HlTi- w ofwijTJ "flip .. -, THE POLITICAL TRAIL Coos Bay Times Your Paper Urn Cof Bay Times ii prond ttofU'i rpcr," and It strives Ure up t0 uuie ir loVotia emoting tlie peoplo Interests. Vol, No. XXXIX. E DESTROYS ' Residence at Eastsitle is Burn ed to the Ground Early This Afternoon MM ERECTED Piano and Some of the Furni ture Was Saved From the Burning House STARTS IN THE KITCHEN fl Klhcrslccn badly Cut on (bo .Inn II)' Breaking Into n Window In Atlcmiit to Rescue Property From tlio Houso The residence of A. 55. Downs In Eulsldo wn entirely destroyed by lire this nfternoon. Tlio btazo was dlicovcred at 1:30 p. m. It ovldont- lr started from tlio kltchon. Mrs. Downs was nlono In tlio houso nt tlio time and was asleep upstairs. Mrs. Vineyard who discovered tho llro called to her and Mrs. Downs got out without any difficulty. Mini In Injured Ctrl Sllversteon who lives In tho Mljbborhood broko a window In nn ittempt to securo a suit caso which Mrs. Downs was anxious to savo nnd (it his arm badly. Tho glass cut an irterjr and sovorod tho tendons nnd cut the flesh to tho bono. Loss of Hood caused him to fnlnt. Ho was lurried to Dr. MlngiiB' offlco in this tit; and his wounds dressed. Tho Injury Is quite a had ono. Some Piirnlturo Saved Tho piano and n good dent of tho loniehold furnlturo was taken from the houso but some of tho contents Ttre lost. It Is understood that tho residence Is partly Insured. Mr. Downs built tlio houso only lnat sum &er. It was n flvo room cottngo. fl E R I. CHANDLER WITHDRAWS FlttiM COUNCILMAN HACK ClTM ni Reason That llo Expect to lo Away Much of e.t Summer E. I, Clinndler today filed with tie City Itecorder his withdrawal an Independent candidate for the offlco of Councilman. Ho bad ill petition In to run, but decided wt to bo a candidate. This leaves Rood, Tclandor nnd Chnrlcs Powora u the only candidates for tho two Nitons of Councllmon. Mr. Chnmller gnvo ns his reason tor KltlulrawIiiB that business mnt '." would mako It necessary for i io uo out or tlio city a good il next summer nnd ho roared e could not glvo tho offlco tlio rreperattentlDii If ho wero olectod. A numbor of Mr. Chnndlor's mends urged him to como out ns Independent candldnto when tho withdrawal of Carl Kvortson to bo Kdldate for Mayor left a vncnnt e on tlio tlckot. "Jlr. Chnndlor 5i tha.t ho is gmteful to bis frlonds signed his petition nnd who In wrested themselves in his campaign, t he did not think It fair to thorn ept an offlco which bo could ii., lirl,cr attention on account being away a good donl of tho "ne next summer. BEAR ALABEL iNl'ItDu: CO l ItT (J1VICS l.MI'OUT- r DKCISIO.V TODAY r0,n One State to Another Uiiior .Must Do Marlccil As Such IB? AuofUtM rrem to Osot D7 Ttmti.l ThUcSn,N'0ONr' D- C- NOV- I5' " Supreme court hold today that a t.. .i Bl"',s liquor from ono state uotner wlt'inni iii.nii.i... u ,i. Cni. w i violation of the law, and may i7..Lt0ecilU,(l 1 Plthor Btato. It ;u s hi. "l0 JM'smont of tho Kan iSleim il court wh,ch nnnshod tin ItTd :rent aR'st Joseph Freeman, tSo XeSaudc,i tho caso tor prosecu r.t,a. rreeman wns pimmod with EKibsS ,lqUOr from Ml880UrI t0 . &&.A.AJk. M.A.A. l UILG.1IIIW VOKCB L cvisi:s VXKASIXKSS t rn. ... . - ,M Trm to cooi or Tlmw.J I SAI.OIKr Vn. ir. TT.. th'nes3 Is reported among f; 'ne population o bnnPer,e',e rrQ1 -- iiuinil.lMnn Af Mnnetln bn. largo ITulgarian threatening )n, "'v ioui in mo wu- V region. Is "' lhi.ARI'1 -GeorKo C. Turnln. an s im- b'acl8inlth, was struck by ic ri ra,H Ied 0n th0 Southern W ltH no ruml communities tojB.V n couuty aro discussing- tbo Lo8 m ,Uur,8t Problom and In Mim" In the offlco. Mir mm CANDIDAT 1ST or Its tltla "Tlio at all time to ' eaerglM to Established 1878 As The Const Mall. . . I UUOS COUNTY IS RE- I DUCED OVER MILLION Z ttlfa Atannl...! n. . . . t.. ....wvntvu i tvnn 10 jxaj TAJ Tim M.J Q SALEM, Nov. IS r. . i i '. t txausive or the valua- t tion of public service cor -i t poratlons, the State' Tax 1 t Commission announced i t today that the valuation t for assessment purposes t t of Coos County was ro- t t duccd this year from $21, t I 293,160 to $20,578,677, t t The reduction for the en- t t tiro state is over ten mil- t t lions, 9??4 T OFFICE GLENDALE OFFICE UltOKI'.N IN'. TO SATURDAY NIGHT Deputy Sheriff Lalnl Oets Word l'Yoni Hherlff Quint nt HoscburK About SjWiO In tho Hani i , Burglars Saturday night robbed tho Olondnlo postofflcc, according to a long-dlstnnco message receiv ed yesterday by Deputy Sheriff W. C. Laird, from Sheriff Qulno, of Douglns County. Tho robbots got awny with botweon $100 and $1G0 In money and somo $100 worth of stamps. They havo not boon found. Mr. Laird, who Is horo today sorvlng legal papors, said that tho wires wero so faulty ho could hoar but little ovor tho lino. He did not know for miro that tho safo In tnn 1'ostofflco had been blown open, but bolloved that It must havo boon, for most offices keep tholr cash and stamps in such a manner. Olcndnlo Is somo CO miles Bouth of Iloscburg nnd though tho rob born have not boon caught, It Is not thought thoy aro headed this way. LDnTIMBlSSTHIOUS I'XCLK SAM HAS UK AW T,AVH FOR LOOTING MAII SACKS Post Offlco Inspector Nell ReturM to Spokao Papers of That City Comment on Matter Looting of pnrcol post mall sacks aboard tho steamship Santa Clara has put Coos Day Into unfortunate- prom lnonco ovor tho ontlro Northwest, according to clippings that nro ro colved horo. No small punlshmont followH for tho rifling of Undo Sam s mall bags for tho law says thoro Is a maximum flno of ffi.OOO Tor tho act. flvo yours In a federal prison or both. . "' Ciino is 1UK who 1'ostofflco iuspoctor P. N. Noll, who loft horo on Saturday, hails from Spokane, according to advices from thoro, whoro Is tho headuunrtors of tho narcoU post matters In tho North west division. , A wlro from Spoknno says: "Not sinco 1892, whon n mail train wis lootod In tho Conor d'Alones during tho mining riots, has a case of tho present mognltudo occurod In tho Northwest. Tho Couor d'Alono caso resulted In tho Indictment of 50 men." Mr. Noll hns gono back to Spokano and It Is expected that any further dovolopmonts that may transplro will bo dono on advices from tbo Spokano postoftlco Inspection dopartmont. GETS RURAL ROUTE DISTRICT SOl'TII AND WEST TO UK SITPIAKD Twelve Ml'es In Length but AVIll Bo loht Congested Ruto in United States Tho now rural routo out of Marsh flold hns boon grantod according to a Presa tologram. Postmaster McLaln has not yet received official notice but likely will in a- few days. Tho routo oxtonds out through Ba Park and around on tho old county road to Llbby and back through East port. It Is twelve miles In length but thero aro many pcoplo residing Tho Inspector who was horo when tho routo was asked for said that for its length it was the most conjested routo in the United States. Tho route extends through thickly settled suburbs of tho city. SURVIVOHS LAND Moro Brought to Malta But Xono Americans Br Auodat! TtfU to Con Bar Time. WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 15. Tho American consul at Malta cabled Secretary Lansing today .that 41 of tho crew and four passengers of tho