Aft THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191 B EVENING EDITION. FOUR L-VW - v ' 1 i COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEV, Editor mid Pub. DAN li. ALUiONJil't News Editor Official Paper of Coos County OfJclnl Vnior City of Mnrflhflohl. Entered at the Postofflce at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls an second-class mall mattor. An Independent Republican news paper, published ovory ovonlng ox cept Sunday, and wcokly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. 8UI1SCHIVTION HATES DAILY. Ono year ?C.OO Per month CO WEEKLY. Ono year tl.GO When paid Btrlctly In advanco tho subset Iptlon puce or tuo uoos nay TlmoB Is $5.00 per year or $2.C0 for six months. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. tons and tons of advertising matter Into tho short crop sections of the country. Peoplo have to buy some Goods, so bo sure to get your share of the business. The steady drip will wear away stone. Careful, stick-to-lt, Information-full advertising will bring pay ing results. With tho big merchants of the country advertising Is an asset, not a liability, and you can make your advertising olio of tho most success ful features of your business. X WITH THE TOAST t AND THE TEA t (iOOD EVENIXO 1 EUROPEAN WAR ONfc 't YEAR AGO TODAY XOVEMHEIt li, 101 I Rattles arc begun between tho Wis slnn and Turkish troops on tho Iron tier "car Troblzond. All Turkish subjects nro to bo ex pelled from Kiissla within n week, according to orders given. Tho grand vlzlcr of Turkey ex pressed a deslro to romnlu at peaco with Itussla, Franco and Great Url tain but refuses to dismiss German officers from Turkish ships. MRS. STOXER mm 118. WINIFRED SACICVILLK MSTONER has a a ronmrkablo ropulatlon rfor child training through splendid results she Iuib ob tained, with her daughtor. In Port land recently sho gave n talk In which tho following points wcro omphuslz od: Public school tcachors deserve, a placo In heaven and all tho stars thoy wiMit In their crowns. It Is criminal to let n baby cry and liay It Is good for him. Never, tnlk baby talk; treat tho In tent as though It wore an Intelligent being. Limber up your hools, loosen tho lickor In your backs nnd play with your kiddles and you'll keep young. Wo need schools for parents more than for children. , Children can diagram sentences beautifully, but thoy say "I seen" and "I done" Parents experiment on their first child; Its a wonder most or them llvo. Mrs. Stoner has an Interesting sub ject, a BUbJoct upon which thero Is ' multitudinous advlco and tho fact she has succeuded personally as a child trainer given moro than usual weight to what Bho sayH. Itemomber on every occa sion which leads thee to voxatlon to apply this princi ple, that this Is not a misfor tune, but to bear It nobly Is good fqrtune. Marcus Aurc-llus. WATCH THE COHN'EKH When you wnko up of a morning of a chill nnd cheerless day, And fcol Inclined to grumble, pout, or frown, Just glanco Into your mirror and you will quickly sco ' It's Just becauso tho corners of your mouth hang down. Then tnko this simple rhymo, Hcmombcr it In tlmo: It's already dreary weather, In coun- trysldo or town, When you wnko nnd find tho corners of your mouth turned down. I' you wnko up In morning full of ' bright and happy thoughts An begin to count the blessings In your cup, Then glanco Into your mirror nnd you will quickly sco It'a all because tho corners of your mouth turn up. Then tnko this little rhymo, Homembor nil tho time: Thoro's Joy a-plenty In this world to fill llfo's sllvor cup If you'll only keep tho cornors of you mouth turned up. Selected ' She's