost. Tho servico will ho cafeteria. Students who wish, may bring something from homo and order soup, milk, or choc olate. For tho present students nrc asked to gtvo In their names boforo eight o'clock of tho morning on which they expect to tako lunch. It wats roughly estimated that about twenty-flvo nil told might wlsii to bo served dally. On Friday night howovor, twenty-four had enrolled from the High school alone. Tho speclnls win tho "spell" this week; tho Juniors win out over tho seniors, the freshmen outrank tho Tho Ilopo Soiik Wo nro the Coos River High School With colors wliito and greon And It is painted now and so With colors red nnd greon. Coos River School house keep it up For you are n dandy' Mind tho scholars bo not Into And with tholr books are handy. Wo hear tho whlstlo of tho Ilopo And hlo nway in tho morning Oeorgo grabs from each wharf a lit- tlo dwarf Without a word of warning. And thero comes tho Rainbow Our South Fork sister boat With tho boys and girls wo all know With dinner palls and coat. Tho Mllllcomn first 3 seen With boys nnd girls a few Ilopo. Mllllcomn and Rainbow Aro Just tho threo wo vlow. News of Nearby Towns IMPROVING DAIRY Goorgo Lulirt Himdi Modem Will Havo at Conulllo Geo. Laird hns been making daily trips from Bandon to his dairy farm near Rlvertou, whore ho Is mnklng numerous improvements. Ho has purchased tho entire Holstcln herd of tho Star ranch and will soon niovo tho cows to his plnco. Mr. Laird has cngagod M. G. Lutsey, tho famous Curry County wrestler and dairyman, to tako chargo of his lanch, and expects to dovclop one of tho best plants on the Conulllo River. Bandon World. WANT POSTOKFIOE sophomores. No. Percent 100s of 100s 4-I I CATHOLIC CHURCH NORTH DEN!) Rov. Win. Hognn, Pastor. Address Morcy Hospltnl. Tolo phono 2G1. SUnday sorvlco First mass, 0:30 a, ni.; Inst mass, 9 n. 111. Rosary hd bonedlctlon, 7:30 p. m. i CATHOLIC CHURCH MARHHFIKL1) Rov. II. J, McDovitt, paotor; Rov. M. Wallace, asslstai)t, Address, .142 South Sixth strcot. Phono 21 G. Sunday SorvlcoB First mnss, 8 n. ra.; high mass, sermon and beno diction, 10:30. j MKTfHODlBT EPISCOPAL. 9 ."oeoph Knotts, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ep worth Loaguo tit 0:30 . in. Morning Sormou. Evening Sermon, , Spoclal music both morning and evenlug with Prof. Gerald Hunt direc tor of tho choir. Junior Longuo Sorvlco Thursday afternoon at 3:4G. Prayer Mooting Thursday ovou Jng at 7:30 o'clock. All aro cordially lnvitod. , EPISCOPAL CHURCH. t Fourth and Market Streets R, E. Browning, Rector 8 a. in.: Holy Communion. 9:30 n. m.: Sunday School. 11 a. in., Morning Servico and Sermon, "Heaven Paved With Good Performances." 7:30 n. in. Evening Sorvlco and Sormon: "Elijah's Mantle." 7:30 BIblo Study. Every Friday evening, 7:30, BIblo study class, I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Sorvicos Sunday 11 n. in. Wednesday, 8 p, in., Auditorium Publlo Library, Sunday morning, "Soul and Body" Sunday School, 12 M. In Christ ian Sclonce Hall, Reading Room open dally oxcopt Sunday and holidays, 1 4 p. in. Christian Science Hall 237 Third St. North. 4 , I CHRISTIAN CHURCH I - Victor P. Morris, I'nstor Sorvicos as follows at tho Church, cornor Sixth nnd Central: Regular 1 rvlcos overy Sunday. 10 a, m. Sunday School, You are cordially linlted to ntteud these meetings, METHODIST CHURCH I Rov, A. S. Hlsoy, Pastor. North Bond Tho sorvlces Sunday will bo as follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. 