Anconu. none of them Americans woro landed at Malta by the steamer Brodloa. rtVT MISS seeltr tho ELK'S pic tures at tho Noblo Theatre tomorrow night. . DR. II. E. KELTY, Dentist, isui Coko Rldff. Phono 1 1 2-J. 8 I. . I . HlffiR 0015 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 19 15 IDE REMARKS ABOUT WILSON Assistant Postmaster in Illi nois Said President Should Wait Year to Marry LOSES HIS PLACE But Chief Executive Orders Reinstatement if There Are ' No Other Charges DISAPPROVED REMOVAL Official Charged With .Making Com ment! In Rcoi'Ko llurkltt of Win notka, Illinois Correspondence With Ills Chief Made Public ttlr Auocitted rrwi to Coot IUj Tltno.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. IT,. President Wilson today Instructed Postmnstor Ocnoral Uurlcsou to rc Instnto Qcorgo Uurkltt, removed ns assistant Postmnstor at Wlnnotkn, becauso ho criticized tho President for his eugngoment to bo married. Tho Prcsidont uuallflod his In structions by telling tho Postmaster Qonoral thnt Uurkltt should bo re stored to his position If thoro were no other charges against him. Disapproved Action Announcement of this action was mado, today by Secretary Tumulty af(or a brief conforenco with tho President. It was mild unofficially thnt tho President entirely disap proved tho dlschargo of Durkltt for mnklng remarks tjint tho Presi dent should wait at least1 a year be foro romnrrylng. Other Charges Alleged In published correspondence bo tweon Durkltt 'and Postmastor Kloop- for, of winuctKu, It was stated that llurkltt had been given dcmorlts for other things than remarks about the Prosldont's eugngoment. llurkltt donloil this. T HTORV THAT ADRIATIC IS SUNK XOT HKLIKVKD Offlclal.s of Company Aro Certain the Star Liner is Still at Liver pool (l)r AmocUIM Vttta to Cooi liar Tloin,, NEW YOIHC. Nov. IT,. While It wnn reported this morning In marl tlmo circles tbat tho Star Lluor Adri atic, 24,541 gross tons, was sunk, of ficials horo do not credit tho roport. They nro positive tho Adriatic Is still at Liverpool whoro sue arrivod Thursday. OPKXS STATU FAIR Vice-President Takes Part nt Ariz- oiiu (lathering III; AMoclatoJ l'rcu, to Coot ll.jr Tlmra. PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 15. Vice President Marshall opened tho sev enth annual Arizona stato fair horo louay. vico-r resilient ami .urs, i Mniiall wha 1 ave ibcoii vlsltlnc tho Sir1. '"V.?ibCZ.V8, K t, Rnvnrnl weeks will leave T todav for ? i?,.f ' tho East. MAKES PROTEST Italian Ambassador Hands Ono to Secretary Lansing (11 AuotlatMl r-rrai to Cooa liar Time. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Nov. 15. A protest ngalnst tho sinking of tho Ancona by a ' submarlno was handed to Secretary of Stato Lan sing today by tho Italian Ambassa dor. DIVORCE GRANTED Decree for Wlfo of Former Awlstnnt Secretary of Stato H AMOclatod rirx. to Coot Bar Tlmoa.) RENO, Nov. 15. A decree of dl vorco on tlo grounds of cruelty was grantod by tho District Court here to Lucy James Huntington Wilson from Huntington Wilson, who was assistant Secretary of Stato under Knox during tho Taft administration. Wilson sued, alleging desertion, but the dlvorco was granted to tho wlfo on a cross complaint. SAILINGS CANCELLED (Br Auoclatxl 1-rou to Ccoa ny Time. NEW YORK, Nov. 15. Sailings of tho Italian steamers America and Palermo from Italian ports for New York havo been cancelled, according to a cable received today by tho lino's local qgents. AUSTRIAN'S THERE Report That DiplomnU Havo Retch ed Greek Capital (Br Aaaoclat! Pnaa to Cooi Bar Times. GENEVA Nov. 15. The corres