The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 02, 1915, EVENING EDITION 2, Page THREE, Image 3

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- --
Second Hand
janos & Organs
him an over stock of
...hnnd oianos and some
i'.UIIk instruments that
.,i u cniH at excentionally
... r!nc. an d terms to suit.
73 Central Avcnue.J
n a II IT . Kir
. 1 MA n Amu
-wf Airi i .... .
Estimates Furnished
i 14Mt.
Marshfleld, Oregon
About It,
, Popular I'lnco lor
Good Meals
Prices Reasonable
Cor. Commercial and H'dw'jr.
iiiwr tuc onnc niven
nrtiu inu nuur i ialu
Phone 3171
Woman Suffrage. .Main Thin,; In Pcnn
syhiinlii Contest
ttlj AsoclteJ r-rtn to root nj Tlmn.
'Etnto constitutional amcnilincnt pro
vhlliiB for wonian suffntBo was tho
mnln Isfauo In 1'onnsylvnnlti today.
Thoro Is a spirited contest for may'
or of Philadelphia.
KILLS ma eoucuit
,Tho Hoscbiirg Itovlow says:
Whllo hunting In tho vicinity of
llrushy Uutto Charles llrockwny shot
and killed n large cougar. Tho ani
mal wns brought horo and attracted
considerable nttontlon. At tho thno
the cougar was killed It was In pur
suit of a dour. The cougur Is said
lo bo ono of the largest brought here
lor Bovoral years.
DALLAS Up to tho present tlnio
approximately $319,008 of tho taxes
for this year havo been collected.
(From Pendleton East Orcgonlon)
An 11 -mill city tax will bo boiuo
what high, but think of poor La
Grande, with a 10-mlll levy for noxt
" Peter's Version.
On tho last day of school prizes were
distributed nt Peter's school. When the
little boy returned home the mother
was entertaining callers.
"Well, Peter..' asked one of tho call
crs, "did you get n prize'"
"No," replied Peter, "but I got hor
rible mention." New York Times.
Modest Pa.
'Tn, what in nn Ideal?"
"It's what your mother thought slio
married when slio got me." Detroit
Free Press.
WEAVING All kinds a spec
ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680
12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R
Action Is Started by HrunswIrkMIiilkc
Cullender Company, Sport
Ing Ootids Dealers
IDj Asocttfil rifH to Coon Da TIraM.J
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 2. The
Jlrunswlck-IInlko Collondcr Company
today petitioned the United States
'district court to grant temporary
and permanent Injunctions against
'the officers of 25 counties to pre
vent the enforcement of tho Sunday
closing law.
The law has been on tho statuto
books many yours but not until re
cently has any nttompt been nmdo to
enforce It.
Tho stato district court has already
granted an Injuctlon In this county.
Offleliil Statement at Constantinople
Miyn mat Troops or tho A'lles
Wero Dispersed
1)7 Auodlttvl rrtit to Coo, B7 TlmM.
official statement says: "On the Dar
danelles front thcro nro violent artil
lery duels. Near Arl ivurnuor tho
artillery struck thrco of tho enemy's
Inlno throwing positions. Our bat
teries dispersed masses of troops
,ncar Mortzllmnn and Kilns Ilurnu.
On tho Caucasus front wo dispersed
t,wo attacks."
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Nov.
2. A number of Danish dairymen
havo been engaged to go to China
to organlzo tho Chlucso dairy in
dustry along modem lines.
Opposite Blanco Hotol.
Phono 10G-L.
Assets $2,340,000.00
Pays 8 per cent on savings
Local Treasurer t
Everybody Get In
Line For Prosperity.
Home Patronage Will Do It
If you spend your money with your neighbor he'll spend his
with you.
The ads. in your home paper will tell you how to spend it
Do You Want a Position?
You can get it! You can get a good one!
You can get as good a one as you can fill!
