J THE 600S BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. two ANNOUNCED "WILL RE AWARDED AT HANI) MASQUERADE HALL IScnt Will Take Place Next. Satur diiy Night nt Eagles J lull In This City Tho prlzco havo boon announced for tlio masquorado ball which will be Riven under tho auiiplceu of the Cdoa nay Concert Hand at the Eagles hall next Saturday. Thoro will bo an elovon piece orchestra and tho dancing will begin at 9 o'clock. Tickets for men nro sold for ono dol lar and ladles and spectators will bo chargod 25 cents. Tho Hat of prizes follow: Costliest costume: Lady 1st, $18.00 pur30, BiiBy Corner. 2nd, $10.00 hand painted vaso, Hod Cross Drug Co. 3rd, $3.G0 purso, Owl Pharmacy. Host Sustained Charnctor:Gcntloman. lBt, $10.00 Cold Picture Frame, Tower's Jewelry Store. 2nd, $1.C0 Pair Bedroom Slippers, Cordon's Shoe Store. DoBt Sustained Character, Lady. 1st, $2,CQ nrnss Candle Stick, $8.50 Drass Match Tray, H. E. Laraway, Jowelor. 2nd, $4.00 Vaso, Norton and Han son. Prettiest Costumo: Lady. 1st, $10.00 "What Not" Perry Nicholson Co. 2nd, $15.00 Parasol, Lando's. , 3rd, $3.00 Hand Mirror, Ilortram tho Jowelor. Most Comical Character: Gontloman. 1st, $3.00 Moershnm PIpo, Dlanco Cigar Store; or $3.00 Framed plcturo of Golden Falls, Hchfeld tho Photographer. 2nd, $1.(50 lEmblcm Knife, Frl- zccn'fl; or $2.R0 Pair Gloves, Tho Woolen Mills Storo. 3rd, Two Bottles Port Wluo, $2.50, Coos Pay Liquor Co. Most Comical Character: Lady. 1st, $1,75 Pair Silk Hobo, Hub Dry Goods Co. 2nd, $1)00 Can Coffeo, Cook'H Grocery, Dost Representation of Any DusincsB HoiiRo: Lady. 1st, $3.50 Percolator, Ekblad and Son. 2nd, 1 Can Halting Powder, $1.00; ' and 1 Can Too, 7Gc, Connor and Ilonglnnd. Oldest Married Couple, $3.Q0 Ham, Union Meat Co. loungcat Mnrrlod Couple, $3.50 Hand Painted Howl, Going and Harvoy. Fattest Lady, $1,00 Ilox of Candy, Stafford's. Fnttest Man, 2 Jnra Murnmlado, $2.00, Wnrnor Grocery Co. Tallest Lady, $2,50 Pair Gloves, Mat sou's Quality Storo. Tallest Man, $1.00 Hnx of Candy, Tho Taffy Tnvorn. Shortost Lady, $1.50 Jardlner, Marshflold lid wo. Co. and $2.50 Potted Plant, Scott Florist Co. Shortest Man, $1.00 Hox Candy, Sartors. IS Gil PIGEON HILL CALLAHAN COMES AGAIN TO HOTEL 1)E CARTER COOS CRANBERRIES SHOWN AT THE FAIR Among tho Newer Tilings AYhli-h Aro Exhibited at Oregon HulldUg At Exposition EXPOSITION GROUNDS, Nov. 2. C'ranborrles from Coos County havo recoutly arrived at tho Oregon build ing at tho exposition, u five box con nlgnmeut for display purpose. They remind ono that Thnukoglvlng and Christmas aru drawing near. Tho Oregon Hulldlng is now at Its best. Practically ovory oxlifblt has buen ro nowed, many now ones havo boon ad,i ed, and the special efforts at bright onlng up havo resulted In Improve ments that aro noticeable, Tho DouglaH County exhibit from Rosoburg litis arrived nnd Is now be ing placed In tho Southern Oregon booth, While it Is up against somo mighty fine products thoro, tho Ump qua river maturlitl looks creditable Tho pumpkins and Hquash from Rosoburg constitute tho wholo of that ncrt of exhibit in this booth, and among the many fine upoclmons Is probably tho Inmost in tho building at this time, ono weighing ono hun dred and tou pounds. Tho apples, flfteun boxes, aro good, somo of thom very fluo lookers, but n quantity failed to minimi ro up in slzo, Douglas onions, potatoes and corn aro excellent, 1 but tho grains: Olo Anderson Also Returns Knows Way of Jail Chefs and Pays For Meal Ahead or Time Dill Callahan Is a homollko Individ ual. Hcnco when ho first began hanging tils hat on a peg In tho Ho tel do Carter