11:00 n. in. Sormon, Vespor Circle and Epworth League at 7 p. m. 4 j 11 A V PARR CHAPEL J E, II, Campboll, Pastor. j 2:30 p. m, Sunday School F. A. Sacchl, superintendent. m. Preaching by E. II. Seniors ... 91.22 8 2G.8 Juniors ... 92,95 8 38.9 Sophs .... 89.'9 10 35.7 Freshman . 90.73 1 1 35.1 Spoclals . , . 97.3 3 50. Tho High school phono Is now 410. Tho omorgoucy case In tho Choinl cal laboratory Is the work of tho mnnuol training students. Dobatcrs uro hard at work In tho library overy Monday evening. nomomber tho "Community Sing" at tho High school auditorium Wed nesday ovonlng tho night boforo Thanksgiving. A debatQ la announced for Con gress noxt Tuesday botwoon Davis and Franz vs. Storgard and Hongoll. Congressman Wright will bo allowod part or tho tlmo for tho presentation of nrgumfnta recommending nn In creaso In tho U. S. navy. Tho department of Chemistry stands ready to offer night class In Chemistry to any who may wish tho work; providing, of courso, a class of three or moro can ho organized. Communlcnto with Mr. A. J. M. Aoh ortBon. Romomber wo aro willing to sond our commorclnl stmlonts to assist buslnoss men with tholr clerical work. Wo Intend to solicit that pri vilege for somo of them If wo can ovor got tlmo to mako tho Intorvlows. In tho menu tlmo If you hnvo any offlco work call lie and wo nhnll mako It our buslnoss to boo that somo rollablo holp Is sent. If you neod lulp nt tho flrat of tho month In mailing out statomonts, let us know. Wo havo been permitted to supply two business firms bo far. ClnsH I A high school averaged 8tf on homo spelling nsslgnmout, Friday. Ell Sampson, Alma Wlesor, Mary McKliiiton mndo 100. Tho third IbSuo of tho Purplo and Gold caino out Wodnosday. It wn3 (ho bebt yot. That department of student opinion was n welcome nddl Hon. Tho Issue did much to con Unco mini) that u live student paper con render good Bervlco In n school llltu ours. And there aro gt outer possibilities yet. School will closo Wednesday night noxt week and remain closed until tho following Monday, Threo Candidates eminent Job After the Gov nt Bandon At the Tuesday assembly n'prs grnm wns given by tho Rainbow pu pils. Tho nudlonco consisted of tho Ilopo and Mllllcoma pupils. Mr. Bcs- soy nnd Mr. Biasco of tho board of ! aentntions to mnko to tho hlghor-ups Thrqo Bandon men want tho Job of Postmaster. Tho Bandon Wcst orn World, stating tho contest Is n friendly 0110, says: "So far, threo prominent Democrats havo entered tho race, and, slnco each of thorn has been a loyal life-long Democrat and each of them has strong repre- lally directors, and Mrs. Bcssoy. Tho program Btnrted with a verso by John Smith explaining tho purposo of tho ontertnlnment. Thero followed u "Rainbow Song", and a "stunt" with flags with tho different letters com posing tho word "Rainbow." Tho performers In tho stunt were Ervln Storm, Edith Stanley, Honry Smith, Ruth Bossoy, Erma HodBon, Agnes Unit and Alton Hall. It ended with tho entire crowd singing tho Rain bow song. Tho fourth nnd fifth grndo pupils received answers to tho letters that they wrote to tho corres ponding grades In Tampa, Florida. Somo of tho letters woro very Interesting. Ono stated that thoro woro 144 cigar factories In Tampa, another Bald that thero arc 1100 chldron going to their school and thnt thero aro flno summer re-1 by tho City sorts out thero whoro tho oraugo I mooting. In trees aro now In bloom. Gcorgo and Luwronco Bossoy rc turuod to school this week aftor