Don't get the blues because some grouch turned you down; don't
be foolish just on account of the frown on some old fool's" faco, Buck
up! Get busy,
Remember that when Wall Street refused to advance another dol
lar to finance the United States in the days of the war, it was adver
tising that saved the Union, Jay Cook went to the people! He went in
pases! He told Ills story in the newspapers, He advertised big and
littleby and large and the people came to the rescue, They got the
money out of the old clock, and from under tli loose brick in the old
hearth and they bought the bonds Wall Street refused to touch, If you
can't get the job you're trudging around town trying to find, carry a
Want Ad in The Times, Make it sensible; tell your qualifications; teM
'em how hard your're willing to try to please; tell 'em who you are and
what you are; where you've been and've done, Tell your
story in words written as you would in words spoken, Take more space
and make it clear and strong and convincing, Learn how to use Want
Ads so as to'get what you want, If you're a good book-keeper say
so-and prove it tell the facts without names bu give the gist of
it. A good Want Ad will pull you through, Try it and see, Don get
discouraged, A good, strong want ad nover failed yot repeated two
or three times, '
Coos Bay Times
The Paper that Makes Little Ads Pay Big
Premier in Public Speech Says
Nation Must Do More
' Than in the Past
Ci CiD
Says They Have Not Gainad a
Foot on Franco-Belgian
Front Since April
(rent Itrltnlii a"d Franco Havo An
ln.tcr.Nti. tiding that independence
of nullum State Must Mo Pre
served Tell of Hcslgmitlnu
ID AmoeUtM rrrna lo Cool Tlmri.
LONDON', November 2. In nn nd
drosa beforo the House of Commons
this nftcrnoon, Premier Amiulth stnt
cd Hint Field Marshal French, eom
mnnder of the llrltlsh forces on tho
Frnuco-Uelglum front, wns now In
commnnd of u million men.
lie nsscrtcd tho totnl cnsimltlcs In
Frnnco and Flanders amounted to
.177,00 nnd nsscrtcd that the finan
cial Hltuntlon of Great llrltalu was
sorlouH nnd that the nation must be
prepared to niako fnr better micrlflco
than It hud yet dono.
(I'ormuiiM Not Calulu
Asaulth nsscrtcd that tho Germans
hud not mndc a net sain of n foot of
ground In tho west since April, and
ho strongly believed tho conscription
would not bo ncccssnry.
In tho sen of Marmora, llrltlsh
submarines sunk or damaged two
battleships, five gunboats, ono tor
pedo boat, eight transports nnd 1 1)7
supply ships.
To Protect Serbia
Ho mild thcro wns a full agreement
between Great llrltalu nnd Frnnco
to maintain tho Independence of Sor
bin nnd not let hop become tho "prey
of a Klulster nnd negnrlons combina
tion of nermany AiiBtrla nnd lliilgur
In." About (Jwi'k Premier
Ho announced thnt Former Prc
mlor Vcnlzolos of Greece, whoso ndvo
cuey of Intervention In tho war on
tho side of tho entente allien led to
his resignation had naked France
nnd Great llrltalu Sept. 21 for IT. 0,
000 men with tho express under
tttiuidlng thnt Grccco would mobilize.
Tho Dardanelles Attack
Tho premier accepted Ills full
shnro of tho responsibility for tho
first attack on, tho Dardanelles which
resulted In failure with tho Iohb of
HovornI ships.
I Her Tlianksdiving i
1IOPU ho'll like It," snld Until
llnrkneas to herself ns bIio put
the seasoning Into tho itch
mluco pics she was niaklug.
Thcro was one-she held nn old fash
ioned Kreen edged scalloped pinto In
her hniul and looked ut it thoughtful
ly yes, thero was Just meat enough
for one more pie. She would sprinkle
It full of whole raisins, cnrefully
stoned, nnd a clove stuck la each one,
nnd sho would put n llttlo butter In
Just n little, lest It might not be rich
enough-nnd about n spoonful of
brown sugnr, to mnko It extra sweet
nnd dark, nnd then sho would snvo It
alic knew for what. H was only that
pcrhnps John l'routy would como
around on ThnnkHitlvlin; evening.
John wns always fond of mince pics,
nH sho remembered perfectly well, and
now his mother was dead, and ho wns
living nt Fnelo JnineV, nnd Aunt
Jnuies l'routy hnd rhcuinnllsm, nnd
nltOROthcr thero wns not much pros
pect for John to huve nny Thanksglv
Ing unless he ennio thero for It.
