A PESSIMIST IS A MAN WHO IS SEASICK DURING THE WHOLE VOYAGE OE LIFE Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tiio Cw Ry Tlmos iroad ot lta ut, "nm people' l'"!"31'" nd M ,trl U Urae to Uto up lo ,tJ n,no bjr dsrot,n lu cergle to promoting tlio people' Inter-.. A Southwest Oregon Paper Tluit'a what tho Ooos liny Times la. A Ekmtfc. west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people and devoted to tbo best Intercity ot thin great ccUoh , Tho Time lwya boosts Bevar knock!, Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 Ah TIio Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, 'TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mid Coon Itny Advertiser. No. 86 Lives Lost on Str. Santa Clara (Hues lag Stttws MKMRHIl OP TII15 ASSOCIATHI) PKKB9 Second Extra!! r.flPT i mm me missing UJll li ILU I U I LU IB1IIUIIU IIMUUIIIU Two Women and Several Children Among Anions: Victims. One of Last Boats Leav ing Vessel Lost With Crew. Entire Cargo Insured.4 Nine bodies recovered, two persons ashore in an insensible condition, be tween 20 and 30 ashore and many miss ing was the first definite news received from the Santa Clara wreck. ItOAT TURNS. TURTLi: A lalo report myu Unit onu or tho flint boata leaving tlio ntrnndod vva id turiieil turtle. Ab tlif u bout wan loaded with women and children It le feared tlio death toll wiib heavy. ( Tun Jameu, whoJuHt u'rrlvotl nt thu South Slough bridge guvu thla Information, AmoiiK those IohI were two women r.nd auvoral children. Ono of tho lust boatu leaving the Santa Clara with iiiunilioru of crow was swamiic'l and broken vup"nnd mrtHt or those aboard lost. Mr, Jameu Hald that tlio womon who left the Santa Clara In tho flrat toMj wero landed safely, but jjomu or tho women would not ontor and llieic were the oiiuh who woro lout. Mr James said that tho Santa Cl'urn would bo n total wreck. Captain hoisted and tho first muto aro ntuong tho missing. Tlio Beeond mato and Homo of tho' crow woro landed nafely. Mr, James said that no endeavor would bo mado to brliiB the Biirvlv cri to Marslifleld tonight, aa they wore drenched and cold and It would on dancer them. Owlns to tho fos nnd Intouao dnrknosa provalllm;, It waa difficult for ttoso nshore to do anything. r n.trtle, of North nend, was tho only phyBlclan thero and was on dvorliu; t,, reauscltnto two who wore washed ashore unconscious. Mrs, Taylor, who conduefs a roatnurant near tho South Slough brldgo, hlfh v.as h. lug mado a depot for tho roller work, said that tho Santa Clara rlfrhted hersoir nrtor Htrlklng, Lut was waterlogged. KNTIItK CARGO IXSUHUR ' A I' Nott, local ugont or tho company, said that t company had Men out a Umikot Inuuranco policy on tho entire cargo, so that every ihlpprr woi,j b0 lirotoctQd ngalnst loss. Horton, or tho Allen & Lewis Company, said that ho had about JJO.Ooo worth or uooda aboard tho Santa Clara, but that It was all Insured SIJ.M) FOIt PHYSICIAN'S More pMMclana woro sent for and will reaoh tho scono soon. Dr. 15. "Kus ,m among tho flrat to respond. Tom J m.ea Bald that the road w'aa In awful condition between Marsh Hell and ,s0(1th miot. rhpoht.mokk missixg. A !ator roport fr0,h,Mrs Taylor'B stated that a party just rqaohluK lhereaaUl tlmt there worn fliutwoon twelve and fifteen '0(,Iua ovoroil v,ienlielrft x' KHPORT FOR TV A HOARD. llwai reported that there woro foity passongers aboard tho Santa Clar Hl U ro-ild not bo confined. Aont Notts said that ho had not been 'Ihu iut ho had wired Portland for a cotnploto passenger list. CONRARS .MAY 1U5 AHOAHR Ms feared that Mr. tind Mrs. W. J. Conrad and her sister, slstor. Jll"KruB(. wer0 among thoso aboard tho Santa Clara. M Ballard, of Marabfleld, was reported to bo among thoso rcscuol. yiw AlltQ Church, who realdes at the T. M. Collver home on Catch- Unlet, waB rcnortn.i nmnnir Minsn rescued. VILLA MAKING FIERCE ATTACK 'I Prieta After Storming Agua Four Times