THE COOS BAY TIMES', MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1915 MORNING EDITION. fix Hub Drv "SMAHT WEAiU FOlt Corner Broadway and Central Avo. GETS ODD LETTER PA HIT AT COTIIENBUItfi, NEBH., WHITES Rays Ho Bought Crnwfonl Point Lot Wants On'y Encouraging News fTmiroiiillli? Itlu Pnw.liiitii, Concerning HIh Piirchuso Ono of tho most unique letters that has boon rccoivod hero in a long time has rocontly boon sont to K. A. Stonccyphor of Enstsldo from a iniin who purchased n lot in Crawrord Point from tho agents who lmvo been touring tho country. From tho largo numbers of Inquiries concerning this proposition that havo boon received on tho Hay, this is probably tho BtrniiKcut of thorn all. Mr. Stonccyphor has not nnsworcd it yet. Just how ho can toll him any encouraging news about his purclinso lit Crawford Point is probably moro than ho cull flgtiro out. As thoro uro no buildings thoro ami no residents nearer than Coonton, which is qulto a dlBtanco oven from tho edges of tlio Crnwford Point tract, It Is not bollovotl that L. 13. Moyor could do very well with n hotel thoro. Ho signs himself L. 10. Moyor of Oothon burg, Nobr., and if it was not for tho pathetic sldo of his lottor as revealed In reading between tho linos, tho oplstlo might bo considered humor ous. Ho writes: "I, having bought a lot in Crawford Point, am anxious to hoar all tho good qualities about tho placo nud country around, but do not toll nny bad tilings. l).oes it over grow vory cold thoro in winter? And Is thoro ns much dust thoro ns in Northern Orogon? If a pomon is qulto handy, citn ho mako a living thoro should ho not bo In vory good circumstances? Is rout vory high or can ono find plucoa that might bo rontod qulto choap. Now ploaso do not writo any thing that might tend to discourage. What would a rooming house do in Ctawford Point?" ELKS DANCE Don't forgot Wednosdny ovonlug's dance, Hill, nud bo right thoro with wlfo, mother, sister and swoot-heart. This dance Is for Elks only and let's mako It n Joyous ono, Mako your engagomonts now for Wednesday evening. Thoro's a lilg surprise wait ing for you. Como on, Dill! By order of commltteo, FUAN1C V. CATTI3ULIN, Chalrmun. Properly r- Fitted brasses Do moro than improve vis ion. They conserve nervous vnergy, thereby promoting jdiysjcal health and Increas ing efficiency in all vocations calling for closu work with tho eye, Optometrists Mako a scientific examina tion of tho eyes, essential in prescribing and supplying the exact kind of glasses needed. Chooso carefully a HEttlS TEH Hi) OPTOMETltlST for this important work. Hrokeu Lenses while you wait. duplicated Optical Dept. men moss nitco stohh Ladies Modish Suits and Coats Fresh From the Style Marts From tho Jaunty setting of (!io collar, to (ho graceful hung of llio flare, these Suits and Coats "shad ov" Dame Fashion's newest whims. They aro replicas of what is tho last luonicnt voguo among tho acknow ledged stylo-makers of tho world, with an added lingo of originality that give distinction. A now shipment of Smart Walking Skirts $3.50 to $10.00 E Goods Co. WOMEN" Phono UOl MATERIAL DEL1VEHED AT IMP QUA DEKOHE HAD WEATIIHIt Englnocr W. 11. I'o"talno Says "Work Is Hol"g Hurried As Fast An Possible Dotnlls of tho railroad work bo twoon tho Slitslaw and Coos Day aro given as follows in tho Eugene Gunrd: In anticipation of tho difficulties of crossing tho Umpqua river bar at this tlmo of tho year, tho Willamette Pa cific railroad company Is oxorling ovory offort to rush supplies to thq Umpqua river bridge, according to it stntomont made today by W. H. Fon taine t assistant englncor of the Southern Pacific company In this ci ty "Already wo havo shlppod all tho rails necossary for track laying," said Mr. Fontnlno, "and but a short stretch of grade, less than twenty miles, remains now without rails. "Unless wo had nil of this heavy matorlat delivered now while the good weather lasts," contluuod Mr,! Fontnlno, "it would bo impossible for us to complete this work this win ter. But wo havo tnkou advautagol of tho conditions as they now