And so Thnnksgivlug day came, nnd
thcro were uilclcs and cousins nnd
friends of nil parlies by dozens and
downs gathered beneath Farmer ITnrk
fiess' hospltnble roof, nnd In the cool
gray twilight, as Ituth tlttted bnclc nnd
forward, nlways Intent on some busy
mission, sho was watching down tho
lano tor John. Sho would know his
broad shoulders and his well worn
brown mirtout, and even as slio watch
ed they enmo In sight -they nnd a
bright, plnld clonk which belonged to
piaxKixcj on nuNKi:it 1111,1,
Dirt Thrown Up AIoiir Sides MakliiK
It Sort of Ciiiia' UcNldents
Kilter Complaint
Hunker Hill peoplo nnd others trn
veraliiB tho road between Mnrsh field
nnd tliut section were today ontorlng
complaint to tho condition of the
highway. It bcoihb thnt tho road
crows instoad of making drainage
ditches nlongsldo tho planking, throw
tho dirt up In llttlo dikes nnd this
has converted tho rondwny into tt
mlnlnttiro canal.
In places the plunkiiiR Is floating
nnd cars splash mud and water over
occupants and passing pedeutrlnus.
Tho worst plnco is nt tho oust end of
tho Coal Hank Inlet bridge, but thoro
aro ninny similar BpotB.
It Is likely thnt Iiond Supervisor
Frank Norton will havo to troubl at
tended to nt once. How tho road
crow mndo tho mlstnko In the first
place is a puzzler.
Ilours nnd hours Ituth ent nlono by
tho kitchen fire waiting for the Inst
sound of life to die out In tho houso
that sho might rake up tho embers and
lock the doors, for sho wns n notnblo
housekeeper, this bravo young girl, and
took her invalid mother's plnco ns far
as posslblo In nil things.
Put while sho was silting nlono by
the kitchen tiro slio heard n soft rap
nt the window, nnd, looking up, sho
saw John's face in tho moonlight, ear
nest nnd mulling ns bo beckoned to licr.
In tho Instant tho thought Unshed
over her, proud nnd decorous Ynnkeo
girl thnt she wns, that he hnd been
spending tho evening with Miss Greg
ory, and It wns worse than Impertinent
for htm to cnll there on his way home.
She would not answer his summons.
She thought he would go away, nnd bo
ho did from the window, but only to
come quietly In nt tho door.
Sitting down on the settee besldo
her, ho sprend his bunds over tho dy
ing embers to warm them and said,
with a slight shiver:
"It Is chilly out tonight, Ituth, nnd
I havo been thinking of you."
She turned up her uoso n llttlo nt
this; but, dreading to bear anything
more Hint sho would think wns false,
bIio told him very quietly:
"I snw you go down tho Inno with
Miss Gregory enrly this evening. 1
should think it most likely 'that you
had been thinking of her sluco then."
John turned and looked nt her, lots
of fun brimming up In Ids brown eyes.
Hut when be saw how tired nnd sad
sho looked ho answered her gently:
"No, llttlo girl; I havo been thinking
of you, ns I snld, nnd the last thing 1
did beforo coming hero was to drink
a cupful of ten nnd cut n piece of plo
of your limiting. While I drank tho
ten I wns thinking -no doubt It will
Bound foolish to you but I wnH think
ing how every one of those llttlo grains
had been cuddled In the palm of your
bund as you measured them out, and
the plo wnH ns sweet ns though you
had stirred tho uiliico with your linger
beforo putting tt between tho crusts."
Ituth was laughing and blushing nt
his foolish words, ami he, enjoying her
confusion, put up ono hand nnd drew
her head down ou his shoulder.
"I don't know what you mean," alio
said presently. "I haven't turned cook
for JIIss Gregory."
"No," ho Interrupted hers "I forgot
thnt you didn't know where I hnd
been. Tom Gregory was thrown from
n colt tonight, nnd they thought his
leg wns broken. Ills sister enmo across
lots for mo to go down there nnd sco
what I could do for him. Wo didn't
liko to stop nt your houso for help,
because you had no much company, so
wo went nnd cot Ma'am .Jefferson' nnd
took her over with us. Wo made tho
boy ns comfortable as wc could, nnd
she said no bones were broken. So
then I went homo with her, nnd thero
was tho II io your euro hud brightened,
and tho ten nnd tho pie."
Tho girl's henrt wns bentlng very
fast ns John snld, "My Thanksgiving
will bo complete, Ituth, If you will
promise to bo my wife."
After they wero innrrlcd sho told him
that tho plo had been mndo on pur
posu for him.
