ny,.mi Imm mwm-mt a mzmo w&wf 4& X. fix THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. 1 8f i Hub Drv ml Ladies Modish Suits and Coats Fresh From the Style Marts From (ho Jaunty setting of (ho collar, to the graceful hung of (ho flare, theso Suit iiihI Coat "shad ow" Damo Fashion's newest whims. They a ro replicas of what In (ho last montcnt voguo among (ho acknow ledged Hlyle-niakerH of (ho world, Willi an added Hugo of originality (hat 'glvo.s distinction. A now shipment of Smart Walking Skirts $3.50 to $10.00 Goods Co. j! Doings of City Council 'TO THY M. SHOOK "SMART WHAR FOR Corner Itroaihvay and Contral Avo. WOMKN" Phono Hill TO TRESTLE EIGHTHi ESTABLISH RECORD CO UNCI Li ADOPTS PLANS TO OUT JSSCH HF.FOH1-: PKOPLU a US E MATKHIAL- RFJdVICHK!) AT UMP ' QUA HICFOHK ll.l WKATIIKR GETS ODD LETTER PARTY AT UOTIIKNIIUKH, XKHH., WRITKS Says Ho Nought Crawford Point Lot Wants Only F.iicoumglng Nown Concerning Ills Purchase Ono of tho most unique lcttoro thtit lias boon recolvod hero In a long tlmo nan rocontly been sent to 15. A. Stonecyphcr of Kastsldo from n man who imrclitiHcil n lot In Crawford Point from tho agents who htivo' boon touring tho country. From tho largo ntimborfl of Inquiries concerning this pro)OHltloi that hnvo hueu rocolvcd on tho Day, HiIh In probably tho strangest of thorn till. ' Mr. Htouecyimor has not answered jtllln0( aH8Htnt engineer of tho It yot. JiiBt how ho etin toll him tiny a011ti.nrn iiu.m ..mmuinv In this el- uncyuraKiiiK iiuwh nnout iiih purcnuso Kngliioor V. It. Fo"tnlno Hayw Work In llel"K Hurried As Fast Ah Possible Details of tho rallrontl work bo tween tho Sluslaw and Coon-Hay aro i;lvon tiH follows In tho I5ugonu Guard: In anticipation of tho difficulties of croBflliiK the Umpqua river hnr at thlB tlmo of tho year, tho Willamette Pa cific railroad company Ib exerting ovory effort to rush buppHch to tho Vmpqun river bridge, according to a j statement niado today hy W. It. Fon Pioperty Outliers May Protest Tics t'e, Fnvorjng u Fill Gow Why Must Cut Off A Corner Despite tho intimation that there will bo Btrong protestB from property owners, tho council last evening adopted the plans and specifications ol City Engineer A. li. Gld'ley for tho trestllng of Eighth streot between Greenwood and Fir Avenues. "Hotter got the Issue beforo tho pooplo anyway," declared Harry Kim ball and his opinion was .'followed. It Is now up to tho proporty owners bordering tho Improvement to come boforo tho Council with any com plnlnts they mav have. Will Protest Trestllng It was bIioVii that Jons Hansen, who owns about 100 feet along tho, street, wishes a permanent Improve ment there In tho shnpo of a fill and bcllovcs that tho temporary trestllng j Is a waste of money. Tho cost of tho improvement Is ctitimutcu by tho city engineer at ?91G nnd Is for a distance of 322 foot. In Need of Sower Carl EvertBon said that tho pooplo on Fifth streot between Hlghlnud.iiud Commercial avenues need a now sow er und It was shown that tho plaiiB and specifications for this work hnvo u I ready boon adopted but thoro was doubt expressed that tho work can bo dono this winter. I Must Cut Corner Tho building owned by Oow Why J tl-nt runs through from llroadway to I-ront streets botween Commercial und Anderson avenues Is placed on tho lot n trifle cornorwlso, a fact that ullows ono corner to butt Itvio Front street whoro It Is now being Im proved near tho old Alliance