THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD,-- OREGdN. FRIDAY,NOVEMBER 12, 191f5--EVENlNG-EDiTlON. " mjci WE' r ! ... . v.. , Tftc " bulta' -correct style in every detail select materials "Natural Shape" lasts for comfort. Pay $5 for ypur next pair of shoesit's like making tin investment in footwear. The initial outlay for a pair of Florsheims may be more than you have been paying for shoes but the returns will show a larger percentage in length of service, added comfort and individual style. You will bo proud of your feet and well satisfied if you wear better shoes of the Elorahcim kind. Woolen Mill Store " Marshfield North Bend SEVEN BIG SPECIALS AT THE FAIR For Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Stop that high cost of living by getting y our share of these wonderful bargains. !5c Olid Edgd Shoo "t$n Dressing on snlo at. ... Ub ' f 50c Men's Suspenders', Prcsl lent and other makes. QC Ono Balo nt . j,.,i..'j'"' ' ' , .,. - Outing Fliiniiols, bgsUlOc ami' l-'Vjc grades, protly, -T7',-, patterns, only por yd; .'V s'C ' ." ' i Uillcs' Long FlnnnolottojIClmonos; 17 r ,r . Ihe rair Model Cash Grocery G Pore Food Groceries Wo stand hohlnd nil of our Grocerlos as to their pure, fd imillilcri. I'uro Food Grocurica nt RKASONAHLE PRICES, to gether with a PHOMP.T ")E L1VKIIY SERVICE - Is our motto. It, brings nnd holds every custonior that over gives , s n trial. .- -t Won't you try us nnd bo convinced. , - Phono us your ordop today. Wo nro ovor ready to sorvo you ob best wo know how. 80 COMMERCIAL AVENUE PHONE .13.1 -i . i i 1 1 oble Theate TO-NIGHT Tliu lloiuouif tho lllKheht Claw PliotopIayH 1'ho Klconti Cliiiptcr of THE DIAMOND HIKM THE HKV "' serial Moiy tliat-Irf holding up t tho lafct tlirlllliiB '" reel scenery that coul'l not ho lwttr. I'tHAMOUNT TltAVKL PICTI'HIW Tm thirteenth liibtulN """U of thase Intorestlng.Sontli America travel plctur&s. THE fiRIU'RKFjf "iwfll-Wnllles Van Vitngmpli comody 1 "n for everyone. THE TAH'IN'O OF .MTANG POTE Sclig Western conhoy Picture full of uctlon. . IMII'IM DUD VISI1S JUS IXCLE'S FAI lanay cartoon fonieilj- VOII know u,e.,,uullty uf thebe comedies lthout any fuithcr cpl.uiation. f.'reat hturf. Loner l'loorJlSc. llnlcouy IQc Children 5c doming Monday: AJiother.blg Fob attraction. "Tho Children of tho Ghetto" pictured .from tbo popular book. Tuesday night- -Hel 10 mi we'll Soe Coos CoKity no It Is '-Great pictures. Three ccia of local happenings. s 10c Host Shoo Polish. fl On snlo, per can f Q IlGc Hoys' Porcnlo and Clinm hrny Wnlsta, proty pat- p loriiB. 'Jow only IOC Ono' lot Mercerized Gropes, ,20c and 2Go vnlucs white nnd colors,- Only.. 10' pur yard' . . . . JZi 7P wcro $1.25 to $1.50, now I Ob Next Door to-: Chandler Hotel E CARRY All Kinds of FRESH MEAT AT PRICES THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Drop in and order your Sunday Roast Tender, juicy and at a price .that will please you Enterprise Meat Market. BREVITIES AOVEMHER TIRES Time and heights of tides nt Mnrshflcld. The tides nro placed In order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on the second lino of each day. A compar ison of consecutlvo hpigpts will ln dicato whothor It is high or low water. High tldo on tho har one hour nnd b minutes earlier than at Mnrshflcld. lira. . 0.0G 0.29 12.10 5.39 Ft... -0.5 Hrs.. 1.03 Ft. . .-0.2 Hrs.. 2.01 4,2 7.35 4.2 8.35 4.4 9.29 4.5 2.1 1.28 2.0 2.49 1.8 4.02 1.4 5.0 G.54 4.5 8.15 4.2 9.34 4.1 Ft... 0.2 3.05 0.5 Hrs., Pt... weather forecast (Dr AuocliM Vim to Cooi Tikj Tlaiti. OREGON Unsettled, pro- hably occasion rnln In tho west, nnd occnslon rain or snow flurries In tho oast.. Vnr- iablo winds. 