THE UUOS BAY TIMES, MARSHPIKLU, UREUUN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191 5 EVENING EUITION; if V SU.MUSE AM) SUNSET vol' cvx always do retter l-'on less at The Fair n qiVlXOS 1IHHB CAN'T HI) SURPASSED COME A "l-wiIAT WE AHH OFFERING F()R WEDNESDAY, TIIU M ""' AND :rs- 1 -TrixtnTBtroiiB Uin- Men's ?1.25 Wool Shirts and l m. eood aua"t' jnn Drawers, tnn color, cxcollent ft ,75c value. Now.. HO b Value, well made. On nfc 10 ' sale at, per garment . . .QOC H-Ool battings for romfortorn; 40 dozen Children's black hose. . r,e j.pound rolls, clean and nil sizes, double log, doublo ule Were 12.40. (M 9 IicgIh and toes, lfic val- .in Mlont pliddl ties. On sale at, pair .... f uC $1.25 and $1.50 Ladies' nlght- i Ladles' Kmbrotdorcd flnn- gowns, niado of cambric, nnln- lflctte petticoats, excellent sook and long cloth, boautl- lur. fin fully trimmed. nn 3a tale at . . HOb On Halo nt UqC BREVITIB5 novemher tides Tuesday November 2 Sun rises at 0:53 and sets ut 4:50. committee appointed at meeting this afternoon Will Coii'dder Some I'lau of Action I to Klurt. Project, for Military ! Coast, I toad ......oii.itiu, iiiu imcs aro piacca in order of occurrence, with their times on tho first line and heights on tho ocond line of each day. A compar ison of consecutlvo heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. High tide on tho bar one hour and 54 minutes earlldr than at Marshtleld. 'wterlied Crochet Cottons; similar to D. M. C. All bIzcs; colors. On special at per ball 18 he Fair Next Door to-:-Chandler Hotel Satisfaction ninny s or your money buck eating Stoves Ifl- 1 1 jsgft aro prepared for fall mid villi tlio best lines made. I heater mid tho roal or wood (trim duplet grates. mti from $1.75 to $22.00 uson-6iilovsen Co. llty Homo Furnishers Front Street. Mnrshflohl NOW is the time to put money in circulation. :-: x TI10 host, place to Mart Is at. Tlio Flxup, where you can got that "Million Dollar Look" at from $16 to $40 Ho sure and buy your next suit liero and do It NOW I l'Hrs. . 2.51 O.nO 3.39 8.58 j Ft...0.S 4.0 2.2 3.0 f 2 Mrs. . 3.47 10.14 4.10 7.09 Ft. . . 0.9 4.4 1.8 4.0 3Hrs. . 4.30 10.53 5.34 11.11 Pt. .. 1.0 4.8 1.2 4.2 4Hrs. . 5.22 11.30 C.22 0.0 Ft. . . 1.1 5.1 0.5 0.0 5IIrs. . 0.08 0.0C 12.08 7.07 Ft...4.3 1.2 V..5 0.0 C Hrs. . 0.59 0.49 12.45 7.52 Ft... 4.3 1.3 5.8 -0.0 7IIrs. . 1.51 7.34 1.25 8.38 Ft. . . 4.5 1.5 0.1 -0.8 8 Hrs. . 2.42 8.19 1.G7 9.25 Ft. . . 4.4 1.0 0.2 -0.9 9 Hrs. . 3.34 9.0C 2.52 10.15 Ft... 4.4 1.8 0.2 -1.0 10 Hrs. . 4.28 9.59 3.41 11.09 Ft. . . 1.3 1.9 5.8 -0.8 II Hrs. . 5.2G 11.00 .1.35 0.0 Ft... 4.2 2.0" 5.C 0.0 12 Hrs. . 0.05 0.29 12.10 5.39 Ft..!-0.5 4.2 2.1 5.0 13 Hrs. . 1.03 7.35 1.28 G.54 Ft... -0.2 . 4.2 2.0 4.5 14 Hrs.. 2.04 8.35 2.49 8.15 Ft... 0.2 4.4 1.8 4.2 15 Hrs. . 3,05 9.29 4.02 9.31 Ft... 0.5 4.5 1.4 4.1 t BORN 5 i T1111 , ,,.,., , , Mr. and Mrs. J. somo ulan of nrtlnn In mart Dm Ulelmait at their home In Hay project of 11 military coast road, tho Park, Monday, November 1, 1915, members of which were appointed a boy. lloth the mother and lit-, recently at a bannuet nt North Iloml. tie son aro doing very well, it Is held a meeting In Marshtleld this! reported. 