warehouse. This corner will have to bo cut off CITY FATHHItS M JOUItN ALL- IN HUT AND AH- the noun Act Hewlldcrcd at Suddenes.s of End lug adt Fear to (Jo Home JtotUIno HiihI'U'.hs on Hoards WHITE SLAVKRY 11 EA It I NO FOltE FEDEKAIj COUHT HE- Women SubjMieiiaed (o Appear lortland on That Date Was Hound Over In On Tuesday morning In Portland the federal grand Jury will take up tho case of William Shook, of this ci ty, who Is now in Jail thoro, on tlio chnrgo of white slavery, Subpoenas Marshfleld city fathers last ovon-jcnno to(,ny for jino conklin, Hosslo Ing established a record. They motjnuoll nnd Goldlo Jackson to appear had tho minutes of two mcotlngs read thoro on that date. BDY IS A RUNAWAY DKNTHNTION HOME IN AliAMEDA NOW SEEK HIS PA HUNTS Said to Jilvo On Coos Hay Nnino Is Hcardsloy or Hensley ' Says liCtter Police aro today looking for a man named II. Ed Heardsloy or Heasloy, said to hnvo moved hero boiiio tlmo ago with his fnmlly from Spring field, Oregon, that ho may bo given Information regarding n 17 year old IS POP Yl.MV t. " JHT AT viv nr'ULf;ft M...... Hall f,,,,,., .,1't 'lo llullt Winchester Ha. i. ... ti summer rPn, .. 'Mi feW dMVp nn , 'Ut'k Mans wh "u"n rom tk.. In Crawford Point Is probably more than ho can figure out. As thoro are no buildings thoro and no residents nearer than Cooston, which Is qulto a dlstnuco oven from tho edgca of tho Crawford Point troet, It Is not tiollovod that L. E. Moyor could do yery well with u hotel there. Ho sMkhs hliuuolf h. E. Moyor of Oothon- burg, Nobr., and if it was not for tho pathotlc sldo of his letter as rovenled ii reading between tho lines, tho (iplutlo might bo considered huinor fliiB, Ho wrltca: "I, having bought a lot In Crawford Point, am nnxloiiB to hear ull tho good qualities about tho place and country around, but do not toll any bad things, Dooa It over grow very cold there In winter? And Is thoro as much dust thoro as In Northern Orogon? Jf a person is qulto handy, can ho muko a living thoro should ho not bo In very good circumstances? la rent very high or can ono find places that might bo rented qulto cjioap. Now pleuso do not wrlto any thing that might tend to discourage. What would a rooming houso do In Cinwford Point?" ty '"Already wo hnvo shipped all the rails necessary for track luylng," sold Mr. Fontaine, "nnd hut a short stretch of grade, less than twenty miles, remains now without rails. "Unless wo had all of this heavy material doltvored now while tho good wouther lusts," contlnuod Mr. Fontaine, "It would bo Impossible for iib to comploto this work this win ter. Hut wo hnvo taken advancngo or tho conditions as they now nro nnd uo thut tho concroto sidewalk thoro may bo put In, snld Mr. Oldloy. Oow Why wtiB given permission to put In a largo plato glass window nt tho rear or his building und also to cut tho structure Bqunro with the streot. Plans and specifications nnd n special ordinance for this work must bo mado out and adopted. Old Argument "And by tho way," Interrupted Mayor F. E, Allen, "When nro wo go ing to rodeck North Front streot-" Ho said that Gorst and King has guaranteed to contribute J100 to- ElilCS HANOI- Don't forgot Wednesday ovoulng's dnnco, Hill, and bo right thoro with wife, mother, sister and sweet-heart. This dauco Is for Elks only and let's inako It a Joyous ono, Mnko your ongagoinontH now for Wednesdny evening. Thoro's a big surprise wait ing for you. Coino on, Hill! Uy