Every One Chases
4he Turkey at
this lime
"Glv'n dn turk," grins tho red Bhnwl
cd llttlo Itnllan woman, picking her
wny through the wet nllcys of tho
city mnrket place. Slio reaches tho
stalls where live birds nro being sold
to these linrily souls who arc cqunl to
tho tnsk of carrying their purchases
home, squawking nnd struggling,
through the city streets. Madonna
Ilelln docs not hcsltntc, however. Sho
picks out tho fiercest bird In the wbolo
pen nnd runs her cnpnblo lingers
through his feathers to feel If he really
Is ns fnt ns ho looks. Then sho wntts,
her brond smllo growing bronder every
minute, ns the dealer weighs her treas
ure. Tho men nnd hoys, to whom tho
day beforo Thanksgiving Is ono of tho
most entertaining In tho wholo calen
dar, stnnd nrouml, shouting their glee,
nnd tlnnlly Madonna Uelln reaches out
a strong linnd, seizes her bird by tho
legs nnd thrusts tt Into the folds of her
apron, departing proudly down tho
street Next nftcr her Is n delegation
of mirthful, rosy cheeked boys from
the settlements como to buy "a good
ono" for Miss Snllle. It requires ninny
moments of heated discussion beforo
they enn nil agree upon Just which ono
Is good enough, nnd then mora consul
tation before they decide thnt tho as
sociation funds nro being used to tho
best advantage In tho purchase of tho
bird thnt Is chosen.
Thanksgiving tenches ono thing
namely, thrt there Is no need for n uni
versal language. When thcro Is a uni
versal need tho words tako care of
i '
(Or Ao UleJ I'rew u evca cay Tlmn.
HOSTON, Nov. 2. Ho-
turns from nine towns gave
McCull 1107, Walsh 5C0,
Womun BiifiraKe. Yes 501,
No, 1105.
Times want ads bring results.
40 Years
Used D. D. D.,
AH Itcltino Gone !
This l the netitnl experience of Anna
Cronmn. Hanta Itoaa. l ul . with tho won- j
derful D. U. D. Prescription.
J, D. V. ii the proven Kczerna Cure I
the inlld wash that fivea tnatunt relief
In all forms of sUIn trouble.
Cleaue the skin of all Impurities !
waxlica uwav blotches und piiniilev. 1
I leavliiR the skin us smooth and health
i ai that o( a child.
Oet a S0c bottle of this wonderful
' Enema t'uro today and keep It in the 1
We kpow that V, P. P. will do all thA( .
1 clalmvd, or it
tho schoolmistress from l'erklusvllh).
Itiilh set her teeth together hard and
So that was where John wns going
foe Thanksglvlng-aiul kIio had beyi
up thero taking ten-Just ns though
thnt girl didn't know Hint Aunt James
Prouty's was no place to go for ten,
and slio down with rhciiinntlz! Well,
sho hoped he'd have a pleasant even
ing. Ah for thnt plo-und sho looked
nt It rucfully-Nlio'd taken too much
pnlns with thnt to wnsto it on a lot
of overgrown boys und cider drinking
mon. Sho'd glvo it to tho pigs -Hint's
whut Bho'd do with It. Nobody else
should ent It if John couldn't.
Then ns sho looked ut the pastry Hint
hud given her ho much pleasure and
so much disappointment she said sho'd
give It to old Mn'uni Jefferson, down
tho ydley. Sho wns living thero nlono,
lonesomc-llko, nnd it would mnko her
Thunksglvlng day linppler to know
that somebody thought of her up thero
ou tho hill.
So when tho cider nnd npplos wero
brought nnd everybody wus llxeil cozlly
enough urolind tho kitchen flro nnd In
tho neat big square Hitting room With
stole out with tho plo In her lunds
folded in n white towel, mid, tripping
lightly across tho Holds, sho knocked
ut tho door of tho llttlo cottage whero
Mn'nm Jefferson lived nlono, but ro
eclved no answer. Tho intchstrliig
was hanging out. She pulled it gently
to rattle tho latehs but. Htlll hearing no
sound from wJthln.sbo pushed tho door
open nnd entered. No ono wim there,
but a bltf Hlblo lay open on tho stand,
nnd tho Iron bowed spectacles, wero
uion It Mn'nm Jefferson had evident
ly been called away in n hurry, prob
nbly to sco Homo Hick neighbor, Ituth
Hnld to horself, nnd alio would bo glad
to iintl soino trnco of loving thought
fulness wIiothIio returned.
Then Itiilh wrote a little note, sad
from tho feelings that oppressed her.
yet kindly from tho weallh of her own
trtoil heart, and left It with tho pie.