ho forthwith termed thp placo homo and then has been ccming back regularly. Ho went away yesterday morning nfter a flvo days sojourn and was back ngaln last ovcnlng boforo tho curfew rang, "Ho It ever so humblo" walled tho big logger, and his voice broko with feeling. Thereupon the refrain was taken up by tho Hotel Qtinrtot. Olo And orsnn, permanent boarder, knew tho chorus and sang it with all tho vim o: long practlco and .Too Korn Joined In with his basso profundo. It was excellent only boforo long big Hill wearied of the entertainment. And so ho wont ruminating about in his mind until ho bethought him self that It was tho first of November. "Aha", quoto ho, "this Is tho month of high tides," and imbued with his now Idea sot to work. Tries Now Plan Down from tho top nnd out from tho lower bunks ho hauled maltrcss eit and bedding, placed them well In the middle of tho floor. Then ho managed to turn tho wator on and flooded his coll, whllo Hill fairly yelp ed for Joy. Flvo days ago ho burned up his bedding; this tlmo ho flooded It. Judgo Hutler looked him over for tho stconth tlmo this morning. Ho was too overcomo to give 1)111 another sentence Ho told him, "You get out of town; you got out by 2 o'clock or I'll I'll" but tho Judgo remem bered tho Jail had no terrors nnd ho was stumped. Hill saved tho day by declaring his willingness to go. And ho went. Another Old Timer Thou up cnino Olo Anderson. Now, ho too Is an old tlmo boardor. Olo know yesterday when ho canto in town Just where ho was going to end up. Ho know too tho chefs In tho Hotel do Cartor aro overworked and Its u hard Job to get ones order through nt meal tlmo. Thoroforo Ole, boforo becoming tanked, trapsed across tho street and paid for a meal. "I want codfish," ho cautioned tho milter. His wish was granted and this morning Olo dined on cod fish In lieu of tho usual broad and wator. REPRESEWT CAPITAL RECENT VISITORS HERE ARE PROMINENT COAST; MUX Coos Hay Country Has Hccn Invest! Rated Lately by n Number of Rig Men Philip Hrouhnor ami his son, Hen ry Brolihner, or Portland, who havo' boon visiting on tho bay, havo re turned home. With them hero was Mr. Saylor. Tho three owned a lumber mill nt Carlton, Oregon, which wns burned down nnd are prominent In tho lumber business. Philip Hrouhnor Is ono of tho head men In tho Eastern nnd Western Lumber Company, ono of tho big con ccrns on tho coast. Mr. Hrcuhuer and his son own Bomb timber holdings In this pnrt of Hie stato and whllo on Coos Hay thoy lind occasion to look Into tho resourc es of tho locality. Thoy were guests o? L. J. Simpson at Shorcncrcs. This fnll n number of prominent men who represent big capital havo visited Coos Bay, which may bo taken to Indicate that big financiers of tho coaBt aro Interested In this part of tho stnto and tiro expecting develop nient here. During tho past fow months outsldo visitors to this local ity havo represented bigger capital and larger Interests than most pco- plo supposed. SHIPPING new: ASKS $3101' PA! PORT OF PORTLAND ASKS THIS FOR PULLING SHIP TO SAFETY TREFZ HIT .COME FIELD SECRETARV U. H. CHAM BER OF COMMERCE WIRES EXHIBITS ARE FINE' AT PORTLAND SHOW Product of tlio Land and Factory Aro Shown to (J rout Advantage This Year PORTLAND, Nov. 2.