THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1915 EVENING EDITION. " FjVfy ! offTijMU?IKB''8 qiilAPPY looking young fellow shown here; you think so yourself. He's wearinn one of our Hart Schaffncr & Marx Var sity Fifty Five Suits. Woolen Mill Store Marshfield North Bend The home of Hart SchaffncV & Marx Clothes- z & Foram The advertising columns, of a good nowspapor llko Ue COOS DAY TIMES nro i truo "Peoplo'a Forum." Their mcssago Is to nil the people They aro opon to ovory one with an honest propo rtion to present Jn n clean wr. They aro Interesting be tuo they nro bubbling. lth tho onthiiHlnsm of a "real message." They nro Informatlvo nnd constructive. They aro helpful bocauso dealing directly with human needs. x IT - u, iMUKrnma printed n( Tune office. oble Theate TO -NIGHT t Paramount Feature Night" Nno. Lwer Floor, 15 cts.;. Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5cts. Pwget Sound Bridge & work the Dredge J'jSeattle" powerful. twenty.luch hydrnulio flredgo ? rflcMIe vfaier Marshfield, Oregon. BREVITIES NOVEMRER TIDES i Time nnd heights of tides at , Marshfield. Tho tides arc placed In .order of occurrence with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino nf onrh ilnv A nnni.... jlson of consesutlvo holghts will In-' ;uicaia wiietnor It Is high or low water. High tldo on tho bar one hour and til minutes earlier than at I Marshfield. lira.. -I.3G Ft... 1.0 lira. . fi.22 Ft... 1.1 lira. . 0.08 Ft... 4.3 Hrs. . 0.G9 10.G3 4.8 11.30 G.l COG 1.2 G.40 1.3 7.34 l.G 8.19 l.G 0.0G 1.8 9.50 1.9 11.00 2.0 G.29 4.2 7.3G 4.2 8.3G 4.4 9.29 4.5 G.34 , 1.2 G.22 0. 5 12.08 G.5 12.4G G.8 1.2G G.l 1. G7 G.2 2. G2 G.2 3.41 5.8 4.35 5.G 12.10 2.1 1.28 2.0 2.49 1.8 4.02 1.4 11.11 4.2 0.0 0.0 7.07 0.0 7.52 -0.G 8.38 -0.8 9.25 -0.9 10.1G -1.0' 11.09 -0.8 0.0 0.0 5.39 i5.0 G.54 4.5 8.15 4.2 9.34 4.1 Et 4.3 i.'ci -1.5 2.42 4,4 3.34 4.4 4.28 4.3 G.2G 4.2 lira., Ft. . . Hrs.. Ft... lira.. Ft... 10 lira. . Ft... lira. . Ft... 11 12 lira, . O.0G Ft,.. -0.5 Hrs.. 1.03 Ft. . .r0.2 Hrs. , 2.04 Ft... 0.2 Hrs. . 3.0G Ft... 0.5 13 14 1G WEATHER FORECAST Dt AiiotUtl IVni to Coo. Dir Timet. OHEGON Cloudy prob ably occasional rain west, variable winds, mostly South erly. V LOCAL TEMPKHATURH ItECOIin For tho 24 hour ending at 4:43 a. m., November 3, by BonJ. Ostllnd, special gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum 4 Minimum 49 At 4:43 n. in 50 Precipitation ....31 Precipitation slnco Sept 1, 1916 4.18 Precipitation same period last year 10.90 Wind southwest, cloudy. Organize Tonight. This evening at 8 o'clock nt tho GJordrum Con servatory will bo hold a mooting for tho purposo of organizing a malo chorus. All men Interested In this movomcnt nro urged (o bo present. North Rend Aid. Tho Ladlos Aid of tho Norwegian Lutheran Church of North Ilond, will bo en tertained Thursday nftornoon by Mrs. J. Olson at her homo In Danger.