: J, . . '7 ri' ,l.v-'P rin"!..r&t x-HMia YAti<oaj' :FOUR Jilt UUUi BAT I J PW CO. r ! cuyirvn cuu 1-r TV G0OS BAY TIMES Jli. .0. MAliONEY, Editor and i'ub. DAN E. MALONEY, Nows Editor Official Official Paper of .Paper City Coos County of Mnrahfiold. Entered at the Poatoff Ico at Mnrah fiold, Oregon, 'for transmission through tho malls m second-class mall matter, An Indopcndont Republican news paper, published ovory ovonlng ex cept Sundny, and weokly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION KATES DAILY. Ono year $0.00 Per month CO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly in ndvnnco tho subBCiiptlon pi Ico of tho Coos Bay Times is $5.00 per year or $2.60 for six months. tons and tons of advertising matter Into tho short crop sections of the country. People have to buy somo roods, so bo stiro to Ret your sharo of tho business. Tho stendy drip will wear away stono. Careful, stlck-to-lt, informn tion-full advertising will bring pay ing results. With tho big merchants of tho country advertising is an nsBot, not a liability, and you can make your advertising ono of tho most success ful foaturcs of your business. Address all communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIMES. X EUROPEAN WAR ONE X t YEAR AGO TODAY : NOVEMHER II, 1011 WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA GOOD EVENING Battles arc bogun botween tho Uus. Blan ,and Turkish troops on tho fron tier near Troblzond. All Turkish Biibjccts nro to bo ox nolled from ItUBSln within a week, according to orders given. Tho grand vizier of Turkey cx; pressed a dcslro to remain nt penco vlth Jtussln, Franco and Great 13rl lain but refuses to dismiss Gorman officers from Turklslyhlps. MRS. STONEIt MltS. WINIFRED SACICVILLE STONEIt haB a n rcmnrkablo reputation for child training through Hplondld rcsultB she has ob tained with her dnughtor. In Port land recently Bho gavo a talk In which tho following points woro emphasiz ed: Public school tenchors dosorvo a placo lp heaven and all tho ptam thoy want In their crowns. It is criminal to lot a baby cry and Uny It Is good for him. Novcr talk baby talk; treat tho in Taut aB though it woro nn intelligent being. Llmbor up your beds, looson tho poker In your ImckB and play with your kiddles and you'll keep young. . Wo nocd schools for puronts moro than for ohlldron. Children can diagram sentences beautifully, but thoy Bay "I scon" and "I done." ,1'uroiitti oxporimont on tholr first qhld; its a woudor most of thorn Hvo. Mrs. atonor has an Interesting sub ject, n Biibjoct upon which thoro i Multitudinous advlco and tho fact she has Buccoedcd porBonnlly as a child trainer gives moro than usual weight to what Bho says. Romombor on every occa- Dion which leads thee to vexation to npply this prlncl- plo, that this is not a mlsfor- tuno, but to benr It nobly Is good fortune. Marcus Auro- Huh. ' WATCH THE CORNERS When you wnko tip of a morning of a chill nnd cheerless day, And feel inclined to grumblo, pout, or frown, Just glnnco into your mirror and you will quickly sco It's just becauso tho comers of, your mouth hnng down. Then tnko this simple rhyme, Romombor it in tlnio: It's already dreary weather, In coun- tryaldo or town, When you wnko and find tho corners of your. mouth turned down. I' you wnko up In morning full of bright and happy thoughts And bogln to count tho blessings in your cup, Then glnnco Into your mirror nnd you will quickly see It's all becauso tho comers of your mouth turn tip. Then tnko this llttlo rhymo, Romcmbor nil tho tlnio: Thoro's Joy n-plonty In this world to fill llfo'B Bllvcr cup If you'll only keep tho cornors of you mouth turned up. Selected