' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEfflESfflYjffijjTO ' " wm i . . i s 'A. a JT iT9 HV V n w -ir a a ' hiuwvuw iiiuiisiin BREVITIES 0'f ' ''VOl' tu A'WA 1,0 ""TIER FOR LESS AT The Fair p SAVIXOS IIUWH CAN'T HE SURPASSED COMB AND S'wHAT WI8 ARE OFFERING FOR WEDNESDAY, TRUES- I rMidrcnT"cxtra strong Urn- Men's ?1.25 Wool Shirts and ?.iim Rood duality, flQn Drawers, tnn color, excellent r i ,7Cc vttlno. Nov..4Ub Vatuo, well made. On nr "e ' sal ttt por Earment 00C Wool battings for comforters! 40 dozen Children's black hose. Iirge 3-pound rolls, clenn and all sizes, double- log, doublo fhlte. Wore ?2.40. (Mf licels nnd toes, iCc val- rfflj On salo nt tjp I iUU ucs; On snlo at, pair (jC - " ' l2Gmnd $1.C0 Ladles' nlght- jt Ladies' Embroldorcd flan- , gowns, made of cambric, naln- neletto petticoats, excolicnt sook and long cloth, beautl- .ulltr. Aft? '""y trimmed. nn OB ttle at HOb On salo at ilOC Mercerized Crochet Cottons; similar to D. M. C. All sizes; tn ill colors. On special nt por ball jUC November nines TIro,, .aml ncebts 6t tides at Marshfield. Tho tides are placed In order of occurrence, with their times on tho first Jlno and heights on the socond lino of each day. A compar ison of consecutive heights will In dlcato whether It Is high or low water. High tldo on tho Bar one hour and 64 minutes earlier than at Marshfield. Next Door to-:-Chandler Hotel Satisfaction "nlwny s or your money back Th e hair Heating Stoves t OA K ro prepared for fnll nnd iter ullli tho best lines made. I.luutcrs nnd tho conl on wood kfen with duplex- grates. , m rlted from $ 1.7ft to $22.00 Mflsofl-fliilovsea Xo, Quality JIoiiio Furnishers nortfi Front St root. Marahflcld NOW is the time to put money in circulation, x x Tho best place to Mart in at Tho Flxup,- whero you cim get Hint "Million Dollar Look" at from $16 to $40- Ro' 'suro nnd buy your noxt suit hero and do it NOW - I H H io o o XX XI- o o FIXUP Wlicro tho Prlco is AhvajH Right Mnrwhflold :: :: :: North Head liHrs. . 2. 54 9.30 3.39 8.58 Pt. . . 0.8 4.0 2.2 3.9 2Hrs.. 3.47 10.14 4.40 7.09 Ft...0.9 4.4 1.8 4.0 3jHrs.. 4.3C 10.53 5.34 11.11 Pt...l.O 4.8 1.2 4.2 4Hrs. . 5.22 11.30 C.22 0.0 Ft... 1.1 G.l 0.G 0.0 CHrs..0.08 C.0C 1208 7.07 Ft... 4.3 1.2 G.5 0.0 Cjllrs. . 0.59 C.49 12. 4G 7.G2 Ft... 4.3 1.3 5.8 -O.C 7Hrs.. 1.51 7.34 1.25 8.3S Ft. .. 4.5 1.5 G.l -0.8 8 Hrs. . 2.42 8.19 1.C7 9.25 Ft... 4.4 l.C C.2 -0.9 9 Hrs.. 3.34 9.0G 2.52 10.15 Ft. .. 4.4 1.8 0.2 -1.0 10 Hrs.. 4.28 9.59 3.41 11.09 Ft... 4.3 1.9 5.8 -0.8 11 Hrs. . 5.2 C 11.00 4.35 0.0 Ft... 4.2 .,2.0 5.0 0.0 12 Hrs.. 0.05 C.29 12.10 G.39 Ft... -0.5 42 21 5.0 13 Hrs.. 1.03 7.35 1.28 G.54 Ft... -0.2 4.2 2.0 4.5 14 Hrs.. 2.04 8.35 2.49 8.15 Ft... 0.2 4.4 1.8 4.2 15 lira.. 3.05 9.29 4.02 9.34 Ft... 0.5 4.5 1.4 4.1 - SUNRISE AND SUNSET : Tuesday November 2 Sun rises at G:53 and sets nt 4:50, t BORN BIELMAN To Mr. and Mrs. J. Blolman at their homo In Day Park, Monday, November 1, 1915, a boy. Both tho mother and lit tle son are doing very well, It Is reported. WEATHER FORECAST Or Aiioclttfcl Tmt tt Com Dr Tlmfi.J OREGON Occasional rain with southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For the' 24 hour, ending at 4:43 a. m., Novombor 2, by DonJ. Ostllnd, special gov ernment moteorologlst: Maximum CC Minimum 51 At 4:43 a. m C4 Precipitation 32 Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1915 3.91 Precipitation