- - Yoimjr Ladles' Aid. -Tho Young Ladles' Aid of tho Norwegian Luth ornn Church will glvo a blrthdny so cial Frlduy evening, nt tho chapol parlor. Refreshments will no sprveu. Llhby Coal, 53.00 to". Phono 72, 1 R !'aulel Frohumn presents WHLIAM JCLLIOTT" in his. vMn tn nppeavmifo In tho celebrated Mugo kucccss "WHEN hI WKItH TW'ENTY-ONE." A plotot'Itil tianslation of youth and loyo. F'te rt-els of tho usual hlgh-clnss picture productMl by tho Kn I'luyt iH Film Conipai'iy and released on tho incoiniarid)lo I'aramouiit proKriuii. "Sunny Jm- Vltngrnph comedy, "h'QLLOWINQ THE SCENT" SWney )rcw, ihdiby Coimolly and u nll-Mnr cast of Vltngrapl' "I'fili DAVi.!Vinnn f...i,ii.i..,r i.rL'liml compositions ou tho ' ' I . JIM. ' I Dredging Co- ams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction 'h COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK "r Coos Bay office has T available for Oregon Coast best equlprHKl JVud Jiacwt tl i hTdraulio fflredgo IK VeltU thorouglUy UlOdWM Bav nffifiR i Main office. Seattle, Washington. " SUNRISE AND" SUNSET Wednesday November 3 Sun rls6s at C:GG and sets at 4:GG. Socjnl Postponed. In consider ation of tho loss of lite on the Santn Clara, tho social scheduled for to morrow evening In Guild Hall has been postponed until Friday eve ning, November 12. Plants nro Presented. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Duebhor have presented tho public library with somo flno plants to bo used on tho promlsos. Choir Prnctjcc. Tho weekly choir rehearsal wll tako plnco In Jho Guild Hall tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock Instead of at Mrs. Horsfall's home. AGED COUPLE ARE DELAYED ON SHIP Wesley Shull and wlfo, of Decatur, 111., nro en routo hero to visit th,olr niece, Mrs. D. Y. Stafford, and havo boon tossing nbout on tho steam er Elizabeth off tho Dnndon bar slnco Saturday waiting for an opportunity to cross In. Mr. Shull Is 83 years old and Mrs. Shull Is 78. Mrs. Shull is a sister of R. R. Montgomery. Thoy nro among tho most prominent residents or Decatur. Thoy Intended to como hero from Portland but not boing ablo to got a boat went on to San Fran cisco and took tho Elizabeth which flcft San Francisco last Thursday, as tho first boat. Mr. and Mrs. Stafford havo been considerably worried about them as tho trying tltno nnd noccsBary seasickness will bo hard on pooplo ,so old. Tho Elizabeth arrived at Randon just hoforo noon to day. 4 SOCIAL CALENDAR WEDNESDAY D. M. C. C ' with Mrs. Win. Vnughan S'orth Hond. NnrclssUB Club with Miss Hilda West In Eastsido. Prleclllas with Mrs. L. .E. Roborson In Ray Park. Presbyterian Auxiliary with Mrs. Honry O'Mnrn. THURSDAY North Rond Episcopal La dles' Guild with Mrs. I. R. Rartlo. Norwegian Luthoran La dles' Aid of North Rond 011 tortalned by Mrs. Olson, of Rangor. Kensington Club with. Mrs. G. L. Dludlngor. Christian Slstorhood all day session nt church hall, Mrs. Charles Duncan on tortnlna A. N. W. Club nt homo of Mrs. Frances Haz ard. . , FRIDAY Dahlia Club with Mrs. Oloman. Daptlst Yqung Peoplo'a So cial at homo of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rood. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. A. L. Housoworth, Y. P. 8. of Norwegian Luthoran Church, birthday Social in church parlors. SATURDAY Mlnno-Wla Club with Mrs. Mary E. Thompson on South Fifth Street. For your liver's sake TaVe REXALL Gives you a new holu on life. Takes away that tired feeling. THE BUSY CORNER The He.vnll Drug Storo PHONE 208 We Deliver T. J. SOAIPK 4jj A. H. IJOTKJIN8 Marsntielo DKorating co.rt B0,cs'.Md,ir,: EsUm-tes FnUhMl MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Place tor Good Meals Prices Reasonahlfi Cor. Commercial apd. B'dw'y. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE O. E. Sl'LLKY, DELICATESSEN PROPRIETOR, SERIOUS 'Sivnlloult Contents of Rottlo of Car bolic Acid About Noon Doctor Uses Stomach Pump O. E.'Stilloy, until recontly Inter ested In tho delicatessen storo on Droadftay between Contrnl nnd Commercial avenues, attempted sul cldo shortly aftor noon today by swallowing most of tho contents of a two ounco bottle of carbolic ncld. Ho was found near Flanagan and Seventh streets by George Capps. Tho man whs removed to the po lice station nnd Dr. Housoworth us ed tho stomach pump nud at four o'clock tho man was still allvo though little hopes are expressed for his recovory. Wlfo Was Injured. Mrs. Sulloy was not first Inform ed of tho troublo but camo rushing to tho station nt 2:30 p. m. Sho was Injured and lamed In nn acci dent In Juno and recently tho storo waB forced to close, It Is snld on this account. It IB( estimated there woro financial troublo and Mr. Sullcy be en mo discouraged. Thoy camo hero 18 months ago, It is believed from tho cast. A bro ther, M. S. Sulloy, visited hero somo time ngo and now llvos in California. t PERSONAL MENTION t W. W. GAGE Is hero from Coqulllo on business and pleasure C. HANSEN was down from South Coos River on business today. ' L. A. LILJEQVIST and wlfo and ba by roturnod today from a short vtalt at Coqulllo. J. D. CULVER camo In from Pow'era Inst evening on business. Ho Is now conducting a nowsstand and confectlonory storo at Powors. MRS. CHA8. H. CURTIS roturnod overland this morning from a visit with hor slstor In Portland. Sho roports a rnthor strenuous trip by auto. FRED WEAVER camo in Inst night from 'his ranch near Dora and today ho nnd his brothor-In-law Will M'lntosh, nro taking out somo livestock from Coos City to tho ranch. WARD nLAKE and wlfo nnd son ar rived homo last night from San Frnnclsco, coming by auto from Rosoburg to -Coqulllo nnd from Coqulllo horo by livery rig, tho autos not coming all tho way 1 through. J. L. SMITH camo ovor today from Coqulllo to meet his wlfo ad llttlo spn who aro returning via tho beach routo from a two-months visit at Mrs, Smith's old homo at Manhattan, Kansas. Thoy also visited In Colorado. Lost HIh KffoctK Martin Wolckol of Klngsloy, Mich. .was among to Santa Qlnra surviv ors. Ho had just Bold his placo in Michigan and was coming hero to locate. IIo lost heavily in his ef fects. AID FOR RESCUED T Allmrt Mutnnn nnl Dr. Tnvn woro among those going to the bcoiio' .Mast night and t"oy took conslior- ablo clothing along which proved pi great benoflt to tho survMvors, C. F. McGeorgo also took supplies down to tho rescued. Many others also assisted. Boys Wwted Jo Fit All the Boys' Shoes, Wo. : Have irr Our Little Stqre Don't blamu your boy about lib hlioos wcmlus: so quickly, fact is, '.Mr, Parent, tho troublo la wRt you, . nud tho reason your hoy weurn out : ids bhorw sooner than the "other .boys" in t'o neighborhood In that tho other boyn tyoar our best school i Bunt's,. iiufv ini niiiiiu ui uui iiuvvi ' and you can't beat them: Our Good-as-Gold, inado up with best standard, screwed heavy full doublo sole, hollows 1 tongue. Prlpea ...$1.05 to $2.50 I Our Rock Proof Gun Metal, .button, nlco dress Shoes, Prices . , , . . , . ..