V? . n THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. r. . Hub Drv Ladies Modish Suits and Coats Fresh From the Style Marts Prom tliu Jatinly Hotting of (lio foliar, (( (ho graceful hang of (ho 1 In if, the.so Hulls mid CojiIh "shad ow" Daino 1''iisIiIoii'h newest whims. 'Ihey aro replicas of what I,s tho last moment voguo among (lio acknow ledged style-makers of (lio world, with an added tinge of originality (hat gives distinction. "1 fr A now shipment of Smart Walking Shirts $3.50 to $10.00 Goods Co. Doings of City Comei! ITD TRY WM. SHOOK TO TRESTLE EIGHTH COUNCIL ADOPTS PLAXH TO OUT IMSUH IIKKOItl-: PHOPLIC ".SMAItT WKAilt KOlt Corner llioailway and Contra 1 Ave. WOMKN" 1'liono :t(ii GETS ODD LETTER I'AUTV AT (iOTHKMIl'IKJ, NKHIL, WltlTKH Hay lio Nought Crawford I'olut. Lot Wants Only Kiirouraging Sown Concerning 1 1 In Purchase Ono of tlio most unhiuo Ictturs that has boon received lioro In n long tlnio linn rocontly boon Bont to K, A. Htonocyphor of Unstsldo from n man who purchased n lot In Crawford . Point from tho agents who havo boon touring, tho country, Krom tho largo n 11 in bora of Inquiries concerning thin proposition Hint linvo boon rccolvcd on tho Itay, this Is probably the utrnngost or tlioin nil. Mr. Stoiiooyphor Iimh not answered It yut. JiiBt how ho can toll him uny encouraging nowa nliout IiIh purchnso tn Crawford Point la probably inoro thtmjio cnti flguro out. As thoro aro no b'ulldlngH thoro and no residents ncarur than CooBton, which Is qulto u instance oven from tho edges of tho Crawford Point tract, It Is not bollovcd that L. K. Moyor could do very woll with u hotel thoro. Ho signs hliitHclf L. ):. Moyor of CJothon- burK. Nobr,, and If It was not for tho pathullo side or his letter na revealed In reading between tho Ilium, tho epistle might bo conaldered hutuor oiih. Ha writes: "I, hnvliiB botiKht a lot in Crawford Point, am huxIoiih to henr all tho good qualities about tho placo and country around, but do not toll any bad thliiKH. Does It over Brow vory cold thoro In winter? And Is thoro ua much dual thoro an In Northorn QroKon? ir n person In qulto handy, ran ho mnko a IIvIur thoro uhould ho not bo In vory good circumstances? Is rent vory hlBh" or can ono find places Hint uilKht bo rented qulto cheap. Now pIoiibo do not write any thing that mlKht toud to discourage. Vhut would a rooming Iioiibo do In Crawford Point?" 1 MATKItlAL l)KLIVi:il!:i) AT UMP QUA IIIMOHi: HAD WKATIIHlt Knglneer It. Kntitnliio 8nyn Work In llclg II iiii-IcmI Ah Kant Ah Possible ' Property OuIiioim May Protest Trcs t'o, Favoring n Kill (low Why Must Cut Off A Corner DoHpllo tho Intlmntlon that there will bo strong protests from property owners, tho council Inst ovcnlng ndoptcd tho pinna and specifications of City KiiBlncor A. It. aldloy for tho trcstlliiR or lSlghth street between Oroenwood and Kir Avenues. "Hotter get tho Ibsiio bororo tho peoplo nnywriy," declared Harry Kim ball and his opinion was followed. It Is now up to tlio proporty owners bordering tho Improvement to conic before tho Council with any com plaints they innv havo. Will Pivitiwl ''-nulllm ..... . I, W it wnn shown Hint Jons Hansen, who owns about 100 rcot nlong tho street, wishes n pcrmauont Improve incut there In the shape or a rill and bclloves that tho temporary trestllng Is a wasto or monoy. Tho cost or tho Improvement Is t ciitlnmtcd by ;tho city engineer a ?!)!