, jj.? r"' rtr sf ty-ir-- vt -iq n-" t i j THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1915 EVENING EDITION tix r-tr-, ; : - f t 17?" v 1 1 . i r t fi,,r t. DOINGS OF CITY COUNCIL IVEiAniES pMyOURmpAITBRNS BfSWmiii3uai ' fc "wafldMrt ;YAawrM ?rt Surprising Values in Women's Fall Suits Fashionably iimito fmnu Kiodiltm nbltt Materials, in every Fashionable Autumn Shade. Many tif Ibcnt dimmed In fur. , Ami vhllo thco Hulls nro iiuiisiial vnliics, (hey appeal oven mtiiu bo entiso f tbolr MiiiU'liiL'SM of Ntjle. SiiKh tif fine Gabardine, Whipcords, Hrciiihiofh, Wool l'(iilln uiitl (bo new mixtures. Homo with high chin collars ami trimmed wllh rlt'li silk braid. $16, $17.50, $20, $25 Hub Dry Goods Co. "SMARTWEAR FOR WOMEN" Corner BroadwayantlCcntral Avenue. Phone 361 - , . I,. I --II mrl Jf V' X f'1 :: u TAX LEVY 20 MILLS AM) THIS HAISKS $1,000 I,14SS THAN Til 14 Hl'DGKT I4ST1.MATI4 Xo Oilier Way Out, Hut. To Monti Do ehiro Countiliucii Ordinance Passes' I'lia'iluiomdy IS :: :: u Xt ti DISPUTED BIXOIiAIIl AXD TUIjLHV CIjAIM COUNCIL I)IV14HGI4D Tlielr Attoriicy SnjM Contracts Should llavo llccn l,ct "Plcco I Meal" iiutl Not Altogether BUSINESS MEN HrXKGATiO.N TO ATTI4XI) QUAIt TKltlA MI4I4TJNG TOXIOIIT Take, Hjieclal Train to Cellar Point t ami lltuitil lloat for llamlon Hack at linrly Hour Aboard u special train Into this afternoon a delegation of Murshflold nml North Hoik! business men left for lftindon whoro tonight thoy will moot with tho Coos County Husl ncHS Mons' Association nt Its qunr terly gathering. Tho visitors Intend to return about two n. tn. via flpcu litl bout mid train, to thotr homes, Merrick 1h CoiiiIiik L. It. Merrick, otato Honrotnry of tho Oregon IlolntI Morchnuts Asso ciation, lolophonod from Floronco this morning Baying ho was coining and wnB duo to arrive horo on tho Htago about 2:30 p. in. Ho la to hu nno of tho prluolpnl spunkem this avonlng. All morning long 14. L. Powell, Bocrotnry of tho organization, Hut tit IiIb telephone und cnllud tho Coos liny mcmliors, urging thoni to ho on hand thlH afternoon. Ho said nt one o'clock that ho expected 10 moin hern would got away. Tho Chiiriu will moot tho train at Cedar Point and tnko tho visitors down to Han don. MuM Toast mauler Tho program of tho session tonight wiib not known horo today but via long distance Mr. Powell nscortuln od that ,1. YY. Mast, of Hnnilou, Is tonutmaster of tho evening and that J, Albort Mntson will probnhly bo u Bpcnker from Mnrsliflold. CITY MEN LOSERS I4MPM)YI4S OK CITV IIAVI4 WAH HAXT.S HHAVI4D 5 PI4U C14XT Twenty mills IH tho tax lovy or MarHliflcld Tor 1916. This Is an In crease from tho 13.5 mills of 191C, of 0.5 mills. And oven at this tho city fathers declared, at their meeting off lust evening, thnt the Income of the city will fall $ 1,139 bolow tho total of tho budget for tho now year. Prohibition in cans a direct loss to I MurBhfloId'B finances of $7, BOO next year, or ono half of what It will bo tho following your. To suvo bond ing to liny tho current running exs ponscs, the city fathers after long deliberation, declared there wiib no other wny out, but to make tho levy !20 mills. Xo Plot est Kiiterctl Wlwttn r t iiKiilnatu fpntu ...