pondent of the Tribune Dogeneve re ports the arrival at the Greek capi tal of tho Austro-Hungarlan diplo matic mission to regulato tho politi cal and military situation between tlio Central powers and Greece. D REPORT NEVER WAVERS wait J MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED t EARL OF SEFIELD KJLLED IN ACTION X X ttlr AMoclalrJ I'rr.1 to Coos Bar Timet. LONDON, Nov, 15, James O'pvio Grant, Earl of Sefield, was killed in action in France, ' NOTED NEGRO. DIES ItOOKKIt T. WASIHN(JTO.V OF ALAIIA.MA I'ASHKH AWAY Was Man of Xatlounl Reputation Funeral at. Institute or Which llo wa.s tho FoiiimIim' tnr AuoeUttJ Trcu tc Coot nt, TlraM.J TUSKKQEE, Ala., Nov. 13. Ar rangements are being completed to day for tho funeral of Booker T. Washington, who died horo yester day. Tho funeral "sorvlccs will bo bold af tho Uooktor T. Washington Institute .Wednesday morning, fol lowed by interment lit tho Institute ground. Tlio body will llo In stato all day tomorrow. EXPORTS AM GREAT ALL RKCOKDS HROKK.V IX OCTO" lllilt AT XKW YORK Most of tho Shipment Consisted of Siipplloj for Warring Nations of Kuropo i (llf AmocUIc Snot Io Coo I)r Tlmra. N12W YOIHC, The greatest volumo of exports over recorded nt a single port in the history of tho United States loft Now York during Octo- uor. Tlio shipments wero for tho warring nations of Europe. Accord ing to estimates mndo thoy tutal nearly $175,000,000. In September tho exports totaled $102,000,000. PORT STARTS SUIT PAPKHS SKHYKD TODAY OX TDK SIMPSON LUMBER COMPANY Seek Collection of $1,1) I. -.(: Said to bo Duo for Dredge Fills Mortgages Aro Foreclosed" Papers In tho suit of the Port of Coos Bay against tho Simpson Lum ber Company for the collection of $1,015.05, claimed to bo duo for a d red go fill near the Portor Mill, wero survoil this morning on .tho company officers by Deputy Shorlff W. C. Laird. Tho contention of tho Port Is that L. J. Simpson promlsod that the company would stand good for the payment. On tho other hand Mr. Simpson Inter chilmod thnt his promise was only for tho bulkhead lug. Suts for Divorce A suit for divorce lias been brought by Mrs. Fannie Wnsson against her husband, J, E. Wnsson nnd the papors woro sorvod by Mr. Laird tills morning, Wolff IWato Up. In settling tip the estate of Mrs. Anna Eva Wulff, deceased, two mortgages aro bolne foreclosed, nc-l conllnB t0 1"l"crfl ,u ::' Possession ot Mr. Laird. Ono of the proceedings! ls "0,nK "rought by Agnes Potors, executrix, against A. II. and Joslo McKay, foreclosing on somo lund In North Bend In lieu or a delinquent promissory noto of $700. Tho sec ond capo Is brought by the exec trix against Knto L. Hodson, Byron Hodson nnd L. A. Hodson, on a $1000 noto for which they mort gaged 80 acres of farm laud, GIVES B WINSTON CHURCHILL TELIA OF ANTWERP EXPEDITION Says tho Dardanelles Fight Is One o bo Followed out Cities To tho Front. (Br AuoclateJ rrM to Cooi Bar Timn. LONDON, Nov. 15. Winston Spencer Churchill, who resigned last week as Chancellor of tho Dutchy of Lancaster, told the Houso of Commons today that the project for sending an army to the relief 'of Antwerp originated with Kitchener and tho French govern ment, Churchill who will leave shortly to fight In France, made this state ment in outlining his reasons for resignation from the cabinet, and explalnting that the administration or tho admiralty, of which he for merly waa First Lord. He declared If any operations In the history of the world were worth carrying through with sustained fury and utter disregard Qf life, tho operations at the Dardanelles