During Night Retires Early Today Starved and Famished Army Re-opens Bombardment of City With Big Guns TEN AMERICANS ARE HURT (Ynci'al Kiiustnii Arrives nt Doug Ins to Pft'Miiiully Coiiimuntl on American Sltlu llellof Is Vlllu .Mum. Tnko City. .Sonn or Ijo.o AM Kit I CAN KOUCICS .MAV TAKH ACTION (11 AMOrUlnl Trna In cum r,tj Tlmni,) DOtTOI.AS, Ariz., Nox. 2. Tho American troom that had moved back from the bor der, were ordered jto pack their baggago in, n ' wagon train and each Instructed to tnko Individual rolls, Indi cating that it Ih tho purposo to take drastic action In tho ovent or rurthor rirlng upon Amorlcan territory. Illf AuocUtM l'rr lo Com liar Tlinr., I)OU(llAS, Arl Nov. a. Villa's attack or last night on Agua l'rlota was resumed again at noon with a sharp machlno gun nttack. Tho Vil la gunners swept the center of tho town from tholr posltlona on tho oast. Sergeant Mays was shot In tho hand and 1'rlvuto Mitchell In tho leg on tho American side during this at tnck. Warning Sent Two warnings woro sont to Callea by tho Amorlcan army officers nUor the two soldiers wcro shot at noon, Tho machlno gun attack finally ceased nnd was followed by desulto ry nrtlllcry exchango which practical ly stopped at 1 o'clock. Protect Spectator fionoral Davis sent tho Amorlcan troops back from tho boundary GOO yards to keop spectators out or tho 7.0110 or riro In tho expectation of a main attack this afternoon. Woman and Children Die Major Ryan rucolvod a roport that 3G womon and children wore killed In Agua Prlota and 3G womon and Qhlldron wounded. iiattm: last nioht Teiiiblo Attack Continued I'ntll Day light This .Mm-niiiK Illf Awoelitb! IVeu to Coo Bar Tlmn. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Nov. 2. -After four dosperato attacks on Agua Prlota, which kept tho Carranza de bases blazing practically nil night with riashlng guim and bursting shells, Villa drow off shortly after daylight today. ( (lonoral Calloa reported tho Villa forces In retreat, but at 7:30 o'clock his big guns ro-oponed tho bom bardment. Five IVimiiis Hurt Eight porsons on tho American side ot tho boundary wero wounded as a result or tho fighting yestorday and last night. (Jouoral Kunston arrived this morning to assumo command of tho Amorlcan Torcos horo. Vllla'B men have been without water for 21 hours and without food ror throo days. .Much Damage Done. His heavy guns In last night'B battlo did much damage Ono big Hro was started In Agua Prlota and a nuinbor or guns wero dismounted, but tho barbed wire entanglements woro llttlo damaged and Calles ex pressed the utmost contjdence in his ability to beat back fuithor attacks. Must AVln Soon. Unless Villa succeeds In entering the town within 24 hours, his forces must, It if believed, either retreat or ctat'j tho American boundary and 1CH DAMAGE DOIE t AMERICAN AUTO t I RECORD BEATEN TODAY t it Mr AuotUtnl PrrM to coo. nr Time.. NEW YORK, Nov, 2, t Dario Resta won tho 100 t mile auto race for thei t Harknoss gold challenge t cup at buecpsnead bay today, Tho averaged time was 105,39 miles an hour, This beats tho American record, t t TUN AMIIltlCANS VOUNI)i:i IN KlflllT Tho Americans wounded on account or tho Mexican battlo woro: . Louis If.' Taylor, Btruck In Bplno, paralyzed. Corporal Joncs,nhot through both thighs. Private Whlddon, hit In tho neck. II. K. Jones, wounded In Bhoulder. Mexican boy, nhot In stom ach. Private Harry Jones, stomach wound, probably ratal. Private Tank, wounded In leg. Mexican woman, lost rin ger. Sergeant May, nhot through linud. Private Mitchell, shot la i.. A. Hitrronder, nB It Is known that In ad dition to the lack or water and food his supply of ammunition is nouo too largo. IjOhMw Jtoporteil Tho lossea or tho Carranza gar rison aro reported by (lonoral Cal lea as IG killed and 7G wounded, his casualties wore 2G0. Villa dead and wounded In largo numbers strewed tho desert around tho barbed