A PESSIMIST IS A MAN WHO IS SEASICK DURING THE WHOLE VOYAGE OF LIFE Coos Bay Times Your Paper Xbo Coos Bay TlmcB li proud of lis till "The People's Taper," nd It .strlvea at all times to Ut8 H ,0 ,u nnmo 7 Ivotln energleo to promotlmc tho peopled iaterosU. A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Ooofl Bay Time la. A Sovtia tvost Oregon paper (or Southwest Oregon people and devoted to the best Interests of thla great lection. . The Times always boosts aad aerer ( blocks. Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 AsTlio Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 86 MKMRKR OP TIDE ASSOCIATED 1MIKSS SANTA CLARA JM SOHTH Sffl ROCKS WITH ADELINE SMITH REPORT THAT - SANTA CLARA IS FAST ON ROCKS The Santa Clara's wireless apparatus went out of commis sion about 5 o'clock, indicating that she had struck the rocks and was taking water and her engine room was flooded. The last wireless message from the Adeline Smith said the Santa Clara was hopelessly on the rocks. The life-saving crew and the gasoline schooner May wore making for the scene at the last report. POSITION OF PASSENGER SHIP DANGEROUS WITH The Santa Clara, bound from Portland to Coos Bay, ranjn on the South Spit, near Mussel Reef, about 4:30 this after noon. 1 The bar was very rough at the time and what swung her out of the course could not be determined by Captain Dunson from the lighthouse. About 5 o'clock Captain Dunson said that Capt. Lofsted was making a turn and if the. seas subsided a few moments might be able to make his way out to safety. Apparently the pumps were being worked, indicating that tho Santa Clara had been damaged. The Adeline Smith, which was about to put out, was laying just inside the bay, Captain Olson preparing to render every assistance possibfe. , By making the turn, Capt. Lofsted might be able to avail himself of the inside channel, Captain Dunson said. 1 KKI'OUT HAXTA CLARA'S BOATS BHIXO LOWHKHD . According to tho Inst report from tho lighthouse Capt. Lofsted as apparently arranging to low er tho boats to try nnd got the passengers ashoro, ovldontly huv lug given up hope of getting tho Santa Clara oft tho spit. VMOM The Santa Clara, ns noar as could be Judged, was In on tho South Spit i"t about directly opposlt6 whero tho Claromont struck on tho sunken M'y aiij wub wrecked n tow months ago. 8- 0, S, calls woro sent out by Cup t Lofsotd us soon us tho Santa c,ra neared tho dangei Hnq. Owing to tho Adeline 'Smith being heavily loaded with lumber, it will l difficult for Capt. Olson to rondor tho assistance that ho might othor 'se have given the Santa Clara. - Tlie bar dredgo Michlo loft Hmplt-o at ton minutes to five and will pos- ,lb'- be ablo to work in elbso enough to got a lino to tho Santa Clara. The Santa Clura is not far distant from where tho Marconi, tho Simp Mn Ll"aber Company schooner wo nt ashoro a few years ago and was 1 t after Capt Olson, of tho Adeline Smith, had removed most of tho jneanB of a breeches buoy. TO FIGHT S,C-NS AX KVJiXT FIRST WKKK IX MARCH 111 Twenty Hounds AVltli Any Opponent the Promoters May Decide Upon ,B' "t4 Pre., la coo. Mr TlmM. VlK 0RLKANS. Nov. 2. Joss J iara announced today that ho 4otn toiuraci wun local pro- 0r tO fight n on.rniin.l tnnt tho 'Week in xf..