i-Wfg7HCfffBtTTJtH4' f v.-.niY ir-i..,.iWriM.wiriinm O u I" PROCRASTINATION IS THE GREATEST RUSH ARTIST AT THE FINISH If HE EVER GETS THAT EAR Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper The Coos Bay Times la proud of Its title "The People' raper," and It strives at nil times to Ut6 vp to Its niuiio by dorotlnc 1U caergies to promoting; tho pcolo'B Interests. That's vtfcat Uie Oooa Bay Times la. A Hoirtfc.' wost Oregon paper for Bonthwout Oregon people and dovotcd to tho best httorests of tWe groat iocUom . Tbe Times always boosts ad knocks, MEMBER. OP TIIK ASSOCIATED PllKSS TT rtrwiiii .J,,, , j, ,,, w.i..a. Ail T.irtitrtg aafrr,7t-; f dm,;. (Coos Eimtz dil Vol. No. XXXIX. pfLAGE CARGO aHEnKWflTER "SOLD SUBMARINES OF LOST BOAI When Those Having Freight Attempt Salvage Vessel is i Thrown Open for Plunder Cases of Bottled Whisky Come Ashore and Furnish Material for Frightful Orgy OFFICERS ME HELPLESS People Help Themselves to Whatever Tliey fan Hot Mombors of Const Guard Cnlletl Out to Stop tho Fighting Hundreds Thero Bedlam awl chaos broko looso at tho beach nwl tho wreck yesterday afternoon when tho pirates nwl tho merchants togothor went aboard tho Santa Clara to broach tho cargo. Lacking nil system nml with no 0110 nt tlio head, tho result wan a wild scramble ovoryono for himself. Boxes and casks woro sent flying over tbo sldos or tho Blilp nttd through tho breakers whoro more willing pirates nml tliulr famllleH dragged the goods nshoro and into scnernto piles on tho beach, all of thejn under guard. Tlio merchants saved llttlo of their goods and woro soon forced out of tho running by tho pirates. All Inst night tho looting wont on in ono mad orgy. Cnno nftor case of whis key was broached nml tho beach was covered with swaying men. Iinvo Drunken Itlot At ono o'clock It Is reported thoro was a regular riot on tho Hands nml a hurry mil was sont for tho Coast Guard In tho hopo that thoy might be ablo to still things. Captain Lof3todt, Purser Stnno several officers and mombors of tho crow camo back In a machine this morning nftor an nil night vigil. Officers Powerless "Couldn't do a thing and it was every man for himsolf," snld tho Ccptaiu, weary from tho loss of sleep, Howovor, ho at onco said that ho was willing to go back down to tbo wreck, altor gotting some thing to cut and u short nap. Since the vessel wont nshoro ho hns been up and on tho Job nlmost lnccssnnt 1). displaying a tlioleos energy that li wonderful. Tired of Waiting When tho merchants who had goods on board, some of thorn sev eral hundreds of dollars worth, had waited threo days without gotting permission to go aboard and no at tempt was being mado to tnko tho freight off, thoy grow desporato nnu left on tho Alort by tbo dozens yes terday aftornoon, dotormlned to savo what thoy could. . Shortly nftor thoy loft camo tho word from C. P. I)oo, of the steam ship company .tolling thorn to go ahead. This word wos taken to tho beach by A. T. Haines and commu nicated to Captain Lofstodt. JIo then relinquished his authority and let the men go. Pirate (Jet Delayed Clmco This Avas tho long looked for chanco for tho pirates. Thoy too inarmed aboard and in tho confu sion could not bo hold back any long er, Oeorgo Goodrum orgnnlzod a few men as best ho could and got ropes about tbo uulck on tho forward deck an, slowly what wns left of tho ma chlno wns loworod into tho water and a long lino of men tailed onto the ropo strung nshoro nnd dragged the auto through tho breakors and up tho sands. It was badly wrecked and is practically rulnod. Somowhoro In the aftorhold ma rauders found a motorcyclo, crated. They used a llttlo system, put slings aout it and brought It up out of the hold and onto tho deck where the cycle was