, .r THE CtiO'S BAY TIMES, MARSHF.I ELD,' OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1915-EVENING EDITION. , FOUR GOOS BAY TIMES, H. 0. MALONKY, Editor and Pub, DAN 13. MALONEY, News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Official Vapor City of Marehfiold. . Entered at tho Postoffica at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails as second-class mall mattor. An independent Republican nows- As The Ship Sails Over the Harbor Bar lly Hubert Ilc.vdnlo Just over ho brow of tlio aoaward bill, There lictli a city all white and 8(111; paper, published ovory evonlng ox- And tbo ulr Is sweet with a faint cont Sunday, and weokly, by Tlio Coos llay 'Xinicn Publishing Co. SUIISCltl.PTION HATES DAILY. Ono yonr $6.00 Per month CO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly in advanco the flubscilptlon pilco of tho Coos llay Times is J5.00 per year or f2.G0 fori six months. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, ANOTHER SEA TRAGEDY Tlio full sea rolls ami thunders lii glory and in n.leo O, bury mo earth lltit In tbo living sea! not in tbo senseless Ay, bury mo wbcro it surges A thousand miles from shore, And in its brotherly unrest I'll range for evermore. HENLEY . MOTHER Boa tragedy of Coos A. Day, has been wrltton in tho Indolllblo lines of hitmnn lives. Tho wreck of tho Santa Clara and its 'attendant loss of human Ufa marks anothor in the long list of disasters that hnvo strown old ocean's shores with sacrifices slnco mnn first sought tho conquest of tho seas. Thoro Is a mystery nnd a strnng noss In these sea tragedies that mock man's efforts lit analysis. Ills puny efforts are novor so evident ns In his struggles with tho fearful forces ot tho waves. Tho helplessness of those who stand on shoro nlid sou tho lives of their fellows blotted out in n twinkling without power to avert tho blow ndds to tho horror ot tho situation. Yesterday's tragic event was pltl fully pathetic In that many of tho victims wcro women nnd children With characteristic American chlvnl ry tho first boat to leavo tho doomed vessel was filled with women nud children hut just before it reached tho shoro it was upset nnd tho sen claimed sovoral of tho occupants. Tho pnthos of their passing ndds to tho sorrow that surrounds thin tor- rlblo tragedy of tho son, Coos Day stands grlof stricken be fore tho world today and whllo nono of tho. victims uro members of tho families and homes of Coos llay there 1 sorrow deop nnd poignant bore. To tlio sorrowing rclatlvos and friends tho heartfelt sympathies or tho entire community go out today. perfume, As tho wind steals over tlio orchnid bloom. Tho sailors of many a craft arc there,' And a mother mourueth her glrllu fair Hut they start no more at tho buglo tall, Nor tho siiuriso gun on tho fort's grim Avail. O tho tides may como and tho tides may go, And tlio children play in tho covo below, Yet never tho sound of tho break lug swell, Nor tho warning voire- of tho buoy bell, Shall waken tho sleepers upon tbo hill, Whcro lictli the city all wlilto and still. Hut tbo mother watches a twinkling star, As tho shins sail over tho harbor bar. v And she dreams, dear heart, ibat her darling's eyes Aio tho stars that brighten tho eve ning side1. ELECTION RESULTSllflfAR NEWSTODAY WOMAN SUFFRAGE DEFEATED IN THREE STATES CHEER UP THESE nro dark days for tho world. Tho shadow of tho war Is heavier thnn over on all hearts, whntovor 'tholr Hympnthlos. Thero Is llttlo exultation now oven in victories, for wo know nt what n price of blood and pain ovory vic tory is won. Hut thoro nro ninny thing besides wnr In tho world. Except for our nctlvo liunnluntjons, most ot us would feel llko running on pretty much ns usual. Thoro is tho samo Biinshiuo, tho samo life-giving nlr, tjio samo autumn