.fflWU M.-iii-iw MtM- h M-aarYivm VArtWrtffl 'HJT .dJteHBW-JOlBB-; W." ? 1 - WU THE COOS BAY Mil OREGOU TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. TWO PIES fliOUNCED IS iiftIG PIGEON W'lhtt RR AWARDED A'f RAND mAsqitkhaDij hall ISvcnt Will Take Place Next Hatui- day Night nt Knglcs Hull Jn This City Tho prizes lmvo lieon announced for tho niasuuerudo ball which will bp glvpn under the nusplces of the Cdos Day Concert Hand at tho Unfiles hull next Saturday. Thero will ho an oloven pleco orchestra and tho dancing' will begin at 9 o'clock. Tickets for men lire Hold for ono dol lar and ladles and spectators will bo charged 25 cents. Tho list of prizes follow: Costliest costume: Lady iBt, $18.00 purse, Busy Corner. 2nd, $10.00 hand painted vnso, Ited Cross Drug Co. 3rd, S3. GO purse, Owl Pharmacy. Host Sustained Chnractcr:aentloman 1st, $10.00 Gold Picture Frame Tower's Jowolry Store. 2nd, $1.50 Pair llcdroom Sllpporn, Gordon's Shoo Storo. Host Sustained Character, Lady. 1st, $2.50 Urass Candlo Stick Sfi.r.O llrasB Match Tray. II. 13, jLarawny, Jeweler. 2nd, $4.00 Vobo, Norton nnd Han sen. Prettiest Coslunio: Lady. 1st. 15.00 "What Not" Perry Nicholson Co. 2nd, $5.00 Parasol, Laiido's. 3rd, $3.00 Hand Mirror, Hortrnin tho Jeweler. Most Comical Character: (lontloman. 1st, $3.00 Meersham Pipe, Hhmro Cigar Storo; or $3.00 Framed plcturo of Golden FallH, Hehfold tho Photographer. 2nd, $1.50 lEmhlem Knife, Fri 2ecns: or $2.50 Pair Cloves, Tho Woolen MIUb Storo. 3rd, Two RottlCB Port Wlno, $2.50, Coos IJay Liquor Co. ilost Comical Chnractor: Lady. iHt. $1.7G Pair Silk Hoso. Huh Dry OoodB Co. 2nd, $1.00 Can Coffeo, Cook'H Grocery. Heat Representation of Any nusIucsB House: Lady. 1st, $3.50 Percolator, Ekblnd and Son. 2rid, 1 Can Halting Powder, $1.00; ' and 1 Can Ten, 75c, Connor and Hoaglaud. OldoBt Jlnrrlod Couplo, $3.00 Ham, Union Moat Co. loungest Married Couplo, $3. CO Hand Painted llowl, Going and Harvey, Fattest Lady, $1.00 Dox of Candy, Stafford's. Fattest Man, 2 Jars Marmalade, $2.00, Wnrnor Orocory Co. Tallest Lady, $2.50 Pair Gloves, Mot son's Quality Storo. Tallest Man, $1.00 Dox of Candy, Tho Taffy Tavorn. Shortest Lndy, $1.50 Jardlnor, Mnrshflold Hdwo. Co. and $2.50 Potted Plant, Scott Florist Co. Shortest Man, $1.00 Dox Candy, Sartors. COOS CRANBERRIES SHOWN AT THE FAIR Among ho Newer Tiling Which Are Kxhlbltod nt Oivgnii Hulldliig At Imposition EXPOSITION GROUNDS, Nov. 2. Craiiborrles from Coos County lmvo recently arrived at tho Oregon build lug at tho exposition, n five box con Hlgnmont for display purpose. They remind ono that Thanksgiving mid Christmas aro drawing near. Tho Oregon Dutldlug Is now at its best. Practically every exhibit bus boon ro novved, many now onos lmvo beon nd,p ed, and tho special efforts at bright ening up havo reunited In Improve ments that aro noticeable. Tho Douglas County exhibit from Roseburg Iuib arrived nnd Is now be lli Lfi CATiLAIIAlS COS IKS AGAIN TO HOTHL 1)K OARTNR Olo Andorson Also Returns Knows AVay cf .full Chefs mill Pnjx For Men I Abend of Time Dill Callahan Is n homelike Individ unl. Hence when ho first began hanging his hnt on a peg In tho Ho tel do Carter ho forthwith termed thp placo homo and thou hnB beon ccmlng back regularly. He wont away yostcrday morning nftor ft fivo days sojourn nnd was hack again lest evening before tho curfew rang. He It over bo hunlblo" walled the big logger, and his voico broko with feeling. Thoroupon tho refrain wbb taken up by me uoioi ijuarioi. uio Aim- erson, permanent boarder, know tho chorus and sang It with nil tho vim