n threo weeks nbsonco wlillo they vis Itcd tho exposition at San Francisco. Thoro was a school meeting at tho school building Tuesday. Thoro woro soven pcoplo in attendance and nu additional school tax was voted for and carried, Tho students of tho High School havo organized a studont body. Tho tlmo sot nsldo for tho meetings nro l'rlduy morning. At tho noxt moot ing tho pormauont officers will bo chosen. A club hns been formed In tho high school English department call ed tho Autobiography Club. Most of tho students aro mombors and thoy aro to wrlto tholr autobiographies and road them boforo tho club. Painting and drawing woro started this week In tho liitormodlato and pilmnry grades. It Is still an open question as to who vlll havo tho strongest pull. Tho aspirants nro Chris. Rasntiisson, of Riismusson Bros. & Tuttle, old tltnor In Bandon, who aftor tii first of tho year will bo nt lelsuro; Win. .A. LcGoro, ono of tho pro prietors of tho Bowling Alloy, eight years a resident of Bandon, and especially promtnont in various .'odgo circles; and J. W. Mast, for mor Mayor and present Councilman, Also a pioneer resident nnd espec- promlnont In local politics. MAKE CITY LEVY Bandon Will Vtwe n Deficit Dining Coining Year BANDON, Ore; Nov. 20. A tcn mtll tux levy ordinance was passed Council nt tho last addition to n th'rco- mlll levy to moct Interest on scries B water bonds wns passed, making tho total levy for municipal pur pores 13 mills. Thero will bo a deficit nnd in order to meet tho shortngo botween tho rovcuuo nnd cxpenss of tho city an occupation tax as a last ro sort is favored. BANDON NOTES SUMMONS SUIT IN EQUITY In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Orogon, In and for tho County of Coos. Marshfleld Compnny, n vs. Mary E. To Mary Realty nnd Trading corporation, plaintiff, Buckler, defondant. E. Buckler, dofondaut nbovo named: In tho Name of tho Stato of Oregon: You aro horoby notified that you nro roqulrod to ap poar and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho nbovo cntltlod court and causo within six weeks from tho dato of (ho first publica tion of this (summons, to-wit: With in sl wooks from tho 13th day of Novombor, 19 1G, and if you fall to appear on or boforo tho 29th day Now of tho City Toll I lu tho West cm World Carl Bowman hns secured n post-1 Hon lu tho Smith-Powers company I storo nt Powors and loaves tomor- j row to go to work. Col. nnd Mrs. R. II. Rosa arrived ! homo on the Elizabeth from a threo-' weeks' visit to tho exposition nnd . with California friends. ' Dr. J. R. Wothorbeo wont to Coos Bay tho first of tho weok on routo ' to Portland on business. Mr. Wotli orbocyis getting matters sottlod at tho Star ranch and expects to hnvo nil his tntorests disposed of by tho first of tho year. Clinton Conger, movlo machine man at tho Grand Thcntor, loft 011 tho Elizabeth for n vacation in San Francisco. Union Thanksgiving sorvicos will bo hold on Thanksgiving day iit tho Presbyterian Church. Thfy will commonco nt 10:30 n. m. nnd Ro'. C. V. Cross, of tho Mothodlst Church South, will dollvor tho sormon, BRIGGS FOUND GUILTY 7:30 p Campboll. Mld-woek prayer nesdny, 7:30 i. m, meet lug,' Wod- SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH. icov. nengston Cornor Third and Commercial. Rosidonco 294 Highland. Phono 91-R. 9:15 a. in. Sunday School. 