r,. THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. FIVE t r r SI VOL' CAN ALWAYS DO RETTER FOR LESS AT 1 Fair tnfqlVlN l,KI,H UAa 1 T l,w HU,''SKI) COME AND .'iMVIIAT ARE OFFERING FOR WEDNESDAY, THURS. f " " ... ...illlAl'. IpAY A" " ' XOVEMI1ER TIRES . - .- .,.. ntrrmi ;c to Jc VB,UU Urn ,Vo0l battings for comforters; lirec Mioiiml rolls, clean unci h,o. Were 2.10. M on n y in 0a sale at JU 1,1 janes' Kinbroliiorou riun- Indctto iieuicoiuo, uAuuiiuiii. Oa talc at Men's $1.25 Wool Shirts mid Drnwprs, tnn color, excellent Vuluo, woll made. On nr snlo at, per garment ...QjC 10 dozen Children's black hose, nil sizes, doublo leg, donblo lieola nntl toes, 15c vnl lies. On sulo nt, pair .... JQ $1.25 and $1.50 Ladies' night gowns, iimdo of cnmbrlc, naln soolc mid long cloth, beauti fully trlniinod. nn 0" snlo at UoC Time and heights of tides Mnrsllflold. Tlin tltlnR nrn nlrtnn.1 In I order of occurrence, with their times ion tho first lino and heights on tho! second line of each day. A compar ison oi consecuuvo heights will In- f dtcato whether It Is hlnh op low I water. High tldo on tho bar one hour and 64 minutes earlier than at Marshfleld. SUNRISE A XI) SUNSET Tuesday November 2 Sun rises, at 0:5;t and sets at 4:50. X ' BORN 5 ntiniKLMAN To Mr. and Mrs. J. lllolman at their homo In Bay committee appointed at a meetixg this afternoon Will Consider Some I'lmt of Action to Start. Project Tor Military Const Jtoiul Tho committee appointed to adopt some plan of action to start tho project of a military const road, tho Parle, Monday, November 1, 1015, 1 members of which wore appointed a boy. Doth tho mother and lit- j recently nt a banquet nt North llend, DU1i uiu uuuiB vuij Nun, u is , iioia a meeting in .Mnrshilolu this reported. Mercerized Crochet Cottons; similar to I). M. C. All sizes; ( Lll colons. u special nt per imu he 1 dll Chandler Hotel Satisfaction nlwny h or your money back Heating Stoves I togs jaf J if ro luplmrcd for full und Iff with tho best lines made. M waters and tho coal op wood Ifrt Willi diiplc.v grates. pl from $1.7.-1 to $22.00 tason-Gulovsen Co.- Qiwlltr Homo Furnisher Unh Front Street. Mnrshfiohl NOW is the time to put money m circulation. :-: :-: TI10 be.sl plnco to start. Is nt Tho Fl.vup, where you win net that "Million Dollar Look" at from $16 to $40 Ho miro and buy your next .Milt hero and do It XOW o o ca o . o o o o o THE FIXUP lHrs..2.5t D.30 .1.39 8.5S I Ft. . . 0.S 4.0 2.2 3.0 2iHrs. . 3.17 10.14 4.40 7.09 Ft...0.9 4.4 1.8 4.0 311rs.. 4.3G 10.53 5.34 11.11 Ft... 1.0 4.8 1.2 4.2 lHrs. . 5.22 11.30 0.22 0.0 (Ft 1.1 5.1 0.5 0.0 5jHrs. . 0.08 0.00 12.08 7.07 lt... 4.3 1.2 5.5 0.0 CI Irs. . 0.59 0.49 12.45 7.52 Ft. . . 4.3 1.3 5.8 -0.C ?Hrs.. 1.51 7.34 1.25 8.3S Ft...4.5 1.5 0.1 -0.8 SiHrs. . 2.42 8.19 1.07 9.25 I Ft... 4.4 1.0 0.2 -0.9 9llrs. . 3.34 9.00 2.52 10.15 Ft... 4.4 1.8 0.2 -1.0 10llrs. . 4.2S 9.59 3.41 11.09 Ft...'l.3 1.9 5.S -0.8 llHrs..5.2C 11.00 4.35 0,0 Ft. . . 1.2 2.0 5.0 0.0 1 2 1 1 1 rs . . 0.05 (1.29 12.10 5.39 Ft...-0.5 4.2 2.1 5.0 13 Mrs. . 1.03 7.35 1.28 0.54 Ft... -0.2 4.2 2.0 4.5 14 lira. . 2.04 8.35 2.49 8.15 Ft. . . 0.2 4.4 1.8 4.2 15 Hrs. . 3.05 U.29 4.02 9.34 Ft... 0.5 4.5 1,4 4.1 I nftcrnoou. Fredorlck llolllstor Is chairman of tho committee. This was tho first meeting and tho members will talk KYLE To Mr. atid Mrse H. M. Kyle at their homo on So. Eighth Bircot, bununy, October 31, a boy. over somo plan of campaign. Tho mother, son and father nro all getting nlong nicely. Mr. Kylo Is 0110 of tho Janitors at the high school building. To llavo Sale. 