- Tho first weok of tho Manufacturers' and Lund Products Show has demon strated that tho annual uBsombllng of tho products of tho factories and fields, forests and streams serves tho purposo of establishing n doner re lationship between cousumor mid pro ducer nnd gives tho pcoplo of tho cit ies a bettor understanding of tho land, nnd what It produces and tho necessity for tho upbuilding of tho country districts, Oregon hnu mado an oxcollent bhowlng of Its agricultural resourc es The dovolopinoiit of tho laud and the lueroaso In tho output of manu factured articles go hand In hand. Crowds nro Increasing dally and tho amusomcnt features both after noon and evening aro hiicIi ns to at tract straugoru in tho city. Somo of tho best musical organizations In Portland, and tlio best of high class vtiudovlllo Is taking part afternoon and evening. Low fares over all steam and elec tric lines (s an extra Inducement to residents of tho stnto in gonornl to visit tho exposition before it closes, November 13. Visit Depends on Routo Mapped Out for Hint Hun Promised to Come to MarMifleld "I will visit Marshflold providing my schcdulo will allow me," Is tho gist of a tolcgram rccolvcd this morning from Edward F. Trofz, field secretary of tho Chamber of Commorco of tho United States, who Is now in Portland. Tho bringing oT this officer hero Is viewed ub most important to tho local members. Mr. Trofz states further that ho Is going to San Francisco directly and will confer thoro with Secretary Manly, who Is maplng out his routo and It may bo on his return to Portland that .tho field secretary will bo nblo to como to Marshflold for at least a day. All over tho United States Mr. Trofz is now traveling In tho Inter ests of largo delegations at the Nat ional Convention that will bo hold In Washington, D. C, enrly In Feb ruary. Ho has made three trips to tho Pacific Coast. Only flvo cities in. Oregon nro mombers of tho Chambor of Com morco of tho United Stntcs. Thoy aro Marshflold, Portland, Bend, As toria and Dallas, though many prl vato companies bolong to tho or ganization, -19 In Portland alono be ing members. Captain .T. C. Hood, Formerly of Ml-i-hle, ProlMibly will Get No Largo Sum Cotninnndcd Tug Boat Claim of $3,000 for towing tho Pe ruvian bnrkentlno Judith out of tho hreakors when sho was almost on tho beach and cIobo to total destruction, hns been submitted to the owners of the vcbboI by tho Port of Portland, owners of tho tug boat Walluln. Tho .tug wub commanded by Captain John C. Reed, until a fow wcoks ago, skipper of the Mlchlo. It was bellovcd hero that tho caBe was ono of sal vngo and that, In till probability, tho captain nnd members of tho tug crow would receive goodly sums or mon ey. Further particulars or tho Inci dent show that Captain Hardl, tin Ital ian, had a loaded revolver on tno cabin table of tho Judith nnd fully intended killing himself nnd wlfo had tho ship gono ashore Also in working tho Judith out of her precarious position In tho breakers tho rtiddor of tho Wallula becamo disabled for a tlmo by tho floating or tho sheaves In tho after compnrtmcnt. Tho trouble was tem porarily repaired and two sailors took positions In tho aftor hatch and steer ed tho boat by hand through tho breakers nnd out to ti point of safety. 1 PARTNERSHIP C. F. iMcCULLOM AND WARREN PAINTER TO COMBINE BUSINESS Hccomo General Steamship Agents and Wholesale Feed Dealers Office on North Bc'id Dock' t C. F. McCttllom, former agent of tho steamship Breakwater at North Bend, and Wnrrcn H. Painter havo former a partnership tia gonornl shipping agents In North Bond and also to hnndlo a wholesale hay, grain nnd flour business. Their offices nro on tho municipal dock. Included in their ttgonclcs will bo tho North He ml bushiest) of tho Swayno nnd Hoyt lino, tho North Pa cific SteaniBliip company, tho steam schooner Hardy and tho Inter-Ocean Transportation company. Both men nro very well known In business, having been