(! and Is for a dlstanco or 322 foot. In Need of Hewer Carl Hvcrtson said that tho peoplo on Klfth street between Highland and Commercial avenues need a now bow cr and It was shown that tho plans nnd specifications ror this work havo ulrcndy been adoptod but thcro was doubt expressed that tho work enn bo done, this winter. Must Cut Comer Tho building owned by Gow Why ESTABLISH REGORD C1TV KATIIHKS SIHliT 'AND AD .TOUItN ALL IN TIIH llOfJIt Act Bewildered at Kuddencss of find ing af Pear to (2o Homo Itoutlite llusii'ess on Hoards Marshfleld city fathers last oven ing c8tabllBhcd a record. They mot WWTIi KLAVHKV HliAHLVCJ HU FOI1H PHDUKAL COUHT in omen Subpoenaed to Appear Portland on That Date Was Hound Ofcr On Tuesday morning lii Portland tho federal grand Jury will tako "P the enso or William Shook, of this ci ty, who Is now In Jail there, on tho chnrgo of whlto slavery. Subpoenas enmo todny for Mno Conklln, Hcsslo Iluoll and Goldlo Jackson to appear had tho minutes of two meetings read thoro on that date. Dotalls of tho railroad work be- twnnn Hin Hlnsliuv nnd Cnos Ilnv nro Biven .ns follows In tho Huroiio , " "l n,"B i',ro8 irom Broadway to Guard: In anticipation of tho dlfflcultlea or crossluB the Umpqun rlvor bar at this tlnio or tho year, tho Willamette Pa I-ront streets between Commercial and Anderson nvonucs Is placed on tho lot n trlflo cornorwlso, n fact that allows ono corner to butt Into ciflc railroad company Is cxortlim irt whore it s now boliiB Im ovory offort to rush supplies to tho t'mpqua rlvor brldgo, according to a Htntomont mndo today by W. H. Kon- tnlue, usBlBtant engineer of (ho Southern Pacific company In this ci ty "Already wo havo uhlpped all tho rulls necessary for track laying,'' said Mr. Kantalno, "nnd hut a short stretch of grade, less than twenty miles, remains now without rails. "Unless wo had nil or this heavy matorliil .delivered now while tho good weather lusts," continued 3Ir. Kontnlno, "it would bo Impossible ror us to comploto this work this win provod near tlio old Altinnco waro liouso. This cornor will havo to bo cut off so that tho concroto sidewalk thoro may bo put in, said Mr. aldloy. Gow Why was given permission to put in n largo plato glass window nt tho rear or his building nnd also to cut tho structure squnro with tho street. Plans and specifications and n special ordluanco ror this work must bo mndo out and ndoptcd. Old Argument "And by tho way," Intorruptod Mayor V. K. Allen, "When nro wo go ing to rcdock North Kront street-" tin n 1 ... tor. Wut wo havo taken advantiiBo ,,u BU'" "or8i "" K Has of tho condltloiiB as they now nro and Kuarunieeci 10 coiuriinilo ?100 to linvo delivered our Inst load or rails. I Thoso rails wore shipped to Portland, thenco by steninor to Coos Day. "Three pllo drlvera nro now work- HLKS 1.NCI2 Don't rorBot Wodnosdny ovenlug'a dnuco, Illll, and bo right thoro with wire, mother, sister and Kwoet-hoart. This dance Is tor Klka only and let's mnko It n joyous ono. Mako your engagements now ror Wednesday evening. There's ft big surprlso wait ing ror you. Conio on, 1)1111 Uy order of voinniltteo, KUANK V. CA'rnjitLlN, Chnirmnu. Properly!! Fitted blasses Do inoro than liiiprovo vis Jon, They conserve nervous nieiKy, (lieicliy promoting liliy.sk'iil liealtli ami iiicreas !ng ofricloncy In all vocations railing for close work with tho eyes. Optometrists Make it M'lcutiflc oMiiulua Hon of the eyes, essential In prescribing; and supplying (lie exact kind of glasses needed, Choose carefully a KIWIS TKUIOD OrrOMOTIMST fr thU Important work. lug on this uncompleted atretch of twenty miles of road, hetweou tho two rail head spuna, Ono pllo driv er la stntlonod nt north rail hoad and Is working In a southerly direction. 