lowered into tho water ai'd pulled nshoro. lloes In All Directions . Men who woro at tho wreck said tl'at goods wont flying ovor tho rail from everywhere. Tho hatches wero used, fo wero tho ports and whero there wero no openings, holes wero Punched, it was considered a won der no one was killed. from the top deck boxes woro sent fl'taK. Hitting the rail, thoy would often break open, sending the con tents in all directions. Bottle after bottle of booze floated ashore to be AVE DHUMKEN HIIIT gobbled up by many pairs of willing bands. An effort was mado to iitlllzo a Established 1878 AsTlio Const Mall. BOUGHT TO TAKK PLACE OK WRECKED SANTA CLARA In Doing Coaled By Saudi Clara's Crow Today nnd Halls For Port- land Monday With Passengers Tho steamship Brenkwnter has boon purchnBcd by tho North Pacific Steamship Company nnd will sail Monday for Portland with tho crow and ofHcers of tho Santa Clara. Cap tain Lofstodt will remain hero to look after the wreck and do what remains to bo dono hero. Thoro Is n possibility that Captain T. J. Mncgonn will return to tako charge of her, though this report could not bo verified at tho steam ship office this morning, llowovor, ho would not bo nblo to arrive hero in time for tho trip on Monday. Mute To Coal Ship Word or tho sale Is said to have reached hero lust evening, somo of the officers rocolvlng telegrams from headquarters. First Officer Charles TIsoll got word to tako charge of get ting tho altfp ready for sen nnd this aftornoon sho was being coaled nt tho bunkers. Chlor Knglncor A. Dlshor, of Oak lund, got it tolcgrnm telling him to take tho berth of First Asslstnnt Kn glncor, nnd Chlof Knglncor McCul loch, or tho llrenkwntor ror tho paBt six years nnd formerly on tho Ill-fated Czarina, will romalu nt his post. Thero nro now aboard the llrenk wntor, In addition to tho Chlor Engi neer, First Offlcor M. C. liakko awl Purser J. M. Swltsor. News .A I udo Dig Stir Nows or tho purchasing or tho Breakwater mado a doclded stir this morning In watorfront circles. It wns oxplalncd that tho crnft will sail "Monday for Portland with passong ers, mnko Coos Day and Euroka on tho return trip and go onto drydock li San Krnuclsco ror repairs which aro necessary under tho ruling of tho U. S. Inspectors of Hulls nnd Hollers Edwards and Puller. Agont A. P. Nott said this morning that sho will loso a trip there. Offered Crew Old Jobs All of tho officers and mombors of tho crew waxed Jubilant when tho word was passod around. Many had gathered at tho dock beforo word had been given out officially. "Want a Job?" big First Officer TIsoll would "sing out." "Job? Whero?" "On tho Breakwater. Slio's going up Monday." And bedlam broko looso. Every body wanted to talk nt onco nnd ovoryono wanted n Job. All woro willing to go. Tho crow had Intend ed to sail today on tho Kilburu for Sim Francisco, thoro to seek now berths. No prlco nt which tho Drcakwator was bought was given out. Mr. Nott snld that ho did not know tho riguro. Dosplto her years or servlco tho Drcakwator Is tho only vessol that over malntulnod Iter schedule in and out or Coos Day with almost clock work suroncss, though much or tho crodlt, or course, was duo Captain Macgonn. couplo or tho big lire boats by bring ing them nlongsldo and piling tho rrolght In. This system was not successful and ono or tlio boats was capsized. Ono Mud Scene C. F. McCJcorge,. who was at tho wreck gnvo a vivid description or tho events. "At low tldo, over on tho rocks could bo soon any amount or llttlo piles or stuff with a woman or child standing guard. Tho bus band or relatives would come run ning up with something moro to add to tho heap nnd then dash buck to tho wreck for moro. Sightseers Thero "Thoro wero hundreds of sight