Second Hand Rr Ottrans we have an over stock of rLhnnri nianos and some I IIIIU M"" lightly used instruments that ,, i,a cniH at exceptionally ..!o anr tnrms to sh r. L L THOMAS MUSIC STORE 73 Central Avenue. ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, jxti:hi:st ix Kssrn 1915-EVENING EDITION. . ..ntivv .i A. II. IIODGINH j nunuM . ,. , . PAINT AND Ainrni 1 1 1 1 1 . . intimates Furnls:ici Marsh field. OreRoa WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, MERCHANTS CAFE I'opulnr Plnco for Good Meals Prime Rnasnntahlfi I I WW www Cot. Commercial nul' B'dw'y. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTiHELL ' Phone 3171 QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOVTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Fiona JOC-L. MAIlSHIWd, OREGON' J vw-m-w-T-w-w -w - -w -r -w -w -w -w W WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CG. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings I, S. KAUFMAN &' CO. Local Treasurer : $ Woman Suffrage- Main Thing In pumi. NjlVHIlIll Cotiti'M. ttlr Aocl(tJ Vm to Cwm nf TlmM. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 2 Tho stnto constitutional aniondinent pro viding for woman sum-ago was tlio main issuo In Pennsylvania today.. Tlioro Is u spirited contest for may' or of Philadelphia. KILLS 1110 COUOAK Tho Uosoburg Itovlow says: Wltllo hunting In tho vicinity of IJrushy tlutto Charles Urofckway shot and killed n largo cougar. Tho ani mal wan. brought lioro arid attracted consldcrnblo attention. At tho time tho cougar was killed It wob In pur suit of a deer. Tho eougor Is said lo bo ono of tho largest brought hero for several years. DALLAS Up to tho present thno approximately $310,008 of tho taxes for this year havo been collected. THINK OK .MAHSHKIICLI) WITH A 'M MILL TAX (From Pendleton Kast Oregonlan) An ll-inlll city tax will bo some what high, but think of poor La Grande, with a l!)-mlll levy for next year. Peter's Version. On tho last day of school .prizes were distributed at Peter's school. When the llttlo boy returned homo tho mother was entertaining callers. "Well. Peter." naked oiic of the call, ers, "did you get n prize V" "No," replied Peter, "but I got hor-' rlblo mention." Now York Times. Modest Pa. "Pa, what Is nn Ideal?" "Jt'B what your mother thought sho married when sho got mo." Detroit Frco Press. WEAVING All kintfs a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Cotirth. So. Phone 220-R mini niu nuiiu 01 tho street upon which It Is erected; henco tho skyscraper will never becomo popular there, despite tho splendid growth nud wldcawnkeness of tho city. Much ua this metropolis la known, it Is not generally thought of In the light of nge. However, it Is ono of tho old est cities In the new world. The first whlto settlement wns made Just forty two years after tho discovery of Amer ica by Columbus, and tho first build ings wore mud huts thatched with straw. Then a brick kiln was mado nnd later tiles nnd bricks were Import- on from Spain. Tho flrst city was of lum iuicu ror moro than 200 rnnn. n. pplto tho many great changes which ihhu come through tho passage of time njid the general building advnnco in tho world, four-fifths of tho houses of Buenoa Aires nro still of ono story, nl though thcro are streets lined with nix atory palaces. Exchange. It fs a good thing to gtvc tfoanhs unto the Ivorcl. psalm jitiU 1. enter into Iris gates wftb thanhsgfvfng and fnto hfe courts vpttb prafsc; be thanhful unto hfm nnri ilsh nrchltccturo, nnd that stylo 1 i , t nllOd for more than SOO years. Do- blCSS "s "aiTIC. psalin C, 4. TIMERS MAGAZINE : i 4 PAGE A Unique Lightship, Off tho island of Islay, on tho west const of Scotland, thcro is stntioncd nt tho Otter rock n unique lightship. It Is unmanned, yot it can bo relied on to display tho warning light to guldo tho mariner on this dangerous coast. It is n most Ingeniously constructed vessel and tho only ono of Its kind. In lbs two stool tnnks a sufficient quan tity of km ran bo otorod to supply tho lantern fov MvefHl mouths. Experi ment Uatc sliown that tho light may l depended upon to burn oontlnuonsly for months at a time. Tho approxi mate duration of tho light can bo pre determined, nnd thcro is no danger whntover of Its being extinguished by wind or spray. Tho light Is vlslblo nt a dlstnnco of from eight to twclvo miles. Tho lightship nlso has n boll, which is mado to ring automatically by means of un Ingenious dcvlco that tho gas as it passes from tho tanks to tho lantern to work tho bell clapper. Every Week. Adorning