were worth It. ROSEBURG Base.d upon a total valuation of $33,022,865 the county court of Douglas county proposed a tax of 12 1-2 mills for the year 1916 which will ralso $430,452. BAKER Tho Sons of tho Ameri can Revolution presented a now flag to the circuit court of Baker county. EARONS WhfN ffflE Qftmaa PRESS EVENING EDITION. SERBIANS LOSE SOLDI That Many Are Captured By Teutons and Bulgarians To gether With 12 Cannon Defeated in Galicia and All Cleared From Western Bank of the River Styr ITALY CLAIMS SOME GAINS Austria, However, Asserts That Of fensive if Italian Army Was Fail ure (JennniiH Uno Bulgarian Port its Oncrntivo Bnso inr AuoclitoJ Pirn to Com Oar Tlron. LONDON, Nov. 15. Tho capture of 8500 Sorblans with 12 cannon Ib reported today by tho C,orman War Orflco. Of theso 7000 prison ers and soven cannon were taken by tho Bulgarians. Pursuit pf tho Sor blans Is being continued nil along tho front. In Southern Sorbla. Paris says tho French forces mndo progress north or Hnbrovo. A violent Bul garian attack on tho loft bank of tho river Coma was repulsed, whllo on tho eastern front defeat for tho Russians in Cauda Ib announced by Berlin. General Von Ltnslngon cleared tho ontlro Western bank or tho Styr River or Russians. Tho Russians appear to havo begun nn offensive In tho now region. Borllu reports Russian attacks near Smorgnn, east of Vlga, which woro repulsed. FJghl in tho West. In tho west, Berlin says tho Oor maiiB stormed a Fronch trench .100 yards long, northeast of Bourlo. Paris reports Infantry fighting go lug on without Interruption In "The Labyrinth." On Italian Front. On tho AiiHtro-Itnllim front Homo claims tlio Italians mado progress along tho Ieonzo rlvor, but Vlonnn asserts that tho Italian offensive failed. Salonlki hears Oormai submarines nro using tho Bulgarian harbor or Varna on tho Black Sea as a baso or operations. VKSSKL WILL NOT LEAVE GENOA AS SCHEDULED No Reason Given, but Activities of tho Submarines .May Havo Had Effect Or AnorlalhJ rrta Io Coo nr Tlmi. NEW YORK, Nov. 15. Tho sail ing or tho steamer Dnuto Allghlerl from Genoa Novombnr 18 Is can celled, uccordhig to a messago to tho local agents hero. No reason Is given, but tho submarine nctlvl- ties may have had nn Influence. Tho sailings of two other vessels wore cancelled Saturday. T ROOSEVELT GIVES HIS OPINION ON DIPLOMATIC .MATTER Sends Letter (o Former Foreign Minister of Frnnre, With Whom Ho Agrees (nr AMorlaloJ I'reu lo Cooa Bar TIidm. PARIS, Nov. 15. "My viows aro In entire agreement with yours as to tho necessity of a now diplomacy as a result of this terrlblo war," says Theodoro Roosevelt, In a letter to former Foreign Minister Plchon, as published today In tho Potlt Jour nal. , "But that diplomacy must bo based on a new system of Internat ional government TTctlon of which tfs terms must bo built on greater solidarity or International opinion, at least so far as certain kinds of national and International misdeeds aro concerned." He added that a great nation must prepare Itsolf to employ power as an Instrument or supremo Justice. DETAILS LACKING LITTLE IS LEARNED ABOUT THE SINKING OF ANCONA Ambassador Page Sends Word Tliat Italian Government Has Dif ficulty In Getting Facts (0 AuoclatiJ rrw to Com Bar Time, WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 15. Ambassador Page at Rome, cabled his cpnforences at the Italian For eign Office thus far failed to de velop any details or facts concern ing tho sinking af the Ancona. He eays the Italian government Is hav ing difficulty in establishing Just what occurred. 