ordor of committee-, FUANK V. CATTEHLIN, ii. vwiiiiriiiiiu. i theuco by steamer to Coos Hay. v "Three pllo drivers nro now work lug ou this uncompleted stretch of twenty miles of road, hotweon tho two rail head spans. Ono pllo driv er is stationed nt north rail bond and Is worUlng In n southerly direction, 'Another pllo driver is working at tho south end of tho mil hoad working north. Tho third ono Is stationed iuldwny and Is working south. "As Boon as tho pllo driver located midway reaches tho Umpqua river it will bo taken across tho Umpqua riv er to tunnel No, 7, working from that point back north to Umpqua river. bavo delivered our lust load of rails. I'wnrtl 1,10 undertaking providing tho Thoso rallB wore shipped to Portluml, 1 lnnklni? Is lnld longthwlso with tho roan, mat is with the planks end to ond. And thoroupon was atnrtod again tho old discussion that nlwnys ends whoro In tho samo way as tho argu ment about "How long Ib a string?" "I'd like to soo .how thoy figure It II Just as good," declared tho city on. ginoor. Hut it was shown that tho tlmo roqulrod for notices Is not yot up nnd nothing can bo dono until thou und further discussion was put i off until Inter. I Tho next mooting of tho council I will bo on Tuesduy ovoulng, Nov. 9. i becnuBO tho 8th Is tho dato of tho and had adjourned, all In tho course of ono hour, a hitherto unprecedent ed procedure. And In fact tlioy themselves admitted that tho ending coming as It did loft thorn somewhat bowildorod nnd wont to wnlk nboitt the strcots until n "reasonable" hour beforo thoy could go homo. JHds for Coal Wanted To supply tho flro station with coal for tho no;' 12 months bids aro to be called for from tho local coal deal ers, It was decided. Itccords bIiow that last' year approximately -10 tons of coal were necessary and this was bought nt tho rnto of five dollars n ton. I ' AMc for Oil Prices Inasmuch as bids ou coal were asked for Cnrl Evertseu contended, and without opposition, that tho oil and gasoline supply for tho flro truck should nlso bo handled by bids. Ac soon as tho present contract of tho firo nnd wntcr committee is up with tho Standard Oil company this will bo done. Pay llonds Interest Interest amounting to $1,:IC0 is duo December 1 in Chicago on the funding bonds. City Hccordor Hut tor wns authorized to draw a warrant for this Bum and send tho amount fcrwurd. fllvo a UeoiiM) Hen Wllloy, entitled to muster plu mber's pnpors, undertaking a plumb- lug Job In connection with tho Sum ner Hardware company, was granted a license that will run until January 1, nnd 10 of tho $12 license for tho entire. year will he refunded to him. Itcgalus ProK!i ty A resolution' was passed allowing Finnk Thomas, In holmlf of tho Davis heirs, to regain possession of throo parcels of laud in tho New Hodford addition which was bought In by tho city months ago for Improvements. Each plcco of land was bid in for $'1-10.-1 1. Tho amount hns been paid by Thomas nnd tho resolution wns for tho purposo of putting tho nmttor on record. Concrcto Sidewalks ' Concroto sidownlks on tho north sldo of Central nvonuo botween Front and Hrondway will bo laid nt u cost of 37 1-2 cents per front foot. In two wcokB the council will sit as a board of equlllzntlon regarding tho Improvement. It wus tho early part of tho aum- mcr that Shook Is alleged to havoj" darted in a sort of Joy ride down tho coast with his wlfo and two girls. On tho witness stand