'Another pllo drivor is working at tho south end of tho rail head working north. Tho third ono is stationed hildway and Is working south,. "As noon ua tho pllo drivor located midway roaches tho Umpqun rlvor it will he taken across tho Umpqun rlv or to tunnel No. 7, working from that point back north to Umpqun river. Track laying of courso being kept up wllh tho pllo driver crews. "Dallastlng Bangs outplayed by the company are bnlastlng tho newly laid tinck south ot tho Sluslaw draw brldgo to Lake Tnhkonlteh, Ilallnst- lug will probably bo completed in about thirty to forty days. This bal lasting Is being placed In about six to eight-Inch layers and Is toehnlcnl 1 called the flint raise, lly placing tills Initial layer of ballast, wo aro I able to run our work trains over tho I new grndo. I "Ballast is now bolngjiauled a dls ! tauco of about eighty miles from the Natron pits to points that aro doing ballasted and all work' Is progress i lifg with all possible haste." ward tho undertaking providing tho planking la laid lengthwiso with tho road, that is with tho plunks ond to end. And thoroupon was started again tho old dl8ciis8lon that always ends whoro In tho same way us tho argu ment about "How long 1b n string?" "I'd llko to seo how thoy riguro it It Just ns Bood," declared tho city en gineer, lint it was shown that tho tlnio required ror notices is not yot up and nothing can bo done until then und furthor discussion wns put off until later. Tlio next mooting of tho council will bo on Tuesday evening, Nov. a, j eecnuBO mo sth is tho duto of tho primaries. nnd hnd adjourned, all In tho course of ono hour, n hitherto unprecedent ed procedure. And In fact tlioy HioinsolvcH admitted Hint tho ending coming as it did left them somewhat bewildered and wont to wulk nbout the Btreots until a "reasonable" hour before they could go home. lllils for Coal Wanted To supply tho flro station with coal ror tho next 12 months bids arc to be called tor from tho local coal deal ers, It was decided. Records phow that Inst year approximately 10 tona of coal woro necessary nnd this was bought nt tho rato of fivo dollars a ton. Auk for Oil Prices Inasmuch ns bids on conl woro naked for Cnrl Kvcrtson contended, nnd without opposition, that tho oil nnd Basollno supply for tho flro truck should also bo handled by bids, Ac soon ns tho present contract of tho flro and water roinmlttco Is up with tho Standard Oil company this will bo dono. Pay Itoiuls Interest Interest amounting to $1,350 Is duo December 1 In Chicago on the funding bonds. City Recorder Hut lor was authorized to draw n warrant for this sum nnd Bond tho amount forward. CJIvo a License Hon VIloy, ontitlod to mnslor plu mber's papors, undertaking a plumb. ing Job In connection with tho Sum ner llardwaro company, was granted n license that will run until Jnnunry 1, and $10 of tho $12 llccnso for the entire year will bo refunded to him. HegaliiN Proci ty A resolution was passed allowing Krnnk Thomas, In behnir or" tho Dnvls heirs, to regain possession or throo pnrcols or Innd in tho Now