4 LOCAL TUJIPEllATtniB RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:13 a. in., Novombcr 12, by HcnJ. Ostllnd, special gov- erninont motcorologlBt: Maximum 51 Minimum 39 At 4:43 a. m 40 1'rcclpltntlon G8 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1915 7.35 Precipitation satso period last year 17.59 Wind Rniithwont nlnmlv .4 ; . . 8UNIUSE AM) sunset 4 Friday November 12. Sun rises at 7:07 nnd sets nt 4:43. Will d'lvo Smoker. Tho Elks I lodgo will glvo n smoker noxt Wed- ! Itnilflnip tlftrllt i ! fnanlilft Itnll vmw; t"W Mb t . UOUUIV llitlli Roth .Mills' Close;!. Doth mills of tho C. A. Smith Company aro clos ed for toduy nnd tomorrow nnd will rcsUnio work again Monday morning. SulU For Sweden. Jool Ostllnd, who loft for his homo In Swudon, writes friends In this city from Now York, whoro hu wont after visiting llin nxlinsltlnn. A lntlnr nintnn (lint ho expected to sntl from thoro last Saturday so ho Is probably now on his way across tho wnter. To Voto on Iludgot. Tho 1910 budget of tho city of Marahflold will be voted on next Monday ovoulng by tho council and any ono having any grlovunccs regarding tho cost of run ning tho city will bo heard at thnt tlmo. It Is posslblo thnt n 20 mill tax levy will bo mado for this year. dm Not Come. A lottor was re ceived this morning nt tho Chamber of Commorco from San Francisco stntlng that E. F. Trofz, trnvollng sec retary of tho Chamber of Commorco of tho United Stnees, will bo uunblo to viBlt Marshfield this trip. Tho loi ter mild a mix up on dates Is respon Hlblo. ' Will Visit at lromo. Mrs. J. T. Vnlnfiirff hnn ironn In Hnlrtm wlmrn her husbapd was railed a fow days ago by tho sorious Illness of his mo ther. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mclnturff, ac cording to n wiro received thla morn ing by II. O. Craves, will visit tholr paronts In Saloin for a week or 10 days boforo returning hero. InsiKct Line. O. H. 'Maiiguo, of Western Union company; and 11,, C Currlo, tolepho'iio und tolograph on glnoor of Uio lnterstato commerce 'commission, camo in lust evening fom Eugene, Tho men Inspected the offlco equlpinoiit of tho locnl tolo-, graph offlco nnd.Joft again thlouiOrn lug, returning. Harrow Muy Hu". It Is reported that C. It. narrows,, Coos representa tive to tho state loglslaturo. is about ready to announce himself a candi date In tho primaries of next Al'rJl tfor tho-nomlnatlpn for district attor , noy. , Ho has mado no doflnlto an ' noiiuconiQiit but has stated his frlonun aro urging him to run uild thnt ho inlay do so, j TJils Ts lloulble, Local "grads" of the V. of C. nre 'recolvlng much i guying lately because, of tho oi;or, i nious scoro of 72 to 0 run ognlnst tho team of their Alma Mater In Herkeloy last Saturday .by tho U. of W. foot- , bull eleven, And now on top of this 1 comes tho report that tho crlpplos of tho Alamedo county Infirmary havo challenged the hluo and gold hosts to a football gamo, jieeUa Further D.ita. Senator fbninhrtrlnln. wrltlnir from AVarslllng- ton, says in n letter this morning Mint ho has personally tnken up with tho Coast Guard service tho matter ot a special appropriation to complete tho Coos Hay station. Ho said that Captain Borlhoir, of tho service, has sont mnps to n representative hero asking for fuller Information on the subject. Football Men Como. On tho morning train camo tho members o. tho Coqulllo football team that this nftcrnoon mot with tho local