o" long practice and Joo Kern Joined In with his basso profundo. It was excellent only beforo long big Dili wearied of tho entortnlnnient. And so ho went ruminating about In his mind until ho bethought him Btlt that It wob tho first of November. "Aha", nuoto ho, "this Is tho month of high tides," and Imbued with his new Idea Bot to work. Ti les New Plan Down from tho top nnd out from tho lower hunks ho hauled mattress en and bedding, placed them well In tho middle of tho floor. Then ho managed to turn tho wntor on and flooded his cell, whllo Dill fairly yelp ed for Joy. Fivo days ngo ho burned up his bedding; this time ho flooded It. J ud go IVutlor looked him over for tho steonth tlmo this morning. Ho was too ovorcomo to glvo 11111 nnothcr sentence. Ho told him, "You got out of town; you got out by 2 o'clock or I'll I'll" hut tho Judgo remem bered tho Jnll had no terrors nnd ho was stumped. Dili saved tho day by declaring his willingness to go. And ho went. Another OliI Timor Then up enmo Olo Anderson. Now, ho too Is an old tlmo boarder. Olo know yesterday when ho camo in town Just whoro ho was going to end up. no Know too tho ciicis in tno llotol do Carter aro overworked and Its u hard Job to got ones ordor through nt moiil tlmo. Thorofnro Olo, boforo becoming tanked, trapsed across tho street nnd paid for n meal. "I want codfish," ho cautioned tho waUor. His wish was granted and this morning Olo dined on cod fish In llou of the usual bread and wntor. REPRESENT CAPITAL RKCHNT VISITORS 1IKRK ARK PROMINENT COAST; MF.N SHIPPING NEWS Coos liny Country Ibis Hccn Invest I' gated Lately by n Number of Rig Men Philip Ilrouhner and his son, Hen ry Drouhnor, of Portland, who have been visiting on I ho bay, havo re turned home. With them hero was Mr. Savior. Tho throo owned a lumber mill tit Carlton, Oregon, which was burned down nnd aro prominent In the lumber business. Philip Ilrouhner Is ono of the head men In tho Eastern nnd Western Lumbor Compnny, ono of tho big con cerns on tho const. Mr. Ilrouhner and his son own scmo timber holdings In this part of llio state nnd whllo on Coos Day they lind occasion to look Into tho resourc es of tho locality. They word gueBts of L. J. Simpson ut Shorcacrcs. This fall a number of prominent men who represent big capital havo visited Coos Hay, which may bo taken to Indicate that big financiers of tho coast aro interested In this part of tho state and aro expecting develop ment hero. During- tho past few months outsido visitors to thltl local ity havo represented bigger capital and larger Interests thnn most peo ple supposed. EXHIBITS ARE FINE' AT PORTLAND SHOW Proiliit'tH of tho Laiiil mid Factory Aro Shown to Great Advniitiigo This Ycnv TREFZ MAY ,C1E riKLI) "SKCRKTARV U. S. CHAM JtKIC OF COMMF.HCK WIRKS ASKS $3,000 PA! PORT OF PORTLAND ASKS THIS FOR PULLING SHIP TO MAFKTV F 01 PARTNERSHIP Visit 1)cmmk1h on Itouto Mapped Out for Hint Him Promised to Conio t Miinriificlil "I will visit Marshflold providing my scbodulo will allow mo," Is tho gist of n telegram received this morning- from Edward F. Trofz, field secretary of tho Chamber of Commorce of tho United Stntos, who Is now In Portland. Tho bringing or this officer hero is vlowed as most Important to tho local mombera. Mr. Trcfz states further that ho Is going to Snn Francisco directly nnd will confer thero with Secretary Manly, who Is mnplug out his routo nnd It may bo on his return to Portland that tho field secretary will bo able to comu to Mnrshflold for nt least n day. All over tho United States Mr. Trofz Is now travollug In tho