aro nnd havo delivered our last load of rails. Thoso rails woro shlppod to Portland, thouco by steamer to Coos Duy. "Thrco pllo drivers aro now work ing on this uncompleted strotcli of twonty miles of rond, between tho two rail head spans. Ono pllo driv er is stationed nt north rail head and is working in a southerly direction. Another pllo driver Is working nt tho south end of tho rail bend working north, Tho third ono la stationed Snldwny and Is working south. "As soon as tho pllo driver located midway reaches tho Umpqua rlvor it will bo taken across tho Umpqua riv er to tunnel No. 7, working from that point back north to Umpqua rlvor. Track laying of courso being kept up with tho pllo driver crows. "Ilallnstlng gangs omploycd by tlio company aro bnlastlng tho uowly laid track south of tho Sluslaw draw brldgo to Lako Tahkcnltch. Dallust ing will probably bo completed in about thirty to forty days, This bal lasting Is being placed in about six to eight-Inch lnyors nud is technical ly called tho first raise, liy placing this initial layer of ballast, wo aro able to run our work trains over tho new grado, "Hallast is now bolng hauled a dls- , tnuca of about eighty miles from tho Natron pits to points that aro bolng I ballasted and all work Is progress tug with all possible haste." E LADY WELL KXOWX HEHI3 HAS PASSED A WAV Was Mother of Mrs. John Proctor an,( Kdmund, Charles and James Ken"o Friends boro lmvo received nows of tho death of Mrs. Mary Konno who is well known on Coos Day and whose sous formorly lived hero, Mrs. Koano died a week ago last Monday 'at tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. John Proctor in San Francisco. Bo lides Mrs. Proctor, Mrs. Koano is sur vived by another daughter, Misn Uotn Koano, nnd three sous, James, Char ! les and Kdmund Konue, all well ' known hero. Mrs, Kcuuo spent ono wintor In North Dond and had many frlonds I hero, She had been ill about two years and tho announcement of her death was not uuoxpeotod. Times want nds bring results. BRIDGE IRK 1 j! Doings of City Council TD TRY M. SHOOK i 'i TO TRESTLE EIGHTH COUXCIL ADOPTS PLAXS TO OUT ISSUE DEEOHE PEOPLE Property Ouincrs Slay 1'rotcst Tres tle, J-'avoiinj; a Fill (Jow Why Must Cut Off A Corner Dosplte the intimation that thoro will be strong protests from property cwnors, tho council last evening adopted tho plans nnd specifications of City Engineer A. IT. Gidley for tho trestllng of .Eighth street between Greenwood and Fir Avenues. "Botter got the Issuo before tho people anyway," declared Harry Kim ball aiui Ills opinion was followed. It is now tip to tho property owners bordering tlio improvement to como boforo tho Council with any com plaints they mav havo. Will Protest, Trestllng It was shown, that Jens Hanson, who owns nbout 100 fcot nlong tho Blreot, wishes a pornmnont Improve ment thcro In tho shape of a fill and believes that tlio temporary trestllng Is a wasto of money. The cost of tho Improvement is ontimntcd by tlio city onglncor at ?91G and is for a distanco of 322 foot. In Need of Sewer Carl Evortson said that tho pcoplo on Fifth street between Highland and Commercial avenues need a now sew or and it was shown that tho plans nnd specifications for this work havo already boon adopted but thero wns doubt oxprcssod that tho work can bo done this wintor. Must Cut Corner Tho building owned by Gow Why that runs through from Broadway to Front strcots botweon Commercial and Anderson nvonucs Is placed on tho lot a trlflo cornerwlso, n fact that allows ono corner to butt Into Front street whoro it Is now bolng Im proved near tho old Alllanco ware house. This corner will havo to bo cut off so that tho concroto sldowalk thero may bo put in, snld Mr. Gldloy. Gow Why was given permission to put In a largo plato glass window at tho rear or hla building nnd also to cut tho structure square with tho Btrcet. Plans and Rpcclflcatlous nud a special ordlnnnco for this work must ho made out nud ndoptcd. Old Argument "And by tho way," Interrupted Mayor F, 13. Allon, "When nro wo go ing to rodeck North Front stroot-" Ho