- A 1J J 11 VI U 111 jril'lVDLO iiuiii Jll 1J- fporty ownors, though Henry Seng- fltneken declared there ought to bo I a "shaving" tako pluco In connec tion with tho offlco of City IlullS lng, Plumbing and Wiring Inspector. Xot Rclf Sustaining Ho was told that last year this of flco had come within $10 of being Ask Council to In Homo Way Makt up Difference Warrants to .bo Pnlil up In ."May. Claiming that the council sudden ly diverged from a Bet custom of years when It awarded tho contract for six or seven concrete sldowallc projects to ono contracting firm In- Btcnd of picking out tho various Items of the bidding, and nwardtng tho work to tho lowest bldtlor for ench ltom, 13. L. McCluro, representing Sinclair and Tulloy, contractors, ap peared boforo tho city council last ovonlng urging it to rescind Its form SHUT DRAIN FLUME OP14X HOX AMX MIMj SLOUGH T14HMI4H DAXU14HOUS City to Ask Pott to l-'oot Hill Fliimo Opeiictl nt Time Dotirln was Cleaned Out Img'Ago All other brnnohes of iIIbciibsIoii railing, thcro is nothing that meets with grontcr approval in tho cham bers of tho city fathers than a good old wrgumont about who should bo responsible for tho dralnngo of Mill Slough, said argument generally ter minating with as much satisfaction ns tho old saw, "How long is a string?" Hut InBt night thorc was a variation. Tho Port Commission, via Henry Sengstnckon, secretary, acknowlodg nr nntlnn rifirt "nil fnr llnu llltlft. Af. tor an hour or aimless discussion thoC(1 t"t thelro Is tho duty or putting matter was laid on Hio tablo for n wcok. Cltos Old Custom "It lias been tho approved custom of this 001111011," said Mr. McCluro, "to let tho contracts on different public Improvements to tho bidder who submits tho lowc3t big for any .particular clnss of work. "Knowing this to bo tho long es tablished custom, my clients, sub mitted tliolr bids accordingly. Thoy Ion n,u I to a bit bohlnd, becauso thorc bus boon little business. Mr. Song utncl'.on argued that tho offlco should bo combined with tho duties of somo , , other city ofriclnl arid cut out trio City warrants, Hhuvod C per cent, offc0i No ono npMraml to t ox. work an Injustice on city employes, ' Hto(, ovcr th(J ftrB,iniollt ti,ollKh u. declared Chief of Police Jack Carter, . X. Cop,lo declared himself In favor to tho Council last ovonlng. It Is 0f tno ,novo, no fault or tho employes, ho Bald, clty llccor,icr nutlor l0ld up tho Hint warrants nro bolow pnr, und j i,dgct. "It rellds with an estimate Inasmuch as tho men aro hired for, f fni.n.10 for 1010," ho said. "Now a cortaln salary, ho askod that, tho i nK,,ro mat ono mill brings Into tho City Council In somo wny mako up c-lty about fa.filO. Tho ao hiIIIh tho loss Incurred by tho warrants, then would mako tho amount to ho Figures wore brought forward tot counted on, $50,200. Wo would uhow that tho finances or Mnrsliflold havo to shavo down about $15,000 as aro In good condition and that thoso ' It Is to mako both ends moot, and warrants, now lvo por cent below! this, providing thoro nro no unusual pur, will all bo cashed tn M'. oxpoiiBcs coming up that wo do not "iiiiUh Xot Justified . ' know about now." "I full to sen how tho bunks can ' "Such as litigation and somo mora bo Justified In making this flvo per- Hldownlk milts," put In the City At- !.! .1 I. l.t -!. a 4 n ft (!. solr Biistalnlngl this year It has ml- "",,u.uu ' i " -' -i ..n i.i. i.oi.t.,,1 i. .. .i.- tt foot and, through theso dull times, JbBt about mako wages. Tho grad ing, thoy didn't want. They bid high On thnt accordingly. It was tho Bamo wny with tho other Items, tho purbs nud tho olcctrlc llRht poles. "No warning was given that this cent discount providing tho city pusses a liO-iiilll. tax lovy," tmld City Attorney John I), (loss. "Theso warranlu will bo paid In Mny. 