Thero' company up at our bouse."
th nolo said, "und I can't wnlt until
ypu como IhkU. nunty. but I have put
tho teakettle oier the fire nnd ne t the
tea draw liur nnd I lu-pe you will find
A Thanksgiving
By ANNETTE KOIIN. In Independent
All our dayi
Wc give thee prawc.
O God, who lioldeil in Thy hand
And didit exalt and bless our land
And gavest it from sen lo tea
To nil embracing liberty,
Wc give thee praise
All our days.
For the golden glow of the orange tree,
For the purple grapes, for ihe honeybee,
For tho waving plumes of the yellow grain,
For the glorious sunshine and for the rain,
The coal in the mine, the ore in the hill,
The throb of the engine, the whistles shrill,
The fire of the forge and the anvil's ring,
For the tinkling phone and the cable string,
The whir of the loom, the clack of ihe mill,
For the auto's speed nnd the airship's thrill,
For the horse of flame on the road of steel
And the wireless voice that makes loud
For our busy marts and our busy streets,
Where the while, black, brown and yel
low man meets;
For the string true arm of (he workman
For our churches and schools with power
to save,
For hearts of our women, brains of our
For the laureled harvest of brush and
For the wealth of herds on the prairies
For the new homes rising on every side,
For the law that shields where our flag
is unfurled.
For peace in our land and with all the
For our mighty name, in all men's sight,
The pledge we must walk for aye in thy
AH our days
Wfc wve thee uraise.
iMTiionuoutu thi: -nuxKsaiviKO ninu.
themselves. I In linn, Greek, Norweul
nn, Itusslnn nnd Gorman, they know
"tolk" or "lurk."
All day long tho procession 11 1 Is the
streets. Hoys with live birds under
their nnns, followed by shrloltlns
crowds of children until they disap
pear In Bomo .dingy doorway; wom
en Willi big bundles done up In burlap
or old newspaper, which Sherlock
Holmes, at least, can toll easily nro
turkeys by tho slr.o of thu claws stick
ing out; limousines rolling noiselessly
to thu doors of shining eniorlums
whero tho democratic iintlounl bird
costs nt least 10 cents more tlmn It does
If you dike It homo nllvo from the
public market, but It Isn't half as
much fun; beautifully dressed women
selecting tho ilncst fur tho family feast
of Dives; tired commuters rushing into
tho market nnd dashing out again,
spilling nuts and celery nnd cranber
ries, but clutching without possibility
of error tho fnttest turkey thcro Is
left In the mnrkot this Is tho dny
before Thanksgiving In the big city.
Nobody cares what the price Is. It
may bo 25 cents or It may bo 30. It
I makes very Interesting rending two
weeks bcforohniid. Futher especially
-and mother, if sho Is a member of
thu Housewives' lenguo nnd feels a
moral resionslbllIty lipiheso mutters
likes to know whether ho'll have to pay
fi cents more this year or only 3 more
than ho paid last year. Hut do you
think tho cost inn Iters ou tho day be
foro Thanks-jiving? Docs It matter to
ymi? New York Tribune.
Thanksgiving day. ought to
mean much to churchgoers. t
It the one day In the year on
which sectarians sink all their
dilferencet and unite In a com
non worship before Ood.
Turkey Not From Turkey4
It Is unfortunate that such a truly
American product ns the turkey should
have received such a mime. Just how
It cuino to bo christened "turkey" Is
a matter of conjecture, but ono early
writer sajB: "It appears to hnvo been
Intended as a satire upon the solemn
strut of tho bird, which might appear
to glvo It a resemblance to tho pomp
ous strldo of n Turk. Most assuredly
It did not nrlso from tho uutlvo place
of tho bird, which has no connection
with eastern Ktiropo or Asia. To sup
pose tho bird melcagrls. mentioned by
Greek writers, to have been tho tur
key Is quite n mistake. When discov
ered in America It wa? seou both lu
a wild and domestic state."
Not Many "Vermont Turkeye,"
X stnudiird form of prluted bill of
faro used by restaurants, hotels and
steamboats iilwavs announces that the
turkey Is from Vermont Vermont
I..- t flilnlva In fa
uiwuurr, uutu m.u hv-. ..... ... .
cent yenrs In Juiprovlng breeds of tur
key and In junrketlus; choice kinds,
but the state doe not account, for 1
per cent of the trado lu line turkeys. .
I lib
ever'thln warm ami comfortable-