PaMpmBH nHtfrr--.rflr -K. !MAmrt YAnw$ uttffftdlMI LIlfflHHBHMM!7$tff3 3f . - ' -r rMm..,,. i ...if .r $& r w THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 19 15 EVENING EDITION. TWO i Jffi WHAT- 8iSaMi-Bi - m. i 1 i - rijr: . m. . "- i r 'CONTRIBUTIONS concerning oclaI happenings, intended for publication In the society dopnrt njent of Tlio Times, must bo sub mitted to the editor not Inter than 0 o'clock p. in., Friday of each weok. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In caBOs wltero tlio ovonts occurred lator than tlio tlmo mentioned.) ?m. Vl")l'STiM. '.IV ?A t A WOMAN LIKE A DEWDHOP There's a woman Hko u dewdrop, she's so purer than tlio purest; And her noble heart's the noblest, yos, nml her suro faith's the sur est; And her oyes nro dark and liutnld, Hko tlio depth on depth of lister, Hid 1' tlio Uarobell, while her tresses sunnier than tho wild grapo clus ter, Gusli in golden tinted plenty down her nock's roso minted marblo; Then her volco'a music . . . cnll it tho well's bubbling, tho bird's warbtol Ami this woman says, "My days wero sunlcBu mid my nights woro moonless, Parchod tho peasant April herbage, and tho lark's heart's outbreak tuneless, If you loved mo not!" And I who' (ah, for words of flame!) ndoro liar, Who am mnd to lay my spirit pros trate palpalbly boforo hor I may enter nt hor portal soon, as now hor lattice takes mo, nd by noontldo na by midnight ;nako her nilno, as hers she makes ?uel Drowning. S I WIVES AND THRILLS Edna K. Wooloy. "I'm so glad I'vo got ovor tho thrllly atago of loving," laughingly remnrkod a matron who doesn't look hor 40 odd years. "Now thoro's Hess, my cousin; sho thinks she hasn't married tho right man because sho doesn't 'thrill' whon bo's around. Sho vus horo Just n llltlu whllo ago, complnlnlug nbout her mistaken mnrrlago. 'Our souls Kre not affinities,' sho said, 'A IcIbs doesn't mean anything nt all betweon nny moro. Everything IH Just ccmtnonplaco Just three moals a day and onco In a whllo an ovonlnj at tho thentor or oomo friend's house.' "You seo," said tho matron, "thoro's nothing to mnko ness mtH orablo, and so sho's trying to manu facture mlsory. That's tho way with r lot of women who havo porfectly Kcod and dovoted husbands. In stoad of settling down to a stondy trot In harness, thoy want to bo rac ing and hopping around Hko a colt ready to quiver and bolt at ti shadow. "A womnn Hko that doesn't do- servo a good husband, What sho neodu Ib a mnu who will contribute thrills to hor oxlstnnco by an occa sional boating and keep hor in con stant dread of some uwful escnpado on his part. "Thrills aro nil very well for n whllo, but you can't expect to keop on thrilling forovor. Evon suppose your husband kept up IiIh ardent do nionBtrallous of tho courtship days they'd got so commonplace, by mid by that you'd bo tolling him: 'For goodness' aako, Will, leavo me alono. I've got something clso to attend '. ... , . to nuBiues spooning. "I guess I'vo hnd my sharo of thrills, sanio ns ovorybody else. Will and I woro about las Bpoony as any young couplo. Hut Hston, I think wo both bavo a sigh of relief, whon wc settled down Into n Bteady Jog, contented to know that wo woro liv ing for ench other. "To speak frankly, my thrilling days wero not my really happy days. I loved Will and trusted him and yet I was also a Httlo fearful. With every thrill thoro was a pain and I began, to think that loving a man wasn't all Joy, I was restless all tho time afraid it wouldn't last; afraid Will might tiro of mo; afraid I might tiro df Will; nfrald of too ninny kisses; afraid of not enough; thrilling, and fearing all tho tlmo. "Now, as I look back, it was n fit ful now flro and wo wero nlways blowing on it to mako It start