S Ws Six Today She's six today. She climbed my "knee and twin qd her arms about me so, And whispered to me joyously: "I bet you, dad, that you don't know What day this is." I feigned to luiik, though well I knew what she would say. And shammed surprise when she exclaimed: "I'm growing up; I'm six -today." What is it, when the years come on, that holds a man and makes his heart K To soften toward a little child and make the tears so quick to start? I had not. noticed it before, I .did ;uot think until today. Her cozy corner strangely silont now, her paper dollies laid away. The little finger marks we loved ,ai;c gon,o from off the window sill, The "rattle" and the screechcr toys are strange ly still, And silence hovers 'round tho lious.0, unbroken by her chHdish glee She's six today, and growing up, no more a lit tle babe to me. You're six today! Come, kiss your dad, and hug him, .too, you little elf, And romp with him, and play with him, nor ask him why he's not himself, ust follow him where'er he goes, and let him take your Jittlc hunt,! ; Won't ask ihim what lie's thinking of you wouldn't know or understand. . Let's go together down tho street, a-roniping in your child-heart way. You cannot, play like this for long. You're growing up you'ro six today. Anon. If a Coos I3ny" innirwlll work hard at It nnd spond ten yenrs training his wlfo ho can usually make her do anything alio wants to do. MEH13 MAX ObRorvo tho atnrH thoro In tho BklcB Ayo, cast your gnzo afar And may bo you will roallzo What llttlo runts you nro. Mnybo If work woro silk stockings nnd fluffy Ungorio moro Coos Day men would bo In love with It. CAUSE AXD EFFECT MISS 110U8ANQUET, probnbly tho boat nuthorlty In Euglnnd on social settlement work, oh Juno Addnms Is In America, has "vrltton n book on Biich work, tho probloms of which nro much the snmo everywhere. Tho conclusion of Iter study 1b that "ono of tho moat potent menus of making poverty moro poor is for tho mora fortunato to fling Itu doles from Ub superfluity," nnd that "tho only way to work towurds tho mlllenlum is to Btudy tho causes of human mlaory rather thnu tho lcsultB." Buys nn oxchnngo. It would acorn that unyouo who over found n pin pricking n crying child would know this thoy do know It yet tho fnct remains that It Is eas ier, and much moro spectacular, to doctor results than luvcattgato caus es. Only very nlous rouIh believed thnt poverty nnd dlaonao with tholr uttoudlug mlserlos woro sent of Clod for punlahmcnt, or, It tho sufferer woro vory pious, then to tCBt his faith and endurance That this be lief still llngom In somo minds is evi denced by uttornucos In tho pulpit nnd in the public print. Every dny la n bad day to . bo poor. . Our Idea of a pretty girl who enn look Just llko hor graph. is ono photo- OH I MYI !"l'll wrlto a honey song," anld sbo "And Hlng It In tho Koy of bco." TALKS WITH Till: Ul'SINKSS MAN M lly Xolu Dulling EHCHANMSH well bought la only half Bold. Your stook represents monoy and it Is money tied up. Mnko this money work for you us much ns posslblo nnd advertising Is tho key to tho sit uation. You hnvo certain flxod oxpoiiBca thnt cannot bo materially reduced. Hotter sell CO articles at a gross prof- QUKSTIOX FOR THIC DAY I ! What has becomo of- tho old fash ioned woman who had to stop nnd count up when you nuked her how ninny children alio had? It doesn't mnttor how rich or how poor n Coos liny man may bo. Lot It 1 in talk for uwhtlo and ho will In form you thnt ho la getting all tho worat of It. STRAXGN. You long to mnko her your own dovo And quickly slio discerns It, Hut whon uho wnnta to keep your love Why la it Bho returns it? LUMBER IN IDAHO SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Logging Camps Near I.owlston Aio Showing Activity n'd Su,vinllls Aro Running LEWISTON, Idaho, Nov. 2. That tho lumber Industry Is showing signs of revival, is evidenced In tho activi ty In tho lodging camps near Uovlll, wiiluh supply tho logs Tor tho mill nt Potlatoh, Several camps nro now In operation, giving empolymaut to Stories of State Elections To be HeMjjTMs Year No. (I MARYLAND Maryland will elect n governor, comptroller of the atnto trensnry, nt-tornoy-gonoral, a full houso of del egates nnd halt of tho stato senate In nddltlon four constitutional amendments will bo voted upon, nnd local minor officers will bo chosen in tho counties and Baltimore City. Can dldatos to succeed Governor Oolds borough, Republican, aro; Ovlngton E. Wollor, Ropubllenn; Emoraon C. Harrington, Democrat, and Qcorgo R. Qorsuch, Prohibitionist. Tho constitutional amendments aro for tho referendum, n now taxation schomo, homo rulo for cities, nnd pnrolo in criminal cases. Tho refer endum plan is practically tho snmo ns that followed In other states, ex cept that tho Maryland proposition Includes n prohibition against tho uso of tho rcforondum In any local option or Uconso legislation. It tho homo rulo nmondment carries tho legisla ture will bo relieved of a vast amount of purely local legislation, which Vould bo vested in tho city nnd coun ty councils; whllo tho taxation amendment provides for tho classifi cation of nil kinds of proporty for tho purposo of taxntlon. (Continued Tomorrow.) All Oer Oregojm it of ;i0 conts oaeh than soil 80 nrt' hundreds of men. The mill nt Elk clcs nt a gross profit of no conts each, ovon though you have to spend two dollars In ndvortlslng in ordor to sell tho CO articles. Nothing succeeds llko success. Poo- ple llko to trade with n firm thnt Is doing u good business. To stop ndvortlslng bocnuao of n dull season is to lose momontiun. Keep tho ball rolling whon yqu havo ntrrlod, by using n judicious amount o.' hdvortlalnjf motlvo forco. Tin largo department storos nnd V i Mi.tl ordor houses aro Binding Hlvor has boon running night and dny for two months and it Is predicted I: will contlnuo two shifts until wenthor conditions necessitate n shut down. Lumber shipments from tho 'mill havo boon steady ull Sununor, most of tho stock going to far Eastern points. 'Reports havo It that tho mill nt Pot lntah will ho oporntod night nnd day Tot' n 1 1 mo this season ,to catcli up with tho supply of logs, ns from 30 to (10 enrhmda of logo nro sent from hero dull) to thnt mill, EUOUNU Edwnrd Rnlloy, n fnrm- or, wna nuoweu iuo uamaguii ngnliiBt tho Oregon Electrlo Railway in a suit which was brought to recov er fqr tho loss or sheop killed on tho road, ROSUIIURG Tho Douglas County Flro Patrol Association In n report shows thnt tho members who own tlmbor woro protected ngnlnst riro nt a cost or ono cent nn aero. SALEM Tho Commercial Club passed a resolution to tho effect thnt any act on tho part ot Portland lum bermen ,to got a preferential rato ov er WUhunetto Valloy points would bo looked upon aa a dollboratcly un friendly act. EUGENE Tho total jiBsesscd val uation ot nil proporty In Lnno coun ty according to tho nssessor is ?3G,- 3C;!,C10. FLORENCE Tho city council will hold a meeting Monday, Nov. S, to consider tho preparation ot tho ci ty budget tor tho next year. MEDFORD Governor WUhy coinbo expressed hiniscir as greatly pleased with what ho snw or tho Pn ciric highway when ho mndo n trip to tho Stnto lino with a party or Med ford m on. EUGENE Dalo Guffoy, found guilty of polygamy, was sentenced by Judgo Sklpworth to servo n term of from ono to four