Six Today Who's six today. She climbed my knee and twin ed her arms about me ho, And whispered' to me joyously: "I bet you, dad, that you don't know "What day this is." I feigned to think, though well' J knew what she would say. . And shammed surprise when she exclaimed: " I 'm growing up; I'm six today." What is it, when the years come on, that holds a man and makes his heart To soften toward a little child and make the tears so quick to start? I had not noticed it before, I did not think until today. Her cozy corner strangely silent now, her paper dollies laid UAvay. The little finger marks we loved are gone from off the window sill, The "rattle" and the scrcecher toys are strange ly still, And silence hovers 'round the house, unbroken by ' her childish glee She's six today, and growing up, no more a lit tle babe to me. You're six today! Come, kiss your dad, and hug him, too, you little elf, And romp with him, and play with him, nor ask him why he's not himself, .'Just follow him where'er he goes, and let him take your little hand; .'Don't ask him what he's thinking of you wouldn't know or understand. Let's go together down tho street, a-romping in your child-heart way. You cannot play like this for long. You're growing up you're six today. Anon. If a Coos Hay man will work hard at It nnd spoud ten years training his wife ho can usually innko her do anything bIio wants to do. MERE .MAX Observe tho stars thero In the skles- Ayo, cast your gazo afar And uiaybo you will renllzo What little runts you arc. Maybe If work woro silk stockings and fluffy lingerie moro Coos Buy men would bo In lovo with It. C.U'SE AND EFFECT Every day Is it bad day to luv poor. itories of State Elections To be HeHiiTWs Year No. M ISS HOU8ANQUHT, probably y the best authority In England graph. on social settlement work, as,! Juno Addnms Is In America, has I written n book on suoh work, tho) tirntiliunu nt urn lllllnli till Hllltlil ' J. , .f .V.lM l.t 1....WI. ...V ...I. V.. ..w 't.v Our Idea of a pretty girl is ono who can look Just like her photo- OH! 31 Y! "I'll wrlto u honey song," said slio everywhere. Tho conoluslon of her.,ni B((. t Jn (10 Key of bee." study Is that "one of tho most potent means of making poverty moro poor, Is for tho moro fortunate to fling '9. itu doles from Its superfluity," and that "tho only way to work towards tho mlllonlum is to study tho causes of human mlsory ratlior thnu tho lesults." says an exchange. It would sooiu that anyone who over found a pin prloklng a crying child would know this they do know It yet tho fact remains that It In eas ier, and muuh mure .pootneuhi doctor results than lnostgt i. i I'D, Will) IIIIIIH BUIHB IIUIIl-l Ull ' (jfg( ,jf J that poverty and disease with their attending inlsorloi were sent of Cod , for punlshuiout, or, If tho miffaror were very pious, then to tout his faith and uudurauce. That tliU be lief still lingers In some minds Is ovl deuced by ultoruiu-m in the pulpit and In the public print. i gi'KSTIO.V FOR THE DAY MAItVliAXD Maryland will elect u govornor, comptroller of the state treasury, nt-tornoy-goncral, a full houso of .del egates and half of the stato senate. In addition four constitutional amendments will bo voted upon, nnd local minor officers will be chosen In tho counties nnd Ilaltlmoro City. Can didates to succeed Governor Golds borough, Republican, nro: Ovlngtou E. Wollor, Republican; Emerson C. Harrington, Domocrat, and George H. Gorsuch, Prohibitionist. Tho constitutional amendments nro far tho referendum, n now taxation schome, homo rule for cities, and parolo in criminal copes. Tho rofcr ondum plan is practically tho samo