If A It 1 I THE COOS BAY TIMES. MAR5HFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY; NOVEMBER 2, 191 5EVENING EDITION. FOUR 1 op COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKY, tfdltor nnd I'ub. DAN E. MALONHY, Nows Kdltor Official Paper of Coos County Official Paper City of Mnr3hfleld. Entored nt tho Postofflco at Mnrsh field, Oregon, for transmission thfouch tho mails an second-class mall matter. An independent Republican nows papor, published ovory evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Cooh liny Times I'ubllslilng Co. SUIJSC1U.VTION KATES DAILY. Ono yoar JG.00 Per month .GO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.60 When paid strictly in advanco the eubscilption pilco of tho Coob Hay Times is $5.00 ior year or $2.50 for six months. tons and tons of advertising matter into tho short crop sections of tho country. People have to buy some goods, so bo sure to get your sharo of tho business. Tho steady dtip will wear awny stone. Careful, stick-to-lt, informa tion-full advertising will bring pay ing results. With the big merchants of tho country advertising is an nsset, not a liability, nnd you can mnke your advertising ono of tho most success ful features of your business. t WITH THE TOAST t t AND THE TEA t Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIM ICS. X EUROPEAN WAR ONE t t YEAR AGO TODAY XOVEMUKU U, JMM (JOOI) KVHXIXO Itomomber on every occa sion which leads thco to voxatlon to apply this princi ple, that this is not n misfor tune, but to bear it nobly is good fortune. Mnrcus Aure-llus. Dattles nro begun between tho Hus Blnn and Turkish troops on tho fron tier near Troblzond. All Turkish subjects nro to bo ox- licllcd from KubsIii within a week, according to orders given. Tho grand vizier of Turkey ex pressed a dcBlro to rcmnln nt pcaco with UiiBslo, Franco and (Ircat Uri lain but refuses lo iUrihIbh Gorman officers from Turkish ships. f MUS. HTOXKIt mm 118. WINIFRED SACKVILLE M STONE It has u u romurknhlo reputation for child training through Bplondld results bIio has ob tained with hor daughtor. In Port land rccontly bIio gavo a talk In which tho following points wcro omphnslz ud: Public Bchool teachers deserve n placo In heaven nnd nil tho Btnrs thoy want In their crowiiB. It Is criminal to lot a baby cry nnd Ony It Is good for him. Novor talk baby talk: treat tho In lent as though It wore an Intolllgcnt being. Ltmbor up your heels, Ioohoii tho lickor In your bncks and play with your kiddles and you'll keep young. Wo need schools for parcntB moro tl:nn for children. Children ran diagram sontcnecs beautifully, Init thoy Bay "I Boon" and "I dono." Parents oxporimout on tholr f lrL child; Its a wonder most of them live. .Mrs, Stoner has an lntorosllng sub-1 jeet, n subject upon which there Is 1 multitudinous ndvlco and tho fact she has succeeded personally ns a child trninor gives moro than usual weight to wlmt she Bays. AVATCII THE COItXEItS When you wake up of a morning of n chill nnd cheerless dny, And fcol Inclined to grumble, pout, or frown, Just Blnnco Into your mirror and you will quickly soo ' It's just because tho corners of' yotir mouth hang down. Then tnko this slmplo rhyme, Remember it In time: It'B already dreary weather, In coun tryside or town, "Wlion you witko nnd find tho comers of your mouth turned down. If you wnko up in morning full of bright and happy thoughts And begin to count tho blessings In your cup, Then glauco into your mirror and you will quickly see It's nil hecnuso tho corners of your mouth turn up. Then tnko thlB.llttlo rhymo, Itomembor all tho time: Thoro'B Joy n-plonty In this world to fill