Bedford addition which was bought in by tho city months ago for Improvements. I'Tach plcqo ,of land was bid in ror $!)'I9. I1. Tio amount hns boon pnld by Thomas nnd tho resolution wns lor tho purposo or putting tho mutter on record. CoiHTcto Sidewalks Concroto sidewalks on tho north sldo or Control avenuo between Kront nnd Irrondwny will bo laid nt a cost or 37 1-2 cents per front foot. In two weeks tho council will sit as n board of cqulllzutlon regarding tho Improvement. It wns the early part or tho sum mer Hint Shook is nllcgcd to havo started in u sort or Joy ride down tho const with his wiro and two girls. On tho witness stand in tho Justlco court Mno Conklln declnrcd Hint bIio 'hnd put up tho $7f to get tho auto on credit. Moth Mao Conklln nnd Dcsslo Iluell admitted on tho stand that Shook had tnkon much or tholr cnrnlngs and revised to glvo them up Inter. Tlio parly wont down as far ns Kuroka and thoro tho glrlB wired ror monoy to como back to Marsh field on and on returning linvo gavo tlio ovidenco that cnuscd Shook to be bound over to tho fodornl court. Ho was put under J2.000 bonds which ho was unublo to raise and so went 'to Jail. BO! IS I RUNIA EXPECT WORD DKNTKNTION IIOMH IN ALAMKDA NOW HIOKK HIM PA HUNTS Said to Live On Cooh imy Nanio Is llcardsloy or'lteaslcy MajH IiOttcr Police aro today looking Tor n nmn named II. Ed Hoardsloy or Ileasley, said to havo moved lioro sonio tlnio Ago with his faintly from Spring field, Oregon, that ho may bo given information regarding a 1,7 year old sun who has boon picked up In Ala meda, California, by tho Juvenile court authorities. No ehnrgo Is ngnliiBt tho boy, tlio only purposo of taking him up bolng to restoro lilin to his paronts. Stopped Ah Kti"in.iy According to tho letter to Chlof. Cartor fropi C. A. Wood, iiBslstnut probation officor, tho boy was brought to tho detention homo as a runaway. Ho told them there Hint he hnd often been picked up by the police nt Kugono nnd In Portland nnd that his parcntH had boon living In Springfield nnd only recently mov ed to Coos Day. - Not Known Hero Tho directories could glvo no lufor niutloii regarding tlio family and no thing Bcomu to bo known of them hero but Chief Carter says ho would upproclato any word as to their whcroaboutB that the boy tuny bo re stored to thorn. IS HU it NICW Itl.'umft. "' .IT 'M"".V "Wll IWh. , ,",1,i'i"'"ibw; " wait Chester b u summer . a' Mans ., , mm Tlmos want nds bring results. LKTTMUS AHOCT TPItKKV DAY l-'OOTIIALL OAMK CO.MINfJ Local Klovcii CoiitlnueH Pinctlces Korincr (irldlron Stars Heady to Aid Couching for Dig Hattlo Word is expected, via tomorrow's mall, regarding tho offers of tho Marshfleld high school mndo to var ious teams of tho state for a foot ball game hero on Turkey Day. Confi dence is freely oxprcsscd that tho contest may bo nrrnnged. Should tho (Into bo taken by an outsldo oluvon sovornl former root bull stars stand rondy to offer their services to Conch Hoynl Nllcs to aid lilin in getting tho local team ready for battle W. S. Chundlor, former ond with tho University of Oregon, would bo willing to nld; so would Uobort Kellogg, of tho buiuo Institu tion, and Gordon nasnnisacn, of O. A. C. Intorcst Is centered now on the pos sibility or getting tho gnmo.