'fhey nro gilt, odged and they're drawing n good 10, per cent tornoy. High l.t vy Scares "Twonty mills as a tux lovy works distraction In a city" declared Mr. Copplo. "Wo can offer no Induce ment horo to Investors. Wo cut ofr GETS LITTLE IL u VINHKKMAX MIW DO OWX HK- .j COVKIHXtl OK SAIIi TAKI4X pHtrii't Atttiiiioy IMentN Slight ,HliiJttby Wlfo Holds posses- Mons at Point of CIiiii No sympathy from tho district at torney's orflro was secured by a flsh oruiau nuiiied Stlnsou, from Kuiplro, Who Inst ovonlng appeared boforo Judge Pouuock and later Mr. I.IIJo tv!nt asking what could bedouo with inon who hud taken from lilm tho foruH'l of tho Santa Clara which ho brought u way from tho ship, lie was told that nothing could bo douo and sorrowfully ho wont homo. ' Stluson raino tn Judge Ponnock lust ovonlng as ho was leaving for homo. Ho told tho Judgo Hint It was mighty hard work to cut tho fors'l loose fioiu tho stays and that It wus oven hurdor to got it nsboro. Hut evidently tho hardest part of tho wholo business wuh to kcop tho big Btiotch or cunvns aftur ouco gutting it on bind, Some supposed friends guarded It. Thoy did tho Job bo well, Bald Stln Hon, that tho sail disappeared. He snld It la worth about ?o() to $200. "I got Boine other things from tho wreck. Sqino bacon, flour and a few Backs of potatoes, too." With right now. Thn county warrants n' margin of profit thoy might hopo aro uevurul yeurH behind nnd thoy ' t0 nmlec, oven boforo thoy start With go for only flvo per cont discount. 8,,1h ft levy ns this, how can wo ox It's not fair to the elty employes to lcct-to Incrcnso our boundaries? How pay thorn In a doproclntod curroncy. I Can w0 1,ono to Mr,nK "nnlcor Hill, or Thoro Is no money to crcato a j Nntlort Into tho city limits? It special fund to pny tho dlfforcncu j cn,,,t ho imo' That's all. In thoso warrnntB," paid City Uo-1 "Tlirco years ago," ho continued, conlor Hutler. "And furthormoro. it ' r ,)"c,0,, "Bn,t mill lovy. Tho doos great harm to create such a fund," ho declared. (lives Somo Klgtircs, Ho went to his books and brought out a handful of figures. "Taxes this year will amount to $;iri,7Gl.i:i, providing they hud all boon collect oil. Wo got In $:i:i,08C.C0, or within ZVi per rent of tho total. That's a whole lot bettor than many titles around horo havo douo. A resolution asking tho banks to roconsldor tbolr rulo of flvo por cont off fop city warrants wnB suggested, hut not passed and thu mutter wns dropped. next year it wont up to 13.5 mills nnd now It soars again." Kxpenses Xot increasing "Our exponsos haven't incronseu materially, "put In Duncan Fergu son. "Whnt wo aro nddlnir now tn chnngo was to bo niiido. Sovernl fotlior parties hnvo lundo tho same complniut." '. Saltl Contractors Wcro Warned Tills IiiBt Btntomont of Mr. McCluro wnB challenged by City I4n glncor A. II. Oldloy. "Wo lot blnnk ot contracts this last summer," ho said. And furthormoro, you aro un der tho delusion thnt Sinclair und Tulloy didn't know wo would let no mora Jobs by ploco meal. I told him bo boforo his bids woro submitted. I I told him bo In front of witnesses." It wus further explained that on various city projects whom tho work Juis been divided , giving first tho grading to ono firm, tho curbing to another, and tho making of sldowalk to another, thnt ,tbo result was a "mess' wllh ovoryono In tho other fellow's way and Hie result has been confusion. , ; Xo Klght to Itcronsldei' "I think thp council has no right now to reconBldor tho bids," camo tho oxprcsslon from City Attorney John D. Goss. "And nnothor thing, no man would want tho llttlo Inci dental grading thn,t goes on with this sldowalk contract, nnywuy. Ho couldn't mako anything at It." Again Mr. McCluro snld that Sin clair nnd Tulloy had not understood tho matter that