'Plans nro being mm uy mo i.nuics am 01 1110 worth llend Presbyterian Church for a runi- mngo sale to bo hold in the near future. W. A. HKII) SAYS lll! WOULD AC- L IJl'l' ll.ll.MU.NY XOMIXATIOX HI TO WIJAIHKlt FOHHOA8T Ills li'ot SIIiiihmI Too. C. V, Scar- burg was put in tho Hotel do Cnrtorf this morning beforo noon on n chargo of Imbibing too freely. Tho ninn had only $2 to apply on a $5 fine. Call Kvcrtwn Hnyn Ho Will Xot Hun fop Maycp Hut Will Accept. He election ti Council Aid Society Meeting. Tho La dles Aid Society of tho Swedish Luth eran Church will moot tomorrow af ternoon nt tho church hull. Mrs. Joscphson wlll'cntortnln. Called to Portland Night Po liceman Olllo Smith) of North llend, left for Portland, having boon call ed thcro on account of tho serious Illness of his father. Iljr AiiocUleJ Prcn la Cooi n7 TlrnM.) ORKOON Occaslonnl rain with uolithurly wlndB. IOCAIj TKMPKHATUrtn HKCOltn For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. 111.. November 2, by HenJ. Oatllnjl, special gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum GC Minimum 51 At 4:43 a. in . . .54 Precipitation 32 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1915 3.91 Precipitation nmo porlod last year 10.90 Wind southwest, cloudy. To llavo StK-lnl. Tlio Young Peo plo's Society of tho First llnptlst Church aro planning a social to bo held Frldny evening at 'tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Hood on Birch nventto. v Auto Dealer Here. A. C. Stevens I of Portland, northwest representative I ot tho Wluton nutos, Is spending a 1 fmv ilnvu mi Hln Tlnv .lalM.wv l.lu nl.l aw 11 '...j o v. ...u UUj f.u... .III. UIU frlond, Kyimcth Hnusor, and doing n llttlo boosting in this section for his cnr. It el loves DlNtilct Attorney. Attor ney Oenoral IlrOwn Iioh rendered a decision to tho offect that it is no longor tho duty of District Attor neys to forccloso tax liens, savo when thoy aro hold by tho conn-1 tics. An act was passed at tho last I W. A. Held who has been talked ot as a candidate for mayor said today that ho would bo willing to accept 11 "Harmony nomination" for tho of fice. Ho said that ho wuh not an nuplrnnt for tho office but that If tho people thought that ho should accept tho office and If his candi dacy would ollmlnnto n bitter cam paign, ho would nccept tho nomina tion. ,f3jHs Carl Uvortscn stilted positively to day that ho would not bo a candldato for mnyor undor any circumstances. ' 'However, he said that ho had decld-l cd after cmiRldiirlnir llin rnimnRlu 11 f 1 'friends to bo n candidate for reolec-' tlon to tho council. So far, no other candidates havo 1 been brought forth for tho various places to be filled. Tho primary oloctlou will bo hold next Monday. November 8. Have you seen tho .T. C. Penney Company values In HlankctA, Hatit CoatM, Itiililicts, Hoots etc.? Wo savo you 25 pep cent on every article you purchase of us. How do wo do It? lly buying for the H!l busy stores nil together, getting rock-hot font prices for spot Cash nud ."selling fop cash. When you spend youp money With us you aro not pitying somo 0110 elso's bill that they havo beaten. Hl.TTI.U THINK THIS OVKIt. Wool blankets In plaids mid plain colors, full size, worth at tho least ono-thlrd moro $.'1.00, $1,211 T. C. Penney flno Wool Ulankots In all tho latest plaids and plain. $1.00 values. Our prlco $2.t)K Wool nap Blankets, $2.50 and $3.00 values. Our prlco $I.H, $l.ot Cotton Blankets at a third loss1 $1.10, OKe, ODe, llc Ladles Hain Coats ... .