life's silver cup If you'll only keep tho cornoro of you' mouth turned up. Soloctcd If a Cooa liny man will work hard at It nnd spend ten yours training his wife ho can UBiially mnko hor do anything sho wants to do. She's Sm Today She's six today. She climbed my knee and twin ed her arms about me so, And whispered to mo joyously: "I bet you, dad, that you don't know "What day this is." I feigned to think, though well I knew what she would say. And shammed surprise when she exclaimed: "I'm growing up ; I'm six today." "What is it, when the years come on, that holds a man and makes his heart To soften toward a little child and make the tears so quick to start? I had not noticed it before, I did not think until today. Her cozy corner strangely silent now, her paper dollies laid away. The little finger marks we loved are gone from off the window sill, The "rattle" and the sereecher toys are strange ly still, And silence hovers 'round the house, unbroken by her childish glee She's six today, and growing' up, no more a lit tle babe to me. You're six today! Come, kiss your dad, and lmg him, too, you little elf, And romp with him, and play with him, nor ask him why he's not himself, Just follow him where'er lie goes, and let him take your little hand ; Don't ask him wlmt he's thinking of you wouldn't know or understand; Let's. go together down the street, a-romping in your child-heart way. You cannot play like this for long. You're growing up you're six today. . Anon. MHKE MAX CAl'HU A.VII HI-THtT ObRorvo the stars there In tho skies- Ayo, cast your gazo afar And mnybo you will roalizo What llttlo runts you arc Mnybo If work woro silk stockings and fluffy lliigorlo moro Coos' Ihiy men would ho In lovo with It. Kvory dny Is n bad day to bo poor. v Our idea of a pretty girl la one who can look Just llko hor photograph, Stories of State Elections To be HeHjThis Yeair Xo. (I Oil! MV! "I'll write n lionoy Hong," Bald hIio "An, I Hiug It In tho Koy of bee." MISS HOUSANOUUT, probably tho best authority in England on Hoclnl settlement work, as Jane Addnms Is In America, has wrltton u book on such work, tho probleuiB of which nro much tho samo everywhere. Tho conclusion of hor study h that "ono of tho most potent moans of making poverty more poor is for tho moro forluuato to fling He doles from Its superfluity," nnd i that "tho only way to work towards ' tho mlllonium s to study tho cniiHosi of human mluory rather than tho rcHiilts." says nu oxelmntio. it would Boom thnt unyono who over foirtid a pin pricking a crying child ..I i... .I.,.. .1.. i........ I, ,.,, .. , , ,t (,008n.t jnut(or ow rIcU ()r ,ow vni tint nini vjiiiiii l nu Tiitti ii iu iiiih i ' u "w , " " , ipoor a Coos lluy man may ho. Let ,l'i:STI()X I'OK TIIH DAY What haH become of tho old fash ioned woman who hud to stop nnd count up whon you iiHked hor how I many ohlldrou sho had? lor, and much moro spectacular, to doctor roaultM than InvontlKiilo owns us. Only ory pious souls hollovod that poverty and dlnoiuo with tholr Hittnnilliiir mlMOrliiu ivnri) uOlil or find " " ' I for punishment, or, If the sufferer woro very pious, then to tout his , faith and endurance. That IIiIh be Hot Ht ill Illinois In omo minds Is ovl denred by iittornnco In tho pulpit and In tho public print. him talk for awhile and ho will In- MAKYLAXD" Maryland will elect n governor, comptroller of the stnto treasury, at-tornoy-gonoral, n full house ot dol egatea and half of tho Btnto sonnto. In nddltlon four coiiBtltutlonal nmoudmouts will bo voted upon, and local minor offlcors will bo chosen In tho counties nnd Unltlmoro City. Can dldntcfl to succeed Governor Golds