-,. ....... wT . xnticii HBUjnjiL any nit BelaMcui ,,. .1.. TRA! ALL HOPE GONE IS VERY ' ROUGH SEAS THREATENING PDWDEH EXPLODES 8KVI3XTUK.V MUX IJADLY HURT AT DUPOXT WORKS II, Anaclite4 Preu to ww tr Ttiut.l WILMINGTON', Del., Nov. 2. Soventoeu men were badly injured today by tho heavy explosion of a largo quantity of powder at the Du pont Powder Works at Carnoys Point. New Jersey. A carload of white cannon pow- ni,.,i,i The injuries resulted i !. vivid flash of firo which enveloped the entire premises, w.n Ada bring rcaulta. Clara VILLA MAKING FIERCE ATTACK; i After Storming Agua Prieta, Four Times During Night , Retires Early Today MUCH DAMAGE DONE Starved and Famished Army Re-opens Bombardment of City With -Big Guns TEN AMERICANS ARE HURT General Fiiustoit Arrives at Doug Iiih to Personally Cotuiiinud on American Side Relief is Villa .Must Tnko City Soon or Ioso AMICHICAX FORCKS MAY TAKH ACTION' Pr A,orlltM Vtn lo cm nr Tlmr.. noUOIiAS, Ariz., Nox. 2. The Amcrlcnn troops that hud moved back from tho bor dar, wero ordered do pack their haBgngo In a wagon train und ouch instructed to tnko Individual rolls, indi cating thnt it Is tho purpose to tako drastic action in tho event of further firing upon Amorlcnn territory. Hr AuocttlM l'ru to Coo. Ilr Tlmr., DOUOLAS, AH., Nov. 2. Villa's attack of last night on Aguu Prieta was resumed ngnln nt noon wttlt a sharp mnchlno gun attack. Tho Vil la gunners swept 'tho center of tho town from their positions on tho onBt. Sergeant Mays wna shot In. tho hand nnd Private Mitchell In tho log on tho Amorlonn side during this at ruck. Wmiilngs Sent Two warnings woro sont to Cnllcs by tho Amorlcnn army offlcors after tho two soldlors wero shot ut noon. Tho niachlno gun attack finally coar.o, and was followed by desulto ry artillery oxchango which practical ly BtoppeJ at 1 o'cloclc. Pititoct Spectators (lOncral Davis sent tho Amorlcnn troops back from tho boundary 500 yards to keop spectators out or tho zono of flro in tho expectation of u main nttuck this afternoon. Woman and Children Die Major Ryan recolved a report that 3D women and children wero killed in Agua Prieta and 3G womon and children wounded. 11ATTLH LAST XI01IT Terrible Attack Continued Until Day light This Morning (nr A.soltt4 l')H to Coo. Tlmr.. DOUGLAS, Ariz., Nov. 2. After four deaporuto uttacks on Agua Prieta, which kopt tho Curranza de fenses blazing practically all night with flashing guns nnd nursling sholls, Villa drew off shortly after daylight today. General Calles reported tho Villa forces in retreat, but at 7:30 o'clock his big guns ro-oponQd tho bom bardment. Kho Persons Hurt Hlght persons on tho American side of tho boundary wero wounded as a result of tho fighting yesterday and last night. Goneral Funnton arrived this morning to assume command of tho American forces hero. Villa's men huvo been without water for 21 hours und without food for three days. Much Damage Done. His heavy guns In lust night's battlo did much damage. One big flro was sturted In Agua Prieta and a number of guns woro dismounted, but tho barbed wire cntangloments wero llttlo damaged and Calles ex pressed tho utmost confidence In his ability to heat back further attacks. Must Win Soon. Unless Villa succeeds in entering the town within 24 hours, his forces must, it ia bulloved, either retreat or crow tua American boundary and Goes on South X AMERICAN AUTO . X RECORD BEATEN TODAY X (Ur Ansoclilf J Frru to coot Hi, Tlmn. NEW YORK, Nov, 2, Dario Resta won the 100 X mile auto race for thei X Harkness cold challenge X X cup at Sheepshead Bay