the Thanksgiving Table at- -cr-v- ?Xi. 471 C A Foresight. Illx You used to wnlk in your sleep. Do you still do so? Dlx-No, I tnko carfare to bed with mo now, Boston Transcript. IE Everylbody Ge In Line For Prosperity. Home Patronage Will Do 14 If you spend your money with your neighbor he'll jpend his with you. Tho ads. in your homo paper will tell you how to spend it judiciously. BOOST FOR HOME TRADE AND PROSPERITY Do You Want a Position? You can get it! You can get a good one You can eret as good a one as vou can fill! Don't get jho -blues because somo grouch turned you down; don't be foolish just on account of the frown on some old fool's face, Buck up! Get busy. Remember that when Wall Street refused to advance another dol lar to finance the United States in the days of the war. it was adver tising that saved the Union, Jay Cook went to the people! He went in pages! He told his story in the newspapers, He advertised big and little by and large and the people came to the rescue, They got tho money out of the old clock, and from under the loose brick in tho old health and they bought the bonds Wall Street refused to touch, If you can't get the job you're trudging around town trying to find, carry a Want Ad in The Times, Make it sensible; tell your qualifications; tell 'em how hard your're willing to try to please; tell 'em who you are and what you are; where you've been and what you've done, Tell your story in words written as you would in words spoken, Take more spaco ' and make it clear and strong and convincing, Learn how to use Want Ads so as to get what you want, If you're a good book-keeper say so and prove it tell the facts without names but give the gist of 'J. A good Want Ad will pull you through, Try it and see, Don't get discouraged, A good, strong want ad never failed yet repeated two or three times, Coos Bay Times The Paper that Makes Little Ads Pay Big Pit DTTiliV decorated dining table makes un nttrnc tlvo sottltig for tho Thanksgiving feast. livery year tho shops arc full of quaint sugges tions for tho Com. tlvlty, from On.nturu representations of tho lordly gobbler to tho homely but palatable pumpkin. And, best of all, many of theso pretty favors and place cards can bo mado nt homo with very llttlo trouble. There la perhaps nothing more effec tive among these now Ideas than tho pumpkin centerpiece, or" Jack Horner pie. ns It Is sometimes called. This is really a most deceptive nlTnlr, for It looks lll:o a gcuulno pumpkin, but Is really cunningly fashioned from deep yellow tlssiio paper held In shape by n wlro framo or u frntuo of rather rtllt cardboard. Tho stem nnd leaves nro nindo of dark green paper. Tho In terior of tho pumpkin Is hollow and can bo tilled with small favors for tho guests, with ribbons loading from It to each plate. This table receives an added touch oC gaycty from havlni: tho etlirua wreathed with pumpkin vines adorned both with blossoms and miniature fruit. Tho vines themselves nro Inado of wlro wound with a tiny twist of cot ton batting and covered with green pa per. The small pumpkins arc simply balls of cotton on u wlro stem covered with yellow crape paper, while the blossoms nro of yellow tissue. Just below the lace trimmed cloth this sumo table Is draped with n roll of turkey paper, which Is most olTce-j live. This is u white crnpo paper on which aro printed largo turkeys In nut- tural colors. It is gathered along tho upper edge very slightly and fastened by pinning under tho edge of tho table cloth. Tho place cards are, .small turkeys with easel backs that can bo made i from tho little turkeys cut rrom tho paper napkins thnt nro got out for Thanksgiving. These little gobblers should llrst bo mounted on heavy cord- board and then touched up with a llttlo gold paint on tho feathers to give them n hand painted effect. A most amusing turkey ccntorplcco ( iL-iiii'sumn mo piece uo, resistance or tho Thanksgiving tnbtenBii very sporty bird Indeed. He wears a high silk hat, ho carries n cnuo under ono arm, or, rather, under one claw, nnd In his heal; Is cocked n long black cigar, ills feath ers nro whlto and brown nnd his wat tles 11 brilliant red, and' his tall Is spread to Its greatost extent Hut. with ai; ho Is a hollow sham, nud hit In terior can bo used as a receptacle foi favors or bonbons. Ono of these gay birds would certain ly crcato a great deal of merriment at tho dinner tublo. ..4...,.,j,.j, I Her Thanksgiving Pie I t HOl'H he'll like It," said Until llarkness to herself ns sho put tho seasoning into the rich liilueo pies sho