-And, should nil offers fall, It 1b said that other teams will bo asked. Thcro Is the high school cloven nt Corvnllls, another at Albany and at Mcdford, nil o' which havo beaten other tennis this year with good sized scores. Mcnuwhllo tho Marshflold team continues its prnctlco, having still thrco or four games on Us county schedule ADYKHTI.HKD LHTTHItH tnMuimiHvcr.nmlthe,;' GHinner resort nkcr, k" ers Intend to usn iifc.w Illnccs nr linlM ,atP U Is exneetn.i ti.it .. . " " erected thin,, tofurnlsUaplaroofamuieM OtllOI. nllrnHI . . U mum ar0 jq jei Mr, Mans lino f.iun.i mr mo erection cfiu Hols an expert baker ui pai m a nice estatlliw rii.,11. ii i.i-.i- . . . i..u ieminurs. 110 WH Ing nt oiico so as to hate trU 111 ironi! rllllnlni. .. mor rosort season own. n limes or Ihoycnr there are cu, llors nt Winchester. Hmd wa ial,i .... . '"Ml ! tl TAKi; A VACATI0X List or ndvortlscd letters roiualu lug in tho Mnrshtlold, Oregon, Post ofHco for tho week ondlng Novem ber 2, HMG. Persons calling for the Hiinio will please say advertised and pay ono cent for each letter called for. Chlldors, Dr. Chambers, Dennis, Colander, Chns. Dodd, Miss Cecilia. t Hdmonds, II. C. . ' Gllflllan, Herbert.- ' Hobbs, Mrs. .1. A. . ' Hotter, Mathlns. Kucflol, Mrs. L. J. Kurtz, Clnronco. Lancaster, Miss Laura. Sergeant, Mrs. Mnry K Turly, P. M. HUGH M'LAIN, P. Jfs Hnro your LKTTKIt honds, bill heads, etc., printed at THE XJMKS office. Couple (Joes Auny ror!1rITb Jinny Yean Mr. und Mrs. Alfred Tittrtti reside above Allegany, rectatja for San Francisco to tee tfci oA 4lim t..l It .... 1 nun unit ii tii yuu tnjoji ueijii to tho big fair this coap! u5l Their friends say thatthlilitii'j time oithcr 1ms made a trips) J extent outsldo tlio county tortU J twenty years. Mr. Tyburg and ilfe tl it ranch whero they cccU a dairy. Tlio place li which was developed by l!rt,Tjll boforo bIio was married, ltd tall. nnd her luislmnd aro good pit farmers mid both can dodrai Mr. Tyburg Is ono of theoMti loggers of tlio county and for ik tlnio ho and Clmrlcs Kelson HtH I a plnco until Mr. Tyburg WW nbout twclvo years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Tyburg that thoy wanted to ice Ibe old to tuko a vacation to theyituml tho exposition and left their farj chnrgo of n nclRhbor. Times Wr.nt Ads for rosulU. OFF TO PENDLETON MRS EAN E D Till: ItHV. (i. LUUOY HALL TL'lt.NS TO OLD IIO.MIi ItK- Will Aid for Two or Throo Wcekn In ' Couiliiclloii of Itovlvnl Services I In Kastern Oregon i Twolvo years ngo when ho first I eamo to Oregon tho Jtov. G. Lo Hoy i Hull settled , in Pendloton. Krom ' thoro now comes a call for him to j hurry over and assist for two or throo weoks in revival sorvlces to bo' held there next week. Ho Is going i und ho says Its Boinothlng llko go-! 'lug homo to meet his old friends there again, Tho sorvlces aro to be conducted by tho Dr. T. W. CnlriiB. of Soattlo. I.DY WKLL KNOWN IIKHK HAH ' and Mr. Hull will ussist him. Ho In- NATIONAL BISCUIT DAY PASSKD AWAY Hrokeii Loiisos while you wait. UupllcattMl Optical Dept. HMD CI tOSS Dltl'fi STOHK Was .Mullier or Mrs. John Proctor 1111(4 Kdiiiiuid, (liarles anil Juntos Keu"o Krlends hero havo received nows of tho doath or Mrs. Mary Keuno who Is well known on Coos Hay and whoso boiiB rorniorly llvod lioro. Mrs. Keuno died a week ago luBt Monday ii tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. John Proctor. In San Krauclsco, Ho Bldes Mrs. Proctor, Mtb. Kcnuo is sur vived by another diuightor, Hota Keauo. and threo sons, James, Char les and Kdmund Keuno, nil well known