$0.1)0, $0.00, $I.OH, $it.l)H, $i!.t)K, $1.00 Children and Misses' Hain Coats $2.0H and $I.OK Children's Hnln Capes, Just the thing ...$2.DH, $1.70 Men's Hnln Coats ' $12.50, $0.00, $I.OK, $2.08 Fish Brand Slickers $2.-10, $2.2!l Long Wool Mncklnaw; Just tho thing; made or tho finest wool; red plaid, Norfolk, $8.50 valno. Our prlco $0.00 Hip Jtubbor Hoots, first quality, $0.00 valuu. Our prlco. .. .$1.10 Short Rubber Boots, first quality $2.0H, $2.70, $2.10 Boys' Rubber Boots, first quality, at a big saving $1.08 Wo Lead Others Follow. I 11 111 11 ill Tr ZS1 Tho Originators of Low Prices PRICE BULLETIN: Where tho Prlco Is Always Right Mnifdifleh! : : : : : : North Rend , nanv havo boon filed with tho corpo oble Theatep 1 Loglslaturo ropcallng a law Impos conipnny DlsMilvod. Papors dls- ng such n duty on them, ho said, solving tho Coqulllo-CooB Coal Com- Hldos Somo DlNtmice. By' tho old of a cyclomotor ono of tho locnl mes senger boys has boon able to deter mine that ho rides, on an average month, closo to 1,000 miles. Some- Iiiko Fish Case. Soniowhut bIhi llar to tho Joe Fish case, wherein tho Spoknuo authorities turned tho man looso whllo al deputy sheriff from hero wns on his way lliore, Is tho enso of .1. Austin Hoopor who bus - Just been freod by Oovornor Mcdovoru of Wisconsin. Tho mnn Is n "lifer" at Folsom prison und es caped. Ho mndo sovoral robberies In Orogon nud escaped tho sheriff In Giants Pass ono -night nud now hits mado his way buck oast and after being picked up was turned looso ncitln. Tho Oregon authorities nro highly Indignant over tho proceedings. Liberty Oak Flakes (largo stzo) 25c Buttor, (Norwny) 2-lb sq. OHc Pcnuut Butter, per lb ... !2io Applo Butter (bulk) II 15c Snuor Kraut, quart too Chow Chow, por ptnt.,.,l5e Lnrd, No. 10 pall ..$1.05 Coffee, good grado, lb., 25c Spuds (local) excellent qunllty, per 100 lbs... $1 50 Honey (locnl) squnro 20c Wo also cary Flolschmann'H Yeast. Try this and you will uso no other, two cakes for 5c L Soda Crackers I2)c And with every $1 ptirchuso during the next three iIiijh, wo nro going to give away free, ono gootI-nl.cd Hallowe'en Piiiupklu. Como In nud get ono of these pumpkins free. Gettings Cash Grocery you moEney NO. BROADWAY, NMAR CKNTRAIj ration commlsslonor at Salom. TO-NIGHT The Home of Paramount Features" HIICIII n.w I.NPORT, in song mid orlfUiml compositions, featiu- ,aS Hie llluo Dog," and "Tho Com Curo Rags." by tho com r"ft An act that Is clean und n: to tho Xoblo standard. llinPPI.A VK 'fii ItlUDY, Rroadway'H brightest llttlo star, in tho Knlckep- 7Mr "wituie, "The Cup of Chance." Thrvo reels of pictures "HI sathfy. L"'110 Fables In Slung, "TH K HO.MM TRHATMIJ.NT AXD i oihi-, ( ill.; m 7iWiiJW n,i( ilirriti-ont. livarv nun ' a real fcntiii-i. i.. i..l P'MlLST.SHI.Ki XHWS I'lCPOIf I M 'Pin. umlil In motion MCUU as lllia- w.,.11.. 1 Ill-,, .. J f? Il4.rril. IIOJIIH) Hilly ,J,.0VIVS c,)m,,y.- KXTRA IMtOCltAr. UPSTAIRS OR DOWN, 15" cents CHILDREN, 5c TWO SUPERIOR PRODUCTS KPSOM SALTS, SQIHRII. Hcpurlficd and not to bo confused with ordinary mar ket variety. Acts in Ji to I Iioup if taken before hivakfnst. 