was iiiikliiir. Thcro wns one she held an old fash ioned green edged scalloped plato In her hand and looked at it thoughtful ly vos, thcro was Just moat enough for ono more pie. She would sprlnklo It full of wholo raisins, carefully ntoned, nnd u clovo stuck In each one, nnd sho would put n llttlo butter In Just u little, lest It might not bo rich onough-nnd about a spoonful of brown sugar, to mnko It extra sweet and dark, and then sho would snvo It alic knew for what. It was only that perhaps John Prouty would como around on Thanksgiving evening. John wns nlways fond of ml wo pics, ns she remembered perfectly well, and now his mother wns dead, and ho wiih living nt Uncle James', nnd mines Prouty had rheumntlsm. ami nltogother there wos not much pros pect for John to have any Thanksgiv ing unless ho en mo there for it. And so Thanksgiving day came, nnd thcro were uncles and cousins nnd friends of nil parties by dozens nud dozens gnthercd benenth I'nrmor llark ness' hnspltablo roof, and In tho cool gray twilight, as Ituth lllttcd back and forward, always intent on somo busy mission, sho wns watehlng down tho lnno for John. She would know his broad shoulders nnd his well worn brown suftout, nnd even ns sho watch ed they canio In night-they nnd n bright plaid cloak which belonged to oooooooooooooooooooooooooo May wo i o order our lives that we may ever strive to be at ono with God, not only to a'v but alto to llvo thanks unto Qod. In this holy frame of mind may wo all onter Into the spirit of Thanksgiving day. irvm mm' I 11 I' 11 7W 1 I Hours nnd hours Ituth sat nlono by tho kitchen fire waiting for tho last sound of life to dlo out In tho houso that she might rake up tho embers and lock the doors, for she wns n notnblo housekeeper, this bravo young girl, nnd took her liivnlld mother's plnco ns far as possible In all things. Hut while she was sitting nlono by tho kitchen flro she heard a soft rap at the window, nnd, looking up, sho saw John's face In tho moonlight, car. nust nnd smiling as ho beckoned to her. In tho Instant tho thought Hashed over her, proud and decorous Ynnkeo glil that she was, that he had been spending tho ovenlug with Miss Greg ory, nnd It was worse than Impertinent for him to call there on his Avny homo. yiio would not answer tils summons. She thought ho would go nwny, and so ho dld-froiu tho window, but only to come quietly in at tho door. Sitting down on tho settee bcsldo her, ho spread his hands over tho dy ing ember to warm them nnd said, with u slight shiver: "It is chilly out tonight. Ituth, nnd I havo been thinking of you." She turned up her nose a llttlo nt this; but, dreading to hear anything more that she would think wns false, she told lit m very quietly: "I Bnw you go down tho lnno with Miss Gregory early this evening. I should think It most likely that you had been thinking of her since then." John turned nud looked at her, lots Aunt j of fun brimming up In hi?! brown eyes. lint when ho saw how tired nnd sail sho looked ho answered her gently: ".VA, llttlo girl; I have been thinking of you, as I sntd, nnd tho last thing 1 did before coming hero wns to drink n cupful of ton nud cat u pleco of pie of your making. While 1 drank tho tea, 1 was tliliiklng-iio doubt It will sound foolish to you but 1 wns think ing how every otio of those llttlo grains had been cuddled In tho palm of your hand as you measured them out, and tho plo was us sweet ns though you had Htlrred the mince with your linger before putting It between tho crusts," Ituth was laughing nnd blushing nt his foolish words, nud lie, enjoying her confusion, put uu one hand and drew her bend down on his shoulder. "I don't know whnc you mean," sho said presently. "I lmwn't turned cook i for 511ns Gregory." ".No," ho Interrupted-her; "I forgot that you didn't know where I had i been. Tom Gregory was thrown from a colt tonight, ami they thought his leg was broken. Ills sister caino across lots for mo to go diwn theru nnd see what 1 could do for him. Wo didn't llko to stop nt your houso for help, because you had no naich company, ho wo went nnd got Mn'iun Jefferson nnd took her over with us. Wo iiiiuie tho boy us comfortable ns we could, nud she said no hones, were broken. Ho then I went home with her. nud thcro was the lire your euro had brightened, nnd the tea and the pie." The ghl'H heart was beating very fast as John said, ".My Thanksgiving will bo complete, Ituth, If you will promise to bo iny wife." After they were married sho told him that the pie hnd been made on pur pose for him. Every