Inter ests of largo delegations nt tho Nat ional Convention Hint will bo hold In Washington, D. C, early In Fob ruary. Ho has mndo thrco trips to tho Pacific Const. Only fivo' cities in Oregon aro members of tho Chnmbor of Com- Captnln J. C. Reed, Formerly of Mi ch Ic, Pi-obably will Get No Large Sum Commanded Tug lloat Claim of $3,000 for towing the Pe ruvian hnrkcntlne Judith out of the breakers whon sho was almost on the beach and close to total destruction, has been submitted to tho owners of the vessol by tho Port of Portland, owners of the tug boat Wallula. Tho tug was commanded by Captain John C. Reed, until La few weeks ngo, skipper of tho Mlchlo. It was believed hero that tho caso was ono of sal vage and that, In nil probability, the captain and momhors of tho tug crew would receive goodly sums of mon ey- Further particulars of tho Incl- dont show that Captain Dnrdl, an Hal- Ian, had a loaded revolver on tno cabin tablo of tho Judith arid fully Intended killing himself and wlfo had tho ship gono nshore. Also In working tho Judith out of her precarious position In thq breakers tho rudder of tho Walluln became disabled for n tlmo by tho floating of tho sheaves in the after compnrtmcnt. Tho trouhlo was tem porarily repaired itnd two sailors took positions In tho after-batch and steer ed tho boat by hand through tho brenkers and out to n point of safety. ADKLINK SMITH LKAVKS Tho steamer Adollno Smith with lumber for California left tho mill at 3 o'clock this afternoon. YKLLOWSTONK IIKRK The steamer Yellowstono arrived ot daylight this morning from Snn Francisco. Sho brought 200 tons of gonornl merchandise for Marshflold and will load lumber nt the plant of tho North Demi Lumber Company. VKSSK L MOV KAIKXTS n. m PORTLAND, Nov. 2. Tho first week of tho Manufacturers' and Land Products Show Iuib demon strated that tho annum nBBonibllng!f'"n,Zfttlon' ',9 ,n Portland nlono uo- Arrlved Yollowstono. Snn Francisco, 5 today. Sailed Adollno Smith, San Francisco, 3 p. in, today. ' At 3 p. m. tho steamship Adollno sailed for Oakland with a full cargo of lumber nnd fivo passongers. It Is roportcd that tho Santa Clara from Portland will bo at the bar about 5:30 this evening nnd will sail morco of tho United States. They ' t" morning for Uurokn and Snn aro Marshflold, Portland, Rend, As- Francisco. torln and Dallas, though many prl vato companies bolong to tho or- of tho products of tho factories nnd fields, forests and streams serves tho purpose of establishing a closer re lationship between consumer nnd pro ducer and gives tho peoplo of tho cit ies n better undcrstnudluir of tho laud, and what it produces nnd tho necessity for tho upbuilding of tho country districts. Oregon has mndo an excollcnt hhowlug of Its agricultural resourc es Tho development of tho laud and tho Increase In tho output of mnnu fnctured articles go hand In baud, Crowds nro Increasing dally and tho nmusemout features both aftfcr uoon and evening- aro such ns to at tract strangers In the city. Some of tho host musical organizations In Portland, nnd tho host of high class vaudeville is taking part nftomoon and evening. Low fnros ovor till Btonm nnd elec tric lines is an extra Inducement to residents of tho state in general to Ing mcmbors. y be B BL CA ORIGIN OF "COOS" THOUGHT 1112 IN ROOK OF ACTS L TO SALVAGE IS CLAIMED FOUR PASSKXGKRS ATTKMPT TO PUT "ONE OVER" C. F. McCl'LLOM AND WARRKN PAINTER TO COMIUNK RUSIXKSS llecoino General Steamship Agents nnd Wholesnlo Feed Dealers Office on North Homl Dock C. F. McCullom, former agent ot thq steamship Hrenkwntor