tame period last year 10.90 Wind southwest, cloudy. Company Dissolved. Papers dis solving tho Coqulllo-Coos Coal Com pany havo boon filed with tho corpo ration commissioner nt Salom. JtYLE To Mr. and Mrso R. M. Kyloat tholr homo on So. Eighth street, Sunday, October 31, a boy. Tho mother, son nnd father nro all getting nlong nlcoly. Mr. Kylo is ono of tho Janitors at tho - high school building. COMMITTEE APPOINTED AT At MEETING THIS Al-TEENOON Will Consider Solno Plan of Action to Start Project for Military Coast Road Tho committee appointed to adopt some plan of action to start tho project of a military coast rood, tho members of which were appointed recently at a banquet at North Rend, held a meeting In Marshfield this afternoon. Frederick Holllster Is chairman or tho committee. This was tho first meeting and tho members will talk over somo plan of campaign. To Havo Sale. Plans are being laid by tho Ladles' Aid of tho North Bond Presbyterian Church for n rum mngo salo to bo held In the nenr future. Ills Foot S.llpiKjd Too. c. P. Scar burg was put in tho Hotel do Carter this morning heforo noon pn a chargo of imbibing too frcoly. Tho man had only $2 to apply on a $5 flue. Aid Society Meeting. Tho La dles Aid Society of tho Swedish Luth eran Church will meet tomorrow af ternoon at tho church hall. Mrs. Josophscn will entertain. Culled to Portland Night Po liceman Olllo Smith, of North Rend, left for Portland, having bcon call ed thcro on account of tho serious Illness of bis father. To Hnvo Social. Tho Young Poo- plo's Society of tho First Unptlct Church nro planning a social to bo, bold Friday ovonlug at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Rood on Birch avenuo. Auto Denier Hero. A. C. Slovens of Portlnnd, northwest representative ot tho Wlnton nutCB, Is spondlng a few days on tho Bay visiting his old friend, Kenneth Hauser4 and doing a little boosting In this section for his car. WILLING TO U W. A. REID'SAYH HE WOULD AC ' CEPT HARMONY NOMINATION Relieve District Attornoy. Attor ney Gonoral Brown has rendored a doclston to tho effect that It is no iongor tho duty of District Attor neys to forccloso tax liens, savo whon thoy aro hold by tho coun ties. An net was passed nt tho last legislature repealing, a law Impos ing such a duty on them, ho said. 1" N oble Theate R TO-NIGHT IThe Home of Paramount Features" j HUGH DAVENPORT, in son? and original compositions', foatur- u "The Rluo Dog," and "Tho Com Cure Rags." by tho com (xxrr. Au net that la clean and u-t to tho Noblo standard. PHOTOPLAYS. AUCK HHADY, Broadway's: brlghto-t llttlo star, in tho Knlcker- leaiure, "Tlio Cup of Chnnco." Three reels or pictures "it will sntisfv. forgo Ado Fable in Slnng, "THE HOME TREATMENT AND WB SURE CURE." Comedies that aro dirfcrcut,. Every ono a real fontm-n in iir.- IIEAJtST.SKLIO NEWS PICTt)RLr-TIio world ! motion Krtnbi as thnv ii.ii "EH IIQMI-;o Ullly Rcoves comedy.' EXTRA IX)NO PROGRAM. UPSTAIRS OR DOWN, 15 cents' CHILDREN, 5c TWO SUPERIOR PRODUCTS EPSOM SALTS, SQUI1UJ. Repuriflod and not to bo con fused with ordinury mar ket variety. ActH in J. to 1 hour H taken boforo breakfast, ltiv, tho can. CASTOR OIL, SQUIR1I Of much li'bs (lliagieeablo tnnto mill odor than ordinary olJ. Easily taken by children. Both aro obtalnablo at "THE OWL" Tho Squibb Store. Phono 71, Remember, too, wo de liver promptly. Hides Somo DlHtnucc. By tho aid