cloven on tho South Broadway field. Tho visitors aro K. Lesllo, Phillip John son, F. O. nitlicr, William Down?, William Peart, J. n. Hersoy, .1. J. Lcs Ho; J. F. Stanley, Hugh Hnrlockor, Howard Pike, Marc Shelley and J. W. Crltes. Thoy will return home to morrow. Homo For Turkey Day Today on tho Ktlhurn Kenneth Hntiser shipped his big Wlnton Six to Spokano and on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Hnuscr are InlondlnB to leave on tho Btngo for Eugetio nnd thence to Spokano whoro tlioy will spend Thanksgiving with tho pnronts ot Mrs. Hanson They nro intending to bo gone In tho north for several weeks. Tho work of Ilnusor and Hatisor company Is nl most comploted on tho Wlllnmctto Pacific, thcro remaining yet but n small soction or trestllng to ho com pleted. ; t PERSONAL MENTION t AL NICHOLS was up from Emplro today on business. Mil S-. ARCHIE IIOONE of Powor3 was n Marshfield shopper tdday. QUO. HOTNOR is expected homo to day from n business trip to Port land. F. L. MILTON was hero from his Coos Illvcr ranch today on busi ness. P. L. PIIELAN, of Myrtlo Point, camo over Inst cvoulug on n short busi ness trip. 13. It. HODSON wno down from hlo South Coos Itlvor ranch today on business, N. B. DAGGETT of Allegany, was In town today looking after somo shopping, PETER MIUIlA'SOUIi has roturnod homo from n business trip to San Francisco. MIIS. MAHY HAWKINS, of Port Orford, Is out of tho hospital and will soon roturn homo. SWAN flENSON camo In todny from ', SOCIAL CALENDAR FIlIDAY M. H. 8. Athletic Uouoflt danco In Eagles Hall. Th I in bio Club with 7tlrs. 4 Lester Eaton In 'Jangor. Trio Cnrd Club with Mrs. Frank Donning, Daptlst airls Missionary Guild nt church parlors 7:30 o'clock. 11. Y. P. U. Social nt homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. I). L, Hood. 4 Eplscopnl Soclnl In Guild Hall. Ladles Art Club with Mrs. E. . McArthur, Mrs. E. L. McCIuro on- i tortnlns at luncheon und sow- Ins. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED 'NOW See C0RTHELL Phono 3171 T. J. WOAIFK C A. n. nODGINB Marshfield "T ,N rn 'EhtlHintos I'Mriilshed riibae 140-U. Marshfield, Oregna WEAVING All kinds a scec- lialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 h2th Courth, So. Phone 220-R MERCHANTS CAFE PopHlar Place for Good Meals ' Prices Rcasonahlft Cor. Commercial and Il'cty'y. Rexall I I Beef, Iron 1 H IV oil mr h ! DON'T LET YOUIt KYBTEM H nvs down : H ItchiilldM Your KjMciii, for H H Ni'noiiMiCh.s iiikI of H H uppclKo. H I THE BUSY CORNER I H Tho Itexall Drug Htoro Hi I 4 PHONE 28 , Hi H Wo Deliver H nnHi Portland to look after his rallrond contract near Ten Mile. D. I. McQEE was a passenger on the morning train to tho Valley whero ho is calling on tho trade W. J. FELLOWS was in last ovcnlug nnd today from Lakeside to look after somo business interests. DEPUTY SHERIFF W. C. LAIRI) returned to Coqulllo nftor coming hero with legal papers to bo served. KENNETH HAUSER left this mom. lng for Ton MUo to sco how tho railroad work Is coming along thoro. STATE HANK EXAMINER STEW ART Is hero today from Salem to examine tho Scniidlnavlan-Amcrl' en n Hank. SIRS. T. L. LAWHORNE of Allegany hns returned homo nftor u fow days visit with her sister Mrs. C. E. 