at North Dend, and Wnrron If. Painter lmvo former n partnership ns general shipping agents in North Hbnd and also to handle n wholosnlo liny, grain and flour business. ' Their offices aro on tho municipal dook. Included In their ngoncles will be tho North Dend business of tho Swayno nnd Hoyt Hue, the North Pa cific StoaniBhlp compnny, tho steam schooner Hardy and tho Inter-Ocean Transportation company. Hoth men aro very well known In business, having been located thero for years. FUKlOfl DREDGING COMPANY" PRESENTS JjUOU FOR WIRKLKSS SITE Entlio $HI) Not Yet Secured Committee Redoubles Effort Expect Word nnd After Pulling- Auto From Surf, Servo Notice on Captain Cornwall Who Later Discovers Joke Island of Aegean Sen Formerly Des-! Igmited by Saino ord-N.v-Con-gresNiiian Hermann Inquires. lug placed In tho Southern Oregon booth. Whllo It Is up against HomojVslt tho exposition boforo It closes, mighty fine products there, the I'mp-! November 13. mm river material looks ercdltulile, The pumpkins nnd squash from Rosoburg constitute tho whole of that sort of exhibit In this booth, and among tho ninny flno specimens Is probably tho largest In tho building nt this time, ono weighing one hun dred and ton pounds. Tho apples, fifteen boxes, are good, Boino of them very flno lookors, but a quantity failed to numsuro up In slzo. Douglas onions, potatoes and corn nro excellent, but tho grains and grasses aro not yet up for Inspection. Strom, Portland; E. W. Guptlll, Coos ltlvorj R. N. Krommlnga, So attic; J. (llrard, Seattlo; 11. 1, Dul ler, Portland; George A. Uluko, Catching inlet; Robort Fleming, Gold Hill; Tom Haydon, Empire. Lloyd Hotel Wnlter Hryand, Gardiner; C. K. Lund, Hrhlgo; J. Harry, Powers; Inasmuch ns tho law of salvage pertains to tho high seas and furth er, innsmuch as high sens portalned t.) tho coast last Saturday whon tho Ex-Congressman ningor Hermann bench stage camo through from tho wrote to Secretnry of Stnto Olcott i Umpqua and ono of tho big breakers recontly to find out who was ro- tipped n inachlno ovor and ovor nnd sponslblo for tho nnmo of "Coos" was washing It out to sen when four applied to u cortnln county on tho of tho passongers rescued It, tho four const of this stato. Coos County Immediately claimed CO per cent of was formed by tho Oregon territorial tho vnluo of tho stngo as salvage, legislature In 1853 and tho hill ere- "Why you can't do thnt. It Isn't atlng tho county of Coos was In-1 lawful," declared Captain Cornwall, trod need by Gcorgo II. Ambrose Tho .who Is ono of tho ownors of tho line. records do not show who Is respon sible for tho nnmo, which is evident ly of Indian origin. Mr. Hormnnn Gave Legal Opinion J. C, Kendall, legal light and ono of tho Importuning passengers, nil- Anothor boost was given tho wlro-lc-ss fund when this morning R. E. Miller, superintendent hero of tho dredge Seattle, tendered to the Chnm bor of Commorco a check for $100 from tho Pugot Sound Hrldgo and Dredging company. Chairman R. M. Jennings Btntcs that sufficient funds havo not yet been received to pay tho $810 uecos 8(i ry to finally scttlo tho prlco for the slto In tho Reynolds Addition which has been tondored to tho gov ernment. "it Is understood that n cnnvnss Is being mndo of tho steamship com panies, besides other concerns mid n strenuous effort Is being mndo to sn curo tho ontlro amount that Is need ed. Mr. Jennings snld this morning he has hopes of getting the necessary $810. No Recent Word No further word has been received from tho naval authorities regarding tho stntlou hero nnd It Is supposed that tho