wny, nud In good faith had submitted their bid for on ly ono department of tho work, tho tho covers back on tho flumo down Mill Slough, tilso tho fixing up ot tho mun-holcB nnd tho BUbcsquout imymont for tho oxponscs Incurred by labor. "Tho Port ought to fnston back tho tops of the main riiimo," said City 14nglncor Gldloy, by wny or introduc ing tho subject. Thcrourior It wns nblo to Btnml on Its own legs. Open llov Dangerous Ho continued, "Tho box Is open In ninny places. Children throw sticks and stones In thoro. All thnt helps to clog up tho system. Somo tiny ono or them will rail in, thnt will mako It oven worso. I think tho Port ought to nttond to this at once" Wo ought to turn this mnttor ov er to our engineer and with n detailed report to tho Port Commsslon ns to what ought to ho dono," put In Mr. Goss. IIo cxplnlncd Hint tho mnttor Is really a serious one, In spite of tho Joking thoro. To clog tho riumo at this tlmo, would In all probability menu tho Incurring or thousands or dollars In diuiinges nud to havo tho box reoponcd and cleaned out again. , Ought To I-'lv Soon "And In tho fnco of such n predica ment, i don't fool that tho city ought to stop too long figuring who Is gd Ing to pay for tho work,"' ho Bald. On motion or Mr. Copplo It wob di rected that a letter bo sent at onco to tho Port Commissioners, tolling thnt tho work Is needed, if thoy rail to nttond to this, to lot tho city en gineer go ahead with tho work and chargo it up to tho Port. Makes Xt Objections Hut Mr. Songsthckon hud no objec tions to this. "I think Ub tho Tort'B work all right, ho accented. "And I btJIIovo thoro will bo no trouble In Betting thorn to pny for It." "Kut whnt about tho dralnngo of tho north arm?" put In some ono from Bomowhero. "Well, that's another mnttor," anld Mr. Sengstnckon, nil by hlniBolr to defend tho Port ngulnst tho questions or Blx Husky councllmen. "I think oolist Penny Wise and Pound F Tho cost of living makoo ovorv woman look to doo whoro sbo can save monoy, which, of coureo in sensible and proper if not car riod too far. In tho caso of food-it wouid bo , ; (foolish to attempt to cubstituto sawduat for a breakfast food bocauao it ia ohoapor. Evoryono' knows sawduat has no food valuo ' nnd its udo would bo a po3itivo Hotrimont to ,tho hoalth. Royal Batfing Powdor, which is tnado from cream of tartar, add3 only healthful qualitioa to tho food. Tho dlff oronoo in oo3t of a fcan of biaouit3 or of a cako mndo with Royal Baking Powdor a3 com pared with cheap alum or pho3 phato of limo powders ia about ono cont ,. whiohjis surely too small qq amount to warrant tho ri3k. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. How York tho lovy Is only about enough to j "Idownlk. J mako up what wo aro losing from tho saloons." "Well, I don't think that theso contractors put In their bids for nny C1ESE TO IF 'I'll 14 1 Alt 14 MADI4 UHI4I) .MUST KNOWN 1)14 Makers autl Others Must Ivibel Tho Goods In Which Orl'.-ntal Product Is Used If thoro nro nny Chlnoro eggs In Murshriold thoy cannot bo used In making any TliankBglving bakory goods, without notice of tho fact. Somo of tho eggs sold In tho city now must havo como from furthor distant than China. It Is frequent to strike somo which nro bukkcbUvo of ancient times.. It Is likely, how ever ,thnt these nro not Chlneso oggs, hut simply loqul and Hhlppcd I ii oggs which havo boon stored up awaiting higher prlrcs, If thcro nro any cgh's horo ship ped from China they cannot bo used without making tho ruct known. Homc-lnld 'Oggs will bo thn only kind unod In tho making of cukes and bakery goods, as