$2.oo to $:i.oo j Tho Easy Walker for boys and j grls Is made up In Pt. leather Ion gun metal, button and lace, tho bcst Blo0 raado for children. : R to wave R through Just such on- portunltles as we oner you in mt " . . mm hIioo line. Electric Shoe Store fi. J. IMMEL, Prop. 180 South Rroadway f A. Advent wont to piece's sev eral years ago on rocks south of entrance. Marconi wrecked In 1909 whoro tho Snnta Clara Is now stranded. Chinook wrecked In covo nenr by in spring of 1907. Osprey wrecked on Jotty Nov. l, 1912, and six lives lost. North Star No. 1 wrecked on bnr in 1911 and five Uvea lost. Emily wrecked on bnr In 1893 and ono llfo wnB lost. Czarina wrecked north of jetty Jan. 13, 1910 and twon-ty-four lives lost. Whotmoro wrecked north' of tho Jetty many yenrs ngo. Arago wrecked north of Jotty many years ngo and fourteen lives lost. Claromont wrecked on Jot ty June, 1015 nnd no Uvea lost. 1 ME BOY 15 LOST EUGENE Gl LLEN WATER COMING HERE WITH FOLKS Two Iai Wcto in First Roat, Which Cnp.Hlzod Camo From .Seat tle nnd Anncortcs .Eugono GIHcnwntor, tho sovon yonr old boy who was among tho vic tims or the Snnta Clara, was on routo horo with his father and mother and six-year old brother, Hugh, to mako his homo on tho Rny. They enmo from Soifttlo whoro thoy havo lived j for several years but formerly lived , at Anncortcs, Washington, whoro Mr, Glllenwnter's folks reside. Mr. Glllonwnter has bcon employ oj as an ongtneor sovoral years by tho Rarbor Ashphhlt company nnd was recontly with Warron Construc tion Company. Ho Is. nn onglneor ! and hnd hoard that Coos Ray was good placa and decided o locato horo. Tho famluly had no friends I or relatives horo. Mr. Glllonwntur snld that tho San tn Clara was badly dnmngod tho first tltno sho struck. Soon aftor tho bump, ho and his wlfo noticed debris coming up from undorncath. Thcso woro probably parts of tho rudder. Criticise Cnpt. I.ofHtodt Mr. Glllouwntor Is inclined to crltlclso Cnpt. Lofstcdt for nttompt .ing to 'como at tho low utngo of tho tide. Ho said that Mrs, Glllonwnter and tho two boys wont below when tho notlco of ,(womon and children first" was given. In somo niniior, tjlio two boys got into tho first boat but Mrs. Glllenwator could not. Alio got Into tho second boat and Mr. Gill - onwntcr waB put In tho snmo boat. Ho saw tho first boat containing tl.olr two boys overturn. Whon ho got nshoro, ho found tho youngost boy floating on his back and further search revealed Eugene floating fnco downward. Ho workod for hours but was unablo to rcsuscl tato him. A few months ngo, Mrs. (llllon wntor took out Insurnnco policies on tho boys Uvea in tho Prudential In surance Company. Ho thinks that it was for 17G, Mr. aillonwntor Is a membor of tho Mooso lodge. Thoy aro being cared for at Tho Chandler hotol. Lodge Aldd Them Robort Dlllnrd of tho local Mooso Lodgo Is today extending overy pos sible aid to tho A, S. Glllouwntor SOME OF WRECKS NEAR THE POOS RAY RAH family onj said thoy might tagofRlvor. charge of tho funeral. Mr, GUIon wator Is a mombor of tho Mooso. NOTES OF THE WRECK Whon tho S. O. S. call was sent out from tho Santa Clara Oporator Williamson nt tho local station was first to respond. Vessols which woro reached and answorod woro the Adeline Smith, tho stoamor Wlllatn etto and tho steamship Roso City. Pat Murphy was among thoso who was hurt, Ho was a passenger and sustained Painful Injuries to his I , , Tho Btory that a baby had been found In the wator and placed on tho shore this morning whon Investigat ed provod. to bo untruo. Fred M. Stowart, night watchman on tho Santa Clara was among thoso spilled out whon tho officers' boat Ilium,! over. Ho swam lashoro. Ho fcols sure that tho first mato .audi flroman nnd tho mess boy, Jnck.Far- "t'l "u " roll, nro lost. Whon tho accldfnt occurred tho bar dredge Mlchlo wont dqwn the nay ti glvo assistance but whon noar the bar It was Been that tho Santa Clara was in too far for tho dredgo to reach hor and tho Mlphlo roturnod aftor dark. Tho Steamer Alert took a largo number to the beach this morning and mado another trip about J;30, Scores of Coos Ray peoplo wen( to tho scene Have you seen tho J. O. Penney Company values In Rlnnkcts,, Rain Coats, Ritbliers, Roots, etc.? Wo snvo yon 115 per cent oh every arUrlo you purchnso of us. How do wo do it? Ry buying for tho 8.1 busy stores nil together, Retting rock-bottom prices i fii afuit niibli mill KnlUm. fut. nnuti. WI11.11 v,m Bin.itil vmii mnriAV Avlth tis you mo not paying somo heateii. HETTER THINK THIS OVER. Wool blankets In plains and plain colors, full size, worth nt tho least ono-thlrd more $;t.(JD,' $4.23 J. C. Pcnnoy flno Wool Ulnnkota In all tho latest plaids nnd plain. $1.00 values. Our prico , $2.08. Wool nap Dlankcts, $2.G0 nnd C-00 values. Our prico 91.08, $1.01) Cotton ninnkcts nt n third loss $1.ID, "He, (li -lOo Ladles Rain Conta ... .$0.00, $(1.00, $.OH, $:i.08, $2.08, $1.08: Children nnd Misses' Rain Coats $2.08 and $1.08 Children's Rain Capes, just tho thing $2.08, $1.7.1 Mcn'B Rain Coats ' $, $0.00, $1.08, $2.08 Fish Urand Slickers $2.10, $2.2.1 Long Wool Mackinaw; just the thing; nmdo of tho finest Wool; red plaid, Norfolk, ?8.G0 value. Our prico $0.00 Hip Rubber Roots, first quality, $0.00 valuo. Our prico. ...$ MO Short Rubber Roots, first quality $2.08, $2.70, $2.10 Roys' Rubbor Roots, first quality, at a big saving $1.08 Inter) 22E Wo Iend Others Follow. PRICE BULLETIN: Liberty Oak Flakes (largo slzo) 25c Ruttor, (Norway) 2-lb sq. 08o Peanut Ruttcr, per lb . . .124c AppRutter (bulk) lb., Sauor Kraut, quart ...... lOo Chow Chor, por pint. . . . inc Sodn Crackers 12)c And with every $1 pmvhasQ during tho next three days, wo nro going to kIvo away free, ono Hallnwo'cu Pnmpkliu Como in nnd get ono of thcso pumpkins frco. Gettings Ca$h Grocery you wey NO. RROAUWAY, NEAR CENTRAL sIRESCUED AT HOTELS LIST OK SURVIVORS REGISTER ED AT LOCAL 1IOTEUS Whoro Thoy Can Ro Found, Though Some, KNjieclully Women, Aro In Private Homo Tho location of tho survivors In tho city bo far as can bo found this morning Is nn follows, At tho- Chandler 0. Phillips, chief stoward, San Francisco; C, E. Goodwin, wlrolcss operator, San Frnnclsco; Norman Parkinson, R. Al len, L. Lnwcs, William Manning, F. M. Stownrt, J. P. Schmoll, Captain August Lofstod, Sid Wright, 1). N. Esholsninn, A. It. Lolls, colored cook, 1 P. Handloss, Chris Anderson, 0. H. Lovott, tlilnl assistant cnglnour; JaiiioB Lawson, Forndalo, Cat.; D, II. Thorn, Hood Rlvor, Ore,; Chns, Furst, A, 8. Glllenwator and wlfo, and son, Seattlo; Auulo M. Tlorney, Eureka; Alphouso Covls, Jr. Castl gan and Chan, Holgort, Portland; E. A. Sykcs, Portland; J. R, Glenn, Fortuua, Cnl.; A. Abbott, Powors; F. MoKlrdy, Santa