seers, most of whom Jolued In tho grand moleo. Even the women went stringing into tho breakers. When tho wator washed up they sometimes took rerugo on boxes. Often so many would got onto ono box that It would break sending them all Into tho wav 0) again. "Tho first man I met on tho beach was staggering about. Ho had five bottles of Pobbloford In sight; I don't know bow many Insido of him. Ho was followed by two more men In even worse condition." NOT ACCOUNTED FOR Everyone aboard tho Santa Clara hns been accounted for excepting t..o,i lniinn whom Mrs. R. II, Glas- fgow, 105 Central avenuo, says may 1 1. hor hmther who lives in Portland, i Sho has wired again trying to find out if he left on the sania wiura um late this aftornoon had received no further word. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1915 PASS STRAITS Germans Get Through at Gib raltar and Sink Three Ves sels in Mediterranean ANNOUNCED TODAY Belief is Germany Will Send All Her Undersea Boats To Those Waters COMPLY WITH AGREEMENT Belief is For That Reason Germans Will (live Up Campaign In Eng lish Waters Two Krcnch Doats and Ono Italian Ship Lost o $ SEVERAL steameds 0 O HAVE BEEN HUNK 6 (nr AuoflaUl rr to com nay Tlmra. LONDON, Nov. (5. Tho British steamor Woodflold, 3581 tons was sunk. Part of tho crow reached lund nnd others nro believed to bo O safe. A tolcgrnm rrom Algiers says tbo steamer Sldl For- ruch was sunk yesterday by 4 a Gorman submarlno, crow arriving hero today. (lly AitOflitM I'rraa lo Con Hay Tlmra, PAItlS, Nov. C Tho Straits of Gibraltar again havo been passed by German submarines, which on Thurs day sank two Fronch and ono Italian stoamor. Tho mombcrs or tho crow or one vessol aro missing. Threo Vessels Sunk An official statomout says tho Germnn submarines passod through tho straits of Gibraltar on .tho night or Nov. 2 and on Nov. 4 sank tho Froirch ships Duhrn nd Calvados and tho Italian ship Ionlo. Thoro la no nows trom tho crow or tho Cal vados. Tho nows of tlio prosenco of Gor man submarines in tho Mediterra nean benrs out tho recent prlvnto ln rormntlon thnt Gormnny had docld ed to sond most or hor submarines to tho Mediterranean having virtually nbnndoued tho campaign on Drltlsh waterB In consoquonco or tho agree ment sho ontored into with tho Unit ed States. DILL SEIZE BOUTS RUMANIA TAKES STEPS REGARD ING CARRYING MUNITIONS Will DlMirm Vessels Flying; Itussia" Flags With Such Cargoes , Ami Intenio tlio Crews (nr AMotit4 rrw o nr Tinn.i LONDON, Nov, . Rumanian au thorities havo taken tho nocessary steps to bring Into Humanian harborH nnd disarm vessels flying tho Russian flng which nro loaded with arms nnd ammunition ror Serbia, says n scml-orftclal stntoment Issued ut Bu charest. Tho crows will bo Internod. Tho action wns taken because or tho Tou tonlo occupation or tho Sorblan bank of tho Danube. BOMB IS EXPLODED SUGAR CARGO IX BRITISH BOAT IS BURXIXO Vessel Is Taken 1'Mo Port At Hall- fav With tho Cargo Still Smouldering (lly AocltHl I're lo Coo llay Tlmn.1 HALIFAX, Nov. C Flro, in tho cargo of sugar on tho British steam er Rio Lages. which put Into here last night with flames still smouldor- Ing, was caused by an Incendiary bomb, according to a statomout to day by tho captain. ' 4- WILL FIRST GO SOUTH TO BE REPAIRED Later word today ordered tho Breakwater to clear as soon as possible for San Francisco to undergo repairs. The men aro aboard coaling the vessel this afternoon, LONDON GLOBE IS SEIZED BY OFFICERS t t X t t t t t LONDON, Nov, 6 The printing plant of the Lon don Globe, together with copies of the issues of yesterday and today, were seized by the police, ER HAS STARTED EAST Soon Have to Resign His Office as War Minister of England TO STAY LONG TIE Statement is That His Mis