years In tho peni tentiary. PORTLAND Tho Colnmbln river terminal rates was a subject discus sed nt n meeting ot tho Chamber ot 'Commorco whon Joseph N. Teal wns one or tho principal speakers. EUGENE Tho railroad makes It popslblo tor rishermon on tho lower Sluslnw river to sond their cntch to Eugene on tho snmo day tho fish nro takqn out of tho wntor nnd rrom Eu gcuo tho fish nro shipped to ull parts or tho Pacific coast. M'MINNVILLE Tho Pomonn Grango ror Yfimhlll county has gono on record aa opposing military train ing in tho schools on the grounds that it would detract rrom otheij studies. PORTLAND Judgo Lovott, chair man of tho board or directors or tho O. W. R. and N. railroad haa author ized tho relaying of 100 miles ot main lino track with 00 pound stqol. RAKER A wall pouch was stolon trom tho United States mall wagon by a robbor who attacked tho wagon but was later reepvored. PORTLAND Tho Oregon Poultry and Pot Stock Association's sovonth annual exhibit will bo hold in Port ,lnnd Decembor 0 to II. DALLAS Tho annual tenchors' tnatltuto closed after having hnd nn nttqndnnco of 1G0 tenchors from dif ferent parts of tho county. ONTARIO A carload or swcot clo-. vor seed was shipped tP n Chicago firm and brought in tho neighbor hood of $r.,ooo. INDEPENDENCE Tho city coun cil at a special meeting decided to lo vy a city tax ot twenty mills noxt year to pay tho city's expenses. PORTLAND Tho Orogon Society of tho Sons ot tho Amorlcnn Revolu tion presented ring to tho United Slates district court. EUGENE Jick Tyson, an India, tea plnntor and tlo brother of three; Lano county men, was killed whllo with tho nrltlah army in Belgium ac-i cording to lottors received in Eugene. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY On Porpclosjuo Notlco is horoby given, That by virtue ot an execution duly issued out of tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, Tor tho County of Coos nnd to mo directed on tho nth dny of Octobor, I'.Ufi, upon a Judgment nnd deereo duly rendered, entered of record nnd docketed In nnd by said Court on tho 7th dny of Septem ber. 191G, in n certnin suit then in sn.1d Court pending, wherolu Homo Alortgngo Co., n corporation was plaintiff and Cusck J. Mnhonoy wns defendant in favor of plaintiff and ngnlnst said defendant, by which execution I nm commanded to .sell tho property in said execution nnd herelnnfter described to pay tho sum duo the plaintiff of seven hun- Government expert, enciheers of Packard and iFord companies, arid other authori ties, declare oil from asphalt-base crude has greatest efficiency. And it was ort efficiency that Zerolene, the oil made from California asphalt-base petroleum, was awarded highest competitive honors, San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. Standard Oil Company r (California) Marahflold ZEROLENE ike Standard Oil for tfofor Cars "The Shoe Tax" Father's income knows what it is aiid to mother" it is also n very real thing. It means the high cost oJL! keeping a growing boy or girl properly shod. When father and another figure oat all the now shoes they havo to buy they are apt to conclude shoes are made out of paper rather than leather. ,Carc in piu'clmsing will cut down this tax caro in choosing the right shoes and caro in buying at the most favorable time. And tho first step in tho right direction is a stiKjy of the advertising in THE TIMJ2S that gives the helpful information. North Pacific Steamship Co. S. S. SANTA CLARA sails von San Francisco Via Eureka WEDNESDAY, fi OVEMHKK 3, 7:.'0 A. M. VOll FURTHER INFORMATION SMITH THRMINAIj DOCIf. 1MIONK l!JO. A. It. NOTT, Agent. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef- flcient clerks being out of he high rent district -and ' keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi- t ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers In Good Groceries1 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 in OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND HAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. ,W. Ilcnnott, President. ; r J. U. FlnmiKAd, Vice-President. -"R. F. Wllllnnu, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. CAsbler. Be Ready for Opportunities m P M Tito Mimll snvlngs of n wngo. cumicr boinetlincs iiienn hwd work and self denial, nnd Aliould never hp emlnnKercd by taUne speculntlvo chances. Save, until an nppnttnnlty for safe invent incuts presents Itself, as, la time, ,lt surely Mill. It's easy to tlistliiKuMi between Investment and speculation. With a llttlo sum saved, opportunities will not bo wanting. First National Bank OF COOS BAY SAFETY DEPOSIT ROXES FOR RENT. dred ,nlnety-flvo and 70-100 dollars with Interest thereon at tho rato of eight por cent per annum from the 7th day of September 191G until ! sniithnnst pnui lOKOtnor disbursements mnoty-tnreo nnd no-100 dollars and costs nnd oxpensos of said execution. i win on Saturday, tho 27th dnv nt November, 1015, nt tho hour of 10 o clock a. m., of said day at tho front door of the County Court llousp In Coqulllo, Coos County, Oregon, soil at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash In hand on tho day ot salo, all tho right, title, Interest nnd estato which said de fendant Custck J. Mahoney and all persona claiming untfj3r"hlm subse quent to tho plalntirfs monengo Hen In, ot and to said real property. said mortgaged premises horelnbo foro mentioned aro described in said execution as follows, to-wlt: Tho j duuliiuumi Mii?ii-rnt r r tun nnvrrtnnsr together with tho costs and Quarter nf KorMnn Alrrlit nml ihn ot said suit taxed at , northonat mmrinK nt i nnwiMuADi Uunrtor ot section nine. Townshln twenty-threo, South of Rnngo 12, West of tho Wlllamotto Meridian In C003 County, Orogon, together with tlio tenqnients, lier.edlta.mpnta and appurtonances therouiito be longing or In any wlso appertaining, said salo being made subject to re demption in tho manner provided by law. Datod this 21st day or Octobor, 1915. ALFRED JOHNSON, Jr. Sheriff of Coos County. Oregon. First publication October 2C. Inst J. (M. Wrinhf "am RUILDINQ coxt1?H Estimates fomSSI "'"tUti..! 1" ,T ! Dr. H. M oiinu, E)o, Enr and p i DR. MATTIB I. nmJr I'lclannndSn j I 'linn a aaa - 1 H. G. Rlltlnn . -MuiahtR Room 304 fink nij. luuag Jtj.11 W. G. Chnnrilan - ' v 1 14 J LRooma 301 nnd an n.i.. . warsnnoia, Qr Wm. S. Turpen AitniiiTrffB "amvjl im MarBhflcld,.0retM I ?l TIMf.1 mnm WILLAMIJTIE PACIFI0 MO! .CtAIt Loavo Marsh field u;4G a.m. 7.4C a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. C:55 p.m. North cltr llm!U 7:30 p.m. ill l MarshfieldfCofA Auto Stage .Leave Owl Pharmacy Mnrshflcld ' A.M. '7:00 0:30 P.M. 1:00 ", 030 P;Mvl lt:M ivrArLSIIFIKLU-COQUILLS AC STACK TIME SCHEDUIJ Schedulo arrsBged W with boots to IlflnaoB, SU I aiyrtlo Poltit, WAgMr.W t0 Faro from MarilitWd to J 75 'cect. Slnglo & PrJffc Will furnish JtiUt .n extra trips day or b'w charter cars. City LlmlU North IK j irnTTJlTI0J( All nn w 3 31 ininirLira 1.7S ' Marahfleld-Nortk B4 " TJna Cars every tea eiouRlx onto Ti TZI 11 n. m.; to GORST & KING, Prf-- drTwooT" publication November 23, 1916. CAMPBELUSWS" North .Frpot ... . .ATflJ wr unWFY by onlerlag he Jjf Nut coal, per ton , - 1 ati . ,IiUmp coat, , Or half ton of H'L v mv i 4A tn Z4 aJI V,der woon, Jncnea ' Mlfa DUNGANnTA1lMR OPEN 10 S A teguiar v- tbarge phone