located thoro for years. ADELINE SMITH LEAVES Tho stcamor Adollno Smith with lumbor for Cnlirornia loft tho mill at 3 o'clock tills nftornoon. YE LLOWSTON E HER E The nteamor Ycllowstono nrrlved at daylight this morning from San Francisco. Sho brought 200 tons of general niorchnmlloo for Marshflold and will load lumber at tho plant of tho North Bond Lumber Company. VESSEL .MOVEMENTS n. T BE BIBLICAL ORIGIN OF "COOS" THOUGHT TO RE IN ROOK OF ACTS nnd grnsses aro not yot up ror In-) port; J. A. Horne, Bluo Rldgo; R spectlon. Island of Aegean Sea Formerly Dos Igiu'ted by Saino Word Ex-Congressman Hermann Inquires. Ex-Congressmnn ningor Hermann wroto to Secretary of Stato Olcott recently to find out who was re sponsible for tho nnmo of "Coos" applied to a certain county on tho coast of this stato. Coos County wns formed by tho Oregon territorial legislature In 1S53 nnd tho bill cre ating tho county of Coos was in troduced by Gcorgo II. Ambrose Tho records do not show who Is respon sible for tho namo, which la evident ly of Indian origin. Mr. Hormann stated that ho was collecting somo data on tho subject. If Mr. Herman will open his family Hlblo, and turn to tho first verso of tho twenty-first chapter of Acts, ho will find thoso words: "And It enmo to pass, that after wo woro gotten from thoro, mid had launched, wo came, with a straight courso unto Coos, and tho day fol lowing unto Rhodes, nnd from thenco unto Pntara." Louis Bolllsh, South Inlet; J. II. This refers to Paul, aftor ho had Cady, Newport; John G. Hicks, Now-i left EphosuB for the last time, and his weeping friends had followed Arrived Ycllowstono. San Francisco, 5 m. today. Sailed Adollno Smith, Sail Frnnclrfco, 3 p. ni. today. At 3 p. m. tho steamship Adollno sailed for Oakland with a full cargo of lumbor and flvo passongcrs. It Is roportcd' that tlio Santa Clara- from Portlnnd will bo at tho bnr about 5:30 this evening and will sail In tho morning for Eureka and San fFranclsco. SALVAGE S CLAMED 0 S GROWING FOUR PASSENGERS ATTEMPT TO PUT "ONE OVER" Strom, Portland; E. W. Guptlll, Coos River; R, N. Kroininlngu, Sc uttle; J. Gliard, Seattle; B. 1. Dul ley, Portland; Georgo A. Blake, Catching lnlot; Robert Fleming, Gold Hill; Tom Huydon, Emplro. Lloyd Hotel Walter Bryiiud, Gardiner; C. K. Lund, Bridge; J. Barry, Powers; t AT THE HOTELS t Chandler Hotel. Rex Wobb, San Francisco; F. W. Kern, Borkoley; Paul II. Soule, San Francisco; W. H. Smith. Coos Smith; C. Mack, Eugono; F, W. Davis, Port land; Hon MoMiillou, Myrtlo Point: H.a.SnmmerUn, Myrtlo Point; Hugh Davenport, H. II. Laird, RoBoburg; J. L. Laird. Myrtlo Point. Blanco Hotel James Cahoy, Bluo Rldgo; F. HauBer and wlfo, nrldgo; Ray Noah, , Bluo Rldgo; F. Ltchrooro, Powers; UaB3inu8Bon, San Francisco; E. W. Hoborts, Bluo Rldgo! John Bird, Powers; J. II. Roonoy, Blue Rldgo. St. Lawrence Hotel. K. R. Hodson, Coos River; W. S. Marrlo, Sllkum; G. Jewctt, Sumner; D. M. Oharleson, Bnudon; Henry Bromor, Coqulllo; Mrs, Nedell, Ban don. L. O. O. M. NOTICE Look who's hero! Sully with a lunch! Ho'll havo plenty, novor fear For tho wholo big bunch. "Howdy. Pap" Don't miss It. Tuesday night, at tho usual place. By ordor of COMMITTEE him to his boat on his departure Tho unclont Island of Coos, In tho Aegean Sea, Is not Stanchlo. The pronunciation was not as wo hear It of Coos County. It was Co os, with tho uccent on tho first syllable. It Is not know for certain that Georgo II. A'mbroso was a roador of tho Bible, but It Is moro than likely After Pulling Auto From Surf, Servo Notice on Captain Cornwall Who Lnter Discovers Joko Inasmuch ns tho law of