as that followed in other states, ex copt that tho Maryland proposition Includes n prohibition against tho use of tho referendum in riny local option or llconso legislation. If tho homo rulo nmondmont carries the legisla ture will bo relieved of a vast amount ot purely local legislation, which would bo vested in tho city and coun ty councils; wiillo tho taxation iMuoudmont provides for tho classifi cation of nil kinds of property for tho purposo of taxation. (Continued Tomorrow.) All Over Oiregomi . i EUGENE Edward Ralloy, a farm er, was allowed ?100 damages against tho Oregon Electric Railway In n suit which was brought to recov er for tho loss of sheep killed on tho road, UOSHIHJHG Tho Douglas County Plro Patrol Association In n report shows that tho members who own PORTLAND .Tudgo Lovott, chnlr man of tho board of directors of tho O. W. It. and X. railroad has author ized tho relaying of 10G miles of main lino track with 90 pound steel. HAKE It A mail pouch was stolon from tho United States mall wagon by a robber who attacked tho wngon but was later rocovored. PORTLAND -Tho Oregon Poultry and Pot Stock Association's soventh annual exhibit will bo hold in Port- ilar to.,l0r " 0008 Hny "lim "m,V ll0, ,,otny ut on the part of Portland lum ' I1'1'" awhile and he will In- j iltlrinon to got a preferential rate ov- .;.n..n,i i fonn )ou u,ttt 1,0 18 BH"K "11 the 0r willnmetto Vnlley points would bo TALKS WITH THE Hl'SINKSS .MAX Hy Svh Dmllnj; " Whnt has become of the old fash-j InilOil u'rilllnn U'lln 1 1 II il tn utmi ninl I count up when you usked her howtM,nl,i,r woro Hoteetoa against flro many children sho had? ! llt 11 c08t r 0,10 ccnt nn ncrc- SAl.EMTho Commercial Club' 'a'11 Decombor 0 to 11. It doosn't matter how rich or how J im8i)eii u resolution to tho effect thntl DALLAS Tho annual teachors! m8tmue closed after having had an attendance of 150 teachers from dlf- i feront parts of tho county. ONTARIO A carlond of 8weet clo-, ver sjed was shipped to a Chicago firm and brought in tho neighbor hood of r,000. INDEPENDENCE Tho city coun cil at a special meeting decided to le vy u city tax of twenty mills next year to pay the city's expenses. PORTLAND Tho Oregon Society of tho Sons of tho American Revolu tion prosonted a flag to tho United States district court. El'GEXE Jack Tyson, an India tea planter and the brother of threo Lnno county men, was killed while with the llrltlsh army in Belgium nc-1 fouml I cording to letters received in Eu- geuo. ST HA NO K, Von long to mako her your own dovo And (inlckv she discerns It, ' Hut when she wants to keep your lovo Why Is it she returns it? nlley po looked upon as a doltborntely un friendly act. EUGENE The total assessed val uation of all property In Lnno coun ty nccordlng to tho assessor Is ?!t5,-35S.IS-10. FLORENCE Tho city council will hold a meotlng Monday, Nov. 8, to consider tho preparation of tho ci ty budget for the next yoar. MEDFORD Governor Withy combo expressed himsolf as greatly Logging Camps Xeur Lowlston Are ,'cIBrt1 Y"'1 wh?1 hC, BaW Ml !T Showing Activity ui.d Sawmills l0,f ,,,Khwn: w,l0 1,0 II,ndo " 'l" to i ue Hiiuo line wmi a puny oi .Men- ford men LUMBER IN IDAHO SHOWS IMPROVEMENT! Are Running LEWISTOX, Idaho, Nov. -That EUG KNE Dalo Guf fey, SHEHIIT'S SALE OV HEAL PUOPEUTV On l'orcclosuro Government expert, engineers of Packard and Ford companies, and 6ther authori ties, declare oil from asphalt-base crude ha? greatest efficiency. And it vaston . fjffia'fitcy that Zerolene, tlio oil made from' California aspha!t-basei petroleum, was awarded highest competitive honors, San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. Standard