up into flames. , Now wo havo a deep bed of glowing coals that wo kcop at n fair ly oven tompornturo, mid oh, It's so good to sit boforo that fire, hand In hand, and feel Its steady warmth! I bcllovo that Will and I love each other hotter than wo did in tboso first days whon ovory hand touch sont a quiver through inn, To day, whon ho puts his hand on my sliouldor, I fcol his comradeship and not a quiver. You soo, wo'ro so solidly one now, wo havo such ccutldcuco In ench other, our affec tion has so solldlfiod, that wo don't need tho thrills to rottSBUro us and keop us guessing. "Evon my chljdron could not tako the placo of my husband in my heart, but I am happier today, with his commonplace husbandly kits the sort that's been condomnod by so ma ny wives than In thoso first days whon ho took my breath away. "Married llfo, undertaken In tho right spirit, is so much broader, sweeter, safer, sanors, than nny oth er kind of llfo that I wonder so nmny wives try to keop tholr courtship days as a holdover." WEDDINGS PERSONAL notices of visltora In tho city, or or Coos Bay people who visit In other cities, togethor with notices of social affairs, aro gladly received in tho social do- Sartmont. Telephone 133. No cob of club nicotines will bo published nnd secretaries uro kindly requested to furnish same. dinner will bo Bervcd from 11:30 to 2 o'clock, Tho members out this weok were: Mrs. J. W. Motley, Mrs. S. J. Immcl, .Mrs. H. W. Paint er, Mrs. W. D. Cox, Mrs. Chns. Powers, Mrs. Mattlo Blnln, Mrs. E. Yake, Mrs. W. A. Iteid, Mrs. L. E. Hendryx, Mrs. It. A. Copple, Mrs. Egglcston, Mrs. Walter IIIH, Mrs. Volkmnn, .Mrs. P. K. Gcttlns, .Mrs. A. T. Custer, Mrs. A. W. Gregg nnd Mrs. Knight. .j. .j. .. OWLS' HALLOWE'EN PARTY 1 BNWMNt m 1 BULBS HYACINTHS 65c per dozen LILIES 20c each NARCISSUS k 25c to 60 per dozen & ." Till IDO . 35c to 50c per dozen Last evening nt tho homo of Itov. and Mrs. II. P. Hongtson, Ellis Ilug Htrom aim Hlliiia Aolllo woro mar ried, boforo u gathering of a few friends, llov. Bongtson offialatod. Mr. nnd Mrs, Ilagstrom woro former ly of Mnrshflold, but havo gono to Heaver Hill whoro thoy will mnko their homo. Last Wednesday In Ton MUo occur- rod tho wedding of Mls8 Edith Mark ham and J. L, ICylo, at the hdmo of tho former. Mr. Kylo Is woll known here, bolng ono of tho Janitors at tho Mnrshflold High Schodl. Tho young couplo will mako tholr hoinoJ In tho Motlln flats on South Tenth Street. BETTER RABIES CONTEST Tho Episcopal Ladles' Guild Is planning a Hotter Halites Contest to bo hold In nbout two weoks. Tho open mooting of tho Guild will bo held on Tuosdajy, Nov. 30th, and Prof. P, A. Tlcdgen has ransomed to prepare a paper for tho program. fr v ! . Misses Edith Johnson, Miriam Wright nnd Holon Stack woro hoBt osscs last Saturday evoulng nt a de Hchtful Hallowo'on party at tho homo of Miss Johnson, which was vory prottlly arranged jn Hallowo' on stylo for tho occasion. )u tho word contest, Uhoda Anderson was tho fortunato winner of first prlzo nnd Clara Abel won tho prlzo In tho Jumbol plo contest. Following this other games and music wero indulg ed in until n Into hour when dainty refreshments wero served by tho hostesses to: Clara Abol, Edith Ayro, WHIa Uonebrako, Elvio Grant, Nao mi Danlols, Clomonco Wright, Ruth Hnlstead, and Emmy Lou Douglas. MIL AND .MILS, IIAUVKY I KXTKKTAIX I Last Tuesday ovonlng Mr, and Mrs. T. S. Harvey ontertnlnod a par ty of guests nt n pleasant evening of "5Q0," sovoii tables being played. First prizo was awarded to Mrs. II. A. Wells, of tho ladles, and gen tleman's prlzo was won by William Schrocder, Cholco chrysanthemums other cuttlowors and greens, woro UBCd effectively in tho parlor and dining room decorations. At tho closo of n dollghtful ovonlng spent nt tho popular pastlmo, tho hostess Borvod u dainty luncheon to tho following guests: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, .Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Lo Mlcux, Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. JnrvU, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Schrocder, Mr. nnd Mrs, Norls Jonson, Mr. and Mr. J. G. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Staddon, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Don ning, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Illldon braud, Mr. and Mrs. II. E, Hultnian, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Elliott, Mr. nnd Mrs, Gcorgo Graham, Mrs. II. A. Wells, Mrs. It. Urndflold, LouIb Schrooder and T, S. Harvey. 3 t f Messrs. Ben Fisher and W. A. Acker man, to tho following: Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Blrchr Mr, and MrB. S. La'n do, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rudnns, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown, Dr, and Mrs. H. M, Shaw, Mr, and Wrs. P. L. Sumner, Mrs. II. Kellogg, Misses Mabel Lnng, Myrtle Downer, Ireno Prouss, Eva Dresser, Myrtle Miller, Essio Camoron, Ida Downor, Agnes Kunkol, Alice Curtis, Martha Bcr nltt, Ellen Breuor and Messrs. Ron ald McGcorge, I. Johnson, D. O. Wolcott nnd Will Curtis. Tho next regular mooting of tho society will bo on Monday evening, with MIsb Myrtle Miller. 4 ! , . IMtKSIlYTHIUAX AUXILIARY Last Wednesday afternoon tho ladies of tho Presbyterian Auxiliary met for a business session at tho homo of Mrs. Henry O'Mara, and nftor dispensing with this, thoy spent tho remainder of tho tlmo in sowing for tho bazaar which thoy plan to glvo tho first weok In De cember. Noxt Wednesday will bo nnothor nil-day session, with a luncheon i served at noon at tho homo of Rov. ' and Mrs. Stubblcflold. Thoso pros-! ent this week wero Mrs. Mary Nlch ' ols, Mrs. Elizabeth Hyde, Mrs. A. j J. M. Robertson, Mrs. Prntt, Mrs. P. A. Tlcdgen, .Mrs. IL Mohr, Mrs. Hnle, Mrs. Laudgon, Mrs. Harry Bradflold, Mrs. A. E. Diment, Mm Stubblcriold, Mrs. Olomnn, .Mrs. M. A. Sweotman nnd Miss Mao Oleman. P I). M. O. OLUI1 BKSSIOX I ; Though only n small number mot for tho North Bond D. M. C. Club session Wednesday at tho homo of Mrs. Wm. Vaughnn, tho hours woro pnssod delightfully in n social way by tho following: Mrs. Lostor Eaton, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. A. E. Morten, Mrs. A. McDonald and Mrs. Henry Kern. Tho hostess served tempting dainties at tho clono of tho afternoon. In two weoks Mrs. N. G. Ilnmes will entertain tho club. H Winn - nBflirTKwTn TwnwMAWK , , h I :- iiooleufii I IL --ft for the 1 :S!-?5-0 n, I -55 Ddinrooin i ensioie sanitary erviceaoie H Xover needs sorulthltiK. A inliiiilo Willi a mop nml It is fresh and bright as ori. Clear, clean. tut patterns anil colors rlini'iirtcii.o our Mnolcuni. Thq designs aro (llslinctly "illffeicnl"--t,0 hj1IMj. H lags scientifically selected. Cool, Inviting splcndlilly Hiilted (o bathroom hmj. ciicmhP H hcrniiso It lusts Ioiikoi. Wo liuvo nmny vailed patterns Miltnlilo for any room in tho 0Wf I Johnson-Guloysen Co. I Marshfield North Froftt St. "-Hl I ROYAL XEIGHIIORS INITIATION Lnst Tuesday ovonlng cloven now members woro Initiated into tho Royal Nolghbors Lodgo boforo qulto a lnrgo numbor of local members and 1C from tho North Bond lodge who woro presont as special guests. Thoro wore? about 70 prosont nil togothor. At tho closo of tho lodgo work and social session, a delicious suppor luncheon was sorvod by a IN SANTA CLARA WRECK our luck to havo u shipment of goods on tho Htcnmship Santa Clara, and not having them Insured, wo Mill loso tho Koods, '"" vt'H havo to pay for tliom