1 afternoon. Frederick Holllster Is chairman of tho committee. This was tho first meeting and tho members will talk over 801110 plan of campaign. - KYLE To Mr. and Mrso It. M. Kylont their homo on So. Eighth street, Sunday, October 31, a boy. Tho mother, son and father are all getting nlong nicely. Mr. i Kylo is one of tho janitors at the j high school building. To llnvo Sale. Plans aro being laid by tho Ladles' Aid of tho North Hond Presbytorlnn Church for a rum mage salo to bo held In the near fu ture. IS WILLING TO RUN ,W. A. HEIR HAYS HE WOULD AC ' CEPT IIAIt.MOXY NOMINATION Ills Foot Hllpitcd Too. C. P. Scar burg was put n tho Hotel do Carter this morning before noon on n charge of Imbibing too freely. Tho'nian had only $2 to apply on a $5 fine. Aid Society Meeting, Tho La dles Aid Society of tho Swedish Luth eran Church will moot tomorrow nf tornoon nt tho church ball. Mrs. Josophson will entertain. WEATHER FORECAST Called to Portland. Night Po liceman Ollto Smith, of North Ucnd, left for Portland, having been call ed thcro on account of tho serious Illness of his father. HB I H H H 00 JL JL J o o FIXUP Wlioro tlio Prlco Mnrtdiflc-ld :: :: Is Always Itiglit :: Xortli Ileud foble Theate R TO-NIGHT Ihe Home of Paramount Features" Mil O.WHXPORT, in boiuj mid original composition, fontur- ai Tlie Illuo Dog," u,i ttx,0 com Curo Hags." )" tlio com- PW, All , In .1 .... ... lm til final,, fll. iMivrnpr.AVH. 1CK llltADV. lll-riulii-uvu l...l..l...L llltl.. I.. l,n liiil.l.-i.r. 1 wlfr feature, "Tho Cup of Cliunco." Tluco reels of pictures rjW ' .We Fables In Slang, "THE HOMH THUATMIJXT AND I - sl'IIU Cl'HH." Comedies tluit aro different. Every one It tii 1 latino In luolf. MibT-SKrilfj NEWS llfyi'f)ltr.T rim wmld In motion I)r AuotttlM PrcM to C001 nT Tlmti.) OltEGON Occasional rain with southerly winds. 4 LOCAL TEMPEKATURH IU2COHO For tho 24 hours eadlnn at 4 4:43 n. m., Novombor 2, by BonJ. Ostllnd, special gov- 4 crnmcnt mctoorologist: Maximum GG Minimum 51 At 4:43 n. m ..54 Proclpltatlon . ..32 4 Precipitation since tiopt. 1. 4 1915 3.91 4 Proclpltatlon i&mo porlod 4 last year 10.90 Wind southwest, cloudy. Company Dissolved. Papers dis solving tho Coqulllo-Coos Coal Com pany ltavo boon filed with tho corpo ration commissioner at Salom To llnvo Social. Tho Young Peo ple's Society of tho First Ilantlst 1 Church nro planning a social to bo held Friday evening nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hood on Ulrch avenue. Auto Dealer Hero. A, C. Stevens Carl Evcrlseii Says Ho Will Not. Dim , , for Mayor Itut Will Accept Ito elcctioii to Council W. A. Held who has been talked of as a candidate for mayor said today . that ho would bo willing to accept a j "barmony nomination" for tho of fice. Ho said that ho watt not nil I aspirant for tho office but that Ifj tho peoplo thought that ho should accept tho office ami if his candi dacy would ollmlnnto a bitter cam paign, ho would accept tho uomlua- Carl Evdrtscn stated positively to-' day that ho would not bo a candldato I for mayor under any circumstances. 1 'However, ho said that ho had ilccld-1 cd After considering tho requests of ( friends to bo a candidate for reelec tion to tho council. I So far, no other candidates havo been brought forth for tho various places to bo filled. Tho primary election will be held next Monday. Novombor 8. Havo you seen the .1. ( Penney Company values In Hlaiikots, Italn Coats, Itiibbeis, Hoots, etc.? Wo wivo you liS per cent 011 every mt.lclo you pui-clmsu of us. How do wo do It? Hy buying for tlio Hit busy stores all together, getting rock-bottom prices for spot cn.sli ami celling for cash. When you spend your money with us you aro not. paying so 1110 onu else's bill that they Imvo beaten. HETTEIt THINK THIS OVEH. Wool blankets In plalflo and plain colors, full size, worth at the least onothlrd 111 or 0 $;!., D, jjt 1,2:1 J. C. Penney fine Wool lllnnkols In all tho latest plaids und plain. $4.00 values. Our price $2.08 Wool imp lllankcts, $2.50 and $3.00 values. Our prlco 81.08, $1.01) Cotton Dlnnketa at a third less $1.10, 8c, 00c, -10c Ladles Haiti Coats ... .