X X today, The averaged X X time was 105,39 miles an X X hour, This beats the X X American record, X t TUX AMKItlCAXH WOUXDIM) IX l-'lOHT Tho Americans wounded on account of the Mexican battle woro: Louis P. Taylor, struck In spine, paralyzed. Corporal Joncs.shot through both thighs. Prlvnto Whlddcn, hit In tho neck. a II. 1C. Jones, wounded In shoulder. Mexican boy, shot in stom ach. Prlvnto Harry Jones, stomach wound, probably fatal. Private Tank, wounded In 'PB. Mexican woman, lost flu- gor. Sergeant May, shot through band. Private Mitchell, shot in leg. although unofficial report)! stated surrender, ns it Is known that in ad dition to tho lack of water and food his supply ut ammunition la none too largo. Losses Kepoilcd Tho losses of tho Curranza gar rison nro reported by General Cal les as 4G killed nnd 7G wounded, his casualties woro 2G0. Villa dead and wouudod In, largo numbers strewed tho desert around tho barbed wire barricades of tho Moxlcuu town. Nolso Is TorrlfJc At 3:00 a. m., Villa launched tho fiercest attack and tho combined flro of rifles, machine guns nnd cannon probably surpassed in vlo-1! lenco tho din of nny provlous Mex ican battlo near tlio border Amorlcnn army officers doclarod tho nolso tho worst they had ovor hoard. Douglas trembled under tho vibrations of tho continuous crashes and concussions. lliiln of IliilletH IlulletH from tho Mexican sldo rained upon the American town to points a mile or moro from tho bor der. Scores of women and chil dren, most of thorn hysterical and weeping, cowered bohlnd brick or adobo walls, Twenty-threo hundred rofugeos wero concentrated at a camp in the suburbs of Douglas. HHSPKCr AMKItlOAXH Doth Sides Try to Keep on Tholr Own Sldo ,Dr Auolll I'fo to Coo. Hjr Tlm.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 2. American officers who watched tho flghdng nt Agua Prieta last night liollovo Villa would liavo "taken tho town, but for tho fulluro of his guns to destroy tho searchlights. Colonel Slocum roportod that It was evident both sides wero en deavoring to respect American ter ritory. BRITISHJLDSE BOUT WAU VKSSHL HKPOItTUD SUNK AT fllHHALTAH Statement Mado by tho Admiralty Bays That It Was Duo to u Collision inr Anoclttwl Vttn tm Coot Pf TlmM.) LQNDON. Nov 2. Tho Uritish Admiralty this afternoon announced ii.ni Mm rtHtlMli Itirittuto boiit No. IM . . . . " " " 00 was sunk at GlbmUar yesterday after being in a collUion. s IK EAST T Ohio is Only State Where Gen eral Prohibition Law is Be ing Voted On E Many States Are Selecting Of ficers or Deciding Other Questions Put to Vote WOMEN OUT IN NEW YORK Hlx ThoiKnud of Tlicni Actus Watch crs at tliu Polls Much Interest Is Talced In tho Woman Huf. fra0 Proposition There (n, AMorltt! rrrt. to Coo. Btj Tlmn.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 2. Tho chior Interest In tho ulcctlona being hold In ten stntcs today ap peared to center in tho propositions for granting suffrngo to womon in Now York, Pennsylvania nnd Mass achusetts. Tho votors of Massachusetts, Mary land und Kentucky uro also ballot ing for Governor and other stato officers. Stato-wldo prohibition Is tho feat ure of tho Ohio election. Other stato or local Ihsuch aro be fore tho pooplo of Now Jersey, Mis sissippi, Michigan and Virginia. riUHT HKTUHXH IX Ono District In Massachusetts Is Against Woman Suffrngo (nr A..ncLt4 Trou to Coo. E, Tlm.f.J DOSTON, Nov. 2. Uoturns from Aoushnot, first