Oil Company (California) Mnrsliflold ZEROLENE 1te Standard Oil for tfofor Cars "The Shoe Tax" Father's income knows what it is and to mother it is also a. very real thing. It means the high cost of keeping a growing boy or girl properly shod. AVhen .father and mother figure out all the now shoes they have to buy they are apt to conclude shoes are made out of paper rather than leather. Care in purchasing will cut down this tax care in choosing the riglil shoes and care in buying at the most favorable time. And the first step in the right direction is a study of the advertising in THE TIMES that gives the helpful information. --T-OOHJ ysiclnn nnd h!" off. ,omco!l""8 n7 ' Office hours: 11 to l . and 7 to 8 p. m. " ' k I-IIOIICS! Offlrn 1.1-.,. J. M. Wright BUILI)INQ COxJ.11'! Estimates frnl,hed;( Dr. H. M. Shr " Mjro, Ear nnd Thront BpecU,, ' GLASSU8 FlTTpn iWO.1, HooBnao. Irving 4 Hit. MATT IE II, 8HAW(' Physician nnd Sargeo. Phono 330J, North Pacific Steamship Co. S. S. SANTA CLARA SAILS I'OH San Francisco Via Eureka WEDNESDAY, fi OVEMHEIt , 7:!) A. 31. FOH FUItTHEIl IXrOHMATIOX SMITH TIH1MIXAL DOCK. PHONE 1HO, A. It. SOVV, Ajceiit. H. G. Butler CIVIL ENGINEEn Ronm am Pnl.. nu- . v., um, MotlHuJ A UUUB JSJ W. G. Chandler AltOHITEOT n-nm. nn- - -- . . 0UA nna aoz, coke j!tl,k MnrahflaM n . ....viu, uiegog, Wm. S. Turpen AltOHITEOT Marnhflcld, Oregon, TIME TAm.n l WILLA3IETTE PACIFIC UOTOB OAIt i Lcavo Marahflold 6:4G n.m. 7.1 n a. in. S:4G a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:C0 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. North B4 j 1:11 u 8:C0 1:.1 5:05 in. 10:15 is,1 11:09 ta. 11H51& 1:15 pa 2:00 pa. t:0J )x 5:H po. 6:55 pa, j G:65 p.m. North city limits oaV. 7:30 p.m. 7:15 w High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 FLANAGAN BEHET T BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Estnbllshod 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest pnltl on Time AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS ' Officers J. W. Honnctt, President. J r ft r J. II. FlaniiKftd, Vlco-Presldont, " ' ' It. P. Williams, Cashier. Geo. P. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. Marshfield-Coqoil Auto Stage Leiivo IW Owl Plmrmscy Mnrhhflold (ty-Si A. RI. AJt 7:00 7iW OiUO iM ll;00 P.M. 1:00 :W B. no iM MAHSHFIEIiD.COQUlLXB AnO STAGE TIME 8CIIKDPM Schodule nrraBgcd io with hoats to Uandon, 6UM Mvrtlo Point, Wagner, IKeH No delaji. " Fare from aisrshfleld to On! 75 etnU. Single & Iifltnlxith, PKr Will furnlBh extra wt W extra trips dar or nlbt; u chartor cars. 4 Be Ready for Opportunities H 1'l Mnall xavings of a mio- W M M Ciiriier sometimes mean luuil work anil self denial, and should nover ho endaiitfored by taKinj: f-pociihitlvo chances. Save, until an opportunity for Mifo investments presents Itself, as, in time, ,lt .surely wlty. It's easy to dlstliiRiilsh between Investment and speculation. With a llttlo sum saved, opportunities will not bo wanting. EHC1IANDISI3 well bought Is only half sold. Your stock' represents money und It Is) money tied up. Mulio this money work for you ns much as posstlilo tho lumber Industry Is showing signs guilty of polygamy, was sentenced by and advertising Is tho key to tho sit-of revival. Is evldonced lu the nctlvl- Judge Sklpworlh to servo a term of; nation, (ly lu tho logging camps near Hovlll, from ono to four years lu tho penl- You have corlalu fixed oxponsoa which supply tho logs for the mill at , tentlory. that cannot be materially reduced. j Potlatch. Several camps nro now In I POUTIN'D Tho Columbia river Ilottr sell 50 artlclo at n Kioss prof- oporatlon, giving ompolyjneiit