borough, Ilopubllcan, nro: ,Ovlugton E. Wcllor, Ilopubllcan: Emorsou C. Harrington, Democrat, and Gcorgo H. Clarmicli, vPrahlbltionlst. Tho constitutional amondmonts arc 'for tho referendum, a now taxation suhomo, homo rulo for cities, and parolo In criminal cases. Tho refer endum plan is practicnlly tho samo ns that followed In other Btatcs, ox cop t that tho Maryland proposition Includes u prohibition ngnluat tho uso ot tho referendum in nuy local option or Hcoiibo legislation. Jf tho homo rulo amendment carries tho loglsla turo will ho relieved ot a vast amount ot purely local legislation, which would bo vested in tho city and coun ty councils; wlillo tho taxation pmondmont provides for tho classifi cation of nil kinds of property for tho purpose of taxation. (Continued Tomorrow.) Over Gregomi EIK1ENE Edward llalley, a Tann er, was allowed $100 damages against tho Oregon Electric Hallway In a suit which was brought to recov er for tho loss ot shcop killed on tho road. HOSEIIUHG The Douglas County Fire Patrol Association In u roport shows that tho members who own timber woro protected against tiro at a cost of ono rent nu acre. SALEM Tho Commercial passed a resolution to tho offect that any act on tho part ot Portland lum- POHTLAXO Judgo Lovott, chair man ot tho board of directors ot the O. W. Tt. nnd N. railroad hus author ized tho relaying of 10G miles of main lino trnck with 00 pound stool. DAK 12 It A mall pouch was stolon from tho United States mall wagon by a robber who attacked tho wagon but was Inter recovered. PORTLAXI) Tho Oregon Poultry anil Pet Stock Association's soventh annual exhibit will bo hold in Port- dub Maud December G to 11. , DALLAS Tho annual tonchors' Instlfuto closed after having had an form you that he Is getting all thojor Wlllametto Valley points would bo bermon to get ti preferential rato ov-nUomlco 0f 1G0 tenchors from dlf worst of It. STHAXCK. You Ionic to mnko her your own dovo And qulokly hIio discerns It, lint when sbo wants to keep your lovo Why Is It ho roturns U? '1ALUK WITH TIIK Ill'SIXKSS MAX ly Xelh nailing LUMBER IN IDAHO SHOWS IMPROVEMENT KHCIIAXDISli well bought Is only half sold. Your stock rchrowcuts money nnd It Is money tlod up. Mnko this mouoy vork for you as much as possible and advertising U tho key to the sit uation. You huvo certain fixed expoiuos that cannot be maturlally reduced. Hotter soli 60 articles at a gross prot-1 operation, giving it of :10 routs each than sell 80 ait-lu:ndroils of men Logging (iiiik ear Lowhton Arc ShowliiK Activity uiul Sawmills Arc Itiiuuiug looked upon ns a deliberately un- frlondly act. HUGHXR Tho total nsscssed vnl nation of nil property in I.ano coun ty according to tho assessor Is ?3r,, :i5:i,G40. FLOHKXCK tho city council will hold u meeting Monday, Nov. S, to consider the proparutlon of tho ci ty budget for tho next yoar. MKDFOHD Governor Withy combe expressed hiniBclt as greatly pleased with what ho saw of tho Pa cific highway whon ho mndo a trip to the State lino with n party of Mod- ford men. El'G KNU Dale Guffoy. found LKW1STON, Idaho, Nov. L'. That tlio lumbor Industry U showing signs I guilty of polygamy, was sentenced by of rovlval, U ovldouced lu tho aotivl-j Judgo Sklpworth to sorvo a torm of ty In tho loKKtng camps nenr Ho 111, (from ono to four yenrs in tho ponl whlch supply the logs for tho mill at tentlary. Potlatch. Sovoral camps nre now In PORTLAND Tho Columbia rlvor onuiolyment to! terminal rates was a subject dlscus- l'ho mill at Hlk.sed at a meeting ot tho Chamber of clos nt n gross profit of 150 coutu oach. , Rlvor has boon running night and day 'Commerro whon Josoph N. Teal