sion for Country is a Highly Important One MAY BE ATTHE FRONT Itcport That Ho lias Already Plac ed Ills Resignation In tho llaiids of tbo King Is Officially Do nletl In (heat Britain llljr Auot'UtM I'm, to Coo liar Tlmra. LONDON, Nov. C. Tho Post says Enrl Kitchener, secretary of war, has been entrusted with nn Important mission to tho near east and has al ready dopattcd from Loudon. May Design Soon "It is truo lib has not resigned, but tho importnnco or his presont errand makes certain thnt his resignation Is only delayed. ' A suggestion has boon' mndo that Lord Huldano bo brought backjtojho war offlco, but this probablMs'un 'rouwlod." ' Holtcrntlon of tho roport that Kit- chenor placed his resignation as sec retary of war in tho hands or tho King has hi ought forth an official statomout to tho contrary. ANNOUNCEMENT MAlDIl Kitchener WJU bo Away ror 11 Pro longed Period (lljr AmmIiI4 rrraa tvCoo Hay Tlmra. LONDON, Nov. C. It was offl clully announced tonight that Flold Marshal Kltchonor has gono to tho Eostoin theater or war. "It Is generally bolloved," suld tho Post, "that Kitchener's business will necessitate a stay so prolonged that It will be necessary to till his place nt tho War OHIco beforo long." AGGEPTED BY KING RULER OK GREECE ACTS OX CABINET RESIGNATIONS Announcement or Fact Is Mndo in Newspaper at AUion.s, A Dls- IMitch Today States lly Annul iatej I'rru to t'ooa Hay 'rimm.l PARIS, Nov. 0. Nowspnpora an nounce that King Constantino has definitely accepted tho resignation of the Zaluls cabinet, says a Havas dlspntch from Athons, TAKE OUT LICENSE MISS ELSIE HALL AND ROVAL F. Nil ES TO BE .MARRIED Culmination or Romance Is Kept a Secict Brldo is Grailuato or Lotyd High Helmut (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Nov. 0. A marrlago license was granted hero today to MIhs Elslo Mary Hall nnd Royal Francis Nllos, or Mnrshflold, Miss Hall is tho daughter or Mrs. J. T. Hall, Commercial avonuo, and last year graduated from tho Marsh field High School. Sho la well known In this city and has a great many friends who will bo surprised at the announcement. Royal F. Nlles is an instructor in his tory at tho Marshfleld High School and athletic coach, This Is his second year hero, during which ho has mado a decided success or his work and has turned out somo KTCHEH EVENING EDITION. TWELVE PAGES. NISH CAPTURED n s Capital of Serbia Falls Into Hands of Enemy Who Join With the Teutons T THREE Strong Defense is Put Up, City Finally is Taken by Invaders ' but REPORT OTHER VICTORIES Several Towns Aro Captured from Serbians Russians Aro Thrown Back on I ho Gallcla Front Pa ris Claims Attack Repulsed Illy AnorlatM I'reM to Coon Hay Tlmra. BERLIN ANNOUNCES FALL OK THE CAPITAL p Dy Aatoclatfcl iTcaa to Con nay Time. J 4 BERLIN, (WIroless to Say- vlllu) Nov. C. Tho capture of Nlsli, Sorbin, by Bulgurl- nils is nuuouncod officially hero today. A tolegram to Amsterdam from n Sofia Ncwb Agency says that ono Bulgarian dl- vision has entered Nlsh. 4 LONDON, Nov. C Nlsh, of, tho c.ipltnl or Serbia, has fallen boforo tho victorious Bulgarian army awl the Bulgarian and Gorman rorcos havo gotten Into touch with onch oth er near Krlvlvlr. Tho town or Krallovo, 3G miles southwest of Kraguyovnts was cap tured by tho Gannons who woro pur suing tho Serbians to cast or ttiat Volut. 