$0.00, $0.00, $1.08, $:j.08, $2.08, $1.08 Children mid Misses' llaln Coats $2.08 ami $1.08 Children's Haln Capes, Just tho thing $2.08, $1.7:1 Men's Hnlu Coats ' $12.,tO, $0.00, $1.08, $2.08 Fish Hrnnd Slickers $2.10, $2.2:1 Long Wool Mackinaw; Just tho thing; made or tho finest wool: rod plaid, Norfolk, $8.50 vnluo. Our prlco $0.00 Hip Rubber Hoots, first quality. $0.00 vatuo. Cur price. .. .$1.10 Short Hubber Hoots, first quality $2.08, $2.70, $2.10 Hoys' Hubber Hoots, first quality, at a big saving $1.08 Wo Lead Others Follow. (7.Z CTPi . Z. httrportttd J Tlio Originators of Low Prices PRICE BULLETIN: 1-uko Klsli Case. Somewhat slm- of Portland, northwest roprcsentatlvei ,,ttr to tho Joo Fish cbbo, whoroln ..... . .. fill. QnnVi.Kn nullmflllnc. .1... o: wio wnuon nutos, is spomuug a few days on tho Hay visiting his old frlond, Kenneth Hnuscr, and doing n llttlo boosting In this section foe his car. Hollevos District Attorney. Attor ney Ocnoral Hrown has 'rondorod a decision to tho effect that it is no longer tho duty or District Attor neys to forccloso tax Hons, savo whon thoy aro hold by tho coun ties. An act was passod at tho last Legislature repealing n lnw Impos ing such n ditty on thorn, ho said. I Ktfnts s they really happen. 1 II Urn..,.. ' Hilly Heoves, ooipeily. 12XTHA T.fVf! PlinflllAAr. RAIR5 OR DOWN,. 15 cents CHILDREN, 5c TWO SUPERIOR PRODUCTS EPSO.M HALTS, SQUIHH. Itcpurlflcd and not to bo confused with ordinary mar ket variety. Acts In 54 to 1 hour if taken boforo breakfast. lfSc, tho can. CASTOIt OIL, SQUIHH Of much less disagreeable tasto nud odor than ordinary oil. Easily taken by children. Doth aro obtainable at "THE OWL" Tho Squibb Store, Phono 7-1. Hemember, too, wo de liver promptly. Hides Some Distance. Hy tho aid , of a cyclometer ono of tho local mcs , sciigor boys has boon ablo to detor ; niltio that ho rides, on an avoraga month, closo to 1,000 miles. Homo times ho goes over this, sometimes a llttlo under, nil according to tho woathor. This dlatnnco would In four or five months, tuko him across tho continent to Now York,, or half way nround tho oarth. within tho 12 months. Hon McMulleii 111. Hen McMulIon, or Myrtlo Point, hoad of tho cruising departmont of tho C, A. Smith Com- pany, last evening suffered an at tack of heart and stomach troublo. Whilo chatting with Dr. Dlx, Frank Lnlflo and somo other friends ho sud denly collapsed but soon recuporatod. He Is nblo to bo up and around to- 1 1 dnv and lilnnmn tlm trnnM,. In cnni.. v - - W .