IS ' '' Duke Gefeihe Wood AD 0. K, pS fjW oLAny aond Wendy feklcK ' TWiocn -wGi Wi $Sm&if n Wwdod- on m7' xk k ir'xxp nd oi out- -to -the. wood y a,nd, xn .i ,,Dot2 fcbJr?r J?' BapPatfl io leave the 1I -v'.; .H M II 7,3UU iraft XJ - '! A . Ili.'r-1 - Td! - "WkX - I I t to. .cjppy aown eo hi 11 , ' yo, ''iet.-jfbexn poll down- ANNA BELLE Helps With Hoasecleanlngi jTmi .'.''-: t : J' ' VW ' " I J. T J "lr 1 !(' i.,, J . "v I v hlnlv i-5ftt I y-rrr-7 SFsa r" r iies wins vhh game . -3 y -t t- 54HP (J (7) vJ iT) ( )( I Dear Friends: ltkc to help my mother all I can, so when Bho began fbc fnll houscclcnnlng I. asked her to let me help her. Of course I couldnt expect to do very much In tho way of real help, but mother kissed mc and said it was not 'altogether how Rood we could do things, but how willingly and thoughtfully wo did them. This made mo very hap py, indeed, and I'm butc your dear mother will ap preciate your thoughtfulncss in the same. way. Ask her and ace. Wo have done lots of work so far and I've only been helping after school. How are you dolni; in your school work? Lots of good letters continue to comoln telling of our wonderful success in SEWING SOCIETY work, nnd I would bo very glad to hear from you if you haven't wrltton lately. One of my friends not long ago complained that she hadn't received her Certifi cate of .Membership. If you should write and not get one, please don't forget to tell mo right away, an I want to know when they dqn't reach you, so I can send anollfer. Lovingly, '.., ) C, ,.v,i t"Thi-t" ' "T " r r m ;aa wiywyxi -c;nd my wm vj&t so fine ihairjj we didn't hajveiopick uponelj J OWC Of! LiTTlx jm tlOQWCR ,br nv ANV THIS DANOY GAME CAN RE lfw - ' ' i NUMf5ER OP PI.AVERS- OEPORE BEGiNHtNGW . ALU OF THE "PUUMS" SHOWN euOW ANOYqjwj FIND T riEST TO PASTE THEM ON CASDIJOAWy, THE.V THEN WH.Uf3E MOJ5E LASTING-THE Hi i SELECTED FOR FIRST CO PUCES A 5AU THE FLOOR TO REPRESENT THE PIE NU. STANDING, ABOVE IT TRIE.S TO D0P"I" Lrjf INTO THEPIE"DNE AT A TIME - RBMEMOE" T PLUMS" MUST FALL INTO THE "PEWRlG"VfviT IN ORDER TO COUNT- THE PLAYER wi "- j, THE"vti.UMS"lh4 THE"PE"IN THE FENXEST N. Of TRIES WINS THE GAME-