'Powers. MRS. JENNIE WRIGHT Of McMlnn vlllo will leave for her homo on the Kllbtirn after a visit nt tho homo of Mrs. Mntr Diiuo. W. N. EKULAI) loft vln Floronco thlH morning for Portland for a Bhort stay and to accompany Mrs. Ekblnd and tho children homo. MR. AND MRS. JOHN HANSON loft on the morning train for Idaho whoro Mr. Hanson will bo connect ed with tho Uolso-Pnyctto Lum ber company. MR. AND MRS. S. II. CATIICART nro leaving today on tho Speed well for San Francisco. They will sco tho exposition and visit rel atives in Sulsun, Cnl., and will bo away throo weeks. MRB. VENIA TRAVIS, of this city, will leave shortly for Twin FallB, Idaho, whoro her brother now Is. Ho writes that ho hna a splendid situation for her, MRS. A, L. KOHLER will return Supdny from tho East, whoro sho has been spondjitg Bovornl weeks with Mr. Kohlcr's people. Mrs. Kohlor was formerly Miss Emm& Erlckson of Mnrshflald. MR. AND MRS. ROHERT McCANN. of North Hend, arrived homo on tho Btcnmshlp Kllbtirn this morn ing from an extended stay In Cali fornia whero they wont on tho ac count of Mr. McCann'8 health. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM G. CHAN DLER arrlvod homo this morning via. Eugcuo from n vory enjoyable trip to (ho Exposition. Mr. Chan dler wont down about two weeks ago nnd Mrs. Chandler visited first In Washington boforo going south. V. G, 1HND.MARSH, ongliioor In chargo ot tho track laying north of Coos Hay, with Mrs. Hlndmnrsh intends to loavo Monday via Eu gene for San Francisco whoio thoy will spend a two weeks vacation lit tho Exposition. T. J. THRIFT, county assessor, was over this morning from Coqulllo, coining to moot C. L. Starr, of Portland, tarf attorney for several lumber interests. Mr. Thrift Juih boon resting nftor his operation but oxpoctg to bo In Ills offlco again on Monday. RALPH E. KOOZER, auditor nnd field roprcbcutatlvu of tho State Industrial Accldont Commission, will ho at tho Chandler Hotel for the next few days, having recent ly arrived from tho Hnlom offlco. Ho .will bo glad to meet (any em ployers and glvo Information to thoso Interested In tho workmen's compensation law. AT THE HOTELS t $$ Chandler Hotel F II, French, Portland; K. H Wcsloder, Hnudou; W. C. Laird. Co oullloj C. M. LoVulloy, Portland; W. .f Jaoarfe, Portland; J. Simon, Portland; W. It. Hlrt, San Frnnclsco; H, C. Currlor, San Francisco; G. H. Mnngue, San Francisco; Mrs. V. O. Hiudmarsh, Hausor; Charles H. Stew art, Albany; Mrs, J. C. Tulloy, Port land; C. A- Maddaux, Omuhn; f.. M. Ncsmlth, Portland; C. H. Hanson, Portland; P. L. Pholan, Myrtlo Point; C W. Smith, Portland; N. O. Fell mcr, Haudon. Hlniiro Hotel Mrs. Mary Huwklns, port Orford; MrB. Francos Sutton, Port Orford; Porcy Mllbiin, Coqulllo; E. Nelson, Powes; S. Henzez, Powers; William Cottell, Coos Rlvor; C. Hall, Co qulllo; F. I). Schultz, Handon; Tom Leo, Waldport; WIUIriu II. Holland, Pnrkorsburg; W, J. Follows, Lake Bido; W. II. Smith, Coos River. L'oyrt Ilhtel A. J, nailoy, Gold Hcach; C. E. England, Gunnison, Cpl.; Arciilo Hat Icy, PjiUman; Leo Sargont, Coqulllo; V F, Roonoy, Heaver Hill; II. Hon gell, Prosper; F. H. Smith, loworj N. E. Daggett, Allegany; H. H. Ore gory, Cottage Orovo; M. Urown, Myr tle Point- Have your programs printed nt Tho Tbneo offlre. H . FOR TRANSFER AND STOIU AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND HAGOAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 403 Residence Phone 13-J Slarket Are, nnd Waterfront Wet Weather Wearables' ow f You can gelt them at Jab Ibeir's prices at the JL CPen oey Company Store,, MEN'S Doublo Toxturo Cnshmero, fltMKl Double tcxturo print lining, full Htrnppod, cemented $U8 Doublo toxturo, oxtrn vnl, ijtll.MH HOYS' Doublo tcxturo, print lin ing ... .' $J.nH Doublo Toxturo, extra vn. SUM A. .L TOWER CO. FISH . HltA.Vl) OLOTHINCJ Long Const, Reflex, $3.00 vnltio $2.;ll