-.V. w salmon ho nto yesterday. ARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY "e pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY DRUM'S GARAGE 1 HOMP nrn CADHLAO AND DODGES SUl'PLIEs P-nn w OF OAHS 1 &.. BV. Plinna tlTn.r. "... J a a .. - - - W V programs printed nt uuce. SOUTU COOS KIVEH BOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Marshfield every day 8 a, m. Leaves head of river at a: 15 p. in. STEAMER RAINUOW leaves head of river dally at 7 h. m. Leaves Marshfield at 2 p. m. For charter apply on board. ROGERS & BM1TII Proprietors SARTER'S For Your ICE CREAM EVERYTHING SANITARY ALWAYS OPEN FOR INSPECTION Start Campaign Tomorrow. non Fisher, president of tho Fellowship Club, has announced that tho mem bership campaign will bo launchod In tho morning. Thcro will bo flvo teams In the flold and tho contest between thorn for tho largest num ber of mombors will bo waged un til Docembor 1 when tho winning team will be banqueted by tho los ers. Tho club now has 107 old members and an effort will bo ii'ado to fucreaso tho numbor to 200 strong. tho Spokaiio authorities turnod tho man loose while a; deputy sheriff from horo was on his way there, Is tho caso of J. Austin Hooper who has Jiftt boon fteod by Oovornor McOovorn of Wisconsin. Tho man Is a "lifer" at Folsom prison and es caped. Ho niado uovoral robbortos in Oregon and escaped tho sheriff In fl rants Pass ono night and now has nindu his way back east and nftor being (ticked up was turnod loono again, Tho Oregon authorities aro highly Indignant over tho proceedings. t PERSONAL MENTION t F. HAUSER and wlfo nro Jioro today from tholr homo nt Hrldgo. 13. Tf COFFELT, of Coos Rlvor, was In tho city today on business. ALVIN QRAMHY, of Coos River, transacted business hero today. J. fi. NOAH, of Coos Rlvor, was down this morning for a short vis it. A 13. KRUSI3,, of Handon,, Is up for a few days looking after some busi ness horo. JOHN HOLMES, a Coos Rlvor farm er, was down on tho Mllllcomn this morning. MR. HARR13TT of North Hond loft on tho Adeline Smith today for San Francisco. 13. C. HAKI3R was down from Coos River this, morning looking uf tor business mattors. HARRY HULTMAN Was a passenger on tho morning train to tho Vul- toy to moot tho trade. 13 W. SCIEFFEL13, of Haynes Inlet, was In tho city today mooting with frlonds and transacting business. Liberty Oak Flakes (largo size) 2.-,o Huttor, (Norway) 2-lb sq. 08 Peanut Huttor, per lb . , . !2J&o Applo Huttor (bulk) 11 1.1c Sutler Kraut, quart I do Chow Chow, por pint. . . . 1.1c Lard, No. 10 pall ..$I.!I5 Coffee, good grade, lb., 25c Spuds (local) excellent quality, por 100 lbs...$ino Honey (local) squaro 20c Wo aUo carry Flolscllmann's Yeast. Try thli and you will iiso no other, two cakes for no Soda Crackers. . , l'-c And with every $1 purchase during tho next three days, wo aro going to glvu away free, one good-slcd Hallowe'en Pumpkin. Como In ami get ono of these pumpkins free. Gettings Cash Grocery yous money NO. RROADU'AY, NEAR CENTRAL. HEN OSTLIND loft this morning for Handon, there to look after tho progress of tho building ho is put ting up thoro. GKOHOE A. HLAKI3, promlnont farmer of Catching Inlet, trans acted business hero yesterday and today, MltS. KEATING who has boon visit ing Mrs. L. .1. Simpson for sever al mouths left this afternoon on tho Adollno Smith for Snn Francisco. PAUL II. SOUL13 went on tho morn ing train tc Valley points culling on tho trade this morning. This Is the 10th year that Mr. Soule has been making this territory and ho says ho feels hotter than over. (WARD M. HLAK13 and wlfo and son aro expected homo ovorhuid to night from' San Franchico whoro ' thoy havo boon visiting since Mrs. Hluko's return Vrom Minneapolis. MRS, HENRY 8ENG8TACICI3N nud daughters, Mlnsos Doris mid Clou uvlovti, loft on tho Adeline ,81111111 today for San Francisco and San Diego whoro they will spend several months. 