was oven though you have to apond two for two months aim It Is prodlctod one of the principal sponkors. dollars in advertliiiiK in ordor to It will coutlnuo two shifts until i 15UGRNU Tho railroad makes it sell tho 50 nrtlclos. wonthor conditions nocoMltuto n shut-poslblo for flhonuon on tho lowor Nothing uueuooiif like iccm. Poo- down. iSluslnw river to send tholr catch to pit- llko to trade with a firm thnt Uj Lumber shipments from tho mill doing a good buslnoMi. i have bo steady all Summer, most of To stop advurtUlutt boonuse of a tho Block going to fur Kastorn points, dull soaHon is to loo,momnntuin. j Reports have it thut the mill at Pot Jieop the ball rolling whoa you havoi latch will bo operated night nnd day strrted, by using a judicious amount ' for n tlmo this gr.isou to catch up o: itdvertlfciUg motive force. ( with tlie supply of logs, as from 30 The lnm1 department stores nnd to Co carloads of loss are sent from tho mall order iioust a nro eoijIftK I Itcte daily to that mill, Kimono on tho samo day the fish arc taken out of tho wntar and from Ku- geno the fish are parts of tho Pacific M'MINNVILI.K Tho Pomona GrniiBo for Yamhill county has gone on rocord as opposing military trnln- fercnt parts ot tho county ONTARIO A carload of sweet clo ver seed was shipped to a Chicago firm and brought In tho neighbor hood or $.',000. INDKPUNDUNCR Tho city coun cil nt a special meeting decided to le vy a city tax of twenty mills noxt yenr to pay tho city's oxpeuses. PORTLAND Tho Oregon Society of tho Sons of tho American Revolu tion prosonted a flag to tho United States district court. 1CUGKNK Jack Tyson, an India tea planter and tho brother of threo Lane county men, was killed whllo1 with tho British army in Helglum ac-1 cording to letters received In Eu-t gene. i SIII3HI1VS SALK OK 1UJAL PHOPKRTY On l'oiei'iosuro Notice Is hereby given, That by Government expert, eneineers of Packard and Ford companies, and other authori ties, declare oil from- asphalt-base drudo has greatest efficiency. And it was on tfficiency that Zerolene, the oil made from California asphalt-base petroleum, was awarded highest competitive honprs, San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. Standard Oil Company (California) Mnrshflcld ZEROIENE ike Standard Oil for tfofor Cars "The Shoe Tax" Pathor's int'oino knows what it is and to mother it is also a very real thiug. It means the high eost of keeping a growing boy or girl properly shod. When father and mother figure out all the new shoes they have to buy they are apt to eoneludo shoes are made out oi: paper rather than leather. Care in purchasing will cut down this tax care in choosing the right shoes and care in buying at the most favorable time. And the first step in the right direction is n study of the advertising in THE TIMES that gives the helpful information. North Pacific Steamship Co. S. S. SANTA CLARA sails von San Francisco Via Eureka wki)m:sday, jiovK.Miimt a, 7:o a. m. FOIt PUIiTIIEIt INKOHSIATION' SMITH TKHMIXAL DOC If. HIO.N'K A. II. XOTT, ARcnt. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service' Ef ficient clerks being out of tho high ront district and keeping our prices as Idw as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Gcocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 MM BANK OLDUST BANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1880, Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on TJmo AND SAVINGS DIH'OSITS J ." OHIcera ' J. W. Ilcunctt, President. 