colors In tho woods tho samo Joy in bountiful harvests. ' Thoro Is tho samo uulot satisfaction of soul thnt has always como with tho fall Benson, whothor in country or elty. Horo In our American Isolation, wo can llvo out our lives in splto of wnrs nnd rumors of wars. Thoro Is need, to bo suro, of taking thought for tho future, preparing against tho tlmo whon wnr may bring homo lo us tho wretchedness that wo know half a century ngo and thnt Europo knows todny. Hut that Is a mattor for culm decision, not for nlnrm and fear. Wo nro today tho most fortunate nation in tho world. Thoro Is no reason why wo rnnuot contlnuo so. It is a good tlmo for tho nation to take to heart tlio philosophy that Ih preached so much today to In dividuals tho philosophy of confi dence, of optimism, of posltko thought. It is - right nnd propor that wo should foI the woos of Eu rope, and It Is our gty to allevlato thorn nil wo can. Hut It Is wrong to lot thoso woob weigh on our spir its until wo lose our own buoyancy and polso. It Is bottor to regard tho wnr ns n doctor or a, nurso rogardn sick ness ns something to bo cured, whoso euro can ho offoolod not through outbursts of santlniontnllam but (hrougU Intolllsont nnd bhoorful sorvlce. At The, Turn Of The Tide 7 lly Robert Hcxdnlo Ohio floes Wet by Over Forty Thous and New York Constitution Draft Rejected by A'oters tDr AMocltl rrtai to Coon Dx Tlmn.) NEW YORK, Nov, 3. Elections In ton Btntcs yesterday omphntlcnlly defeated the woman suffrage amend ment In Now York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and gnvo tho re publicans nddltlounl representatives In congress anj a now governor In Massachusetts. Tho democrats elect ed n governor In Maryland. In Ken tucky both parties claim a victory In gubernatorial contest. Mississippi, .tho only other Btnto to elect a governor, went as usual to tho democrats. In Now York, former congressman William S. Bonn6tt, republican, was olocted In twenty third district to succeed Into Democratic congressman Gouldon, domocrat. Now York republicans retained control of tho lower house. In addition to defeating woman suffrage tho pooplo of Now York re pudiated tho now stnto constitution drafted by a convention of which E1I- htt Root .was president. Stnto wldo prohibition wns roject- ln Ohio my a majority of moro than 40,000. Tho Republicans roturnod to pow er In Philadelphia whcro thoy elect ed Thomas R. Smith ns mayor. mm i "jDiiiiin ith.i "i i .. II FRANCIS WILL NOT TALK .PEACE YET tDr Associated rrm to trow Er Tlmei.1 PARIS, Nov. 3. "Franco will not Blgn a peaco agree ment until after hor restora tion by right of victory nnd until 'she shall liavo obtained tho guarantees of a durnblo peaco," said Premier Drlatul today. MtCLAY EVERETT MAYOR Two Other Commissioners 'Elected Nov. 10. to bo Old Year, let us keep a last watch ' over Sleep, In tho cheer of tho night's bright glowing! And hero by thy side, at tho turn of tho tide, I'll troll tbco a sou:: of Eternity wide, Where ships of tho soul at their anchorage ride, .Secure from tho storms Hint nro blowing. tnr Anocltt4 Preii to Coo Dr Tlnif, I EVERETT, Wash., Nov. 3. All ; three, present commissioners wcro '"renominate,! nt yestorday's prlmarl I 09 nn,i W. II. Clay was elected mny f or and commissioner of Finance. Tho election for tho other two commiss ioners will bo hold Nov. 10. IDjr Aisocltted Vtn to Coot Dr Timet.) ' LONDON. Nov. 3. Tho city of Utdtco (Uzlco) in Northwestern Sorbin wns captured by tho dormnns, according to todays reports and the Teutonsflnd Bulgarians contlnuo to closo in on Nish. Paris , says tho Bulgarian attack on French troops In southern Sorb In norn Krlvolnk was repulsed nnd French nro advancing townrd Stru inltsn. In tho cast, Berlin announces Von Hlndenburg has been forced to withdraw his