One Chases the Turkey at This Time "Givn da turk," grins the rod shnwl ed llttlo Italian woman, picking her wny through tho wet alleys of the city mnrket plnco. Sho reaches tho stalls where llvo birds nro bolng sold to theso hardy souls who nro equal to tho tusk of carrying their purchases home, squawking and struggling, through tho city streets. Madonna Holla does not hesitate, howover. Sho picks out the fiercest bird in tho wholo pen nnd runs her capable lingers through his fenthers to feel if he really is ns rat as lie looks. Then duo waits, her broad smile growing broader every minute, ns the dealer weighs her treas lire.. The men nnd boys, to whom tho day before Thanksgiving Is ono of tho most entertaining In tho whole calen dar, stnnd around, shouting their glee, nnd finally Mndonnn Helht reaches out n strong hand, seizes her bird by tho legs nnd thrusts it into tho folds of her apron, departing proudly down tho street Next after her Is a delegation of mirthful, rosy cheeked boys from the settlements como to buy "n good ono" for Miss Salllo. It requires ninny moments of heated discussion before they can nil agree upon Just which ono Is good enough, and then moro consul tntlon before thoy dccldo that tho as soclatlon funds nro being used to tho best advantage In tho purclmso of tho bird that is chosen. Thanksgiving teaches ono thing nnmcly. that there Is no need for a mil. versnl language. . When there Is a uni versal need tho words tnko caro of oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Stage Fright. Statesmen nro snld frequently to suf fer from stngo fright John Htunrt Mill utterly collapsed on one occasion whou nskod to speak In puUllc. The late .Mgr. liensou was another who wiih hu rlously allllcted whenever he had to preach. Ambiguous, Artist (showing latest picture) My object wns to try to express nil the horrors xjf war. Frlend-I have never seen anything moro horrible, ltoston Trouscrliit Art of Shopplntj. "What nro you down for?" "To buy myself n box of face pow der. Will you help mo select It?" "Certainly." assented tho other lady. "Supposo wo begin by looking nt'ro frlgerators nnd luce curtains." Iml vlllo Courier-Journal. TJmea want ads brnTiTrcsulta. am: iiu.Mii a Horr bai at this window. tho schoolmistress from 1'erkliiHvllh). Until set hor teeth together hard and tlKht. So that wan whero John was going for Thanksgiving and she had been up there taking tea Just ns though Hint girl didn't know that Aunt .lumen Prouly's was no placo to go for tea, and sho down with rlioiiiiintlz! Well, she hoped he'd have a pleiimint oven lug. Ah for that plo and she looked at It ruefully sho'd taken too much pains with (but to waste it on it lot of overgrown boys ami cider drinking mon. Kho'd give It to the plgs-that's what she'd tlo with It. .Nobody else should oat It if John couldn't. Scratched 40 Years Used D. D. D., All Itching Gone ! This In tho nrtunl exnerlonco of Anno Croimin. Han la IConn. Cut. with tho won dorful J". I. V rr'criton. D. r. I. lit tho proven Kczema Corn tho mild wuhIi that i;.vlh limtanl roller in all forms of mIUii trouble. Clauiiscs tho skin of ull Impurities washes away blotches and pimple, leavlntr tho skin as smooth und health us that of a child. fl t IA. tl.ll, .,nn,lilt1 Kciema Curo today an4 keep It In the yon como back, utility, but I !mo put h(Vi?' . n m-,ii.w tbo tltcottlo ovw tho lire anil not tho . -..,.. r. . .. ... w .... . , . , ,,. ,.., ...Ill I,I i ioa ininvii k mm j ii-'i-i j-i - - U clulnmd for It. A Thanksgiving Song By ANNETTE KOIIN.-ln Independent All our days We Bi'vc llico pfalse. O God, who lioldest in Thy hand And didst exalt and blcsi our land And R.ivcst it from sea to tea To all embracing liberty. We give theo praise- All our days. For the golden glow of the orange tree, For tho nurnlo wanes, for the honevbec. Then as sho loolanl at tho pastry that poMnc wavjnjJ pumcsof the yellow grain, had g von hor ho much plonsuru and i r, . . ,- i .1 so much she Bald Bho'd glorious suadime nnd for the rain, glvo it to old Ma'am Jofforsoii, down Hie coal in the mine, the ore in the lull, tho vnlloy. Khu wns living there alone. The throb of the engine, the whistles shrill, loiiosomo-llko, nnd It would mnko her T,e fire 0f the forge nnd the anvil's ring, Thunkwlvlng dn, hnpplor to know por tIc. tln;i ng phone nnd the cable string, thut somebody thought of hor up thoro , ,. r,i . on tho hill ! The whir of the loom, the clack of the mill, So when tho cldor nnd apples woro ' For the nuto's speed nnd the airship's thrill, brought and ovorylxidy was llxod cosily For the horse of flame on the road of steel onoush around tho kltchon tiro nnd In Ani ,ie wireless voice that makes loud .1... 