Medium Coat, Roflox, ?2.C0 vnluo $'2.'Ml Waist Pniit, $1.50 vnluo. .9 1. SKI Squam Tarp Hats, 3Ro va.,"Ur Parafluo Pants, ?2,2C vnluo... VjmmMJ J) iff Wo Lend Othorrt Follow. Home-cured Dried Apples per lb. (unbleached) 10c Golden West Coffee, per pound 40c Butter, (Norway) 2-pound squares 68c Cooking apples, two boxes e75c Preserves (largo 25c glass) - 20c Gettings Cash Grocery yous money NO. HHOADWAY, NEAR CENTRAL mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmlmmmmm Cold Weather SPELLS Heating Stoves We Carry Thirty Varietiesin .- . 4 Wood and CoalfHeaters Hot Blasts for Coal and Wood. Oaks for Coal. Cast Box for Wood; Perfection for Oil. All reasonably prioed. A good line to choose from ' ' COAL HODS FIRE SHOVELS POKERS FIRE DOGS FIRE SCREENS WOOD BASKETS WE SET UP HEATING STOVES FREE OF CHARGE Pioneer Hardware Co. MARSHFIELD I NFW TODAY I FOR HALK Phmo In flrM tlann eon dltlou. Must tell nt once ? 150.00. Phono 132 R. . . FOUND ON REACH Clilld'H photo, graph off Santa Clara. Ownor can 'got'samo at Times Offlco by Paying for this ad. . FOR RENT 7-riioiu lniis, closo In, good repair, ?10. I. 8. Kauf man & Co. FOUND I-wly'H signet rl"g. 0"it may havo somo by Identifying ar ticle nnd paying for this ad. FOR HA LI Equity or half Intoi-cl In Lot 0 Hlk, C 1st Addition, Murshflold, D. P. Lnmlelle, Hillings Mont. It. F. D. No. 2. REWARD If packago of cxprcM from Santa Clara is found coutaln lug personal papers belonging to T. D. Mullln, llbornl roward will be glvon. for Its return to Ward ,M, Hluko, Mnrshfiold, Oregon. t FOR SALE t FOR XALE CHEAP Stock mid fixtures of Gow Why's storo on Fourth stroot. Gow Why. FOR KALE .Small iiinch nml Mock, A snap for right party. Phono fiOOl North Hend. ' -I. " 'i' "' " ' " FOR HALI Ono hay lioyoQ vlth star In forehead; 8 yours; weighs HBO; sound as a dollar and trim aa steel, flCQ cash. Two Jorpoy heifers, three years old, just fresh, ?35 ench, Ono Jersoy cow, flvo aim VOSIKN Doublo Tcxturo Cashmoro $9.00 Doublo texture, print lin ing, full Btrnppcd mid ce mented ., . l.tK Doublo tcxturo, extra vnl., $S!.U8 Evtra value., light weight, rubber lined $ 1.18 (JIltLS Douh'o toxturo, full strapped nnd comented $ Doublo tcxturo, extra vnl., 91.98 Ralu Coat, hllio, hodd at tached, rubbor lined. .i.t8 Capes, hood attached, hluo nnd red, extra vnluo. .$1.7tt $1.71) Vii u LL Umw Tllu Orlglnaloni of Low Pr'ieM i 'NORTH BEND yo.ira old, to freshen In Febru ary, ?3G. E. O. Hnrkor, Alle gany, Oregon. FOR HALE CHEAP Huiik1iiIi1 fur ulturo. Apply L. Campbell, Cur tis Cottage, Hunker Hill, i FOR SALE HY OWNER S00 ncrtM stock and dairy farm 2 mils from Gravol Ford, Oregon, $16,000.00 E. O. Carter, Myrtle Point, Oregon, : FOR RENT t FOR RENT Dairy raitcli, with stock for salo. Inquire G. A. Gould owner, Allognny, Oregon. )'()R RENT S3 furnished -l-room houses, inodorn. Phone CC-L. FOR RENT Tun-room funiUheU apartment, heated, ?1C. Comhicr clal and Second, Inquire Mutson Quality Store. 1 - - ' t i - FOR RENT HK-i-oom hoiwo, cor. nor Tlilrd and Avoi'sen. Tele- pjiouo 110J, RUNGAT.OW FOR HET jewfMia clean. South KIoVentlirect, . E. Allen. i FOR RENT Two new modem 'i-. room cottages, plastered and with all modern conveniences, loeeted on Twelfth strcot. Ront ?H ! $15 por month. Apply OoliMf Harvey Furnlturo Store, JLi FOR ItENT New and m4lrn ,1 foom house, with basement an all modern conveniences.' Includ ing two bath roews, two toilets, laundry tubs In bawHWttUsrreni cd for twq families, Weet Bunlrer Hill, Rent reasoacble. Apply Robert Mare, r., llpbon f 125, iK i