Clara; R. R. Nol lls, Santa Clara. At tho Rlnuco E. L. Rolmers, wlroloss operator, TP. Turner, sec ond officer, R. 0. Folloy, T. W. aton liousif, Cainnp, Wash.; C!iarlca K. Klncftld, Wallaco, Idaho. At tho Lloyd Hotel John W. Noyoa, Eureka, Cal.; A. Dcshar, chief engineer, Oakland; James Lawson, Forndulo, Cal.; D. II. Thorno, Hood At tho St. Lnwronco Joseph May, Portland; u. T, Davis, Portland; T, Donu, Seattle DISTRICT ATTORNEY KAILS TO FIND LIQUOR AT .MILLKR'H Charge of Hoot Urging nt Town Ciuwe Ran Soft Rrlnk Estid llNluni'ut In Powers (Special to Tho Times.) POWERS, Ore, Nov, 3. District Attorney L. A. Llljoqvjst of Marsh field was hero yostorday and had a reurch mado of tho Boft drink eatnb lUhmont nnd homo of L. P. Miller on n varrant charging him with hav ing liquor In his possession for Ille gal purposes. Tho search failed to rovcal liquor of tiny klud, tho strong- est drnk boing pop. Tho search was mado as a result ' 01 llllineroua cuuiiiuiiio muiiik uiouu to Mr. LHJoqvlst about bootlogglng at Powors and claims that MHIor had been dispensing liquor under tho gulso of soft drinks. POSTPONE ELRS RANGE Tho Elks' panco planned for to night has been, postponed ono week owing (o tho Santa (Jlara wreck. J. W. H.ILDENRRANQ, Exalted Rulor. POWERS PLAGE ono olso's bill that they have, $ tarattd J Tlio Orlglnntora of Low Prices Lard, No. 10 pall ..$!.:) Coffee, good grado, lb., 25c SpudB (local) excellent quality, per 100 lbs... $150 Honey (local) squavo 20c Wo alio carry Flclachinann's Yeast. Try this nnd you wilt uso no other, two cakes for 5c POSTPONE KLKB )ANOiS Tho Elks' Dnco planned for to night has boon postpouod one week owing to tho Santa, Clara wreck. J. W. HILpKNURAND, Exalted Ri)ler. t NFW TODAY t FQUND Tmdy'N whltu hllk glove. Ownor piny havo article by paying for this ad At Times office. PLEASE xr.vo your Standard RIh cult Co. ond'ncalB for crippled boy who wishes to buy cart to ride )n. Carl Hanson, box C8G, Marshfield. HAIR WORK Switches, puff", curls. Also hair supplied. No Imitation.' Phono 24L. Mrs. L, Rryoii. tt t FOR RENT i FOR RENT Modern l-rpoin hint'.' gnlow, fully furnlflhod. Se L. W. Jncobs, 118 Central, or Tel ophono 217-R, FOR RENT Furnished houso, near hlKh school, Apply 1195 South Seventh street. RUNGALOW FOR RENT Nev nnd clean. South Eleventh street. F. E. Allen. FOR RENT Two now modem five room cottages, plastered and with all modotn conveniences, located on' Twelfth street. Rent $11 and $15 per month. Apply Going & Harvey Furnlturo Storo, FOR RENT New nid modern room houso, with basomqnt apd all modern conveniences, Includ ing two bnth rooms, two toilets, laundry tubs In basentont, arrang ed for two families. West Ruukur Hill. Rent reasonable. Apply Robert Marsden, Sr., telephonu U12S. t FOR SLE ' t FOR SALIC OR IiEASE On account of leaving Coos Ray must sell or loaso my 80ncro ran.oh on Will anch Slough. L, J. Juston, St. Lawronco Hotel, Marshflold. FOR HALE RY OWNER 200 acr Stock aUd dairy farm 2 mllos frpm Gravel Ford, Oregon, $15,000.00 E. O. Cartor, Myrtlo Point, Oregon, FOR 8ALN lMioroiiKhbi-cd IrMi Terrier bear dog. City Clatnefs. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR-' AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND HAGQAGK Call PERGUSON TRANSFER , Phose pa ewldeHoe PIioH JSJV Market Avei' and WaUrfres