8,500 RUSSIANS BEATEN SAL CANCELLED EIM SS IS AN OfflCE IN Sttffl I LOS ANGELES CHEERS t THE LI.t3.ERTY BELL t v IDr AMociitod m to cx m, Tim. t LOS ANGELES, Cal, t t Nov, 15, Greeted by the t t cheers of thousands, the X Liberty Bell arrived here t todav from San Dieso for 1 t a stay of seven hours be- t I tore starting on the east- I t ward journey, $ DIES AT HIS POST CAPTAIN OF FHKXCir VESSEL KILLED OX THE RltlDOE Eighty Persons Were- Engulfed After Irving Ship Which German Submarine. Torednc(l tBr AuocUtl Ttttw to ran Bar Tion. PARIS, Nov. 15. Captain Katlchl of tho French stcamor Calvados, sunk by a Oerman submarine Nov. 3 near Cllirnlta, was killed on tho brldgo of his ship nccordlng to an Al giers dispatch. Eighty persons on a raft wero engulfed whon tho raft ov or turned in an eddy caused by tho BUbmarlno circling about It. Six sailors and tho second mnto who wero In llfo bolts, were saved ar tor being In tho wntor 24 hours. TEN SAILORS LOST PA1IT OF CHEW OF SPANISH STEAMER ABE DltOWXED Goes Ashore In n Heavy Galo and Vessel Likely Will bo a Total Loss llr AflllJ ITfM Io Coot lr Tim... BORDEAUX, Franco, Nov. 15. Ton members or tho crow ot the SpnnlHh' steamer Bornabo perished when tho vessol ran nshoro In u gale at Point do Lacoubro. Tho steamer Is bolloved to bo n total loss. TAKE IVIES NOIil CREW OF SUBMAItlNE PUT SINK IXG SHIP ON IIECOIlD Heruro Plctui-o of Attack on tho Steamer Franco After Crow Leaves tho Vessel (Dr Auoclatfcl l'rrai to Cool liar Tim;.. NICE, Frnnco, Nov. 15. Tho captain of tho steamer France, sunk by a submnrlno In tho Mediterran ean on Novomhcr 7, stated that whllo tho crow was getting Into tho small bouts, a submnrlno approach ed to within 100 feet or tho France nnd when all tho sailors were safe ly off tho ship, grouped tho boats togeiner with tlio steamer as n background, after which moving pictures wero tnkon. HAVE TAKEN NACO CARRANZA TROOPS OCCUPY THE MEXIOAX CITY Villa Troops Fleo Toward Villa Verdo and Aro Pursued by Cav alry of Enemy (Br Aaaoclat rrtM to Cooi Bar Tltnea.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 15. Tho Carranza agency today announc ed tho occupation of Naco, Tho Villa troops fled toward Villa Verdo with 2000 Carranza caValry In pur suit. DIPLOMATS THERE FOUR GERMAN OFFICERS MAKE VISIT TO ATHENS Austro-Hiingai'lun Diplomats Also Arrive to Arrange Diplomatic JteiatloiLs or countries (Br AuoclateJ rreis to Coea Bar TIuim. ROME, Nov. 15. Four German of ficers arrivod at Salonlki from Sofia Oct, 25 and spent threo days motor ing In that district, especially in tho section where the Allied troops aro concontrated, according to a story printed by tho Mattino under a Sa lonlki date. They are said to havo been taken to Pirous on a Greek torpedo boat. The correspondent assorts that tho Germans constituted a special mis sion, to establish relations between tho governments at Athens, Constan tinople, Bucharest and Sofia. King Constantino was assured by the Germans that Rumania would re main neutral and Bulgaria's pledges to Greece would bo guaranteed by Germany. GENERAL BEADLE DEAD Well-Known Military Man Has Passed Away. (Br Aaao;lat! FriM to Cou Bar Time. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 15. Brigadier General William Henry Harrison Beadle, of Madison, South Dakota, died here, aged 77 years. A Southwest Oregon Paper Tliat'a what the Oooa liny Time Is. A South west Oregon paper for Sonlliwcat Oregon people nd dovoted to tbo best UtcrciU of. thla great toctioa . The Time always bootta aad aerw kaocka. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall Mn Q7 and Coos Bny Advertiser. NU " VERONA FROM THE AIR Thirty Civilians Killed and Forty-Nine Others Are Wounded by Bombs FEELING! DITTER Italians Suggest Reprisals Against the Austrian Res dents of the Country WOULD SEIZE PROPERTY Oiio XtiWNpnpor Suggests Thnt Tlilr-ty-Flvo Thousand Austrian Prop erty Owners In Duly be Held ns Hostages 11 AnorialM I'm (o Cool Bar Tloin.) ROME, Nov. 15. An nlr raid up on Veronn, which resulted In tho death of .'10 civilians nnd tho wounding of 49 others, Intensified tho bitterness felt In Italy against Austria. The Idea Nnzlonalo do muuds prompt reprisals, suggesting that all tho Germans In Italy bo Interned, Austro-acrinan proporty oonflscnlod and .15,000 Austrian property ownurs held ns hostages. NOT TO TAKE PART L1BEBAL PARTY IX GREECE OUT OF ELECTION Iicntler Knyn If that. Sldo Should Win Could Not Carry Out Program ID Aiocll-1 I'rni lo Cool )! TtmM. PARIS, Nov. 15. Tho liberal par ty In Greece may not participate In tho coming elections, although tho matter has not yot been decided. Former Premier Voulzelos, loader of tho party, so indicated to a donuta- i tntlon of morchants nnd manufactur ers wiio enmo to urgo him to pursuo tho struggle ngalnst tho oposlng In fluences In Grook politics. Roplylng to tho doputatlon, Von Izolos said that ho thought It pref erable lr tho liberals took no part In the approaching elections, ns uvon It tho party obtalnod the majority In tho chamber, R could not carry through Its program,, Tho party, howover, will decide definitely In a few days, he said. ALLIES UNEASY Intimated If Foicos Retreat to Sal onlki .Way bo Dlsnrmml llljr aaoclalej 1'fMI to Com Bar TlolM.) LONDON. Nov. 15. Dlnlomatic representatives at Athens of tho En tente Allies unquestionably aro greatly alarmed at tho hints that If tho Fronch and British troops In' Sor bin attempt to fall back toward Sa lonlki, tho Greek i(.utliorltIes may Book to disarm thorn, GIVES MORE RTA1LS Robert Fny Coufessos About leged Munition Plot Al- Br Aan'x UIM i"ra o Baj TIidm.1 NEW YORK, Nov; 15. Robert Fny, ono of six tnon now undor In dictment charged with attempts to blow up munitions ships, mndo a long statement today to United States at torney Marshall. Tho statement-ls understood to bo In tho nature of a confession nnd also furnished now details of tho alleged German plot to destroy munitions for tho allies. VILLA JOINS WITH THE YAQUI CHIEF Dr AiioclilM Tim to com Bar TlmM.) NOGALES, Nov. 15. Tho Villa governor of Sonora an nounced today that Villa and tho YaquI chler Urbalojo attacked Hermoslllo today with their combined forces. The Inst Villa troops evacuta ed Naco yesterday. Villa Is said to huvo but 11.000 men ATLANTA WOMAN HAS STRANGE IMAGINATION Thinks She Is (o Be .Married to Dr. Heusloy and Makes An nouncement Br AuacUUJ Vitu to Cooa Bar Tltaw. ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 15. Dr. Al Icyno Hensley, announced In a wed ding Invitation and the society col umns of local newspapers as the fi ance of Miss Julia Choate Crumley, music teacher or this city, existed only In her imagination, It became known today. Not until Miss Crum ley had gone to Chicago and Identi fied tho body of an unknown man killed In a railroad accident and shipped it hero as that of Hensley did the family suspect anything un usual. Stio Is being attended by nervo specialists. HOOD RIVER Over three hun dred members of the Odd Fellows of Wasco, Hood jRlver and Sherman counties mot In (heir annual convention. VMS ,va n 1 - jnj-TnaA a , i ti'.tti ItirtTia nvwat. ?i vgwmHif i M- aafaataW. .IrWafi. iuMJ. i&eua &&