Just tho muiic. Now will you help us out, by buy 111); a pah of hIiocs from lis? Wo havo all kinds of good shoes to chooo from. Men's Dress Shoes In Vlcl Kid, laco nnd giiuuictal, bill ion, and woik shoes of every kind. Ijiidlcs' Dross Shoes, coiuo In vlcl kid, hi button ami hire, giiumrtal mid patent leather In laco mid but ton.' tan luce, with I'uIiIkm heels nnd cloth top. Hoy's Shoes In laco and button, Chil dren's Shoes In all sl.cs anil uuido up In all the best leathers. Wo havo fnt-anklo baby shoes. Wo aho huvo miimu odd pnfi-s of commlttoo of Indies. Thoso Initiated woro Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lar- Limes you can havo at a bargain gent, Dr. Mnttlo B. Shaw, Mrs. and If you don't want any new shoos, Emily PuIIon, Mrs. Elizabeth Eddy, oomo In and get jour solo flvod. Vo Mrs. Lena Torroll, Mrs. Hazol Kent- ran mivo your solo ami If wo can't ing, Mrs. Volma Steckol, Mrs. Anna mvo It. wo will nut run on nnu-1 Swanson, Mrs. Margaret Wood nnd i oJl0 l twenty inlniitos. Miss Frnncos Prnnso. Tho list of j Remember, when you help us you thoso attending from North Bond , hoh rum-self. Lodgo Included .Mrs. L. Keys, Mrs. lii . pi n ,-,. J!!"-m.Mni. " fiieccnc onoe otore Telephono Editorial No. 8. SERVICE FIRST ... Tho accomplishment or trn nscontlnont'al telophono rommunlca. tlon by wire and moro rocoiill y Jy rwlrolous, Is a. most Important nchiovomont. But, tho fnct remains that to YOU, tlio telephone Is most Important uu a mentm of cominunlcation over short dis tances. It means moro to YOU to bo nblo to call your next-door neighbor than your cousin In Now England. Tlio telephone will not roach Its greatost UHOfulness until It Is found In crerr room of ovory building. This company will bo glnd to co-operate with tho old and now subscribers In getting tho greatest useful ness out of tho tolophono. Ask us. COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE COMPANY wtw-munm Ml Kind of Job Printing Done nt Tho Tinm Offiu C1IILDREX KXJOY TREAT Marsh field SFlorist Co. ' Phones; Storo 259-J. u, ureenuouso 4o-. j 4 t ! 4 PRISCILLA OLUR MEETS . v Tho regulnr moctlng of tho Prls cllla Club occurred this week at tho homo of Mrs. L. E. Roborson In Bay Park, when Mrs. B. E. Kol loy, Mrs. S. A. SImousou and 'Miss Besso Flanagan wero special guests. Tho usual social aftornoon was spent hi sowing nnd chat and towards ovonlng the hostess served appe tizing rofreshmonts. The mombors out wero Mrs. L. Chrlstensen, Mrs, Danlol Orr, Mrs. W. Erlckson, Mrs. W. Phillips, Mrs. Ed Duncan, Mrs. G. Johnson, Mrs. Brannor, Mrs. P. Grinolds, Mrs. II. M. Albeo nnd Mrs, Amos Simpson, with whom tho club will meet again In two weoks. ALPHA DELPHIAN PARTY . Last Monday evening tho Alpha Delphian Society gavo a very en Joynblo mask Hallowo'en party at tho homo of Miss Ellon Rudnns, each momber having tho prlvllego of Inviting two extra guests, Thero woro In evidence ghosts, w tches and many other personages befit ting a Hallowo'en festivity, Tho rooms woro all appropriately arrang ed with tho seasons colors and sym bols. Yellow nnd black streamers woro draped from tho chandeliers, which wero shaded with greens, to tho four cornora of oach room, nnd tho walls wero qulto covored with black cats, witches, bats and Jack-o'-lanturns. In ,ono room two witches, Mrs. Ollvo Brown nnd Miss Agnes Kunkol rovenlod tho future tnstoad of onrly In Decombor, ns to tho guosts, whllo In tho other sovoral of tho other soclotlos nro i rooms. Hallowo'on Drunks nnd cniuos fa planning to glvo bnzanrs then, Tho I hold full sway. Thero was a gen- J I bazaar will b ctvnn In thn nlil Oi. nrill UliinSRklncr nbnilt 10 nVlnnl,- Lato in tho evening Hallowe'en re freshments woro served by Misses Ellen Rudnas, Graco