sold that Gorst and King has guaranteed to contrlbuto $100 to ward tho undertaking providing tho planking Is laid longthwlso with tho rend, that is with tho planks ond to ond. And thoronponwns stortod ngaln tho old discussion that always ends whoro in tho samo wny as tho argu ment nbout "How long is a string?" "I'd llko to boo how thoy flguro it it Just ns good," doclarod tho city on. glncor. But It wns shown that tho tlmo required for notices la not yot up and nothing can bo dono until thou nud further discussion was put off until later. Tho noxt mooting of tho council will bo on Tuesday evening, Nov. 9, becauso tho 8th Is tho dnto of tho primaries, OFF TO PENDLETON THE H13V. G. LEUOV HALL TL'H.N'S TO OLD HOME HE- Will Aid for Two or Throw WcokK in Conduction of Hovlva Services lu Eastern Oregon I Twolvo years ngo whou ho first i camo to Oregon tho Itov. O. Lo Roy ! Hall sottled In Poudlotou. From ' thoro now comes a call for him to! hurry ovor and assist for two or' throo weeks in rovlval services to bo hold thero noxt weok. ho Is going I and ho says Its somothlng Uko go- "ing homo to meet his old friends thoro again, Tho services nro to bo conducted by tho Dr. T. W. Cairns, of Seattle, and Mr. Hall will assist htm. Ho in tends to leavo for eastern Orogon on Saturday. riHST CATTLE SHIPPED Taken Over Xnl Bond from Ten Mlla Lakes to Sluslaw Tho Sluslaw Pilot says: Tho first car load of cattle to bo shipped from Ton Milo lako was load- od at Shustors station. Tho cnttlq woro owned by E. B. Miller, who nccompnniod them to Portland., Ho contemplates making several moro car loud shipments. L. O. (). M. NOTICE. Look who'ij hero! Sully with n lunch! IIo'll havo plenty, never foar Por tho whole, big bunch, "Howdy, Pap." Don't miss It. Tuesday night, at the usual placo. By order or COMMITTEE. ESTABLISH RECORO CITV VATHEHM MEET AXI) AD JOUHX ALL IX THE HOUlt Act Howlldci-cd at Suddcness of Full ing una! Fear to flo Homo ltoutiiio"ess on Hoards Marsbflold city fathers last ovon Ing established a record. They mot had the minutes of two meetings rend and had adjourned, all in tho courso of ono hour, n hitherto unprecedent ed procedure. And in fact tliey thomsolvcs admitted that tho ending coming as it did loft them somowhat bewlldored and wont to walk about the streets until a "reasonable" hour beroro thoy could go homo. Bids for Coal Wanted To supply tho flro station with conl for tho noxt 12 months bids aro to bo called for from tho local coal deal ers, it was decided. Itecords show that last year approximately 40 tons of coal wcro necessary and this was bought at the rato of five dollars a ton. Ask for Oil Pikes Inasmuch ns bids on coal wcro nskod for Carl Evertsen contended, nnd without opposition, that tho oil nud gasoline supply for tho flro truck should also bo handled by bids. Ao booh ns tho present contract of tho flro and water commltteo Is up wyji tho Stnndnrd Oil company this -will bo dono. Pay Bonds Interest Intorost amounting to $1,3(10 is duo Dccombcr 1 in Chicago on tlio funding bonds. City Recorder But Icr was authorized to draw a warrant for this sum and send. the amount forward. Olvo u Llcenso Hon Willoy, ontltlod to mnstcr plu mbor's papers, undertaking a plumb ing Job. In connection with tho Sum ner Ilnrdwaro compnny, wns grnntod n llcenso that will run until January 1, nnd $10 of tho $12 llcenso for tho entire year will bo refunded to him. HcguiiiN ProK!i ty A resolution was possod allowing .Finnic Thomas, In behalf of the Davis heirs, to regain possession of three parcels of land in the Now Bedford addition which was bought in by tho city mouths ago for Improvements. Euch ploco or land was bid In for $340.11. The amount has been paid by Thomas nud tho resolution wns for tho purpose dt putting tho matter on record. Concrete, Sidewalks Concroto sldowalks on tlio north sldo of Coutrul nvonuo between Front and Broadway will bo laid at a cost of 37 1-2 conta por front foot. In two weeks tlio council will sit as a board or cqullizntiou rogarding tho Improvement, Tlmos want nds brtng result. NATIONAL