of a cyclomotor ono of tho local mos sengor boys lms been able to dotor- nilno that ho rides, on nn avcrago month, closo to 1,000 miles. Somo , times ho goes over this, somotlmos ! a llttlo under, nil according to tho I weather. This dlstanco would in 1 four or flvo months tako him across tho-contlnont to Now York, or half way around tho earth within tho 12 months. Ren McMiillei'i III. Bon McMullen, of Myrtle Point, head of tho cruising department of tho C. A. Smith Com pnny, laBt ovonlng suffered nn nt- ( tack of hoart and stomach trouble jWhllo chatting with Dr. DIx, Frank I Lalso and somo othor friends ho sud denly collnpspd but soon rocuperatod, He Is ablo to bo up and around to- day and blames tho trouble to somo i salmon ho atd yestorduy. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY 'S GARAGE HOME OF THE WlLLAO AND DODGE iCTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL AKES OF OARS I Cent ral av. Phone 373-L J'ODr nrnin.... office. printed at SOUTH COOS RIVER BOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leuvoa Marshfield every day 8 n. m. Leaves head of river at 8:1B p. m. STEAMER RAINBOW leaves head of river daily nt 7 a. in. Leaves Marshfield at 3 p. m. For charter apply on board. ROGERS & SMITH Proprietors SART&R'S For Your ICE CREAM EVERYTHING SANITARY ALWAYS QPEN FOR. INSPECTION Wo make Ico Cream to order, any kind and In any quan tity, for purties, lodges, pic nics, etc. :; " " " We do not speak of its QUALITY That speaks tor itself SARTOR'S Pitono 203T. Mnrslifieid Front St.. Opposite Rlanco Hotel St Campaign Tomorrow. Bon Fisher, president of tho Fellowship Club, has announcod that tho mom borshlp campaign will bo launched .in tho morning. Thoro will bo flvo I teams in the Hold and the contest botween them for tho largest num ber of members will bo waged un til December 1 when tlw winning ; team will bo banqueted by tho los , ers. Tho club now has 107 old mombora and an effort will bo mado to increase tho numbor to 200 strong, . A, LILJEQVIST Is oxjected homo tonight from Coqulll6r"whoro bo has been on legal business slqco Saturday. WARNING' In tho protection of your own best interests you are cautioned not to buy elsewhere without first looWng Sunnyvale over EEE REID ABOUT IT" LolaJVO to U5-?5 per month. Hard surface street direct to door I TAKE CARE OF YOUR M TEjTH ""V I I Tooth Paste I Ifl To whiten your teeth and H H sweeten your mouth. B I TH BUSY CORNER 1 Tho Rexall Vrug Stora M H I'HONE SOS 4 Cart Evcrtucn Says Ho Will Not Run , for Mayor Rut Will Accept Re election to Council I W. A. Rcld who hns bcon talked of as a candldnto for mnyor said today that ho wpuld bo willing tp accept a "harmony nomination" for tho of ricc. Ho said that ho was not an nspjrant for tho offlco but that If tho pcoplo thought that ho should accopt tho offlco and it his candi dacy would ollminato a bitter cum-, palgu,. ho would accopt tho nomina tion. . ittnfiKJTH Carl Evortscn stated positively to day that ho would not bo a candldato for mayor undor any circumstances. 