In tho JubIIco court Mne Conklin declared that slio 'had put up tho $75 to got tho auto on credit. Moth iMno Conklin and Dcsslo Huoll admitted on tho stand that Shook had taken much of their cnrnlngs and refused to glvo thorn up lator. Tho party wont down ns fur hb Eureka nnd thoro tho girls wired for money to como back to Marsh field on and on returning havo gavo tho ovidenco thut cnusod Shook to bo bound ovor to tho fodoral court. Ho waB put under $2,000 bonds which ho was unable to raise and so went 'to Jail. EXPECT WORD SDDW return inm luii,i laid B,r son who has boon picked tin In Ala-1 ,,n'- wl"-h Is at ih. . . . Unit.,...,, .i... . . . " """UH ...I f1 llfnun l.i 1..a .1... 1f r. mill . I. . . lyiiuiui ma, uy inu JUVOIIllO '"6 IOIIWj resort places Already about one huniffl; lots llnl-ll l.nm. i, ""um: v "urn ana tk4,,., ors Intend to 118e hI f '"J" or build unMt0M'a It Is cxnoctp.i it,.) . "l tlrowlll boqulteaij '"'ice ball was crtM ,,T to furnish a place of at "1 I'rmitiil f- ii... .. ' " q ... . ,7 iII0 crectioaofn I IO l nil IKIinrt . Will put 111 a nlcn ....iL'1" fUmlsl, nlIMn, Z '"""! .... U1 inner joj tlio rcsorterg. Ho wnu..,j Ing nt onco bo as to hm eteTJ .uur ruson Beason opent At tllllPn Of llln l-nn. II,... . u "''" are tGUT rl nxiri iii tvincacxicr, medn, court authorities. No charge Is against tho boy, the only purpose of taking blni up bolng to restore him to his nnrcnts. , Stopped Ah llutiawtiy According to tho letter to Chief Curler from C. A. Wood, assistant probation officer, tho boy waB brought to tho detention homo as a runaway. Ho told them thoro that ho had ofton been picked up by tho police nt Eugono nnd In Portland and that his parents had boon living In Sprlngfiold and only recently mov ed to Coos Hay. j Not Knowik Hero i Tho directories could glvo no In for j uiatlou regarding tho family and no thing Boeuifl to ho known of them j here but Chief Carter Buys ho would i appreciate any word uh to their J wheroaboutH that tho hoy may bu re stored to thorn. ADVEItTISEI) I , ETTE US IjETTEHS AUOUT TUHKEV DAY I'OOTHAIdi OAME CO.MINO ' . List of advortlsed letters remain- Local Eleven Continues Practices '' nrshflold, Oregon, Post- Tlmos want nds Imng remilta. I'onnei- (Jrldiron Stars Heady to Aid Coaching for Dig Hattlo Word Is expected, via tomorrow's mnll, regarding tho of fern of tho Marshfleld high school made to var ious tennis of tho stato for a foot ball game hero on Turkey Day. Confi dence Is freely expressed that thu contest may ho urrnngod. Should tho dato bo taken hy an outsldo eleven several former foot ball stars stand ready to offer their services to Coach itoyal Nlles to aid lit in lu getting tho local team ready for hattlo. W. S. Chandler, former ond with tho University of Oregon, would bo willing to aid; so would Hobcrt Kollogg, of tho samo institu tion, nnd Cordon Husmusaen, of O. A. C. Interest Is contoredliow on tho pos sibility of gottlng tho gnnin. And, should nil offers fall, It is said that other teams will bo asked. Thoro Is tho high school cloven at Corvallls, another at Albany and at Modford, all o which havo boaton other teams this year with good sized scores. Moanwhllo tho Marshflold team continues Kb practleo, having still throo or four games on Its county schedule office for tho week ending Novem her 2, 11MB. Persons calling for tho same will please Hay advortlsed und pay ono cent for ench letter called