plans and specifications nro now back In Washington wltero they must bo first npproVod boforo tho stntlon can bo aroctod. Tho Inst lot tor received by tho Chnmbor of Com morco wns to tho offect that as soon ns satisfactory word has been rocclv ed from tho Nnvnl department bond- 'quarters mon will como hero ami Im mediately call for bids on tho build ings nnd equipment and start tho work soon sftor, tho Idon beting to hrvo tho stntlon In working ordor ; hero as soon ns possible t WATERFRONT NEWS t No word has beon rocolved hero as to tho tlmo n tug boat will ar rive to tow tho drodgo Soattlo up tho const to Pugot Sound.' Inasmuch as thoro has beon n heavy swell from off shore for somo tlmo It may bo that tho officers of tho compnny nro chnry right now of lotting tho drodgo go to sen. stated that he was collecting somo ministered n serious expression nnd t AT THE HOTELS J $$ Chandler Hotel. Rex Wobb, Snn Francisco; F, W, Kern, Herkeloy; Paul II. Soulo, Snn Francisco; W. H. Smith, Coos Smith; C. Mack, Eugeno; F. W. Davis, Port land; Hon McMnllon, Myrtlo Point: TI.GSummerlln, Myrtlo Point; Hugh Davenport, H. II. Laird, Roseburg: J. L. Laird, Myrtlo Point. Rlmiro Hotel Jamos Cahoy, niuo Rldgo; F. Hausor and wlfo, Hrldgo; Ray Noah, Hluo Rldgo: F. Llolunoro, Powers; W. J. Follows, Lakeside; U, J. Louis Dollish, South Inlet; J. II. Only, Newport; John G. Hicks, Now-jtft i;,hesus for tho last tlmo, and data on tho subject. If Mr, Herman will open his family Hlhle, and turn to the first verso of tho twenty-first chapter of Acts, ho will find these words: "And It camo to pobs, that nftor wo wcro gotton from thoro, and had lnunched, wo cnnie with a straight course unto Coos, and the day fol lowing unto Rhodes, nnd from thenco unto Patura." This refers to Paul, nftor ho had Port; J. A. Homo, niuo Rldce: R. RussmuBson, San Francisco; E. W. Roborts, Hluo Rldgo! John Hlrd, Powers; J. H. Roonoy, Hluo Ridge. St. I.awienco Hotel. E. R. Hudson. Coos" River; W. S. Mnrrie, Sltkum; G. Jewott, Stunner; 1. M. Cbarleson, Hnudon; Ilonry Hronior, Coqullle; Mrs. Nedoll, Hnu don, L. O. O. M. NOTICE Look who's horo! Sully with n lunch! He'll havo plonty, never fear For .tho whole big bunch. "Howdy. Pan" Don't miss It. Tuesday night, at tho usual placo. Hy ordor of COMMITTEE Times want ads bring results. his weeping friends had followed him to his boat on his departure Tho ancient Island of Coos, In tho Aegean Sea, is not Stuuehto, The pronunciation was not ns we hear It of Coos County. It was Co os, with tho accent on the first syllable It Is not know for cortnln thnt Georgo H. A'mbroso was n reader of tho Hlble, but It Is more than likely that ho was, or that he had in some wny heard ot tho ancient Coos Is- quoted lengthy legal phrases to back up tho contention of himself nnd threo companions. In fact tho "caso" was sumbltted to tho Captain In writing. Ho was told to "produco" or his inachlno would bo held up. Thoro wns moro sputtorlng and It was a long time be-, foro ho wns finally persuaded that somo ono was putting ono over on him. Life Savers Como Hut tho sad sea waves truly boom- od nnd roared 57 kinds of defiance bays Kendall nnd Roy Abbott, who wero of tho original four. Ho says that tho llfo savors camo scurry ing over the sands, seven of them, with nil sorts of tacklo and ropes, to find that tho passengers had res cued tho car ahead of them, It had .burled itself In tho sand to tho en gluo bed and was rapidly going out of eight when they sot to work. They brought It back Intact to the seawall. Anothor machlno was caught down CARRIES NAME