wire barricades ot tho Moxlcan town. NoIm In TorrlfJc At 3:00 a. m., Villa launched tho fiercest attack and tho comblnod flro or rifles, machine guns and cannon probably surpassed In vio lence tho din or any provloim Mex ican battlo noar tho borclor American army oMcerB declared tho iioiso tho worst they had ever heard. Douglas tromblcd under tho vibrations or tho continuous crushes and concussions, Kalu or IliillctH , Iluilotfl from tho Mexican nldo rained upon tho Amorlcan town to nni..t n mllf. nr moro troni tho bor-J dor. Scores or womon und chll - ii woodIiik. cowered behind brick or adobo walls. Twonty-threo hundred rorugoos wero concentrated at a camp In tho suburbs or Douglas. HKSPK.CT AMIJKICANK llotli KIllON Try lo Iveep on Their Own Blilo (llr Auoclatoi !' lo Ohm liar Tlmn.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 2. American officers who watched tho fighting at Agua Prlota last night bollovo Villa would havo taken tho town, but for tho ralluro or his guns to destroy thu searchlights. Colonel Slocum reported that It waa ovldont both aldou woro en deavoring to respect American ter ritory. BRITISHJLDSE BOUT WAK VKSSUIj ItKPOUTKD SUNK AT IHItAIrAU Statement Made by (ho Adiuiralty SnN That It Wan Duo to n CoHUlou fDr AnotltleJ rr to Cooa Par Tlmea.) LONDON. Nov. 2 Tho British 4V ' ' - A.imimitv thin nftnrnoon announced that tho Hrltlsh torpedo boat No.'jorlty, today's olectlon Is regarded 00 waa sunk (tt Gibraltar yesterday after bolnc In a collision. ELECTIONS iii m mm Ohio is Only State Where Gen eral Prohibition Law is Be ing Voted On SOI CLOSE RAGES Many States Arc Selecting Of ficers or Deciding Other Questions Put to Vote WOMEN OUT IN NEW YORK ,ulv Tlioiixnnd of 'Tlient Act, as Watch orn at tho PoIIn Much Interest In Taken In tlio Woman HuN frago Proportion There tlf Ai.iKl.t.l I'ru to Com Day Ttnif. WASHINGTON, 1). C; Nov. 2. Tho chlor Interest In tho electloim being hold In ton states today ap peared to center In tho propositions tor granting suffrage to womon In Now York, PcniiBylvanla nnd MaH achusctts. Tho voters or Massachusetts, Mary laud and Kentucky arn, also ballot ing ror Governor and othor stato orricerH. Stato-wldo prohibition Is tho feat ure or the Ohio election. Other Btato or local Issuca aro ho roro tlio peoplo or Now Jersey, MIb Blaslppl, Mlphlgau and Virginia. KIIIHT III5TUKNH IN Ouo DMi'lct. In MiiKHiieliiiseltH In Against Woman Suffrage (llr Auoclatwl I'rrM lo Con nr Tlmei.J DOSTON, Nov. 2. Returns from Aoushnot, first received from today'B election In Massachusetts, gave ror Governor, McCall, Republican, 110; Walsh, domocrat, 18. Tho voto ror tho surfrngo amendment stood for, 41; against, 109. PHOHIIUTION UP Ohio People voto on Htntc-w.ldo Liq uor Question Today jnr AmocUIo-I rnn lo Cooa Bar Tlmw.1 COI.UMHUS, Ohio, Nov. 2, Clti zoiib voted on Btato-wido prohibition today. Thero aro ninny municipal elections. Stato-wldo prohibition or tho liq uor truffle Is an Issuo again this year, as It was last year In the form or a proposed constitutional amendment, which would forbid the salo or manufneturo ror sale or any alrohnllo beverages. The "weta" havo countored this proposal with potltlotiB undor tho In- ' Itlatlvo nnd reroreudUin law by which tho fjoonlo will uIho votu on .another provision which would pro vent tho Bubmlsslon or any consti tutional amendment moro than twice in six years. In Only Ktato. Ohio Is tho only stato in tho Union which will voto tHia rail upon tho liquor Issue. In addition to tho broader question or prohibition tho so-called qulro llconso decentraliza tion law, passed by tho recent Legis lature, will bo subjected to referen dum. Tho Issuo coucorna largely tho inothod or llconao commission ers. AIm Under I'lro. Tho Spraguo Congressional redls triotlng bill, passed by tho recent Legislature, will ulso bo undor Hro by rerorondum, which waa petitioned by tho Democratic Btute