THl'ltSDAV will bo devoted to meat products, Including those of tho Union Meat Company, Swift Packing Company and Ar mour ,i Company. Ilri'nn1" m 'I0'1 ' UunV Cu,mcrt K,""s Vegetables, etc. wl11 bo 'eellaneous day, during v,hlch displays ami demonstrations of Campbell's Soups, Dutch Cleanser, Soaps, etc. will bo given. ' M . n Tin, i w?vrf .iH,1;! i Everybody will be Welcome WHITE SLAV13HV HEAHINO HI FOHH 'EEDEHAL COUHT Women Subpoenaed to Appear in Portland on That Date Wns Bound Over On Tuesday morning in Portland tho federal grand jury will tnko "P tho case of William Shook, of this ci ty, who is now in jail thoro, on tho chnrgo of white Blavory. Subpoenas camo today for Mao Conklln, Besslo Buoll nnd Qoldio Jackson to nppenr thoro on that date. It was the early part of tno Bum mer that Shook is alleged to havo Etnrtod in n sort of Joy rldo down tho const with ids wire and two girls. On tho witness stand in tho Justice court Mne Conklln declared that she hnd put up tho $7G to got tho auto on credit. Moth Mno Conklln and Besslo Buoll ndmitted qn tho stand that Shook had taken much of their earnings and refused to glvo thorn up lutor. Tho party went down ns far s Euroka and thoro tho girls wired for money to como back to Marsh field on and on returning havo gavo tho ovldcnco thnt caused Shook to bn bound over to tho federal court, He was put under $2,000 bonds which ho wus unable to raise and so went to jail. LETT 13 ItS ABOUT TUHKEV DAY FOOTBALL GAME COMIXG Local Eleven Continues Practices Former Gridiron Stars Heady to Aid Coaching for Big Battle Word Is oxpoclcd, via tomorrow's mall, regarding tho offers of the Mnrshflold high school matlo to var ious teams or tho state for a root ball game hero on Turkoy Day. Coiifl denco lu freely expressed thnt tho contest may bo arranged. Should the dnto be taken by nu outslilo cloven several former root- ball stars stand rendy to offer their services to Coach Uoynl Nllcs, to aid him lu getting tho local team ready for battle. W, S. Chandlor, former ond with tho University of Oregon, would ho willing to nld; bo would Hobcrt Kollogg, of tho same Institu tion, nud Gordon HasmiiBsen, or O. A. C. Intorost is contorod now on tho pos sibility or gottlug tho game. And, should nil offers rail, it Is said that other teams will be asked. Thoro is tho high school cloven nt Corvnllis, ar.othor at Albany and at Medford, all o which havo boaton other teams tills year with good sized scores. Mcanwhllo tho Mnrshflold team continues Its prnctlco, having still three or four games on Its county schodule. Timos Went Ads lor results. BISCUIT DAY Even Oregon Mist could not dampen tho crispncRS of Nat ional Biscuits or tho outhii slasui of Good Housekeeping Week today. Tomorrow is our official Grand Opening and Souvenir Day Every visitor will bo pre sented with it Alight tokon of appreciation of their interest lu helping to make Good Housekeeping Week a splendid success. Tomorrow, Wednesday, Sir. Baker, will servo piping hot (OLDEX GATE CO EE EE all visitors. to Wednesday will bo tho for Jiial opening of our now storo. While wo havo been dolus bus iness at tlio now stand for some tlmo, wo lmvo Just completed arranging our store and will bo ghul to havo our friends and patrons see. It. in addition, wo will lmvo a display and demonstration of Preferred Stock and ihi lt.ii Kii.i.,.,. ii.. EXPECT WDKu SOON Ollivant & Nasburg The Good-Housekeeping Store Second and Commercial. Marshfield BOY IS A filMAV DEXTEXTIOX HOME IX ALAMEDA XOW SEEK HIS PAHENTS Hah! to Live On Coos Hay Xniuo Is Bcardsley or Hcaslcy ' Hays Letter Police aro today looking for a "iniin named II. Ed BeardBloy or Beasley, said to havo moved hero fsomo time ago with his family rrom Sprlng flold, Orogon, that ho may ho glvon information regarding a 17 yonr old son who hns boon picked up in Ala meda, California, by tho Juvenile court nuthorities. No charge is against tho boy, tho only purpose of taking him up bolng to rcstoro him to his pnronts. Stopped Ah Hunaiy According to tho letter to Chief Carter from C. A. Wood, nsslslnnt probation