Hues between Swcn- ton nnd Ilscn Inkcs on northern end of Russian front. Tho Russians nro showing nn In creasing strength nil nlong tho lino. In tho west, principal nctlvlty Is coiir fined to artillery duels. VI LL A 15 BEATEN MEXICAN LEADER FORCED TO RETIRE TODAY "The Shoe Tax" Father's income knows what it is nnd to mother it is also a very real thing. It means the high cost of keeping a growing boy or girl properly shod. When father and mother figure out all the new shoes they have to buy they are apt to conclude shoes are made out of paper rather than leather. Care in purchasing will cut down this tax care in choosing the right shoes and care in buying at the most favorable time. And the first step in the right direction is a study of the advertising in THE TIMES that gives tho helpful information. .YEW JERSEY ItEl'UHLICAN lUr AuocUt iTfn CO 0oi Dr TlBlM.J TRENTON, N. J. Both houses of tho noxt Now Jersey lcglslnturo will bo Republican nnd ns a conscquouco u republican will bo olected noxt Fobrunry to Buccccd domocratle Stato Chairman GrosBcnp as stale trensurcr. SONG BRINGS BACK 1 MEMORY OF SOLDIER O, oft in tho strife- nud the folly of Life, Kong swells from iv heart that Is iii'hlngl So up from tho calm there has stolen n charm, 'I'll 11 lnrnu iiu n Mil V tn lh.t 1'iwilmu Of tho palm, ouoo. Tn,e..j Ami nymphs of tho Islo havo dls. ! v. J 'I no word tilled us a balm. uiumor, which Baves lives nnu To soften the pain of'tho wnldni;. H,,n,r8 11,0 h"r 0f ,lmocont8 ' 11,0 molodruma, has actually rostorod Tho song with a tear now is blended, ! reason to a soldier In Franco, whoso Old wir, mind hnd beon loft n blank by shell And wilto nro the in 1st s of the shock. morning! Tho heart that was hold lletli silent nud cold, As thy form to my lucom I tenderly folth Thou (deepest for uyo nnd tho bell It In tolled, At tho (urn of tbo (Ido In tho dawning. I GOODS REMOVING PARCELS POST MAIL AND 1l,(i(lA(iE RAR IS UREA KING Tho bar was breaking heavily this forenoon, go mtio.li so that the Ado lino Smith was not nblo to go out. This would indlralo that tho Snnfa Cam would not Jnst long. dipt. Duiison Sayrf Lighters May bo Able to Roach Her Within !iO Feet of Shore at Low Tide Capt. Dunson of tho Capo Arago Lighthouse enmo up today nnd re ported that soon after 9 o'clock It wns evident that tho Santa Clnra wos breaking In two, Howovor the hull Is intact and ns sho Is In a some what sholtored spot It may ho a long tlmo beforo sho goes to pieces, Sho Is within twenty feet of tho shoro lino at low tldo: Cnpt. llrltt of tho Life Saving i Station Informed him that tho llfo1 savors wcro going to put n lino Woitl ".Mother" Causes Wounded and Shattered Frenchman to Regain Ills Normal Senses A concert pnrty had gono oror a rrom England to cheer up tho sick, nud 'ouo of tholr number, u woll known toiior, sang tho old fnvorlto, "Mother Jlnehreo." Among tho nu- dlenco was n norvo shattered soldier who enmo out of a bombardment not only blind but almost nn Idiot. Ho could uudorstund nothing, babbled moanlnglos8ly nnd had to bo treat ed llko an Infant. Ho was still blind whon tnkon to tho concert. Tho word "mother" recurred in tho song nnd tho soldier caught nt It. Rut It proved tho koy to his memory, lie began to recall detached incidents about himself nnd lator recovered both his mln, and sight. Singers visiting tho hospitals say that tho wounded llko Jolly songs, elthor absurd or of tho old fashion ed rollicking kind. Thoy hnvo a, par ticular dlsllko for tho purely patrio tic song that has no humor in it. Hunger, Thirst nud Lack of Ammu nition Illumed Leaves JUKI Rcixr on Battlefield 0r AuocUtoO Vttn to Coot tltj Tlmca. DOUGLAS, Ariz. Nov. . 