'However, ho said that ho had decid ed After considering tho requests of friends to bo a candldato for reelec tion to tho council. So far, no othor candidates havo been brought forth for tho various placoB to bo filled. Tho primary election will bo hold noxt Monday. Novombor 8. Havo yon seen tho J. C. Pcnnoy Company values lit Blankets, Rain Coats, Rubbers, Roots, etc.? Wo savo ypu 125 per cent on 'every article you purchase of uh. How dc wo do It? Ry buying for tho S3 busy stores all together, getting rock-bottom prices for spot cunIi and selling for ensh. When you spend your money With us you aro not paying somo one elso's bill that thoy liava beaten. RETT KR THINK THIS OVER. Wool blankets In plaltls and plain colors, full size, worth at tho least one-third more , $3.(10, $1.23 J. C. Penney flno Wool Blankets In all tho latest plaids and plain. $4.00 values. Our prlco $2.08 Wool nap Blankets, $2.G0 and $3.00 values. Our prlco 91.08, 91.00 Cotton Blankets nt n third loss $1.10, OHc, 00c, -10c Ladles Rain Coats ... .$0.00, jjso.oo, $1.08, $3.08, $2.08, $1.08 Children and Misses' Rain Coats $2.08 nnd $1.08 Children's Rain Capes, Just 'tho thing $2.0ff, $1.73 Men's Rntn Coats ' $12.50, $0.00, $1.08, $2.08 Fish Brand Sllckors $2.10, $2.23 Long Wool Mackinaw; Just tho thing; mado or tho finest v wool; rod pinld, Norfolk, $8.50 vnluo. Our prlco $0.00 Hip Rubber Roots, first quality, $C,00 value. Our prlco. .. .$1.10 Short Rubber Boots, first quality ....$2.08, $2.70, $2.10 Boys' Rubber Boots, first quality, at a big saving $1.08 Wo Lead Others Follow. Cd-z as .yz,j Tho Originators of Low Prices a f Lnko Fish Case. Somowhnt sim ilar to tho Joe Fish cuso, whoroln tho Spoknno authorities turnod tho man looso while a: deputy sheriff from horo was on hts way thoro, 1b tho caso of J. Austin Hoopor who has Just boon freed by Governor McOovorn of Wisconsin. Tho man Is n "llfor" nt Folsom prison and es caped. Ho mado sovoral robborloB in Oregon and escaped tho sheriff In Grants Pass ono night and now has mado his way back cast nnd nfter being picked up was turned looso again. Tho Oregon authorities aro highly Indignant over the proceedings. PERSONAL MENTION F. IIAUSER nnd wlfo aro horo today from tholr bony at Brldgo. E. T. COFFELT, of Coos Rlvor, was in the- city today on bualncsB. ALVJN ORAMBY, of Coos River, transacted business horo today. J. E. NOAll, of Coos Rlvor, was down this morning for a short vis it. A. E. KRUSE, of Baiidon, )s up for n few days looking after somo busi ness here. JC-HN HOLMES, a Cops River farm er, waB down on tho Mllllcoma this morning. MR. BARRETT of North Bond loft on tho Adeline Smith today for San Francisco. E. C. BAKER wob down from Coos Rlvor this morning looking uftor business matters. HARRY BULTMAN was a passongor on tho morning train to tho Val- loy to moot tho trado. E W. SCIEFFELE, of Haynes Inlet, was In tho city today mooting with frionds and transacting business. PRICE BULLETIN: Adborty Oak. Flakes (large size) 23c Butter, (Norway) '2-lb sq. OHc Peanut Butter, per lb ... 12). o Applo Butter (bulk) lb..irtc Saner Kraut, quart 10a Chow Chow, por pint. ... 1.1c Lard, No, 1Q pall ..$1.35, Coffco, good grado, lb., 23c dpiids (local) excolicnt quality, per 100 lba... $100 Honey (local) square. . . . .2()c Wo also carry Flolschmann's Yeast. Try this and you will uro no other, two cakes for . . Bo I Soda Crackers 12. o And with every $1 purrhnHO during tho next three days, wo are going to give nway free, ono good.yUcd Hallowe'en Pumpkin. Cotuo In and get ono of theso pumpkins free. Gettings Cash Grocery you money NO. BROADWAY, NEAR CENTRAL BEN OSTLIND loft this morning for Bandon, thprp.to loo.k attor ,tlo progress of tho building ho la put ting up thoro. GEORGE