'FightThroo Days Tho tall or Nlsh wns orroctod nr tor threo days heavy righting. Tho BuIgarH won vlctorlos at or near Lukovo and Sokouanva and cap tured sovornl cuuuou. " Forty mtlos northwest or Nlsh, tho Germans captured Varvarlna, taking moro than 3,000 prisoners. On Gnlkiu I'Ynnt In eastern Gallcla, tho Russtnnn woro thrown back across tho Strlpa river, according to Berlin, which says CO offlcors nnd 0,000 Russians wero captured In tho -west, Paris Bnyn n fresh Gorman attack at Lacourtlso failed. Russians Ixiho Tho nrmy or Oonornl Von Llnsln gen capturod ftirthor RusBlan posi tions northeast or Rudku. Tho Rus sian attempts to break through tho Gorman lines on tlio Dvlnsk trout woro rutllo, Borlln reports. T SECRETARV DAXIEUS XEWSPA PER OFFICE DEHTROVED Loss Is About Quarter or Million Dol- Ijirs Published News ami Observer Thero Illy Aanodalfkl I'rcui to I'ooa Hay Tlmra, RALEIGH, N. 0., Nov. 0. Tho en tire plant and building of tho Nows and Observor, owned by Secretary of tho Navy Daniels was destroyed by flro early today. W. II. Bngley, tho bt'sluess manager, was painfully In jured. Tho loss Is about $250,000. Printing House Burns Tho largo printing establishment of 13. M. Uzzoll and Company was al so a comploto loss. Several small stores wero partly or complotoly de stroyed. This Is tho socond time tho Nows nnd Observor was burned out slnco Daniels has boon the head of tho na vy department, tho first occurr ing April 2, 1913. of tho best teauiB tho high school has ever had. Ho Is a graduato of Whitman Collogo and threo years played All-Northwest full back. He Is woll-known nwl oxlromoly pop ular. EASTSIDE REGISTRATION I will bo at tho Eastsldo city hall Monday evening, November 8, and each successive ovenlng thoreatior until dono, to register tho voters or Eastsldo, C. P. KEATING, City Recorder. DR. H. K. KKLTY, DentUt, SOI Coke Bldg. Piion0 liiJ-J, FIG L BURNS 001 A Consolidation and Coos t AMERICANS HAVE ' REACHED ARIZONA t t t t t t iny AuMtttad Treta U Coca ray Tlmpa.l NAC0, Ariz,, Nov, 6, Drs, Thlgpon and Mil ler and the two chauf feurs, Wilson and Pylan, whom Villa reported as killed, arrived this morn ing from Villa Verde, HJXPECTED TO WIN GAME WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Many Important Games Played by Football Tenuis East of tho Rocky Mountains (LYME POSTPONED ACCOUNT OF RAIN Oy Auoclatad Vnu 10 : ray Tlmra. LOS ANGELES, Nov. C Tho Oregon-Southern Call- fornln gamo was postponed on account or rain. Virginia 35, Vandorbllt 10. Cornell 31, Michigan 7.- Pittsburg 19, Washington and Jor forsou 0. Dartmouth 7, Pennsylvania 3. Ynlo 0, Brown 3. ' Iowa 13, Purdue 19. Columbia 17. Connecticut Aggios C. Swathmoro 0, LaFnyotto 17. Nebraska 30, Nebraska Wosloyn 0. Mnlno 23, Bowdoln 13. Navy 13, Buckuoll 3. ' Army 0, Notrodam 7. Syracuno 73, Mount Union 0, Ohio Stato 10, Indiana 9, Harvard, 10; Prlncoton, C. Michigan Aggies, CS; Marquotto, G Chicago, 30; Haskell Indians, 0, Missouri, G; Northwostoru, 21. Carlisle 23; Holy Cross, 21. End first quarter, Washington, 19; California, 0. Kansas 41, WaBhburn 0. Colorado Collogo 27. Utah 7. Colorado School or Mines 18, Don Vor University 0. Ilf Aaaoclat! ma to Cooa Hay Tlmra. PORTLAND, Nov. 0. Threo big games woro playod on tho Pncltla const today. Washington clnshod with California at Berkeley, tho Northerners going Into tho gamo honvy ravorltos. Oregon wns favorlto against South ern California at Lob AngolcB whllo tho Oregon Aggies woro expected to tako Idaho's monsuro at Corvnllis. Tho only but that Cnllfonila back ers would tnko was thnt Washington would not roll up a scoro ot 20 points.' GAMES IN EAST Most Important Is Contest of liar vard u'd Princeton (lly AaauclttM 1'nraa to Cooa Hay Tlmra. NEWYORK, Nov. O.Harvnrd's annual football gamo with Prlncoton todny hold tirst importauco In tho oast. Prlncoton was favorlto. Two other games which attracted largo ctowds were Yalo vs, Brown and Pittsburg vb. Washington and Jef forson. RESULT IN DOUBT Vunderblltr-VlrlulH Guiuo Much Intcrost Attracts lly Ataoclattx l'r lo Cooa nay Tlmra. CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Nov. G. Tho Vandorbllt-Virginla gnmo horo