1. 1., iti.iini-.i ulll.i rnnm Until , inu uuhi uift Biiimu a,,,,,., ivvhi anneal For our busy marts nnd our busy streets, Where the white, black, brown nnd yel low man meets; For the strong true arm of the workman brave, Fo'r our churches and schools with power to save, For hearts of our women, brains of our men, e laureled hirvest of brush and pen, For the wealth of herds on the prairies wide, For the new homes rising on every side, For the law that shields where our flag is unfurled. For peace in our land nnd with all the world, For our mi&hty name, in all men's eight. The pledge we must walk for aye in thy libht. All our days INTIlODUOJXd TIlll'TllAXKSOIVIXa nlilD. themselves. Italian, Greek, Norwegi an, Uusslan ami German, they know "tolls" or "turk." All day long the procession tills tho streets. Hoys with llvo birds uudor their arms, followed hy shrieking crowds of children until they dlsn pear In aomo dingy doorway; wom en with big bundles done up In burlap or old newspaper, which Rherlock Holmes, at least, can toll easily aro turkeys by tho sl.o of tho claws stick' lug oirt; llmnustncH rolling noiselessly to tho doors of shining emporiums where tho democratic national bird costs at least 10 cents moro than It doe If you take It homo alive from the public market, but it Isn't half as much fun; beautifully dressed women bclcctlug the Uncut for tho family feast iif Dives; tiled commuters rushing Into tho mnrket and dashing out again, spilling nuts nnd celery mid cranber ries, but clutching without possibility of error the fattest turkey there is left In the market this Is the day before Thanksgiving In tho big city. Nobody cures what, tho prico Is. It may bo 25 cents or It may bo UO. It makes very Interesting reading two weeks beforehand. Kathor especially and mother, If sho is a member of tho IIouuowlvcs' leaguo nud feels a moral responsibility In theso matters likes to know whether ho'll have to pay f cents moro tills year or only S moro than ho paid Inst year. Hut do you think tho cost matters on tho day bo foro Thanksgiving? Does It mutter to you? New York Tribune oooooooooooooooooooooooooo u Thanksgiving day ought to o mean much to churchgoers. It 5 Ii tho ono day In the year on o which sectarians sink all their o difference and unite in a com o mon worship beforo God. o oooooooooooooooooooooooooo fctolo out with the plo In iter bunds folded in u white towel, und, tripping lightly across tho Holds, she knocked at tho door of tho llttlo cottago whore Ma'am Jefferson lived nlono. lint re ceived 110 answer. Tho hitchstrlug was hanging out Hue pullud it gently to rattle the latch: but. still honrhiK 110 sound from within, alio pushed tho door j oiicn and ontorod. No 0110 was there, but a big Hlblo lay opon on the stand, and tho Iron bowed Hpeetneieti were 1 rr0f upon it. .tin am .iimoimii nun utmuiu ly boon called away In 11 hurry, prob ably to sco somo sick neighbor. Ituth sit Id to horsolf, and sho. would bo glad to find somo traco of loving thought fiilnoss whosho returned. Thou Until wrote n llttlo note, sad from tho fcolings that oppressed her. yot kindly from tho wealth of her own irtnil heurt. nnd loft it with the plo. 'Tliero'rt company up nt our house." tho noto said, "and I can't wait until Turkey Not From Turkey. It is unfortunate that such 11 truly American product us the turkey should havo received such a name. Just how It enmo to bo christened "turkey" la a matter of conjecture, but ono early writer says: "It appears to have becu Intended as a satire upon the solemn strut of the bird, which might appear to sjlvo it n resemblunco to the pomp ous strldo of u Turk. Most assuredly It did not arise from tho untlvo plnco of the bird, which has no connection with eastern Kuropo or Asia. Tq sup pose tho bird melcugrls, mentioned by Greek writers, to have been tho tur key Is quite u mistake. When dlscoy. ered in America it was seen both lu n wild nud domestic state." ten drnwh g nnd I hope Not Many "Vermont Turkeys,' A standard form of printed bill of fare used by restaurants, hotels nud steamboats always announces that the turkey is from Vermont Vcrmout farmers have dono great things In re cent years in Improving breeds of tur key nud in marketing choice kinds, but tho stnto does not account for I per cent of tho trado In fluo turkeys. ltKD CltOSS imva stouh everything warm nnd comfort M " ' We ctvc thee praise.