15c, tho can. CASTOR OIL, SQUIRR Of much less dlsagrecablo tasto nud odop than ordinary oil. Kasily taken by children. Both aro obta'lnablo at "THE OWL" Tho Squibb Store. Phono 71. Remember, too, wo de liver projnptly. t PERSONAL MENTION F. HAUSHR and wlfo nro hero today times ho goes over this, sometimes rr"i "olr homo nt Bridge. a llttlo undor, nil nccordlng to the ! ,J- T COFFKLT, of Coos River, was weather. This distance would in four or flvo mouths tako him across , tho continent to Now York, or half nray arouuu mo earth wunin too 12 iponths. DKN OSTLINl) left this morning far Hnndon, there to look after tho progress of tho building ho is put ting up thcro. OKOHCIK A. DiiAKH, prominent fanner of Catching Inlet, trans acted business hero yesterday and today, MRS. KHATING who has beou visit ing Mrs. L. J. Simpson for sovor al months left this afternoon on tho Adeline Smith for Sail Francis co. PAUL If. SOULH wont on tho morn ing train to Valley points calling on tho trade this morning. This Is tho 10th your that Mr. Soulo has been making tills territory und bo says ho fools bettor than over. 1 Hon McMiilicu III. Ben McMullon, of Myrtlo Point, head of tho cruising departmont of tho C. A. Smith Com pany, last ovonlng suffered an at tack of heart nud stomaclft trouble. Whllo chuttlng with Dr. Dlx, Frank Lalso and somo other frionlls ho sud denly collapsed but soon recuperated, lie Is ablo to bo up and around to- 1 day and blames the trouble to somo salmon ho nto yestorday. m m I , ,, , , ARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY ve pay Return Chorges Prompt and Efficient Service C00S BAY STEAM LAUNDRY ' UU"UHUM'S GARAGE HOUR run m.. 'Wblluo 4X1) DODGI3 JtT 801'1'LlHs wnit t.t. wt 4X14U KES OP CARS r Antral Bv pi. -:. i SARTER'S ICE For Your- r1 four Hb .''" printed at SOUTH COOS. HI Will BOAT SrJRVICH LAUNCH KXPRKSS leaves Marshfleld every day 8 a. hi. Loaves head of rlvor at 3:15 p. m. STEAMER RAIXROW loaves head of river dally nt 7 . in. Leaves Marshfleld at 2 p. ui. For charter apply on hoard. ItOdEHS & SMITH Proprietors c. EVERYTHING BAXITAHY ALWAYS OPEX FOR INSPECTION j Wo niako Ico Cream to order, any kind and In nuy quan tity, for parties, lodges, pic nics, etc. :: :: :: :: :: Wo do not Hpeak of Its (j U A L I 'f Y , Thai speaks for itself SALTER'S J . Plione, 2:L.T, MarsllflvJd Front St Opiulto Blanco Hotel Start Campaign Tomorrow. Bon Fisher, president of tho Followshlp Club, has announced Hint tho mem bership campaign will bo launched in tho morning. There wllf bo flvo teams In tho fiold and tho contest between thorn for tho largest jium bor of members will bo waged un til December 1 when tho winning tenm will bo banqueted by -tho los ers. Tho club now has 107 old mombors nud an effort will bo mado to iucrnaso tho number to 200 strong. . A. LILJEQV1ST Is oxjectod homo tonight from Coqulllo whore ho has been- on legal business slnco In tho city today on business. ALVIN ORAMRY, of Cbos Rlvor, transacted business hero today. J. E. NOAH, of Coos Rlvor, was down this morning for a short vis it. A E. KRUSi;, of Bniidon, Is up for a few (jays looking after somo busi ness bora. JOHN HOLM ICS, u Coos Rlvor farm er, wns down on tho Mllllcoma this morning.' MR. BARRETT of North Bond left on tho Adeline Smith today for Ban Frnnclseo. E. C. DAK Kit was down from Coos Rlvor this morning looking lifter business matters, HARRY BULTMAN wus u pnssongor on tho morning train to tho Vnl loy to meet tho trado. E W. SCIKFFELE, of Haynoa Inlot, was In t)io city today mooting with friends and trnnsuotlug