for. Chllders, Dr. Chambers, Dennis. Colander, Chas. Dodd, Miss Cecilia, Edmonds, II. C. nilflllan, Herbert. Iloblm, Mrs. .1. A. lloffor, Mnthlas. Knesel, Mrs. h. J. Kurtz, Clarence. Lancaster, Miss Laura. . Sergennt, Sirs, Mary E. Turly, P. M. IIUOII M'LAIN, P. M. TInTo your WJITUII hoods, hill heads, etc., prlutod at THE TIMES office. , 'MKU A VAWTIOS Couple (iocs Away for m 11 .Many Ymm Mi ninl lit... m . reside abovo Allegany. rtthi, for 8au Francisco to ice tbi eil Hon and If anyone enjon tttitr to the big fair this couple thai Their frlentlB say tliatthlsbtlitl tlmo either ling made a trip old extent outaldo tlio county for t!iji twenty years. Mr. Tyburg and a ruiicli wlicro tbty tt!l a dairy. The phce Ii which wns developed ty Mriljis beforo elio was married, in J toll J nnd her husband are good (a fitrmcrs mid both can do fans i Mr. Tyburg Is ono ol the o!Jt loggers of the county and tori tlmo ho and Charles XcUoalMl a plaro until Mr. T;bursini- nbout twclvo years ago. Mr. and Mrs, Tyburg coulu that they wanted to see the fair w to tako a vacation so the; lUrttJi the exposition and left their IitjI charge of n neighbor. Times Wp.nt Ads for ronults. Track laying of course being kept up I .'"""l-s. with tho pllo driver crews. "Hnllastlng gangs employed by tho company nro bnlastiug tho newly laid track south of tho Sluslaw draw bridge to Lake Tnhkcnltcli, HalloM lug will probably bo completed In nbout thirty to forty days. This bal lasting Is bolng placed In nbout six to eight-Inch layers and Is technical 1) called tho first ralso. Hy placing this initial layor of ballast, wo aro able to run our work trains ovor tho new grade, Properly Fitted Glasses Ho inoio than Improve vis ion. Thoy conserve nervous energy, thereby promoting physical health anil lurroa.s tug efficiency In all vocations calling for close work with (ho eyes. Optometrists Make it scientific examina tion of (ho eyes, essential in pi escribing and supplying (ho owiet kind of glasses uooded. Choose carefully a (E(ilS TEH 10 D OITO.METHIST for thU linpovtaiit work. I "llallast la now being hauled a dls ' , tnnco of about eighty mllo3 from tho Natron pits to points that nro bolng ballasted and all work is progress ing with nil posslblo haste." MRS E 0 OFF TO PENDLETON THE HEV. (1. l.EHOV IIAIJj TL'ltNS TO Old) HOME HE Will Aid for Two or Throo Weeks fit Conduction of Itevivul Services In Eastern Oregon I.ADV WEId KNOWN 1IEHE HAS PASSED AWAY lltokeu while you Lenses wait. duplicated Optical Dept. HE!) CHOSS DltUfl STOHE Was .Mother of Mr. John Proctor . mid Edmund, Charles and , Junivs Keaiio Krlends horo bavo received news of the death of Mrs. Slary Keano who la well known ou Coos Hay and whose ' sons formerly lived hero. Mrs. j Keano died a week ago last Monday nt tho homo of her daughter. Mrs. John Proctor lu Snn Kmnolseo, Ho sldoa Mrs. Proctor, Mra. Kenno Is sur vived by another daughter, Miss Hota . Kenno. und threo sons, James, Chur- I les ami Edmund Keano, all well known horo. Mrs. Keano spent ono winter In North Hond and had mnny frlonds horo, Sho hud been ill about two years and the announcement of hor death was not unexpected. Times waut ads bring results. Twelve years ago whon ho first fame to Orogon tho Rev. O. ho Roy Hull settled In Pendleton. From thoro now comes a call for him to hurry ovor ami assist for two or; throo weeks In revival services to bo; hold thoro next weok. Ho Is going i and ho says its something