Oregon's fa mous Chlncso egg lut lias boon de clared constitutional by n Portland Judgo. It remains lor tho Supronio Court or tho stnto and possibly tho Supronio Court or tho United States to any whothcr this law' Is uncon stitutional, Tho Chlncso egg Inw pnsjicd by tho 1915 Loglslnturo rap! requires that dcnlors soiling Chlncso thnt Mr. Porhnm will rill that In, and 0KB" or ,ml,,K tllom ,n tl10 ,imll,K water will find tho flumo nl Tho ordlnanco providing for tho Dn0 Bectlon of tho work," declared. lovy wns rend by Mr. Hutlor. Mr. Copplo suggested that tho lovy bo mndo 18 1-2 mills. "It couldn't carry you through," declared John IJutlor. Stands for ,w ,Vy Hut Mr. Copplo stood by his guns Mr. Gldloy. Could Demand Contract Duncan Ferguson, Sr., stntod cm phnttcully thut "If wo start to recon sider this mnttor, the-successfiil bid 'dors, Doan and Webber, enn appour beforo us and deninnd their contract, got what thoy could, Stlnsou mid his wife hud a hurd Job keeping whut thoy got. "Sho hud to sit right thoro on ov-l orythliiK," ho told tho Judgo. "And ouco, while sho wus sitting thoro, u man came along and hooked n slab of bucon nnd started ofr." Mrs. Stlnsou wiib well propiired for .this emergency. She pulled a rovol vor nut of hor cont and yelled, "Hoy, bring thut buck." It enmo in a hur ry. Hut the fisherman got llttlo aid from the officii nnd has kouo homo to devise somo plan or getting back tho fores' 1 or tho Santa Clara. for n low tux lovy. "Tho budget Whig thnt tbolr bids woro submit 'catlmutcrf $1,000 for tho city ongln- 'd on tbolr understanding with tho oor b offlco. Tho flvo percent cliurg-', eX engineer, AXXl'.Ui THAXKKGIVIXG DAXCI4 at Magics Hall, XuV. 'JO tbo Satur (lay cu'iitug beforo Tliauksglvlug. Set scenes ami pouplo you tho In iiioviug pictures at Noblo beach filled with people anxious to! Ho touint. Know Tliea c An Optical Service par Excellenc Hack of every transaction in this shop Is the same sound in tegrity that lias Increased ami sustained our lepiitatlou as most tompolent eyo specialisti,. I'.very examination and every pair of glasses whlili wo mako Is bused on exactness, All that jears of study mitt experience and technical knowledge can glut are at your service. Correctly fitted glasses In oery Instance ut mod crate prices. ' Optical Department RED CROSS DRUG STORE AJ. oil IniprovomonlB for engineering foes It Booms to mo ought to covor that 'amount." Agnln tho llulldlng Inspector's Job was kicked buck Into tho uronn 'from tho sidelines whoro It hns Biiouked during tho 20 mill discus sion. "Cut It out." snld Hurry J. Kim ball. "H you do, you'ro going to bo rais ed In your Insurnnco rates" put In Gcorgo 14. Cook. "Just chnngo tho oHIco to other hands Is all," declared Mr. Song stacken. nnd tho nullillng Inspector'a Job, bnttlo warred and almost wind ed limped otr to tho sidelines again, nnd tho SO mill ordlnnnco wns puss od unanimously. GOOD TIM 14 TO 'lll'V Tho Salom Capital-Journal Buys: "Now Is tho tlmo to buy real os talo," snld a prominent mombor or tho rrntornlty todny. "Too many porsoiiR hnvo bouglit on n rising mnr kot, Instead of taking advantage: of prosont conditions, whon posltlvo bar gains may bo secured." Pronorty Iiub not docrensod in vnluo, said tho Bumo nuthorlty on tho real ostuto sit uation, but 1n manv ensos whoro own ers aro crowdod with debts or mort Knuos, thoy aro making great snerl Hces, nnd right now investors can pick up somo vor.v deslrablo bargains. Tho general opinion nmong those who know renl estate values, Is that thoro hns never been a bettor tlmo for In vestments In either