recolved from todny'B election In Massachusetts, guvo for Governor, McCull, Republican, 110; Walsh, domocrat, 48. Tho voto for tho suffrngo nmuudmout stood for, against, 109. PltOIIIIUTlOX UP I Ohio People voto on State-w.ldo Liq uor Question Toduy ttf AuocUt.4 PrM. to Cvo. Ut TlmM. COLIIMIUJ8, Ohio, Nov. 2. Citi zens voted on stnte-wldo prohibition today. Thero aro many municipal elections. Stato-wldo prohibition of tho II1 uor traffic Is an issue again this year, as It was last year In tho form of a proposod constitutional umoudmont, which would forbid tho snlo or manufacture for flalo of any alcoholic bovoragos. Tho "wots" havo countered this proposal with petitions under tho In itiative and roforondum law by which the people will also voto on nnothor provision which would pre vout tho submission of any consti tutional amendment moro than twice in six years. Is Only Btntc Ohio is tho only stato In tho Union which will voto this fall upon tho liquor Issue. In addition to tho broudor question of prohibition tho so-called qulro llceuso decentraliza tion law, pussod by tlto recent Legis lature, will bo subjected to roforen dum. Tho Issue concerns lurgoly tho method of llconflo commission ers. Also Under Klre. Tho Spraguo Congressional redis ricting bill, passed by tho rocont Legislature, will also bo undor flro by referendum, which was petitioned by tho Domocratlo stato organiza tion. Tho redisricting law as drawn would, it is declared, result in nor mal years In tho election of sixteen Konubllcnn Congressmen and possi bly six Democratic Congressmen. Tho Democrats claim thut tho law which they passed whon In power divided tho districts evenly na botween tho two parties. All cities In Ohio will select May ors and other municipal officers, but no Htato officers uro to bo chosen this fall. ALL DKMOCHATIO JACKSON, Miss.. Nov. 2. Be cause of tho largo Domocratlo ma jority, tdduy'a eloctlon is rognrded merely aa a ratification of thq Dem ocratic nominees for state .offices. ODAY SOI RACES I KING GEORGE IS TODAY t REPORTED RECOVERING tBjr AnoeLtM lrra to Coot na, Tim.. LONDON, Nov, 2, J King George, who return- J ed to London last night i from France, is recover- i lug slowly from tho fall 3 from his horse, j VOTES DEMOCRATIC PKKSID13XT WILSOX CASTS HIS IJAIiLOT IX XIJW JKItSHV Third Tlmo Within Few Week That Ho Has Mado Trip Hack to Princeton (Dr A.VKtttM rrtM to cm tlr TlmM, PItlNCRTON, N. J., Nov. 2. For tho third time within n fow weeks, President Wilson returned homo to day to vote. Ho cast IUh ballot In an effort to restoro tho Now Jersoy Legislature to tho Domocratlo col umn nnd elect Democrats to local offices. L HKTUKNH rXDICATIJ HIS lOLI'C TlOX AH (lOVKHXOH ; One-fourth of Huston Precincts Glvo Him Double tho Voto or McCnll I Or AM.clitfcl rrwu I. Coo. tu; limn. UOSTON, Nov. 2. lleturns from GO out of 22G precincts In tho city or Doston gnvo McCall 4297, Walsh, 8701. Tho sumo prnclilcts in 1914 gnvo McCall 3G83 nnd Walsh 8324. Walsh Is tho prosout democratic governor. WOMHN AHU OUT Act as Watchurs nt Polls In New Vork ,Ur AuocltlK) frw lo Coo. fit J TlmM. NHW YOnlC, Nov. 2. Somo C, 000 womon suffragists wero on duty In ovory election district In Now York city today as watchers at tho polls. Tho proposod changes In tho constitution woro tho only statu-wldu Issues before tho voters of the state today. KLKOT IX MAHYLAXD Interest Thero Centers In Contest For