3. Gon ornl Villa, forced by hunger, thirst nnd scanty supply of ammunition, began withdrawing his nrmy from Agun Prlotn this morning. That Villa's dotermlnntlon to with draw was sudden was shown by tho fact that his lieutenants in command of tho rapid flrers on tho right wing took nothing' but their guns with thorn. Largo quantities of ammuni tion woro loft behind. Tho Villa dead loft on tho flold fnumbor 336. Cnlles dend is 25 and 70 wound ed. V 1 SAVES SCHOONER AT OKAYS HARBOR (nr AiMcUtd rrf to coot mr Timn.i ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. l.-'-Tlio schooner Annlo Lar son was towed to Hoqulam this morning by tho tug Dar ing. Sho had beon In dis tress off Grays Harbor bIiico Friday Tho captain snid thoy wcro novor In gravo ran-gor. DANES WILL MINE ' GREENLAND COAL Fur North Fields to bo Doveloped llecauso It Is Difficult to Ruy EnglMi Coal. (Ut AMOv-litcJ rrt to Coot nr Tlmn. COPENHAGEN, Nov. 3. The aboard today and take off tho parcol ' Dalsl Kovernment Is taking Bteps post all nnd nlso tho nor8onnl bng-;, inlno eol ,n Oreenland more in- gogo nn,i effects. tenslvoly, This Is duo to tho fact Cnpt. Dunson thinks thnt it tho ,lmt u ,R difficult now to buy Eng. wonthor continues modornto It mn.v"sh cortl Oonmnrk. Tho coal ho possible to got lighters In along i fnm'no' 'n fnt ,s 80 serious horo tho Santa Clara and remove muoh or tlmt Bovornmont Is plnn- lier Hghtor cargo. i to relievo tho Many do To Scene ' P"t h" cutting wood from tho gov- Tlila morning Capt. Dunson snld ! ernniont forests. Steps nro also bo that over sixty autos from Mnrsh-I l"B taken to lncreaso tho production flold nnd North Bond wont to tho of peat. DANISH FARMS ARE MUCH HIGHER NOW War Has Caused An Increase of Flf- ty Fervent in Prlco of Lnirt There inr AnocUtej ri to Coo Jij Time. COPENHAGEN, Donmnrk, Nov. 3. Danish farm property has Increas ed In value as n result of tho Euro pean wnr until farms nro now bolng sold almost dally at n prlco CO por cent higher than what thoy would havo brought nlno to twelve months ago. Tho approbation of fnrm pro porty is due, of courso, to tho un precedented profits on agricultural, products, In tho matter of horsos, the Bcnr clty Is so Borlous-that tho govern ment during the past six months has prohibited the exportation ot thorn, nnd tho farmers havo been gottlng on In many Instances with tho small, but vigorous Icolandlo horsos, whon thoy havo been nblo to get them. For Sale Fully .equipped dairy ranch, plenty of bottom land, an . abundance of grazing for young stock. Price only $16,000. Terms reasonable. Sheep and goat ranch, close in and on fine road. Good buildings. Price $2500. Terms to suit. 30 acres on Kentuck Inlet, 10 acres is bottom. Fine house barn, team, 5 cows, pigs, all tools, close in and a desirable buy right now. House with fur niture ready for possession. Price $5500. ' 300 acres on Haynes Inlet, on deep water, 175' acres bottom, fine buildings, team. A-fine place for large dairy or splendid to cut into small tracts. Price $21,000. 6 acres in Crawford Point, buildings. Fine loca tion. $1500. Terms. 1 10 acres, some bottom, fan" house, close in, price only $800. And, do not forget that chicken ranch. We have it for you. KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON North Pacific Steamship Co. S. S. F. A. Kilburn SAILS FOIt Coos Bay from Portland , THUItSDAY, NOVEM11EU I, (1:00 1. M. "1. FOIt FUKTHEIt INFORMATION SMITH TERMINAL DOCK. PHONE JUO. A. 11. NOTT, Agent. To Get the Ppint, You Read the Story mum KBIT BAN OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNT? Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND SAVINGS DEl'OSITS. Officers J. XV. Uounctt, President. J. n. Flnnng&n, Vice-President, . r. viuinms, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. CAflhlor. bench besides many boat lonils. Lnst night twolvo nutos wore stranded In tho mud nnd along tho road. Four still lomalnod stranded nt noon. uiong thorn wns Dr. Mingus" cnr. Tear Marconi Wreck Cnpt. 11,, W. Olson said that tho V5anta Clara's position waB within two hundred yards of whero tho Mnr od a fow yoars ago. Cnpt. Olson thinks that whon sho does sho will Coal has horotoforo beon mined In Orconlnnd only In nn experimental way. but tho doposits thero. In tho Two. of Toloy Kblnev Tills taken After each meal mul at bpiltlnip. situation In I changed Mr, K. A, Shanlioltzer from a migniy sick nnu pain-riuuon man lo a strong, healthy citizen. Konantz, Colo. "Foley & Co., I am writing this, hoping that soino ono needing It might seo It. I was so troubled with my kidneys ami bladder that I could not walk or ride, and had to get up as high ns twenty times In ono night. A friend persuaded mo to try a GOc bottle of Foley Kidney Pills and they helped mo wonderfully. opinion ol exports, nro very oxton-1 I went back and got another bottle slve. Tho hontlnc nunlltin nf I then again anothor. Now, to all, " , , uuniiiih quniitios "i If you havo kUlncy nnd bladder trou Ciroojilnnd coal, howovor, nro not 1)10 u"d It gots you where It had me, wur,.,..ia,i ...,.,i , ,1. , 'ou won't stand back to try a 50o icgurded ns equal to tho English bottle, and you will spend another vnrloty. ' dollar for more. If you ned more, ... i ua 08 cheerfully as you over spent 4 no giiYuiuiuuiu is msa inKlllg a; " vo cent piect;. aitifcreiy your? i t r . if ..... .... . .1 K. A. ShanlioltEtir.' u' l"v rii'"ii uuui was wrucK-- now iiueiosi in tno copper mines of l'or sale in your town by this far northern colony, thinking thnt tho mines nro capable of more For sale by Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank D. Cohan, Central Avo- drlft In to practically the same Bpot extensive development, which would . nuo. Opposite" Chandler Hotel. Tele hcro the bones of tho Marconi Ho bo profitable nt tho present tlmo. 'phono 74. Be Ready for Opportunities H Tho small pavings of n wngo- H .....v-. DwiiiviiiiiL- iiii'iiu jinrti woric and self denial, nnd should nover bo endangered by taking speculative chances. Save, until an opportunity for safo investments presents Itself, as, in time, it surely will. It's easy to distinguish between investment nnd speculation. With n llttlo sum saved, opportunities will not bo wnntlni;. First National Bank OF COOS BAY SAFETY DEPOSIT HOXES FOR RENT. nt,,.. " ""u SonL. Ihones! nffi i j. ,0' J2L 2J WLMATTIDUBHrw. PlinnA ... . ) M. 0 Rllllnn Olirtr. v..- noom 304 Coke Bid,, fw J Itegblnn in..!. VV'lW iuoii JJJ. W. G. Rhnnrllnn A Tim... Rooms 301 and 302, Cak RSL Wm. S Tlirnni, Marshfleld, Omjm. TIMR nunm WILLAJIETTK PACIFIO MOfJ Lcavo Marshfleld 0:45 a.m. 7.4C a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00' p.m. MO p.m. 0:55 p.m. 7:30 p.nv North 1. NortlBs l:Hu 11:11 h HiHu ii: a 1:11 li i:UM citriiiciu !,.!! Ml M Marshfield-M Auto Stage Leave Owl Pharmacy Mnrehflold A.M. 7100 0:30 P.M. 1:00 O.00 All 7:00 1.l 0:M t IliM PJL 1:N SIAItailFIELD-COQUlIXB MM 8TAQE TISIB SCHEDnl'.l Schedule arranged to tmm with bonto to ItowJea, Stm H Myrtlo Point, Xmi So delATi, I Faro from MarsMleld to Oiftti 75 mbU. HinL'in & Iuabetl). FrW ' Will furnish eitrt Clrt Ml extra trips day or l charter cars. FARE TEN CE.VTS Clty Limits North B4 on ILTA.T!S .,11 xiiiiviiin ti,,w ! Mn'rshfiold.North line Cars every tea vtlntol." 0 n. m. to 13 V' """. Slough onco n tUi 'TV 11 . m.? to Empire da GORST & DRY WOOD CAMPBEawO0Dyi 1VI nAt Phone 3TW .inlirV ' by ordering the ) ...... nvuii 1 1 nnu. Nut coal, per i" um nn ...ttl"rj r4ump coai, Vt MM Phone 18-J or iflllmp'. CUV 61 Alder inches Phone ... ;idt'tst ng WOOU, v wood,!6WJ mM Free DAUtfJ r.J. oir-i 227- DUNGAN ,.,,.., mutni PARLOR3 will bo k'J-guo OPEN TO PJS A regnlar sU undertaker l charge pbael9J