salvago portalns to tho high soas and furth er, inasmuch as high seas portalnod t.) tho const last Saturday when tho bench stage came through from tho Umpqun and ono of tho big breakers tlppod a machine ovor and over and was washing It out to sen when four of tho passongors rescued It, tho four Immediately claimed CO per cent of tho vnluo of tho stage as salvago. "Why you can't do that. It Isn't lawful," declared Captain Cornwall, who la ono of the ownora of tho Hue. i (lave Legal Opinion J. C. Kendall, legal light and ono of tho Importuning passengers, ad ministered a sorlous expression nnd quoted lengthy legal phrases to back up tho contention of hlmsolf and threo companions. In fact tho "caso" was sumblttod to tho Captain in writing. Ho was told to "produco'' or his machine would be hold up. Thoro was moro sputtering and It was a long tlmo bo foro ho was finally persuaded that somo ono was putting one ovor on lilm. Life Silvers Como nut the sad sea waves truly boom ed and roared 57 kinds of deflnnco "says Kendall nnd Roy Abbott, who wero of tho original four. Ho Bays that the llfo savors came scurry ing over tho sands, seven of them, with all sorts of tacklo and ropes, to find that the passengers had res cued the car ahead of thorn, It had burled itself In tho sand to tho en gine bed and was rapidly going out of sight when they set to work. Thoy DREDGING COMPANY PRESENTS 9IOO FOR WIRELESS SITE Entlro HR Not Yet. Secured and Conunllteo Redoubles Effort Expect Word Anothor boost wan given the wire less fund when this morning R. E. Miller, superintendent horo of tho dredgo Seattle, tendered to tho Cham bor of Commorco n check for $100 from tho Paget Sound Bridge and Dredging company. Chairman R. M. Jennings states that sufficient funds havo not yet been received to pay tho $810 neccB Bnry to finally settle tho prlco for the slto In tho Reynolds Addition which hns been tendored to the gov ernment. It Is understood that a canvass Is being mado of tho steamship com panies, besides other concerns and a strenuous effort Is being mado to bo euro tho entlro am6uiit that is need ed. Mr. Jennings said this morning he haB hopes or gottlng tho necessary $8-10. 1 No Recent Word No further word has been rccolvod from tho naval tiutliorltlcs regarding tho station horo nnd It Is Biipposod that tho plans and specifications nro now back In Washington whoro thoy must bo first approved boforo tho station can be erected. Tho last lot tor rccolvod by tho Chambor of Com morco wns to tho offect that as soon ns satisfactory word has been rccolv od from tho Naval dopurtmont head- 'quarters nion will come hqro and Im mediately call for bids on tho build- 'lugs and equipment and start tho work soon aftor, tho Idea botlng to havo tho stntlon In working ordor hero ns soon ns possible. t WATERFRONT NEWS 1 No word has beon recolved horo as to tho tlmo a tug boat will ar rlvo to tow tho dredgo Soattlo up tho coast to Pugot Sound. Inasmuch as thoro hns boon a heavy bwoII from orf ahoro for somo tlmo It mny bo that tho officers of tho company nro chary right now of lotting tho dredgo go to son. that ho was, or that ho had in some brought It back intact to tho seawall. CARRIES NAME ON HULL When tho American four masted bark Dirlgo loft Pugot Sound a fow Sweden sho carried In hugo lottors, her nnmo printed on both sides of tho hull. This was In addition to tho largo American flag also painted on tho two sides. Tho oxpediont Is not n now ono. It has been practiced continually fori many mouths to tho craft of neutral countries ns means of advertising tholr nationality to submarlno com