farm or city pro perty, In ninny enspa, oircumstnnc-cb- hnvd for'rtd tho prices-of proper! v far bolow tho real volua. and rrillv "much pa$ than adjacent lands. An examination of tho bids thnt woro submitted a week ago tor tho sldowalk almost entirely nrotuid tho block botwoon llrondway and Front stroot and Central and Commorrlnl avenues showed thnt Sinclair and Tulloy woro hnU n cont a foot low or for tho concreto sldowalk, but IiIkIi ol80whoro. Tho matter was laid ov or until tho next mooting. SHEEP HEN SUFFER tho right.' "Yob, I think It will," declared Mr. Albrocht. "Hut I do think tho council ought to put up signs of 'This Wny Out' bo that Is auroly will find tho flumo." May Hopo Off Street Permission wns secured by Hon FiBhor, on behalf of the ilgh school football team, to ropo orr tho streets or nny bakory goods, must display a sign stating this to bo tho caso. Curds ami dancing tonight, O'Con noil bltlg. '$ cents. 14vorybody welcome. KIIICItll'VK HAM4 OK 1H4AT PHOP14HTV On Koreclostiro Notlco Is hereby glvon, That by virtue of an execution duly Issued jmniodlatoly ndjolnlng to field .,-- rCoZ oTtWatatS tho corner oT I-ourth and 14lrod only of progon. for tho County; of Coos during tho gaiuo on ThunkBglvlng'nnd to mo directed on tlio 5th" day Day. TIiIb will allow tho paid spec-,0 October, 1915, upon a Judgment tutors to stand on tho sldowalk. Plans and specifications woro ad opted for tho building of n $38 sldb-l and decree duly remlorod, outorod of record nnd dockotod In and by said Court on tho 7th day of Soptom- nor, 'Ji&, in a cortaln suit thon in walk on tho north Bldo or Aldor nvo-JBald Court ponding, whoroln Homo rniio leading up toward llrondway from Front street. Other Hiisluovi , Reduction or tho llconso of $10 n month to a lunch wagon on Front Btroot to half thnt amount was ro rused. Tho matter or painting tho hy drants wns turned ovor to tho flro und wator conimtttoo. ' COYOTI4S AHI4 PC'ITIXG SOM14 OCT OK Hl'SIXKSS Great Damage Doing )ouo by tho An imals, Which Aio Appearing In Cuiry County Shcop men nro sufforlng greatly on account of coyotes which uro np ponrlng hi Curry county. Tho Ban don AVestorn World Buys: Coyotes uro rapidly driving tho Blicopinon of tho opon country In Cur ry county out of business, according to a resident of that section who was In rinudon today. Mr. Stanford or Myrtle Point, who hns been a livo stock rnlsor In tho Floras creek re gion for several years, now has n forco or mou busy coralllng his bands nnd will sell thom within tho next row weeks. Tho coyotes havo cre ated such havoc among his flocks that ho Is forced to glvo It up. Ho expects to stock up the range with cuttlo. Gradually thq coyotes havo work ed their way Intp upper Curry county doing thoirnnds or dollars worth of dnmngo on their wny. So far they SHOOK IS INDICTED STAT14 Wll.li IIKH", ip caOtt ISSl'IM 1IOXIW Oregon Highway CoinniliMon I'ltdjM Itself to Assist If llond Ii. Mio Is Pn.ssetl SAM4M, Oro., Nov. 16. The lUti highway commission pained i rn lutlon plodding Itself to all Ccoi county In 1917 1( It should Tote bosii for highway construction work. Tkli wan dono alter oportlonlns tb $237,000 lilRhwny fund for neitnw among thirteen countlci. Charles llnll There Hopresonthig Coos count-, Ctirlq UnW, president ot tlio Qooj Goo4 Hoatls association, told tbo comalt , lon "that Coos county rftflf t expend approximately $2 13,009 c road work, and Hint It contemplite4 Issuing bonds In tlio sunt ol M $375,000. Tho plan was, hesiia,u expend approximately $600,000 road work In the noxt two yean, ) ho roll thp county was entitled to M slstnnco trom tlio state, Pm most or tho fund ior next year W already boon pledged the commWoj was unablo to aid tho count- Mil year. The Apportionment Tho appropriations as roado Ji; highway commission ycslcrdarirtM follows: For ndmlnlstratlte porp eu $25,000; Clatsop county, W.Wj Columbia county, $30,000; IM River county. $5,000; Hood Blw and Wasco counties combined, . 