Johnson aud Shnastor, Mrs. D. Dorbyshlro, Mrs. M. Randall, Mrs. I. Bralnard, Mrs. R. Welling, Mrs. C. Nnglo, Mrs. A. Shopard, Mrs. L. Juza, Mrs. n. Ragstadt, Mrs. C. Holsnor, Mrs. II. Cousins, Mrs. S. J. Immol. f PROGRESS CLUR Mrs. J. W. Bennett took tho part ot Lady Bountiful last Thursday af tornoon, and escorted eleven Httlo boys niiii filrls to Sartor's for n treat, after which thoy proceeded to Mrs. Bennett's homo for n happy fow hour's frolic. Tho party Included: Eleanor and Jlmmlo Flnnugnn, Vir ginia Coko, Violet and Bonuott Swnnton, Grace and Joey McKeown, Roderick O'Connor, Prodorlck Schet tor and Pasqutn Bradflold. CHRISTIAN SISTERHOOD , Tho Christian Sisterhood mot for nn all-day session last Thursday In tho church hall and sowed on tho work for tho bazaar which thoy will hold on tho 12th of November, phouni Theater building on Front street, and will he kept opon all da) and in tho ovonlng. A chicken A discussion of public mnrkots ns a moans of reducing tho high cost of living in Mnrshflold was held at tho mooting of tho Progress Club Monday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. J. s. Hanson. Mrs. P. W. Pnyno supported tho affirmntlvo 8ldo, whllo Mrs. R. W. Morrow ar guod tho negative. New mombors added to tho roll woro Mrs. P. L. Grannls, Mrs. J. W. Bonnett and Mrs. A. J. M. Robortson. Mrs. C. E. Wolls, sister of Mrs. GIdloy, was present ns speclnl guest and tho mombors presont woro Mrs. A. E. Adelsporgor, Mrs. R. II. Corey, Mrs. Gldley, Mrs. Chns. Hnll, Mrs, J. S. Hanson, Mrs. R. W. Morrow, Mrs. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs. P. W. Pnyno, Mrs. Otto Schotter, Mrs. W. T. Stoll, Mrs. P. A. Tlodgon. In two weeks tho Progress Club will meet with Mrs. Otto Schotter. S. J. IMMEL, Prop. 181) South Broadway : MATT LMAY CHANDLER HOTEL, MARSHFIELD, OREGON Telephono "0 REPRESEXTIXG HAAS BROS. GROCERS ARMOUR & CO. PROVISIOXS ' AMERICAN BISCUIT CO., CRACKER MANUFACTURERS ASTORIA FLOURING MILLS CO, FLOUR AND FEED STEP NORTH HEX!) HALLOWE'EX PARTY I Mrs. Roy Bralnard and Mrs. Tom Juza entertained at n Hallowe'en party last Saturday overling nt tho homo of the latter in North Bend. Tho affair was carried out in reg ular Hallowe'en stylo, nnd was en Joyed vory much by thoso who hnd tho ploasuro of attending. Tho foro part of tho ovonlng was spent in games and then a cafeteria lunch eon was served after which dancing was Indulged in t,o a lato hour. Tho guests woro Mr. and Mrs. Georsro Teots. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Shoppnrd, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Joo Olln, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Hames, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shoppard, Mrs. Fay Ward and Miss Gertrude Teets, (Continued on Page Th.reo.) SPIRELLA CORSTS may be obtained in Marshfleld from Mrs. Annie Holland, CorsGtipp 352 So, 5th St, Phono 200-X GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE OADILLAO AND DODGE AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OP CARS 347 Central uv. Phono 37'J-L QUATERMAS STUDIO ! QUALITY PHOTOS ! Ooposite Blanco Hotel. J Phono 106-L. I 1 MARSHFIELD, OREGON I WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. VV. Nason. 680 12th Courth, So. Phone 220-R When you are going out to make a purchase is it going to take you to the right store Is it going to bring you to the ' goods that best suit your need? Is it going to lead to the' "land of fair price?" u Haphazard buying . is thriftless buying i -- ' The wise shopper will avail herseir of the information .- in the advertising ot$ good newspaper like 4 K, The Times. .$ , A few minutes in comparison may mean weeks of;., satisfaction " r and money saved -- M IL h i m ., a, i yirtkrfit