today was tho principal southorn con test with the outcome In doubt, Ala bama vs. Georgia at Atlanta was nn other important contest. CORNELL IS FAVORITE Expected To Win Gamo With Mlclil gnu Today (lly Aaaoclatri I'rraa to Cooa Hay Tlmra. CHICAGO, Nov. G. Interest in middle western football centered In tho Michigan-Cornell game with tho latter favorlto. Chicago played tho Haskell Indians, . PROMINENT VIXAXC1ER DIES IX PHILADELPHIA Illy Aaaoelatfa rrrulo (Tvca say Tlmra.) PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Nov. G. P, A. B, "Wldener a widely known financier, died at ills home here today, 0 0 II of Times, Coast Mall Mo W) Kay Advertiser. '"' w HIS " FACTORY HRE Twenty-Persons Lose Their Lives in Brooklyn and More Than Fifty Were Hurt ESCAPE BOOT OFF, Crowd Sees Eight Girls Burn to Death While Hanging to the Fire Escape STARTS ON LOWER FLOOf Most of tho Vivo Hundred OccupaMto Aro On tlio Upper Stories and Ar Uiiablo to Get Out of Frame Structure Which Burns Illy AMorlalihl 1'rraa to Cool Day Tlmra.)! . NEW YORK, Nov. G. At let,t twenty mon nwl girls woro killed and moro than 50 others injured in a riro that swept tho four story wo4 ou factory in tho Williamsburg suc tion ot Brooklyn today. Ambulances wero rushed from Mt parts of tho city and numorouB tem porary hospitals woro established, Most of tho victims aro girls. Starts on First Floor , ' Tho firemen thought the tifi started on tho first floor as the sur vivors roportcd tho lower stairways n mass of flames arid escape that wj; cut off. Tho majority of tho COO occupanj wero on tho upper floors occupied by tho Essox Shirt Company. Tan Diamond Candy Company occuptal tho two lower floors. r Soo Glr's Burned -n't A groat crowd gathered and be gun cnlllng to the girls awl men or tho flro escapes not to Jump. In whut Boomed an Incredibly short tlmo ho.wpvor TleTltwefTrelMiii pouring throiiKh the windows. A few minutes later tho crowd was horri fied to soo eight girls burned to death as thoy clung to the fire es capes. Recovering Bodies Fifteen bodlcB, nearly all glrta, woro carried out of tho buIldlnir.jU. 3 o'clock. Firemen said a number of other bodies woro lying Just, in sido tho windows. At this tlnui part ot tho roof collapsed. j ARE LANDED SAFELY TWENTY-FOUR FROM THE lOIl BRAGG RESCUED Kleamer is Spiked on (ho Rockri-. Cause Whs Recent AlwndoH- iiieut of Light Houso lly Araotlitfcl I'rraa to Coo Bay Tlaaaa. SAN DIEGO, Nov. G.--Twenly-fcur passongor3 nnd crow or fbo wrecked steamor Fort Bwfc, aground slnco early yesterday 't Point Pnlmn, Lower Calirornla .wero safely housed aboard the flng hhlp San Dlogo after a, night spent 'on tho beach. A mossago from tho San Dleo. which was staudlng by, said the wir- fvivors would bo brought here, start lng probably today. Tlio Fort Brag fls spiked on rocks which are sticking through hor bottom but calm seas are prevailing. Tho accident was tho result of a lighthouse being abandoned recently. LAW KNOCKED OUT SUNDAY CLOSING ACT IS IMsV CLARED INVALID Decision Glvou Today In the Ste- trlct Court t Portlautl Ore cerjiimn tho Defendaut. lly AaaocSalr.1 Prraa to Cooa Bay Tlnw. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 6. Of, gon's Sunday closing law, whlcb Hm boQU on tho Btatutes many years, bftt which no attempt was made to il forco until a mouth ago, was 4f clnred Invalid by the State Duplet Court today, Dan Kellahor, a groceryaMi onarged with violating the law, ytu round not guilty. The law was de clared Invalid on the grounds Uui H speciriod certain lines of bustauss should not bo conducted oa the "lord's Day", Tle court bald fM to be a religious discrimination. Do't forget the Band Mtrnqmndm dance at Eagles Hall Saturday iOit Nov. 0. PiUe at Busy Corner Dnig Store ,