11 n. in, Sorvlco. Confirmation Class at North Bond at 2:30 p. 111. Sonleo 7:30 p. in. I MARSHFIELD PRESBYTERIAN I CHURCH I Rov. J, S. Stubbloflold, Pastor Chns. H, Lowry, clork of sessions A, L. Butz, Tronsurer. Mrs. Chas, McKuIght, president Womon's Auxiliary. Miss Mary Kruso, organist. J, T. Brand, Supt, Sunday School. Sunday school, 10 a. 111. 11 a. in., Thanksgiving." 7.30 p. 111.. "Church Going." Prnyor meeting 7:30 p. m, Thursday. (Special to Tho Times) ROSEBURG, Oro., Nov. 20. Charles C. Brlggs of Hubbard Creole of Docoinbor, 1915, bucIi dato bolng was found guilty In tho circuit court the last day of tho tlmo prescribed of stealing, slaughtering and dlspos In tho ordor for publication, Judg-1 Ing of threo head of cattlo belonging mem will bo taken ugnlnst you forto W. R. Vinson. Tho caso will pro want thereof for tho rellof demand- bably bo nppealed. ed In plaintiff's complaint, n sue- ,-,,-, naruwuu r- n r rnnnnfuwvi tlnct statement of which Is ns fol-1 tho manner provided by law. l0W8: That all of your lntorest and tho That plaintiff recovor from you tho Intorests of nil persons claiming by sum of Eleven Ilundrod Dollars or under you In the above described (151100.00), with interest thoreon -cal proporty bo fof?vor barrod and at tho rnto of six per cont per an- foreclosed. num from tho 1st day of Novombor, That tho plaintiff may become a 1913, to dnte, and for Interest on J purchasor of said real proporty nt tho turn of Flvo Hundred and Fifty jMiid salo, that tho Sheriff executo a Dollars (?550.00) from tho 1st day deod to tho purchaser of said laud of Novombor, 1912, to tho 1st day 'and tho purchaser thereof bo grant of Novombor, 1913, nt tho rate of ' od Immedlato possession mureof. six por cont por annum: that M101 Service of this Bummnna in mmi Subscribers, Please Note ?AttRIERS nro Instructed to put papers on ( porches or in other sultnblo plncos whoro s tlpy win bo safo from wind and rain. Sub scribers nro requested to notify tho offlco when over theso Instructions nro not bolng followed. Phono complaints nnd other matters pertaining to delivery to OO - t !' HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 plaintiff recovor from you tho fur ther sum of Ono Ilundrod Dollars ($100.00) as an attorney fee heroin, and nlbo Its costs and disburse ments lu this suit. That tho mortgago heretoforo ox ocuted by you 011 to-wit tho 4th day of Novombor, 1912, to this .plalij tiff, nnd conveying tho following described real property, to-wit: Lot numbered Threo In Block numbered VifUen (15) in tho Town of Marsh flold, Coos County, Orogon 10 uueuro tho amount sot forth nbovo, bo fore closed as by law provided, that tho UBiial deoroe of foreclosure Issuo'ber 13, 1915; last and that said property bo sold in 'comber 27, 1915, upon you by publication pursuant to nn ordor mndo by tho Hon. John S. Coko, Circuit Judgo ot Coos County, Stato of Oregon, on tho 12th day of November, 1115, direct ing that tho samo bo published in tho. Coos Bay Times, for a r.oriod of six weeks. JOHN D. GOSS, JQIIN C. KENDALL. HERBERT S. MURPHY, Attomoys for plaintiff, First Nat ional Bank Building, Marshfleld, Oregon. Dato of first publication Novom- publlcatlon Dc I OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & KlniC. Lonvo Mnrshflold nt 7 n. in., anil returning leaving from Empire nt 8 n. 111. Leave Marshflelil nt 11 n.m. nnd returning Icnvo South Slough nf 1 p. ni. Lcavo Mnrshflold nt 5 p. 111. nnd returning lonvo South Slough nt O i. 111. J- Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co Dams, Bridges, Building. General Construction COMPLETE PL'ANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office hd$ available for Oregon Cbast work the Dredge "Seattle" the most powerful, licftt equipped "nnd most thoroughly modem twenty-Inch hydraulic dredgo in Pnrlflo waters Main office, Seattle, Washington. Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. FUWBH i- 0HIE1T BI OLDEST HANK IN CO0S COUNTY Established lBHtl. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid fon . TJ1110 AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS , SK- Qfflcen J. V. Bennett, President. J J. II. Flnniigr.il, Vlco-Prcsldcnt. R. P. WIUIiiiils, Cnslilur. Geo. P. Winchester, Asst. CaaMct. One Reason Xhe less you have to deposit the great er the reason for its absolute safety, is only one of the reasons why a savings ac count in this bank is the best investment for small sums, i OF FIRST IN JrX X 1 WIN Jt JU COOS BANK bay Abstracts AND INFORMATION VOU RELIARLIi ABSTRACTS OP TITLE ABOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See -TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. . marshfield and coquillk. citv. oregon oknkral Agents, eastsideandsengshaoicbn's addition agents for canadian pacific railroad lands .. . henry sengstacken, manager EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A Kilbitrn v. . SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO, (Via Eureka) NOVEMBER 17, 1 M. PORTLAND (Via Astoria) ' NOVEMBER 23. ' ' F0R FUIJT1 ER INFORMATION ' w" -xu.il .m.vili hock. lnONE ISO A. T. NOTT, Agent. ur- .M,?r nnd 7 in h .. .. ' h.1 i 1. Plinttna rt I Zln Ulu JM. Wrioht Efltlinatea furni.h.7?01 ; J3 0D leiONt Dr. H. M Qhn,,. K)o, Enr and Thron b . Wono 8.10 J. i,aota, JL '"'"t; irtock- on. MATTID B. SIIAV Miycin and Bo'rKM, "uiio a;ioj( H. G. Rllflnn WVII, BNOlSEEn Room 304 Coko Bldg. Ph00, RcBlilencn pi,,. .. . ! "W, " """ -Ii. W. G. nhnnrllnn ARCHITEoj Rooms 301 ani 3n n.t. Marshfleld, Oregon. Wm. S. Tiimpn utuui'ri;(f Maruhflold. 0rejon. WILLAMI Lcavo Mnrshflold a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. P.m. P.m. p.m. P.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. G:4G 7.45 8:45 9:45 10:4G, tl:3(T 12:50 1:45 2!45 3:45 5:00 C.40 6:55 7:30 TIJIIJ TABLE TTK PACIFIC MOKB OAU Ut North Enj 7:00 U 8:0)ji, 9:00 IB. 10:15 u, 11:00 La. llMSia. 1:1! pa. 2:00 pa. J'OO pa 4:00 M 5:15 pa. 5:55 pa, North city llmlU oslr. 7:u 'Wft save mm njr ordering tlie liemt a HtNKYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton iw Lnnuy coal, por ton .. f-'JO Or half, ton ot both tn . '' I). 3IU8SOM, IT !, Phono 18-J or leave ortbri tti Hllljcr'a Clgtf Stow. Wood-good wood W. II. LhiKo Iiim It MIIJMuJ 8 cunIi ikt load, also toc tfWi Iu-Icoh 1-eiu.onablo. Omig r ed. Phono "-.1. DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street Phone 37i MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Place for Good Meals PrlnnQ RMsrinable Cor. Commercial aai B'dw". SOUTH COOS 1UVER BOW SEimCK LAUNCH EXPRESS leavoa Marshfleld eTerf 8 a. m. Leaves head of rh at 3:18 p. 8TEA.MER RAINBOW lenTes head of river iJ ' ' . m, leaves Marshfleld t 3 m. For charter fll'PU bwr4 noGEns & BMiin Proprletori mM WESTERN LOAN AND' dUILUIHU uwi Assets $2340,000.00 t Pays 8 per cent on Savings t I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. t Local Treasurer U444444444ZZI ' T. J. SCAD? tf A. Marshfleld ftiS n sr-s&s Phoe 1-10 Times Want Ads Bring Results DUNGAN Aj,Vn UNUtm PARLOBS; will be iLijJ OPEN TO THE 0 A regular "JT, nndertnker wlU charge phone iw -, V-