mnndor8. Somo ships oven carry big lights that at night reflect so as to show tholr namo and flag nt a long distance wny heard of tho ancient Coos Is land, and hcnco tho namo' chosou for tho rich county of Coos Ed.) - Salom Statesman, Llbby Coal, $3.00 to, Phone 72. DR. H, E. KELTY, Tientlst, 201 Anothor machlno was caught down In tho breakers and, before bolnp rescued, had gono so far in tho sand that n "deadman" was set up on tho shore to mark the, spot whero the car should go completely under. Thts too was saved, though nqt until tho fenders and moat of the top had been Gives n brtlli-jit dosiy thins that doei not rub oil or dust oil that nnneala to the lron-thi.t lasts tour tituca u tuuif nay oiaor. Black Silk Stove Polish l In a. class by Itself, It's mora cat i fully mailt and naiio Itv m txtlir iijttru Try it on your pari r tieivi yeurcov.ii or t ur pa r. if voidon't P . li tbolxiltno'lamv j enr used, your bardwsra or sroctry dr-iltr li uuivjiiMjw re fund your Tftmro td'A ISCV OCEAN BEACH AUTOilF UOTSE JVlIlg. Leave MarslUicld at 7 u. in., and returning leaving fim v 8 a. in. Loavo Marshficld nt 11 a.m. mid rcttirnfi,R ic ''!"P " SlotiKlt nt J p. in. Lcuvo Mnrslifleld nt -I .,. , . Sou" leave South Slough at (I p. in. , reimlng NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. ' Steamship F. A. KILBURN sails for PORTLAND NOVEMRER J, P. M, Steamship SANTA CLARA Balls for SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA) NOVEMBER 2 P. M. For further Information kco SMITH TERMINAL DOCK Phono lao mU EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron. and. aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street- GRAVEL' Wo aro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In any quintltlei from pile In our yari! or in carload lots, at following prlcci: 1 From pllo on ground, $2.?G per yard. " oanoad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 per yirJ. Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposite PoH-OffIco. Phone 100. Abstracts KOU UULIAIiliH ABSTRACTS OK TITLE AND 1NKOIIMAT10.1 AUOUB COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See -TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT COJnt MARSHFIELD AND COQU1LLE CITY, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE AIfD SENGSUAGKKN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN l'ACIFIO RAILROAD LAND! HENRY 8ENOSTACKEN, MANAGER VERZ0N AUTO LINE 'to-'- EMPIRE AND SOUTH SLOUGH Loavo Rusy Corner,,,. Marshflold ' -V 10:00 a. m. 2:00 p. m. C:in p, ra. Mnrahflold Phono. I.cavo Empire. fw 8:lli a. m. 12:00 noon 4:15 p. in. Always on Tlmo. 298. Emplro Thone 5013 T. VERZON, Proprietor. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" to most iHjworful, bout equipped and most thorough!; m5r twenty-lnch liydrnullo (lre,dKo Ik raclflc water Coos Bav office. Main oil ce, Marshfieid, Oregon. IIIUIII vii "I Seattle. Washington.. ve Got f Goods Why o'nt I the Trade? It's a ten to ono shot that you havo often heard tlls from people "who lmvo storo." Noto tho quotation 'havo a t.toi-0" flint's correct they've Kot i storo nnd don't know what to do with It. They re fer to themselves ns merchants, btoreUoepers, business men, etc., but they havo deluded themselves. Thoy'vo got something, hut few besides themselves know what they'yo got. They sel dom, If over, advertise but spend their tlmo In 'bemoaning conditions. Von never hear It from tho steady, consistent, honest ad vertiser, Tho fact that ho Is a steady advertiser shows h Is wide-awake, Ills ads tell the people of his community what ho has anil they do tho rest. rhcJla.llJ