organiza tion. Tho redisricting law an drawn would, It Is declared, rosult In nor mal years In tho oleotlou or sixteen Republican Congressmen and possi bly nix Democratic Congressmen. Tho Democrats claim that tho law whloh thoy passed when In power divided tho district ovonly as botwoon tho two parties. All cltloH in Ohio will solcct May ors and other municipal oMcors, but no stato oHlcora aro to bo chosen thla rail. aliTdii.mochatic JACKSON. Miss , Nov. 2 - -Ho- i taiiBo of tho large Democratic ma merely aa a rattrication 01 wis joiu ocratic nominees ior amiu ouco. EXTRA! SANTA CLARA ON ROCKS WITH ADELINE SMITH REPORT THAT SANTA CLARA IS FAST ON ROCKS The Santa Clara's wireless .apparatus went out of commis sion about 5 o'clock, indicating that she had struck the rooks and was taking water and her engine room was flooded. The last wireless message from the Adeline Smith said the Santa Clara was hopelessly on the rocks. The life-saving crew and the gasoline schooner May were making for the scene at the last report. POSITION OF PASSENGER SHIP IS VERY ' DANGEROUS WITH ROUGH SEAS THREATENING The Santa Clara, bound from Portland to Coos Bay, ran In on the South Spit, near Mussel Reef, about 4:30 this after noon. - i The bar was very rough at the time and what swung her out of the course could not be determined by Captain Dunson from the lighthouse. About 5 o'clock Captain Dunson said that Capt. Lofstcd was making a turn and if the seas subsided a few moments might be able to make his way out to safety. Apparently the pumps were being worked, indicating that the Santa Clara had been damaged. The Adeline Smith, which was about to put out, was laying iust inside the bay, Captain Olson preparing to render every assistance possible. By making the turn, Capt. Lofstcd might be able lo avail, himself of the inside channel, Captain Dunson said. . MANY Alt I- HIIVIVIID Mr. I'Moyd. driver on the Ocean llouclt Auto lino, roportod from South Inlet nt eight twenty that six aro dea d, tour had boon resuscitated nnd four wero unconscious at the Mussel Reef Cabin. Ho said that tho members of tho crow saved estimated about twenty the woro missing. ' About tweuty-rivo aro bolng cm rod for at thu Muasol licet cabin. Thu Santa Clara, us near as could be Judged, was in on tho South Spit JiiBt about directly oppoalte where, tlio Claromont struck on tho sunken Jotty and waa wrookud a row monthango. S. O. S. cnllu woro Hout out by Cup t Lomotil as Boon aa tho Santa Clara uonrod tho dangor lino. Owing to tho Adeline Smith bQlug heavily loadod with lumber, It will be difficult for Capt. Olson to render tho nsulataucu that ho might other wise havo glvon tho Santa Clara. The bar dredgo Mlohlu left Kinplro at tun nilnutou to five and will pos sibly be able to work In close enough to got a lino to tho Santa Clara. Tho Santa Clara la not far distant from whoro tho Marconi, tho Strap sou Liimbor Company'ii schooner wo nt ashore a fow yearn ago and was 1 ost after Capt. Olson, of thu Adeline- Smith, had removed moat' ot the crow by moans or a brooches buoy. JO FIGHT SIGNS I'OH AN , UVHNT FIRST WI5HIC IN MARCH Will Go Twenty Rounds Willi Any Opponent tho ProinotcrN May Decide Upon Ur Aaaoclalo4 Prvaa lo Cooa car Tluoa.) N15W ORL15ANS, Nov. 2. Jess Willard announced today that ho ' had signed a contract with local pro i motors to light u 20-rouud bout tho I first week in March against any ou j poiient Kielected by tho promotoifl. lAILLAKD SOUTH SPIT ALL HOPE GONE HIJVHNTIWN MUX BADLY UUIMP AT DUPjOXT WORKS (Ur AJaotlatfrt I'reaa to Va Bar tl-l WILMINGTON, Del., Wov. 2, Sovontcon men woto badly Injured today by tho heavy explosion of a largo quantity of powdor at the Du pont Powdor Works at Carney Point. Now Jorsoy, A carload of whlto cannon pow der exploded. Tlio Injuries reultM tfrom tho vivid flaaU of lr whlcli enveloped tho atlro premlnw, TioM Wfu't Ad briar mvilU. POWDER EXPLODES