4' We make Ice Cream to ordor, any kind and In any quan tity, for parties, lodges, pic nics, etc. :: :: :: " L. A. LILJEQVIST is exjected homo tonight from Coqulllo whoro ho has beon on legal business since Sat unlay. We do not speak of Its Q U A L I T V That speaks for itself SARTER'S Phone 20,'S-J. Marshfield Front . SL. Opposite . Hlanco. Jlotel . TAKE CARE OF TEETH YOUR fARNING! In tho protection of your own best Jinterests you are cautioned not to buy elsewhere without first looking Sunnyvale oyor ABOUT IT" Lots $7q to $,UC $5 per month. Hard surface street direct to door Rexall Tooth Paste To whiten your teeth and buceten your mouth. THE BUSY CORNER The Roxalf Drug Store PHONE 208 We Deliver Use Laxacold to break a cold, grippe or headache; cleanses the sys tem and removes the cause Prlco 2 5 cts. For salo only at tho PENS LA It AND XYAL STORE For quality goods o . ir i: I : ,0 I : ! SOCIAL CALENDAR X rVFu'f today i FOR HALE OR LEASE On account of leaving Coos Hay must sell or lease my 80-acre ranch on Will audi Slough. L. J. Justcn, St. Lawrcnco Hotel, Marshfield. PLEASE sm-a your Standard His cult Co. end seals for crippled boy who wishes to buy cart to rldo In. Carl Hanson, box 580, Marshfield, FOR RENT Modern Croom bun gnlow, fully furnished. Boo L. W. Jacobs, 148 Central,, or Tel ephone 247-R. TUESDAY C. W. 11. M. with Mrs, R, A. Copplo. WEDNESDAY D. M, C. Club with Mrs. Wm. Vaiighim In North Rend. Narulssus Club with Miss Hilda West In Enstsldo. Prlsullhis with Mrs. L. 13. Roborsou In Hay Park, Presbytorlnn Auxiliary with Mrs. Honry O'Mara. THURSDAY North Head Episcopal La dles' Guild with Mrs. I. H. Hartlo. Kensington Club with Mrs, (!. L. Dlndliigor, Christian Slstorlfood nil day session nt church hall. .Mrs. Charles Dunguii en tertains A. N. W, Club at homo of Mrs, Francoo Haz ard. FRIDAY Dahlia Club with Mrs. Olomaii. Haptlst Young Pooplo's So cial at homo of Mr. and Mrs. 1). L. Rood. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. A. L. HousQworth. SATURDAY Mlnno-WIs - CIul with Mrs, Mary E. Thompson on South Fifth Rtreet. i I HAIR WOtRK Switches, puffs, curls. Also ha'lr supplied. No Imitation. Phono 24L. Mrs. L. Hryon. : FOR RENT t I'OR RENT Furnished house, near high school. Apply 395 South Soveuth street. I'OR HUNT Neat fiunUhed honso keeping rooms. Low rent, G95 No. 1st. St. Ph. 239-J. HUNGALOW l"OR RENT New and olea it. South Eleventh street. F. E. Allen. FOR R EXT Two new modem five room cottngos, plastered and with all modern conveniences, located on Twelfth street. Rent $14 and $15 per mouth. Apply Going & Harvoy Furnlturo Store. FOR RENT Xow and modern Hi room house, with basoruont and all inodern conveniences, Includ ing two bath rooms, two toilets, laundry tubs in basement, arrang ed for two families. West Hunker Hill. Rent reasonable. Apply Robert Marsden, Sr., telephone 3125. I FOR SALE . . t FOR SALE HY OWNER 200 acres stock and dairy farm 2 miles from Gravol Ford, Oregon, $15,000.00 jjSEHESBSZKSSSasaSclSZSBSHSESES?, 13. O. Carter, Myrtlo Point, Oregon, Coos .Bay kvmi m r l l . W lorner risn marKet VLI3 Thoroughbred Irish bear dog. City Cleanors, 119 FRONT STREET. ALL KINDS OF DEEP SEA FISH WHEY IN THE MAR KET. FRESH OYSTERS, MS AND CHARS. Phono 111) L, HiaiCE, Prop. FOR TRANSI'ER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND HAGGAGI3 Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phoue 16U Reside w:e Phone 13-J Mnrkt Ave. uI , Wnterfreat