officer, tho boy was brought to tho detention homo ns a runaway. Ho told them thoro thnt he had ofton been picked up by tho police nt Eugono nnd in Portland and that his parents had been living in Springfiold nnd only recently mov ed to Coos Bay. Not Known Hero Tho directories could glvo no infor mation regarding tho fnmily nnd no thing BCcniB to bo known or them hero but Chlor Carter Bays howould appreciate nny word atf' to tholr. whoreaboutH Hint tho boy may be re stored to thorn. . ADVIJHTISEI) LE'XTEHS List or ndvortlscd lottors romnin Ing lu the Mnrshriold, Oregon, Post- office for tho wook ending Novom bor 2, lOlfi. Persons calling for the samo will plcaso say ndvortlsod nnd pay ono cent for each letter called for. ' Chllders, Dr. Chambers, Dohnls. Colander, Chtts. i f (, Dodd, Miss Cecilia. ; Edmonds, B. C. Olirillun, Herbert. - liobbs, Mrs. J. A. ; .. Horror, Mnthlns. .' ' Knesel, Mrs. L. J. V.',. Kurtz, Clureneo. ' Lancaster, Miss Laura. Sergeant, Mrs. Mary E. Turly, P. M. HUGH M'LAIN, P. M. Havo your L13TTEU hondB, bill heads, etc., printed at THE TIMES ofriro. The Season for 1 Wet Weather Goods Is Here Wo aro prepared for It. Aro you? Wo curry one of the complete, linos or standard brtuuh or oil clothing nml rubber suA to ho found on Coos Bay. You may choose from tlw Mloity well-known brands at tills store: 'foit'cr's Fish Brand Oil Olotlmiy. Tho kind that has been tested by yoars of ser vice Boys' Long CoatB $2.00 Men's Jackets St.fiO Mou'b Three-quarter Coats Men's Long Coats !j::i.00 Famous Gold Modal Oil Olothiiiff This Is a uporlor qual ity for thoso who want tho vory best that money can buy, ey can uuy. tvif VJfte10 Jackets $!L75 Men's Three-quarter Coin Mon's Men's Throo-qunrtor Coats $1.50 Ti i tt:ii t-v .,t-iont Stf)rC jounKer nm ijcuttiunwi. " s on your Wo nro showing a Bed Room Furniture (1ms That comes to us direct from tho '""""j'o'beneilt oHf t'to jobber's profit. Wo give our customers n ,fe fcr saving. Wo lmvo n nice display of Dressers priced ns follows: nm .R Rn am 1P.50. $13.50, S14.50, g(j $16.50, $17.50, $20, $23.50, $25 and up -111 TOO 't buy anything In ..WfffrOBl our line, for you know "W 1,,J,J Don' sea Going & Harvey Co IS POP Vt.Mt' ' AT w 'ai m.'ivi .... -vi ""Ml nKTTI.. Mum- ii JIIIH Vn ml i.o,;;rn,i 1L HUIIlirWlt "4 1 few (Invn nn 0Ia tll8r,'i Ctlirn Intn. land nv lal.i tad ui ion vu. lll.nwnn .1.,... . """UH - in ill inn w. .. BiMumor resort i. ' mH 1 ur. nni ih. ,.. "iroai V 11 mill "uttuj- UDOilt nun 1,,..,, . lots have l.0fin .u . "uuurfl anQ ona to use then,, Places or btill.i i,..n.i.. ' 1 or build lnm.i..7 m U l ... - .-M'ui-iun nit .... ..... u0 j ( dnnco hall .,,.. .:ttnt co hall wns erects ,m. "l ... ....... n.. u inaca or mi,..... Mr. Mnn I... .1- i-fniMiil f.. (i .. """"I "' l"o erection of a imii. in n nirn noi.iu.t furnish all kinds of iv . .'5 tho resortors. Hn m i.Tf I . ... iUt UK IH OIIC0 Bn nn In t.... . in huuh runn nc nrrtop i nucqu .vouit Buason opens, it times or the year there.,.-... . . mm "i0 tv tiitiiusicr TAKE A VAOATioy Coiihlo Com Aivnv f. t.i. ... Jinny Venn Air nml Mr. Hi.., "micu ifntrj, reside nnovo Al uranr lor Ran Francis .v. tion and if anyone enjon t to the liltr fnlr tht. AnM.t. .... 'Pl...l fl,..,.!. .... ., . i.iuii iiiuiiuD nay inaunisittji tlmo either lias made a trip of nvtnuf milfililA Hia . i ... .. .VHM.l ,V Uf twenty years. Mr. Tybtirg and tlfe n rnnch whoro they en si dairy. Tlio place li ...t.i... . ..... i r. i iii vi a mill iium can ao urn Mr. Tyburg Is ono of the o!J loggers of tlio county and fori time ho ami Charles Nelunl a place until Mr. Tyburr u nbout twclvo years ago. that tliuv wanted to see the fi!r to taku n vncatlon so ther started tho exposition nnd left their fin chnrgo or n neighbor. Mon's Long Coats Mon's Pnnts Mnii'n oil I.ecclnKS 1' Fovfuson's Alligator Brmul Oil Clothing Evory garment in th woll-known waV 1 LMinrnntCcd. Men's Jackets j' Mon's Tlirec-quarter CoaUf Men's Long Coats Mon's Pants J1" Men's and Boys' Pit HaU. . Saunter's Crach-Pm n;i ninfhkn Men's Long Coats AVE MONEY Furniture fine lino of