business. WARD M. I1LA1CE nud wlfo and son nro expected homo ovorlntid to night from Sim Francisco wliera thoy havo boon visiting slilco'Mrs. Blake's return from Minneapolis. MRS. HENRY 8ENC1STACKI3N and daughters, Misses Doris and Hon ovlevo, loft on tho Adollno Smith today for San Francisco und San Dlogo whoro thoy will spond several months. TAKE CARE OF TEETH YOUR ''ln the protection of your own best Interests you are cautioned not to buy elsewhere without first looking Sunnyvale over SEE rEID AROPT IT" L ots ?70 to $115 -?.r per month Hard surfaco street direct to door - if Rexall Tooth Paste To vthitcn your teeth nud fciveelen .your iiioiith, THE BUSY CORNER Tho Hoxull Drug Stoi-o PHONE 208 Wo Deliver Use s Laxacold to break a cold, grippe or headache; cleanses the sys tem and removes the cause Price 2 S cts For sale only at tho PEVSLAR AND XYAL STORE FOR Ql'ALITY GOODS SOCIAL CALENDAR TUESDAY O. W. 11. M. with Mrs. R. A, Copplo. WEDNESDAY I). M. C. Club with Mrs. Win. Vauglinu in North Bond. Nnrelssus Club with Miss Hilda West In Hnstsldo. PriselllaH with Mrs. L. E. Roborson in liny Park, Prosbytcrlun Auxiliary with Mrs. Henry O'Miira. THURSDAY North Rend Episcopal Lu ll lea' Guild with Mrs. I. B. Bartlo. Konslngtou Club with Mrs. O. L. Dludlngcr. Christian Sisterhood all day session nt church hall. Mrs. Charles Dungau on tertalns A. N. W. Club at homo of Mrs.' Francea Huz nrd. FRIDAY Dahlia Club with Mrs. Olonfau. Baptist Young Peoplo's So clul at home of Mr. and Mrs.' D. L. Rood. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. A. L. ilousewortb. SATURDAY Mlnno-WlB Club with Mrs. Mnry E. Thompson on Soulli FJfth street. X NFW TODAY FOR SALE OR LEASE On account of lcnvlng Coos Bay must sell or lease my 80-ncro ranch on Will nuch Slough. L. J. Justcn, St. Lnwrciiro Hotol, Mnrsllflold. PLEASE kuvo your Standard Bis cuit Co. end seals for crippled boy who wishes to buy cart to rldo in. Carl Hanson, box f30, Mnrsllflold. FOR RENT Modern l-r t bun- gnlow, fully furnished. Soo L. W. JncobB, 1-18 Control, or Tol ophouo 247-H. HAIR WORK SwItchCH, puffn, cilrl. Also hair supplied. No imitation, Phono ML. Mrs. L. Bryon. ' FOR RENT FOR RENT KiirnlNlicil n-rooin house, near high school. Apply U'JO South Hovonth street. FOR RENT Xeat fupnlNhcd house keeping rooms. Low rent, G95 No, . 1st. St. Ph. 239-J. HUXdALOW 1'OR RENT Xow nud clean. South Ele.vonth street. F, E. Allen. Fish Market 119 FRONT STREET. ALL KINDS OF DEEP SEA FISH WREN IN THE MAR KET. FRESH OYSTERS. CRABS. CLAMS AND ui in..., W. L, lono lii IIUKI1, Prop, FOR RUNT Two new modern five- rbom cottages, plastered und with nil modern conveniences, located on Twelfth streot. Ront fH and ?Ki per mouth. Apply doing & HarVoy Furnituro Storo. "I! a, a nl u a. a a, a' FOR RENT New and modem 12 room houso, with basement and all modem conveniences, Includ ing two bath rooms, two toilets, laundry tubs In basomont, arrang ed for two families. West Hunker Hill. Rent roasonablo. Apply I Robort Mnrsdon, Sr., tolophone 1 3125. t FOR SALE t FOR SALE RY OWNER 200 acres stock niul dairy farm 2 miles from Oravel Ford, Oregon, 115.000.00 E. O. Carter. Myrtlo Point, Orogon. FOR SALE Thoroughbred IrMi Terrier bear dog. City Cleaners. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AH OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND HAGGAGK - Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 103 Residence Phone 18-T Mark" Wt?rfrot