to! terminal rates was a subjeot discus it of ao cents onch than sell !10 arl'-hnndreda of men. The mill at Elkisud at meeting of the Chamber of cles at u gross profit of 60 cents ouch, Ulvor hits boon running night and day ''Commerce when Joseph N. Teal was ovou though you have to spend two for two months ami It Is predicted dollars lu advertising In order to Mt will continue two shifts until ur II tho &0 articles, j woather conditions necessitate a shut- Xntblinr siicooods llko Biiccesa. Poo- down. pit like to trade with firm Hint is! l.iimhor shipments rrom the mill' lr.liifr n pimil lmuliinHS i liavi1 heeil stetuh all Siiminniv ninul nf' To rtop advertising hocnuse of n 1 the stock going : to fur Eastern points, i gene the fish are shipped to all vorleaiia1 1V;'u,,nB' wllero, "omo.Hou dull season Is to loso momentum. Iteports have It that the mill nt Pot- purls of tho Pacific coast. ; ,.,t,tf f' .",,. ol'l'oraUon i prof Keop the ball roUln-t when you have 1"tch will be operate I night and day slrrted by using n jndliiotis nnount for u time this season to catch ot udver'lslng motlvo force. with tho supply of logs, as from The large department stores nnd to GO carloads of logs aro sont from Ung In the schools on tho grounds that I . ? L l',ro,0" 11 ,sa,u' 0 i ,- ,-i ' I'll 'li il in ' - -.! .1 nJ ljiattor,dgrlh-d to First National Bank OF COOS BAY SAFETY' DEPOSIT HOXES FOIt RENT. FAItH TE.V CEXT9 City Limits Noh f nn COMMU-MTI0N flfl 21) TICKETS Marshfield-North Bead AH Wno Cars every ten 0 . m. to 13 P. ! w Slough once a dv, 11 . m. to EmpheltwW DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S WO North Front SW Phone 5W j Phone oivJi dred ninety-five and 70-100 dollars said mortence.l nromi imminho- I titifii i 1 ... , i Notice is hereby given. That bv 1 - . . l,,wrton nt rat0 of I fore mentioned aro described in said ' phone 227-J virtue of an execution duly Usuqd : 7tT, .inv of s X" ioV r m l?1?,HT10'1 na Allows, to-wlt: Tho out of the Circuit Court of the State I.7",1., ?.L8o',.,.?.0.p . 1 P1 r! ti; southeast quarter of tho northeasti oxtre UONEY By oruvio nll HENRYVILLE CO Nut coal, per ton Lump coal, per ton WOOD! . Derload54,, Kindling wood, per w Alder wood, 16 to " to!" Inches 'Jil'ta Free DeUff I win v,, IliV UU UI1 Ul 111U ai.lll) . lnnll,. I.I. .. . mm ,.f n,, ,, rii.Mnni BinK-m-a of Oregon, foe the Countv of Pnn .".7.. '.?.:: r: .r"'.HI.lU!i uuaner or section eight, and the lU' lENli The railroad nmVos It nml '"reeled on the fith day r" vS at northeast quarter of tho northwest j hl iihNU - l no miiroad mnkos it; f 0ctob judemont n'et'"ee a,ul no-100 dollars and quarter of section nine, Township possible for fishermen on the lower, am, S'o" dul Serod entered -ma -'-- 0 ,8a've.xectio-! twenty-three, South of 'Range 12, siusluw river to send thoir entch to, of record and docketed In nnd by v ,ii F Ti V Vul "ay or west of tlle Wlllametto Meridian In Eiigono on tho same day the fish are ' said Court on the 7th day of Septem- Jelock a m 'kt Li i ,i0Hr ?f i ?..s CoHnty. Oregon, together lil;oii nut nt tin. unlnr mill trnm l?n. her. 1013, in a certain suit then In ; ".," ..' "J. " ,.sai" un' nL the with tho tenements, hereditaments ' l uuur Ul mo l. Oil 111 V I'nilrt mill nminrlnno.n. .1. I DUNQAN-rtiiiQ flRlOP ' r?T.. -in Cqul1?; Co0 Count'. loKlBr In any wise appertaining.! IS 'mbUo v"0'10" to the Bald sale being made 'subject to re- Highest 1)1(1 tier for rnuli lii lm...l .i.,..i.. o ...... i... OPEN manner provided by day of October, '""RED JOHNSON. Jr. Sheriff of Coos County. Oregon. TO TB L,d state 7,. a ni 1 H r nnaen- cbsrg -.first pii1i1Ic9Hob ftctober 2L Mt