A. BLAKE, prdmlncnt farmor of Catching lulot, trans acted business horo yesterday and today, MRS. KEATING who haB boon visit ing Mrs. L. J. Simpson for sovor al montliB loft this aftornoon on tho Adolluo Smith for San Francisco. PAUL H. SOULE went on tho morn ing train to Valley points calling on tho trado this morning. This 1b tho 10th yoar that Mr. Soule has been making this territory nnd ho says ho feels bettor than over. WARD.M. BLAKE and wlfo and son uro oxpoctod homo overland to night from San Francisco whoro thoy havo boon visiting sluco Mrs. Blalco's return from Minneapolis. MnS. HENRY SENGSTACKEN and daughters, Misses Doris and Gou ovlovo, loft on tho Adolluo Smith . today tor San Francisco and San . plogo whoro thoy will spond sovoral .mouths, 4- Use Laxacold to break a cold, grippe on headache; cleanses the sys tem and removes the cause Price 2 5 cts. For -ule only at tho PENSLAJl AND NYAL STORE FOR QUALITY GOODS ! J I i: if i: SOCIAL CALENDAR TUESDAY O. W. B. M. with Mrs. It. A. Copplo. WEDNESDAY D. M. C. Club wjth Mrs. Win. Vnughun In North Bond. NarclseiiB Club with Mlsa Hilda West In Eastsldo. PrlBclllns with Mrs. L. E. Roborson in Bay Park. Presbyterian Auxlllnry with Mrs. Henry O'Mnra. THURSDAY North Bond Episcopal La dles' Guild with Mrs. I. B, Bartlo. Kensington Club with Mrs. G. L. Dludlugor. Christian Sisterhood all day session at church hall, Mrs. Charlos Dtingan on tortalns A. N. W. Club at homo of Mrs. Frances Haz ard. FRIDAY Dahlia Club with Mrs. Oloman, Baptist Young People's So cial at homo of Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Rood. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. A. L, Housoworth. SATURDAY Mlnno-Wls Club with Mrs. Mary E. Thompson on South Fifth Blreot. Coos Bay jij Fish Market Cj 119 FRONT STREET. K ALL KINDS OF DEEP SEA fish When in the. mar ket. fresh oysters, clams and crars. jfl Phono 111) S W. I. I1I4KE, Prop. : NBW TODAY FOR SALE OR LEASE On acrount ot leaving Cooo Bay must sell or loaso my 80-acro ranch on Will anch Slough. L. J, Justen, St. Lawronco llotol, Marshfield. PLEASE avo your Standard Bis cult Co. ond souls for crippled boy who wishes to buy cart to ride In. Carl Hanson, box C80, Marshfield. FOR RENT Modern -I-room bun galow, fully furnlshod. Se L. W. Jacobs, 148 Contral, or Tel ephone 247-R. HAIR WORK Switches, puffs, curls. Also hair supplied. No ImltutloB. Phono 24L. Mrs, L. Pryon. J FOR RENT J FOR RENT Furnished 5-room houBb, near high school, Apply 391! South Sevonth otrcot. FOR RENT NcuC fur'U-hwl hoiue keeping rooms. Low rent, 095 No, 1st. St. Ph. 239-J, BUNGALOW FOR RENT New and clean. South Elovontit street, V. E. Allou. FOR RJNT Two new modem five room cottages, plastered and with all modorn conveniences, located ou Twolfth streot. Rent $14 and 1 G por month. Apply Going & Harvey Furnlturo Store. FOR RENT New and modern 1SS room houso, with basomcnt and all modern conveniences, Includ ing two bath rooms, two toilets, laundry tubs in basemout, arrang ed for two families. West Bunkf Hill. Rent reasonable. Apply Robert Mursdou, Sr., telephone 3125. t FOR SALE t FOR SALE 11V OWNER 300 ncr'mi stock and dairy farm 2 muos irow Gravel Ford, Oregon, JICOOO.Q B, O. Cartor, Myrtlo Polpt, Oregon, FO; 8.LI 11oroughbrol Irhli Torrler bear dog. City Cleaners: FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 10 HwIdetice'PhoHe 18 J Market Ave. and Waterfront 1