1 r"" !' ' . J. II. riariiiKr.ii, Vice-President, r II. V. Wllllanw, Cmliler. Geo. F, WJntliester, Asst. Cashier. Be Ready for Opportunities j P I'lio Miiall savliiKs of iv wup;c M earner boiiietline.s mean Imnl work and bclf denial, and .sliould never lie ciidiuiKered by tnklnir Kpeenlatlvo clianecs-. Save, until an opportunity for wife Investments presents It.self, its, In time, ,lt hiiroly will. ll'n easy ll (IlstiiiKiiLsIi lictwcen investment and speculation. With a llttlo Mini saved, opportunities will not lio minting. First National Bank OF COOS BAY SAFETY DKPOSIT 110XKS FOR. itKNT. ,u 4 10 P. m. J- M. Wright Estimates (urnSJ Dr. H.'m riiT , Knr nnd ThrMt BMri J OLASSKSP.J Irvlnt? niL wt. mattir n;8'A7 riTslclanandS" H. G. Rllflnr nvir. nvn.,.. W. G. nhnnrlln. MIUV( Annnim..- RoomB 301 nnd 302, Coka Bit AiarBniiBid, Orejon. Wm. S. Tlirnnn ...... P Ml ABCHITECrr Marshfteld. Oreroa. TIMR Tkntv WILLA5IKTTE I'AClfiO HO OAIl Lcnvo Marshflold C:4C n.m. 7.4(5 n.m, 8:45 n.m. 9:45 n.m, 10:45 a.m. 11:30 n.m, 12:50 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:15 p.m. .1:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. 0:55 p.m. North cltr 7:30 p.m. NortU !:(). 1:11 ! ;thJ 10:ll i J ll:tli ll:ISi his,, UmlU ei!. I l:Ud Marshfield-CoqAl Auto Stage lm U TiOO 9;M 11:00 PJt 1.00 6:N IftTO Owl Plinrmacj Slnrsliflold A.M. 7:00 OiSO P.M. 1:00 t5.no MAiWHFIELD-COQUlLUB it BTAOI3 TIME SCUECUU Schedule nrniDged to tvlth boats to Ilandon, BUil Myrtlo Point, Wngner, No delan. Fnro from MartUlWd to I 75 etoU. SIoRlo & iAmbeth, Prf- will furnlia extra w extra trips day or nljM; charttr cars. m .inifl trv CEXT9 -.I.- t llla Vnrlh nn comjibtahon Ml TICKETS $178 LU jlarfllifleld-NortU U! 4 T.lna Cr. every im On. m. to aap.- " J Slougl. onco- ' 11 u. m. to JP"- " dGOIlST & KINO, PrJS "dryIvood at dred nlnoty-flye nnd 70-100 dollars said mortgaged pron.'.Bes horelnbe wun interest tlioreon nt tho rntn nf fnro tuonHnno.i ,in-n.o in cnin llUICUi KIVUIl. lliat l)V i . .....fc.w..v4 u.v uwuv..uv.k ,.vw. vlrtuo of an oxooiition d iiv iasimi f i... . ni per onmim from the ; execution ns follows, to-wlt: Tho out of the Circuit Court of the State , i,i tU W n ir! untl! so,,tll0nst aunrter of tho northeast of Oregon, for the County of Oooa ffiirgomo u r' ' , llPC0tstS "( 1 qunrter of section eight, and the and to mo directed on the nth day J nortlwe.t sui'imn nuiu, iuiviianii South ot Itnngo 12, Ulamette Morldlau iu Oregon, together (oiinninnls hnrndttnmonta Hhi ..nV t ,.i "a,rt Cou" ponding, wherein Homo I s r",.,Vi nUy Court anU "PPurtonances thereunto be shlppod to "Uhlortgage Co., a con oration! Sn in Co,(,lin1,; Coos County, longing or In uny wise appertaining, eoast. L. , .,, r,.",,. . P so' ? t public miction to tho said sale belrnr mndo subloct to re- i gnest wilder for cash in hand on demptlon In tho manner provided by ho day of sale, all tho right, title, law. "les A!yLe8t?tcVv,h,ch sa,rt llc- ""ted this 21st day of October, fendant Cuslck J. Mahoney nnd all 1015. ALFRED JOHNSON. Jr. iU l,nB,u.M?.e. ,,,m subse Sller,ff ot 0008 CoUHty' Qrson Hon i i PlnlntlffB mortgage First publication October 20. last lieu in, of ftud (o said real property, publication Novombor 23, 1910. - (ll Tiiono a I" mr unUPY HENRY y-l llc Nut coal, per ton Lump coal, per j Or half ton of ..w.-'rir jilliyeri .nrttf WOOD! ..r,0Jii1 Kindling wood r 10 I Alder voim v - Phono 227J. wns plaintiff nnd Cuslck J. Muhonov was dofoiulant In favor of plaintiff and against said defondaut, by which execution I am commanded inp In tho schools on tho grounds that1 tQ fe,u ,l1,0 bW' U) em execution ,, ., , , . , ,. . ,, l,and herelnnfter descr bed to pay tho it would detract from other studies. ' um Uuo Ul0 j)ltt,nUtr ot il ml II on:.v to J . -nlr 6tal ..hi A Tie--- m M - room