OX HULL Whon tho American four mnBtod bark Dlrlgo left Pugot Sound a; fow Sweden sho carried In hugo lottors, hor nnmo printed on both sides of the hull. Tills wns In addition to tho largo American flag also painted on tho two sides. Tho oxpedlont Is not a now ono. It has been pructlcetl continually for many months to tho craft of neutral countries ns means of advertising their nationality to submarine com mnndors. Somo ships even carry big lights that at night roflect so as to show tholr nnmo and flug at n long distance. for tho rich county Salom Statesman. of Coos Ed.) land, and honco tho uanio chosen ! t" brenkers and, boforo being rescued, had gono so far In the snud that a "den'dman" was set up on the shoro to mark the spot whero tho car j Phono 72, ! "hould go completely under. This too was saved, though not until tho fenders and most of tho top had been torn off. I.lbby Coal, 53.00 ton. DR. If. K. KKLTY, Dentist, UOI Cokollldg:. Phono 11U-J, i i lrrmiaiiMuMMniM I , M docs not rub oil or dual oil that m Iiey'ttDolr-a-thU lau tour 1 I tlmes'as lone na any otUer, n I Black Silk Stove Polish I S i ? ' H BSm VJ Its. H 0GEAN BEACH AlJTOTiNF Gorst & KIiib. L jciivo MnrHlillcld at 7 n. in., and returning leavlnir f H it. m. Leuvo Marsliflohl nl 11 a.m. ,,ii ic'tiindnT"! Kl,,Ilre t Wloiigh nt i p. l". Lcnvo Mni-slifleld at I . , 8 th lcavo Soiilli Slough nt. p. in, ' ' mul tumih. "ill NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. Steamship F.. A. KILBURN sails for PORTLAND NOVEMRER 1, j. M, Steamship SANTA CLARA nuns ior SAN FRANCISCO (VIA EUREKA NOVKMRER a P. M, For further Information sco SSUTH TERMINAL DOOK EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron, and aluminum castinas mnH. like new a lldDe DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front GRAVEL Wo nro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL n any wintltlM from pllo In our yard or In carload lots, at following price: From pllo on ground, $2.?6 por yard, oanoad lotB, takou from care, $2.00 per jui Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposlto 1'Ost-OfflCO. pjrtnf 1M Abstracts VOU IIKLIAIILU ABSTRACTS OF TITLE AND INFUIDWT1M AHOUTj COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAHSHFIELD AND COQUILLE CUT, OREGON Or.NERAL AGENTS, EASTS IDE AND SENGSHACKKN'S ADD1TI0J AGENTS FOR CANADIAN 1'ACIFIO RAILROAD LANDI HENRY 8ENGSTAGKEN, MANAGKU VERZ0N AUTO LINE .to EMPIRE AND SOUTH SLOUGH Leavo Rusy Corn'or," " " Mnrshflold . Leavo Empire. 10:00 n. m. t, 8:1G a. m, 2:00 p. in. . 12:00 noon C:1C p. m. 4:1C p. m. Always on Tlmo. Marshflold riiono 298. Emnlro Phone 5011 T. VER.ON, Proprietor. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coasl work tho Dredge "Seattle" thn iiiiini powerful, host equipped' mid most Ihowughl; modfri twenty-Inch hydraulic arilK In Pacific waten Cutis Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Goods Why 9 nt rade It's ii ten to ono shot that you Iiuvo orten heard this from peoplo "who lmvo store." Note tho quolntloii "havo a Moi-o" that's correct thoy'vo Rot n storo nnd don't know what to do with it. . They re fer to themselves as merchants, btorekiumers, business men, etc., but they havo deluded themselves. They've got something, hut few besides themselves knon' Wluit they've got. They sel dom, If over, advertise, hut spend their time In bemoaning conditions. You nover b6h it from tho stonily, consistent, honest ad vertlser. Tho fact that ho is a steady ndverftser shows h is wido-nwnko. His ml eU the peoplo of his commm,l' what ho has nnd they do tho rest. ' " " '