like go-: 'ing homo to meet his old friends thoro ngnln, Tho services nro to bo conducted by tho Dr. T. W. Culms, of Seattle, and Mr. Hall will assist him. He In tends to lonvo for eastern Oregon on Saturday. NATIONAL BISCUIT DAY FIRST CATTLE SHIPPED Taken Over Now Road front Ton Mllo Lakes to Sluslaw Tho Sluslaw Pilot says: The first car load of cattle ta be shipped from Teu Mllo lake was load, ed at Shusters station. Tho cuttlo wero owned by E. H. MHIor, who accompanied them to Portland. Uo contemplates making suvornl more car load shipments. L. O. O. M. NOTICE. Look who's horo! Sully with n lunch! llo'll havo plenty, never fear For tho whole, big bunch, "Howdy, Pap." Don t miss It Tuesday night, at the ftsual placo. Uy order gof COMMITTEE. Even Oregon Mist could not dampen tho crlspness of Nat ional Hisciilts or th enthu siasm of flood lIouNekeeplni; Week today. Tomorrow Is our official Grand Opening and Souvenir Day Every visitor will ho pie M'nted wllh a slight token of appreciation of their interest In helping (o make Good Housekeeping Week a splendid success. Tomorrow, Wednesday, Mr. linker will servo piping hot ('OLDEN HATE COFFEE (o idl visitors. Wednesday will bo tho for mal opening of our now storo. While wo havo heeh doing bus iness at tho now stand for some (line, wo havo Just completed arranging our storo and will ho glad to havo our friends and patrons soo it. I addition, wo will havo a display and demonstration of Piefomnl Stock and (ho Red Ribbon lino The Season for Wet Weather Goods Is Here Wo are prepared for it. A t o you? Wo ciury one of the M complete linos of Htandard brniuN of oil clothing mid rnbtrp to ho found ou Coos Hay. You may clieoso from t' 'WW'"! well-known brands at this store: Tower's FisJi Brand Oil Clolhhiy. The kind thut has been tested by yearB of sor vlco. Hoys' Long Coats PU.OO Men's Jnckots Sl.nt) Men's Throo-qunrlor CoatB !?i.nt Men's Long Coats $:!.()( Famous Gold Medal Oil Clothing This is a superior qual ity for thoso wlio want tho very best that monoy can buy. Mon's Jackots LTH Mon's Throo-quartor Coats ijsi.no Men's Long Coats Men's Pants ; J Mnn'u nil Leirelnns Iw Fcrquson's AUigalo' lirimd OH CIolhS Evory garment In tl well-known ..iinrnntrpd. " nn Mon's Jackets ' Men's Three-quarter CiuJ Men's Long Coats jjjj . i iiv.' nil I laiiM1! .Men s hhu i finwiicr'8 Crach-rm Vil V IM vlt a 11311 Mon s J.0HB Bunker Hill Department Store AY. IT. Diiutinger & Co., Prop. rill'RSDAY will I ho devoted to meat pn.ducts, including (hoso of tho I nlo Meat Company, Swift Packing Company ami Ar mour tdiupanv. irnvvVm ,!eVUU? "UnV Canne,, Vv"U' Vcgotahlos, etc, RDA will bo miscellaneous day, during whlrli displays ami ompany FRIDAY will SATl .leiuonstratlous f Campbell's Soups, Dutch (Men cn, win no given. Plays and user, Soaps, Everybodylwill be Welc ome Ollivant & Nasburg The Good-Housekeeping Store Second nnd Commercial, MarahfieliL I S' AVE MONEY on your Furniture Wo aro showing ,in0 of Bed Room Furniture .... ',r. U"" 2 ' . ' customers i"" ',. uo gi ;: ,1,sei .. t,,'ct liter, . lr t&b That comes (o us direct from ino "'' ti,e bwrMrt tho jobber's profit. saving. Avo havo a ni'ifi'il ns follows: icn S15J $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12.50, $13.50. !'D 50 $16.50. $17.50. $20. $23.50, $25 and up ..-l.lnffS VWJ,S Don't buy anything in "oum '" ,f FOlt see our Hue, for you know " ' Going & Harvey Co. mxtm.G HOUSE FlRX'SIKRS