000; Crook county, $10,000; ington county, IU.B00! DoJ Josophlno counties combined, . 000; Lnuo county, $5,000; . rounty. $15,000; Polk county, 000; Yamhill nnd Tllt-moo. ties, $9,000; total. -"'000' (ll Tho fact that Lane has akt best portion of tho Pacific WlJ tho valley, and has a n-"g other excellent roads PWJ groat dcnl to do with the OJ tlonmont or such a sma" -niUJ county. IHIKSTTUAXSFKIinK , Tho IlOBObiim Rovle rjH t-iu nr i iinitro. f-"- - i iiLiiur ill In St. Josoph'fl Ca inoller-rl-hlil Irunsf Word has boon rocolved by Don Flshor, from doputy U. S. district nt tornoy Johnson, In Portland, that William Shook was indicted thoro sovernl dnys ago by tho federal grand Jury on tho chargo or white slavory. f '"rfli Shook must imw wait until atlonst Janunry beforo his trial will bo hold. A list of witnesses will bo received horo by Mr. Fisher very soon and those pooplo will bo served to appoar In Portland after tho first or the year. havo operated only In tho prairie country and havo not annoyed thoso flocks ranging In brush land. Tho men operating on brush land aro hop ing tho destructive boasts will not attack them nfter tho flocks In the open country aro gone Wool prices aro high at present and thero Is big profit in the busi ness, (For this ( reason tjho shoop mo'n nro hn'iiKlng on "tfs long ns thoy can. Stop that Bark .with-,. Mortgage Co., a corporation was plaintiff and Cuslck J. Mahonoy was dofondaut in favor of plaintiff und against 'said defendant, b' which execution I nin commanded I to Boll tho property In suld oxecutlon city -or the past two yeaf'i nun iiuiuiiiuiiur ueognuuii lu imj iiiu sum duo tho plaintiff or eoven hun dred nlnety-rivo nnd 70-100 dollars with Interest thorcon at tho rata of olght por cont por annum from tho 7th day of Soptombor 1015 until paid together with tho costs nnd dlsburaoinonts ot said suit taxed at nluoty-throo and no-100 dollars and costs and oxponses ot snld oxocution. I will on Saturday, tho 27th day or November, 1915, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., of said day nt tho frpnt door or tho County Court Houso in Coqulllo, Coos County, Oregon, sell nt nubile, auction to tho highest bidder for cash in luuid oh I tho day of salo, all tho right, title, j intorcst nnd ostato which said de fendant CiiBick J. Mahonoy and all porsona claiming under hltn Biibso- quont to tho plaintiffs Tnorctsuge; lion In, of and to said roal property, j said mortgaged promises horoinbo-, foro mentioned aro dcscrlbod In said' oxocution as follows, to-wlt: Tho, southoast quarter or tho northeast quarter or section eight, and tho. northeast quartor or tho northwest' quartor ot section nlno, Township I twonty-thrco, South of Rnngo 12,1 West ot tho Willamette Meridian Inj Coos County, Oregon, togethor with tho tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be longing or In any wise appertaining, said sale being made subject tq re demption in the manner provided by law. Dated this 2 1st day or October, 1915. . ALFRED JOHNSON, Jr. Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. First publication October 2B. last hub' PenslarWhite Pine andjprugg Balsam stohi: ron Qi'vWTi GOOPS . -EJtft& publication Novomboc 211, 1.9JJK . n