Govornor 10 AuoLt4 Pru to Com Ur Tlmw.J HALTIMOitK, Nov. 2. Autumn weather provullod throughout Mary laud today. Intorost centered Ju tho contest for Governor. CONTUST IS ULOSH Lively Contest for Governor On in Massachusetts IDf AuocUtM Ftm. to Coo. Br Tln'M. DOSTON, Nov. 2. Indian sum mer weathor provullod hero. It Is geuernlly concedod that tho rnco uo tween Governor Wulsh, Democrat and former Congressman McCall, Republican, for Governor, would bo close. Intorest on tho woman suf frage amendment Is keon. AXOTHKIt ANGLO-FRFXCH HXPK D1TIOX TO HALKAXS MADH Trnnspoits W.Ith Soldiers Arrlvo Off JCiivula, Oieoce, Twenty Miles From Hulgiirliin ltorder l-Br amocuii rrM tu tvM luy TlmM. AMSTERDAM, Nov. 2. A new Anglo-French expedition to tho Ual- kaus Is announced by tho Tageblatt, which says that Urltlsli and French transports with troops, havo appear ed off Kavala, Qreoco, which la about 20 miles west of tho Bul garian border. Tlmei want ads vtwt results. WALSH 1 SEND I UPS Spit T E AT Capture Important Railroad Town and Forces Now Rush ing on to Capture Nish , ALLIES IE HOPE Think Rumania Will Enter the . War and That Greece May Possibly Also Help STILL FIGHTING AT RIGA Further I'rogross Claimed to Havo Ilocu Mado by tho Germans in Hint Quarter Flcrco Fighting Under Way In Dvlnsk HoKton. (llf AMOtLtOi! ru to bo B7 Time) LONDON, Nov. 2. According to reports received, Cask, an Important railroad Junction point in Serbia about 30 miles southwest of Krag uyovatz has been occupied by the Teutonic forces nnd apparently tho Invaders nro now rushing through tho vnlloy toward N'lsh nt a rapid pnno. Want Hunmnln Ib Mcanwhllo tho ontento allies are hoping Rumnnla may throw in her lot with thorn and thnt Or coco will filial ly Join them Also. Tho Uulgarluns havo drawn closer In on Nlsh. Tho French assert they Inflicted considerable losses on tho Dulgarlnns In south Sorbin. Fight In tho Kiwt In tho east, the Gorman advance on Hlga from tho west mado further progress. In tho Dvlnsk region, florco fighting is undor way. The Russians, undertaking a strong of fensive movement, wore repulsed with heavy lossoi. Further south Is nvldonco of con siderable extension of the Russian offensive. Xo Important engage ments are roportod in tho west. TWO HUXDRKD FROM WASHING. TO.VWILL HKH (JAMK Tako Hand Oa Steamer Ctnignns to Seo Football Kvout lit Kaii Francisco Today (llf A.KXUlkl FroJ to coot hT TlmM. 8HATTL13, Wash., Nov. 2. -Two fhundrcd and fifty University of 'Washington Btudonts with a bad left for San Francisco on the steam er Congress today to uttond (ho Wash-Ington-Cnllfornla footbnll game at Jlorkoloy Saturday. COSTS TUN DOLLAN8 TO AIIUSK HIS WIFR Fred Nlemo was fined $10 in the pollco court late to- day for assaulting his wife 4 yesterday. Mrs, Nlomo ap- peared na l,er own nttornoy and sprung question after 4 question at hor husband, tangling him up in his ans- wors. Ho told tho Judge he 4 did not strlko hor in tho faco 4 but sought only to tako the revolvor away from her and that tho wholo trouble start- cd when she grabbed a hand- fill of letters away from hu. Mrs. Nlemo is applying for a divorce X ITALIAN OFFENSIVE t IS ON THE DECLINE 1 9 Br AuortM! Ptm t. CM B; TtM. X VIENNA, No, 2, The X general Italian offenslvet X which has been In prog- t ress for a fortnight, has t been met successfully by X the Austnans, the VVar t Office announced, and s X beginning to decline, STUDENTS TT