hero. Mrs. Konno spout ono winter in North Horn! nnd had many frlonds here. She had beeu ill about two years uud the announcement of her death was not unexpected. Times want adn bring results. tends to leave for eastern Oregon on Saturday. KIHST OATTLI2 SHIPPICI) Taken Over Xowl Hoad from Ton .Milo Lakes to Sluslaw Tho Sluslaw Pilot says: Tho first car load of cattlo to bo shipped from Ton Milo lnko was loud, ed at Shustors station. v Tho cattlo wero ownod by K, H. M(llor, who nccompnnlod thorn to Portland. Ho contemplates making several more car lqad shipments. L. O. O. M. NOTICH. Look who's here! Sully with a lunch! Ho'll have pionty, never f,oar Kor tho whole, big bunch, "Howdy, Pap," Don't miss it Tuesdny night, at the usual place, ny order of COMMITTEE. Hven Oregon .Mist could not dampen tho crl spues of Nat ional Itlsciilts or tho ontliii slnsiii of Good Housekeeping Week today. Tomorrow- Is our official Grand Opening and Souvenir Day Kvery visitor will lie pre wilted with n Alight token or appreciation of their Interest In helping to inako Good Housekeeping Week a splendid success. Tomorrow, Wediiosday, Mr. linker will servo piping hot GOLDKX G.YTH COKKKIJ to nil visitors. Wednesday will bo tho for mal opening of our now storo. While wo havo heon doing bus Iness at tho now .stand for some time, wo havo Just completed iirranglng our moid and will bo glad to Imvo our reloads and patrons seo it. In addition, wo will luivo n display nnd doiuonst ration of Preferred Stock nnd tho Itoil Itihiw... n.. THUHSD.VY will ho devoted to meat products, Including- those of the Union Meat Company, Swift Packing Company and Ar mour .V- Company. KHIDAV will bo devoted to Hunt's Canned Kriilt.s, Vegetables etc S.V1THD.YY will bo miscellaneous day, durliiB which displays' and demonstrations of Campbell's Soups, Dutch Cleanser, Soaps etc,, will bo given. ' Evybywilll MbeWelcome OHivant &'Nasburg The Good-Housekeeping Store Second Hud Commercial. Marshfleld The Season for Wet Weather Goods Is Here Wa n in ni-oiinnsl .nv It. Aro von? Wo carry one e"lie ""'I conipleto linos of staiidard blends of oil clothing und rubber twj to bo found on Coos Hay. You may choose from tlio fouowH well-known brands nt this storo: Tower's Fish Brand Oil Clothing. The kind that has been tested by yours of aor vico. Hoys' Long Coats 9'J.i Moil's Jnckets St. ."( Men's Throc-quiirtor Coats $-.5(1 Moii'b Long Coats !?.) Famous Gold Medal Oil Clot h ing This Is a superior qual ity for thoso who want tho vory best that money ran buy. Men's Jnckets 9:.7fi Men's Threo-fpiartor Conta ij51.RO Men's Long Coats Men's Pants '"" Ferguson's All0! Brand Oil Clotlm Kvery garment la tw well-known mako k gunrnntccd. M on's Jnckets Men's Three-iiuartcrColiJ Men's Long Coats Jj Men's Pants t 3 . .. nil Illll .1 .Men's and Jiojs w - Sawyer's Crack- Men's Tiirct-i1.m..v. - . Bunker Hill Department b AV. It. UiiKlingcr & Co., Prop. 1 Store hone j s AVE MONEY on your Wo nro showing a Furniture flno Hno of Bed Room Furniture . '.has fW direct from tho n"uI,T;UrfltS Tiint conies to us direct irom mo ....--- . bel tho jobber'H profit. Wo glvo our ciisto inm- . vt saving. AVo have a nice display of Drossi priced as follows: $7,50, $8.50, $10, $1 i 2.50. $1 1 3.50, $14 $16.50, $17.50, $20, - until Don't buy anything la liouso f r"VDTVo" fieo our Hue, for you know " i' Goinff & Harvey COMI'I.KTK HOUSK FIRN"S1I1!"S Co.